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Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas • 7

Austin, Texas
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HAMILTON GETS AN UfslBRELLA 1 STATESMAN WANTS at 02 Congress de.irtb I 'i; prnpn.iy paying for this ad. I "L-'T 21st and Xtteees A lady's hoavy tan wrap. Return to Dr. A. H.u per's office for reward.

MISCELLANEOUS. 1 AM attain In possession of the Crys il House, meals an shoit ord'as to suit the customer. 1:. rlnnter, WA.Vi'Kl i- horse for his feed, tab!" liarn. plenty to eat and will bu l.iken caire of.

Address Ki'iii'" Honii'-r, f.tiJ West 17th. if 1 meet the demands of the advertiser in a prompt and satisfactory way. A A Their Economy Recommends Them. Their Benefits Popularize thorn. WANTED All of your printing.

Gam-inc l-Statesnmri Pub Ishinij Co. WANTED of your printing. Gam- an Publishing Co. LAMP lc a Ti 'It at Urush's. i I'KTAIN' etcher, Jl.r.O.

ush'3. i IT hae tri. th rfst i.ow try the best Phush's! Plumbers. Phone 133. ClllM.vT.MAS ail kinds.

Hrusll'3. ih. -e: Bring Results prominent club forth, of St. Joseph, SZT aT woman, Mrs tells n.nt... rii.a ni.ii.M 1 i-i 1 1 cr UH 1 Oil L1CI 11.

ULl1 lull It. V. CI 11 It' and have taken seven bottles of Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Wood Purifier, mid aki u.sed the Wash and liver Hlls, and am now good health, and have pained in flesh. i I)an- how she was cured of fallincr of the womb and its accompanying pains and misery by Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound IJear 1'ixkham: Lite looks daik indeed v- a vonian 1 feels that her strength is fading; away ami she lias no of evt-r EEAUTIFUL GIFT PRESENTED TO HIM BY BOYS AROUND THE COURT HOUSE CAPTAIN KIRK'S SPEECH.

l.ab alter lge allies R. re it red an county judge moon at o'clock, his lourt house- prised i.g 1. mi a ijeauli Iriei hun 1 ial a raced iilliaieiia u. toieii 01 tne hlim es'celu It: l.c he i tliilll dUling his Lellli aS e.ihty place 111 lie colllily cieiks ottlce, a nay utlicUs. 1 sj ui.e a- by i i.

i. cell! i Kir said: Ju Hamilton: A w.i A m.i.e-l L.iken pbci in your hie. Sit! he el mine v. I i HS oM cd oil and now 111 la-. I alk oi llle.

Tllo: i s-M an nmi.i any i'r. ag.i'in-l vnu of oHnial 1'. taiu -i Vila nave nisi I i which the hrn.itr 1 chargi-miS' onduct llle charge lllcy inke is mole sein'Tls, and is fioiu a loftier plane, aud is tittt i.llli'il.e, the past VIM IS -U ilttVt: b' our kind and i icatie' ejs tieatmc-n; at' vim veil: a m.i-t in their fiien. (ship and eslecni una- will not desliev, and it is iillint: they dnail'i gie a tangible expiession of it ay ding you win, tins token. Accept it in the spint ai unci) is and may its ste.

jeitnnd you of the strength of disii.ter.-i-u.-l and us iiitus indie you In eery oj i.e jus; I lly to iiit i i- s. as ioM-r toteci ynu Horn i.iins nt uiaicr, tile of s-lilinii'-r, tne sli-iWei-H of nig and tin- mists lilt. and sine. id the cold adversiU yn 1 a tuan uf its b. if Mil.

Vnu to lei-l tile Hainan the ti a-mlsldp 1 1 a il 'lllpteO 1 (loilOl S. i ptaiu il had Iiiii.hc i. Ju lge Hamilton, h.i'. aa-' n.i-.en comi.ietel;, Sulpla-e. eoilid tin 1 word- to exp'ess tl.anks, lie Snon caui.osed a i al a I ply.

