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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 7

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FACT TWELVE BLYTHEYILLB (ARKJ COURIER NEWS WEDNESDAY, JLTNE 30, 1948 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION tlBMi vtt UaMS tun pec P4C IJc Ic to Me Ad ocdtrtd tor thrM oc tlx vlmM and MopcMd befoM will be cbarg- tot t2M of Urnei tbe ad up- naarod tad adjustment of bill made. All ClMiULed AdrertUlns copy mitbtd by pcraotia residing outside ol city accompanied by computed from order for irregular No wlU tot Incorrect Insertion of AU are res trie led UieJr proper clarification, style The Courier' rUiiit vo or any Apartment for Kent 2-rcxmi rurnistied. lionse. 1125 w. Sycamore.

Real Estate Loans F. H. A. Loans Farm Loans TERRY ABSTRACT AND REALTY COMPANY 111 W. WiLNUT FHOKB 1381 Noticf After triU date I will not ri Bible for an? debt or obligation that may ne Incurred l)y Mrs.

Abiier Driver or Mrs. M. Elgned Abnpr Opportunity for two ambitious Car necessary. Also part-time summer work rarnlngs. Write Box DB o'c courier News.

Two room furnished part men with private Couple only, 516 Lake. Business Service Directory Auto Supplies and Services CUAi'MAN EERVIOB STATION Pliant uon't your In Uy iKUlty LEE T1RBS. I2ila-cx-tl Jeep parts now available at POOLE MOTOR CO. Plumber If yon licensed plumber, or expert Alove repair work call Harry Muyera HuObard Hardware 1130-ck-If Services 'MNO TUNING AND REPAIR. WE Ol'EKATE THE ONLY "STnOHO- PIANO TUNING SERVICE HB- TVtEEX ft 1 I.OU1S AND MEMrillB.


Rll your Iroio our W0 can 1111 Get genuine plete line. ELLIS POOLE. OWNER OPERATOIT South ULgKwny fll Uo Phono "PORTRAITS" I'iioio tlulsli and work. MAYKR HKNTI.EY STUDIO ulcncos Utilldlng Plione Foods ITjers. Mrs.

J. K. McPall, 203 Lake. Fresh Florida ice-cold melons at Lewis Poulhy, 419 E. Main.

4-27-ck-tf Insurance HOUSEMOVING. Thirteen years cxperioncc. Plenty of etiiiipmcni. References. Level- ng, foundation buildinsf ant: epairiug.

Virgil Foley, phone 105. G-3 pk 7-3 Local and Long Distance MOVING Phone 2977 24-pk-7-2. For Complete Insurance Protection Call 3545 W. J. Pollard Agency Planned Protection OLENCOB HOTUL DU1LD1NQ 134 W.

ASH ST. Household Goods Oet Dexter or Speed Queen Washer Bt ADAMS APPLIANCE COMPANY W- Matu. plione 2071. Floor sanding machine, an mn.tcr 1M, and expert advice at, Doll's Pain Btore. Phone 4469.

6-l-clc-7- We can' deliver yoilr new MAYTAC today. CsU ADAMS APPLIANCE, ption ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A USED CAR OR TRUCK? Charge: Treason jf Come to Phillips Before You Buy 1946 Plymouth Special Deluxe Tudor Sedan. Radio and Heater. Extra nice. i'J-lG Ford Sur)cr DeLuxe Tudor, black color.

Plenty of extras. 19-17 Chevrolet Kleclmaslei- Town Sedan. Radio and healer. Driven only 6000 miles. 1916 Ford Super DeLuxe Fordor, Radio and Healer.

Has been well handled. 19-17 Chevrolet C. O. K. Stake Truck.

An excellent Farm Truck. 1946 International Pickup. Lawn Mowers sharpened repaired. Elytheville Ma- liine Shop, Phone 2828. 211 5.

Second. 4-6-ck-tf Try Miracle Painter far your next palnl Job. Cull P. E. Nelson, phone 446'J.

