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Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas • 3

Austin, Texas
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TIME TABLE. I. 4 G. N. IGJ1TS Dyspepsia l1ade Her a Hie General Committee Hold tt Meeting The Assignment of Teachers for County Schools Yesterday.

North. 1:00 p.m. 11:59 p.m. South to Devise Ways and Means. During the past ten days or two weeks Physical Wreck Hie Statesman bus from time to time an They were silting in the corridor of the h.

t. a Irriskill hotel. One was a middle-aged Leave 1:10 p.m. 9: p.m. Arrive 7:00 a.m.

3:15 p.m. riskil! Hotel nounced the appointment of committee from the varum tire companies to arrange the details for an elaNirate firemen' tournament to le held here on Creat Cure by Hood's Sarsaparllla Sufferer Throws Down Her Crutches and Finds Herself Able A. X. W. man and the other rather an aged individual who had evidently seen much of the world.

Attention was attracted to the two by the old man saying in a very The following teachers have been assigned to teach in the county schools: Summitr. Miss Ktlie Whitehand; Watters, Miss Fannie Robinson; Merrilltown, Miss Henrietta Pyle; Fiskville. W. A. Matthews: Rowe, Miss Jentiie Faulkner; Sprinkle.

W. P. Brady; Govalle, Mrs. Mini Heissner; Pecan Springs. Mrs.

Hila Spanu: IK'cker. Miss I-ena Turner; Manor. Jno. McKion R. Huff, Mrs.

Hattie Cain. Mrs. Vickers; Bitting. Miss Estelle Noble; Webberville, Miss Flora Duun; Dunl.ip. Miss Moilie Copliuger.

Iabor Day, the first Monday in September. With the exception of a very few Mail and Express, arrive 6:40 p.m. Mail and Express, leave Austin. 8:05 a.m. to Do Her Work.

Absentee, all these committeemen met "For a long1 tima I suffered with dys at the tig'tiili "Mrevt ireuieu nau in si loud voice that he was through with Joe Wheelet. "Why, frantically ex- LAMPASAS STAGE. Stage leaves Lampasas on arrival of night to perfect an organization, and by pepsia, and medicines failed to relieve the appointmeut of smli-commlttees, so laimed the old man, "if any one had me. Finally I began to break out in ore and became a physical wreck. No livide up the work as to rush things C.

S. F. train at 10:30 a. making connection with 4:30 train at ever told mv that he would fight along along. Chief Stiuupf presided and Ue-eorder Woodward acted In the capacity Burnet lor Austin.

one can imagine what i auuerea. wy side a yaukit! I would have told them that he was a liar. Joe has disappointed Stage leaves Burnet for Lampasas on nt secretary. The Commercial club was friends advised me to try Hood'a Sarsa LAN. arrival of A.

N. W. rain at 1050 a. me. .1 can never look on him with any parllla, saying they believed it waa the makine connection with p.

m. T. P. A. Also C.

S. F. train west. resjx-ct. again.

They talk about burying Headquarters arters Post F. represented by Secretary Hill, who assured the firemen of the hearty vo-of-iera-tion and assistance of the club- in the matter of getting reduced rates from all sections of the state, and, in fact, to do everything la their power to make the tournament a success in every particular. MASON AND LLANO STAGE. Receotions. Banquets and Wed- the bloody shirt, wiping out the and Dixon line and all that, but here is OPENING I THE PHILIPPINES.

When the new order of things is established in the Philippine Islands there is likely to tie a great rush to I'ncle Sam's lates't possessions. There will lie a scramble for wealth similar to that which occurred when the Klondike goldtields were discovered. No matter what business a man is engaged in, he thinks more of his purse than of his health, but w.ealth is worthless without good health to enjoy it. llostetter's Stomach Bitters is need best medicine in the world. I began taking it and soon found relief.

