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Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas • 3

Austin, Texas
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They Must Turn Out if They Want to go to Sr. Ims. Captain and Lieutenants BEAUTY JS POWER, Perfection of Form, Feature, and Mind Render Women All-powerful. ftClAl TO 0CI UUT BUDtSlJ Yet blended with those perfections must perfect health. Women are to-day stronger In their sh, IRWIN DANIEL, 704 C3SCRES 5 GENERAL INSURANCE.

'ESTABLISHED 1S01." Aetna Fire Insurance company of Hartford. National Fire of Hartford. Orient of Hartford. Scottish Union and National. Fire Association of Philadelphia.

Imperial of London. Merchants of Newark, N. J. Phenix of Brooklyn. Delaware of Philadelphia.

Iaiica.s!iire of Enplsnd. Springtield Fire and Marine. Pennsylvania of Philadelphia. Underwriters of New York. S-a Insurance company limited) of London.

Personal and careful attention to all business entrusted to the care of this aseuey. 00 I Hot )U i at' IHJti Mi YC ITEMS GATHERED YESTERDAY ON A TOUR THROUGH THE BIG GRANITE CAPITOL. THE RAILROAD COMMISSION SESSION YESTERDAY. Compresses, Packing House and Paper Men Before Them Cotton Rates Postponed -Other Notes of Interest to Our Reader. Governor Culberson had not returned from Sau Antonio yesterday and there was nothing of public importance iu his otlice.

The governor is expected this! moruiiig. SECRETARY OF STATE. No charters were tiled iu the otlice the secretary of stale yesterday. otlice fees for last mouth amounted to and the money was turned over to the comptroller yesterday. IPTROLLER'S OF Fl 1 1 Land ulhce fees for the month of May reached JpRiSO.

Collector llaveiikamp of Tarrant county seltUM yesterday, his ad valorem collections amounting to and his occupation to io. Collector John B. Wolf of Milam county also settled, his ad valorem taxes amounting to and his occupation to $0527. RAILROAD COMMISSION. Quite a large number of railroad cotton compress and mercantile men were before the railroad commission lat afternoon.

The proposed cotton tariff was submitted for consideration. This tariff begins with 25 miles and less at 10 cents per 100 Hiunds for both compressed and unoompresstd cotton; 51 miles, rate 21 cents; til miles, 25 cents for compressed and 2(1 cents for uncompressed The rate for lis.) to 200 miles, 43 cents for compressed and 53 cents for uncompressed; over 200 miles, 41 and 51 cents. Judge Perkins stated to the commission that the changes wfth reference to compress rates propused by the commission was now and the agents of the companies wanted to examine the change and asked until Friday, the 11th, to consider the rate sheet. Mr. Carter, representing the eomnrcss interests, eurrod in asking or time.

Messrs. Peters of Calvert, Rodgers of Galveston and others agreed 'to the postponement, but wanted the question of cotton rates settled, and they also asked to have the proposition to be submitted on the 11th furnished them in time for thorough examination the meeting. The commission granted the postponement and took tip the rates on packing hoiiNo products. Some objections were raised ngninst the rates, but changes were made and everything wa -made satisfactory. Cur load rates as adopted are as follows: 10 miles and less 10 20 miles and over 10 miles, V2 30 miles mid over 20 miles 1 I 40 miles and over 30 miles.

15 50 mihs and over 40 1K 10 miles and over 50 miles, 17 70 miles and oer 00 mile. 18 SO miles and over 70 miles 00 miles and over SO miles 20 100 miles and over DO miles, 21 110 miles and over 100 miles 22 120 miles and over 110 miles 23 130 miles and over 120 miles 21 1 1t) miles and oerv 130 25 150 unties and over 140 miles 20 100 miles and over 150 miles. 27 170 miles and over 100 miles 28 ISO miles and over 170 mile 20 100 miles and over 180 miles 30 2O0 miles and over 100 mile 31 225 miles and over 200 miles ,32 250 miles and over 225 miles 33 275 miles and over 250 miles 34 300 miles and over 275 miles. 35 325 miles and over 300 miles 30 3-0 miles and over 325 miles. 37 375 miles and over 3r.O miles.

