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The Ada Weekly News from Ada, Oklahoma • 6

Ada, Oklahoma
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Ada Oklahoma Thursday January 26 1961 rage 6 THE ADA WEEKLY NEWS Fate Put Jeffress In Business World Coinnflments 1 1 Its lliartj -g rrancei Wilt Ee Erulc Of fjatnei Jlorlon 1ti (I Crceh CourfciiJ Win Wan Mrs Williams Is Complimented At Gift Shower Mrs Donnie Williams was honored with a pink and blue shower Thursday evening at the home of Mrs Lancaster 2209 Latta Rexd Cohostess was Mrs Dave Tatum The gift table was centered wiih Mary Frances Gale with aU a large stork The gifts were' a prenuptial shower Saturdavjlr Ardmore Mrs James Marion Mrs Leonard Reynolds jirs 0 i Goodson Mrs James Lester Mrs Flint Belcher Mss Gale is the bride-elect of'joeBob Gale Tulsa Mrs Mr and Mrs Jesse Oxley and James Edwin Horton son of Mrs Gale Sulphur Mr and Mrs oe aug A Horton Stonewall and the Atteberry Francis Mrs G1 ienn Spears Mrs Ttr- son and Carolyn Mrs Elbern ate Mr Horton Mss Sue Roberts Mrs JohJner McKirmey Mrs Roy Gist i Cooper Mrs Sharon Anson Mrs i Walker Mrs Jer-lMrs Ceci Clifton Mrs Graay Stanley Shortes Mrs Ova Haw- The wedding will be January 28 Reno Mrs Roy alker Mi Jer iMrs Mrs StNTchols South kin ffP tier Mr! Herts'" 4 Pm- inneJiueU Memora1 "J'nste eher and Sue Rev Roger Hill Masters Mrs Joe Ben Brundidge Chapel on the Boswell Memorial rv ruisvc ms Trc fWter Rpl East Central State Mrs Bates Mrs Tom Par- Loyd Harden Mr Chester Bd ker Mrs Weldon Jarman Mrs scheme was pink and Pete McClure and Mrs Hill and the Mrs Ewen Gale and Betty Jo Darmeda Ryan campus Mrs Dudley Young Mr and Mrs Richard Harris Mrs Ruth Smith The color white The mother refreshment table wasj Miss Elaine Lester Miss Shar Mrs Marvin Laughlin Mr and covered Wlth a floor-length pink on McClure Mrs Roy South Mrs Don Bryant Mr and Mrs organdy cloth over pmk satin cen-1 Mrs Doni Frazier Mrs Charlie Herman Landrith and tered Wlth a bowl "hich Bond Mr and Mrs Jewell Sikes Mrs James Henry Novelia Sla-'b(dd a miniature bridal pair I Mrs Emory Sewell Mrs Paul 0n 1 flanked with blush tapers Indi-1 Garrison Mrs Vivian Dye Mrs Margaret Nelson Donita Riggs I vldual CUP fakes in the shapes of Artie Quinton and Janette Nita Sue Nichols Janet Lee Mrs hearts and bells iced with pink Dayton Scott Mrs Don Scott rrostlnS t0PPpd with tiny rose buds Jean Melton Mrs Lancas- were served-ter Mr and Mrs John Whitson Mrs- Hil1 Polred tea and Miss Harnette Gav served the Nadine Collins Mrs Norman Mrs George Patrick and Mat-tv Lou Mrs John Bryant Mrs Coke Clement Mrs Goldie Faulkner Mr and Mrs Dwyn Mitchell Mrs John Edd Spears Mrs Latta Club Chooses School Grounds Cleanup As Project The Latta 4-H Club Safety committee composed of five members attended the countywide safety meeting The club selected the cleanup of the school grounds as its local safety project Members met at the school Saturday afternoon and began the cleanup Latta Club participated in the county safety radio program Saturday morning The club is sponsoring an automobile check survey The American flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered By WENOWH RUTHERFORD Mrs Mae businesswoman's career was born of tragedy Mamed