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The Herald-Palladium from Benton Harbor, Michigan • 1

Benton Harbor, Michigan
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FIFTEENTH YKH. BENTON HARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9. 1900. NO. CLAIMS WOMAN IS ALIVE I giving a good view of the entire atage.

COL SUTTON'S HOPE ST, LOUIS WALKING Bell Opera House Ready for the Public To-night How to Avoid the New Tax Law Pun hare one of our Klegant Couches at $9.50, and a palm leaf Ian and you will forget all about it. t' How to furnish a room 10x12 ft, for sun iinef boarders. This receipt is copyrighted. How to Keep Cool This Summer Ruy a Kanny Refrigerator and an Insurance Gaso-liutr Stove. Best two lines for the money on earth.

I lie rojai ad lo toi iune and the rosy coriKis in our store, i ane one ot tnese roaus. I lorries Furnished-Complete. Cash or Installments. ijy in Special Session of Legislature fikk Ta la leaded to Impeach fgejon and ProaecaUr Tattle. Kt, gejol Palladnimv 'pat today Assistant tiusrtermeater ta was recalled ub-ictd 10 Pji4 trees examination.

He told how fatMa U4 called oa him repeatedly, irfiftf to11 nothing to tte iaj jory. telling him Judge Person 4 ProeeentiOa Attorney Tuttle wosut fcy epecial es- eeftheiegialature. He also stated "thrt Sattoa had advised him to run sad admitted ha did go to Mt. Classes' with bia wife at SuUon sex to he oat of reach. I DETROIT STRIKE Millers' Men May Join thel Truckmen assopitlan of Teamsters' Union is the Ultimatum.

Detroit, May -3 The strike of truck -nea became general this utoroiug, ly-iaf wall the regular cartage coil pa-The striken havo hired all the heavy tracks poaaible and are endear, erisg la handle- the merchant' busi-aesa The drivers of the wsgoos of the rsrtoe 'miUisg companies may hv eslied eat to-dar. The principal cou-tsatiea is the recognition of the tea Kilters' aaloa. ETS NOT FIXEO Coroner's Jury in Detroit in Vincent Case. OnU lot lind Evident Enough to Hold Any On Responsible, After deliberating for about three sesrs at Detroit on Tuesday -the eoro- 1 ear's jary selected to decide upon the use of the death of Dr. Edward E.

Tiaeest, manager of the Keejey Iosti-tate, who was killed la that city last rriday, decided that the deceased came to lis death by being struck by a Third areas ear on Uraad River avenue, ear Elizabeth street. From the evi-asaee submitted the jury found that freak Caaaiagham was -driving in a reckless manner, but the responsibility of the accident waa not def-JaiUIy. TV i-i a a May Tnic OOW IQC III VC I HI hvMifftU( ill part yonng Cunoing-haaj alar ed la the unfortunate affair tAt roseearing attorney, and if evi- aa was aot driving carefully and that' he deliberately eat off Dr. -here la a probability that he will be hsld oa a eharge of manslaughter. M1CH1QA.N hatters.

If fil i Ulsajfaa Republican delegates now jaWetefl are said to stand: Kerry, 'Campieii, 1J4 Btlsa, and Stearns. ferry slaias 3 from Wayne Taere Ire only thirty three of the sMeree the war of 112 now liviog. "of these reside In Michigan: Dr. I. Senton, of Sparta, aged and -M Parka, of Fowler, aged I7.

rk, Joke reniding near 'afa. bee been iu-e Hatnr-V -Htht aod all effurts to awaken froved futile, f'aralvis of taaaeribel as the canse, and ft a) tfeoevfet 4B recovery is doubtful. ffcrlsg Mosday aight'e electrical sllgfctaiat etraefc John Caaler ftear Katost Rapids, and it was He4, hteludiaf horses, ahep, farm Uoteata, aay aad a large, frV Luaa aTtr JJiWO; partly io- aaery attghixtrhood there oaw waoea Hf tiae be saved Cwlta, Choiera aad Eetoedy, or who baa bees tlirTbom by tha it medicin Sch person make of np hopier that tnsv be eanr savin other lives, For JF wall 4k Cav rwrtnt at or lowest prM I The lioe of eight from all parts of the ute to the atage is perfect and re flscus great credit on the architect of the budding, C. A. Hrebmer, of South Bend.

