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Austin American-Statesman du lieu suivant : Austin, Texas • 3

Austin, Texas
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THE AUSTIN STATESMAN. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1904: xicrwc i uur uvvn Ice Cream. Then FEW NEW FACES IN COUNTY GOVERNMENT 38 twi. piacea in til toe Wrtti, 4 naw prepartion called ROAD Tltt CARDS A G.

N. R. R. Co. Southbound.

veM a. 8:20 a. I a. p. Northbound.

ve-3:" p. It: 15 p. 11:20 :00 :45 1 Joe Cream POWDER i.5i,!iqrrta of e.iTn you send 25a tor twopket bymiirwS. The goad 60,. Bo jW8.uitoy.jTyr There Are Three New Members in Commissioners Court Officers Will Qualify on December First.

Georgetown 00 a. arrive hill' Austin 10: 15 arrive A Tava. Cantral- His counsel secret, there Is. enough re-' vealed to satisfy and save man. What more do they want? AU that Is necessary for salvation God has clearly made known.

He has kept back nothing that is profitable. Man should search into the things that have been revealed to them, for they are the rules by which they are to live, "Those things that are revealed," eaith the scripture, "belong to us and. to our children forever." Let man use the revealed will of God as "a lamb to their feet and as a light to their paths." All the way of life content with knowing what He would have them know. Doing this men shall please Him while they live and be prepared with all the ransomed to look into the hidden the secret things while the cycles of eternity shall roll. "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those things that are revealed belong to us and to our children for ever that we may do all the words of this law." THE NEW CHAPEL AT THE BLIND INSTITUTE Houston pw Sunday, November 1904.

arrives aad Lampasas 8:15 ihvpm Llano 12:15 p. ar- i a. m. "iL i Llano 1:45 p. na.

Leaves jas 1:50 p. m. Arrives Austin "'for Houston 12:45 p. m. and Here are Overcoats that will win first honors even with the most critical.

The short, full cut, Box top Coat, the medium length Chesterfield and the long, loose, full cut Coats, with or without the belted backs. A big assortment of all the fashionable fabrics and colors to select from." Stouts, Longs and Regular sizes. Prices $10, $12.50, $15 up to $50. Our stock of genuine "Cravenette" rain or 11: JO P- 1 Kansas and, Texas, June 19M- a. I 11-15 P.

m. for Waco, Dallas! Aa has generally been the custom, all newly eleoted officers of Travis county will qualify and assume their duties on December I. There are, however, very few changes In tne personnel of the county government. The great majority of the county officials succeed themselves. There are no changes in the make up of the commissioners court, There are only three Important changes in the county officials of this ccunty, not including the commissioners court John W.

Hornsby succeeds Judge James K. Hamilton as county Judge, Car? Hartmaa succeeds Will P. Brady as county superintendent of public instruction and J. D. Moore succeeds Walter I White as Justice of the peace of precinct No.

3. which is one of the two Justices in the city of In the commissioners court there wilt be three new faces. W. F. Sea-right succeeds Commissioner Riley and Alexander L.

Hughes succeeds Commissioner Von Rosenberg, and with a new county judge will make three aew members of the court. The other two members, who were reelected, are Commissioners J. Nixon and J. C. Martin.

The policy of these new members has not as yet manifested itself, but they are well known citizens of this county and have the confidence of tht people. As to the minor changes in the county government, Van Darlington succeeds C. W. Moore as Justice of the peace at Manor, Charles Hamby succeeds MoClain as constable of precinct No. 6, and Jack Jordan succeeds P.

C. Barnes as justice of the peace of precinct No. 4 at Walters Station. at Granger with the Katy shine coats (absolutely waterproof) has received aouthboundl Arrives Austin from some new additions lately, t-ome in and look them over. SMITH WILCOX THE 0M SUTE Waco 5:05 a m.

and 6:35 p. jSn arrive nd dePrt a al14 jassenger Depot. ten Saba and Llano Sta go Line. itallir (except Sunday) service be- IT WAS DULY DEDICATED YESTERDAY AFTERNOON, THE REV. DR.

