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The Brattleboro Reformer from Brattleboro, Vermont • 4

Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
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KIPLIKG AS A WOOER. MORE MUSTER NOTES. (Continued from 1st page.) THE REFORMER. The British House of Lords Tuesday night by a vote of 219 to 35 rejected the Irish Ten. ants Eviction bill and it means terrible suffering to 35,000 people who have been driven from their homes and left to die by the road side.

It is a matter of proof, elicited by im partial inquiry, that in almost every instance before eviction the tenants besought their landlords to It the rents be fixed by arbitration and that they offered to pay what has been judicially pronounced a fair rent in view of the signal fall in prices of Irish agricultural products. Even some of the Dissident Liberals headed by L. H. Courtney and Sir nenry James urged their friends iu the house of Lords to break with their Tory allies for once and support the relief bill oa the ground that it was a just and- beneficent measure. That a strong case in equity could be made for the evicted was acknowledged even by the Duke of Devonshire although he ultimately opposed the bill because the reinstatement of tenants was not left optional with the landlords interested.

But if such bills can be passed for the relief of Irish tenants why not similar bills in behalf of English, Scotch, and Estey, was educated in the public schools and at Norwich University and is now in the prime of life. being 49 vears old. As soon as he was 21 years old he' was admitted to partnership with the firm of Estey Co, now the Estey Organ Co. in the manufacture of organs, and has for years lieen the treasurer and the financial man of the concern. For the past 10 years also he has been president of the People's National Bank at Brattleboro.

He represented the town in the legislature of 1IS76, was county senator in 1SK2, and in 1KS8 was delegate at large to the Republican National convention and influential in bringing about the nomination of Harrison. His religious and charitable activities are multifarious, as president of the Brattleboro MCA, treasurer and trustee of the Xorthfield, Mass, Seminary for young ladies, trustee of 5It Her-mou school, treasurer of the Vermont Academy at Saxtons River, and president of the board of managers of the Baptist state convention. He has also been president of the Baptist State Sunday School Association, iu all these duties and in life generally displaying a healthy and well-rounded Christian character. His military life began wheu he was a bov in the militia. In 1874 he reorganized anil fitted out the Brattleboro company as the Estey Guard, of which he was elected Captain.

Iu 1S81 he was chosen Lieutenant Colonel, in 1886 Colonel and in 18M2 Brigadier General. He was also Colonel on Gov Fail-bank's staff 1876-8. He wedded in 1807 Florence, daughter of Dr. Henry Gray of Cambridge, she has borne him three children, Capt Jacob Gray, Julius Henry and Guy Carpenter. The Old Camp Ground.

The camp-ground was laid out in the winter of '02 and the barracks were occupied at The New Turriff Bill. Chairman Wilson was right in his great speech Monday when he declared that the question before the country was whether this is a government of the people, by the people for the people, or one of the sugar trust, by the: sugar trust and for the sugar trust. With all that can be said in favor of the Senate tariff bill, which tne House has accepted this week, this sugar steal brands its passage in Cleveland's words though on other points as "party perfidy and party dishonor." It is not to the point that the sugar trust steal in this bill is a fraction, about one-fourth, less than that of the McKinley bill. The Democratic party is not in its natural business in posing even as a partial imitator of McKinlcysim. The McKinley bill, though it bears the name of a personally honest and most admirable man, was a bill throughout by rusts and for trusts, in which they were practically given carte blanche, to write in the figures at which they would like to tax the country.

And when the Democratic party, having the power in every branch of the government, comes so near as it has come to giving one of these trusts the same carte blanche, no less words than 'perfidy and dishonor" can describe it. The party must take the responsibility, though it is really the work of a few men, because those are men that uever ought to have been trusted with the positions they Democrats knew it or ought to have known it when they elected Gorman and Brice and Smith and Murphy senators. These few men ii i mm nines iry me iuio, lltll, rstn, 13tn 14th, 15th and Kith regiments. The 8th hai i what were known as ''knocked down" houses, oeiug uuiu oi woou, anu some oi the buildings were taken south with the regiment. There were some 50 or 60 barracks, enough for the accommodation of three regiments.

They were built under the supervision of Gov Holbrook, and two or three still remain on the grounds. At the close of tbe war quite a number of these barracks were removed and transformed into cheap tenement-houses. Gov Holbrook, Dr Lvman of Rovalton, and Surgeon Phelps "of Windsor, who was afterward in charge of the hospital, went to Washington in the winter of '02 and interceded with President Lincoln and Secretary Seward for the establishment of a government hospital in Vermont. The president had doubts of the expediency of such action but finally en-anted the rpnnoat u-itb the understanding that the state of Ver-, mont should furnish the buildings and bed-' ding, the government agreeing to supply the hospital stores. Brattleboro was chosen as the most convenient place for a hospital, which was the first to be established in the United States, and which afterwards became 1 a United States hospital, the government- taking full charge.