After taking three bottle ot Hood's Sarsaparllla I threw down my crutches and was able to do my work." Mrs. Clint Par Leaves ..12:30 p.m. old man who will never do- it. The Parties Specially Catered For. i laundry now open, with all mod Arrives at 8:30 p.m.

yankees whipped us once, and hang me Leaves Mason p.m. He informed llietu that mini the data tie iDrovements. First class work Arrives at 2:30 p.m. ses, 609 West Washington Green if 1 have ever forgiven them for it. I possessed, he sure he could1 promise ville, Texas.

Get only Hood's Because a maximum rate any portion, ot the state of $.. etfd. SHADBOLT. never will." Thus delivering himself the old man walked out of the hotel shaking his head thoughtfully as he went. ed bv nearly everybody.

Rich and poor DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Making Connection With one way. $2.50: round trip, $4.00 S. G. MeLEAN, Proprietor.

The first business done was the reach parilla are cured by it of constipation, dyspepsia, ood ing ot the decision to otter tour prizes general debility and malarial fevers. Wo Manager, to be contested for, three hy representa In knocking around town I notice that Is the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. tives of hose companies and one by rep men who are nervous, men who arc overworked, people whose nights arc All druggists six for Get only Hood'. resentatives of hook anil ladder com sleepless, should take these world-famous panies, the amounts of such prizes to le Bitters if they wish to lie cured. the street improvement! that are Is'ing made are along the same old lines of impracticability.

The other day I saw where they were putting a lot of loose determined later. llOOu St HIS take, easy to operate. Mo. Messrs. Oliver Brush, George P.

Ass-maiin. W. G. Avers, Charles Moore, Louis Boemer, Will Paggi and' Henry dirt on West Eighth leading up to the city hall. This is on the steep Hill Up-To-Datc SeekaU were appointed a committee to side and the nrst ram mat comes Midsummer notify their respective companies of the action of the general eomniiie, mid to request the president of each company Two Blocks from Depot.) EW FIRST-CLASS.

TRY ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. A powder to Is1 shaken into the shoes to call a special meeting of his company wash all this dirt down into the avenue. It will have to dug out of the ditches and carted away and the hillside will be left in the same condition as ticfore. hy in the world don't the Hwers that lie place gravel or chipped rock on this hill conveniences and Better Service not later than ntxt Tuesday night, so At tiiis season your feet feel swollen, Clothing. as to determine just what each com any Private Hotel in the State.

nervous and hot, and get tired easily. If von have smarting feet or tight shoes, try tes $1.50 to Per Day. pany will tlo in the devising of ways and means for the entertainment of the Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools tlie feet and and therebv make a gonu nam roan that will resist the wash of the nun with more effect than mere dirt. visitors.

makes walking easy. Cures swollen and It wa? furthermore decided to ask all HNCKE HOTEL. sweating feet, blisters and callous spots. Men's navy blue serge the labor and fraternal organisations of In browsing around at night it is not Houston and St. Mary's Sts.

Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it Sold bv all druggists and shoe stores the city to joiu with the firemen in t'hc celebration, and the following committer D. B. Coats 3.50 verv hard tor a man n-nm tu.u are' some bickerings and little jealousies VNTONIO TEXAS was apninted to wait: on these organiza fur 2.V. Trial package FREE.

Ad 1 11 I i conveniences, cuisine a specialty Men's black serge Coats tions and solicit their co-oiioration: dress AHch S. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. Y. Some Reasons Why running around loose am ng me uicmoeis of the police force. It is but natural 1 presume that there should be some little iealousies among the mem Rates, $2.00 per day.

Messrs. W. G. Ayers, chairman; Fred Bomello, R. L.

Watson, C. B. Frost and BL'CKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. and Vests, skeleton back $4.50 our soda water is the O. A.

Balm. wig manncKe. nrup. 'Hie best salve in the world for Cuts, committee' composed of Messrs. W.

Qulnlai). W'Al. Ayers, R. Watson, the Tii-nises. Sores.

Fleers. Salt Rheum. I'e liest It town: First Our material is iK'st the market affords, together by skillful help Boy's navy blue sergp. ver Knres. Tetter.

