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The Gastonia Gazette from Gastonia, North Carolina • Page 4

Gastonia, North Carolina
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TM 6ASTONU ULCJ MONDAY, JANUARY 1, More 'Babson Predicts Record National Income In 1951 BIT JtOCtK W. 1. F-ii-Mlrif drfrnte lh: toluioe In 1931 rill tf If" linn Ibal Jw Ho nal'-oiul Inroae In 19)1 rl'l Ibe ifrvrAtt, at or4rrs like Ihe place of piodorlion afti hljb ffl.r« Ti -t cuLUindun feature re iVr i cl tlic toifrnratnt In i wntt feel Increasing competition from merchandise. The cry for tirlff protection mill iat heart acaln In Ihe land. 1 and financial fore- raiti fot nru jear are NOT bawd i en Ihe Ihouthl Ihll rl.rM War III iiill iljrl In IMI.

JCuwla i rrilatnl? hradlnf. for par, but He c'o not fcrlleie the iianli II in She "ill utli- fled to hue firr ntfllllM continue likint uqriprtlrd it Khlle thr folllburl hand oil toothing But may wf another eplwde like In IMJ. Hut M.v.tM'iN'ri vie-1 -'S half ol Ml may al- a fially Mr a Mirplus ti-e live ar.ri that vir.itilie War ivj.irw.i'd liMvr.lurn Kt-si r'j jilnce rr.ivrh tt The Mr cl live mur r.ivl'-tfd t'efrti'f fwgtajn, firrdi' lion, imnty Is anvio'is to not t. national Income and rd mention it Ojn- a ion? the lor li'ise reariiia- frler.ll iWlcll alll arise the r.f the ycii'. (COST OF LIVING HITS ALL-TIME KAK Around Capitol Square tvss ft uiovtuKut or) foot among empSdyM of the hlfbiiy nid torts comaitsloa bal In next legislature making the Mate hlghfty cbitrrnao aa elective John Q.

Public wai Ml harder 'han bjr InlUtlon In jiudy the ot price In the Index hll an of crevJout Stpltmbtr, kejrt (or immedijli future Is for more Inflation. Hoa- fir proposition wUl (jet depends urxx) numerous ftctori. Check-up with of- flclalt of Isutt tion elicits In- Mt. Holly Personals rlJe until after In own. at will be Midi f'f not likely to imve 'Kt.

tffcc'. mi MOUNT HOU.Y-Mr. find Uri. G. and A.

II. Talnu-r niinl the InJK. MrC'orltle have returned home Atlai.ta. Oa. with theJr fro a ChrMmtt visll auk their Mrs.

HMjiPluirdl HVM, I mn. Bill AfcCorkle, and Mrs. itnd Mis. Prank Coehron In Jacksonville. etnt'y visited Mr.

ar.rt Mrs W. fl thdr Betty McCoriced In i ifroup has heard nothing of proposal and very lively not LVS'N MgBCT aloivi with It If the taut li rilstd. Trie hlghmay chairman hu been an officer ever since flnt ttate couirnUslon auth orlzed at Irulsnce of Go-iimct Blck- ett, (list named Frank Page to the JXMI. Current agitilfon rntkJng It an elective office Is Indicative of the general interest In re-organization ol state government Cord run In OaMinln Miss June'Atlai la, Ga. MLv McCorkle re MLv Joyro Stewart.

home with Ihcm and spent niuits on ni'vrisjif ainl in- 3) hoiwls Mr. nn-1 Mrs, Charlie Khvne siveial days. lo.nv? aivl Incrc.v^i! b.uik hell llfhtly hetvcrrn Ihe ol nt Draper lasl wek Mnfcla Mr an(! trtrKl reserve mnjimt ntul Urcral.i Cushion Charlotte 1 Tf and children 5. A- the effect reillm feelernl rfvrve Ki.ests week ol Ami Jlld Tommy of charlotte. of cerittols (if- Xortnrr.

