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Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas • 3

Austin, Texas
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N. :10 a.m. 1:00 p.m. .5:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m.

nskil 1 Less Than 3 Hotel in THE DETAIL UNDER CUT. ROB- ERDBAU OPENS A STATION IN THIS CITY FOR FIGHTERS. ELEVEN mMM) l'i WW Thv Recruits Will Stand Their Physi-Tmlay. ntul Wl au lqH)rtni)ity at Spain. cal Examination Doubtless Have to Shoot Capt.

Rolwrdenu of tne First Texas volunteer regiment opened a recruiting office here yesterday morning at Col. Stacy's old ollice in the Orr hotel building. First Sergeant Niggli of the Betik-nap Ritles is one of the assistants, and Private West of the Governor's Guard is the other. Capt. Roberdeau is re cruiting only for his battalion, ami 100 meu will lie sufficient.

As soon ns his friends learned that he was iu the city they began to assemble at the ollice, and all day long the well known captain was shaking the hands of his loyal friends and acquaintances. Recruits were on hand when tlu ollice oH-ned. and the sergeant aud soldier went to work immediately. The office closed at 5 o'clock and eleven applications had been filed up to that time. At present the Governor's Guard ar" shy just twenty-five men, and fourteen more are needed, provided the applicants of yesterday pass a successful physical examination.

They be examined today, anil there is no doubt but what thu new fighters will get an opiortunity t) shoot at Spain. The following signified their intention of joining the army yesterday: Joe Cashell, Charles Sherrod, Ira L. Martin, Charles Alexander Wells. Raps Os-born Raggett. John Byron Cheek, Allison Jacks, William Hillebrand.

Charles Herring, Willie Kay and Cyrus B. Weller. The fellows stack up well and will make good soldiers, Is-siiles being a valuable addition to the regiment. Among the many callers yesterday were the mothers and fathers who have lirave sons under the command of Capt. Roberdeau.

They all visited the recruiting station and asked many questions about their boys. Capt. Rolerdcau answered them all, and assured eacn and everv one tDat private so ami so was the best of health aud doing-nicely in camp. The friends of the captain were all talking about bis looks, when he overheard one of them make a complimentary remark. "Why you can count my ribs' at fifty paces," said the captain, and those present enjoyed a hearty laugh.

The detail is here under orders from the war department, and it is not known exactlv how long it will remain. Sergeant Richards of the Marble Falls Guards left for his home yesterday morning, aud expects to get the required number of recruits iu a few days. First Sergeant Niggli of the Belknap went to San Antonio yesterday evening, and will be there for two or three days. Before leaving he received a message from one of his friends to the effect that thirty men were in readiness to join the company, and all that is needed is th physical examination. Recruits are plen tiful in the Alamo city, ami it is Itelicvei! that the battalion will be full up in lit tie or no time.

('apt. Robcrdeati is enjoying his brief sojourn at home, despite the fact that he answers questions with impunity, and mst ike clock work, lie mane severa inquiries yesterday for the members of the Dewey Rifles and the Joe Sayers Ritles, but no one seemed to know any about them. Private Will West is having a good time with his many friends aud they are all glad to see him. lie says the Texas boys are going to Cuba. Mr.

P. Ketcham of Pike City, Cal. snvs: 'During my brother's late sick ness from sciatic rheumatism. Chamber lain's Pain Balm was the only remed tlmt cave him relief." Many other tune testilied to the iiromiit relief from pain which this liniment affords. For sale by John II.

Chiles. SIDEWALK NOTES. -The Grizzard case was ended yesterday afternoon. The rainfall of Thursday and yesterday was a very fine one iu every particular, and did the country an immense amount of good. There seem to be plenty of young men still left wlm want to go to the war.

There will b' quite a number of ex-University students here during the coming week to attend the closing exercises of the University. Do not forget that Dr. Munhali delivers his splendid confidential lecture to men only Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the tabernacle, on East Fifth street. It is said to I his liost sermon or lecture. The celebrated White Swan Flour, per sac $1.40.