The opera house la prettily carpeted handsomely frescoed and the seats are of mahogany finish of the latest pal- tern. The parquette chairs are nphol stared with leather and the seats in the boxes are of handsome finish of latest design. The chairs and curtains for the boxes were furnished by J. Feck A Co. The ailditoriura is lighted by in candescent electric lights and tha beautiful- blue tinted dome is bril lisntly illumined with electric lights.

The system of lighting was planed, by James Pearl and the wiring was done by the E.glish br th era under the supervision of Heary Mason. The switchboard for the main part of the buil ling Is located on the stage and is ao arrasged that any a a mber of lights may be turned on or oiT as the occasion demands. The switch board for the lights in the balls and ticket is in the box ortlee Both boards are of the latest pattern. The staire is 9 feet longer and 3 feet wider than the stage of the burned Vore auditorium and the height of this part of the building is 60 feet from stage to gridiron, giving accommoda tion for any spectacular performance played in the large cities. The theatre is fully equipped with its' own scenery of the latest patterns, including slide drop curtains, side scenes, flies and Other stage settings.

The scenery vaa painted and manufactured by Ambrewster i Company, of Columbus, Ohio. The stage baa fourteen dressing rosms with all improvements and conveniences. The ladies' retiring room, just off the parquet circle, has the appearance of a pretty parlor. The floor ia covered with a soft inoqnet carpet and cushioned settees furnish places for rest. There are targe mirrors and marble washstaads for the accommodation of patrons and the room will be in ch'srge of a maid.

A men's retiring room is being fitted up in the basement. The beautiful decorations are the work of L. A. Thiel, of Chicago, and the painting on the doing is especially attractive. The carpenter work on the building was done under the direction of Robert O.

Xeely, who has proven himself a skilled artisan. The mason work was done under the supervision of George Mills. The entire auditorium la heated throughout by a steam plant put in by1 Edward Brammall, who also did the plumbing work. The theatre ia as near fire proof as it can be andwide exits make it poaaible to empty the house in less than five minutes. servsd seats may always be secur ed at the iox office of the theatre which gives patrons another advantage of having a metropolitan playhouse.

The owners and managers of the Bell opera house are Dr. John Bell and George A. Mills. J. W.

Fox is assist ant manager. The owners desire to express their appreciation of the interest the eitizens have taken in the new boose aod. thank all those who responded so liberally in giving towarda tha 95,030 citizens' ifnd for construction of the building. Bring your children to Mrs Prea- cott'a entertainment Saturday night at Bell opera House. lower Boor, 35 cents; balcony, 25 cents; gallery, 15 centa.

Children lower floor, 21 cents; balcony, 13 ceo to. Kewjarbeble Cave ef Btheaeaatlses, Kassa, Jackson W. Va. Abont three years ago my wife had an attack of rhenmatiaos which eea-fined her vo her bed for over a month aad rendered her noeble to walk a step wit boat asaistanoev bar limba being swollen to doable their normal aize. Mr.

H. Maddo iosiate4 oa my using Chamberlain's Pain I purchased a fifty cent bottle and need it according to the firectkn and the aext morning eh walked to breakfast wit h-ont assistance in aay meaner, and aha baa not had a similar attack since. A. B. Parsona.

For sale by Bell A Co. Where are yoti got eg on yor trip this summer? The I. I. A I. H.

B. Co. sells tickets to all points In the United States and can atart yon anywhere. Do not bey a ticket an til yon have consulted their areata. Tbey can probably save yoe tisse aad moaey.

1 But Her R. Utitha at Silt Like City are Bound tc Bury Her, i Special to IMiWmia. Salt Lake, I tab, Maj ht ere ted a sensation by declaring that Mm. Halveraon. who apparently died last Sunday, is only in a trance.

