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The Daily Appeal from Carson City, Nevada • 3

The Daily Appeali
Carson City, Nevada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MORNING APPEAL WEDHKNDAT SEPTKMBKR IS. 1S7H BOD IE BULLION. Yesterday's Bodie stajje brought up five bars of bullion, three from the Bod io mine, one from the Standard and one low grade bar fron some outside mine. The Bodie bars aggregated 14, making the total ship menU for the month $104,350 40. The Standard bar was worth $18,947 50, making the shipments for the month from this mine CO.

All of which is not bad for a camp the bottom of which "has dropped out." The Bodie mine carried over a surplus of $170,000 hist month, after paying $400,000 or $3 per tdiare in one month's dividend. This month a dividend was paid on the 14th instant, leaving in the treasury exclusive of this month's yield. There may be a "horse" in the Burgess ledge, or a hand of mustangs in the Union, but the stockholders of the Bodie tints far have no reason to complain. THE BUiiGLARY CASE. Yesterdayafternooii William Wilson, charged with burglary for entering the residence of Win.

Farrell and purloining therefrom certain articles of value, was brought up before Judge Witherell fur preliminary examination, which the defendant waived. He was then returned to the county jail with bail fixed at $1,000, which he was unable to furnish. The State witnesses, wuo are well known citizens, were charged to appear at the trial, which comes otr at the next term of the District Court. Wilson ia rather an intelligent look iug fellow, about thirty years of age. lit hails fuun Butte County, California, where he has been confined in the jail for petty larceny.

His reputation there, so far as we can learn, was at no time very enviable. A Political Suabblr. In front of the Ormsby House yesterday, two prominent Democrats, one a Bradleyite and the other an anti-Bradleyite, got into a wordy squabble Accusing each other with "putting up" fab ulous sums of money in parchasing votes for their respective candidates at the Democratic primaries. One went so far as to say that he could get certain men who received money for their votes make affidavits to that effect Whether this was done or rot we do not know; but we are surprised to hear that the Democracy will stoop to anything so mean. Oh, consistency, you are a queer Dick.

Departures and Arrivals per Southern Staok. The following passengers passed out on the Southern Stage yesterday morning T. II Smith, John Miller, D. Clark, J. II.

Judge, Mrs. Lester, J. W. Stateler, Emil Hoffman, L. Willard and H.

Mathews. The following passengers arrived on the stage from the south last evening D. McLain, Dr. J. C.

Hanson, M. Woodcock, D. II. Birddall, Robert Webb, F. Goodman and F.

O'Leary. The Republican State Convention. The Republican State Convention meets at Eureka to-day. It is doubtful, however, whether anything more than an organization will be accomplished to-day. To-morrow, though, nominations will bo in order, and the ticket is likely to be completed within twenty-four hours after an organization is perfected.

Uaiu About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon it commenced hailing with a violence not wit nessed here for many years. In less than ten minutes after the commencement the ground was snow white. The little ice pellets did not remain niton the ground for any length of time however, as the temperature suddenly grew quite warm. Stocks. The stock market continues as fickle as a Carson coquette, one day it encourages the woer and the next it repels him.

The market closed rather weak last evening. The news from the north end and from Bodie continue favorable. No cause but a preenn certed bear movement can be ascribed to the vascillating state of the market. So think we. Con.

Viroinia Stock. To the surprise of every body, there was an appreciation of 40 per cent, in the value of Consolidated Virginia stock yesterday, and the sales were of great magnitude. It is stated that a new r.rik has been made iu the mine. We will not vouch for it though. Billion.

The following consignments of bullion were received by the Southern Stage last evening From the Bodie mine, three bars, valued at $41,504 from the Standard mine, one bar, valued at $18,047. Total, $00,451. Gone to Bodie. Mr. George W.

Bryant, Melter and Refiner of the Mint, went to Bodie yesterday afternoon in a private con-enance, for the purpose of taking a look at the district and a peep into some of the mines. Haverly Minstrels. The box sheet for the performance of the Haverly Minstrel troupe who are to appear at the Carson Opera House on the 26th instant, is now open at the store of John G. Fox. A houtino engine and other machinery for the Goodshaw Mining Company at Bodie, arrived here from San Francisco yesterday morning consigned to D.