Royal Patent or Red One Flour, per sack, $1.35. Columbia High Patent Flour. cr sack. $1.30. DuulKir's Pure Sugar House Molasses, in gallon cans for oot.

4 packages of Oats fr -oc Pure Kansas Sorghum Molassi per gallon, 3.e. "Leader" Best Sugar 11-mse Molasses, per gallon, JJoc. 30 pounds of Bayou 1. for Baking Powder, per pound, 40c. Roval Baking Powder, per half pound, 20c.

2400 the best red headed parlor mafch-es, per dozen packages, 10c. 32-caudle power giolie fur 3.V. yO-candk- power glole for 40e. 18 pounds best granulated sugar for $1.00. New Irish potatoes, 20c per peck.

Four dozen fresh eggs for 25c. Three pounds cooking butter for 25c. Three electric globes for 50c, Swift's, Armour's or Fort Worth Packing sugar cured bams, per pound, 9c. Swift's Armour's or Fort Worth Packing sugar cured breakfast bacon, per pound, ttc. 10 pounds good onions for 25c.

Cabbage, per pound, 2c. 5 gallons gasoline for fjOc. 1 gallon gasoline, 20c. 1-2 gallon gasoline. 15c.

1 quart gasoline, 1(H. if IS Ml 111 North. South 11:511 p.m. 7:10 p.m. n.

t. c. Leave 1:10 p.m. p.m. 7:00 a.m.

A. N. W. Mail and Express, arrive 6:40 p.m. Mail and Express, leave Austin.

8:05 a.m. LAMPASAS STAGE. Staee leaves Lampasas on arrival of C. S. F.

train at 10:30 a. making connection with 4:30 train ut Burnet for Austin. Staee leaves Burnet for Lampssns on arrival of A N. W. ram at 10:30 a making connection with 5:10 p.

ro. C. S. F. train west MASON AND LLANO STAGE.

Leaves Llano. 12:30 p.m. Arrives at 8:30 D.m. Leaves 6:30 p.m. Arrives at 2:30 p.m.

DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Makine Connection With Train- Fare one way, $2,50: ronnd trip. $4.00 W. O. BARKER.

Proprietor. ROBERT CURETON. Manager. li 15 jV fc 3 3 li Ml I WANIED I found here in the way of drugs, chemicals and patent medicines. It is one of the best places I've found in the state to have my prescriptions filled.

My doctor told me so. Goods delivered free to all parts of city. Give us a trial John H. Chiles, Prescription Pharmacy, Sixth and Congress Avenue. CITY NEWS.

Unitarian 'Creed and church Deed." Sunday morning: Dr. J. J. Gasser bus removed his office to East Austin Pharmacy. No.

1111 E. 11th St. (Robertson Hill. 'Phone. 311.

GEKMAN.TONIGHT. The University German club gives their last regular german on the Ben Hur tonight. ONLY A SHOE. A couple of Mexicans swiped an odd shoe at Smith Brady's shoe store yesterday. The K)lict station was notified at once.

A PRIVATE CAR. The private car of General Freight Agent J. V. Allen of the 'Katy" was side tracked at the depot yesterday morning and remained until noon. THE SPRINKLE SCHOOL.

Professor Will Brady's country school at Sprinkle closed Wednesday after a very successful session. The school was the last iu the c-minty to close its doors. A MANOR RECEPTION. The Young Ladieu' Book club of Manor tendered a reception to their many friends last night, aud a delegation of Atistiuites attended, and had a line time. TRAIN LATE.

The south-bound International and Great Northern passenger train due here at 12:10 was two hours late yesterday, owing to the heavy rains in east Texas. A PRISONER TAKEN AWAY. Sheriff Purl of Williamson county left for home yesterday on the noon train, having in custody Sam Burleson, colored, who is wanted in Williamson county for the purpose of working out a line of the county court. I was seriously afflicted with a cough for several years and fall had a umre severe cough than ever before. I have used many remedies without receiving much relief, and Ix-ing recommended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, by a friend, who knowing me to be a poor s'idow, gave it to me.

I tried it, ami with the most gratifying results. The first lottle relieved me very much ami the second bottle has absolutely cured me. I have not had as good health for twentv years. Respectfully MRS. MARY A.