dlmi cllrKt.nas of iilr.1,... price changes HiotiW Ix- Mr lrt Mrs noWnwn avl AIr R. rnk i and i)rl ll: i i L. i rrta" 11 1'Oinf from visit to Mr.ileti 31. A creal will be heard Mrv ar() (1 wm iams In Mem-i for phis, and A.

ifitrui'fjf rnd rlnugliKn. Gloria C'. have returneil Ivorne from cl.ivc in 1 S. v.i!l nvoie than Inrtni-c slump; Id's rid i tlve rriiv.rolj!" f. If IM1 t.irrn.-iie.'! M'Mrnl a of erivertifiii nc rtirlw iu 4 p.ltlelit Into nil l.AIKtlt (II 1 LOOK TIC.IIT 7.

Mii'l liliot not In jceltinr, rni'nH of viaft In nil. Ihrrt- inly lie Ftril.rt In the first nf 1351. lie feiirr for Ihr whole ye as iilth K. In Ihr Mjp- will l)r r-nitiiiui'i! as Ihr Jear v.ri-5 mi. of hixlrl.r- i.Si y.

Tl-e Tafl-llirllrv Law "III lie trprilnl tlurln; Ivl.M hul nuv l.e ainelidrcl, Thr trjlnrs ef the IJM will rnntlniie In ink at some ul Its rl.uisrs, i-Rirrs nii.i. i IH.M 10, nf coiniurxllrrs ulll l-e inalked liy inilil dtx-lvne In ITi.Sl uhrn rimipar- 31, IWO. In l.iies 1 nuv be qnile frnnl the 30. Rlviirf the Kcrlernl Ite- ro'A'crfnl 'ontiols over: hank policies. Krm is not likely to Bilrh ho'jicvfT.

cnmiiuidUy co 1'Jt lilsher. or World III crmcs. HOS'fl I'NCKKTAIN 1 I nnlhinz to litdl- ca thiil we entering period improved rel.T- tlon 1 The rlpinjrr of war re- will move mil ol liircr rltlrs and avolil liav'ilE invrvtiiirnts In such 1 stork work snineuiut hlKlirr ilurhiK the first half of yeiir, bill i flunl Hnie ilurlni Ihry will wll i Alienintl IriHei Ihan current 31. Slacks iifm In the beil tu piisllion for 1351 should he those nfiwnwn Mlw Nancy Hubert Motley, both of w.lll fir.

and c. Rfv. niH nnd Man'in Clark were wmit Tuesday of Mr. nixl Rt Clever Un- -J j. as sons D.

tnt Jlinmy. and Mr. and 11 left Wc.lnt.'rlayjMrs. oenc p. McCorWe.

and daunh- for i U'H to In Oklnhonw ter. Llljby, nil of i hariolte m'ert Cltv. FraVey of holiday of M' rnd Mrs. J. K.

AIi. betn vlsitina lilSjOaridy. p.irenUs of Nash and Mrs. McCorilt. I'm I) (y an'l Alll'ort Fmlirey nt their licrin- riti Summit avenue.

L. Turker has rrlnniH home from Charlntte Meir.orinl Hospital, v.lie-" rp-elvrrt treatment. He nntl Jlmin.v of Hd- romfortuWy at Mr. cml W. D.

Moore and small danshte.s of reiser, S. C. Chrlstmrs here will; the former's V.f. Mrs. J.