while still in high school her role as housewife and helpmeet ended on the Filzhugh road August 23 1927 Her physician-surgeon husband Dr John Louis Jeffress lost his life in an automobile accident and I were visiting my mother in Texas at the time and that was the longest trip 1 ever made from Breckenridge to Ada" she said This modest slight woman would be the last to take credit for picking up the pieces and facing the future with more courage than that born of necessity Bill was 13 and Jack IS Thelma John Venme aivf Lena older Came to Rnff in 1994 Dr John Louis Jeffress was A graduated from Tulane Uniter- i 1 sity Medical School and began practicing medicine in Sulphur Jf Springs Tex He came to Uoff in 1904 and practiced there until coming to Ada Mae Mtirphree who grew up in Breckenridge first met the doctor when he returned to Breckenridge to be a witness ct a trial Mae went to Roff with her mother and step grandmother Louisa Payne for the latter's health Mrs Payne had reared the doctor and preferred him as her physician Mae enrolled at Roff High School She and the doctor were married Roff in 1909 The doctor had four children by a previous marriage Thelma was 9 John 7 Venme 5 and Lena 2't During the last illness of the children's mother the George Hicks kept Lena After her death the Hicks asked to continue keeping Lena The doctor told them they might as long as they lived close where he could see her often but he would not consent to their adopting her for as he put it don't have any children to give "Perhaps I wouldn't have had the patience I did with the children had I been Mrs Jeffress says Anyway she won their hearts and says she didn't spoil any of the children as much as their father did Mae's mother returned to Texas and Mrs Payne made her home I with Dr aiwl Mrs Jeffress until her death which was in 1912 Move To Ada The doctor and his family moved to Ada Deeemlier 22 1920 and except for a brief junket to Wilson Ada was their home The she home Fol-ger Mrs Jack Payne Mrs Ethylene Houchen Lorene McMillan Alma Williams Mr and Mrs Cecil Curry and Mr and Mrs Wiley Win ton Pearlie Bulman Mrs A Young Mrs Joe Austin Mrs Frank Roberts Mr and Mrs Don Clark and Pam Mrs Cue Penner Mr and Mrs Ray Dodd Mr and Mrs Norris Lester Mrs Lewis Hensley Mrs Jack Penner Mrs Ward Scott and Sandra Misses Dena and Harnette Gay Mr and Mrs Bob cakes Miss Betty Estell and Miss Sharon McClure assisted Miss Gale in opening her many lovely gifts Attending and sending gifts were Mr and Mrs Ernest Freeman Canyon City Colo Mrs Edna Gale Ada aunt and uncle and grandmother of the honor ce Miss Betty Steen Mrs Steen Mrs Riley Nolan Mrs Hudgens and Bobby Scroggins Mrs Jim Gale Mr and Mrs Clement Mrs Barrick Leads Program At McLish HD Club Meeting The January meeting of the McLish Home Demonstration Club was held in the home economics cottage at the school Mrs John Brents presided and Mrs Wilson Harden presented the devotional During the business session committee chairmen and hostesses for the ensuing year were appointed Special events on the calendar were discussed Mrs Don Barrick presented the lesson on w-ash and wear fabrics Miss Martha Mote demonstrated adjusting the sewing machine for stitching the new fabrics Cake and