SMOOT DELIVERING THE DEDICATION SERMON. makes connection with all pas- trail MAY, Propjsetor. Austin proper. Mason Stage Line. yano- and $Iason.

Leave Llano i leave Mason 5:30 a. m. Makes NOT ALL SECRET THINGS ARE REVEALED UNTO MEN About our establishment is the order slate. There's none in our coal We aren't trying to com-pete with the roofing business, but if you want some ef the finest lot of genuine OSAGE MoALESTER COAL we have had this season, just phone ue your order before it is all gone. Lone Star Ice Co.

Phones 246. One Grade Only The Artistlo Highest. Reliable Bush Gerts Pianos On terms to suit the purchaser. BUSH GERTS PIANO CO. OF TEXAS, J.

R. REED, Manager 816 Congress Austin, Tea j-mecllon with trains. JNO. LAFRENTZ, Manager. a.L.

mnA Lometa Staae Line. Lometa 7 a. arrives San Saha "oon- San Saba 1:30 p. m.l arrives Testerday afternoon the new chapel at the Blind Institute was formally opened, the dedication services being conducted by the Rev. Dr.

SmooL The chapel, which has just been completed, is a large ahd commodious building that will prove ample for every requirement of the Institute for years to come, and is modern In equipment and most complete in artistic finish and detail. The sermon of Dr. Smoot's last afternoon was in keeping with the auspicious occasion, proving highy entertaining and somewhat historical in nature. There was a large congregation in attendance, many visitors assembling along with the students of the institution In honor of the very Important occasion. DR.



B. Ins, 1M West Sixth St. Phones 83 Rainey Street. AUSTIN, TEX 51 where they can not trace, and to adore Him where they can not penetrate," to do this is the highest wisdom. Some of the secret things that belong to the Lord ous God, Is the next question considered.

Among these may be mentioned the doctrine of original sin, the transmission of evil, God's severity as seen in certain teachings of His word. Some of these doctrines lead men who persist in sin to ask "How' can God be good and Just and create man capable of sinning and when he sins punish him for it?" These very teachings show that "the seoreHJiings belong unto the Lord God. Human suffering is one of the providences not understood with the finite conceptions. That He could prevent it, all who believe in His almighty power agree, but why He does not do so is not known. There is so abundant evidence of the goodness of Oo that men rest is humble faith on the thought that this mystery is fully reconcilable to Him.

The question might be asked why God suffered the millions of China and Africa and the islands of the sea to remain in heathenism to be Christianized by efforts of His people who but poorly apprehend the obligation and make little effort to do so? It might also be asked why the disastrous storms are sent and why the boll weevil, such questions have no sufficient reply. Rather let men not struggle to read tha mystery ef the Infinite. Why ave there secret things? The answer is plain. Because the finite can not comprehend the inflnllte. The less can not take the greater.

God's A. P. Weoldridge, Jasper Weoldridge R. L. Brown, Vice President President Cashier, THE ClTY NATIONAL BANK AUSTIN, TEXAS.

CAPITAL $150,000 INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Beard ef Directors E. M. Scarbroagh, R. Brown, Thos.

Weet- A very interestiag sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. J. A. French at the First Baptist churoh Sunday morn- His text was taken from Deut, 29; 29: "The secret things belong unto the Lord, our God, but these things that are revealed belong unto us, and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law." lie began with this illustration: Some years since I was dining at a table where there were various dishes to tempt the appetite.

They had all been uncovered except one, but there was a little boy present who was at his father's table and was very anxious to see into this one also, and be quietly raised the cover of the dish and peeped In to satisfy himself. Dr. French said the Incident illustrated to him that men are but children of a larger growth, for men are continually trying to look Into the hidden things of God, when if they would they might feast upon what has been revealed. At times men try to pry into the mysteries of Creation and Providence, DR. J.

D. SIMMS DENTIST, Offiee T2S Coqgrese Avenue, over llarer A Keller, Stationers. Old Phone 864. LETTER TO W. T.

WROE SONS. Texas, Dear Sirs: But few of the men wito sell the hundred different paints in the market know much about them. All Devoe agents have a state chemist's certificate telling Just what It's made of; they know a good deal, not only about Devoe but the rest; we see that they do. We buy every paint, that has any sale, and analyze it. Our agent finds out all about it.