BEARD, Claremore, Sold by John II. Ctiles. -A JV Hnsilq imp Ho. A. F.

A. M. Called meeting of Austin Lodge No. 12, A. F.

and A. this, Saturday evening at work in the E. degree. Members of Hill City and sojourning brethren cordially invited. By ord.


Secreta ry. Cut Flowers. Order your baskets, bouquets and cut flowers NOW for commencement and other school exercises, from ('. J. Martin, 318 and 320 Congress Avenue.

THE DR I SKILL STEAM LAUNDRY. Splendid work guaranteed. I have a complete new set of 'employes. Phone 444. CIIAS.

P. SHADBOLT. Mgr. DON'T FORGET That on the International and Great Northern p. m.

train from Austin there is a through reclining chair car and Wagner sleeper, which goes through via Taylor to all points on and reached by the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway. Excursion tickets to all agreed Summer Resorts are on sale at International and Great Northern ticket office via this route. For further particulars apply to W. D. LAWSON.

W. (I. CRUSH, T. P. Houston.

G. P. and T. Dallas. Elisabet Ney will le at her studio.

"Formosa." for her friends mind, for her friends, and those introduced by them Saturday and Snndny afternoon until a late hour. LITTLE PERFEOTO. la small cigar 1 quality This for 5c. ufce uas FOR Cooking, In order to get everv family in Austin to USE UAS FOR 'KING. we will sell gas stoves from 5o eeuts to "CASH OR INSTALLMENTS." and with each and every stove we will make- the following lilieral inducements: IF.

AFTER A THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL YOU ARE NT THOROUGHLY SATISFIED WITH YOUR STOVE. WE WILL RE-Fl'N'D ALL YOUR MONEY. AND ASK YOU TO PAY ONLY FOR THE GAS USED. We do not ask vou to take our word as to the merits of a OAS STOVE, nor the word of any of the 300 GAS STOVE USERS in our city. We ask that you have your own experience.

LET US PLACE ONE FOR YOU. Austin Gas Light and Coal Co. OFFICE. 117 W. 7TII ST.

A THE GOVERNOR RECEIVED IN FORMATION OF ONE YESTERDAY MORNING. II IIS 0) THE EE fi'l The RoIiIkts Fired At and It Is Feared Fatally Injured the Firemen De tails of the Robbery Very Meager Here at This Time. Yesterday morning Governor Culler son received a telegram trom lienerul Manager Polk of the Gulf, Colorado ami Santa I'e Railroad informing him that tueir through express bad lieen Held up Thursday night ulout 10 o'clock, near Coleman junction, and robbed. That the fireman had been badly wounded by the robbers, and asked for state rangers to pursue the robbers. The governor re plied that there were no rangers in the interior of the state ut present, all an doing Mexican lxirder duty, and that the local authorities would have to look after the matter.

Nothing further could be learned 'about the matter from the capitol officials, but from other sources it was learned that the robbery was rather a well laid and executed one savi for the wounding of the fireman. The spot, where the tram was held up is very lonely and isolated to that degree that it affords perfect safety to the robliers and leaves the train crew and passengers almost at their mercy. he present holdup, while it could not be learned to what extent the robbers profited, evidently resulted in their remuneration, for it is reported that considerable money was taken from the passengers. The express car was entered, but there are conflicting reports as to whether there was any money secured or not. The fireman offered some resistance to the progress of the bandits and one of them in a moment of exasperation fired or him and wounded him fatally, it is feared.

REMARKABLE RESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plaintield, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. lie told her she was a hopeless victim of consumption, and that, no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr.

King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle, to her delight found herself benefited from first dose. She continued its use, and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well; now does her own housework, and is ns well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this great discovery at C. O. Yates' drug store, 210 East Sixth street.

Iarg bottles 50 cents and $1.00. THAT BANK TAX. How the Austin Banks Will Help to ay ur txpenses. The war revenue bill being considered by congress at present is a very sweeping measure as can be seen by perusing the synopsis of the bill as published in The Statesman's telegraphic columns yesterday morning. The bill taxes everything from A to 'A, and then goes back over the situation again to see that nolsidy has leen overlooked.

