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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 2

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

IF TELEGRAPH WIRES. PARTICULAR REQUEST. Benefit ot Mb. Nickerson. A fine bill ispre- I The Offick of thk MAasKTic Tkleobaph I Company, No.

2 Merchants Exchange, will be kept open as usual to-day. This is rendered neces-! s-irv for the accommodation of the business public, NOVEMBER ST, 18SO. fln rise, BALTmSr. THURSDAY, NOV. SB.

18. PORT OF BALT1MO TH.SK6tvre" Pay. Our citizens, we assume, PS the wires extend through other States where are fully apprised of th fact that this day has bee Thankstri ving does not occur on the same day as set apart as a devotional festival, in commemorate I Maryland. BiiRtncss men, in the habit of and grateful acknowledgment of the benignant mei their messages at their stores, if closed to-a onouij ciea of Almighty God. It is hardly necessary toen Ipave directions at the olTicc where to send the dis-large witn reference to Providential dispensation,nc8 received during the )' call at the to us-ward the people of the Slate of Maryland.

Telegraph office for theia: The heart must be insensible to filial emotion, tnc Ondkkdonk 'i is said that the Council nund incapable of appreciating the bounties ot iu- o(. Episcopai Bishops by passing a canon author-ture, and the eye slow to perceive the abundant j2in an eection in the New York diocese, (and for goodness that surrounds us, which does not respond wllieh trje Convention of New York met yestcr-to the summons of the civil authority, for such a jmve decided that Bishop Onderdonk is stil' purpose. The day, we suppose, therefore, will b- New Yotk, though under suspension. very generally observed, more especially, as T-j lle i8 therefore entitled to the full emolument which pious services will take place in most, it not all 01 i he reeeived prior to his suspension. For the last Health Office, November 25, law.

Report of Interments in the City of Baltimore, forth last week, ending on Monday morning. Bronchitis Casualty Child-bod Conmirnption8: Convulsions Croup Dropsy Dropsy the Head Drowned Bilious Fever Catarrhal Fever Nervous Fever Scarlet Fever Typhus Fever Hepatitis 1: Old A gel; Organic Disease of the Heart Palny Bilious Pleurisy Small Pox Still-born 5: Suicide Teethine Adult unknown Infantile unknowns; Uterine Affection Whooping Cough 1 Total 63. Still-born under 1 year, oetwenn 1 and 2, between 2 and 5, between 5 and 10, between 10 and lt, between 15 and 2', between 20 and 30, between to and 40. between 4a and So. between 50 and HO, letweeu and 70, 3: between 70 and 80, 2: between ii and I.

Males 32; Females SI. Of which number 10 were colored persons 6 free. 4 slaves. By order. J.

V. C. Hadel, CoHunissiotiCT of Healthy At FJCK GAS'lI COMPANY or BA L-Vj rVovEMBKR 2', 1350. NOTICE TO ('JNSUMEhS OF (tA S. Consumers of Gas are iRspeclluil' rf minded that tiiey are entitled to discount of per cent, on bids of Gts, (by meter.) irpaul on or lfore tho ibt day of December next, at the office of the Company.

n28-2t1 Nov. 27, Under the Winter Arrv.ngeme"t, commenotim on FRIDAY, the 23th, mails for the Norfolk, route, will close on Mondays, Wednesdays and ridays, at 3 o'clock, P. -VI. TO DAY, (Thankspivine Day.) tie Pot-Office will be closed nftrr la o'clock, A. M.

Persona who receive their letters by (he carriers will bear in mind to call or tend for them at the ofiKio, belore that hour, It, C. T. MADDOX, Postmaster. GOOD ClIAN't'll FOR A I'KRt-ON WITH 1 CAPITAL. 1) AGUKii RKOTYPK Mississippi Legislature A Convention to be Called--Passsure of Resolutions Censuring Senator Icoote, itc.

Jackson, Nov. 23, 1850. The Senate was to-day engsged in discussing the resolutions censuring General Foote. The vote to leave the question of a convention to the people was re-considered. The subject was referred to a joint committee.

The House was also engaged in discussing tne resolutions of censure. The committee will report on Monday in favor of a call of a Convention by the Legislature, and the majority will sustain the Governor in his posit ion of redress from Congress for the pst and security for the future. The discussion was very bitter, and elicited much feelintr on both sides. Both Houses adjourned till Monday. Jackson, Nov.

25, 18..0. In the bemoe, the only action to-dav was the report ot the bill by the joint committee "providing for a Convention in November, 1951, to be elected in September next. No vote was had on the resolutions censuring Gen l-'oote. The House passed a resolution censuring General Foote, by a majority of .50 to 13 absent and not voting. At the evening session, resolutions were introduced declaring the Adjustment Bill satiBfactorv.and secession not justifiable unli the fugitive be repealed or slavery abolished iu the.

District oi Columbia, which were indefinitely postponed by a hupe ma tority. A message was received from the Governor in tela! ion to the reorganization of the militia, and will "ive rise to proloneed and exciting debates. The convention will be called by the Legislature. Administration and opposition parties -ire holding meetincs every nicht. Geaeial Davis speaks to-night.

Tlie t'liioii -ctliicr nt Demiti-ciutioii ot" the XasHville Convention Approval ot" tlx- Compromise Appcul to the North, Cincinnati, Nov. '26, 1S30. Pur.sut.nt to call very numerously signed by most distinguished mem hers of both parties, a large concourse of citizms assembled at the Court-house on the 53d for the purpose of giving nn expression of popular sentiment in reffard to the great question of the day. The meeting went with a degree of unanimity seldom witnessed, and was characterized by much spirit and enthusiasm. The meeting was railed to order at V2 o'clock.

Judste Cahill was called to the chair. Tne speakers were the Hon. Andrew Kwing and Maior Donels m. The former gentleman supported, with much ability, the course of the Tennessee delegation in Congress, in the adjustment of the questions before that body, in its recent session, and administered a rebuke to thope who talked of disunion and secession as a of redress for public grievances. Tn following is a synopsis of the resolutions rh-'t we are a L'ninn-loving and law abiding and recognize submission to the laws as the rituaryduty of all good citizens.

That no State 3S the constitutional right to secede; and any such 'tempt would be revolutionary, end its consciences entail civil strife nnd bloodshed. That the -lition mobs and riots in the Northern cities, for preventing the exfi'iition of 'lie Fugitive Slave law, nd their abolition conventions, and the continued agitation of the slavery issue, will, if persisted in, paralyze all our energies, and lead to tlie total ulien-irion of one section ot" tlie Union from the other. fit at we the right people of the States, wilt-never pnlp-fbly, intolerably, nnd unconstitutionally to throvv 'he chains that oppress them; but this right is invol-mtary in its character, and there is no present use fori exercise. Therefore, we see no need for a Southern Con Ciinners. Fishermen, and all other persons ens wad about, or pissing over or under the Railroad Bridies of either the MLtrirf OK (iUftruwutttt K1VEKS, are particularly requested not todisturb, disarrange, or in any way interfere with the wires of THE MAUN tTlC TELEGRAPH COMPANY, wlncli cross these bridges, as such disturbance interrupts the operations of the Telegraph.

Every person of correct feeling, who du'y appreciates the importance of free, uninterrupted and cheap Telegraphic) communication between the various cities and tOAtis of this g-ent country, will expressly guard tiV'inst interfering wifh, or even touching the wires. For the information of those, if there be any, who are rareless of the righ of others, the following extract from the laws of tiie State of Maryland is quoted, by which it wilt be observed that there is a penalty of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS! Besides dam.isres to the Company, against an interruption of the operations of the 'telegraph by any interference with the wires or fixtures, and that a second interference becomes a rriminal offence, punishable by imprisonment. Ouotedfrom Section 9th of the Act to incorporate The Magnetic Telegraph Company, viz: "And every person who shall destroy, or commit a trespass upon fixtures of said Corporation, erected in pursuance of authority hereby siven, actually interrupting, or with intent to interrupt the operations of the Telegraph, shall pay to the said Corporation one hundred (Joil'trs for offence, and shall be further lia-tdf. tor alt damazes tcliich the said Corporation may suffer in rfpnjrins the injury, and in thi interruption of ikt ir bvxine.s, to be recovered in an action of tres-pass. And if any person incurring the penalty aforesaid shall, through insolvency or o'her cause, be unable, or shall fail to pay the penalty and damages afore and shall a second time uestroj or commit a trespass upon said fixtures, he sha 1 be subject to imprisonment not less than one nor over six months, in.

the County Jail, on conviction thereof belore a Court of competent jurisdiction." i he duty of the Officers of this Company to the public, as well as to the Company itself, requires a rigid enforcement of this law. WM. M. SWAIN, President. Baltimore, ri28-lt L7" ANTIEATAM IRONORE BANKl fuR SALE OK Lh tbt- A pornob of the ORE BAN known as the Virginia Ore Bank oi the Anti-eatam Iron orks.