W. Moorr. ni liie home on tiie Moim- liilit Pond. Mn. Foirefl nf Ccrtartoivn, daughter of the KLtXTIVE North CanlinlaM no.

mart tUtmUx ttlttm llun The balloti contain a( raAdi- for Ueiiieaajil un- ernor, secretary tltte, tiatc ftale Ui ilcnUf public com- miuloxirrs of insurance and labor, and rral. elrrttd by Ihe people for rl(ht year Ifrms are a chltl tlre sli auoclate thr tupreme court Zl jwifn of superkr court. (Ibe superior court judftf ire nominated by dif- Irhts, but tlretrd by the at Jarff; aj) the rthers are noau- nated and elected on staU level.) Thai a total at X3 rltctlrt ititt dlfkn. Xfoorcs. federal nt the home of her

ChrLstitins vlsilcrs at ll-e Imnie of Mr. piisllion lor 1351 Slirmlrf tie those I. rnmrnrlnhlu II5IIUI5 HI UT ncmie lint ml been popular Men," al where Mr InllMlot, hriltea In the{ lie rfeelvmV IroTiIenl -Mi's cl llc James 'nicker MIU. ra of cmpw 'n'nci I nsmancc an excellent bvirklor: for Income stock.s sil levels rf hie IWO Hetnll prices yrnr lie the on for I nut now rssfnl tnveMnr next who follow A plnunwl invcMincnt pro- prove i mi excellent time to keep a nulit only hy prtp on itv. enrol les.

Commodity anil Mrs. T. A. nnini hnve retmncd home from Tr.viire.s. -10 they spent Clirift-nas with Mrs.

(J. P. Wilson nml Mr. Wilson They were by Ihe lu-lii In icn Inr thr i of': inn at Charlotte. IV? Hospital airl rxit.

slnilf nt i' Mr. and Mrs. Tucker of Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker nf nnmlrslirm, Ala.

Javrrs F. Dnr.n Clvrlsl- 1-c-r nnd Mrs. W. D. Jolmso'i In nnd Mrs.

Ted C. Johrrsn nntl son. Pill. parents. Mr.

company nml Industry, lint liy lw Kitty Hall Moore o.nlcrl 1 Overconecnirntlon will not f(l 'tinner Weilnestlny evenh a price In the pilrs could llien act slrongly as a Tlir rns.t nf Ihhir will rr- niain Filch ihlriniE This prrrllction reroEniirs thai livlnj rosli nrvt In.iy lie ntiove the Inurr Inels lhat iliirinx the Itnl half of year now -clnsinr. noon 13. Fanners' Income for 1951 Should averape no less than that lor 1350. Since the trend In the Jlrst half rtf 1950 was down, this forCiMSt Is not so optlmhtle ns It rniflht otherwise scent, lor (hero Is likely to he a weakentiiR of the farmers' income position dtirlng the latter part of 1551. H.

Barring crop failures, the total supply of torxi available should be larger In IHM than lor JS.Kl, since the government ntll rate planting quotas as part ol Its on Inflation. If the weather is extremely t.ivorable, the goveinrncnt will be blamed for farm-price weakness during the latter nail ol 1931. 15, With projects pood for ft rlsi supply of (ced Rralns, meat should be more ulcntilul next year than in 1950. Prices lor meat, how- evr-r, will be by continued National Income and hy military needs. TAXTS inr.iir.H The liurilpr of federal lat- es.

Loth corporate and personal, nit) br Increased araln In 1951. State and municipal will remain lilrh. 17. There will be an eserss prolits In IMI. These ri- profits taxe.s will he milder than those In force rlurlnr World War II; hut Ihry will be Infla- tlonery and rclarrl efficiency, economy anil Incentive.

IB. T.icre will be fcr Increased (ccleral "sates tnx- rs" to rii'coiirase purrha.vinR of and certain iioiies-'ential pocxis. Congress will see the value of such sales as an in- road block. BtAtcs immlcijialitlM will! oWrr evidential propeltles. and oga'n be pressure to find the prices for these should ncak- nciequMe sources of mcmic.

Fur-1 en. thtr increases In such can he A butldins volume slackens Jook-d for next year with addition-1 isji, the quality of nvAllnble al and or Mates adopting matruak and shoiild sales taxes. This will help those who 20. Despite renewed cltorls to have their money and can tax above the present 25'; fiRiire my tor at least half the cost ot a new Lome. WI1.I.