Il vhi' If tilanKeil til" kind Junius for the bean did gift as a token i.f high legal 'I in whii la-is held by them. The umbreila had the following engraved on the handle: "Judge James H. llamill Ml, the boys at th oui house. l.ieci uibcr 1, 1UU4." Judgi- Ilamiltoi. lias made an excellent leeoid during tin tun years of administration.

the ro uiii siicev. He has tried fii-S irimiual and civil during Ids of let neiv lib', I. oat of ln.iiii.. roar ils were granted and inoiiiias overruled. i 'f al: it is appea! -il from this i ourt old throe waac Aia aing to 1 1- mi's, the school lands of Trav i-.

our.ty at leased for mote tii.j Itei e. The aerage cost juries in tile county and di-oriot courts the county as pern per ear. The cost ol juiy tiiais in i-otirt has been reduced to less than one-half during the admimsfi lion of Judge Jldiiiilioi). The show that eery one of t'ne hiring bonds are gill edge, and most of the 'liquor dealers ha secured bonds in surety companies. Ihiring Judgi-Haniiltoii's term there have been a very huge number of convictions for gaming.

Th" judge has been absent from ihe court only five days during t'ne tw ye. it except a hen he was married. Judge Hamilton announced VMerday that he would resume the praoiite of his profession, and will eaipy his old ofliee in the First National hank building. TEACH ERS' 'eVaMI NATION. Will be Held Today Conducted by the Examining Board.

The first official ait of County Superintendent of i'ublic Instruction Hartmati was to announce yesterday that tne county teachers' examination will be held today. Tie- examination will be conducted by Professor Y. 1. Rowe of Miss Lena lmpte of Du'dap and ex-Supeiinteiah-nt Will 1'. Brady.

A number of teachers iil being restored. Such was my feeling a few months ap when I was Kciimts ruited advised that my lu-alth was caused by prolapsus or fulling of the un-womb. The words si lunded like a knell to me, I felt Uial my sun Lad marrie.i men, rw ihe ukcs of ui set but Lvrtia Piiikhiint's Vearetalile Compound e.tiuo to me as ami of roo.i ciru an elixir of life; it restored the lost forces and built me up until my "VA ri iUn r-" -good health returned to me. For four months I took the, medicine navy yai lis" in the daily and each dose added health and strength. I am so thankful for rniteii v'- puriicuiars app the help I obtained through its use." ilns.

Florence Dakfobth, itecruiting onice. itoom is. Federal 1007 Miles St. Joseph, Mich. Huiidiiur.

Austin, Tes. A medicine that has restored po many women to health find w.xTKr- to leam uher can produce proof of the fact must be regarded with respect. This wv 'have i ide i to inci te our Texas is the record of Lydia li. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, which brunch in ion Worth on nrmunt of cannot be equalled by any other medicino tho world has ever pro- ll, r'p a ivanta for n-tiee. Few 4: weeks coiaiiletes.

an nenrly earn ex- dueed. Here is another case: nw Dear Mrs. Pikkitam I oi years I was troubled with fallinir of tho Widfil). irregular I. I.

l''. I 1C 1 I.I 11 backache, headacln-, dizzy and spells, Ullil Stomach trOuVde. doctored for about live years but did to improve. I began the use of your I i medicine, J.ydia E. three of enjoying mend Center "FItEC MEDICAL nrr i 1 pSSt down pains, V'-K ttt'-Ho "I ti 3 fci not seem 1 tUar.K have women." you very mueii im' wnat you done for me, and heartily recom- your medicine to all suffering JMiss Iljima din per, aia i.ast A Trial Will SITUATIONS WANTED.

W.WTldi My young man. position i lei in diy goods or gtoc.iy store An In ss A. iiu Statesman. HELP VANTED FEMALE. WAM'lih A cook.

Apply to G. A. I Avenue and Ninth St. HELP WANTED MALE. Moi.

n.irher college. Fort 1 Worth. Texas. learn view- i far- :m.i Apply in person or uiilin.i U- Am. white, 2u; 2nd city.