38 400 miles ami over 375 miles 30 425 miles and over 4oo mile 40 450 miles and over 425 miles 41 475 miles and over 450 miles 42 5K) miles and over 475 miles 43 Over 5A) miles 41 For less than car load rates proposed by the roads were adopted. Judge Reagan asked for the differentia which the agents had nromlsed at the last meeting. It was Ktated they hud been overlooked and the commission was promised a copy some time today or to morrow. l'he merchandise rates were discussed and some objection were raised to them. Mr.

of the Dallas paper fac tory stated that the reduction on naner from St. Imis to Texas oints to 15 cents had compelled his factory to shut down and be wanted a proportionate reduction made in Texas rates. The commission in this connection had their attention called to the reduction in rates on bagging and cement from St. Iiuis and New Orleans to Texas point and a suggestion was made that Texas rates reduced proportion so as to enable Galveston men to -oineto with thu points named outside of the State. The Dallas paper man took the floor and stated that lie would be tmtified if the railroads would re-establish the old rates on paper from St.

Luis and the railroad men premised to consider if and it is- quite hkely old rates will lie established. The Cotton Belt wants change made in certain rates and the commission took the matter under consideration. STATE TREASURY. Up to last afternoon warrants had registered at the State treasury up to and ineluding No. representing about $150,000.

Rpnifrohfr "HI onlv the pure drug. All pre; scri ptions fillf ri by Experts Morley rWt Trust You can bny your furttishmg bwIs and SALGE. EUROPEAN PLAN. m. SALGE, tm VENUE HOTEL I STEICTLY FIRST-CLASS- SAMPLE ROOMS AND EVERY CONVENIENCE.

123123 MERiOAN PLAN hate headquarters T. P. A. Also head- irters Post F. i.

E. KORST MANAGER. flANS ION. STRICTLY FH7ST-CLASS RIVATE HOTEL fates $1.50 per day. Special rates ta miiea ana regular ooaraers.

HS.S.J.0RR,0S'seBL0CK. HEAP SUGAR. fnllnwinff hill for $10.00. lalf of it, taking half of each article, ft-. Vi ri AtMinitop of it for S2.SjO.

fcound's standard granulated su- vA 'K)UUf1 leaf lard -M ack nice wau nour Jion best molasses 2 onds pears, 4 pounds apricots. NO uinds prits ground pepper (pure) 25 jrs Boston urummer soap iiinil lint host, starch tiiinrlii tiest head rice 50 tiunds buckwheat flour unas tuyon conee Uunds macaroni 40 25 20 50 r.o 50 20 50 20 10 lounds salt imrhU evanorated annles jDOunds best raisins Jiund Schilling's best Japan tea. I'mnds best cheese. zen boxes best matches nonnd cms ftckages best mince meat rounds navy beans $10 00 DEAN WALLING. Petenwn.

J. B. Rogers CHEAP FEED TRY PETERSON ROGERS, jerg in Bottom Hay, Prairie Hay, Mil-Cane, Oats, Shelled Corn, Ear Cora, tn, Fancy Mixed Chicken Feed, Mixed ckens, Turkej-a and other POULTRY the market affords, and also a Fancy of It StUUJ 5 ROCERIES ire os a trial. UR GETABLES FRUIT INT FORGET HAT I ALWAYS UP WITH TEE TIMES. JOD GROCERIES AND PRICES.

FRANK. 0. BABCOCK The Grocer. Gents, see Scarbrough Hicks' line tinted un- brwear. It is the lat- Jnfc PLEASING COMMENCEMENT EX-.

ERCISES AT MILLKTTS OPERA HOUSE LAST NIGHT. A TIMELY SENSIBLE ADDRESS BY SUPERINTENDENT HARRIS. He Wants Practical Education Splendid Essays Delight a Lartte and Cultured Audience list of the Graduating Class. A very large and intelligent audience filled Milieu's opera house last night to witness and enjoy the fourteenth annual commencement exercises of the Austin shool, which has just closed a most successful term. On the stage with the graduating class wore Judge Smith, president of the city school bard; J.

W. Graham and S. K. Morley, members of the board; Miss Mamie North, secretary; Superintendent T. G.

Harris, Professor Bryant, County Superintendent Shelton and Rev. E. IV. Wright. After an invocation by Dr.

Wright, Professor Bryant introduced Superintendent-Elect T. ii. Harris, who delivered a brief but timely and sensible address on the object and aim of the public (schools. Seldom has more hard common sense bitn compressed into as brief a space. I le conteudiil that the mere storing of the minds of the children with information was not education.

The need of the day-was a practical education. It was not what you know, hut what you can do that the graduates would have to meet and sui-swer when they start out into life. The address was eminently practical and con- vineeu tlie large auuienee iuai uie rcuoi.i hiar.l made no mistake when tl) lected Mr. Harris to presidi over tut schools. Next on the procram was an essay, -The Power of Song," by Miss Emmy Jesisen.