It hits insurance companies harder than most anybody, but it does not forget the national banks in its general round-up. Yesterday morning a Statesman reporter called on a bank official of this city to secure the approximate amount of direct tax that each national bunk iu the city would have to pay under the provisions of the war tax bill. The official in question figured the amounts out as follows: American National loo 320 Austin National City National bank i i 250 This out t'o iitn total of taxes for the live niitiouai banks of the city as being $1770. They are taxed on their capital stock, which makes the sliding ht.xation as noted aliove according to capital stock. Bad management keeps more people i.i poor circumstances than any other one cause.

To Irfr successful one must look ahead and plan ahead so that when favorable opportunity presents itself he is ready to take advantage of it. A little forethought will also save much expense and ralmbh time. A prudent and careful man- will keep a- bottle; of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di-arrho? Remed in the house, the shift-lens fellow will wait until necessity com-pls it and then roin his best horse for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides; one pays out 25 cents, the other is out a hundred dollars ami then wonders why his neighbor is getting richer while "he is getting poorer. For sale by John H. Chiles.

THE BEN HUR AND REMOND. Sunday the Ben Hur goes up on one of if popular priced excursions at 4 o'clock. The biggest" sensation that the dam has yet had will Remond's slide for life from Mount IJonnell. Free to patrons of the Ben Hur. TRAIN ROBBERY REPORTED THE CASE WAS GIVEN THE JUKI LAST EVENING AT 0:20 O'CLOCK.

All the Attorneys Made Very Fine Siieeches The (Vturt Room Fucked and Jammed all Day Long to Hear Yesterday witnessed the hist day in the Grisezard cose so far us the preseuce of the case in the court room was eontvrn- ed. The closing scenes', however, were played to the biggest business of the en tire week. It was announced iu yester day's Statesman that all the attorneys would make their speeches yesterday, and in anticipation of the How of oratory the crowd began to gailier early, and by 10 o'clock the court room was packed to suf- location. and womeu alike were standing to listen to the speechmakiug. and they stood their ground all day long, though the court room was hot, aud the aroma was not at all like the sweet violet water scent that the poet is apt to burst into song about.

District Attorney Burlesou wus the first sieaker of the day, speaking for the state. He was fol lowed iiy Attorney Ham Ward for the defense, ami then Mr. Pendexter came. Mr. lane, who has so ably assisted Mr.

Burleson in the prosecution, wn the last speaker of the day. Judge Brooks did not limit the speakers ns to their tune, Mr. Burlesou and Mr. Ward ImuIi consumed about an hour aud a liulf of tinu apiece. Mr, Pendexter and Mr.

Lane ss)ke for nearly two hours apiece. All these gentlemen are known tc Ih abU and interesting speakers, but yesterday they fairly outstripped their own records, and made siieeches that reflected marked credit on their ability and standing in the bar of the state. Upon the conclusion of Mr. Lane's fqicech, at o'clock last evening, Judge Brooks charged the jury, aud it retired at to the jury room to consider the case and the evidence. Nothing was heard from them last night.

The officers in the American navy know all Blsuit Dr, Sicgert's Angostura Bitters and are never without that world renowned tonic and regulator of the digestive organs. THE REGATTA. Rules Governing the Regatta to Re July 4. Held The following rules governing the regatta races on July 4 and the prizes to be given to winners in said reguttu were given out yesterday by Capt. Crotty: Senior Single Shell Race for th State Championship Prize, gold medal; value, forty (40) dollars.

Junior Single Shell Race Prize, valuable mid handsome gold medal. This race is to be exclusively between the four "midgets" who rowed such a close race hist Labor day. Double-Oared Iip-Streak Boiit This will be two money prizes. For the lirsr. for the second.

$7. Single-Oared LaeStreak Boat-There will also be two money prizes for this event, to first Mild to the sec oud. SWIMMING RACE. A prize of $5 will Im given to the win- per of this event. The distance to lie rowed in the diffcr- lit races will lie as follows: Senior Single ShellDue and one-half (I 1-2 mile.