When we know what a paint Is made-of, we know how it will act; know how far it goes how long it wears, Devoe is the standard; call it 100. The best of the rest is about 75; the orst about 25; the rest are between. But the men sell them, don't know any better. They know what the maker tells them. That is: they know that he tells them.

They don't know whether he tells them the truth or not The business is not conducted on knowledge; the less they know, the more comfortable they are. Tours truly, en, Ifrancls Fischer, Joha B. Pope, J. Graham, A. P.

Wool-The) banking bustaess of Jr When considering your financial interest it might be well to remember that this bank offers the most favorable terms consistent with its sound policy and conservative management. We invite you to open your account with us. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Austin, Texas, dridge. 8afe Deposit Boxes Per Rant, th. public is, respectfully solicited.

V. 0. Weed, funeval director and cnbalmer; Gs, Brewer, expert em-bttoier; Mrs. Lena Bishop, assistant. Bast Eighth street.

Phones 22S. Removal Notiee. wute-Tu to kuw thai I will eve en December 1 to aoriter 23rd aid OsedaJuoA stvnnte nriutra vHll Capital and $350,000 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RATES A CHANCE TO VISIT YOUR "OLD HOME" VIA wn hjaohee, sot vttlli, eoftee, rtx CUAS. a. WUKiASCH.

and leave numberless 1 DEVOE CO C. M. Miller sells our paint. knowledge In simultaneous and eter OFFICERSi a W. Ltttlefield, President.

John H. Houghton, Vice President H. A. Wroe, Second Vice President W. R.

Hamby, Cashier. P. Randolph, Assist Cashier. (Be MMAM vnil a wnrnq "exceeding great and precious prom Ises" In the blessed book. naL Ours is acquired by degrees is wKiM iMve thee eanta save at least dependent, limited and Mtn W.

T. Wroe Sons are closii.g out It is natural for the inquiring mind to reach out after the unknown, but are bound by the shackles of mortality the Beaty stock of buggies and car' swan '0m tneir eaentngs. That mtfl make toe payqienU on two Met la Eyifc Bask or the An- HM. fffcara lit not rm rujwat aaai. rlages at reduced prices.

while God Is self-existent and eternal, It would be very strange If men could enough is revealed for the enlightenment of all who would know the will of God, which In able to make wen If you want to make small monthly payments on lots or on a house and taae fowseif jomeyday thai jou eg- understand all God's doings; for them God would cease to be God. Men wise unto salvation. lot, see the M. K. T.

Land Co, 1U3 B. 6th St. should not have a God that could per The fullest investigation by learned scholars and profoundest pholosophig feetly understand. Rather Him as the creator aM wise and good. ing should be used in interpreting I The Texas Lw Jetirnal.

WWejh the-exas Law Journal: i rud br 100 atteraeys Bfty-two WP. 4. win read, uxooo be- ta BBi M. row any-mtar AmV I i 1. ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS al knowing as well as all good.

Hear God's will, If reverently done. Paul from Romans 9th, "Nay, but, Our great concern ought to be to OF CORN WAS DESTROYED know and heartily receive all the jv i way to reaoh Uiem. THE First National Bank Capital Stock and Undivided Profits $145, 000. Accounts large and small re-specfully soliciied. J.

L. Hume, President. W. B. WortAam, Vide President, Geo.

L. Hume, Cashier. H. Pfaefflin, Ass't Cashier. er uvtiUMKeaf.

man, who art thou that repllest against God? Shall tht thing-formed say unto Him that formed it why hast thou made me thus? Hath not the Father elations of God, and wl)ire we can not know and understand we should believe Him too wise to err and too Itn. en i ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS RE 'Kit, fftr-two 100 00 GARDING THE BURNING OF HNmJA.yEWJaj PUB. CO. the power over the clay of the same lump to make one vessel to honor another unto dishonor? Man has no Operating 8olid Vestibule Trains to Memphis and St Leu is Without Change. Pullman Sleepers, Parlor Cafe Cars, Meals a la Carte.

