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Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas • 2

Austin, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ALSTiy DAILY STATKSMAN, liDAT, FEBRUARY 4, 1893. It i ordered that notice be ind the name with their local eooimittees in necurin irr-i tciTr-n irj an MTwina 8ivn me xaciory. to mm eommiiioi of Texan tnat tne rai(roal tne railroad The committee baring this In charge Cancer repfrt that the farmers are takuig interest in the factory and are auoscr-b-ing to atoek freely and that its construction ia practically assured. The question of circulating the petiti-m to the water and light eommiMioti wa wjji, on Monday 14 at it ofti Antm, take Bp and consider th matter of a aehedule of rate for the traportation, by railroad Iwtween point in Texas, of hipment of rope and twine, in quantitie Ie thaa carload, not provided for in commodity tariff No. 2 ITEMS OF MTKHKIT KOI VO IV THE STATE HOI ME YKHTERDAV.

Mrs. A. H. Crausby, of 133 it! Mempnia.Tenn., paid uoaiie to a small lump in faer breast i Something jFor Nothing; We can't -rie it to you da hri'ud to )mt when yon gt our PRICES ON SHOES to believe otherwise. jnake a prof.r on every pak, but rwi w.mMaT if.

Vt- jof rwtH ftrst shipment -spring shoe LADIES. MISSES AM) CHILDiih-V Toe, shoe -ewmbine nil th EXCELLE-VE of the hwiniKrt wmm insurance Jim again taken np and tbe list were placed in the hand of a special committee composed of P. Shadbolt, J. II. Raymond, S.

C. Cranberry and Geo. A. Hill, with power to appoint additional committeemen, to circulate same for aig-nature. The iwue is' here presented in 'liiu term and it i confidently tx-lieved by the club that if the aentinient of the community i favorable and they are tus- it soon aevei into a cane tbe most in nant type, best physic CURED BY Hot ft Arrival.

At the Drifkilt E. W. Gregory, Ien-ver: B. K. Coffmaa, Fort Worth; K.

W. IMckey. New Orleans Wm. Ptidde-rhatt, ToityJo; J. S.

odr. Chicaeo-V, 1. .1. W. Parker, Taylor; W.

V. Oliver. New 1'ork; B. E. Montgomery.

T. II. Schus Several Charters Filed With the sec in New York treated her, and retary of lui-Tkc Kd ally declare! ber case hop? flonal Urpacrtmeat lasaed Some Matters. ter, ort orth; red hfrobur, by the taxpayer and voters and A a last resort, S. S.

S. was panola. A. II. ForUs, St Ijnin; they manifest their wishes by m'guing the and an immediate improvemcD U.

Jloutoa; J. 1. Donnell. oetitiona. the water nd cnmniisxion ltoirt II.

Thain. New York: S. E. Perl- will rerect it. We can not expect, to brg, Chicago; C.

If. Hiierbech. E. A. raecnri fitctoriea and the character of cc- suited a few bottles cured her completely, and nnaiirn of rhartio.

ron, Pa Antonio; win tiowntem, Xt. ten.nest that will give employment to Iuis: A. N. Ilorey. Chh'iigo; J.

II. i labor unlet we take aonie dectaive action The following charter were fUcd with tii! secretary of state yesterday: Tbe J. M. (Joforth CoiumUsion compa-nr of Yoaknm, capital stock, 'Sti. ease has return- 0J( Lauehs, St.

Lonis; K. Hughes, Ann-, at once. A indicated bv the Commw- eu i or leu yers. 7 Book oa CancT tree; addxats neciftc Aclut-tt- to atyle and finish, UMlK VV KM WKAK fclA, A.u Our prices, which hod good foe ri entire; yr, are a follow: LADIES' KID BUTTON, PATKNT TIP, at fl.50; WORTH 2.W. BUTTON, PATENT TIP, at 1.50; WORTTI $2.00.


A LADIES' KID CONGRESS at WOKTH $2.00. SOMETHING EASY AND COMFOKTABLK. Remember, the; shoe are all afc, frroh atock. Warranted all olid l-atliT. NO NONSENSE.