Soldiers from every state in the Union north of Mason and Dixon's line were sent there, and at the time of Grant's campaign in the Wilderness, when thev were sending back from the front every soldier not fitted for duty, there were as many as 1100 men at the hospital at one time. According to the records of George E. Greene of Brattleboro, who was hospital steward for 2 1-2 years, no less than 4000 patients were treated at the hospital. Gov Holbrook reasoned that men would recover more rapidly in their own state, hence many Vermonters were brought back to Brattleboro from the front for treatment. The old barracks which stood on the brow of the hill on the east side of the camp-ground were moved back to the side of the present fair buildings to give place to the hospital.

It is a fact that there were more recoveries in this than in any other hospital subsequently estab- nsueu. uniy a score or men were buried in Brattleboro whose bodies were unclaimed by relative or friend, their graves being in the village cenieterv surrounded by a hedge of sicca auu careu xor uy tne government. sides the three or four barracks now stand ing, the old tree under which so many men were mustered into service is a living remind er or tn ereterans' camp hre. Republican. The city of Milwaukee contemplates the (juiuuase aim operation or the local street railway system by itself.

The city council has gone so far as to inquire into the terms at which a purchase may be made. Cummiugton, his birthplace, celebrated tne kwhi anniversary oi tne uirtn or win. Cullen Bryaut with grand exercises yesterday. Man Falls From a Steamer and Drowned Philip Corneau of Sabrevois, who left St. Johns yesterday on the Bteamer lleindeer in company with 400 oth-r excursionists bound for Burllngtou, fell overboard while passing Isle La Motte and was drow ndd.

He was sitting on the railing and fell backward, Boats were lowered and life preservers thrown out, but lie did not rise and it is supposed that he was struckjbv the wheel. He was about 23 years old and single. BUSINESS MEN In need of first clwC ntn n-'al Job Printing such as Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Blank Circulars, etc, arc Invited to get Drlces at tbe REFORMER OFFICE. Brattleboro, Vt. JOB PRINTING DONE HERE AT SHORT NOTICE.


The "Rambler" In August Bookbuyer. The English critics strive with each other in almost hnliscriniuiate praise of Miss llklns "Pembroke." George Eliot never did anything better, they say, ami the story 1b pronounced "wonderful. An A nivrkan just returned from England says he tiuds the reason for their special enthusiasm is the ta that Englishmen think the types i in "l'euibiui7 correspond exactly with the tvpes proffuccd by Mr. Thomas Hardy, and that Miss Wilkins comes fortuuately to a public at present devoting itself to admiration of Mr. Ilanlv's peasants, It mav" be, perhaps, that Sew luglanders, male and female, (as Miss Wilkins draws them, with paiusfaking ever painful, flmsliiug in detail) are almost as completely novel to fcnglun readers as were Mr- Bret Harte's "Westenei-B when he first began to write about them.

Miss Wilkins' great powers in character i hotography are at work in a most fertile Held. She goes below the surface of the Xew England character and anvboiW. who does that, relentlessly will line! very strttngc things. It has been charged Omt some of the types in "Pembroke" are over-drawn. It is not likely.

It is not casv to think of anvthlhg, however good or however baa, which'u New Englander is not quite likely to do. The recent trial of a voung woman in Massachusetts for the murder" ol her parents, brought out oceans ol talk tor ana again-t me ihhmuiiu, ol her having committed such an unnatural crime. The singular habits, altcmataly pernicious and wasteful, of the women of the household, together with strong individual eccentricities, were advanced as contributing evidence to the existence of unusual and harm breeding conditions in the family. Yet a clearheaded woman who lived in the town and knew the Xew England people, said to Mr. Julian Ralph, who reported the case for the New York "Sun," and who had remarked on the (apparently) uuusiial-and cranky habits of the taimly-as shown by the testimony "Noncsense! lake off the roofs of anv house in this town anu vou'll ilnd just as strange things as anything that ever happened in the Borden family.