W. Earl Co. Board op Equalization. This board has adjourned until next Monday in order to tat under advisement some important matters connected with the assessment roll. FROM BODIE.

Our friend Mr. Fred Rathbone returned from Bodie yesterday, at which place he has been sojourning for the past month or so looking at the situation. He says there is a constant influx of new people to the camp from all parts of the country, but that a great many are idle, owing to the fact that it only -quires a comparative sit all force to work the mines there. Speaking of the business houses, all classes, are doing an excellent business. Mr.

Rathbone spoke especially of our townsman, John VVagver, who is conduct ing a large liquor house and is just minting money. Mucn Duiiuing is ueing clone, ana more of it would be undertaken were it not for the great scarcity of lumber. Of the hotel accommodations nothing very complimentary can be said. It is the most difficult thing in the world to get a bed, and as for provisions the less said the better. But, then, Fred always was an epicure.

The camp is full of Carson people, some doing well and others not. Of the temperature he says that it mav ever so hot in the day, in mid-summer, at night, it will commence to freeze as souii as the sun disappears behind the hill. Our in- lruiant further adds that, in the event of an other development similar to that of the Bodie mine between now and the cumin spring, Bodie will be onetif the liveliest camps next year ever seen on this coast. A. C.

Mav (Charley) is at Aurora, engaged in business. but is completely crippled with rheumatism from which he has been suffering for over a year. Sorry to hear it. Mr. Rathbone will not return to Bodie this fall.

San Francisco fttoek Exchange Sales. ANOTHER SUPPOSED BURGLARIOUS! ARREST. Yesterday afternoon officer Duncan arrested another man, whose name, so far as we could ascertain, was given as John Doe, on suspicion of being complicated with William Wilson in the burglary of Sunday morning. This indi vidual, like the rest of his ilk, is of recent ar-1 rival here, and is about twenty-five years of I age. He is known to be a member of the gang spoken of in our issue of yesterday.

It is to be hoped that the whole crowd will be jugged before long and consigned to their proper resting place, for a number of years at least, if they do not at once leave this town. The monotony of the principal boulevard of our minature metropolis was varied last evening by the dulcet strains of a hand organ in good tune, ground by a one armed ex- French sailor one whose beard had become gray in the service of La Belle France, and morning board. Opmr 54, 54' Mexican 57, 57 Gould Curry 18V, 18'. Best Belcher 32, 8ii California 14 14, li Consolidated Virginia 18, Chollar Potosi 45, 47? Hale Noroross ir416 Crown Point 9, '3 Yellow Jacket 23j, 24 Savasre IS, 17Js Alpha 14 Belcher 10, 9 Confidence 8, Imperial 1 05 Kentuck 7 Sierra Nevada 107, 106 Sejr. Belcher 37 Utah 45, Bullion Exchequer 5, overman 16, UA Justice Un-4, 10 Succor 2, 170 Union Consolidated 105, 109 Silver Hid 3, 2 Alta 14, 13ljJ Lady Bryan 430, i) Julia 5'.

EVENING BOARD. Raymond Ely 0 3J Kureka Con. 40 41 Jackson 10 Northern Belle 10'i Bodie IS. Hume Stiike 11 lichuout 3 00 White 7 r.orlh Con. Virnia 8 S- 11 lo; Buluvr 12 South Bodie of Kmiow incur 4 45 W.

Fareo fi'J ti5 Ilusscy 00 1 Manhattan tJ to'und Prize McClinton H-t 7hci Bent, ti. 5Y, silver 511 Do Bovle 2, 3 M. Mar 4 Vermont 14. 15 Con. Washoe 2 Waul 1'4, 1 Washington Sli, 3 Challenge l'-j.

New York Con. 105, Occidental 1 Woodville Oc Kossuth 5c Andes SOc Ti.ii-a 2, Syndicate 2, Aurora Tunnel 2 Champion 1, Black Hawk 75c Summit Bcchti 1 20 tioo.lshaw bV Mono 2. 21. Terrace 4 Kitcher 2, 2 Kotiu'h Heatlv 2 riul Sheridan 3 1 2 25 Meadow Valley 15 Nev 1 20 l'l I Lev laihan 70 TjoHu 5 HO lli-l'hrid-- 1 00 B. Isle 45c 30c S.