MKN John A. to igtniil John A. ilolers nar- her rullege of teaches the tia.le at weeks, and guarantees l.osi.ion: half rate this month: tuition earned while learning. Ho not confuse us with ili.ip intitaors of similar Write today for terms. MAN-l'iidor Sa to prepare for Government position.

Salary $H00 with 1, in nmtioii to J.lFinn. Pino opening. Hex 1.70. Cedar Rapids, la. OOMS AND BOARD.

a rooin suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife, or cntvenii-nt to (he f'nlver- site and Tahle ho. ines: telephone I i 1 ley e. an he had near hy. dd 'ipplpy at 607 West Huh 'KSI I A I I -K rooms for rent at the without mansion, with or I HI.E rooms ith hoard at 110 ll'h corner of stt. roll RENT Furnished rooms I niis-ke.

pint'. 35 1-2 K. 9th St. for fuinished n.i.ins for rent. -rythiny tieiv.

laL' l.a;i';t St FOR BENT. dt liKNT Four a.i.-, No. rah lloseiiheiar, in In. as- and -I hv r. I'ust National iSlllAPI.I-l rooms waih 1 14th comer of mi at 110 Poll IH'TX'T Hons-.

X- La-ana partly 'it "i n.od'-rii ueprovements: a in th- for a first 1. hnue. Apply to John K. I- 1 Ato-i f. dl Ft KXT 1 ir e.illt.

Nice tWo slot id'ersi I ia v-i 1 I I St.ible-v i a oiIL'h lepaif. lii pi. ice on our 1 I. -1. 1 p-i nniuent ideie iii'iit s.

1 v-a nt thor- i 1 1 Co. I'OH RKXT idetice. 24'aj li horoiiehiy and terms s-e A. -st e-l. st.

1 en room 1 1 i has n--'i a. I ni'usse l. i i 1. 1 innt 'am I-'' 121 Sixtn FOR SALE, oi .1. ll a a Sou! 1 1 I I'll f.

Ha i- i in p. A. lb tor's olh' tnicn nuuiu Mini iliiio uiaih iime riv m-ht: write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice as soon as any distrossiug: syinp- to ni appear. It is free, and has put thousands of women on the mail tn rernvcrv.

BY THE GAM EL-STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. Nw'inkT 1, Daily. every day ami Si.nda Semi-Weekly, Tuesilavs and l-'iiuays. Kntered at the jiosiol'Iuc al Austin. Texas, us second class mail matter.

Oltices: 4111, 403 and fongress avenue, corner of Fourth street, Austin, Texas. The S. C. Beckwitn Special Agency, exclusi- eas'ern advert'Sins am-nts. 43.

44. 45, 4G. 47, 4S, 4 and UK Tribune New York rily. 51 "-5) 2 The Tribune LuildinK. rhi.

atro, 111. The following are the authorized collectors of the Gammel-Statesman Publishing company: J. M. Bell. John Johnson.

Subscriptions paid to any one else '--xoept at office) vyill not be recognized. Terms of Subscription. (Iti the City by "airier.) One month in advance .75 Three months in advance 2.2a Six months in advance 4.25 One year in advance 8.00 (My Mail.) One month in advance -50 One year in advance 6.00 Sunday only one year in advance 2.0C Semi-Weekly one 1.00 TELEPHONES: Business Office 150 Editorial rooms 163 Sooiety Editress 66 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Any erroneous relic sviii iii'mi I hr I'harartcr, standing or r-puta i.m of any p'rson. fit or corporal which snuy appear in the columns of The Statesman will he gladly teg it Point; brought to th- ain't.

lion of ttie publishers. THE HANDICAP OF MATRIMONY. The handieup of matrimony h-is thi' attention and x-it'-l tens the I.eiidiin Times. This handicap, the Times, will constitute a very leal p-ril to the existing order of things every sphere of life, sycial, inbtioal or religious. The Times be-heves that in the i-r-frrowiiig demands o.i her husband's time, energy and money sh- eonstituies a very diasr on his professional success.