It seems to be true that the passionate repression of emotion, like a tightly coiled spring, and the equal extravagance of will in the New England character create a moral storm-centre from which almost any outburst may proceed. Diametric self-contradiction in daily living is one of the simpler forms in which this stern humanity finds its outward ex. pressio'n; living in grim silence and dying without a sign or outwardmanifestations. Miss 11-kius work stirs the water, but no writer of fiction has yet Bounded the deoths- Kate Field in her Washington says: "We all know what Miss Wilkins can do with New England characters. Other people have philosophized about it, or vaguely portrayed its stern lines under soft draperies of idealism, but Miss Wilkins knows the anatomy of the Puritan soul Michael Angeio knew the structure of the human skeleton.

Indeed her knowledge of the innermost mysteries seems sometimes almost indelicate. Her pages are filled with those secrets of thought and lite which men successfully hide from one another, and which they would conceal even from the Recording Angel, could this be accoiuplishetHiy any effort, however strenuous. "Pembroke" ia made up of four such love stories as only Miss Wilkins can write. It has been repeatedly pointed out that they could be separated into four short tales, and that the novel Is merely a group of short stories skillfully braided toecther. As an adverse criticism this lacks force, as the effectiveness of each of the tales is obviously cuchanced by its relation to all the others.

Charlotte and Barney arc kept apart by one of those deliirlitful manifes tations of obstancy which Miss Wilkins makes the theme of a tragedy or a comedy with equal readiness. Rebecca and her lover come to grief through the unduly exercised authority of the girl's Rose loves Barney, but takes instead the husband provided by Providence, while the elderly Sylva's romance comes to a happy end only when she is actually on the road to the poorhousc. There is little enough con ventional happim-jyi among the dwellers of Pembroke, but their tmubles are met with the patient courage which is a characteristic irtue of their race. Of the gentler traits they know little and perhaps esteem them less, but through all their coming ami goings is a certain neroic strain which saves their dignity in many a ridiculous uifittttinn XOTIBfGS. It is said that application will be made to the next Legislature to make Barre village a citv.

Dr. W. Seward Webb has presented each public school in tne state with a liberty orimer as a means of teachin? Datrotism. and state superintendant stone has written a 2 letter of acknowledgment. The PoDulists btrve struck bard luck asrain.

Their candidate-fogvernor iu Arkansas has not paid his poll LCC unci in not therefore eligible for the ottK? even if he should be elected. I The apple crop is said to be verv short in all foreign apple growing countries and they will have to depend on the United States for their supply. A. P. Childs of Bennington, who was nomi nated bv the Democrats for nrohnte iudire.hHA declined the nomination of that county.

Madaline Pollard, she of the Breckcnridge case, is to go on the staze after ail. She has just signed a contract with Nelson Roberts, will make her debut in Chicago and afterwards appear in Xew York. Whitcomb's Burlington agency of the Knuitahle Life Assurance society paid policy holders last week Stephen B. Klkins exiiects to run for congress in West Virginia against Wilson this fall. Gen.

Weaver, who was the Populist nominee for congress in is now running for congress iu Iowa on the regular Democratic ticket. Mayor Pingree of Detroit has finally de-tcrmfucd to break with his party and head an independent ticket for governor of A meeting of 400 of his Republican followers lias decided upon tlii umrse. Irby of South Carolina has up and been and gone and denounced President fraud, aristocrat of the monev power" these are a fewof the epithets. Eugene Field is a good deal of a prophet as well as a poet, and he doesn't look for a very long war in the east. He savs first thing China knows she will be badly whipped before she knows it.

Gen James Clarke, democratic candidate for governor of Arkansas, encounters an obstacle in the wav of his ambition. His opponents find that tie once challenged a man to fight a duel, and under the state constitution this fact makes bim ineligible to the office. If the Republicans elect all the candidates thev have nominated for the state scnatc.tbat body will contain eight farmers, seven lawyers, four merchants three bankers, three manufacturers, three physicians, one railroad station agent, one newspaper manager, Coxey, the whilom army leader, now proposes to run for congress in the Masillion, district and has started a campaign out lit of a hand wairon. a circus tent ami three red wagons. He feels sure of success ami promises a pension $1 a month fo every veteran and also one cent for every day of net mil service.

An ordinance has lscii passed by the authorities of (jueens county, 1. 1, reipiiring tire three inches wide all wagons weighing over iVm pound loaded. The county has some fine macadam and earth roads. and doc not proH.c to have tliein destroyed by narrow tires. It is believed that the farmers, who arc chiefly affected, will readily see that the change is true economy in spite of the out lay required at first.