It is situated immediately on the Potomac snd Canal, near arper's Ferry. The quality of ihis ORE is at least equal to any other in the country The facilities of waer carriage from the Bank, and the i supply of ORE, render it an ooject to tiiose manufacturing the best qualitv cf Iron. Apply to L. T. HrtlEN, or n23-eo2fr: 3 WILSON.

Baltimore TliiS IS TO GIVE NOTICE. That th i- hers have ob-tained from tiie Orphans' Court of Baltimore county, letters tes'amen'arv on the personal estate of OiAi.EB WHiTTKMOKE, late of said county, deceased, All persons having claims asainst tne said estate are hereby warne1 to exhibit the same, with tiie vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, on or before the 2ath day of 1851; they may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to John Lockerd. 324 We3t Pratt street. Given under our hands, tins 26th day of November, 1330.

JOHN LOCKERD, hLUKiiE ri. WHITTKJIORE, -law4t! A Executors. n3- 'TIHS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subsorT--J- ber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baiti- Hie estate of uKOKuh oi said county, deceased. All persons having claims against the sa'id deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to tne subscriber, on or rfore the 29tn oay of May nxt; they may otherwise, by law, 1 excluded irom all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment.

under my hand, this 2-h dv of November, 1850. MARY DEW, Adrn'x. ViTlVK SILK VELVETS, LoG SKAWLS, StoT LOUGH FULLERTOIV, No. 2 BALTIMORE Have opened an assortment of the above. They would also invite attention to their new stock of DRf-'-SS GOODS.

ViSITES, Mennoes, Bonnet VELVETS, HousekeecmgGoodsof all kinds, Irish Linens, Cloths and HeavyVooIens. n28-Itr BALTlMOifE FIRE INSURAXfjii5" lOMPANY No. 24 SOUTH STREET. Tin Company INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE Bi i- IRE, in the city or country, on the various descriptions of property. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J.

I. COHEN, President. R. A.Tava.'r, W. W.

s. T. Thompson, Geo. K. Vickera, F.

W. Alricks. J. Penington, W. F.W orthing- .1.

Kinpa ir ftnn S. 0. Hoffman, A. Sangston, Joshua 1. Conen, J.

BirckhpRd, jr. secretary. CONSTABLE'S SALE. virtue of a writ of hen issued by fi. R.

Robbins, Esq. of justices of the peace of the State of Man land, in and fir Baltimore city at the suit of Moses S. R'ibbins, the coods and chafels. lands aad tenements of S. J.

Melvibe, to me directed, I have seized and taken execution all the es'a e. right, title, Literes. proper -t claim nd demand at law and in equity, of the said le, in ard to a two-story and attic BRKJK LOUSE, lunhnisted,) on Grundy rear Dolphin ar.d I i.erebv notice that on the 7lh dav of ht 11 o'ciottk in the recoor, I will ofl'rr for sa'-e tiie said property, so seized and taken in execution, bv public auction, to tne highest bidder, for cash. ni.J,-eo'.dsa; J. W.

SAWMENIG. PLiJi PitUffcK- i a tt. -v ivi rui.y i.emz ths etleots ri iL i decea-ed to be sold on TCESD AY, at mne o'clock, (if fair, if not, tiie first fair cay. namely, Horses, Cows, one yoke Oxen, Hoss, cl! kir.dsof Proveuder, Corn, one Family Carriage, ona Wagon. Carts, one large Market Boat, one Scow, one smali flatteau, Km bushels forward Peas, kinds of Garden Saeus, three Ma-ket Stands, one Wheat Fan, Fannin? Erensiis.

all kinds. Also.House-Uoict and Kiic'-en Furniture, Terms of sale Gael: for a.l sums under all sums ov-r .10 six months credit, wiih ftood security. FARM FOR KENT on the day of sale. MARY LUSB'y'. Adniiuistratrix.

rro3-2 WM. WILLIAMS. Auctioneer. THE CITIZENS OF BALTIMORE are no-f that can have their CLOCKS Repair-2iiaed and put in oomplete order, by the identical who invented and made that wonderful Repeating Alarm 1 an? iifhting Fire -kindling Breakfast eoofcine CLOCK, which created rtt much excitement end elicited so much praise at the late Fair, bv calling on H. O.

WORK ELL, at No. 33 Hanover street, cor- ner cf Lvmba Et. n23-tf CITIZENS F'LL'S POINT, CAN -Hi TON AND HAMPSTEAD HILL who intend a purchasing CH AIRS, -ETTEESor STOOLS, a and desire ti know where to get first rate as "well as cheap w. rk, can be conveniently and amplv accommodated J- SORAN'S FANCY CH ITL WARE-ROOMS, corner Uond and Cough itreets. H' sro-k i large, varied and beautiful hs ter.n" aad eli'jrts to please, such as cannot fail to give SaMVrkcHANT5 supplied with CHAIRS put up for shipment.

All are mvit-d t- call and examine for themselves. wi 2-t SELLING OFF AT REDL CED PRI CES. The STOCK OF GOODS contained fcS the Store lateiv conducted bv Mr. m. Valiant, deceased, coesisiine of HATS.

CAPS, and a hue assortment of Ladies' Fancy URS, wiil be sold verv low, to close the c'lucsrn. Bargains mav be obtained bi calling and purchasing. 23-2tr JENNY LIND HAS COME AGAIN. lust recived another beautiful assortment of JENNY LID SHO ES, of kinds, for LADIES. MISSES AND CHILDREN.

T. W. WILLIAMS, lcl Baltimore street, n23 -tfr! nearly opposite rhe useuin. TO THE LADIES. Just opened Lat 5cSttlb Paris BL'Ff ALO COMBS, and oth of every variety.

Another supply ebtated Omnibus Soap-onir 124 Hatr Gold Jewelry, Tm Tots, Does i.c.t and a beaaiifal as3ornjent cf FANCY GOODS, No. 'A BALTIMORE just below Ca'vert. V. n. HMtl.Kit.

i ir -1 THK SUBSCRIBER has just opened hi opposite the Exchange, where the largest and best assortment of CARRIAGES can found in the oity, Foreor.s in want of Carnages wiil find it to their interest to ive me a call, as 1 am determined to seil low, for cash, or approved paper at six months. All wor 1c sold at mv Repository warranted for twelve months. 2i! -tD22r a cj WM. McCANN. r.

THANKSGIVING WILL RUN ON THIS yytJ from the corner of South and Ba.timyre streets, to the BALTIMORE CEMETERY, over the new p.ank Road, starting at the following hours 9V. 10 and 11 A. and 1, 2, 3 and 4 P. returning each alternate hour, i'rice 61 cents. It CATHOLIC BOOKS, FOR THE JUBILEE, ust published, and for gale by JOHN MURPHY 173 Baltimore street, Instructions on the Jubilee, and Prayers recommended to be said hi the Station Churches price 3 cents, or -2 for ion copies; the same in German, same price.

St, Vincent's Manual, reduced to 50 cents per capy, con-tainininir all the Devotions and Prayers necessary for the Jubilee the cheapest and best frayer Book pui-lished. Following of Christ, hv Kempis; Spiritual Pomit: Think Well On't; Way of Salvation; Visit lo the B. Sacraiiii-iit; Spiritual Retreit; Spiritual Exercises of St. lenatius; Elevation of the Soul; Sinoere Christian, Interior Lie; Choice of a State of Life together with a variety of Books of Devotion; Prayer Koohs. iiC, ice.