PRICES TALK. cial club, every citizen of Austin should expres themselves on thi question in unmistakable terms. The dam should be made to perform the' duty that rrs originator promised that it would to not only give ns cheap lights and water, hot also factories. R. R.

tin; u. II. Brown. fJalvestonj M. Conn, New York; J.

V. Moss, St. Louis; Geo. Ialsheimer, St. Loni; F.

I Stribling. Gulf, Colorado and Santt Fe Railroad company; E. F. Dnke. Cincinnati; J.

C. Hnteson, Chicago; W. F. Knowlton, Missaehusetts; C. A.

Alleman, New York; II. J. S. Brown. Attanta; A.

Jennings. New York; S. C. Sencer, Iowa; II. M.

Hazard. Dallas; A. M. Center, Furt Worth; Henry C. Coke, Dallas; Chas.

Mara New Yrk: J. H. Williamson, Terre Hante; li. D. Tarlton, Fort Worth; W.

S. Wynn, Indianapolis; L. H. Hill. Albany, W.

T. Andrews, Texas-; A. B. Deniwrn, Galveston; I L. Torrey, Boston; L.

S. Palphrey, Houston; JT. W. Jinrley, Cincinnati; C. H.

Higgins, 8t. Iuis; Geo. W. Morrell, Mis Grace Morrell, Houston; A. Ha Iff, San Antonio; Homer Lambkin.

New Orleans; Frank I Johns. Dallas; A. Barney. New York; J. F.

Parker, San Antonio; II. S. Cooke, St. Louis: .1. P.

The Modern Way Commend itself to th? well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break np colds, headaches and fever without unpleasant after effect use the delightful iitiid laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs. Manu Ljcorporators, Chas. H.

Frederick, It F. 'Frederick and Frank Toland. The Gifford Mercantile company of Wharton, capital stock. "tMl Incorporator. G.

C. Gilford. A. II Pierce and 1C. B.

Huston. The Sberriil Trading and Commission company of Jefferson, -apital stock, Incorporators, Lee Sherrell, J. A. Henderson, A. A.

Fort. Th Klaelonl Pepar1rot. Tli fvilowlog iiiffrmatioij fivea out fjom the department of education to- da'; In connection with tbe county examination held throughout tbe Htate this month an eainination for permanent certificate will be held, beginning Thursday, February 17. 'llie law provides that -applicant for permanent certiticritcn sftali be exuiuineii in alt the branches pre- Smith Brady, SHOEMAKERS. tSi East Sixth Street.

DOUBLE DAlLVTRAir rt factured by California Fig Syrup Co. ouori ana unlet Utn xtetw North and Sooth Texaa Buffet Slcepei wo. n. rioccriTO, Tie resident. WH.

HAMST, Cashier. BO. W. LITTLEFrELD, Remember we do our own coffee roasting and keep all grades. We put the prize money in tbe quality of our teas and coffees.

So you resp the, benefit direct. All grades at all times at Frank O. Babcoek'. Shoes, Hboen, Shoes. They say the Anstin Shoe at 709 Congress avenue, are selling shoes, the cheipest shoes in Austin.

ncriU-il for tbiH, iiecond, and hrst grade TO Morley, Kansas City; W. H. McAfee, Ialhis; A. H. liowen, Chattanooga; H.

S. Shromls. 1'ittsbnrK; Jas. A. Hoeers, Peoria; J.

B. ('undv, St. Iui: W. I Oiler. Chicago: E.

S. Kimball. Boston; W. Farrell. Chicago; John II.

Georgetown. lie MM Jlalioial SI. LOUIS if A TEXAS KI.OVDIKK. CTtanae fn Frrlahl Kate. The Morgan Lino announces the fc certificate, and in addition thereto history of education, general history psychology, Engliah and American literature, ctiemiiitry, Kolid geometry, plane triKO-nomwry, and elementary double entry bookkeeping.