It was an excellent composition, showing care and study in its preparation. "Shoes was the quamt given ny Miss Florence Magnenat to her; essay and she succeeded in making it intensely interesting. She commenced With the Chinese and touched on the footgear of almost every nation on the earth, not forgetting even fhe "old -woman who lived iu a shoe." She closed by warning rthe girls to watch how the boys wear away their shoes. Miss Lilla Douuau then treated the audience with a superb recitation entitled "Ruggle's Dinner Party." Miss Donna is a tine actor and elocutionist, and her effort was a most gratifying success. Mr.

Louie Thompson read an essay, "Soleneuni," but in such low voit that but few beard it. "National Flowers." by Miss Mad-dox, was a beautifully worded essay, bt-tokening much eare and tudy. She advocated the golden rod as the national flower of America. I Judge James Smith presented the gradnatintr class with diplomas as follows: Misses Ulla Donnan, Emmy Ye Mflddox. Florence Magnenat.

Gertrude Walker; Messrs. Win. P. Brady, Calhoun M. Brown.

Win. Francis Moore, George William Koberdeau, Jules Jlenri Tallichet. Louie K. Thompson. Miss Estelle Noble received a certificate in english.

mat hematics, history and science. 'Miss Nannie Macheison received a certificate in english and history. Flowers in gremt profusion were presented the graduates and everything passed off most pleasantly. BRIGHT LOCAL REMNANTS. Interesting, Newsy Sittings Mixed With Solid Business Facts.

Baseball again this afternoon at the dam. The Colorado is rapidly getting down to its normal condition. The city fathers will meet again next Thursday night. Some very fine peaches are being ship ped in. It is very dull in the state departments these days.

South Austin will -hold a rapid transit meeting tonight. Yesterday was quite a warm day and the very thing for cotton. You should have your ihouses wired and take electricity fTom the city. Superintendent John Maddox is get-tins things in fine thnpe, and there is no' trouble about furnishing plenty of water! and light. Emancipation day this year will be luly celebrated by the darkies.

The deaf and dumb institute closes for the term today. You should go out and see, the big pumps tit work. The grape crop this year will be a heavy one. There were no cases in Judge Morris' court yesterday. Quite a number of those who went to San Antonio yesterday morning returned last night.

Polk Miller at Y. M. C. A. hall Thurs day, June ti.

Cards engraved. Corner Fontaine. The river continues to fall but it is still very muddy, Claims against the county are promptly paid in cash. Polk Miller at Y. M.

C. A. hall Thurs day, June 0, Charles Henderson for theft was bound over by Justice Stuart yesterday. Picture framing is a strong point with ns. Corner Fontaine, Fresh boneless bam at W.

B. Walker's. The Salvation Army held a big meeting last night. Shoes Hold on, John. I can't; I am going to Austin Shoe company to buy a pair of shoes.

So am I. MUST BE SOLD. The large and well selected stock at tin Capitl Clothing House is offered by tb Schwab company at pricn tbat will interest you. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the -world for Cuts, bruises, aorea, ulcers, salt rheum, fever lores, fetter, chapped hand, chilblains, corns and akin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required.

It la guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction of money ref unded. Price 25 centa per box. for sale by J. A. DeGaugh.

the druggist. Elmer Amend's Prescription No. 2S51 ha rurl thousands of case of rheumatism. No sufferer should fail to give it a trial. C.

W. -Preston Ac agent. Gai- I Teaton, Tex. afternoon relative to the proposed trip of the Governor's Guard and the St. Iuis drill.

The throe otlicrs reached the decision that unless the required number of men were in attendance at the drill tonight the trip to St. Ijouis would go by the board as they would not take a halfway eomuiy to the Mound city. Every member of the Governor's Guard who anticipates attending the big dri'l are requested to be on hand tonight, and get in line. The guards by no means should the idea of attending the drill, and The Statesman hopvs that all members of the company will answer at roll call tonight. ii THE DAM PAVILION." The opening of the "Dam Pavilion" will take place next Monday ni-'ht, June 10, when Mr.

McKoe Rankin. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew and their superb company will present the splendid comedy "The Arabian Nights" with Sidney Drew us "Huuiminsrfop" and Mrs. Drew a "Miss Columbia." Mrs.