A chbistiop Hughes' Lecture on the Decline of Protestantism, and its cause. In Prkss, and will be ready by the 1st of December: Protestantism and Catholicity Compared, in their Effect ou tlie Civilization of Europe, by Balmes ii2-tolwt; DRTsTs. FITCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOULDER BRACES, INHALING TUBES, MEDICINES, The undersigned intends keeping a general assortment of the above remedies, used by Dr. F. with such distinguished success, in the cure of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Heart Diseases, Piles, ail Female Complaints, Dr.

F's Supporters are the most perfect ever made or now known, perfectly supporting the back and abdomen, curing Ruptures in males and Ir emales. Falling Bowels, Weak Bleeding Lungs, Falling Womb, Dr. Shoulder Braces have no superior. They are a perfect remedy for Round Shouldars or Habitual Stooping, thereby giving a free and healthy action of the lungs. DR.

F's SIX LECTURES on Consumption, for sale by MRS. C. A. ADKISSON, Agent, 25-lm 127 S. High sLjOne square from AVilk.

THE SUBSCRIBERS are now manufaorurirjj their first class premium STEAM ENGINES, with Tubals-, Plain or Flue Boilers, having patterns from 4 to 40 horse-power, some of whioh are at work ana can D3 seen at our shop, with ENGINES of every description; also, MILL WORK and CASTINGS done at th shortest notioo and in the best manner. Dealers is SECOND HAND ENGINES AND BOILER3. MAY6ESS it WASHINGTON, vn Front arrm t. CiLOTK 1 Clothins suitable for the California market; also, large and superior assortment of SUMMER CLOTHING, cut and trimmed in the latent styles, expressly got np for city use; on hand, a iare assortment of fine soods, of the most approved styies. to which we invite the attention of our customers and friends teneraliy, aii of which will bt wnA at tie lowest "rices, MIJlLS' CLOTHINS DEPARTMENT.

H-tfr U9 Baltimore street CALIFORNIA CLOTHIN G. The aubsoriber otfully informs those bound for the GOLD tha ne bas on tad an assortment of CLOTHIN suitable for that country. Having fitted out a rreat many that have tone, those wiBhine to purchase the rent kind of soods wiil do weil by callinr, as his sood are out, trimmed, and made in the bees and most substantial manner, and will be sold aa low aa any m-tabUelaxent in the ooantry, ASBURY JARRETT, 3-tt M. W. urcH Kmitimnr and Front atm.

CLOTHING FOK FALL AND WINTER. Country merchants and others are requested Lo call and examine my large and complete assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, whioh I will sell at aa low prices as any other bouse in the oity, wholesale and retail. JOHN STROMENQER, No. 140 Pratt street, next bona 9, S. Hot' f0il4 Ktilreta DpuL a-ia tt erson appears as Pescara.

Mr. Webb as Maleo, and Mis Fanny Wallaok as Florinda. Mr. Owens will appear as Gregory 'Fhimblewell, and Rbigas, the ma-gioian, will go throughjus feats. Childrkn's Bonnets! CnntiREx's nriuli tn vtt haunl Art.if.l a.

cad on Whifemarfh. on the corner o( Baltimore nndhollidaj SttlCet, "Wliere Hie cairjcu aiieimuu is i'aiu 0.11 nv wish to favor lain with a call. Ksglish Cannei. Coal. The superiority of this Coal over every oilier description oi Coal for (irnlcf, recommends it to tho attention ol consumers, l-'or sale by .1.

Henry Giesk, Asent, Baltimore Coal Verd, Spear's ha.rtOjHr.e nt tne Ynnl. Also, a stood supply of Lee, Butler, Coalbrook, Pine Grove and Cumhe-land Coals. AnM Go's I'jxPREss. Packages forwarded daily to town 1 in. L- tuit In i'lin i'rland, hceiiutt, Cincinnati, l.ouis-dnd St.

Anus. Time j8 hours to Pittsburg, lour villn Uavf to L.incin;.au. Rt mmoiiCf.s 10 irr.ionti. uraus on j-jugiaim, lreiuuu, or Scotland, at current rates. Ojiw, IGii BHth.iaftUrert.

The Ph ize? at Cot vin 8t Go's. At every drawing of the li'lier the advantage of piircliasniK at Colvin it Go'a crcat pri7t-ollioe is mnnilsftcd bv the rich prizes sold by thcic -'uly few davs since tlie r.plendul capita! tv iza. and were sold 0:1 successive anoihcr of two of wbicli have sevcial'y been announced on tne mar? in the ofl'nial drawitur, by the Manacers, as sold by Colvin N. W. corner Baltiin ire and Calvert Buildiiie.) a sititle ticket or package nail or a lew lines by mail will meet with prompt attention.

Sr. GaANn Capitai.k for Sat-iikiiav, Cmss X. florets 4i. 7H number i.otteiy, 20 drawn ballots. For drop at the nluseum coi ner, "Cot.

vin 1 i i I kc.I i 10 a ttals. ryrTHAN KSG1V1 NG. Til JOSKPtl I L5 SMITH, Pft-t cf Second Preshytemn Cnurch.will preach in the Saloon of Temperance Had, Gay screet, THIS DAY, at 11 o'clock. It CROOKS will preach THIS ij MORNING, at o'clock, in the High street At. Giiurcn.

rrUKV. H. CLAY DKAN, of the Iowa Con-iL leicnce will I'reac' TO DAY, (1 hursday,) the 21th the M. K. CHURCH, W.

Fayette street, at o'clock, A. -M. thanksgiving" day. 6 Mb aru 15 CHCM'H. Wrst or street, iiE V.

Mix. permission, tiie Skcond of the series of Discourses on "Aniencan History hand of (iod and ti.e impulses to gratitude its records," be delivered on THIS IKN I.Nti, Nov. at 11 o'clock. Suhi ct "Karlv Knlish Se'ticmenrs the Colon at Juine3-town," Virnima her History and Present Aspect." Th public are respectful!) lnvi'ed. Seals free.

It rrgFRANKLLN DIVISION NO. S. OF T. Lk3 Will meet attha Temple, North Gay street, on I'HIS (Thursday) F.YF. IN at tU o'clock, to unite with Neptune Division No.

7, in rega'ia, to proceed to the High Street Baptist Church, where able addresses will tv delivered. pub'tc is invited to attend Seats free. Rsv. GEO. K.


T. It! ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. The annual mperinsoi cocuuy 101 nic cici-nun um.r- bcarers. the transaction of ofiier business, will be held 0-1 SAT I DAY.

the SOth instant, at noon, at the Focnt.un I.tfht st'-cet. the ANNIVERSARY lilN.MlR will he at the sa'rse TL'riSDA Y. Dec. 3d, at 4 o'eiock, P.M. -Vein here are roqiietcii to tnemse-ves with tickets as soon ns fliev can.

llv order, Thi JOHN FA LCONER. Sec'rr. rv-sUNION l-ODia-: NO. 1G.1. Oi O.

F. The nicmbers of Lodge No. 16, I. O. arc wl at th on THIS 1 A NOG 2 instant, at o'ci'-'Ck, to rav the last, tnhure ii to our tiro: her.

Gkov-e Mouthers of sister Lo.l&es in staiidins arc invited to join the funeral. It'! By order. J. A. KAMSAY, Sec'ry.

TENT. No. Z7, O. of R. -The 1 Memi'-f-s of How ird Tet.t wiJ meet at their ROOM, of md and Pratt on THIS iThtirsdAV KV at six o'clock, to proceed to rhe TemprrLiipe '''-iriple.

join in tiie r-reinc-niea wili be punctual to the iiour, ordT. It' K. A. MCALLISTER, R. S.

DIVISION' NO. ln, OF TEMPERANCE. It is absolute1' i tnat every member the Division sb.ou'd be at the meet 1M i liur: hVEM.M?, at seven V-iiok. as iuihincss -which 'ae are Yitz ou coins up lor tnetr considpration. Jv o-c SA.M'L.

S. ltl -V5MONrMENTAL TENT NO. S'l. IN DEIS PEN DEN ORL'KK OF UECHAP.ITES.- -re not.ited to at the 'i N. Cav street.

on IS i EVEN INC. at 7 o'clock, for Me purpose of attend. tiie I'lklic 1K OSS7KAXIOX OP THE Oil HER. it! C. OLHAVER.