coffee were served Present were Mrs Steve McNeill Mrs Buck Garrett Mrs Wilson Harden Mrs Dub Lewis Mrs Vernon Burns Mrs John Brents Mrs Susan Whitwell Mrs A Skeith Mrs Don Barrick Mrs Harold Townsend Mrs Thelma Prindle Mrs Buddy Taylor Mrs Elvvin Haseltine Mrs Nora Harden and Miss Mote BUSINESS for Mae Jeffress Her six children live away from here so by letter and card keeps in touch She did spend three months visiting all of them several years ago But she says her work end prevent her from going more often (NEWS Steff Photo by Knickmeyer) Lula HD Club Chooses Two 1961 Projects McGee Club Will Plant Roses At Cemetery Gate The McGee Home Demonstration Club met in the home of Mrs Dan Candelas for a bi-monthly Cjnil Zone Wins Army Honors Colonel Venme Jeflrexs was awatded the I-egnm of Mont atvl anything I recall one Christmas I received a pair of scissors and a china-headed doll two nice and real estate dealer lives in Lahra Calif Dr Venme Jeffress ortho- Kitchen Shower Honors Bride pevlic surgeon lives Monterrey (he (k Uf duster in 10ll of rark Calif and is on the staff vwml i of Monl ni04 of Kiser Foundation in Hollywood Thp 0k I-euf Cluster was given lama now Mrs Maxey lives in fr (l demonstrating exceptional The Lula Home Demonstration session Mrs Ashley gave guts and I felt 1 was the richest I vlub met at the school lunch-' the devotional and roll call was Sirl in town" room for the first meeting of 11 werfd Aips on Economi- TVee of her sons completed Mrs Walter Blanks pte-ided and ra fund Buying" i iii mu is i i club voted 'o buy rose eut- tings to be put out at the McGee Mrs Hokett called the Cemetery entrance Mrs Jack res aal the de- f'r a time as if there would he! votionol nee doctors in the family hut U1K Tuosdiv evening Mrs Don lien- i-- in iiii i deison 511 Noith Highland at a kitchen shower for Denver (olo Her husband lvo I pafsMond skill planning estah- longtime teacher and school cafe- jKing and elleeting treatment forR'rtJined teria operator died in April l'HO tu Houui Initle casualties as Mrs James A Brown bride to-' ones dunged ca- roll and gve the re-: lamK'h presented the lesson on Charles belter known here a 1 orthopedic surgeon 1 hostesses were Mi-s Glerd- Boas riTS- Thl? mothtT i''t dsap-j port Mrs Chester Treus Wd the1 "Low Cost Cleo Stiles "Jack" the older of Mie's own I fey Miss Carlvn Morn and Msx "ho al SrmiP I Bryan County home demonstra- sons is an engineer with Lockheed1 Paula Fowler' tlui ln1 1 flr Miss Maitln Mote demon-trit- on agent gave a demonstration and lives in North Ridge Calif1 a 'i10 career ou want" "1 did trv ff) the -evvim: of wa-h and weir on "Food buving Tins Fred "Bill" Is purriuxng a2-t XdS guide tlwrn and I'm prKd of fab ies 1 RefrehmenS were served to for a division of Lockheed and arms ruh ha found H-wmg mulme lo sliul these Mrs Ashley Mrs Javk sew in "I svnd a lot of time letter jmoteiials to 1 1 nil ill at onel Jeffn sides in Burbank Tlielma ami Vennie were gradualtsl from East Imheth Mrs John Miser Mrs voted to buy some' Jim Tearce Mrs Lon Phillips for the school Mrs A Russ Mrs Baugh nian and Mrs Don Candelas tl prelects are the and three gue-is Mrs Allen Phil-and linn hrootn lips Mrs Lowell Caskey and Clca unending were Mrs Stiles Bryan Mrs