Channed Hands, Chit put with Chief Stuinpf added ns chairman. bhiins. Corns and nil Skin Eruptions; was then appointed to wait on the man EW YORK HOTEL. D. GEISSLER, Proprietor.

agement of the Austin Dam and Subur- and positively cures Piles, or no pay re-duireil. It is guaranteed to give perfect Second never stmt our ice cream, crushed fruit or D. B. Coats, age II to 17 $3.50 nu and the Austin Rapid transit Rail ices. Our soda man's liberal- roads and see what they would each do satisfaction or money refunded.

Price, 25 cents per box. For sale by C. O. 12, 314 Congress Avenue, Austin, three doors north from passenger bers of the force, but I do think that thev ought to quit, the habit of knocking" one another they commonly do now. It is not a good idea by any means.

I noticed several days ago in the Statesman where it said that the young society girls of St. Louis were organizing a militarv company and that they would wear a braided coat, a natty cap and a sword. It would certainly seem as though there was something else necessary for their costumes unless they promised to help old Neptune guard his Hower gardens. t. itv i great.

aid and make successful the tourna Last Perfect cleanliness and Sixth Ft reet Yates, 210 East ment, after winch the general committee nroiimt service. dammed to meet: again on next Thnrs iff, $1.00 to tt.iSt per uay. uegu- Our prescription department day night at 1' tremens ball to hear re lie excelled. Scarbrough ports. Is 25 cents, iuxtra nue rooms, Special rates by the week.

Stationery at JOHN H. CHILES. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident, of which Mr. John Ut.IM 1 I prescri rnox pharmacy.

Oth and Congress Ave 'Phone 20. Oliver of Philadelphia was the subject, is WILL GO IN TODAY. Hicks. LOTl 1 1 M5 PErAKTM FAT. REMARKABLE RESCl.h.

Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plaintield, 111., uarrated hy him as follows: I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin wa Take ost master uthern Hotel, LLASO, TEX. a. 1CM Proprietor.

thing Thoroughly Renovated. adquarters for Commercial The Best Table Fare for Money in the West. B. Brush Will This Afternoon. almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue cont Charge makes the statement tnat stie caugm.

cold, which settled on her lungs; she was eu, pain continually in back ana sides, no CITY NEWS. appetite gradually growing weaker day Postmaster W. B. Brush will assume hy day. lhree physicians had given nut The charge of the office this afternoon and tip.

Fortunately a friend advised trying treated tor a montn uy nor iuuni.y (musician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption, and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Dis s-Postniaster Znnpleinan will step lmvii and out. alter a service lasting a Jdtters, nnd to my great joy ami surprise the first bottle made a decided Dr.

J. .1. Gasser, No. 1111 East euth (Robertson hill). Telephone Liseases of heart and lungs.

ears ttle over four years. There will he very UHIVERS1TY improvement. I continued their use for fY DIRECTORY few changes made on account ot the three weeks, and am now a well man. I ivil service law. Mr.

l.d Anderson will know they saved my life, and robbed the tfike charge of the duties which fall to grave ot another victim." No one should the lot of the assistant postmaster. fad to try them. Only 60 cents ner ml Seventy-one instructors and officers. THE DRISKILL STEAM LAUNDRY. Splendid work guaranteed.

I have a complete new set of employes. 'Phone 414. C1IAS. P. SHADBOLT, Mgr.

covery for Consumption; sne ijongni a uoi-tle, and to her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She continued its use, and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this great discovery at O. O. Yates' drug store, 210 East Sixth street.

Iirge bottles 50 cents end $1.00. GEO- F- PENDEXTEK. ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Postoffice. tie at C. O.

Yates' drug store. 21!) East Enrollment pnst season, HIHI ntudents. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will txta street. Total exis'lises, SloO to S20O. iUlllon be interested in the experience of frw.

Women admitted to all departments. Students admitted at any time. M. Bush, clerk of Hotel Dorrance, YE.STEKUA Y'H WEATHER. 'rovidence.