the exigencies of ti mod-ecu file, 1 WUliUll do Ho' elld ll-lt'" tic- Times. "Net content with "li.pliiniis:!! the equilibrium of the 1.1 l.M-ll.ild ci-li-ill-r, she IllakeS Stili iaoi'e seieais it, i-. ids on her husband's tone. llii is not su fliciei 1 1 1 satid by a p.rade in soi i-'y ef herseif and far nr- is ions. Tie voary must be out to make the display complete.

The lipid, insipidities, the idle that too often do duty for conversation, disgust, if they do not bore, the man whose business life is something mule serious than a round of frival and drivel. But the impost that the benedick of today must catty dots not end there. In many walks of life the fait that a man is married sei lousiy ilitates a'-iiinst his prospects of in en tindina; woik. How many posts, for ii. stance, are open to the i ssistant secondary master who has been rash enough to t.uiden himself with a i again, fuming loitr in the social scale, what ate the chances of the ordinary shop assistant who has fallen a victim to lit both cases age is a serious di aw back, but matrimony is almost a complete bar." While much of tins is true, the Times describes only one side of the shield.

The San Francisco l'ulletin opines that the opinion two can lite as cheaply as one, and that a wife nd family are not. in some respects, impedimenta, is founded on a fa bio. Hut the difficulties of a very yuunj man married on an iusulticr nt income toe traditional They are not dialed by conditions peculiar to this in'e, The e.saitmg wife, described by the Times, is a common type, but there are other I pes. and it behooves a nun to be as ise as the serpent when he ics wooing. Whether a wife is a burden oi a helpmate depends, in every case, on the individual woman and the individual man.

A man happily and wisely married, lias made a good bargain, even though hs finds some posts c'osed against him. A bachelor may save money more easily, if he will, but married num. on the whole, has the happier and wholesomer career. The Galveston News If the south continues to grow in w-ahh and power for the next ten years as it has grown during the last ten years, we may be sending out capital for vestment in the north and east. That is what we ate doing now, Brother News, and that is one reason why we ought to bestir ourselves to the point of keeping all our investments here at home, where we can get the benefit of them.

The best way for Cuba to save herself from oeing annexed to the United States for good and all is to clean up and stay clean. The czar is smiling now, but so soon as the war in the far east is over with it is safe to say that the transports to Siberia will be kept well tilled as of eld. If there was a good road party organized for national political purposes as well as county and state benefit, it could elect its man for president next time. Mrs. Pink ham never violates the confidence thus entrusted to her, and although she publishes thousands of testimonials from women who have heeu hent fited "by her advice and medicine, never in all her e.vnerience has she published such a letter ithout full nnniipnt ami iiftun l.v voieiiil rcom'st of hi writer.

FORF EIT if Wfl cannot ferthwith produce tho oripina! letter and signature ol fcbote test-iiiiuuiaiu, latli will prove tbeir iibpelute p. idia 1. l'iijkiiuui JtieiUWtiQ .71121, Mai 5000 clipped by electricity; satls-I'a- tioau una raa also go-id driving and hunting horses for hire. livery siahle, 404 Colorado both Kf.KCTIU..' worn, all kinds. Brush's.

Pltl'SH China. Palace is forcing the sale of dinner sets. If you need one all and see them. I-'olt SAI.F--A list of 40110 nttorneys, ia Texas, full adlress, for Jj.00. H.

P. N. ammel, Austin, Tex. HOTEL DIRECTORY Algona Hotel LLANO, TEXAS. We make it a point to look after the r-mfa'-ts of the trao'lins man, and to see that he is well taken care of.

Tourists coming south either for reo-1 -at ion or health will find all the corn-bats of home at this hotel. No Spain will he spared to maka their sojourn a pleasant and memorable one. Correspondence solicited. MARSHALL, proprietor. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL MRS.