Drew makes this a 2tu century girl and wears the Derby hat. srandiug collar, frock coat and skirt with creases and side pockets. This conipany jumped from Denver, Colorado, where they played an extended engagement, to Houston where they are now playing to crowdiM houses nightly. The Houston Post says they give the finest comedy performance ever witnessed iu Houston. The city power will not run your old fan motor, so have it rewound by Cay-wood Jackson, 503 Congress Ave.

IF THE BABY IS CUTTING TEETH, Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It soothes the child, softeus the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic and is the best remedy for diarrhoen. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Scarbrouu'h Hicks are showing a tine of wrancm isaai iinnasiii mmV mi ting suits.

They are beiuaes. HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Driskill W. II. Hurst.

Brown-wood; A. T. A sch, New York; E. S. Peters, r.iU-erf V.

Kovneton. Waco; J. C. Mc- Cabe. Fort Worth; W.

E. Skinner. Fnrtj Worth; Felix Doran. Dallas: J. W.

l'allon, Houston; J. W. Allen, C. F. Carter.

Dnl- las; J. E. Leith, Terrell; Geo. V. Bam-: hart, Tyler; A.

S. Dodge, Judge Perkins, Greenville; L. J. Polk, Galveston; I. J.

Freman, Dallas; E. L. Sargent. Dallas; D. B.

Kecler, L. B. Comer, Fort Worth; J. B. Diuiison, Gul-j testoii; Joe Michael, New Orleans; Suill, Galveston; R.

Massey. E. Philadelphia; 11. W. Downey, Houston; Jno.

D. Rogers, Galveston; V. It. Grose-j (dose, Houston; Stephen French, New Orleans; E. A.

Cowan, J. O. Miss C. Black, Boston; M. S.

J. F. Brunnaugh, St. Louis; II. J.

Harby and wife, New York; F. K. Meeks, Rice's Crossing; II. Gredelzar, St. Louis; H.

Jones. Houston; R. T. Ivovett, Houston; J. Michalson, city.

At the Avenue W. R. Smith, Detil-son; 0. B. Willcox, Temple; Geo., St. liouis; E. D. Townscnd niwl son, Tom Mcliae, Frank Turner, city; J. F.

Dickens. San Fraueisco; E. Lwlerle, Los Angcies. M. Patterson, El Pmso; J.

H. Hooper, El Paso; W. J. Day, city; W. Spenee, city; Jaw.

F. Taylor, rort Worth; G. L. Goodi, I. B.

Daugherty. AVaco; Allison Mayfield and family, Sherman: W. Kirlieks, Hearne; J. B. Bartholomew, Palestitre; Otto Baumgart, Brenham: T.

(I. Harris. Houston; W. A. Patrick, Marlin, V.

M. Steele, Kansas City; Ralph McDougal. Tyler; Mrs. R. A.

Stedman. servant and Tyler; W. G. Kniflin, Dallas: Mrs. T.

G. Harris and three children, Houston; John T. Walters, San Saba; R. iM. Burns, city: Miss Lillie Markley, Llano; W.

L. Works. Geo. Bristow, F. W.

'Badger. Geo. Gates, Geo. Dean, Geo. Page.

Ed Feohan, Chas. VUtkins. John Foreith, E. Bin key, Gal veston Baseball club; J. H.

MoKane, Dallas: J. A. Blnnton, Hutfo. To keep free from summer diseases and indigestion use the genuine Angostura Bitters, manufactured only by Dr. J.

O. B. Siegert Sons. XXX PEARL XXX BOTTLE XXX It Is pronounced by all good Judges to be the best bottled beer In the market. Made by San Aatonio Brewing association.

COUNTY COLLECTIONS. Collector Thrtsher paid the following into the county treasury yesterdav Occupation 27 Poll 4 General revenue fund 213 4H Rotid and bridgf fund Sinking fund 52 ('! $1,152 13 Received on necount. of State public sr-hooD SO SOUTHSIDE RAILROAD MEETING. A man meeting of Southsiders will hehl in Firerieu's hall tonight at o'clock. This meding is to consider ways and means for obtaining rapid transit.

Come everybody. The meeting is for the wlnie Soiitbsido and not for the Eleventh ward alone. F. WAREN3 latest Cash Prices. 20 to 50 pounds ti-st granulated sugar for Sugar cured hams, per Best patent flour, 1.20 to 1 4 pound head rice 8 pound grits (best) 3-pound cans 3-pouiid can apples, Fine mixed tea, per vnnd Roasted coffee, per pound, 20c to.