Reclining Chair Cars, Seats Free. Dates of Sale, December 20, 21, 22 and 26, 1904 Good to return within thirty days from date of sale. LOW RATES WILL ALSO BE IN EFFECT TO ALL POINTS IN TEXAS UNDER FAVORABLE CONDITIONS. For descriptive pamphlet giving time of arrival and departure of trains from different points, "ASK ANY COTTON BELT MAN." TOM SASSMAN'S BARN NEAR CREEDMOOR. right to reply against God." ae.

W. T. Wroe SWll 111 tflAM Let the man of God read, study, 1 TU iu Sheriff Matthews and the other off! meditate, consider, pray and seek after wisdom as for hidden treasure, but when he comes to water too deep for cers from the sheriffs department re turned yesterday from the scene. of the his strength, let him adore and be hum good to be unkind. First What are the secret things? The question Includes all the providential and doctrinal questions that are beyond our ken.

But we must remember that "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform." He has done this since the foundation of the earth, even, since our Savior's day He has veiled Himself in mystery from his people. God's goodness and severity Involves wisdom too profound for our limited capacities to fathem, but from His great character and matchless wisdom displayed in what He has made known to men. they should be prepared to "trust Him burning of the Tom Sassrnan barn, ble. "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God." The revealed which conflagration occurred Saturday night about midnight, situated about things which belong to us. Statesman 7wt Ads Drinji Resulb twenty miles south of Austin, between Crcedmoor and Evelyn, but they failed to find any traces of the ftlleged in Some of these are God's natural laws which He has written on all created things for our advantage, some of whish are strikingly reflected in ESQ cendiaries, who it is thought set fire to the barn.

the spiritual world. 'owest maricet prices. Mrvlce an1 for best The celebrated genuine iiat. fancjr coal, clean of Iv.Lr S7J0 per ton, de-. one-half ton, one-fourth hm Mexican Cannel No.

(3 54 per tow- Bastrop county wood, dry, delivered, 4 per cord- 2-B0- Stovewood, Cr COrd: one-fourth cord, pmnit county cedar wood, 15.50; cedar Nm famus lump lignite trini, 13 per ton! carload lots Nmti a 7. mea8'-e. guaranteed and Brookslde Egg Red Prtm nutte coa1' delivered, $13.50 32S- C. B. Beard, ter- Consider the teachings by analogy The bloodhoundu struck the trail of several persons who had passed that way during the early morning, but In at least, which are discovered respect Ralston' WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR Ralston's BREAKFAST FOOD.

Ralston' HOMINY GRITS. Ralston' KOMKINS. New goods just received at DEEN WALLING Ing regeneration and degeneration; SINCE 1776 The Direct and Scenic Line -B et ween St. Louis and Gul of Mexico 13 VIA each instance it was the wrong scent. Deputy Sheriff Booth, who accom environment and conformity to type, life and death, and man can.

not but see that God has written ail over the panied the party of officials and who has charge of the dogs, does not believe that the barn was set on fire, NOTED PHYSICIANS OF EUROPE HAVE PRESCRIBED COD LIVER OIL. natural world lersons of Infinite sig nificance applicable in largest measure TEXAS but he entertains the opinion that it to the spiritual realm. As the Greatest Curative Agent and caught accidentally. It is not believed Strength Creator Known, to 'uo House Restaurant S(S0IALTY OYSTER LOAVES. Wrto.

Medicine. there was any insurance on the barn. The loss to Mr. Sassrnan on the barn MIDLAND The text relates more especially to the things revealed In the Holy Book. Among which may be mentioned the perfection of God and men's obliga? But they have also admitted that amounts to about $500 and he also i ail hours, day or night; lest 1000 bushels of corn and some hay RAILROAD aiiirvcr.

A30e J. A MILLER, Prop. was also damaged. tion to love and serve Him; the rela tions to the eternal world, the char acter and condition as sinners, knowl owing to the vile, nauseating grease which it contained, and which had no curative value whatever, it was impossible for patients to take into their systems enough to obtain the best re Iw Phn- Ave. edge of the plan of salvation and the LAWYERS' DIRECTORY.

