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The Herald-Palladium from Benton Harbor, Michigan • 1

Benton Harbor, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


FOUR MEN ARE SAVED Pflterfc Eight Go Through a Great Northern press ia Minnesota. Ex- ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS Fergna Falls, Nov. 11 The Great Northern through train which passes through thia city at 7:30 p. m. waa held up aad robbed about five mile wt of here last night.

There 1. ka all! Offer for Saturday and 50 Men's 3trictlY All rightly made for Every one of these suits are worth 10. bought them from manufacturers at a pric to dosi the lot and it is our policy to give our trade a tar-gain at every opportunity. It pays us to take'eare of our customers, to givg them exactly what they buy, and to call things by their right names. When we advertise a is a bargain, depend upon it.

OVERCOATS. The subject of overcoats ccr occupies the minds of men for the backs of rrt: men feel the need of them. You ought to see smart line we have to show you. Every" new this falL Worth something, isn't it, to kr. that? Prices right, too.

3wito and trimmed is Dealers. prloea far lea than ywa i work to It'a ail gni gaj-aa. Hipp.Endersfi Puterb Square Sentence of the Slayer, of Austrian Empress. Short Trial Thareda at OenTa, Switwr land. UcoBTa, Swltaorland.

Kot. Italutn anarcbiat, Vntgi Lucchoni. who 1 fc. wwa ana nuoea mrin. Rlih-i.

oi noturia, sept, io ut In thia eitr. tried here jeaterda. The waa'erowdl tu waa atruof (roarded. bat there waa no excitement. Lutwheni waa aenteneed to r'urnnm.

uiprifcunmeot lor life. DETROIT DEADWOOO O. M. C. Tna DwallaaK Offera for Btaek iki ttaml OMna ne tew aecantie that tare main.

lamed their valae throuirhoat the ro. eut financial depreaaiooa, and have continued to pay their eccuatomed laenaa, are the void and eocoer mininw atocka. Aaeeurity that ntaintmina ita value and yielda ita retnrna thran.h thick and thin ta of all othera to be io-airvd; and it reqnirea no wiae man to see that the aafeat avenue for in Tea t- ment of capital, large or a mall, ia trold mining-, provided it ia done in a buai-oeea like manaer. War, drought. Hoods, cyclooea, demand, aupplv, tar-iff a and the ever varoimr nrie.

of every other indostry, are aa nothing to the owner of a producing gold mine, Uold ia the standard by which all products are tneaaured. and for the acquisition of which, all other induatrieaare en gaged. The atrikea of rich ore are almost nf daily occurrence in the vicinity of the Detroit ana twuwood Uold Hiniog company a property. The greatei record ever made by any mine with such limited equipment waa made two weeks ago at the Ilolv Terror mm, wud rii.uw waa ctetced np from seven daya' run, or to.OOU a dav. Only ten stamps are used in the stamp miu.

-v The Detroit and Dead wood Gold Min ing company ia now declining to fill or ders for stock aa the twenty cent issue waa withdrawn from sale Not. I hare secured, however, an extension of time to Wednesday, Nov. 18, in which to dispose of the amount of stock al lotted to me for aale, at 30 cents per share. After the above date it will not be possible to buy thia stock at 20 cents and the chances are no stock will be offered at any price. frospectna and full information at my office, 115 Territorial a'reet.

1 lilCO. M. THRBHRKR. The followlwr item published1 Nov. Sth will interest Copper King holders: Tombstone (Arizona) Prospector: Rich copper bearing ore ia ahowing up in the Copper King company's mines at Solomon Springs.

Another body is widening in tbe cross-cut. uarger ore bins are built to accommodate the increased output." I U. 1. Have you Wwled a game of ten pins at the np-to- late alley? There ia other good aa Alma. ta Bad.

Kn. matter tow busy one may be, it ta qulu post bie to always find time to attend to ne'e toilet at Bight. On should not i mply drop one'a clothe and tumble ii bed. else neither one' elf nor clothes will took attractive in tt. morn In.

Have plenty or not water and give your face a thorough laving. The result will be aa a an hour's sleen. Brush tbe hair. It will be glossier and. thicker for th trouble, and your nerves win u.

soothed by the procees. Then drink a glass of hot milk, weak cocoa, or even hot water, eating a biscuit or a on ie like. When the small sup per Js finished you will be ready to go to Bleep without any insomnia aad In the morning you will waken refreshed and thoroughly In good humor 'Ithj yourself and the wpna. 1 I I V. A n.nmnl 1 lwiailBd lOtU IB IM UWWi imy and scattered by Petroleum Balm.