Bull 1 Anient 2' Hillside 4'j Beclitel Blue Jacket 0 N. Northern Beile loJJ Independence 3 Leopard l' Jefferson 2 Phoenix 2' i ormsby house GILLSON BARBER CARSON CITY. NEVADA. J. T.

PAHTLIND, PROPRIETOR. Have on Hand and Offer for Sale a larg and U'eU Selected Stork of rriHI I.OSIO ESTABLISBKn and AVOK- I itc Puhlic House having passed into new hands and having been Thoroughly Reconstructed Throughout Is now conducted in all respects as a First Class Hotel. GENEKAL fiOCHANCISE, WHICH LOW RVTF as any legitimate house in the trade can possibly afford to sell and pay liooest debt. This menus that THE iE the best table d' hote in the State of Nevada; that THE BAR Is the most complete and most fully stocked of any in the State. The Billiard Hull Is the finest in Western Nevada; ami the service is equa to that of the best hotels in San Francisco.

of Board and Boom-rent are rejpilated to suit the times. JOHN T. PANTLIXD, Proprietor. Carson January 1, lt(7S THE WHITE HOUSE A FIRST CLASS JOHN T. Carson, September 4, 1S7S, PANTLIND.




James St. Clair, ex- Inspector of Streets, has gone to San Fran cisco for medical advice. He has for a lorg time had some trouble with his head. Trust who haa been compelled to seek an humble to see him back soon in the full enjoyment of living at the end of a hand organ, in a strange his health. country whose language is strange and un- Commencing Sunday, June 23, And continuing on following Sundavn until further notice a Mcial Train will be run between Virginia and Steamboat as follows WH Lave Virginia 8:15 A.

M. Carson 10:00 a. M. Arriving at Rowers 10:110 a. m.

Steamboat 10:55 a. m. Returning: Leave Steamboat r. M. Leave Bowers 4:10 r.

M. Arriving at Carson P. X. Virginia G.SS p. M.

From onr lonqr experience in the business, and know-in and appreciating the wants of our customers and the in. habitants of this section ot the country jrcnerally, we fee We Can Guarantee Satisfaction To all who may favor us with their patronage. utterable to the old veteran and should such be the reward for patriots who lose their limbs and jeopardise their lives in their struggles for the honor and perpetuity of power of their native countries But it appears that services rendered are soon forgotten. It is true, and it is a pity. Ornamented Cake.

In the show window of Cavanaugh's bakery there are two fruit terday cikes ornamented in the hghest style of the confectioner's art. Whoever executed that work is certainly an artist in his line. Cut what is of greater interest in connection with those cakes is, we' are informed, that they are intended for a wedding breakfast or lunch, shortly to come off in thi3 city. The names of the principal persons at this entertainment we are unable to give, as we do not know them ourselves. A New Jrxor.E.

The rear part of the Ormsby House billiard room is being partitioned oil' to receive a tiger, who will be fought there this winter during the session of the Legislature. RATES OF FARE: Vinrinia and Gold Hill to Carson and return $1.00 Virginia and Gold Hill to Bowers or Steamboat and return 1 50 Ciirson to Bowers or Steamboat and return 1. 00 Children between 5 and 13 years, one-haif reduced rates. tJT Tickets good on Special Train only, 'tjj H. M.

YERIXUTON', General Superintendent. E. Xilps, General Ticket Agent. jel'Otf G.Te ua a call and examine our atoek an4 pricea before purchasing- elsewhere, CILLSON BARSER. Carson October 6 1877.

BARGAINS IN GROCERIES! Dons Poisoned. Quite a number of worthless curs have within the last few days, bal anced their earthly accounts in this city and gone to the happy hunting ground created for canines in the unexplored space. The Work of thinning out fie ranks of tho numerous worthless dogs in Carson is commendable, but it is to be hoped that the ex terminators, whoever they are, will confine t-hroiijfii Europe. Ik Town. Conrad Wiegand, the pioneer aasavnr of Virginia Citv.

and authnr nf kcittip Drqiiu mn irnuva uiiini icirimv very able and practical papers bearing DtnLI trn 1 11 wuuto' WMA upon the stiver problem, was in the city yes- And Everything for Lady'a Fancy Work. I R. FRFD. BROOKS. For Canada.