M. E. BROWN, Proprietor. $1.50 PER DAY. Large, Airy Rooms.

Everything Clean, Cool and Nice. All Commercial Trav elers Stoa at the Commercial. HEARNE TEXAS GUADALUPE HOTEL (Successor to Flatz Hotel.) Schwimmer Pueshell. Proprietors. $2 Per Iaay.

Bar In Connection. Clean, airy rooms and beds; polite attention: splendid table fare; center of business. Traveling Men's head-quarlers. New Braunfels, Texas. BURNET HOUSE Health Seekers' and Tourists' Hotel.

Burnet is the Highest Point between Oulveston and Llano 1300 feet. Rales $2.00 Per Day McMEANS HOUSE I The Travel I Men's Home. MRS. H. A.

McMEANS, Proprietress, San Marcos Texas THE GILL HOTEL ROCKDALE, TEXAS. Opposite Depot. Rates $2 Per Day. MRS. S.

C. GILL, Proprietress. Accommodations First Class. EXCHANGE HOTEL Brenham. Tex.

UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Pates $2.00 and $2.50 Per Day. Special Attention Given Commercial Travelers. I'lvervt bins First Class. A.

A. AUGUSTINE. Manager. UNION HOTEL GIDDi'NGS, TEXAS. Urder New Management.

Special At tention to Commercial Travelers. Free Samp! Rooms. Ratta $2.00 Per Day. 0. W.

HOLMAN, Prop. V.V.VAV..V.V.V.V.V.V.V.X 5S Hotel Hancock Postoffice and Opera House Block l-'illy -imi, neat, a.ry and ele rant rooms. Cuisine second to tiiino In Austin. Klcetile hf.h's, el-trlc eall fi h. iis, electric fans.

priate baths. free rooms. Evfryth'no First Class, Commercial Trade Especially Solicited. Rates $2 to $2.50 Per Day. L.

Y. Hancock, Proprietor. v.v.v;v.v.y.v.v.vAv.viv WANTS 1 GENT PER WORD INFANTE (INVALIDS Baby's bright eyes, rosy cheeks, firm flesh and sound limbs are the results of using Meilin's Food. You will be glad that you tent for a smple oi Meilin's Food when you we how eagerly baby takes it. MELLIN'8 FOOT) BOSTON.

MASS. riRST AID TU THE INJURUX CURES Bruises O. Yates, Special Agent FOR SALE. l'l liST-i 'LASS Fiutt is ii.nv i-t- i.l.e a' tin- Line Bakery, corner Lavaca and llth Si n-uts a pound, tluai.uitee satisfact an Till-: vse iu se'ls McAies-t. f.

lay lump coiil. Phones 4:. il heat. if WANTED TO TRADE. W'AXTI- l' TO TIUDK- A surrey hi guou for a cow or fe-'d.

L. I.eache. It. 11. No.

2, new phone till. o. SAI.I-: Coal and wood boxes and ai cents, delivered, at Urush's. BUSINESS? PERSOIMALS. SF.F Mis.

J. A. I.zard. magnetic healer, at I he Carrollton house; cancers exit acted six to twelve days, without the aid of 1. inert.

No money requited until cancer is cured; consultation WAXTKD- All of your printing. Gam-mel-Statesman Publishing Co. WAXTFI All of your printing. Gani-mel-St a tesma Publishing Co. ORKATFST assortment of Haviland China, and American Dinner Sets at Brush's.

PERSONAL. VOl'NC. LAI'Y seeks home for several weeks. No. TiFSLVliSS I.t'NCH will be served r.t the Prunswick Par daily from 1 1 ''.) a.

m. to p. 10c. Shell oysters and short orders specialty. Louis Loeh, 201 K.

6th St. fiLl) PAPICItS at The Statesman office. 25e iter humlred. STOVES repaired; right new ones cheaper than elsewhere, and greuter a 1 at Prush's. W'ANTFIl dd and new books for re-biinpng.