-I won't he you." said the leading lady, tragically, to the low comedian. Never approach me again on mv aw i in 4CI ie. Mr mind maaei ou a thlng else about you!" And thenvhe fell through a garden scene to uS-the withering glance she shot at him. -Detroit Free Fres. rt.iiau while they last a I am going oat of the i'JJ i I knnnit trk Mail.

MtTg- DUSineaa est stock of high grade goods at lowest Driers ever ofTereu in v. aie. Li. Itod B-wk Crab The moat beantiful crab In tl-Tne rnoai nelnhbor- Pacific coast. from to st (ties.

Owe a. Take fdtxativ Bromo Qolnine tao lot All druggists rerano 1 baa B. (J. oo no Keywi RepalrWork of all should takaa to th Blue Front Bargain Stc are doidg general repair work in'additioa to bayiaf Bad all klnda of aeeond-head goods. The Animal', ateUewtaaJ Pewwrs Are al us atia aeaeaaa I fee Bovonar.

Few more impressive confide aces eaa be imparted thsa one in which Hindoo describes how be knows hi elephant intend to destroy him. It la ail so seemingly trivial, and yet In reality ef such deadly a-goificsnce. Hla story is aa full of details that prove the man's profound understanding of what he ia talking snout that one re mains equally amazed at the brute power to dissemble aad it intended victim's insight into the wou'd-be mur derer character. And yet, from th prychologlcal standpoint, an elephtn never givea any other aueh indication of mental power aa I exhibited in Its revenge. That pattest, watchful.

Im placable hatred, of tea provoked aim- ply because a maa ia ia attendance upon another animal (for it Is the rule with tuskers to detest their next neighbors), speaks more conclusively of a high intellectual guide thsa all torles, true or false, that have been of their ability. Buck concent ra tion and fixedaeas ef purpose, such careful, unrelsxed vigiianee, such per ftct and consistent pretense, aad when the time comes, suoh desperate unhesitating energy as homicidal an imals exhibit, are impossible whbou a very considerable, although la this Instance, very irregular, development says Outing. No one can deny that if thia creature la great at all It greatness shows it self In it crimes. These have caused It to be worshiped In the east, where men venerate nothing but mereiles Irresponsible force, and where aa ex-hibltioa of those qualities aad traits described fully account for the formu la: lord, tbe elephant. NOT A COWARD.

Btraaa BBeet lervat mm Brave Little Soldier la Caba. Nervous excitement Is responsible for much that might paaa for cowardice. Tbe author of "A Cuban Expe dition speaks at on dreadful day when be and his comrades eat la a wet ditch and waited, concealed, while the Bps, lards wer ao near hat escape aeemed almost Impossible. The discomfort of our predicament up to the middle in mud and water, with the raja pouring down oa as was. at the moment nnfelt, la oar ex citement and eagerness la watching the enemy.

Little Joe Storey, who waa next to me, wa trembling all over, Suddenly he grasped my arm and whis pered: "Oh, what shall I do? I must scream or fire off my rifle! can't help It!" too. felt that he would do either tbe one or tbe other, and I whispered back the first tbrngrtbat oprtfrlJTO me. "Storey," I said. "If you make the least noise, I'll atab yon to death! Then I told him to keep hla eye closed, and try to think of something else, until be heard the first shot fired. After that he might shout loudly he liked.

I put one arm about hi neck and drew him close to me. There, trembling, he rested like a quiet child Presently hla excitement wore off, and he became used to the sltustlon; then he was heartily ashamed of his breakdown. lint Storey was not a coward. He wa a gallant little aoul fn action, and only his tortured nerves were responsible for thl temporary revolt. WIVES HEEDED.

Koeeaaltv Cwaaaola Botasatloa of Ml. msarlat Coell M.iea' Bala la Boata Afrlea. Britinh South Africa ia sadly la need of wives, according to late accounts from that land of diamond mines and millionaire. chartered oompany of which Cecil Bhodea la the head baa for years frowned oa tha Idea of marriage among its mounted police, civil servant and ftther employe. Thl objection ha rmountrd to practical prohibition, and hi well known to have been the result of Rhode misogynist view, be being a confirmed woman hater.