(.. F. A lUii '-is member? requested at nifettngori itlUA J-. it at which time revised copy of submitted ivr tt.Hr ord -r, "iu; WM. 11.

S. Y-raAN A PO I Nov, -h. A. S. k3 Abi.l Co.

a i-n: I embrace tne present ivora.i- i.pp--.rtu--r to recommend the i pa.olic PenooU ut Sta'e t. in at Aunap-'lis on or avun the first Mond-iy in Janti'-ir. Itlal, f-r i'e purpose deviMiig a stem of It wtli be admitted i tliH vu: i.r is the frvt snj'- to oi" a'l tins, it r't br in a I'-i'-re of tne of tins Stae, l'tti? or attention in to Jie sui-ject. Viiat is everybody's is nobody's t.u-"iccss. and thus this a.i important sul jtct has b-eii in i.i i.iecteJ.

Let the pre: of Marland take in bard, see to it county iif. fully represented. Let delegates the said 'inventions come with sta'ic. Let none bu prac-ticnl men be delegated fosaiu Convention. )ur Legislatures have been appealed to in vain upon tins subject.

Worsts than 1:1 has been trie result of pr.M'wct. Let me act ot December session, ch. 'eofv iip-m this sublet. By that act the repudiates of tia.vcr' wre allowed to take the school fund to rav 1 1 j-s to ttia S'ate. the Reform C' are tne Constitution of SIarvand, let the tr ei.ris of p'ii L-.

neat ion sef to it that a pnh-ic i ttysteiii i adapted wi icii wi pxea the means ednc.t'on wi'l ti.e reach of all. T. J. P. I pro tn" Monda rf Januarv next, tnat lovertior i.owe, i nt is o.iiee.

YJFJolLEE ALMS The duty of almsmving ordered for oi.taininc the of the Ju' iee, he mi il wrl, aon.i rabi bv assist ie tlie OK'PHANS' HOME. at will be thackiuliv received bv the Rev. J. IXLAN, St. PatncU's, and bvtae Rev.

Or. MOKIAKTY, G-yvanstown. niVeurit -r5 NEW Jo Sen ice be I.f an- Jl FS.V LEM C.HI KCIL Divine be l.e:d and a Disoourss, bv tiie '1 K. Will '-ed-ltvered on THANKS GIVING DAY. at tan of wrsinp of the New Jerusalem 'No.

ta SuUTii STREET, at I i o'clock, A. M. ST-i'J -TH AN'KSG-VIN'G The" REV. JdHN S. 1 i.K'i Wi.l the Pr n't limy M'th- Cnur HIS Thursdav I KN-! Day," 1 o'o ock.

A wiii be taken up t. aid tiie of the Indigent Widows' Society if Kast Bltiiiiore Station Tho pubjto are invited. ni'T-Zt 'y-tr- ST. PATH ICR'S CIIFRCH'. Ti.e Very 1 Li? Rev.

DR. IdnrtlARTV will preach in s-f. PATRICK'S CHI'itCH. on THIS DAY, Thursday. November -t'th.

A Collection wili be taken up r- lie Repairs of tne Cnrch. Service will beein at l'i o'clock n7 2t rr NOT I VI IS CSH A ND dJ3 MATTIiEW )': I ELY are authorised to receive subscriptions from trie citizens for the 1C RECTI ON Oi' Till: WELLS MeCOMAS MO.N'L'-MKN'T. Bv order. GEORGE W. TALBOTT, n27-2t Spo.

of the WeinSi M-fJonias foioiment. TTHH LADi ES of THE WEST LO.M BAH STREET CHURCH, (Rev. Mr. Ewixn's,) respectfiidv announce that thev will, by Divine permission. noM thoir second.

THANKSGIVING FESTIVAL, for the benefit of the Church, in the basement, commencing on TH i Wednesday i EVEN IN 27th to bo continued throughout the day and on Tliursda except darine the hour of Divine service. Trie pu'dic in with tiie renerom? patrons ol tne hist in particular, are kindly invited to attend. r.27 2t! Ysp-N'EPTUNE DIVISION. 7.S. of T.

The 'LJ? members of KPTCNE DIVISION and of sister Divisions are requested to meet at. the TEMPLE, on the (THANKSGIVING DAY.) at it o'nloef, P.M. Thev proceed in a bodv to the HIGH ST. BAPTIST CKL'RCH, and b.a addressed by Rev. T.

B. I.K.M.VON and Da. J. C. ORhlCK.

1-: very one, whether Temperance man" or is invited. n27-2t JAMES CROCKER, W. P. rr-iSr A I OEMOXSTR A.TION'.-ll"? THAN RACING I'A: Em I NG. Saloon oi Temple, N.

Gay street. Monumental Tent will ho Ida Grand Temnerance Haliv, on tiie almv? evening, at o'cicck., by Rev. SEWElL, P. f.

C. W. B. MAGRliDKR, M. and P.

D. C. K. C. CAM-MACK, of The Amateur Singing Association of Messrs.

CENT. CO. have also kindly volunteered. he Junior Brandt, En-cimpm-nt Order, Sons, Davyhlvrs, nnd Cadets oj Temperance, and public are invited. Seats ten.

r.2.5-MVTh3tJ YFAIfl. The ijfldiesof I he Church of the Aseen-IJ3 sion Rev. Mr. Kiliins' Lexington, Pine intend having a i ale of useful as as fancy art icles, eo'ifcfdionerv and rclpubsnents commencing on 'I'll IS (MuNDaY) EVENING, and be cntinued during each day evening until Thursday. inst.

inclusive. MARRIED. On the 21th instant, bv Rev. Mr. Jlefl'ner, JOSEPH FOSTER to Mrs.

DOROTHY ANN SLACUM. Virginia patters and CamlWdge Chronicle please copy. At York, on theSfith instant, by Rev. Mr. Soch-man, WlLLIAiM A.

LLOYD, formerly of Northumberland, to Miss MARY ANNA ESTON, of Baltimore county, I Pennsylvania and Ohio papers copy. DI ED. On the morning of the 27th instant, at three o'clock, after f.n illness of eight months, JOHN CHARLES FO It TIE, in the tWth year of his age, son of the llev. John and Delia Fortie. The friemls of the family, as also the children of his school, are respectfully invited to attend bis funeral, on to-morrow (Friday afternoon, at three o'clock, from his late residence, Jeilerson street, four doors east of Canal street.

On the 2hth instant, GEORGK W. TRICE, in the 36th year of his aee. Thus, in the short space of one yeir, death hits deprived four small children of a kind mother, sister and father. (Cambridge papers copy His funeral wiil fake place on this Thursday afternoon, at, half-past two clock, from his late residence, in Register street. At New Orleans, on the 22l of June, JOSEPH CO.

STAN Oi in the aath Tear of his sec; and at Mobile, on the 17th instant, PETKK CONST AN CK. in the. 43d year of his aee, leaving an aged mother and two suiters to mourn their The loss of a friend at any time, and under the most agreeable circumstances, is an event pregnant with sorrow, and although time in its onward course may reunite tlie association of by -son years and call to nn nd tiie Nppv remembrances of the past; yet even hope, in attempt ir" to peer through the dark vista of the future, still leaves us with feelings of regret to mourn the dep ar'ice of a loved friend. the whole of their bves they were distinguished for their uniform kindness of disposition and amiability ot temper; their manners were easy and unpretending, and never did hearts of purer benevolence and disinterestedness, or more exalted above any thin mean or unworthy, glow in the bi easts of any human beniRS. In the circle of their acquaintance their amiable qualities were most gentlBmeii awl friends thev were equally revered.

To those ol their friends to whom they were most endeared their loss wilt be most truly and severely left. DC. E. 'THOMAS has REMOVED irom wrner of Guy ioal Aisui'ilh streets, to ETER first house from Gav, nt the bvieuieni ii2.l hi. the churches in the city.