John lludonl Tl'f next mewing will be with I'avul Rreoks Mrs Chester Mrs Baughman eis Mis Walter Btooks Mrs Biuk Swtai and Mi-s Mwe i Read the News Want-Ads Mae berm wrV a Ad' The bnle's table covered 'S by frwJm Ci'y ick Jamu: 1 Iii Iwn and was cent -ml aml Tl continued po-itieil until Wi'b ro-es bride dn1 ftl Then s'e wmUl seveia! an'l "It'1" rvke tire fnm at Vi'ug''ej's Green- nibly wnld liear boose She lice imp the name Sandia ard James and a mature Indil Lakeside Acres Club Studies New Fabrics Are you caught in that first-of-the-year jam of unpaid bills a car tag to buy taxes to pay? Your best way out is to pay them all off at once in cash with a low cost OKLAHOMA STATE personal loan In that way you can start even you can quit worrying you can keep your credit standing good You can repay your loan in easy monthy installments that you can readily handle out of income And remember at OKLAHOMA STATE your only cost is the low interest rate no special foes no hidden charges 0KLAH0M STATE loan service is prompt friendly and confidential waiting to hear your needs Dr Joseph la P1lr 'fvisl th p-k fni't Hie January me ting of the Mirgcfi a -d It ixpgd owur msl Iukosuie Acres Home Demons! ra-i wotked five vers at hts down- yMteiiduig or sol ng gift litn Cluh was held Thursday morning in the home of Mrs 0 ri town oftiec Then wrh solme Margit el Akin IVltta s-lby Al itii ig Word if Caihlle Culvn Mo'tiS yi sipyw rrs e- it si rm Fowler Janet Krg Jikly Fkc Geneva las' v-iettp lee )o tli'on M-V Yre ilon Mrs Reger ake M- Brewster Crl MS Ll'l B-e'ey V- Fow'er elmi Vs -i fiw'er ntd Mrs iv J1-vicrin Gwv Ca''r vl Ja' Fiee 1201 S-Mi'h Che'tv Mis Flhe HWi'xr wj eoh Memlx-rs fi p11 wth Vv Mrs Onn Clierry Conducted thp busi-n session Mrs Joe Dp-is'i-v give an pirlrg Uevot iioal us'g at liT iv t- de-u-t of-test 3121 fies N-e ttas the-p 8 Mrs 0 A Neal gup the let von- Now ks pa ire in on wish a-'d -ir nro at s' s'-rti She was cot in the p-eon- Is Muf taiit nrr lttio-v hv Mrs Sam r-v x'iae Mrs Arche Sires Wn-r is a-'vp i-a tie w-k of co move! tns to 1 1 eea llo pld 5 a) Fast le-'h where M''s cm -1 ed at re evi'-v rsc'-er fve vers Wi'a the of tin- 1-wp'al M'S Jetf-Pvs to Wo-k t'P (Klahoti a btf ft cw to that rtv red k'k if yog bnig woti melted hu'b m- pu ga nnp bifoto i 1 pe1 It I--I Bap1 -t ll-r If" h'ey git te I si to Sc 1 iSTQTfc Jos Van -n Hvditt 22 A 'a Bcvi-i'y GtiVi' 0 i t-RHOfn? DIAMONDS JEWELRY I'ViiRous Wa'dics Lnimitu'S I'iilova llutuhnn igiv Mis Roton ard Mrs llodtVst'n give ponts on fire a-d w-at to pvt frain tlie nu'e a' vrhs M-Vp demoueri-rd ow to cut and spit Wash -f pr fabrics Prrtpu! wore Mis An hie ms Wave ktagre Ktnl Mdler Mrs S-d Mfs Sim M-s Blv VcKes-l Mr Oiit le Bcrej Bcs t'radtmk Mrs Bwon Atrs Jie Hen-tcv Mr ej ktre Mis Fd-tie foMer Ms Ke-i (s'b Aoik-1'u Dal Orrt llc-rv Mis Trno't Wphh ioif MS rt'in Smith lumxa Sfomz Ci fsd A -fit as HU II I tint iw tn 'VA'Vri lrpprv Man es A-Of- 5 on tr fr i Gem Credit Jewelers S0UND dependable Mmbr Federal Depoaif lmyrnt Corporation And Federal Reitrve I1 Ve-ii g'ffts Ciib" CI Grin a' IS of mo! n-'iti tip oiJ Cev dJatr have () he at t' )pr e'J to ppp'y f-r momlirr ah are it mi- H7 vv(t Mam fk a and finrvt.

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