In the past year or two a number of his beat men have left the company' aerv-Ice rather than subscribe to Sir Cecil' peculiar notion to the extent of remaining single for Th result haa been that other lead'ng member of the chartered company have taken the matter up. They pointed out that nnle a reversal of policy were manifested things would soon anum a aerlett aspect, a Important affairs would be left In tbe bands of the least reliable of the company's r-rrants. Sir Cecil gave the matter due consideration, and. finding that the protest had most substantial grounds, ha surrendered. Accordingly an edict gone forth among the chartered company's officials promising that preference In promotion will be given to married men, and advising all those who can do ao to enter forthwith Into the bonds of matrimony.

Tba Saltan's Tbroaeeaaaa, The throneroon of the sultan, at Constantinople, I a gorgeous sight The gilding I unc qualed by any other building In Europe, and from the celling hangs a superb Venetian ehande-lit the ZuO lighta of which make a gleam lil that ot a veritable sun. At each of the four corners of the room tall candelabra ia baccarat glee are placed, and the throne is a hnge seat covered with red velvet, and having trm Bnd bsck of pure gold. VI aea Are Leaaj LIvodL The vine attain a great age, eoa-tinning fruitful for at lean 400 year. It I enpnoMd to b- equal to the oak a regard longevity I Wardered Baloea of Of the Jl emperor and eirrtrwsaea ef Hni between Peter and Alexander Tf. four have bee a aaaaanlwntod.

Pa.tew.-IW lt "mmw wa www Bating pawar Trwee, Bw 0 mm "Cetaweta Touching and Beautiful Memorial Ser vice at the ColUge Company I Attended. Portrait Poeow.oa) apaahUMf aad! Poeaa. Memorial exercise were held in the mbly hall of lien ton Harbor col lege lbursdsy afternoon in honor of tbe late ward Mars, of Baroda, a for mer atudent of the college and a sol dler of Company Thirty -third Michigan volunteers, who lost bis life by yellow fever at Siboney, Cuba, in July last. The exercises were of a touch iog ana oesaitiui character, and were attended by the faculty and students and by a number pt visitors including the widowed mother and other rela tive of the deceased. Ward Mars was a bright and estimable young man, and hla death waa the only lose sustained by the company in the lata war, al though they were aot only, under the fir of the enemy at Aguadorea Jnly 1, but were subsequently exposed to the danger of dread diseases of which many members ill.

The members of Company I who were in the city met on call at the armory in uniform and marched to the college. participating in the memorial to their late beloved comrade. Miss Fannie J. Collins played a march while the company entered the hall in regular step and took the seats reserv ed for them. Tbe hall was beautifully decorated with flag and bunting.

The exercises opened at 3 o'clock with the song "Only an armor bearer," ung by the school. Rev. V. Cogshall. pastor of the Methodist church, read a portion of and a tender fitting prayer was offered by Rev.

Eliaha A. Hoffman, pastor of the Presbyterian church. The school sang "Just before the battle, mother," and Principal Edg- eumbe made a few appropriate introductory remarks, giving praise to the deceased aa an exemplary young man. A meritorious poem written for the occasion by Corporal Edward Stevena, of Company was tenderly read by Miss Myrtle Mericle, Mrs. Krankle Webb and daughter Helen aang the tea itiful duet, "Let not your heart be troubled." Remarks of a fitting character were made by Bev.

Geo, A Sahlin, pastor of the Universalis, eburch. An interesting and well written paper giving reminiscences of their school daya together was given by Mr. Will Cameron, a former companion rot the deceased. Bev." W. Earl, With brief but eloquent eulogy, unveiled the portrait of the deceased which had been pro-eared by the united Torts of the stu dents and which was formsUy pre sented to the college by Mr.

Earl; It will hereafter adorn the walls of the I asaembly hall. Mr. Webb weetly aang "Calvary." Corporal Will Moore, who had also been a warm friend and companion of the deceased, delivered a capable and deeply interesting address on the life of the deceased, with details of his death ana nuriai in lbm. With the ainging jof "America" by the school, the exercises closed. r.

I A QUIET TEXAS ELECTION Only Six Killed and Fit Wounded Tar aa Seported. Delias. Tex Nev. li The stnte had its share of election day murders. At Hubbard.