Tomato ketchup, per bottP-, Worcester sauce, per bottle 5 pounds Rio coff 1 10 pounds -Armour's Jard Raisins, pound American sardines Prenoh. sardinea "M'KEE RANKIN CO." Mr. MeKee Rankin, Mr, ami. Mr. Sid ney Drew and their excellent eomrtiny will ofK-n the darn tiavilion next Monday rrigkt, June 10, wPh a performance of the trrvat onmedv "'l'he Aralsitn Nights." Prof.

Ileraog's augmented orchestra of 15 pe-ees wili be an added attraction. -Theatre, trains will 4five the dummy offiee at 8 o'clock and 8:30. The orchestra will iti out on he 8 o'clock train and olar a concert until the arrival of the 8:30 train. Performance eimrmenees promptly on the arrival of the 8:30 train. Admission to concert and performance; Adults.

50 cents; children, cents: seats for lioopeoile, none reserved Have your wiring done by cipoen jed men and save yoi.r calsominert watls. See Caywood Jackson, 503 Cong. Ave. 1 LT.UI III their nature, truer in their love, warmer in their affections, than they ever were. Put most women do not know themselves; and often when their influence Is doing the most good, break down.

They drift gradually and unconsciously into that tcnipestu-ou aea of woman's disease. Then they should remember that Lydia F. rhikham'i restores natural cbcr-fuhiess, destroys despond- mcy, cures Iciu oi i inea, the preat fore-unner of serious womb trouble, backache, strengthens the musclea of the womb, and restore It to its normal condition, regulates menstruations, removes Inflammation, ulceration, and tumors of the womb, etc. It is a remedy of a woman for women. Millions of women owe the health they enjoy, and the influence they exert, to Mrs.

Pinkham; and the success of her Vegetable Compound has never been equalled In the lield of medicine for the. relief and cure of all kinds of female complaint. So gay the druggists. Hers is another one of thousands who that others reay kaov the "For live year I suffered with falling of tin and all the dreadful aches and pain tint accompany the disease. 1 tried fevonil and different medicines, until I lost nil faith In everything.

I bad not tried jour Compound. I wfttcncu your wr? a nut from day to Ste! day, and each fl day became .1 more nopeuu. At lait I resolved to try It. I have bksn sever, bottlei, cv and havegainel fcl-forty pounds. if" all lea me.

and I am a well wo- JiXCLk man. I do all my own work, and can walk two mile without feeling tired. Your Compound has been worth its weight in gold to me. I cannot praise It enough. JUni.Di En.

am, Columbia, Lancaster Pa. W. B. WALKER'S LATEST TRICE LIST: Fresh country kettle rendered lard, per pound Fresh pearl white meal per bushel. Our famous mixed tea per pound, 10 00 25 20 40 10 The celebrated Lion parched coffee, nor pound Royal baking powder, per pound.

Finest sugar cured hams, per ponna 20 pounds new California prunes 00 Mew maple syrup, per quart. Otlis Pearl barley for Finest self -rising buckwheat, 3 packages for Finest Silver Churn bntterine. Schilling finest uncolonsl Japan tea, 25 15 50 strictly for ice tea, per Finest string beans, 4 cans 25 Or oer dozen. 75 Joseph Freidmnn's pure crab apple white wine Old Kentucky vinegar, per gallon, 40 pounds best beans for Babbitt's "Best" soap, guaranteed to go twice as far as auy other laundry per enke Dodson Hill's mixed pickles per quart Large quart bottle of old homemade catsup per Dodson Hill's Jumbo pickles, per gallon "Dr. Price's" cream baking powder per ID My "Perfection Brand" of sugar-bouse molasses, absolutely pure, per gallon Empire genuine ribbon cane molasses, per gallon.

Eli Pettijohn's Breakfast food, per package 20 pounds good rice Best XXX soda crackers (by box). Large 31b cans grated pineapples, 3 cans for Per dozen Highland evaporated cream, per can, Joseph Friedman's Old Kentucky vinegar, cr gallon, 20 00 03 15 25 25 40 40 25 10 00 05 25 00 15 20 Joseph Goodman WILL SELL. 32 pounds granulated sugar, with bill, for fl Fresh mangoes, in bulk, per gallon. Best roasted coffee per pound. 25 Five pounds crushed Java coffee for 1 is I Arbu'-kle's coffee per pound.

...22 1-2 ltoyai ban-ing powder per pound. 40 4 2-15 packages best oatmeal for. 2.) 21T cans best tomatoes, 4 cans for. 25 31T cans bst tomatoes, 3 cans for. 2.