Kudyard Kipling on his return to his Brat-leboro'home. says an exchange, will resume work on a new volume of tales. He ha been at Wiltshire. engaged on a new volume of "Jungle Stories" for the Pall Mall Budget, and also revising a second series of "Barrack Room Ballads." It has remained for a London paier to expose a sufficient railse for the retirement of Kudyard Kipling to the seclusion of Vermont. It seems that he does not know how to behave at table and scorns to learn.

Mr. Kipling must now transfer his detestation of tbe American newspaper to the Kngllsh publications, unless he has hatred enough to spread over Imtb aides of the Atlantic Itoston Journal. Now the pBcni are telling that Mr. Kipling on hi return home, purposes to write a book, illustrative of Now England people. llerr Llllentlial.

who baa come nearest of anv man of modern time to aiicceM at flying with wing, hail an accident the other day which will prevent further experiment for a while. III bnge pinion bore bim too farind he fell Into a pond where hi machinery wa broken and himself badly Injured. Prof. Garner evidently went fo the wrong place to study monkey language. He should go to China, where Prof.

Illram Gregory of New York ay there exist in a mountain region a tribe of monkPTalhat make pottery for their own use and then make wine to put In their pottery. The Chinese mountaineer of the human variety say that their brute brethren make the wine from lierrles in um-iner and store It for use In winter when tbe water I frozen. ENGLISH FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1894. Eighteen Vermont postoffices have been burglarized and their safes blown oiien with powder or dynamite during the present sum mer. As a result of the disclosure of the rascalities of the old managers who got themselves ap pointed receivers.

Col. A. F. Walker was yes terday appointed in their place. It is unpleasant to see John G.

Carlisle in xne position, even appearance, of a sugar trust man. While we don't question the pu rity of his motives that is what his letter to. The senate yesterday, by a nearly solid vote of the Republicans and a few of the Democrats, referred the free material bills to the Finance Committee. This in all probability buries them for this session. Pkksidext Cleveland left Washington yesterday for his summer home at Gray Ga-Mes, suffering with an attack of malaria.

He will doubtless write his tariff message there. Before leaving he sent the bill to the treasury department, according to the custom, for a report. Thb new Chinese treaty which the senate ratified Tuesday acoomplishes all any reasonable man could ask in excluding Chinese laborers for ten years and preventing the return of any after a year's absence except under stringent precautions. And it does it in honorable way, by' fair treaty agreement, instead of by disregarding and overriding treaties, which has been the attitude of this government under the Geary law. The result is a vindication of Secretary Bayard's policy.

The Khiw.mhk ODserved when Mr. Cleveland's letter to Wilson first appeared that if it carried its point it would be a master stroke and if it didn't it would be a great mistake politically. As Senator Vest observed Wednesday it will be a'good campaign document for the Bepublieans." It. is the first great miss and great defeat Cleveland has encountered in his political, life. Still the bad effects are only temporary.

The future Is unquestionably with him and the righteous ideas for which that letter stood are the ones that are sureto prevail. The Caledonia county Bepublieans are reported to be planning to attempt to use paster ballots, since the county clerk there has decid as Judge Tyler did here, that their ticket cannot be printed on the official ballot, because filed too late. We do not believe paster liallots are fairly allowable under the law which says the names shall lie inserted. Besides their use would make a big hole in the purpose of the law, which is to render bribery and intimidation impossible anyhow there ought to be some way of determining in advance of election so that the same rule may apply for Caledonia county Repub licans and Windham countv Democrats. There is a great rush among distillers to take whiskey out of bond at the old rate of 90 cents a gallon, before the new tax of $1.10 per gallon becomes operative.

The internal revenue receipts this week from this source are estimated at above $23,000,000, and there are about 60,000,000 gallons in lioud or there were a week ago. Not since the tariff bill or 1883 passed, have customs ware houses at the great -ports of entry, been so crowded with foreign and to he withdrawn and pay the duties us -soon as the new law goes Into enect. 1 ne treasury balance is sure to go up at once, and to keep up until general prosperity makes the inwnrd flow sufficient. Carlisle's fears about the need of a sugar tax are groundless. The stupidity under the ballot law does not seem to le confined to one or two counties.

In Washington county nine towns out of 19 had not the faintest shadow of an idea that they should have a check list made ou( Mu vimr iml u'milrl lint linva mn.lp Anf had it not been through mere accidental questioning. In Chittenden county the Republicans came within a day of failing to file the nominations and would have missed entirely if the comity clerk hadn't warned them. Why shouldn't this as a double guard for voters be riiade a duty of county clerks? In Essex county the Bepublieans also had to lie helped out in the same way. The duty of certifying ami filing was being neglected by the First District Democrats when Secretary of State Brnwnell warned them in season so that iy liii-tliim they got round in time. The National convention of Negro Deino- rals ha be held this week at IndianaiKilis, with a fair attendance.