Stephens I county. Rosore MMxrtr. Joa. Rambv and JefTeraon c. 1.111- MeCartv aquirca wwrw and Eiley Squires probably mortally wounded in an election quarrel.

At Steaber, in Hopkins toanty, K. But ton and George Youig were killed. William Young ia In jail a a party to th killing Of Sutton, who lied mur dered Young'' brother. At Aubrey. Don too county, Depnty Sheriff B.

Tav- lo waa shot throogh the neck by Lee Webb aad dangeroua', wounded. He shot Lee through the log. Al Sfcef field. In Trinity eounfy. J.

W. Ashe field was killed and hi father proba bly fatally wounded by persons boa name have not been learned. Bow wareaea Strike, a aw A Maori chief, who lost 40 through a whit storekeeper going through the bankruptcy court, haa given th following Icid exposition of thl particular branch of Brltlah Jurisprudence: "The pakeha white man) who wanta to become pakarapu (Insolvent) goes into business and gU loU of gooda and deea sot pay for them. He then get all th money he can together, ear 2,000, and pui all of It, exeept 8. away wher a one can And lu With the he roe ta a Judge af the court aad tell htm want become pakarspu.

The Judge then calls all the lawyer together, likewise all the a to whom the pakeha 'owe money, an.l be any: Thl man pakrl. bnt wlshe to give you all that na got. and so he has ashed me to dm "hi, 5 among yonialL' The Jdge thereupo give the! lawyer and the remafnlng 1 the other mn. The the pakeha bom totne." Lua-doa Chreakte. gavsfWtF Feaettrat.

'Tl lo make the werld go MhlF ang. Then how de yon account for the actio of the Moon and asked the yenag mas from Boston In Ms severely prae-ttcat way. Ad he doesn't know fh! day hw much He mld by tak-lax proaaUf view the matter. fhlcgo M. Life "Savers Rescue Crew of Lena M.

Nelson. Schooner Lie Beached and Lakeside, i Broken -at Klellllif Tlwt All Nla-tit SpMlal Trala wM. to tlaa Bjcaaew The schooner Lena M. Nelson, which struck the bar at the entrance of the St. Joseph harbor Thursday morning about 7 o'clock, but which waa blown off by the wind three hours later, was beached at Lakeside, 23 miles south of St.

Joseph, st 5 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The boat will be a total' wreck but the crew were saved. They are Char es E. Kelson, esptain, Jamea Fay John Olesou, Ludlngton, and Henry Peterson, Pent water. Word was brought to the St.

Joseph life saving crew at 7:10 o'clock last night that the schooner Lena M. Nil- son waaakhore at Lakeside and that the crew were clinging to the rigging. The news csme on the C. Jt W. uorth bound passenger The life savers at once prepared to go to the scene of the wreck.

The patrol wagon and beach apparatua were put on apecial C. A W. M. train made up in the yards and about 10 o'clock the life saving crew and about 40 persons were on their way to the wreck, being con veyed by the special train. The shore near tbe wreck wit some 80 rods from the depot and all bands polled the wagon to the beach.

CapU Sevens, when all waa ready, ahot line toward the boat and the aim waa exact for the rope landed admidship of the schooner. I hen. the first and worst difficulty arose. The men oa board the boat were numb with the cold; they were tired and wet and they seemed nftt to know what to do. Th breech ef buoy waa of no use until th line were properly fastened to th schooner and the boat crew seemed unable to accomplish thia.

They, however in some way fastened the endj of tne rope to tne acnooner. luib. aaver Amel Bisto then volunteered to work out on the rope to tbe boat and jar-range the line. He had gone oply half way, about 200 feet, when he rope which waa fastened to a tree slackened and the plucky man wa nearly drowned in the cold bjgh wares. Those on shore quickly pulled him in and Frank Fowler, another life saver of leas weight, next volunteered and he succeeded in reaching the wreck.

The breeches buoy Was finally arranged and the first load brought James Fay and Frank Fowler to land together. Next came John Oleson, next Henry Peterson and last csme the captain of tbe schooner. Captain Chas. E. Wilson.

At 4 o'clock this morning all four men were saved by the gallant life saving crew of St. Joseph assisted by numerous 'citizens of th twin cities and farmers livli near by. I. A fire waa built oa tbe beach whit made a light for several hundred i fe and tbe men in the rigging of ti schooner could be a sen by those shore. Capt.