There will be, moieovt -reunions of aueetiun and friendship; the family tie will be renewed; fresii associations establish? --the ceneral relations of social intercourse revive The day prevails as a thanksgiving seao tarai.n wide, the follows States unii.P us New Hampshire, i on-reefcut, Island, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois. TeRnesee, Kentucky and nud the District Columbia. la order that si! persons connected with the sun office may have an opportunity to join in the observance of the day, no paper wilt be issued troiu this? oifice until Saturday morning. Should any important intelligence come to hand, however, an extra will be issued on id ay inrmng The Next -'World's Exhibition." It is, suppose, a settled act, that the li-st "World's Exhibition-? is to be held in this country and, according- to the disposition of the Cabinet. Governor' Island, in the bay of New York, is to be the loci the vi-and industrial Now has oc curred to us.

without much cogitation either. tant there is a tar more appropriate piai m.uhu u.t area of these United States, for such an Ri'air. in everv point of view, than the aforesaid Island. In the first place, we find a serious objection to the island, or to any island, from the geographical fct that every island with which we have hid anvthing to do. whs approached by water.

Ant 'as our personal observation assures us that Governor's Island is not exempt from tnis peculiar inconvenience, we think that sn insuperable objection The fact involves the necessity of paying for tht privilege of communication, which should be r.o feature of such an aifiir. And further, impcsi-s upon all exhibitors from this country the neeessi' of a transhipment, after having arrived the tropolitsn terminus. On looking round for a very suitable place for the Exhibition, the grounds of the Cantor. Company, East Baltimore, seem to us to offer those of Governor's lOsl. Bain- more has a central position the Atlantic border: the city is of easy access troia tae ocean; the Canton grounds are at the cf debarkation; even possible facility in point of location, to tI- visitor.

With respect to our people a' home, re the natural depot of the great west; it is. rs it wttt, in domestic contiguit. with an immense bracing the great productive wealtt. and important the country, together with a considerable pronation of inventive genius, niunu.i--tetu.res, science t' srt. It is easy of approach fro: a the north convenient to the soath, near to the capitii cl'y of the Union, which of course every foreign jr xv.ll be desirous jo visit.

Such are a few of the advantact-s which our city presents, as a candidate tor the rion. No. S. We are, of course, at liberty to speak of the cour- tsv and hospitality ot n--r or rjiehe-u" tv of Baltimore belles tinese arc s-erbiai char acteristics a.reauy ot tne wor a over. But we ou'at to be allowed a word of the political health pitriotisra of our city.

Hfre r. this centra! iocati-in. our citizens that tone pbii- sentiment by which tiiey ate enabled to correct and niXify tbe violence ct two extremes. Hera we exhibit the genuine Ur.i r. spirit, without amf.

stimait any sort t-pver; pa! M-l-j' lAii i 5tnc5 thus r' roe" of the Costtt tirr. tst the tri.t words, we, her sons, can never realize the pes? -htltty of its destruction, is. then, prcu-harly the "2 which incite saeh a te as will attract people of every State. IJerc taey can meet 'is on ground the firm territory of a conimta Here the North and thc South will by wiiiicj to nicer: hither they i come, with thetr hands, irA (a suc'r an occasion, hieml "ace more the humosie of a common destiny and a common a.ry. Harford Cor.vTT Court of th: lirrK I Jury I'nristi ImpUta 1 it Bmk Fravts Wc publish, in another column, letter fr n.

ar correspondent s.t which it will seen that charges of a very serious nature, involving a criminal relation to the ivre dc (jraee Busk, have been made a number of individuals in parts of the country. coarse, wc have n- riians of learaing what is ie existing elate of facts on which ihes are based; but. the is unavoidable a rima ficia case standing them, on the tr farte testimony of the State, the individuals tins implicated owe it themselves, to the peop oi Maryland, an! the interest's s-iciety fit iarge to vindicate the nisei ves aga.nst ittca nn inrt; v-tatiou. Failing to do the virtue of an Executive requisition should wide to apply in crch case, that those rights which thr.s appear to iiae teen so grossly ontr i. if-nily aveaff-d.

Chane of vcc. winter tin.j. t--tnent of thi Crera M.u: wiii go trT-ct on Mondav next, on atid wmen uiy tiiere will be three trains run between Mtlium and Pbllacel-phia. They will leave lhil at t-; A. and 3 and V-i P- 51., and at i unl 11 A and 9 P.M.

Trte three o'clock: train will bt-the express nn i will come through fou. hours nnd a hlf. duhverinc the mails and jvissec-pers, who leave New York in the ir.t.rning, at Kai-timore at about half-pnst s-ven o'clock in the evening. The atcmbo! Hue bvtween tijnore aid Philadelphia will of course be discontinued. It is proposed to send the miii from the North received by the express trnin direct to the West, with the evening Washington mail, but the arrangements have not yet been perfected by the General.

The winter arrangemerTl of the steamers between Baltimore and Norfolk goes into effect on and to-morrow. The boats will make but three trips a week instead of daily durinsr the winter. Telegraph Notice to Gunners, Ac. Our business community, ind the press, will doubtless join heartily in the "particular made in on ad-vertisement in another column, by the President of the Magnetic Telegraph Company to trunners, fishermen, and all other persons eniraeed about or passing over or under the railroad bridges of eithtr tin Bush or Gunpowder River3, to be careful nor to iiii turb, disarrange, or in any way interfere with telegraph wires which croS3 thoie bridges. All disturbance interrupts the operation of the teleirraph.

cheeks the business intercourse of the different cities, and being doubtless made through the inadvertenci or thoughtlessness of those passing near them, the particular request of the President will doubtless promptly attended to. Those, if there be any such, who may be disposed to disarrange the wire through mischief or malice, will also see by the advertisement that a penalty of SKiO has been enacted by the of Maryland as a punishment for such wanton trifling with the rights and interests of others, and that a repetition of the act becomes a criminal offence, punishable by imprisonment. The Pkesident's Message Its Despatch ly Mail Agtts. We are pleased to learn by the letters our Washington correspondents, that President Fillmore has consented that copies of his message lie sent from Washington, in charge of mail agents to the principal cities, and that they be delivered to the editors of the different papers immediately on ihe receipt of the announcement by telegraph that tt has been presented to Congress. This will do away with the expense, as well as prevent all danger of accident, by the running of expresses and will, we think, be considered through all future time as a wise precedent never to be departed from.

We have, for Eevera! successive years past, urged the adoption cf this plan, as more accordance with the spirit of the age, than the use of locomotives, and doubt not that it will be fuund to answer jnost admirably. The Steamship Florida arrived at New York Friday, frin Savannah. Among her passengers were the Howell Cobb, Speaker of the House Representatives, the Hun. -Mr. llaekett, and the Jlon.

Mr. Jackson, who are on their way to Washington. Tbaxb anb About Someoi the Northern f.rms, which were charged with leaning toabo. Jition, are coming out in lite papers to ueny tile ae usation. M.

W. Chase Barney sailed in the Cherokee from N. Y. on Tuesday for Chargres, as engineer the Panama railroad. THE BAiTLMOKK PosT-Oi FICE Will be Closed til- tlay after ten o'clock in the morning.

The mail Vi! ftceivw! Slid drjat'hcd 1 UKil'il two or three years he has been voted the sum ot twenty-five hundred dollars, but now he is entitled to the salary which he previously received. Iw.nok and Superstition. The (M Herald says that a German woman i that neighborhood, who practices the art of foretell hig the futuie events of life, realizes as high as eight and ten dollars some days from her protession. She has created quite a furor amongst the lovers of the marvelous. Map'lle Jenny LtND stole a march on the expectant public of Philadelphia by coming on from New York unheralded, reaching Philadelphia about half-pi8t hive, o'clock on Tuesday evening.

Sbe was to give her 34th concert lust evening, and Gov. Johnston and family would be present. From Advices from Galveston to the 17th instant state that the counties of Dewitt, har-ton. Mtagorda, Washington, and I-a Grunge, gave small maiorites against Senator Parwe's Boundary The State, however, is largely iu favor of the proposition. Col.

Johnson. The Legislature of Kentucky is to erect a monument to the memory of Richard M. Johnson. The members of the Legislature were affected to tears by a eulogy on the old hero, by one of their number. Arrival.

Mr. Owen D. a member of the Frederick (Md.) Mining Company in California, arrived in Frederick city on Monday last, very much improved in his health. Patents. Among the patents issued at Washington, last week, was one to Cnarles W.