R. 1. He says: "For sev T. GREGOBYr ATTORNEY AT LAW- STOCK REGISTERED. The railroad commission yesterday rog-istercd $32,000 worth of Sau Antonio and; Gulf Shore stock.

Yesterday'g weather ns nuorted bv the eral years I haw been almost a constant Academic Department. Fniti'd States weather bureau at Chile's tirfTecer from diarrhoea, the Ireoueiit at Qtna 6 and 7, Masonic Temple. CHARGED WITH EM BE.ZLE.MEN P. drug store showed a mavimum temi'ne tacks completely prostrating me and One hundred and fen courses of study. tore ot shi ierces and a mimimum tene THEY CAN'T AGREE.

With is Charged Funds. perm are iiMiH decrees. Henry Gates. Colored, Using Lodge was filed in the district court yes rendering me unfit lor my duties at mis hotel. About two years ago a traveling smIuuiiiah kindlv cave me a small bottle Five well equipped scientific laboratories.

MiitriciilatiiHi fee. $10: University system terday by Bell Ro.vall against her hus of Chamberlain Colic. Cholera and band, N. A. Royall, for divorce.

of instruction and discipline; library tl.V XK volumes; nil lending periodical and Ilifirrhoea Remedy. Much to my sur- J. JL. FEELER MERCIAN AXD CORPORATION PRACTICE, ner lor Flrat National Bamk, mm. H.

Raymond fc Eta. newsiiiiKrs on ule; j. M. L. I.

vv J. T. Harris npjieared before Justice Johnson yesterday morning and swore out a warrant against Henry Gates, col ored. charging him with einlK-zzleuient. BOND MATTERS.

nriue unit ileliclit it's effects were imme ('. gymnasium instructor, gymnasium. The comptroller yesterday registered Sons, wholesale lii'J II. Walker Telephone diate. Whenever I felt symptoms of the disease I would fortify myself against $3(HH) worth of Hemphill county court -V.

irrocers. and get athletic field. Engineering department confers degree of Civil Engineering. lung us up Ollicer Fred Peck took the warrant and the attack with few doses ol this vatu prices. shortly after placed Gates under arrest house tunding oonus iiihi worm refunding bridge bonds.

reiichers' course lead to irst Urnde nhie remedy. The result has been very Harris charges Gates with using lotlgi Certificates for two years, for lour years Waller J. Crawford of I'eaumonl in the city on legal business. and almost complete relief funds thai did not belong to him. and it md for life.

GONE DANCING. from the affliction. or sale tiy HOGG ROBERTSON. -ATTORNEYS AT LAW Serir't. Sam Phehis and Jaeut.

1-wis Rev. Dr. Rriggs and Major Ruck Walton have gone to Mr. Walton's ranch A. Chiles.

seems as if the lodge is not in existence. Gates was the treasurer, and by mutual agreement the concern was dissolved and Armstrong, two prominent officers of the Littlelield Rifies" left last night for Gar ma 7 to 2U. upenneimer biuiuiu. to enjoy a season with the rod and Inn Law Department. Matriculation fee.

payable only "once. and rille. field, where they will attend a dunce. the members are making inipnries as to what became of the money. Gates says that he has the money in the bank and ---Catil.

.1. P. Kirk has returned from A two years course leads to de WEST COCHRAN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW- Cornvvcirs Pharmacy. the sheriff's convention at Galveston, lie ACAMPMEETING.

gree of P.achelor of laws and entitles Miss Annie Johnson, a well known will turn it over to the proper parties when the time comes. The arrest caused reMuts having a fine time. Dried beef at Dean Walling's some extra excitement in colored circles ladv revivalist opened a cainimeet-ing'at Hornby's Bend and will continue it for ten days. -Covert McCurty, re' "Ztaiv and THE COMMISSION. The following was issued from this nf- WALTON HILL, -ATTORNEYS AT LAW usti National Bans Buildin.

insurance. 14 Congress av "I have used Chamberlain's Cough lice yesterday. Itemedv in mv family for years and nl Mr. Cowan, a brilliant young PLEAS OF GUILTY. It is ordered that notne l.e and tne wavs with good results." says Mr.