Neilaon and crew we taken to a neighboring farm house at It was found out that after tbe bout was blown oft the bar at St. Josef she sprang A leak and the captain tri to beach her. The rudder 'key won not work, however, and the wind Wear the boat from ahore. She eoniiifrMd to drift until she struck the sand-Bel Lakeside. The entire deck load was washed away and tbe boat waa badly damaged.

The scboouer will probably go to pieces. The Lena M. Nlelsou Is 79 feet long and 23 feet beam. She waa built in Ludington in 1896 and waa valued at 13000 with no The lumber was valued at $1000. also with no ii-frnrance.

jTheHt. Joeeph life saving crew did heroic work and are nearly tired out Cap. Stevena telephoned the Michi gan City life saving station, bat th i-rew did not come to the wreck. A Bev. One of the officers of tbe battleship Inwa tells of a thrilling acene which occurred on It deck soon after Oecl-vera and hkf officers came aboard after the destruction of their squadron.

Cant. Eulate had offered hla rword to i to 4 Capt. Evans and the latter had turned it, saying that he could not r-ept It from brave a man. The party waa invited down to the. cabin to "take something." As Eulate entered th companionway hj stopped and turned, lifted hla cap nd in a most dramatic way extended hja arms and exclaimed: "Adloa VI4-paya." At that Instant, aa If in response to hi farewell, there wa a trf-meBdou eruption from the buminjg cruiser aad immediately after a deafening explosion.

One of the maga-ilnea had blow an. Eulate buried face In hi haada and aohiied. It was tome momeBU befor he recoverea from his sulfation. Bwwttstry ka atociana. An actor ia la deep trouble la Mi- eonla, Mont.

For work performed a local dentist he agreed to give borne. A tbe bora waa not forttt-eomiag, th doe tot decoyed the actor to hla office aad, while pretending to examine hi teeth. Jerked the fall set and porketed H. Th actor I bow forced to feed himself With aoft fodder, Kh the aid of a spooa. Nebraska Stat Journal.

Aa CaA.iai.aa A eaMerraneaa elty exlat la Ca- wtitc-h ewntf We well armed. All wore handkerchiefs over tbelr face. The gang waa regularly organized and went by numbers. They compelled the express messenger to leave tbe car and while three or four stood guard others proceeded to blow the safes. The local safe was destroyed and It Is thought tltat they succeeded in secur iug considerable money, but the exact amount cannot be learned.

The through aafe was drilled and dyna mited, four charges being used, but it wa impossible to reach the inner part and get at the cash. They worked at It nearly two hours, but finally gave It WOMAN FOR PROSECUTOR Mrs. Merrie L. Abbott Elected hi Oge maw County Doubt aa to Eligibility. West Nov.

11 Mrs. Merrie M. Abbott, of this place, beara tbe diatiaction of being the only woman ia the world ever elected to th Offioe of prosecuting attorney. Lansing, Nov, 11 Mrs. Merrie L.

Abbott, having been elected prosecuting attorney of Ogemaw county, tbe supreme court will be at once asked to paaa on her eligibility. Atty. Uen Maynard refused to do this previous to election, saying It waa a case for the courts. However, in a lecture before the law students a couple of weeks ago, Deaa Hntchins, of tbe law department of the University, ia aaid to have flatly stated that Mrs. Abbott wa clearly ineligible.

ANOTHER ELECTION RIOT Tea BegToe Killed Near Greenwood, 8. 0. Greenwood, 8. Nov. It.

Fit negroes lay dead at Behobeth Wednes day along tbe roadside; another was killed Thursday and likely four others are dead or lost in the woods. One white maa waa buried, three lie at tbe death and more have been wounded, Four heads of families have left th country and armed troops of country men are scouring the country bunting other victims. All of this is the outcome of aa election row. Sfconplajr. She screamed In terror when hrr Was anatched front out h.r eweled hand.

And hurlod a modest Toward the fleelnx. bold brttr.tnd. And when th. copper caught the thief 8 ha eeised the purse with anxious sir. And breathed a alg-h of sweat relief To And her traasurea all ware there: A penciled note Her fellow wrote, A wad of num.