INfRKASK V7. Those lu can rio should to set ilelcnse orders as mea! of holduii; up production volumes nnd reducing overhead No', too much prolit such war business should be rvpected. how- Killv Hall Moore entertaining nt the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

F. O. Mcore. hnvlnft as. Rliests Mls.s Frances it member of (lie ttfiiltr nt tin Vnlrrrslty of Texas at Austin.

Hoy Sprail, whom her daughter ts visiting fnr Christmas holfdavs, tlcss Kaiiltln, Ml-s Elliabeth Spratt Mrs. Clifton Ileatty nnd small (Liii'intcrs, Nell. Nan anil Hess. Mr. rml Mrs.

John W. Orlnklry. liny ill 1351. 37. Hfghcst-srade taxable cor- poraft- Ixinds should hold in nar- price rfltife (iurdiy 1051.

but 1 see no reason lor Individual envcs- tors hiiylnf; thrin. For my fote- cwt foi long-trim government bonds, fee No, 30, The only corporation bonds n'hicji Interest me nro CONVERTIBLES. With lucerne taxes shied to i reHuntA to their home In ise in ins-cxfinpt bonds, mier chrlslnms visit shoiilc. continue In rtcmnml.l wilh he nUer relUs Mr nm has sinin- speculation In these, however, and any downward change hi the tax outlook mlRh', cause ft sudden turnabout lit pitrei for municipals. Investors should see to that their bond maturities are carelnly diversified, with sonid part of their bond funds mat'irlnf each year.

IIEAI, ESTATE 38. The real estate outlook for 1351 will be afffctcil bj on mortiaite creilit. Mueh of the recent boom Iras the result nf easy nnth- Int. down ami small easy payment! for yeari hence. 40.

New home construction will suffer a jrealer decline than olher Hups. rommrrrlal bullrlinc Kill ulsn be hll. 11. The cominr. decline In new buitdlur.

ulll throw a wcl blanket oirr speciiLillon In vacant urban lots. llie scnrc caused by the Korean-China War and fears of an early outbreak in other sections will adversely affect deihtml lor big city real estate. Lower business volumes and the draft next year will tilso curtail such demand. Snml) suslenance farms: should hold up well In price as demand will be spurred by those seeklnj refuge outside the big cities Demand for large commercial farms, however, should weaken as the yeai progresses. 41.

The swim: toward rent control will net as further damper on new building. There Is no Ince.ittve to build homes lor rental Income. 15. Ttshtor credit controls will make more difficult lo purchase ly a ilirlitorsliip. Thr RepuHl- ca will sometimes win with thr slosin "HAM but their rrlfll will he shrrl-livrll.


Publishers' Fi- nanclr.l Bureau. Inc.) and Mis. P. Johnson at s. c.

Chrlr.ti'.*a.s vi r.l home of Mrs. noy SiiriH Irriudei! Miss Frances Sprntt, a member of the faculty of (he University of Texn. 1 at Austin, Mr. r.nrl Mrs. Sjirnft nncf son, Tian of Salisbury, nnd Miss Carncllc Spratt of Halcigh.

Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Cotmtll had holiday gue.Ms at their home tlieir son.

Robcr: 1. Cotitiell and Mrs. Connell cf Atlanta. Ihelr daughter, Mis. Tom Hrowne, and Mr.

Browne of Mt. Airy. Mr. and Mrs. Hill llnnjuek and Miss Cannon of Spnrtanburg, S.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hunsuck of and Gene Hnnsiirfc, a student at the Maryland College ot Dental Snidery. Balllmore. Mrl.

Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Haver ly entertained at dinner Tuesday evening nt their home on West Catawba avenue, having fts guests Mrs.

Charles Wrotcn ol Spartnnbtirg. S. Miss Murporle Roper of Belmont. Mifs Josephine Dunn of I'hltedel- phln. Capt, and Mrs.