Or per i French red kidney beans ,10 200-R Boxk genuine Liverpool salt for 1 00 Levi Garret's "Genuine" 6-o bottla Scotch snuff per bottle. 20 Arbnekle'a coffee, lit) 22 Bmeridge corn, per can 10 Best family lard, per pound 'ej? Huckin mmpn, assorted, pT t. hamToer noond 10 10 25 10 12 and 10 bars best laundry soap for. Breakfast bacon, per pound; California canned fruits, per Telephone 218. Corner Lavaca West Thirteenth streets.

DOG TAX. All dog licenses heretofore issued will expire 31st inst. A tax of 1.00 on each dog is required to be paid on or before June 1st tor the ensuing yar. FRED STERLING, 1 Collector. if si ft rf 1 rtfc tiy i uc 8, ac es ate.

ee Cr iaP orl ill aid rug k. TIME TABLE. G. N. Bound north Wave at 1.25 p.m., Bound south leave at 5:30 a.m., 3:15 p.m.

n. t. Leave 1 :15 p.m., p.m. Arrive 7:30 a.m., 3:15 p.m. A.

N. W. Mail and express leaves Austin, 7:43 a.m. Mixed leaves Austin 9:40 a.m. Mail and express arrives 7:00 p.m.

Mixed arrives 4:45 p.m. LAMPASAS STAGE Makes close connection. Leaves Burnet 10:30 Arrives at Lampasas 3:30 Leaves Lampasas (sharp) 12:00 Arrives at Burnet 5:00 p. m. Baseball Today.

AUSTIN VS. GALVESTON GAME CALLED AT 4:30. CITY NEWS. MUST SELL. Don't fail to call at the Capitol Clothing House and get one of those $5.35 suits.

You pay elsewhere much more for the same goods. We are now showing a verv fine line of gen- tlflmen'a nobby suits Scarbrough Hicks. FOR 50 CENTS. The best suit of balbriggan underwear in Austin. Only see them and you will buy.

They can 1 had at the Capitol lylotoing house at DO cents per suit. A DEAD BABE. Some, boys fishing near -the obi Chambers mill last afternoon found the remains of an infant that lodged in a pile of drift. Ollicers are investigating. SURE TO TLEASE.

If you want nice goods, well made and stylish, we can please you at the Capitol Clothing house. The Schwab Clothing company will soil you lower than any house in Aus-tin as they will close out the business by July 1. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The county commissioners got through auditing claims yesterday and adjournal until Saturday, when they will go out and insiitM the repair work done on the iron bridge over Giililand creek on the Webber- vilie road. DISSOLUTION NOTICE.

The partnership existing between F. B. Iine and O. F. Alford was dissolved on May 1st by mutual consent Those parties indebted to the hnn up to that date are requested to call and settle at oncf.

All bills outstanding and contracted since May 1st are due Mr. F. B. Lane. I desire to return thanks to mv old friends and customers for their liberal patronage and ask a continuance for my successor.

U. AXd UKD. JUDGE, BROOKS' COURT. In this court y-terday Crockett F5oul-din. colored, for breaking into W.

Redd's market got two years in the ieni-tentiary. R. Young, white, is on trial for theft of a horse. The jury in the Collins damage case against the Houston and Texas Central gave Remember that Chas. Cozgeshall Co.

are responsible for the cheap prices that as selling at. Patronize home boys who will sell yon at 30 cents per hundred at the vault or deliver It at your house for 40 centu per hundred. For fine, stylish "cloth -iDg go to 8carbrough Hicks. ATTENTION MEMBERS OF PROTECTION HOSE (X). NO.

3. You are requested to attend with your wives, sweethearts, sister and mothers a reception and ball, being wr 17tU anniversary, on Friday night. June 7. COMMITTEE. GRIFFITT'S COLLEGE OF COMMERCE.

Austin, Texas. A high (trad school of commercial ethi'-s, for born see. Course of study equal ot the best, North or fviuth. Now and Hegmt quarters, fine furniture, nWlem and conveniences. Day and fusions.

Catalogue. Brneg-gerhoff building. T). A. Griffith, principal and irotrletor.

J. W. BaUher, secretary. 0 RV Bit tnaa Mil I. ust: I J) chthing at tb Oapitol Jthin; tio.we,, iugar eured poon(j SJiwab Clothin? company are milling it out regardless of value.

i Shoes On June 1 we make apodal low prices on everything. At Austin Shoe company, fs! Congress avenue. o- TRUTHS TERSELY TOLD. Foley's Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood, gives tone to the system, imparts life and vigor, sad make the weak strong. Trial size, 50c..

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