Preparations have been made for the funeral. The members of the family are wrought to a high pitch of excite meat bat they say the funeral will take place regardless of the doctor's state me it. END OF WAR AT HAND If Latest African Reports are True. Quarrel Bstween Free State and Transvaal Boors Retreating and Panicky. Smaldeel May It is reported the Federals are quitting the and river and it ia variously stated they are retreating toward the Vaal and taking up a position at Koehrand, south of Large numbers.

of burghers have delivered their mausers and horses to tie British. Tbey aSirm there is a bitter quarrel between the Free Staters and the. which is likely to end iu the speedy surrender of farmtr. tienrrnl French has arrived here, Kpeelal to the ra'Udium. 012 il un, Msy 9 Although the iirit-ish expected considerable opposition at the ditlijiiU dri't of the rivtr the latest sJvicin from -Soialdeel indi- cate that the Federals are not yet ready to make a determined attempt tste1uLord Roberts' advance.

latter's front, indeed, is so wide overwhelming in numbers that it is difficult to see how the Boers can help being ousted out of tha VirginiaSidiiig, as they were out of Smatdeel. Even if they elected to give battle, the same considerations would probably affect the situation at Kroonstadt, hence it is the-general belief that little real opposition will be. encountered south of the Vaal. Repairs to bridges over the Vet and Vaal are expected to retard the general march from Smaldeel and Fourteen Streame for -several days, when General Bailer will also be ready. The general idea here is that Lord Roberta will direct the right on Harrismith in order to get in touch with the Natal army coming through Vaareenea'a pass, A dispatch from Moaerna dated May i says the Boera have deserted both LadysmUh and Ficksbnrgia and are in a panicky condition owing to reports the British bad occupied Senekai.

threatening their retreat to the Transvaal. TROUBLES IN INDIA British Government Notified of Outbreak. I Strong Punitive Force Necessary to Pro-tHct the Afghan Border. Lmdon, May following closn on the Ashanta outbreak tn the britifch gold coast colony come new of serious trouble in India. The India government has been compelled to send a strong punitive enpeditioe againat the Wsziris, who are raiding at will in Tochio valley 00 the Afghaa border.

GETS HO NEW TRIAL Motion in Behalf of Qtm. Kffib Difld at Lansing To tl. Lansing, May -At on to tea. Marsh a tuotion (of i Be trial. The.

wees Wee manes; the whitest mhml that's Rum meeeoira- imor Refuse fraudaleot imitatioaB. Take Tbd I'aiiadiaen. I.a a era- repaired at Beate'e Not an Electric Car Moving in the City. Police Protuctiou IuaJxtjuate te Secure Op eratmg ef Liuea. Kpertal fa.hv ralladtul! Si.

Loais, Ms May Most every street railway ia the city and eoaaty ia tied np this moraiag and But car is moving. General manager of the St. Louis Transit eotnpaev, an nounced that ao attempt would be made to ran ears to-day, noleaa ample police pro tee lion was afforded. 1 he protection -of yesterday was inade quate, aa showa by matay damaged cars aod a number of Chief of Police Campbell declares that the free under him is too an all to handle the aituation properly Thousands walked to work to-day, and vehicles of every description were pressed into use. OF DICK YATES Nominated for Governor of Illinois.

On Third Ballot in the Republican State Convention at Peoria. Special the Palladium. Chicago, 111., May URichard Yates was nomiuated by the Illinois Repub licans for Governor on the third ballot The convention stampeded to him. BRITISH SHIP LOST Sierra Nevada Wrecked at Melbourne. Captain and Twenty-one of the Crsw Be lieved to Have Drowned.

Special to the Palladium. Melbourne, May The British ship Sierra Nevada, Captain Scott in command, from Liverpool January 10 for this port, was totally wrecked outside theheads. Five of. the crew were saved but it is believed 'i'i others, including the captain, have perished. TO-DAY'S MARKETS.

Latest Quotations hj Wire frcm Chicago Detroit and Toledo. Special to tue Palladium. Detroit, May Closing quotations White wheat. T3Vc; red, May; corn, 40c; Chicago, May 9. ClosiDg quota tionsWheat, 05Hc; corn, iiic; oata, portt, $11 lard, Toledo, May It.