As applicant for first grade certificate are required to ie examined in mental ncieiice, those taking the additional Kiibjecta retired for a permanent certificate will not be reijTiireil to lie examined in payebology at one of the additional subjects, a thi subject in embraced in mental science, included In the first grade xnhjects. Ben cioorh and Others Strike Rich lowing advance iu freight rate (from the "jwwtHge stump that has pre From Houston and Galveston, And through steeper from San Ann.1 And Austin to Fort Worta and Dallas, Hearse. vailed via that popular route from New York awl seaboard territory to Texas for the past few months: "Effective February 15, rates from Leave Leave Houston. lork ami itenboard territory to Texas common tioints will lie the same 7p. .10:20 d.

CAPITAL $200,000. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $50,000. AUSTIN, TEXAS. Transacts a General Banking Business. Urn Bank Wilt lre Mere FaHafeJ ervlce lis FjImbc.

C'-1 la Lbio. Llano. Feb. 3. Ben Gooeb and who are prospecting for gold four miles east of town, struck an l.S-ineh vein of gold Waring ore which assays nearly per ton.

The shaft is down about fourteen feet and the vein is widening. There is a great deal of excitewnt about gold in this locality and when the mother vein is truly found the will be on its true merit. There is no doubt about there being gold Icre, but it will take a great deal of prospecting to put affairs in good shape. Mew with capital are who are not rates a apply from St. Louis, where combination- through Galveston will make less throtigh rate.

The class rotes, New York to Galveston, will he: I-s Than Carloads 1, 2. 27c; 3. 25c-; I. 22c. Carlond-5, ISc: A.

ISc: B. 10c; C. Me; l(k-; 115c. To make through rates to Austin should be added the corresponding class rate from Oal'veston to destination to the above figure. Tbe H.

T. C. reaches Galveston. Hot too, brenoam. ausiiq.

Waco, Cor eana. WaxahachSe. Fort 'Worth, laa. Piano, McKinney, Sherman a olson. and gives Brst-clas aerW M.

L. BOBBINS, i Gen, Pais. A Xkt Iftf a W. BEIN, Traffic Manager. J.

LAWLfMiL 'eket Aaeot. Aatl" Of Interest to laaaraace Men. The following correftponden given the press by Insurance CuminixHioner John-won explains itself: Austin. Jan. 2H.

Hon. Jefferso.i Johnson, Conamisxioner of Insurance, Autin, Dear Sir For my own information and that of other I should to have an annwer from your department to the following query, iu respet to the right of a company to reinsure any part of its liabilities in a company not authorized to do buxines in tbe state of Texas. To be more explicit, I would ask that should TKACIIERS' MEETIXti. afraid to invest. At the Sehryver mine work is being ndvanced rapidly with paying results in the near future.

The Golden Gate and the Paschal or Angel mine, over the Gillespie' line, are being worked and gold ore is lieing taken out. Big claims are made for the latter min, an average of $i)5 ore in a 17-foot vein. We hoie it is so. 1 Notice is hereby iriven thof tli the Thuringia or any other company ac F. WILHOT, WALTER TIM, H.

1. HI1XIARD, President. 11 Vie President. 1 Cashles) mUBT HfKaarKLD. Vie Pres.

W. L.CILFILLA.Y, Asst. Cashier. TheAustin National Bank CAPITAL $150,000.00. cept a line of of insurance undersigned, were on the 8th day oi Ja uary, A.

D. 1898. appointed exeewto of the estate of John C. Wilson. dr through one of its licensed and authorized local agent in this state, would there be any objection to the Thuringia's man ceased, and all persons having danmj against said estate are reauired to nr agers reinsuring ju I iilifornia or I sent the same to us within the time mv York any portion of that liability in com TIMELY RESOLITIOXS.

Xew Orleans Board of Trade Wants Sm Soldiers. New Orleans. Feb. 3. At a meeting of scribed by law.

Our nostoffice addred panies wnicu were not authorized to do is St. Elmo. Trsvis county. Tor W. S.

WILSON. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $50,000.00. AUSTIN, TEXAS. the board of directors of the Board of Trade of this city-, resolutions were adopted memorializing President McICin. V.