Hume and James, two sons dbalkr in of H. M. Yerington left on the train last cnooi BianK books, stationery. Sheet Music, Musical Instruments, Cutlery, night for 1 ort Hope, Canada, where they Will jevelry, Toy Kancy Coda and Beautiful remain at school for two years. Pi TUtcK FHAMts, of a ttize.

Old Books, Ma sic. Serial or Pictorials Ueamlful ttebound. Samples of binding on hand for inspection. BREECH LOADING SHOT GUNS AND RIFLES. Self-cocking I'istols, Cartridges and Ammunition of every description.

General Newsuaper Daily Knterprise, Virginia City Chronicle, Nevada and California Dailies and Weeklies, Kastern Pictorials, Magazines, and Periodicals promptly delivered to any part of town or country, at the lowest possible rates. K. KKKD. liKOOKS, Opposite the Post Ottice, Carswii City, Nevada. California State Fair.

The California State Fair, held at Sacramento, opened on the Kith instant, last Monday. A large nura- er of Carsonites will attend. 4 A CHASES at the KING STRKET STOKE. owing to a coutemplatod change in business, we will sell our goods for the NEXT 90 DAYS, FOR CASH, Cheaper than any house in Carson. Our stock includes the choicest brands of Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Teas, Syrupy, Salt Meats and Fish, Canned Coods.

Crockery, Class and Woodenware, Produce of all Varieties, HARDWARE AND LIQUORS itsT Come and Sample our Prices debted to the firm are expected tv mediately. N. B. All parties settle their accmnts A Novel Thing. Charley Friend has re ceived a new style of cigar end eutter.

It is a very unique contrivance, worthy the in spection ot smokers. is a great scarcity of game in the market so far this season. Will some Nimrod please explain the cause I Rktckne'-. On yesterday morning's train Mrs. John H.

Fox returned from an extended RK1NSTKIV dt GIBSON. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, King Carson. September ls7i. REilIO TIL. their labors to that class of dogs only, ami make no mistake by poisoning valuable animals.

To Voters of Oemsby Cocsty. See that you are registered for the coining election. The registration books are now open, and Judge Witherell, our accommodating Police Magistrate, will take infinite pleasure in attending to the wants of all American citizens in this particular. Do not stand upon the order of attending to this matter, but do so at once. The Carson Guard Bali.

To our regret our duties prevented U3 from attending this entertainment last night but we learn that a most delightful time was passed by the fortunate ones who participated. The gallant Guards are always successful in their enterprises, be they social or otherwise. Long may they exist and flourish. A New Tragedy. Sam Davis, the versatile "local" on the Virginia Chronicle, has written a tragedy, called The Goose which Laid the Pewter Eggs," so we are told.

He is now now in San Francisco attending to ite publication. Mivr. The operations of the Mint are now solely confined to the coinage of the standard silver dollars, the demand for which is steadily increasing in the East. W. H.

Stbicxlhtd, the gentlemanly ad- rance agent of the Haverly Minstrel tronpe, was on the train last night bound for the East. Illness. The sudden change in the tem perature has been productive of considerable illness in this city. Recovered. N.

M. Jellerson of the Mint, who has been very ill with cholera morbus, is again at his post. Mr. D. M.

Riordek, business manager for Yerington Co. at Bodie, will arrive in the city to-night. III. We regret to say that Mrs. R.

M. Clarke is still very ill. J. R. Johnson of Genoa, was in town yesterday.

CALIFORNIA STATE FAIR, FOR 1873, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, COMMK.SCISQ ,71 'RD LACE TVISHKS TO NOTIFY HI friends in particular and the public in general that lie has removed his place of business from the old stand t'i The Adams' Block two floors above Gibson Deuly'd Satuon, Where he will ahvays be found with a large and constantly arriving stocK nt MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th mwA3Ef sheetiron ware, gaspipes AND CLOBINO And everything that jrnes to make a complete Tin an4 ruuimiiur esuiuiionnieni Thankful for past parona-e, he solicits a fair share it ATI It DAY, SEPTEMBER 81st. the future. Carson, July 1S7S. FKED. LANUE.