Closing quotations Wheat, cash, Tte; May, 74c. Nice soda crackers 6 cents a pound this week at Uerr Notice for Hamm.r Boarders, Partiea deairing to take summer boarders 'during the coming season will kindly band their names to ua at once, stating number of boarders de-aired, rates and location which will be advertised by us in the usual manner. UKA1IAM MoKTON THANH. TaUe The Palladium Tor all the news Oold Medal flour ia produced at the rate ef 30,00 barrels per day to aatiafy a world wide demand Once tried al ways used, i EXCURSIONS VIA TUB Pere Marquette Chicago. Methodiat general conference.

Sell Mav 1, 2, 7, 14, 21. Return June 1. One fare plus t4, beyond. miles from Chicago. One and one-third fare within 200 miles.

Cincinnati. People's Party convention. Sell May 7 and 8. Return May 12 Ooefare. Calumet f.

i 5, 5 --Sis; Baking NOT MADI BY THE T8UST. Powder (healthful V- roott OOERATbN I m- FtlCE Liailoa Sacosss, "A Wise Woman," will PraotJ -Iniuguration -Dessriptioa of Modern Theatre lr. Hll ami Uenrce A. are Ovai, mmi MAneg-ere the liouae. 1 To-niirht th-! new Batlonara ant in this city will te opened to the public nth the preseatation of the great Lon" 'dosawsss, "A WUe Woman." There pfll beo juratuiatory speeches by itixens.

The program is as follows: Introductory Dr. John Bell. vuirm by Mivor A i)ir new auditorium" t'haa. Seai-s. Prof eo.

J. Edifcumbe. I he world a stage -LeUoy A. son. I'lay.

"A Wise with spe--altUs, "A Wise Woman" coms recommend- as a detiirhtful farce and promises score a local hit. It is said to have reason for succeeding for it is ted bv a caDital couinanv. and it is so listinctively novel in scheme and de-elon'nnt that it furniKhe.4 what moat peiplelike bst, a diversion from ac- ipitij situarti or plot is iignt, out the incidents and complications are immensely amusingwhich makes it quite a breezy offering. The east of characters and synop sis of the comedy is given below. Hail Koath.

ao rtil Frederlr Murphy. Hi ter utw tu'r. bis Francis Jones. Oliver CMil-oiii. ik guardian.

Jn K. KcrviiwHi, Pranels I'liiieher. bk Horror Master Sahna ROiwb. hl vrifa Irunneil. Mawu K' itv.

im aura. rern rai Honor 'Kuckett Uuwur. Seeae tnill Rri-x-h's tilt In Flatbush. NV V. A'T 1 rvturn.

lskfB Dy sur prie. wneretosiu oaoy. uouiusion. lien or turtl.S Up. H.

y'r svuaip. niti.a, Paul Ji uariliiin. thr husbautts. I-ace VOfiwewUBtne new servunt. Ai-c a At crt iturooaes.

Green-eyed mm.ster tal murriein wtDn iBe piet tM-kea; rears. w. aiai picture. Slufit marry bis What will bis ife ay Ar in Sex i Where is Haul- Family lreakfat. I.

proa Honor bkkm (uiKcnu-t I I ttltf wrontr seem iwuw his Koardian. Paul attu iiKtitiuoiner i'- uwo, Ueby noils tti parents. Tha Bell opera hause was built at a cost of about SSO.OOO. The citizens of Kenton Harbor subscribed $5,000 toward the building and consequently the opening of the structure will be an event of more than ordinary interest. Crtiund was broken for the audito rium on tue 71h-oi victooer last at the corner of Sixth and Wall atreeta.

lanuary 1st, 19fo, the structure was nclosed and to-day the Onishing touches were made. The Bell opera house is SlxtoO feet a size and is constructed of the finest red pressed brick with stone trim nings. The entrance way with tile looring faces on Sixth street and a number of incandescent lights iUntnine the front of the building. iron balcony baa been procured for the Wall street side of the auditorium, The interior of the theatre is modern i verr ntrtictilar and no expense has been pred to make the house one of finest in the state of Michigan The amusement seeker enters by four wide wrs and finds himelf in a well- lighted vestibule. The ticket office is coavenieatly located on the rigutband side of tha entrance with oxydiz! iron bars at the wicket.