M. WUU, JK Executors of the Estate of John C. Wi son. Deceased. 1 business in Texas.

ottrs tra.v. (Signed) ROBERT L. IOLI.ARI. Special Agent Thuringia Insurance Co. Department of Insurance, Statistics and History.

Austinj Jan. 28. 1808. Mr: Robert Pollard, Special Agent Thuringia Fire Insurance Company, Aiwtim Dear Sir Your valued favor of the 2Sth inst. received and contents cnrefully if ley and congress as well as the secretary of war and navy and Maj.

Gen. Miles, to place and adequate force of well drilled WK SOLICIT TOt BrISES. We liave just received a fresh shii11 ment of crackers and cakes direct froi? U. S. Government Depository.

1 1. me factory. or something good call o- artillerymen at the points where new-defense works are to be placed to pro feet the const from the attacks of for rank Habcock. eign fleets. The preamble of the resolu noted.

1 l(S tions points out that the officials them In answer will state that when a risk riCKVK nrtEMo.m, ikwm hac oci, J. o. eAtm, walteb mimmtnv, Frcaldsat. Vie Pmldeal. Cashier.

Am. Cashier. Jammers Book Store will move this week opposite postof See. is written by a fire insurance company selves have declared the artillery forces are inadequate even for peaceful times. AMISEMEXTS.

The Travis t'ennty Trackers la Session Today and Tomorrow. The Tnvis County Teachers Institute will meet in this city today and tomorrow and the following interesting program will be carried out: Friday Morning-Mental Science J. Y. Carl. (Juestions conducted, by the president.

Teachers may present in writing to the president such questions as they would like to hear disenssed. Each teacher limited to five minutes in the discussion. Afternoon "How to Teach History and Geography in Oonneetion" P. A. Chrisman, Miss Annie Iwry.

"The Work of the Public Schools in the Preparation for Citizenship" J. W. Hall, Miss Stella Couch. "How Should We Teach I'npils to Study?" M. T.

Wiley. Miss Mary Alm-quist. Saturday Morning tuerries. To be answered in five minute talks, followed by short discussions: (a) Ought a boy to is? kept in because he doesn't know his lesson B. Patterson.

(b) Ought a boy be kept in lwause he doesn't behave J. E. Killian. c) What do you cousider the best magazine for a teacher who teaches all grades? Mrs. M.

E. Cunningham. (d) To what extent is a teacher re-sKnsible for the conduct of a pupil on their way to and from school? H. II. Shelton.

(e) What mistakes iu teaching do you most frequently observe among teachers? J. E. Shelton. "Education and Its L. Huff.

Short Discussions of the New Text Rook Law W. P. Brady, Miss Lena Turner, Albert Allison. Miss Ella Hor-ton. Miss Lena lupre, Miss Willie Smith, Spelter Cotnpnny Fire.

St. Ix)tiis. Feb. 3. The von authorized to do business In this state through a licensed local agent, and the premium collected by tbe company issuing the policy, so that it may aptenr in their annual report made to this department of the state, such company may re- The Pe State HoM Ml en Performance at Han Spelter company, with offices in this city, 1 has received a telegram announcing the cock' Ana in Last Xieht.

destruction by fire of its large plant at I nsure for their own benefit wherever Last night at Hancock's Ben Hur was'M they may see fit. All the re.uiirements Richhill, today. The plant was of the law iu this state have tieen complied with in the first transaction, and in one of twelve spelters operated by this company in Missouri and Knnsns. It was valued at between nnd repeated to a large and certainly highly pleased audience. All that was saidj, about this successful production on its' opetiing night was certainly applicable on)' last night.

Tbe various dancing, costum ing. scenery and all were most excellent fc the second transaction the projiertj-holder and the state have no interest. NO. 2617. TEXAS.

and had an output of sixly Very respectfully. tons of spelter per dav. i AUSTIN $100,000.00. Signed) .1 KFFERSON JOHNSON, Commissioner of Insurance. SURPLUS.