W. mounter oi i ennessee newspnperuom, is Geo. Smith, Jim Caperton and Abe same is nereny gien io uu i is.inn Connor of El Rio. ('al. "For small chil the city visiting his aunt, Mrs.

,1. K. 1 Botttell entered pleas of guilty on charges dren we find it especially effective." For ested thtit ttie railroad commission Texas will, on duly 25. lSys. at bolder to practice in any court in lexas.

Uiw students admitted to Academic Course without further charge. Aledical Department. Oriented at Galveston.) Largest attendance in the South. Four years' course; School of Pharmacy; School of Nursing (for women). Matriculation fee, piivable once.

Complete equipment in nil schools. Large dormitory for women. For illustrated circular or large catalogue, address. JOHN A. LOMAX, Austin, lex.

McFnll. New honey at Deen Walling's of gaming and were lined each ny Judge Walker yesterday. sale by John II. Chiles. WM- D- HART.

-ATTORNEY AT LAW looca 6, Openheimer Building. H- M- LITTLE. -ATTORNEY AT LAW- its otlice in Austin takiiiip and consider Jack Farley of Dallas was in th i prop.mtiou to cancel I ireuiar o. i.n.j. THE CHILDENS' HOME.

LAID AWAY. city yesterday on business with the rail the siiiiie lieing a "Letter or Mrs. and Mrs. dregory The funeral of Mrs. .1.

M. liaigier took road com mission dated May JMiiS. and the coiumissioij have tendered their resignations as man R. W. Culberson of San Antonio was tgers of the Childrens Hume ami -Mrs, place yesterday -morning Jrom the tamiiy residence on Canlerbrry street.

A large will at the same tune consider tne question of reducing the rates for ho trans in the city yesterday on business. Nerval Wilson. and Mrs. Anderson have been appointed to fill the vacancy by the number of friends accompanied; the re portation bv railroads neuvoeu hi Texas of shipments of the following mains to their nniii resting piuce. -Dr.

A. S. Grant, dentist. 112 W. 7th.

V. V. Damon and If, A. Jones both tescne NM tetv. MI'S.

licox is aiso one LAW OFFICE: M- GRANBERRT. Telephone 388. AUSTIN TEXAS. Notary Public In Office. named articles, niianliries ic uinu of the managers, and the Home is report of Houston are registered at the Salge.

ear load: I to le in good condition. DIED YESTERDAY. Mrs. A. Bassetti died yesterday in this HYDE PARK PAVILION.

Nails, iron or steel, wire, smooin Mr. Homer Ends of San Antonio is or barlied; staples; hay bale ties, stoves. in the city for a few days on business. PRICES ON GROCERIES. I eitv and the funeral services will tie con-I ducted this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at Our wholesale grocer store, occupying Postum cereal, cleaned currants, Sultana nnd seeded raisin, entire wheat the First Street Christian enurcn.

stove furniture and noiiowware. snee iron, plain, nil kinds except Russia and planished iron: sheet iron, corrugated, chains, scale beams and scale beam the Firebaugb building. liOn-l'lt) hast FREE TO CAR PATRONS. flour and Cleaveland split pens at Deen Fifth, is now open where the merchants IN SAN ANTONIO. Governor Cull-eison and Adjutant Gen ailing s.

of the eitv and vicinity are cordially weignts; tin ami iioh iied to get our price on groceries. lor Mr. W. J. McMillan, general freight eral Wozencraft left on the noon train Vesh Goods and Low Trices.

Established 1884. Quality and Weight Guaranteed u-e mil Ue i. rices which is our strong point agent of the Central, is in the city for a TONIGHT. heside carrying one of the largest and ew days on business yesterday for San Antonio where tney viewed the First cavalry regiment yesterday afternoon at Fort Sam Houston. best assorted stocks in Austin.