NOTICE! There will be held a Regular Communication of the Nevada Lodge of Perfection No. 3, Friday, September 30, 1S7S, At Masonic Hall, commencing at 7:30 r. M. All Members and sojourning Brethren in pood standinz are reouested to be present. By order.


A. Johnson, E. G. splOtd Monarch Saloon, North Carioa opposite PitMUpr Depot rjIHE FlftKST BRANCH OF WINKS, SPIRITS. MALT LIQUORS ANJJ CIGARS.

BILLIARDS. The finest Billiard Table In the State, fabia U. P. OBEOOVIOtf, Proprietor. CASH, TO BK DISTRIBUTED IM PREMIUMS I1HK FXHIBITIOIV WILL Bli DlVintCD J.

into SEVKN OKPAKTMENTrf, and the SOOIKTVS tiOLD MEKAL to te awarded to the Meritorious Exhibition in each Department. Those desiring Premium nists will please notify the Secretary. THE LARCEST STOCK SHOW MOST ATTRACTIVE SPEED DISPLAY, Ever offered by any Agricultural Society in the United States. Attractive Military Tournament Public Sale of Thoroughbred Stock on Friday of the Fair. Central Pacific Railroad and Steamers nil! carry Articles to aua from the air, free of cnanre MANUFACTURERS OF TI1K BEST 1MPHOV-cd Trusses, constructed on sci entitle principles, A retain-' er, combining e.usc and comfort.

CAMKOKNIA ELASTIC TKL'SS 01a Sacramento San Francisco. Send tor illustrated Catalogue. Kecomiiioiidxrt 1' llio rl-ilial Faculty of Sun Krsinrjsco. San F'kaniisco, July f), 1878. Caufop.nia El.v"Tir Tki ss After practicing niedk.

ciut: many years in this city, during- which time 1 have an extensive exiterience in the application of all kinds ot Trusses, I can and do recommend yours as the best every rcsfiect, for it is as near perfection as modern make i. It has many advantages over the torturiag steel hoop russes, which indict reat injury' on the hips and spine, brinijiic on other distrcosinj ailments, sueli a) lumbago, mohid affections of the kidneys, and numbqeDi in the lower limbs, all of widen are avoided by wearing the-California Elastic Truss. It is not only a perfect, retainer, combining ease and comfort, but the pressure can be changed to any decree. It also remains in the oroper place at all times, regardless of the motions of the body, and is worn niht and day with perfect ease. It la mil, rior to any of the Elastic Trusses now in the market, whil it commnes tne merits all.

1st it is easily adjusted oil DUCKMS. ill uic ran, i i lv 'i vihuhc. i Express will deliver all packages LH.TiVL "'J over twenty pounds. V- Free, not weiirhintr over twenty pound' Applications for Stalls at the Park and space at the Pavilion should be made to Robert Beck, Secretary, at once. Membership 00 Single Admission 50 Cents MARCUS V.

BORUCK, President. Robert Buck, Secretary- u20td DR. F. J. WHITE, Office i Kinjr street, at rear ot WllUs Drugratora.

tT Resideno at the Arlington House, Boom No. 5. Calls promptly atvoaded, mrht or day. Carton, September 10, ls78. vents all irritation, which is a oodhknd to sufferer.

3d The pad is adjusted on and off in an instaiit, and can be changed for any other size and form most, suitable the case. In fact, it. combines every quaiity essential comfort and durability, and is in lightness, elasticity, natural action and artistic finish. Many of my intients who are afflicted with Hernia are wearing them, and all shall in the future, for I think the great ease by which these purely scientific appliancsa are made efficacious, is truly remarkable. You can.

refer any parties me on the sub fee of their merits. I remain, yours trulyj L. DEXTER IYFORD, M. Fbjcsician and Surgeon, 609 Sacrameato. street, San Franciseo.

CALIFORNIA KLASTJC TRUSS COMPANY I 616 Sacramento-, sfreeN San ranasco..

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