$50,000.00 Transportation Free. Cincinnati. Feb. 3. In reply to the and fully deserving of the encomiumf-p nnid.

i I request of the chairman of the Ben Hur will be repeated for a last i UR-Airrs asd Hossr order isceo on all foreigs chtriej. The Railroad Coroinlnslon. lTie following circulars and authorities relief committee, the Southern lines nre time tomorrow afternoon in a matinee iq now transporting suimlies free for tbe 1 nrnrlnrtion (n nnW hat oil i-ino were issued from this oftii-e yesterday: cuoiins. ine jueen a no i route children may witness it. As this will No.

574. Amending Cornmoditv ESTABLISHED IW 1871. EDGAR J. STALtB. be the last performance at popular prices all who have not previously witnessed the )' JOMKVH SALLK.

EH EST if ALLB. Tariff No. 2 ami Canceling Circular No. In approval of joint application, submitted under No. SZi of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company of performance should do so tomorrow af- has been transporting such supplies from the start and now that there has been another call for supplies.

Receiver M. Felton made another announcement today- that his road would gladly carry all such supplies free. ternoon. "The. Prodigal Father," a comedy success, is the' attraction for tonight.

NALLE 6t 11 is iicreoy oruemi tnat commodity tariff No. 2. issued by this commission August 22, IHSU, to apply on grain, grain products, seed and hay, transported by WHAT MAN DOES NOT LOVE BEAUTY? 1 COFIDECE railroads between pomts in Toxa. and effective Senteinlier 13, 1M, is; amend-of as follow! sale ann Rett Mil Diaisis. He Has Been at Work in Austin Here Mtnlmtihl Wt'lght on all article sub- Mra.

Piakham to Keeep Their Attraetiveneeav 1 A iettw From a Young Wife. jtkt to tht? flour rate shall be 24.000 pnjmda per car. A LafttC liuek Orr Limktr. Ail Kl da o( llardwead, Balld of Late. Several days ago a white man ealled at the store of Mr.

G. F. Hamilton and secured fifty sheets of Standard Fashion sheets, and that was the last heard of hira until lately. In the past few days, however, it develone that the gentleman ra Hardware, Claa. Omul, Kept I fenafctarrr ol Ail Del(D o( Weo4 Mmm a Hlvck.

lela. Seven-eighths of the men in this world marry a woman HOODCARVISG AM RCI101.L WOltK A SrECIALTY. All Klad Odd Slie Work Made I'rouptly. because she beautiful in question is a very smooth artist. He j.

la their eyes. ASK FOR PRICES ON CEMENT. AVB RF.U, ttlKAPER TH AH AX JLhia order shall take effect February 7, 18DH, canceling rircular No. 543, is-(Ul by this commission Decemlr 2, 1807. Circular No.

573 Classification Rulings In approval of joint application Nob. 314 and 31S. submitted by the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company of Texas, it is hereby ordered that the following classification rulings, supplementary to western chssifiention No. shall govern in the transportation of the articles named, by railroad between poipts in Texas, subject to the rules cm- What a disappointment then to see the fair young wife's beauty yauo asD orricB ot to it bast sixth st. Austin, texas n- am i has been using those fashion plates to a good purpose for himself.

He has called on various merchants and people, claiming that he wanted them to take the agency for these fashion plates, and only aski-d that they give him money enough to have their rosiective names printed on the plates, and when he brought them the consignment they could pay him the balance due. While very few, it is i fading away before a year passes over her head LONE CC STAR BREWING San Antonio Texas. 1 feel as if I would like to say to every yonng woman iraceti in exceptions to western classi fication; provided, that they shall not be construed as in any manner affecting the commodity rates or tariffs heretofore approved or issued by this commission: who is about to be married "Strengthen yourself in advance, so that you will not thought, bit at this bait, yesterday it was found that a Judy had accommodated the slick artist by advancing him some money. He was to come back for some more'Monday morning, but did not show-up. He represented himself as being a brother of Mr.

Hamilton. irst Asltcxtos wall master. Same as wall idaster N. O. S.

(see page 78, classification No. 20). break down under the new strain on your powers." Keep your beauty, (A 3 'Z 3 NH'ond Hog senlders. na enl- drons fsee page 50. classification No.