Public Hauling Local or long distance tiny or night, Cull U. Gcnn Trucking Co Phone 2, or 4176. 6-3-pk-7-3 nhy-aitters. Dcpcntltiblc. Mars' Rnd Frances Dowdy.

Phone 2547. Sewing SctvliiK niittoDhoIei. or 'JI07 Cnrolyn. Phone 3MR Loans PJtHSONAL LOANS, AUtomoblle-slR- nature--comftker-rurnUure Quiet, pri- terrlce. attcnilno In or telephone.

2928 GENERAL CONTRACT PURCHASE CORPORATION 106 S. Fifth St. Ark Money to Loan IX) a loan to repair or 1 No down payaient. no mo tage. no red tttpe ffU APPROVED RATE ASK FOR DETAT1.S Max Logan, Realtor L7nch Bullaiiia llt Ml BELTS, BUCKLES, covered buttons hultou holc.i.

Mno Miller, Alma Bnsfi Klina Crowdcr. Phone 3530. Lf no nn- "S632. 606 5111 St. Sporting Goods Bernard Gooch, Mgr.

Slh at Walnnt Raymond Cole, Salesm. Phone 14U Farmer's Column New Holland Hay Press. Excellent condition. Cull Lowe, Manila, 91, or B. C.

Land Lcuchville. G-18-ck-tl: FERTILIZER 3-9-18 Planters Coop. Phone 720 5-6 ck 7-7 for SoJe, City Property CAFE ON 7 STREET h'uuy etiulmied. I'rlccil to sell. Lnrga Dulldliiu wltll living iiimrtrrs.

Sulttlljlu lor store. Will sell llxuircs nnrt rrnl unudlnff. or would sell hviltdlntr wHh- oiu Ilxltirca II sold Rt once Bji'lAUTv U.iiNIC est equipped shop in lilytheviile Locallon. Five operniors. toe iKhl right If sold at once.

JNoUx A. Lewis Hcalty Co. Bonded Broker (NBA. Tclcpholol American-born Tomoya (The Meat- lull I KawaklU, his hands heavily Jiaiulcuffcd, enters the Los Angeles court where he is t.n trial for treason. The stocky 20-year-old Japanese i is of brutally mistreating American prisoners ol war, when he a guard at a Japanese PW camp.

I Both Judge and Indian OH to the Reservation DETROIT power ol suggestion can be strong. Recorder's Judge Paul Krausc liiu'il an Algonquin Indian for breaking and entering. He llicn put liim on two years' probation and asked him if he thought he I stay out, of trouble that long. "Judge," the grateful Indian snid I "I know I can, because I'm going back to the reservation near CK- i tawa, to hunt, and lie in the 1 WKh a faraway look in his eye, I hs honor loosened liis collar ancl I arose. "I am going off I he reset 1 vat ion, 1 he announced, "i nm going up north LO He around and fish." Courier News Want Ads.

Cars Like New 1947 Chevrolet Sport Sedan 1947 Chevrolet Stylemaster Town Sedan T946 Chevrolet Stylemaster 4-Door Sedan 1946 Chevrolet Fleetmasrer Town Sedan 1946 Ford Super Deluxe 2-Door Sedan 1946 Plymouth Deluxe 2-Door Sedan 1942 Chevrolet Aerosedan 2-Door 1941 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan 1938 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan Most of these cars have Radios, Heaters and Defrosters. Some have Many More to Choose From Easy G.M.A.C. Payment Plan SULLIVAN-NELSON CHEVROLET COMPANY Closed Nights Sundays 301 W. Walnut St. Phone 578 Private Rooms ace our selection of ririeB.

pistols, shot ins. ftnininnltton. fishing efLiilpinenl anrt bEisctinll nrjulpnKnt. ADAMS AP- I'MANCE COMPANY. 208 Mntn.

phoao 2071 3il3-cK-7ll3 outside White Paint gallon; $24.50 in 5 gallons. Garden tractors h.p. at Screen doors up. JIM BROWN STOKE 105 W. Main 4-14-ck-tf Typewriter TYPEWRITERS Royal.