Telephone Dr. S. S. Shackelford, dentist. C18 Ave No.

Ring us up. Geo. W. Ranihart and daughter of W. B. Hie Four-Act Comedy. Draiiw, THE GARFIELD DANCE. The lg dance last night at Garfield Tyler are in the city and are stopping at the Driskill. MM wm proved to be a big attraction tor a num Ml U. (in ber of the city IolKS.

ous iiun W. N. LeSunr. uentist. 404 Cone.

Ave. Mr. Jim Gilison has returned from went out. Some ot the county oiiners other articles of iron and steel; ammuni- iersons interested in the matter embraced in this notice are requested to present to the commission their views in regard to same on or lu fore the day of the hearing. Our baby has been continually troubled with colic and cholera infantum since Ins birth and all tnat we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary relief, until we tried Chamberlain Colic.

Cholera and Hiarrhoca Remedy. Since giving that remedy he has not been troubled. We want to give you this testimonial as an evidence of on 'itude, not that you need it to meritorious wit'. leak, Iowa. For sale by John Cailes.

Laredo where he has been working for I i lb! I ss were also in attendance. MUra piaviN. i some tune with his uncle. Lots of stnali Fort Worth hams at DIED. At 'I p.

in. yesterday Mrs. Deen Walling's. a Clara at 4 Mem- Deen Walling sell canned tomatoes Latest Prices. Basetta.

Funeral this afternoon Miss Malsd Willcnberg left on the r. clock irom tne tnnsii cuuilh noon train yesterday for Ii Grange to and blackberries put up by the Austin Canning factory. Try them, they are (let vour coupons when you buy gro spend the summer with relatives. bers of the Christian f.nd.-avor socieues and friends of the family are invited to Staple and Fancy Grocer. Fruits, Produce, Elc.

'ine and Fure Teas and Coffees a Special Feature. and 303 East Cth St, Telephone No. Austin, Texas. Your Trade Sv'ieited. good.

ceries of us, they mean uinin jx-r eent Yroung wife (bright and happy) be present. returned la valuable articles. "Good morning. Do you use a gas stove? a If not, see tne as company at once, ur- Pure wheat bran, IW-pomel sack, WILL CELEBRATE. The Toernlx-rs of the (governor Guard I KLI GHTFUL EXCURSION, l'he excursion up the lake last night PAYERS, 3ce, 117 West Seventh street.

80 fnr. Miss Nettie Swancoat went to San was well attended and a most enjoyable 20 pounds best standard fine gran are making arrangements for an informal reception on the th to celebrate their at San Antonia a year ago. Marcos yesterday to spend a week with time was spent by all. ulated sugar ivvitn ou.i TO At'KTTX CITY 2 a penally 'of (' of August wsl on relatives and friends. i pfissed r'tjiiilfd to on the hist day unpaid taxes of arrears are earn- The celebrated Oreeu One il tr, jier orchestra lurmwieu vnt It is understood tnat tne memoers oi i oe music, and the dancing waa laaniKvu i Senator Yantis of Waco spout yester 1 (X) 25 jB-rBlBnlB-l-Hll itt Miami.

Florida, will cele. sack dozen fresh eggs for. Snecial bv a large number, while th balance ot day in the city on business. KlV. All brate the day in great siyieano i wuiwr to take out their receipts re, Mrs.

A. A. Terhuna and daughter of the party sSTit the time promenading the spacious decks and salon of the big Our own roasted home pinched cof before the lsys at home will not get lost in int: shulHe. Jefferson are in the city visiting Mrs. fee, 2 iKiunds for steamer.

Tliere can be enierxaiu- Manufacturer! of WhiUl pens! Harry Owens. USTIN Fresh lolted Pearl corn meal, per Lime and Deafen la Ce fit daie ana wereuj bt '-iTERING, fat.v Collector. July 7. mr-r JTr- mrs COI' RT. Mrs.