Junior midget race will 1h one-half mile around a quarter-mile Hag and return. This distance will govern the lap-streak boat race. The swimming race will bo two hundred (20O) yards. Iu order that the public may sec the races from start to finish the senior single-shell championship race will If rowed around quarter-mile stakes, making three turns until the mile and one-half ll 1-2) is completed. A stake for turning will be allowed each contestant, on which will be a Hag to correspond with the color of his cap, and he must turn said stake from srt to starboard, i.e..

must pull around with right hand. A contestant, however, is allowed under the rules to turn any other stake hich may Is- convenient, but in doing so i liable to Is- disqualified if he comes iu contact with a competitor, at whose stake or in whose water the foul occurs. In order to avoid this, competitors are requested to keep i it their own water and turn their own stake, which, in any event, must be turned from port to starboard. A violation of any of the above rules subjects the violator to disqualification at the discretion of the umpire. Kntrics will positively elose on July 1, but may be reopened lie! ween then and the morning of the race, at the discretion of the manager.

Contestants shall make their entries, giving their name, age, height and weight, and no entry shall Is- accepted who does not positively intend to row. and must give a personal guarantee to this effect. The races will lie rowed Iwtween the hours of 5 and 7 p. m. in the evening.

and will lie started with a flag to be dropped when the starter is satisfied that all are ready. Jn order to secure or iy second prizes in the la-streak tHiat races, there must Is- at least three entries in each event. Prizes will be awarded on Tuesday. July 5, SPECIAL RACE. Iu addition to the races already on the program a valuable umbrella will given to the winner of a special race, which will be au exciting quarter-mile dash lietween 1he senior scullers.

The winner of the champion medal, however, will be debarred, should any objection be raised by either of the contestants defeated in the big race for the medal. A similar prise, will he put up for a similar race in the junior, or midget, class, should they tie able to run after a sufficient rest from their race j.for the junior championship. JACK CROTTY, Manager. MIND READING. The really extraordinary performance of mind readers of celebrity astound all who witness them.

Scientists cannot explain them. Hamlet exclaims, "There are more things in Heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in thy philosophy." The wonderful feats- of the mind reader are strongly corroborative of this. But the reason of the beneficent effects of Hostctter's Stomach Bitters in cases of dysM-psiu. malaria, rheumatism, biliousness, nervousness and kidney and bladder complaint, does not require and ill not provoke investigation. We know that the medicine does not effect thorough cures in cas-s, that it dix-s prevent the diseases- to which it is adapted.

with irf-rsistcncy it will re-establish health. 1 1-2 Price 1 A lot of child's tan slippers with bow and buckle, nice clean slippers. Light tan and brown colors. Some pointed, some square toes. Six stvles.

They did sell for I $1.50, to uiove quickly make the price 50c Sizes. to 10Vi. Be fast if you'waut a pair. iBurt '-2 Shoe Co. Bargain Givers.

Get Your Boys A navy blue serge D. coat, all wool and nicely made up; ages 13 to 10. $3.50. Boys' navy blue serge, single breasted coat, all wool and nicely made; ages 15 to 19. Price $3.50.

Boys' black alpacas, coat, ages 13 to IS). single Price, $1.25. Scarbrough Hicks. FREE TO CAR PATRONS. Tonight Last Night of the 4-Act Comedy.


North Bound Train No. 0 1:50 p.m. Train No. 8 12:48 a.m. South Bound Train No.

5 2:50 p.m. Train No. 7 Train No. 0 connects at Tem- pie for Lampasas Branch points; at McGregor for Waco; at Fort Worth for all sonth- eastern points, via Memphis or Shreveport. IV.

S. Keenan, General Passenger Agent. SENSATION A FEAT. The people of this country have a great admiration for daring and superiority in skill and achievements. We have in Austin a man that has js-r-formed some wonderful feats and texlay stands as the recognized champion "high diver" of America Mr.