Smith. Corona and mi DON EDWARDS The Typewriter USD 110 Second at 33S7 MR. FARMETl: Let 1 us tnillcl your truck and trailer beds. Any or kind. lion'L lorfiel to sec; Lhc Shelby Trailer with or without springs, Henry Wcstbroofc Shop, 225 N.

"81. Hedroom ISIS. 1103 Chickasnwba. pfioue 5-31-pK-6-ai "I 3 Two bedrooms. 115 W.

Ash, cull a'J93. r- Irgun Attempt at Gun-Running Fails III E. Davis Phone 4G59 in iccl bedroom for couple. Men caa sleep three. Phone House at Sixth and Walnut, you move It.

Make offer. First Lutheran Church. Call Jlmmle Deal. 4403-3527. For Homes Jn All Parts of $13W to $25,000.

Koine choice lots ft ml Rrocirry business. For rcM tsiatc anU lire liisnrftnce. Call 239-1. Fjckl Rctvtty. lioixled broker.

bOB Heani. lly owner. 3-room House, scrcunctl renr porch. 2213 Carolyn. 6-lti-pk-7-10 For Misc.

Botlroom. Close In. Olrls preferred, i i'lionc 3081. Nice bedroom. Men only, phone Ulencoe rates.

Fhun Hotrl. 446-K wcexly 6 bedroom. Mrti only. Attic Inn. WnLniK.

Phono 2-J9C. 6 22-pk-7 i 22 Let Your Car Know VACATION For Sale, Cars, Trucks 1342 Chevrolet two door Gcdnti. Perfect condition. 2017 W. Ash.

Pliotio 881. 6 McCray S'i-ckSiie mcjd box plcte witli Now odcl Ford aflcr FOR SALE: One A-m in perfect shape Cnll 793 p.m 1 1931 UiiLck ajieclnl two door, A-1 coiwilUon. W1H sell for oiisr. Iii- rcitiire HI Watcrmclloti Garden on Hlph- way 01. 1 aiieclal-Enccllcnl 1042 Chevrolet Covjitv 'I'trms Or cash.

See nttcr 6 p. in. 2004 W. Vine. BiylhevLllc ArK.

Good Used Car Values lO'lO Model four door Dc- Soto Custom 10-11 Jiortcl two door Ford 1047 Model four door Hudson 10-17 Model Custom four door Dodge 1947 Model four door Chrysler Snratoga i 1947 Model four dooi Pou- streamliner. TilE "61" MOTOR CO. i North Highway 61 Phone 2142 5-27-ck-tf upright iiv.o 5' G' coiii- full refrigeration mil. Now in operation, can je seen. Priced only as is.

Phone 2001. 0-30 ck 7-3 Motel: E. Main. Bedrooms Phone 352. Wanted to Buy WE NEED A FEW GOOD USED PT- ANOS.

IF YOU HAVE ONE TO SELt, CAU. US AT 81L BROOKS MUSIC I 5TOPK. 107 EAST MAIN STREET. URCC! cars ancl trucks Phillips Motor Co. 5-G-ck-tf Illume 42 Mnttress la good condition H.

1 MftytnR Washing Mnctllne motor isonne Slo. T. 1,. Mnory E. Mo.

Phone 3027. 6 2y-tf. china closet, Sinner scw- Alien llOMlng stove, stove. Cnll -1159. WANTKD TO BUY 3 late mode! A-C combines.

Write Box C. V. Courier News. 6-22-ck-7-I3 Help Wanted, Female Hnnuroupc model coudtlloii. Priced for Cnshn quick USUSUM, WOMAN inn roir I or spcolnl in new.

unctowd: od CM cl0011 niul outEtninl- I 1 nig personality No booKR. One Apex vncumn clcjncr 510 bnbv U3HV sIlRhtly 515. Florence 5- iu-h in a ivnov biirncr oil cookatove. 510. Sec at 408 S.

Cnr W-rllc box CV Cour- or cull 2220. 6 VS 6 Esperlcncert Apply In person. Midwest Prodiicls. Two 2-1" window funs. Com-1 plete with stands.