A hairpin (bant), A copper cent, A buttonhook With broken crook. A safety oln, A curling tin; A powder ra, A sachet bar. Theae were the treaaurej which ah. oors Around with her from store to While 00 a ahopnlag tour, to aea Tha many pretty thfnars which Wo.ild lova to buy If ahe but had Tha with a ao xlad It almost mad. the copper aneeae.

She thanked htm, and with sprightly aaas. gripped on to aeek another store Or two where aha oould ahopaoma mora. Denver I'oat. I Two Colors. Ked 'Hlfh overhead -Sparklea tha banner of Mara! Re Under tha tread 1 Poppies asleep 'neatb tha starsl Blue Steadfast and true Bends the wide arch of the akr I Blue Tendereaf hue Choaaa of violets shy.

White Bhlnath the rtrht. Co til th struirtle shall cease! White Pure the IIht. Bloaaoni the llllea of peace. J.nnie B.tta tiartawlck. In Collier's Weakly.

Bleep. How atranir ts sleep that fall from' out th Aad. faillna, quenches mortal pain! Whence -om. it to burning tears -Aad cool the white-hot brain Or ahaken poppy laavee whence have they power seal and mortise human eyea? Hew lull they, for one abort and cnanred hour. Alt rending, human crlea? r.aln down, rata dowa.

from stillest dtnth "of Oh. slumber. TKrtent witchcraft deep. Com. e'er tired era end hearta.

the speech-. tea armc Of, mr.ile aleep. alary C. Gates. In N.

T. A Slimmer Thaw tbe flloam. A 'manly lad seven years, A maid with curly hatr: Th little maid atood there Is tears; Th. bev. a could not bear To ee her weeplne.

as heaafd: Hare, Maxaie, take do! They're violets and smell ao I Mcked 'em all for you." Juet then the dark elooda away. Th sanahln acatn: She anrlted aad thanked hltn then I wo ere llehter for aee heart's pain! 1 -Phil li. Armstrona, ta Atlaeta CeawUto- Baaft a la MrMta Mwaewaa. people often ask how many book there era ta the Brltlah mueeom. hat aobody aeema to know, la fact I bare Br aa maay that It la Icrpouthle eouat them.

Bum year axo ft wa aetlmsted by ateaaurement that Ih-ft wer S.aoA.OOe book there. Sinew tha timet wafe made lb aamber ba ltcred, j'-tt Psm Gasoline Stoves, Mend Tin ware. Umbrellas, 1 Furniture, Grind Pocket Knives, Shears, Knives, Upholster Couches, Chairs, etc, Chairs. Bedsteads, Enamel Baby Cabs, 1 Stovts. um.

BoVMfB devotes kKnuruiuiuoi to eye. -r. Throat and Lunra. -Jt- 4 CaeuapitoB and ail bronle. Fri- 4 Mi lana I Ifeforoiitlea.

Ude, Crow fcyes, IMbm. lia- vf i)M Brnoctmi. Chrunle Coua, sack), lever fcora aad Ulcers, iMHN, Ra.unift1iu. all of aa Bladder. Hwtrt, 8 Win at- and i.iimm a.

Cholera (it. Vitan Dancel, Scrofula, Skin Ulneases, wf asd wonra, 4ol ail diseases tnond. ,1 Pe OK FIT, positively lured by a make nfK-clKlty of all forma of ptlea Inwroal and External w4 MiMrilatf, Reetal Flewm, FtwrarM, wbca ar pfwn tekeo for Nervous ,4 tiw. ail eurod, K--niberl loraw of Pile without pala. Interrap- jc o-WMStloe frm bn.ine...

and mltlioul kaifa, aoa.tis or li-atui. Come and AT ST. JOSEPH, JJi Tie Ednas, Monday, 50V. 14. BENTON HARBOR.

testae. day Tuesday, NOV. 15. AT HARTFORD, tiaand Eoote, Wednesday, NOV. 18.

To Young, Middle-Aged and Old Men. fro Impotooey or from weakness aa by error, or tndiacrctlone la youth an givim permanent relier. A6-, vmraefaareatead: conndontlal. CAMCKKH earn) wtlhout a- to pais or aeare. New methods.

i 4 11. New bom treatment. I'nrar- 4 IX roap. ira nr. every ca-e of Dy- rtlos.