The sjaeiou auditorium prising parquette, boxes, balcony aod 11i.rt,- in S'lrii-ciretilar form, has eaoacitv of 1.200, aed when aeesaary roim carij be made lor 1,500 people. The parrjuette is m.i anl mnvanieotlv ar rwii ranged. The laleony ia reached by wi4 etatrway on either aide aod some of the bt 10 the house may be fond there. The gallery is gained by unart entrance andstairway at the left pf the theatre, with a separate ofli'je tieiow. Tha orcnestf ir' Jrir enongh to I fto tolayera.

The ell opera houe orchestra, nnder the Hiaaaeot of Robert Miila. will tor i.k mMki lor the theatre. There ar ten boxea. three oa eaeh bfow aad tw oa each aide above. These boxea art BBoaally well placed.

CD v2 5' CD CD Pu PU CD a 5 TJ 5' CD I CO I I CO CO J- Ol J- to bo bo C7t Oi co path to happiness have their four Real Estate Bargains Lake Front Lots in Higman's Michigan Park Prices Moderate. Houses at $700, 900, 1,000, 51.200, J2.500. House on Pipestone street, 9 rcoms, $1,400. Residence lots. Business lots.

Manufactory sites. There is monex lo Beaton Harbor real estate. HIGHAN REALTY CO. Yore Block. Dirt Cheap! 67 BARGAINS 67 Now ia the time to buy a lot cheap, and take advantage of the.

increase in value by the rapid growth of the etty. I have 7 fine building lots south-of Kmpire avenue, only two or three blocks from the ear lioe.won In ion Bishop and Jennings avenues, that I wUl sell for JlQv. tlii aad S150 each, oa easy. terabeMf, rive dollars will secure a contract for a deed, and if desired permeate or t'i per month until paid for. No interest if paid for within one year, on sales made daring the next a days.

This is a genuine bargain, aa alia lead is worth this price In acre trade. Klne shade trees in this Contract Tor a lot aow and you ean aeoti own a fine building site. Ten cents a day does the business. Similar Iota have been sold ad joining these for 25o each. Buy a lot aad I will help yon build a house, when the lot is paid for.

FRANK F. PRATJ, 2l Pipestone 81, Benton liar Ver, Mich. Try a want notice in Tut Fall adit at if yoa have aoythlng to eetl or wish te buy. or want Help, or a attention, or have a heme Vo rent, or want to rest one or any tb log of the Three linea oae time ia our saeril feolafta, only week, 15 eeata. IAN McCLAREN, 1 The famous English author.writ- ing in the North American He- view on "The Energy of the I "American" says: "No man writes with his own hand, if he can dictate to a stenographer; no man dictates, if he can telegraph; no man tel- egrapfis, if he can telephone." If you are a typical, energe- tic, up to date American you 1 alrea4v use the Long Distance Telephone.

If not, a word to i the wise is surficienr. Micliigaa Telephone Co. fillllliiiiiliiiiilitliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilir; Remember THAT. AT Jackson's Gun Store, 108 Water Berton Harbor You will find the lareent stock of sec ond-band bicycles in either city. '1 to start the spring trade with.

Terms, one-third down, balance in weekly I Don't Handle Ice Wagons. unredeemed watches of all kinds at less than one-third first cost. 7 good sewing machines from $5 to 913 each. good ap-to-date Kstey organ, for sale at-5. 'trfrf rlfv p.

I wilt bnv all the iroad second-hand breech-loading shot gaua that 1 ean get. no muzzle loaders wanted, and remember that 1 buy raw furs antil the first of June, Cash Paid for Old Cold and Silver. Men's good second-hand clothing wasted. I dent bnv any old trash. Good second-hand books wanted.

I don't handle school txnik. L.ieensed to loan money on all kinds of personal property. Dealer in everything that shoots. Inspection invited by CHAS. A.

JACKSON Tiilephtme Ne ss. Oold Meda America's greatest faai-)y floar, at all reoers'. ci.reh nil04 -eaal cake saia at Mr. atere Saturday afternoon. ablat(y pwra et-rsak fast food.

At all groevra-. MaaaHea law The Failadiana. tnaehloe shop. i.

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