Krebs, Baltimore, for improvement in fountain pens. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH, For tlie Baltimore Sun. ARRIVAL OF STEAMER EUROPA. 7 DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. i.iiSjlaiv.l nml France liattle between I'russiaii- ami Austrians Decline ami Iteaction in Cotton.

iir. Halifax, November '27, P. M. The Royal Mail ea.t-er F.urop-i arrived here at 7 o'clock tins eve- r. brings forty passengers for Boston, and Si.

veil Halifax. Asia wt-s evr west of Iloi'lvhea Trie br; Lor.i.on to th' Trie the Ilia as sea t.t quarter pnst 7 clock it-il ixiitmt. twenty Liverpool dates to the 16th. instant. leriea.

arrived rtt Liverpool n. englani ery" cry is'i.asr in Kngl.ind. aiiiiiiied at a Ca; noiic Hinirchy It appears tiiere are iu a.l Knsiar.d. ami i. i.

Tt- 1 1. Aubt Irel FRANCE. hss sent a I. messaje to the nas given genera, satisf iction. tic amuitii.n for the Presider.c.

LoaisNfip Aiiciniily. U.S'-iiiiaia a.i or the Tutor.e. an The rumore niisr.riUc-s' and Austria has irininz Aust ATSTHTA. 'Kuuin etween tinned. AH Germany ar-ria and Bavaria are also Prussia.

it seems. Las drawn the first l.iood. Tneir troops oet-upied tne vil.ags of Beto.zeil. wnica Austrians aavaticea tueir swords sheitheo. bat tiiey were at once fired upon, and several of taeir number wi led nii.1 kied.

Tne shots were returned and tne Prussians finally evac ti.e off their w- unde'd them. ErglanJ, and Russia have offered their mediations On it German question, the latest acounts are Tiore fiivT-it'le. V.enn.i war now looked as certain. IH MAKKET5. Coiua Mir-t.

Brown A Shifiey's CircaUr states on Monday the Cotton marie', iec one estreratly dull. arer r'f the i-igara a decline of a i Tne Geiiiiar. aceoun's in the past 'f-vv davs. t- v.v,;,'ii drciir.e was produced, bei'n-t esi trl.Kc. tae by tne America in in New YorS ar.r.uii'jcd a ktlii as frost in tne h-ic es nave rallied a.

of 'ne t'th. Leen re-estahiishcd and pri-froiu tne extreme Tlie m-irket clc-sed on at the fu" c.f ir tiie i-efer descnntions i-t Vtnerlesn, and an advance for the tower and "ii-invr qualities. The sales of the amount to baits, of Spt'CUiators took and expr-ers 1 .0011. the rt-sidue hv tne rr.nle. ie -rce Holt Co's CirccUr the sales on Frid-iy at 10 MX) bu'es.

a. state tt the in tbe cotton market "has met with no in Manciivstcr, fe-irs as to what nay be tne in of Uermnnv. keep the chccK. Hivrt Cotton Market Advices from Havre up Thursday rforesent tne Cotton ouriitt as beinis nuch depressed. Tne s-iits of that day, up to two P.

amounted to bales, at a decline 3 Centimes upon Ust rji'otati-ms. Ti.e ales 'he weeK. up te the 1 'it it aim-unt to i.rii Bre.ad3tu;Td. The market Flour was quiet, but i-m. at price quoted at the close of the previou Tiiere Ins been speculative demard for vheat at prices current at tho s-oiui of tne Niae-ira. Corn is iu g-u-1 cicui at tjj. to in mgs f.r yellow, 'aud sr.iliinh for white md i.teii. Provisions Beef continues without, any of improvement. There is no chantje to no-ice Pork, and tiie mirket inactive. Small "lies oi Bacon at full prices.

Hams sell fite-tv, but no improvement in ati--inc'd one shilling per cwt. Cheese declined two Stores Sales cf 1:000 bbls. Rosin, common, at la Id. Cojiee -Transaction small, but prices unchanged. Tne C.iEtinental markets show a decline both in Coffee and Sugar.

A business done in Tea Joniinon (mongers advanced 'd per ob. Sugars in moderate demand; holders L'lti. Molasses in good demand, at full prices. Rice very dull. Tobacco very firm, and sales small.

Wool firm, with a ligat stock. Eritrlish Securities have been subject to considerable fluctuations darir-cr the week. On Monday Consols closed at ItO to 06 and on Friday, owing to favorable Continental advices tht ad vancd ft y.i to a for United securities hftve been toleraldy ae-five Uufins the week U. S. C's of 1-62, of to lU9tr; Pennsylvania -2 In Havre tne coffee market is nesleeted.

nn.J su-arars in moderate demand. Tobacco has advanced considerably. Freigfita dui! at Liverpool. There is no other news of touch moment. Ut-nrii'm toiirtnihm Klecfion Iteturn.i Tsfuiiipfi of iiie OppoiK nts of becrssiou unit Di-ii liiisu.

Augi-sta. Nov. 271, P. M. An election took place throughout Georgia for delegates to the Convention, ordered by the last Legislature to be called ay the Governor in the event of tlie passage by Congress of the bill admitting California as a Mate of the I nion.

The returns are coming in and indicate the success of the Union party, iu opposition to those who consider the recent acts of Congress as cause for secession and disunion. In Bibb county the Union candidates are elected by a majority of 171. in Chatham county the Union delegates are also elected by a majority of Kit). Second Despatch. Augcsta, Nov.

27 3, P.M. Returns have just been received from Morgan Columbia, and Warren eountias, in each and all of which the Union ticket has been elected by a respectable majority In Burke county the Southern Rights or resistance party have elected their ticket. Third Despatch. Savannah, Nov. 27.

The returns thus far received show that the Union partv have swept the State, electing a large majority of their delegates to the Convention. Fourth Dispatch. We are indebted to the editor of the Washington Union for the following dispatch Macon, Nov. 20 The Union party have carried the state by an overwhelming majority pcr- naps i tjii.tino. In twenty-three counties tlie L'isunion-lsts have carried but three, by an aggregate majority oi less than two hundred.

The other twenty send nion de'eirucB by from one thousand to thirteen re" Tnu knocking at the dour any more. Journal and Messenger. A'cident at the A'-i-ey- Yard- Xaval Matters, ii i i. Washington Nov. 27 I LUC llliVy w.n' evninS; Uiirand, ahua Tnomas l- I "i.iiuj, aiiua i ion i rt, r7tiir from the second storv ot tne, and was badly injured expected here frmu N'ew York ly expected oirgen '(trders are now doing here for th 9 are t.eme received for i.

now doing here for the frigate St. Lawreno o.Y. is fitting for sea at IS'evv York. M. Bloody Riot near Pittsburg.

PiTTsBtrRG, Nov. 20. A report reached here yesterday, P. that a terrible riot had broken out the Irish, working at the Charteers Railroad, some 13 miles below this city. Report Bays 5 or 6 were killed, and the fight was stiil going nn.

The news rapidly spread, and in a short tune the sheriff, with two military eompnnif let! k.r the Hcene fbaiuv ESTABLISH FOK SALE, cheap, doing a larger business lhan any other establishment, in the cit y. The purchaser mil be taught the lmsmes. if yddrcss J. 11. Baltimore Post-Oflioe, stating whore an interview can be Ind.

It OfTCASICS GEKALVNWCCOil AVFor sale by OU DEKCKE GKRDES, 23-St No. 155 Lombard street. Jl ST superior 25 cent TOBACCO. For sal-, wholepale ami retail, at KERN'E-R'S Old Stand, Lexington market. SPERR K.LKNEK.

t'AMfLY CORN MEAL. We have "constantly on i- hand Fresii CJRN MEAL, ftrour.d end bolted in tr.e very best manner, nt our water mill, expressly for fnniily use, which we her to families and the trade at the verv lowes' prices. Also, Buckwheat Flour; Fair.i-v. and Superfine LOUR, bv the barrel or Gray load. MALCOM CO Daaiers in Grain.

Feed, is.c, No, 1 Wood street, Bowiy 's wharf. LADi E'! fVjDi FS! rON'N'ETS. MUFFS, BOAS, (JAPES, CUFFS. N'MGK TIK.S AND 'f RIAiMiN GS. A laras stock.

Brent variety be sioted. It. and prices low that von car.nt.t fail to it I uavi, liairiniore arreft. Nine doors east of the Bridge. SCHOOL MISSES ought to supply themselves with itiT new tty'e SATCHEL, a most beautiful article.