Dunbar of yMlnnta. 0.1., IIollls Dunn mid Vance Hunter. APPOINTIVE There are more thin dozen appointive positions comparable In prestige and salary 'tith the elected o'iiciiU. The-e Include a chnlman of the highway and worlLs: commission, a cofnml5sioner cf revenue, a ccintnis- slonfr of motor vehicles, p. director of a director of conservation and.

development, a director of wildlife a publfc. health uffi'-'er. a chainnan of ths employment security commission, five utilities commissioners and liirec industrial commissioners. Other offices alfnpst as Important, technlcully suboniimte to higher departmental heads, are rv.lstant director of the budget, of purchatD nnd fc. Jlrs pro- hr.tion cojnunrlcr of thj.hl-hvray patrol and director o( state prisons.

COMPARATIVE The tolil of 38 statewide rlecuve oKkes in North Carolina ctnnpares very vorably with In other slalea. In some states only three officers are elected by Ihe people. They are the covernor, lieutenant governor and attorney feaeraf. In same ofher states the auditor Is audtd In tlie statewide elective In thw places the BOvemor appoint? the department heads such ifcretary atatc, state treasurer, and the riuners of axrlculkure, elluealion. Insurance and labor, ax well hichway, revenue and olhera.

In fume the are appointed by the governor, lubject legislative confirmation, and In olhen that judiciary elected by Ibe legislature. DEMOCRACY-North Carollnlaa'! Kdneallon In Russln teglns at the age of seven. NEW story of beloved Mrs. Miniver! the long-term capltnl gains will remain unchanged. TI AHE YVII.I, BE LESS 11.

Credit curbs rut into the demand for automotiilc.f and Kousehold equipment. C'omplelions fewer dxellinrs will also art jls a damper on furniture sales. Tt. Falling demand lor hard foods should jnean a stabilization the public's spending for food and lower-priced sofl foods. 23.

The trend forecast In No. mean a decline In department store vclutne. but I predict a rise In the sales of variety ruins of drug chains. rOREIC.X TRAHE FAIR 24. Hairing new war develop- In our exports during 1351.

however, should rise fnr- thfr. Total tonljn should nol much changed, but Ihe exporters will on the short end of this business with the Importers It will become more difficult! Confess that additional' hwty erecllts should be granted wrccpt lor wftr fupplies, W. As was the case this year, domestic manufacturers will as these contracts will be subject 'to tisMfisted renccotlntMni. IS. The political outlooX for be completely dominated by Jockeying lor petition In the liresldpnllal nee for Most of Congress' time will be spent on intcriatlonal problcrns; but either war rr iwacs coiilrl come early In 1951, which could roalce many of the sbovc forfcssls 19.

In Comestlc matters, spite recent election party alitnmenl, TonrreM will still be dominated bjr a conservative cotillon ot Northern Republicans and -Soulhrrn Demacrals. When heal li on In a the cotlllltti IK abit to cwrb kj Xew Dealers, M. We are for a tfe.yarty ijstem Ilial- Frn't is the sequef fo one of the greatest pictures of oil MOONLITE CATAWBA HEIGHTS SFCT. BETWEEN BELMONT AND MT. HOLLY -Four Different Pic turn Ererj Week familj Entertainment" TIMES 'Holiday Affair' With ROBERT MITCHUM JANET LEIGH WENDELL COREY News Selected Shorts Showt ot Duck tave upon elcetict vxwt of their ar.d judicial.

A- lice, they ilze that tteaccixy can be ovw- rai ote time an office, but hi', plan did cot wort out veo' veil Also the commlfiion once both fhtn it wu tt iht effrporatioo coBunUilon mine was tbtrttni. thete fiopi eUc- tlie to uppoinUve demoe- Kraua lhat teal democracy can iMlmes function bttttf throujb repreit-inative control than by pop'J' lir majoiity North have never tone In much for ahort ballot, which executive all o' ficiali. On the other hand, they ha their that rither lhan popular election it for many purely administrative ThjMiniwrStoiy tan lorn M.I WIUI GtoKf nottom. NiH ifW VT JAH SttUTtm RrtcM C. SIMIT FUNKUN Leitti WerM Newi SCHEDULED 12:55 STARTS TODAY STATE Feature No.