Tape worm, ana 1 will rlv sportsl sttentton to difflealt sad to caw other physician have failed -Mr. Pcmrnw appivinc for treatment will brtof two four ottnoea of nrtoe for -ia eaa wrlui full parthm-V MwiroM aad havo nediclne aent tbeni i vltA full InatrnctlOBa kv Ubt 'i. rm of Dm. US Co. wero Inoorporated mtufaniun with a capital of HWt.

i roa taaa ati nance 11 yoti mploT thrm. 'i -rajrawaianaalttla and well known. Ad DUO. 0. S.

Lock' Box 160, Muskegon, JVlicH, BENEFIT Teaiimd to Benton Harbor Fire-Bra to Malai the mono men and AT Opera House, OS and Tuesday, 14 and 15, which oeeaatoD will be pre-. usted ta baauti ul comel; drain 'in Idaho" aaaiated bf local talent. Eeaerved aet extra. I i9t at 7:10. Cartaia SrlSabarp.

aaj be bad from member of Sreaooipojijr. Ike aula aad LmIb- Bwalaawa ea atlaaw. Tntakt af accident association 3on, 1 Pmih" v)m bx1. hereby wtlfy thai we iily aei)iaint( th" oflic- and taa tcxlti.a aCUIdEMf wai. ty.

aad tint ttiero be nrt- ta iit men. who we bo rwrymt totbe Iftterany onti-mtlon. iwar. We would rrtner a we enowtf tne eth and HCCIOEMf SSOC.Tt0 we -e be tea. 14 iu.M.'imjnJT maneeed -Metd eo Hirut b'Hint-.

prirve'piea. a tanr aiewirhlp in thlw ei'T we www a complaint of unfair treav aiiura aieet all lealtiraato olir- "a at Oitm. PMet firm Sattoual P- l'r'M. V. Haeaae.

fhier Home artoa" Bank KtlHtllMW. a riiai. Maroe of Kftl.maftoo. -Jlfcajrwr hmh Tfwnrnr Klllco rouaty. of r-ed Klntnao CSo.

fMf Kriedroa-l. fc VwiKie aaa Oeotur1 rrfltilln)f. ttatiooeM " e'Mee. Taoa. M.r.

Kitlamanoo Pub. Co AGENTS WANTED IN TERRITORY. bo yemr EXPCRitnva Tunc Mak 4t' Dtatoie Cotwewte-erre Ae. u( rte-Hri awf nwr free wnetber aw --t- (Htfwult4 omi-ieef. FfiMKtitook ea eata iMiwfii Muvn 't la tbe w3m All above work done good and at In this city.

Bring or send your Bargains In heating stoves. BLUE FRONT STC NEXT TO POUND'S DRY GOODS STORE. ii THE WEEKLY BEST OF THE I ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ALL ADIUO CODNTY PAPERS LOST. oT-a toriaa ebwr. and ta taiio.

pieaaa leave at ISM 0T A Ketara to MS casta kirni in rocxD, tAiC.VO- fevwwa nm by paytaf latum mike, aoata at atty. pK. Pair of tea aea wa am by aalla MUaate aaa e- SPECIAL WT Notlao lb tuim awpartaieat. thrseilaol aaa. ataaaai a aauiuoaal ilaaa.

H.aa par woe. HBLP WANTKU Fh-MALK. ANTRtl-AlMiw, aa ezperleacd dtaloa-room xirl. laquira at aneai. ati- FOB KENT.

jXK K. trait farm of XX acres two mile, tram town jotnia ta. Jr, leterv to roat or wrll or UaW to. wwa property- Aiao a aott tarw. rer.

to mil r-or I iarrmaiioa ran at t.nia Haroor. Kraa Ntrw. ICS PUAHANT faramaed taim tor reat Ita or witaoat bnae or foe it. hi oowwe- kaapiaa ktra. O.

Bnwant. I a. Brmaway. pon KEier-M, paotry. mrweoaliar.

etty a4 ela-amnMtt. U. Mem in way k(M faraiased ai wna or wna- owtanard. rTiTata famny. IS VIwjmI -ny.

FOB. SALsV MISCELLANEOUS. troa a nrwmna Vmm a eard to XjM Kia. Har Mro omme -w ma" Wa io. a IMM ML I.

EST BATED. tmm. tut mm ay WT-n. i. at liii-mtlv.

aMisctLL.JL (PH. aor. 1- m. se j..

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