Just received, a new sijopi BUFFALO, SHELL a-id other COMBS: HAIR BR USHFS, fifty diderert Ktvtrs, together rmiiions of TO and FANCY ARTICLES, suitable p. presents for the Holidays, all which will be run at the usual low rates, nr. Si EK.ER right on tiie corner of Koiliday and Bs'ti-more n23-3t. FRESH FA LLTGOODS. AP.E NOW OPENING a verv extensive and heaut 'ni of NEW FA LL GOODS, direct the fa ct urers in France, and Ireland, and f'roui careful selecions luad i'roisi recent isn-portati' -na, ins of rich 15rcade and other TLK French Cashmeres; and Merinos: fnh and Eugiifh Linen: Sheeting and Shirting Table Cloths; Diapers; Toweling, wi' i ienera! assortment of CLOTHS and CASSI MERS; Scotch and Er.glkh Ginghams; Chintzes and Prin's; Hosiery, Gloves, wh'ch we Will sell at, lowest prices.

R. McELlK VN -r. 393 BPimore street. i. MEN'S AND YoFTHS',i this part oT t'i' city, at prices that cannot fail to

CLOTHS, CASSLMEKS, DOESKI JEANS, Cassinets, Nestings, Line'1 Shirts, L'ndcr-Siiirts and Drawers: all ku.ds ha'f Hose, Gloves. Sn-perders, Neck and Packet nnd almost everything tndt's vvantii for centlemen's suit; also, a assortment than ever in tli line: about prices nee.m'l say anvthme, e.s a 1 tiie in town know that tr.e best piace for BARG IN'S is RAYNER'S CHEAP STOSE, r.n-tfr iHa Canton avenue, east of Broridway. TT LaRTjE STOCK OF SHAWLS. x3.AMU.TO-. CAST FH i No 13 SruKEt.

have in Their Shawl Room an if Xone and Square pans Caahrnere; lour md tau-'ire Vooian Snawis, of ever description; black and se'cond-riioiirnina plain aid etiit.roidenni all clors; rioii emhroidei-fed and plain Crape Misses and Children's SHAWLS. Also, a iaie of Veivrt. Silk; and CJotn Cid'AXS, S.0:S. YiSiTES, Stc. vice VELVET'S, ur.d aiiyrted colors, of ct't superb low r.i'3-tir CAs-ES OF REMNANTS CALICO ARRIVED 'J Tills MuSMXii from.

Bas ton. in pieces from; fa ii'i vird, about price. Also, from auction, tine French Meri 'iies. 5- cents, worth 75; real eleh S7. worth 62 M-'i pieces In-sh Line-: at 37; to 5' cer's wi te-75.

A k-t of bl ae and brown CLO FHs at 61 a-, to .4, wonh double: first re Sat! net at S7: some snptr black 50, wonh 75. YVe have ike best- "fir. in CARPETING. OIL CLoTKS, Co' "on and wool I3i and Z3; supe'finall -yi, worth lb; extra superfine 62. worth is pieces Ra Cfrpef at 22 up; Stair Carpctiiig at cts.

FXjOOII OIL CLOTHS, 5- cts. asquar worth 8t THE Fr.OPLE'S Si Oiiii. r.r.-ti'f" 143 Laxixctor, 3 -loors abovp Liescjs; Kersevs: Satinets: Domestic Cottons; Penitentiary LINSEYS, and 'ri JJ .7. JL r. i i I) lsiCHDTlTL'V I HEAVY (T i'i oi ver-r at verv low HAMILTON EASTER CO.

n2S-tlr PAKE 1- Ail persons wiio the foiio'wing eoods, North Gay street, Three Pir, -carpets: ca rpetsu liave not sup-plied titenisSives with do weil by csiitn? at No, 3 (Oil cloths, (Table and Piano covers, IK i.izs and crumb ciotss, uperhne, Fine and common Ingram stair rous, door Carpetmes, I mats, i.e., See. The above new anu beautiful styles, which I have ust received added to my already ex'ensive stock, making it well worthy the attention of those whose object is to purchase, bv calling at tbe oid stand, No. 3 North Gay street, near Baltimore street. BECK. P.

S. Also. I. and 4-4, plain and flowered Vemrjan List.jjnd raj Carpet of my own nianulacturicg. no-tfr CHAVv-LSTVELYE I'sTaN MES1 NOES.

0 O.v Hand An extensive assortment of LONG SKAWLS, in th" m-i-r braotiful patterns, from 3 50 to 4-4 SILK VELVETS, blaek and dored. LUPIN'S FRENCH MERINoES. BEAI'TI DRESS GOODS. BLACK XJOMBA.INE&. LYON'S CLOTHS.


BE VAN nJt-'Str No. 6 Norih Charles street. TN I A 1 i 8 "WA SE" 1 yo. 9 BALTIMORE 2VEAR LIGHT, may found a complete ass-yrtmcnt of Rubber Gooiis, suitable for engineers, stase drivers, swrts-men, Jsn such es: Coats, Caps, Legir.r. Boots, Gun Covers.

Also, Dogs, Lions, Doii Heads, RHrties, Air Bails, s.c. Also a eiimpiete assortment of ovr Shops for men, women and children. ISAAC CORBETT mnnufacturers, pesnts and dealers in every variety of Goodyear's Melaihc India Rubber Goods. TESSltS. EDITORS: Say to your friends we have il received some improvrd style Gloves for Gents at 18? pair (br comfort equal to any of highest cost; vs-rie'tv Casinnere loves, for children, to clofp at 12A.

wcTtfi i.i cents; few more Tally-fio Razors, BeU-Clothe' Clasps; Doll Shoes, Arms and Bjdies, very cheap; variety Tova and Fancy Goods MORTIMER n23-tfr -4'i Balttmore street. 1 37KEN ClTfLDRENARE TEETtllNG, or ais- tressed with colicky pains or irregularity of the bowels, nuninister a timely dose of "BOWES 'H INFANT CORDIAL," which is a sure balm for such Price S5 cs-uta single bottle, or three bottles far 5" cent3, and Agert, S. S. HANCH, Bslti-more.


Nearly opposite the New Sun Buildings. The subscriber begs respectfully to return his best thinks to his friemls and the citizens generally of Baltimore and vicinitv for tiie very libera! patronage bestowed upon him during the last eight years, and fakes this mode of them that he baa i pened the Store No. luS BALTI MORE STREET, and in addition to his (own manufactured) LAMPS, CHANDELIERS and GAS F1XT1 KES, he has a large and weil selected stock of CHINA. GLASS. BKlTANNIA and OIJEEXSWAR consisting of China Vases; Sets; Cologne Bottles; CaoJ Baskets; Ink Stands, cM Jcc; Dinner, 'Tea and T'oiiet Sets, in the most modem shapes and jpatlems.

nilt and plain; Glass and Britannia Ware, oi everv description and make, and Ornamental Goods in endless variety; alo, a lare assortment of Oil LAMPS. ria-tir. JOiLN DAVIDSON. The MANUFACTORY will be continued at 81 North Street, as formerly, MEW AND RICH JEWELRY, iM SILVER AND PLATED WARE. A., GOLD and SILVERSMITH, No. 10 North Gvi has been receiving a beuatti'ui asso; tment. oi fiif, uulu r. uii. Sifev Buttons and Studs, inc.

Also, a fine assortment of best Silver Plated Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Waiters, Flgg and Salt Stands, Candle and Music Sticks, Pearl-handle Dessert Knives. Forks, and Spoons, which arc respectfully ohered on the most e.eorrmindat.itie ri2H -ttr iVOTlCK TOSH1PPERS AND MlifCHANTS! -Ll We, the PlCKiES, PRESERVES, BRANDY FRUITS, CATSUPS, SAUCE1S, VINEGAR, do respectfully inform you that we are ready to fill your orders on favorable terms, and will warrant all articles purchased of ns to koop in any foreifn oliniste. LA iNSDALE BRO.v 115 and 117 Lombard street, and nZK-eolDlr in Balderston street. RATS! SANDERS CO'S ROACH, RAT AND MOUSE EXTERMINATOR is for sale, wholesale nnd retail, at the Depot, No. it'.