"SMOKY MOUNTAIN MELODY" ROY ACUFF Ftaturt No. I SPECIAL IEUIEIT If WESTEM TlfiUU! At i pup ri Inrtm tii FRONTIER PONY EXPRESS WHOLXSOMC ew ll Ike elertlre ud! Nttcrn Jut rifkl; but IwrMW te emit the nltaber of rkeUd wuiel UinuUIrt InUfltt for' and Imam" 1 fBlaeM. Exerefae BIG bus Carolina wlH be on the Job week. The boss Js not an individual' but Is composite ot 170 membes of Ihe general auembly. If there any rfoubt about or what runs the State ot North Carolina a brfef study of w' dispel it.

heads br department who the legislature Is not In MssW can asjc lor additional space or 1 er convenience with reasonable Durance of getting it. The goverrt or can request consideration with eV en rf ctrtafaiy ot compliance. legislature request it; it it gets what it hers of the general assembly som times BO beyond RESPONSIBILITY Authority Involves aUo responsibility of whlrn legislators are acutely conscious, in any group of 170 men, selected as are members of the general assembly. Ihere Is possibility of gclt'ns lev who do not measure up to the high Mancjaro. As a casual visitor to North Carolina leg- IsUture flnce 1913.

and as a newt- nun covering sessions from snd Including 1331. your reporter can wsti- ly to the high personal Integrity of the more, than 2,000 men and women who have made up the membership of these assemblies. Instances ol coruptlon have been smazlngly me. DRIVE-IN LAST TIMIS TONITE 'The Great Ruppert" Jimmy Durante Terry Newt Cartoon Box Office Ootnt 6:00 Shaw Starts At 6:30 Motthevys-Belk Co. MEN'S STORE SOUTHCtN CONFERENCE BASKETBALL Ploy by Ploy Description I RAY REEVES of WGN'C AM FM 1450 101.9 JANUARY 1 YALE vs.

N. C. STATE At Raleigh BROADCAST TIME 8:10 FIRST TIME ON SCREIN! the Sensational Star and Records--in a JAM VOICE THAT SOLE 9.000 ODD NOWTMRkLS 'HE Last Times Tonltel BARBARA STANWYCK WENDELL COREY "THE FUMES" WALTER HUSTOV Color Cartoons DRIVE-IN Starts PAUISTTE THE. as "ANNA KINGS MOUNTAIN HIGHWAY "AMBUSH" Ai Big 01 All Outdoors! Kirbj GRANT label RANDOLPH Tommy HO fusj KNIGHT CarolinJ COTTON ROBERT TAYLOR ARLENE DAHL CARTOON HOOK, LINE SINKER Color Cartoon YOU HIT THE SPOT Mnaical I GASTONIA SHOWING! 0 We are now lerrfne; ehJeken-in the-box A Cttneession Stand! This It Yonr Family Theatre- Children Under 1Z Years FBEK Box Office Opena Show Starts CM. ADULTS 25e flat KIDS LYRIC THUR 1 GEMEAUTRY in nut Equipped With the New Wrth IETTE DAVIS Anne Baxter George Sou 1 Celeste Holm TEMPLE BESSEMER CITY KINGS ML DRIVE THEATRE TUf.

I Starts at Monday Tuesday Are Famllr A 1951 begins a new half century of in- creased electrical benefits at home, at work, and at play. With greater facilities tKan ever before to back up Reddy Kilowatt's 24- hour ser- vice, your neighbors at the Duke Power Company wish you a New Year of Comfort, Conyenienct Health and Happiness DUKE POWEI COMPANY.

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