20). THE COMMERCIAL CLt H. I hiril S-ugar evartorators. t-iten nrtnrt it is a precious possession Your husband love your beauty, he is proud to be seen in pubii with you; try to keep it for his sake, and yoi own. in secttou.

L. C. I C. clas A. nates of Their Meeting Wednesday nnde 'It I 1 1 Tbe nale cheeks, the dark shadows II the eyes, the general drooping of the youn tA-m what do the mean Theymea: rt 1 1 Fourth Angle iron sign posts.

C. 1, fourth-class. Fifth Wooden enndv pails. Same as water pails (set? page 109, classification No. 20).

Sixth Iig3 (subject to rules 12 anl 13). I. C. fourth-class. Seventh Cut iron nails, in boxes, same as in kegs (see page 0.

classification No. 2). Eighth Rocking chairs, bases detached, taken apart and tied to backs. I C. first-class.

NiuthRocking chairs, backs and seat detached, packed flat on bases. Lv first-cLiss. tenth Steel shoe shanks, same as Afternoon. A meeting of tbe Commercial club was in their office at the Drisliill hotel Wednesday evening, February 2, nt 4 p. nt.

A number of applications for membership were received and elected. Chas. P. Shadbolt, chairman of committee on reception and entertainment, reported that a committee of ladies bad called on bim, wishing to co-operate with the Commercial club in eutertaiuing the state encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, which would meet in this city in April next, and in that connection a letter from tbe Jos. A.

Mower Post No. 10, iH'psrtment of Texas, signed by J. II. Warmoth, eommand-r. and Alonxo Gerard, adjutant, addressed to Carl F.

Drake, president of the clnls was read, asking that action be taken to properly receive and entertain jur guests. Upon motion, the secretary was instructed to communicate with the city authorities. Mayor McCall and tbe Gr.tnd Army of the Republic, so harmonious action could be taken. The action taken by the executive committee of farmers and the Commercial club in reference to building a canuing factory was taken up nnd S. C.

Gran-berry, chairman of the joint comm'ttec, was authorized to encage Gen. Joe G. Booth to visit the different home ndus-try clubs in Travis county to co-operate nrun-are tsee page 42, classihcntion that her nerves are failing, that herstrengti going and that something must be done to help her through the coming tri. Is of maternity. Build her up at once by a course of some tonic specific powers.

Such as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. You can get it at any druggist's. Following we publish by request a letter froir a young wife of her own ac cord she addresses it to her "suffering sisters," an 4 wulle from modesty she asks to withhold her name, she gives her i ait-ala and street number in Chambersburg, so she can easUy be found or by letter: To my Suffering Sisters: Let me write thi i fr your benefit, telling you what Lvdia E. Finkham's Vegetable Compo-iad has done for me.

I am but nineteen and suffered with painful menstruttio' 1, leucorrhoea, dizziness, burn-in a-sensation back of ears and on top of my head, nervousness, pain and soretess of muscles, bearing-down pains, ccci! i not sleep well, was unable to stand ithout pain, and oh! how I longed to well! One day I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham, telling all, knowing I could do so in perfect confidence. She wrote me a lovely letter in reply, me exactly what to do. After taking nine bottles of the Compound. ne box of Liver pills, and using one half package of Sanative wash, I can I am cured.

I am so happy, acd owe my happiness to none other than rs. Pit kham. tWhy will women suffer when help is ne ir? Let me, as one who baa had some experience, urge all suffering wome a. tspcei illy young wives, to seek Mrs. riakLiziJ idricc IU S.

U.V,.H3 1 thr ne Chambersburg, Pav Alt. Erratum: Attention is called to the following er- 'Z1- iRSe classification No. which are hereby correctel: Pace 45, car and wagon stake pockets, stiou.d read. barrels with eleated heads," fonrth-c! ass fA Page 50, provision for elsss rating on sawdust in car loads will arply on shipments in bulk. Page Termin coating shnnld read C.

aecond-clas. This order shall take effect February IS'iS. Circular No. 572 Notice of Hearing Cabinet, Erlanger. Standaro FAMOUS Geo.

P. Assmann, 2ent. Tei 45..

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