E. Remoud. He can also Ixiast of being the only man, living or dead, that ever had the nerve to attempt to ride over the crest of Austin's great dam in a barrel, which he successfully performed on two occasions. He astonished the community last week by announcing that he would slide across the lake on a wire from the top of the 150 electric tower. This he performed before au audience of several thousand, lie now advertises that he will slide across the lake 011 a Wire from, the top of Mount Botmell tomorrow afternoon, so as to afford the passengers on the steamer Ben Hur an exhibition of his nerve and skill.

He proposes to hang to the trolley by his teeth, and when midway dive into the lake. This will surely be a most exciting and marvelous feat, and will tie witnessed toy a large crowd. ROBBED THE GRAVE. A startling incident, of which Mr. Jolm Oliver of Philadelphia waa the subject, narrated by him as follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition.

My skin, was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, ns appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had givea mi-np. Fortunately a friend advised trying Electric Bitters, and to my great joy and surprise the first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them.

Only 50 cents per bottle at O. O. Yates' drug store, 21'J East Sixth street. Hyde ParR Pavilion. I 1 AMERICAN PLAN.

Bute HadoarteM T. P. i. Alt (Headquarters Post F. Sails.

ReeptioEi, Bsntsets sis' Wti-aln Parties Boeelsilj Csterrt Tn. ItetH lundry ut pro. wits all 4-iri IxiproTemeQtii. jrtrst-lasi work SHADBOLT. Vanitcr.

Mrs. M. W. Arrant, Froprletreaa. Joat Bb Tnoingklr Overhauled and Pot In FIrat-Claae Coadltioa.

Located. Good Sample Boom and Flnt-Claaa Afcom-modatlona. Rates: S2.00 per day. Corner Conarreaa Avenee and ElKkth Street. Special Ratea Made to Famillea and Monthly Boardera.

II PI ITw 1 kxkt from Dept.) IW 3TB8T-0LAS3 sr CoBvenwncw ftid Fetter Krlts t'eii st Privst Hotel in tae But. -Efttff 1 1.M to I2.G0 Per Day- WAHNCKE HOTEL. r. Houston sad St iina't its. A XTOVTO TEXAS.

nrr rwveniencw. ciuaiue a spe'xl- ty; raws, I2.0O per day. Mahncke. Prop. NEW YORK HOTEL.

LCD. GEISSLEH. Proprietor. tlU, 112, 114 Oongress Avenue. Aastii STxi.

three doora north from passenger Cepot Bate, 11.00 to 11.50 per day. Regular ateala 25 eents. Kxtra floe rooms, eota. BpechU ratea by the weefe. Southern Hotel, LLANO.

TEX. W. H. Lcaia Proprietor. ETerything Thoroughly Renovated, Headquarters for Commercial Men.

The Best Table Fare for the Money In the West. CITY DIRECTORY GEO- F- PENDEXTER, -ATTORNEY AT LAW Opposite Postoffiee. T- W- GREGORY. ATTORNEY AT LAW Rooms 6 and 7. Masonic Temple.


Raymand Ete. HOGG A ROBERTSON. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Rooms 7 to 30. Opeaheiiuer Building. WEST Si COCHRAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW- ALT ON at HILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW-Austin National Bans Building.


Notary Public In Office. AUSTIN WHITE LIME CO. slancfaeturers of WhitH Lime and Dealera ia Cement, Plaster, Hair. Fire Brick, Sewer Pipe. Acme Cement Plaster.

Office Telephone. 294; warehouse 'phone. 17. Ortce, 415 Congress Avenue. A F.

MARTIN BRO. Pres. NOTICE. Board of equalization: Notice is hereby given that the honorable commissioners court of Travis county, Texas, will convene and sit as a board of equalization at the court house of said county in the city of Austin, ten days after date, for the purpose of receiving assessment lists of the tax assessor of Travis county, inspection, correction, equalization and approval. By order of the commissioners court.

Witness my hand this. 3rd d.iy of June, 1SDS. JNO. W. HORNSBY.

Clerk County Court, Travis County. 1 III I IDS KEY WEST SUBLIME3. The talk of the city for a superior 5 GOLDSTEIN. 4 EIBWESOS. GOLDSTEIV PIULIPSOX..

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