Ganimel-Statesmau Publishing; Co. MOTIP1I1NF. opium. laudanum und cocaine habits cured permanently home of patient without inconvenience or detent Ion from business. Have cured hundreds.

Complete treatment. $10. Fof full particulars write I)r. Loup Box 1114. Atlanta.

Ga. REAL ESTATE. Ollt PAPF.RS at The Statesman office. 2'ic p-f hundred. Foil SALH OR TRADF, Improved and uiiiiiiiu uii'il city and country prop-ertv.

J. C.Iren'g Hill, Sampson Hl-lf-' WAXTKD- All of your printing. Clam- 1 fnel .1 1 Publishing Co. FoR SALI-: Cheap aim at Rr-atly le-din l.tiihliiii; lots situa'-d in al! parts of tin- dw-lllntr an I st ne hniis.a, tat ins and r-iln Sies; terms a- and to su i It ha sei piiees with before buy' 11:: moo. to loan low rai- ot' interest.

O. p.iass. Onj lirazos! INSURANCE. Ii: IN PANII-I, -Otlh-e No. 10.1 K.

6th o'd phone No. I-'ito, tornado, 11. and lite plavs policies issued r-ciii this otli.c. Aim 1 -sent Nate, r.J S'ireiv of X.w York. Mak- nt court and cost bonds.

P-i .11.1 1 and careful attention given in i i.usiness cut listed to the care of tiiis nsdii-y. MONEY IO LOAN. MOXMY TO 20,000 to loan on ical esta 1 1' s-curi ty, i 11 sujris to suit, on Mf.NF.Y TO LOAN on lone tan nt j. Orec Hill ujistairs TO J.KX;. Ji-'O to on 'it pronerty or irm lands.

Win. H. Sta Li't-n i-d'ic. MnytV TO I.n A $1000. froo.i.

JoOati. and ii.i-t or Ioijb time i and low rate of m'-rest. W. A. Bos- 701 Ave.

1 TliX.XS Pur Johi! 1. Mm Mnih pf.oriK-y, 1 1 MONK'V l'l $aiin $'000 and SIO.O'O 10 on irripi nv-d real -state at lou-st rites, j. II. Raymond, ae-nt. Pi'ten W.

PX. freight transfer line, rtoeeivii.g. fotai a and storage merc-ha nt s' accounts a specialty. Both phones 6X1. Sid foreman.

MOVING VANS. IP 't Li poods opera i house 9th St. Texas Fur- nUure-Stornate both phones. John V. Phillips, Mcr LOST AND FOUND, I STRAYED One bay horse, 16 1-1 8 yeais old.

with one white I fore and hind foot, branded on left ph Return to 03 Blanco St. for reward. FOUND A pocketbook containing money. The owner can have aapie by I Amusements Frederick and Kathryn Kidder in 7t is not often a theatrical an-nnuiu e-vient carrier with it so 11111. It sisriticaiiee as that which attaches to the cl' Frederick Ward.

and Kathtyn Kidd'-r lane toniylit, when ti'ese famons phsyei v. i'd appear in Stanislaus Stance's iri-at pi-v. "Salannnho."; ii'-nu ml mipht he I -ked for from th author of "tatio and in this instance Mr. Slangii has evidently lied himself. The nov-l of "Salaminl.o." upon whi'-h the play is founded, is the work of ilusnvi' Flaubert, and its is such 1 1 1 1 1 no well appointed lihrary would he regarded ns complete if this nook were missinir from its shel-es.

US central nure has lmi the fountain sprins from which the most illus trious of modern poets, painters, si ill tct's and drama Us ta have drawn their Marion, Ohio. ADVICE TO WOMEN." A I. .1 .1 if 4 a -r- ti 1 .1 man or woman of modi-rats- in- come van make th- payments that w- require for a home Hyde Park tie Annex, and if you not wish to ten. a now yon can 1 1.1 for a lot a mot th (eipird to rents a das M. K.