In Connection With and Texas Central Railroad and sults. Therefore, the discovery of two source of grace and comfort In Christ Jesus, the son of God. EMIL RISSE French chemists how to get the benefit of the valuable curative elements Man should reflect upon the glorious BLOOR THRASHER. Attorneys at Law. Rooms 16 and 18 Sampson Austin, i Frisco System PHOTOGRAPHER HI fVIa Pari, and Pnnl, T.v.a of the Cod's Liver without the oil was hailed with delight by physicians the world over.

These Frenchmen found that the medicinal curatives could be separated from the grease and oil, and produced in a concentrated form delicious to the taste and acceptable to 1, ingress Arenue orer forming 'llose connections in Union Stations at rsshoe the weakest stomach. Thus was created Vinol whleh is sold by eur local druggist, C. O. Tates, on a positive intermedial junctions, ana operating PULLMAN DRAWING-ROOM SLEEPERS throngh without change between Houston and St Louis. Cafe cars meals a la carte and Harvey Dining Rooms are conveniently provided en route.

For rates, train schedules and sleeper reservations, aply to any Tloket Agent or address B. MeKAY, General Passenger Agent, Terrell, Texas. AU8TIN WHOLESALE HOU8ES, WALTER TIPS. Wholesale Hardware, Ideal Wind Mills. WEBB, TAYLOR PERRY.

Wholesale Hardware, Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags. AT UMME'8 TODAY! guarantee to return money whenever it fails to do all he claims for it Mr. Yates says that In Vinol they offer the people of Austin a cod liver oil medicine acknowledged by physicians everywhere as the. greatest curative agent and strength creator known cVd; 'PRlet, to medicine, and they nave never sola JOB truth and continually tell it out that the very central truth of God's revelation is this: "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believed In Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." For those who except this glorious truth and receive Him as their Saviour, there are directions and commands respecting their station and relation In life, they should use their talents to the highest advantage and for the glory of God; should not forget obligations to' watch and pray lest they enter into temptation; should remember this, "Thu shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind." This Is the first and great commandment, and the second Is like unto It, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. "If ye know these thJogs happy are ye If ye do them." All that has been revealed is intended for practice, not to gratify curiosity or provoke controversy.

The sufficiency of -the revealed things. While God has kept much ef Plorii? and. Othil M'aB od things In anything in their store equal to Vinol to build up and strengthen old people, weak women and children, and people who are run down, tired, nervous and wia dUflirariiMf skin f- J' fection TieJ'U sueedilY tod a I debilitated, Mr. Tates also guarantees that Vinol Ave, Phone 210. permanently to th ti-ttlu eoohng, uutblng, jet powrtul lollaences OI Sv will strengthen the digestive organs, make rich, red blood, cure chronic colds, coughs and bronchial 'troubles, and restore the system to a healthy, robust condition quicker than any other medicine.


LeTt 8:00 A. If. Arrif .8:80 A. M. RETURNING Leave Austin.

.10:15 A. M. Arrive ..11:45 A. K. P.

J. LAWLESS, Agent CEM PHARMAftV HEISICEl.L'S 'rft011 hM Purchased the Vinol is not a patent medicine, a-d Wirt ft OINTMENT Vtii In oonnectlon with to nrrer tll to asn Piiuj(i. I leer. Tir, skis sflT)eaon. At droiu.

Soap. tfe. Ouxmetit. Ue. Snd lor boot ol tettlmonuL.

you know what you are taking, simply a delicious cod liver oil preparation with everything- which It contains nrinted on the bottle. Try Vinol on ljH WmA ttnder, will be In -Vexand5- will be t. tt IB m.SB.l 7 yon, sumcient guaran-Perienced hands. our guarantee to return money if ltj falls. C.

0. Tates. Druggist Mat aatar nLtlil 'J r. vired. cy.v'ls." j.

AfexarIber i ft fc53-J charge, which is a sufficient goaran- T..

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