LIGHT ST. WHARF. The best article made. Retail price 25 cents. Call try it.

It Las, within the last three years, destroyed millions of thy a'tiovepes's. It OTICE. The person who was seen to take two BONNETS, on yesterday Wednesday) evening, from the Store No. 28 East BALTIMORE STR EET, had lietter return them, as they are known and their course was observed by one of the neighbors on the opposite side, and, if not returned, tiiey will surely be exposed. Tiiey can be placed in the door.

ft HPHE SUBSCRIBERS having purchased Harley's I Patent Right for the State of Maryland for making Ohill'dand other CAST IRON ROLLS, would be happv to receive orders, as they are prepared to manufacture them of all the various sizes used in Iron or Oopner Rolling Mills. All Rolls warranted to be equal to any in the United States. A. DENMEAD SON, Monument Foundery, ii2I eo4t Baltimore, Maryland. rpO MASTErTBUI LDERS AND OTHErsT- 1 The HOA OF MANAGERS of the HOUSE OF REFUGE, having determined to appoint a Superintendent to take charge of the ERECTION of their building, give notice that they will reoeive applications for the situation, until "WEDNESDAY, the of December next.

The salary will be one thousand dollars yearly, and it will be expected that constant supervision be given to the work by the person receiving the appointment, under the direction of the Building Committee. Sealed applications to be left with the undersigned, i-l'i JOHN GRAVES, Seri'ry, gress or Convention. That we unite around the constituted authority of the country, for the maintenance of the supremacy of the laws; end. in a spirit of kindness, we respectfully warn our Northern brethren that an to or future to "nf-rce the Futri'ive Siive Law, will nnie all the South, and rnojt proli-ihly fr.d in a totul of the State. That the Compromise measures of Congress meet our rpprobnt i drr rhe circumstances.

cu ourselves t- t.n.iii support. or.elS'-r. spoke course in th" la'cO'S' eral questions of the day. n. as the best.

tiia. unit be find we i.v; ilicm our heartv it: and Lind Cc.n.-ert. PittLAPKLTHtA. Nov. 27.

Tne concert i.f Lirit. at Musical Fund is perfectly crowded, nnd a most f.rilliint aiTir. Early in rue tuornini: tickeis could have been sold at a Ar of thi Virg-uu'-i Sin-; Nov. 27 Ti Virainiar.s nnd their friends, who. it be remembere came here last Ausu-t in irnuit, nf it i slaves and were rr-sfed on a charsre of riotinff.

have i een tried ill acquitted. jury returned into curt this nornirir with a verdict of not suiity. Destruction a Siw jIU'l by Fire. PiTTsnrR.JH. Nov Hoibro Co 's un-1 trany saw-nail and veneerirs at Cincinnati, was consumed by fire on Saturday ev-amis.

Tne loss about tt Ii.ijoo. which is chieily covered bv insurance. Damage Fire. Nov. 27.

'The largo C' New Y. ti'1 tivti wareiioase of 1'iirkee and Hoffman can sht hre to-dav and was much damaged. SaiHng cf tne C-thibria. Bo-ton. Nov.

27. Tne s'eamer Catr.brh i -d sv 25 passengers for Liverpool Hoifax. 11; 1 'J i Condition of Murk' is. ic. New York, Nov.

27, P. M. T'ne market remains -without mucit chacge, that fancies are notive. V. of 1 -'i-, 1 17: toup.

us 111 Pa. Or Exchange on london prcni. Fi mr is rather favor i buyers aies tn-davi U. i at i a S4 br-j'ds; 'U'hen! s.5; pure Ceriesee 5 a 5 (' -4'. Rye Flour 0- a 'fj Com Meal Grain steady l.t.ou bushels mtliern white at 1 o- a 51 i-'h (ienescc 1 '-0 a SI 21: 20 t.Mi bushels Canadian red at 1 nl ttl Oi.

Corn qait sales of lnioo bushels at a til cents for new mixed and yellow Oats 12 a Hi cents live Ta a -o cents per bushel Provisions rhmer Pork advineing cait of 6'K bids, mess at 11 a Sit 75, and at oil. Bacon steady sales of Vesrn Hams, pi'-kied. nt 5 ii cts. Bacon -4' ct. Lard 7 a 7 per lb.

roceries steady. At a i'ctrn to-d, bairs Rio Coffee at ar. of cts. per lb' Sugars and Moiascs quiet. Rice a ii cts.

per lb." The mar'-ot it tojucco remains firm prices it ii sustained Motion is rattier unsettled and cannot quoted. The ilea 7ou bales. Vv'hwkv a- a 2- cts. in bids. tainy Condition tm Markets, Philadelphia, Nov.

27 p. The rrrjfPt to day is steady. ti's, of it, SI 17; Coupons, nominal at Si il 4 Pa.S's, i2 a Sterling ft- prem. Tiie tl'iur market is quiet. Sales of -(X) bbls.

at 1 -7 to S5. for common state brands: xtrado. .3 SO: Rye ib.ur 02; Corn nie-il 2 a per bbi. Gram rather heavy. Sales of 4000 bushels wheat at I 05 a 06 for white.

Corn bttw. Sales of new yeilow at (iu a 01 old do 00 cents per bushel. Oats 37 a 10 cents. Rye a cents per bushel. Provisions remain unchanged.

Mess pork 12 23 a I2 37; prime 23. steady at previous prices; sides C4' a cents. Lard '7 a cents per lb. Nothing new in groceries: sales small and mostly to the regular trade. Rio coffee 10 a 11 cents.

Susars dull. Moiasses quiet Tobacco continues to command full prices. Cotton very quiet no change in prices. Woo! in good request at full prices. "Whisky isfeeiHng at.

29 a 2' ccn's per gallon. The Hirer Hog Slaughtering Nov. 2.3. The river is falling slowly. There re 4 feet II inches in the Canal.

The walher is warm. The hog slaughtering baa been suspended Prices ranged from .3 50 to S-'i s0. Lames' Thanksoivi.m Festival. The ladies of tiie Lombard street church Rev. Mr.

Ewins's) are holding a festival to day in the basement, for the benefit of the church. It will be open throughout today and evemnx, except during church hours this morning. Ladies' Fair Tbe Ladies of the Chrreh of the Ascension, (Mr. Kiilin's,) in Lexington street, are holding a fair for the sale of useful and fancy articles, which -R-iil be coutmued throughout to-dsy and evening. Those who to view a fairy scene, with all its attendant attractions, should not fail to pay the ladies a visit.

Ladies' Festival. The Ladies of tiie Third German Reformed Church, corner of Saratoga and Paca st-eets, will hold a festival, commencing at one o'clock this afternoon. A pleasant time inaTheantici paled. Panorama of the Bible. The Saloon of the Law Buildings continue to be thronged with visiters to view the Panorama of the Bible, and imbibe its instructions.

Concert at Carp.oll II all. The Wallaces give another grand concert this evening, at Carroll Hall, during which Mrs. W. V. Wallace will perform, for the first time in Baltimore, the "Grand Polka do Concert," composed by Mr.

W. V. Wallace, and so enthu siastically received in Washington. Front Street Theatre. Mr.

Graham, the favorite English Tragedian, will appear this evening as King John, with Miss Richardson as Lady Constance, and Mr. Roberts as Falconbridge. A new piece, enti tied Jenny Lmd at Last, will alao bo brought out tonight. IIolliday Street Theatre. Monsieur Adrien, the famous magician, pives his fourth and fifth grand soirees this evening and to-morrow evening, at the Holiidav street theatre, comprising budgets of unrivaled wonders.

The lovers of the wonderful should not fail to visit him. Magical Performance. Mons. Adrian (No. 2) will give an afternoon and evening performance of ma-gio feats to-day at Eastern Hall, corner of Broadway and Eastern avenue.

The Mcseum. There will bo an afternoon and evening peribrmance at the Museum to-day, at lth of which Rhigas, the great juggler, will appear. In the evening Mis3 Fanny Wallack will appear as Beatrice, with an excellent support. DAGtTERREOT ypes To-dav at iVo. 147 LtriwtroH street, opposite Hart's Store.

These popular rooms are provided with large ky lights, and being under very moderate expanses, ci.n furnish the best very cheap fun or slitnii, early,.

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