T. O. Maxwell left yesterday for 40 KNTGiriS AND LA DIES OF HONOR 1 A' i bushel. ment, Plaiter, Hair, I San Antonfo to visit friends and will lie f.WuivMl Jii 1. or i'n Oates.

per package Fire Brick. Sewer Pine. gone a week. tinnricial secretary ot rroreciion HUE ME CO. Acme Cement Phuter 00 Mr.

W. A. Rynls of Montgomery Impound bucket pure lear iara tor. 14 pounds pure leaf for 20 iKiunds goofl family lard for -e Stuart's court yesterdaj Office Telephone. 294; Ixxlge No.

01, warrant -No. wn. ior io thousand dollars in full claim against the was bound county ho has been in the; city visiting warehouse 'phone, 17. Ii Ie. over tf ourt in the sum 01 bis son left yesterday ior norae.

Knights and Ladies of Honor on account of the death of my husband. Pink Koyal patent or iteu une uour, per saek. Tmrffe of theft. He wanted to 415 Congrets Avenne. r.

UARTIN BRO Pr- Mr. Hilly Wolf leaves tomorrow for Waco on a two wr-eks' visit and may not Jersey Lily, best full patent flour, ncy- W. Seiders, who died April i i. i -i ii 1 lif k'L'fllL lV i of guilty but the justice conld 20 15 10 ent no- return alone. I it- (iFIET.

Sheriff John McTbrnan and wife of THE STATE DEPARTMENTS. Cornus Christ i are in the city, en route inent that will excel the lake trips during the Ktinuner nights, and it i not surprising that it is given the preference over all other attractians. AT ZOO PATvK. Miss Alicia Tcr Thania of Katwa City. the talented elocutioniat, wiR give a performance at Zoo park pafilion on Wednesday night, July 20.

Amaag thf selections will lie rendered "'ariaer and Wheel" (Yankee dialect), carme, by Will Carlton. This is a story of a farmer's first impression or a kicrct. IIi9 daughter falls in love with the nn who rides the wheel, ami an elojMTaent Is the result. "An Idyl of the Period" (amnorous). Eugene Field.

Impersonating "amusing conceit" of those who flirt, "Iamon and Pythias," dramatic, pathetic style, representing true 'friendship and heroism. Mis Thania will also render seleelious in Irish and negro dialect. around the custom house were Tliere was no fruin the Sheriff's convention at Items of General Infrest Gathered Oaiveston. They have apartments at the the Capitol esteruay. the federal "court and Collector reported all quiet on the Po- Hotel Salge.

per sack Banner fancy high patent flours, per sack The celebrated XXXX parched coffee. 1-ponnd package for Genuine Mocha and Java parched coffee. 1-ponnd tins, for Genuine snuff, per bottle Large fpiart bottk'8 I-ea Perrin's anep for Eagle brand of pure apple butter, in 1-ponnd tins, for Large 2-pound cans of Pop The charter of the Crowdus Brotliers Oil Nat 0- Henderson, the world fffwrn ned nolil iCinn. hove into the city hi department. general merehnmiise company was men day.

l.l'l UUI Ul In hotim GonorrhTi hv Santa I Nnd? PnceiSI. ci A LI. ImiK-iv-, 10 25 15 75 03 or, (S)j nith th Mimturr it stale yesier-jiiv having just returned from fnr.itnl stok. incortKirators. E- "iri- rn trvrv n- if.

W. Arn.entrant, 4. ano u. i. ve-terday the case Washington City.

Mr. Clair Walker went down to El gin vvsterilay on business. hi. John "Putnam and ular brand of string tieans with otetructing Mr V. S.

Pavvkett of Palestine spent A t'rifsl scrub brnsh for. It is a tint tnarstne English soldiers im uaa a lied, and after a tria veterdav in the city. 23 ne Dr. Sii-gert's Anrotnra Biifrs as a C. If Page.

architect. 1st Nat. bldg. niwcerdnrive rf all troubles of diges- cans of Vienna sausage for A 5-galion keg pickles, medium, for if entire day the jury returned not guilty. it sb mm I tire organs..

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