T. Land 1 K. 6th St. I the cred Tenm! Hie I. less .1 1 physical a terrihle Mat ho.

In. I'liotic po "The Isle of This ultra, glal KUci 1 -s i fi.rnian.e win 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 -perfeci 1. and .1 pi-ooia 1 I ai uiar n. 1 douht ill il 1, tialoi.i.e -Uadei taken it. ei.l.

Then-lie- cro-t. l.iieuted si u. d. The 11,11, su Ha- initial p. tats will he 1 ly: in ill be c.niij'i.

I'aamptly ni l.nwer tloor, 1 cuts. Tanit. the 1 mi 1 ci cent 1 she ne 1 a 1 ts an Huttuts." sco-oil -day iiiithi, 1 allien 1 op. oinpily at p. rt a ass in -s is and lal- i -1 a.

-r T-' ia ec hard to V. el I asion of 1 Oi'i of the Hull thir -ni in-'e pf-i-forn ia ni evrry ri-sp-ct day aft-rtioon balconv, 5t I take the examination for- positions to teach in the public schools of Travis touiity. W. T. Sons are 1 losing out the r.eaty stock of htiKyies and carriages at redined prices.

im piration. Mai -t-rhn. has -ctist-d of tlikilll! the l-iaili i 1 1 nt" his un-ctesl play, frinn tills soune. The stoiy of S.i'nmn 1 he de-sciihid as hit .1 .,1 citihe pa-sion. ii i.a to as a death as a v.

i Th- tion of tie- is laid in tiie d.ts ol' ale lent ie as tlii-n- hill" m-loi-y of this peiaod Mi- ima i 1 'on nt the nutnor ins unlimited Tile of tile ci 1 ilea I) the 'Xa. a nt itiiesis of la ollr. Maiho, who w.U he Ward- is tin- inn 1 1 ia 1 ah-r 1,1 " lart.itiau which tlnciti-n of Ih- kino feels lu- emotion save that ot and lo-Aa-i-. His one alnlution is to iielit ami ton. pier.

Saiainmin, on th- other hand, is Ihe essence i.f r-- Um-iucnt. Ki.e is the high priestess of V. "SIX' 1 to ten years; low interest: mot---, innlv mid wiltlnp Custley i. Wash-id'. Pl-iNT --(ni- Oliver i p'lon, rooms 1 and 2 Pope 117 harteiia.

Apply at. SOS K. 6th Rt. Pop 'AL! I-OH fe rv. earve.s.

snstiors or co to Iti 300 HOUSES AND MULES I'm- 1 Isaac Pled- A 1 ti in- lir. ble Wo: il -a- 0:1 p- 1 v- I from i a 1 I -a i.u it.iii.a tiil-i- or i-1 I .0 a. fa! nut-itics. -r il Of Si. iia fe tilt, there- Itm- 11-ly Ma: --s for the 'osier ii'il hath A most i a a 1 ni aid ruff, al-! nattiois.

iiailies tlii hair .1 that -liki-n texiure -o aaitily ni- ecet one. Ihe lust 10. ip for bathing the baby on of soothing, non i'-rit a tit and h-aliin; iiaii'-i lii-i. Cures all form of kin bar will last longer 'imp tlir-e bars of any other snap, roe- t-i-d us-d. Three large lais for IT, nls.

Sold by F.d Peterson, our ae-nt. New ihone 675. PIANOS AX!) Thus, c.opr-iran Hi-a. i oldest aiio house Texas. We sell on easy or for cash.

horse SAI.F. rim a.a,. i i.i-foot "Kagl-" well drilling m.e -nine, complete. Wide or phone K. II.

M.lier. Cr-f -dmnor. Tex. MAXTRLS. grates, tile, latest designs.

ai Krnssh's. I.ATKST desltn sehoo' baskets, R' M' AI.F.STER fan-y lump coal for sale by the Wyse. Oil phones 436. Wards and Kidder in "Salammbo" Tonight..

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