Plione 2721., 6-lS-ck-tf Large console model Zenith rnrtlo. rine reception, nl A-l condition only 5 28-dn-tf For Sale One electric floor fnn with power motor, Paul W. Davis 220 W. Davis Chrysler nov IOD. Body In to srli.

ace at -107 call 61)1. il. New overhaul condition. Priced E. Sycamore.

0.21-PX-7I1 And You'll Have A Carefree Trip For a vacation trip can be an unhappy experience if you are continually plagued with car frouhlc. Bring your car to Langston-Wrnten for a thorough, expert Inspection. Then, count on a wonderful trip! SAFE SUMMER DRIVING' 2fi ft Nahera trailer. rTqvilpprtl straight air. HXX) 20 tlre.s Gmxl roitdltlon.

utlcy Bros. HolUMid. Mo. Houses for Rent machine ntirt onn oasli at 103 N. Franklin or Ooort qualllT ypllow enr corn.

G. A. Hnle. Uurrtcttc. Phone 702.

6.24 -ck ijniall 5awnilll. 46" PI Krigiaairc, In good conrilllon. Herman Hill. lit. 1, Lenchvllle.

6 25-pR- TOUGH. BUT HANDSOME 1 Sliovwin-Williams Mar-No' Varnish protects floors, wood urn px 7l7 i work from scuffs, scratches 'stains. Builders Supply Co. Hivvay 61 South, Phone 2882 G-23-ck-t For Safe, Farms 80 acres, extra good land four miles northwest of Bly- tlieviile; half mile frontage. Rood gravel road; two houses, two barns well located.

Pos- si'ssioM 1, 1949. Price S275 per acre. See or call JOHNNY MARK, Phone 4111 or 2596 112 South Second 6-26-ck-tf OI-I) NEWSPAPERS COURIER NEWS OFFICB Private Rooms For Salt, City Property A give B-A-RJ. bulldlnRs. urge lot.

Buildings can be connected Into four room dwelling. 11300 or less. Lsuchillle, eiU-pfc-l front bedroom. MB 2920. 623 room.

Plion Ucdroom. 505 Lmy. Phone 3653. Bedroom. Good location.

Phone 24fk palulbnegcd w.ilcrfronl position, Israeli troops watch burning of a munitions ship be.ichcci by 7.vai Lcumi extremists. This was an incident the Palestine civil war touched off when ligun, defying the UN Palestine truce a grecments, tried to continue shipping aims, munition and illegal imm ijgrants into the Holy Lgnd. Germans Get New Money A survey of deaths by a Insurance' company shows that one of every five white persons eventually dies of heart dtisensc. Under watchful eyes ot armed MPs and curious citizens, boxes oi new Deutsche marks arc loaded onto an Army truck (or delivery to bank offices in Frankfurt, Germany. The new money was set up by the Uirce Western Allies to replace the suporinflatcd Reich- mark, used since 1923, and now virtually worthless.

(Photo by NEA-Acme staff correspondent Werner WeKt KnO Barber Sliop. I.lvlnR qnar- ters. roomx hath. Hot wwter. Ciood i location, Rootl

some on easy i.Urms. I3is Phone KS10. ad' i Hftdroom. winrtow fan. Ladles or couple, wo block cnrHn, phono Hcdtooms, attic Iftn, Convenient to town.

Men only, 310 O-lO-plc-1-10 llihl room only. 315 MlssovirL Si. Wish to Announce MR. FRANK DRODER1CK 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Is In Charge of Our Machine Shop HENRY WESTBROOK'S SHOP PONTIAC SERVICE IS SPELLED WITH 3 P's -YES IT'S I pl Pontiac rcrtoirmcn are fac- rerSOnnei tory-trainecl, skilled mechanics whose work must meet a national standard. 2 Genuine Pontiac Parts are used In Ullj ail repair work, because those parts are factory-engineered to give lasting service.

3. Payments any bill over Easy Payments can be arranged at your request for Pontiac Service Has 3 P's SMITH PONTIAC CO. BLYTHEVILLE 12r, SOI TH LILLY AR-K'ANSAS.

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