C. H. J. Taylor, re corder of deeds at Washington and chairman of the national league, called the convention to order. In his speech he extolled President Cleveland and urged the negro to make him self a factor in politics.

The resolutions denouced the southern lynching, demanded legislative investigation and called for the punishment of thelyncliers.and Indors ed Cleveland's tariff policy. The organization lieliind this gathering is the Afro-American bureau of organization of the Democratic eon gresslonal committee anil the civil service coimniMon Is investigating a complaint against it that It is making assc-iiients under the guise of "dues" upon all negro clerks in the (Icpartliienes. Tiik, recent riots in (Quebec directed against the mis'iounrie and the Salvation Armv are revelations of the fanaticism of the lower rla of French Canadians, A paragraph In uebec pnier In which the Salva. lioiilxt-s were ridiculed as mountebanks is $ald to have been the direct Incitement of the outbreak which was of course the work of the dregs of the population, (ttcbec Is the capital of riti'Hinontaiiisin In North America, and religion bigotry is Intensified by race an tipattiieo, the French Csimdlans regarding I'role-lmiti-in as the alien faitb associated with the conquest of the land once all their fathers'. The political power In the city has alien Into the hands of it worst elements, as its abundant mismanagement testifies, ami the author It ie were apathetic during the progree of the violence.

Hut there Id good nil healthy denunciation from the Catholics of refinement In the city, who constitute one of the most admirable social preservations of the oi regime, and also from irorwntatlve Krcif Canadian papers. Thus te. Monde of Montreal dermre that libcrtjr of snwh and conwience must lie respected, and that the lawn turn protect mem must lie enforced. There are live member of the Man land llemocratlc state committee, who are federal iffice holders. President Cleveland has irivcn them to understand that they should retire from hip coinmiuee ami noi engage in party work while drawing federal salaries, Gor man who fear to lose control of the state machine baa told them to bant on anil he will protect tbctn.

Two of them propose to oliey the president. Imt Ave are Inclined to defy bim a uorman direct. Pitcher's Caatorla o'clock to some 200 in honor of the visting Sons of Revolution. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers and the Quintette orchestra furnished music during the evening. Refreshments were served on the lawn.

The competition for individual prizes was hunted to such officers and enlisted men as shall have made a record of 00 out of a possible 75 in 15 shots at the 200-yard range, and 00 out of a possible 75 in 15 shots at the 200-yard gallery range since Feb 1. 114. Col Mansur was followed by Department CommanderCF Branch, Gen Peck and Col John Stearns, who all made short remarks. After the meeting the veterans watched a skirmish drill given by the regulars. Other distinguished arrivals are Col Bennett and wife of Bennington, Department Commander Branch of the Grand Army, George Root of Bennington and Lieut Cook, inspector of rifle practice of the Massachusetts infantry.

It should be said that Dr Grceu's carefully kept records of the hospital have enabled many an old soldier to furnish the proofs necessary to secure a pension. The Brooks house register shows a large number more of distinguished arrivals either for the muster oi the meetings of the Sons of Revolution yesterday and today. Among them are Hon. L. E.

Chittenden of Xew York, fifth in de scent from the great governor and the regestcr oi the treasury who signed the first greenback, McCullough, Co). A. B. Valentine, Col. Olin Sott and W.

E. Hawkes of Benuing! ton, Gen. W. Henry of Burlington, A. si.

Albee of Springfield, Henry Clark and Gen. L. G. Kingslcy of Rutland, M. K.

Paine of Windsor, J. B. lcicher, O. Merrill of Enosburgh Ka Us. E.

A. Chittenden and wife of St. Albans, H. BuBois and Joel H. Holton of Burlington, H.

T. Barnard, Bradford, D. II. Greene, Mont-peller. Lieut Dexter of Springfield is a guest of Capt Estey.

A tally-ho party came over from Chesterfield last night for the baud concert. A tally-ho party of 30 militia officers from and Greenfield arrived tiiis evening. There was a great concert in the Estey (Juard street last evening with songs from Win bavin, Frank Crosby, Chas and Fred Brazor, Carruthers and Pratt. But even in such company as this Gcorgie Childs carried off the honors as he delivered his melodies from the top of the organ. The company streets did not have different colored lights as expected.

The Estey Guard also catered for the Brigade headquarters. In connection with our historical sketch it should have been stated that the first militia act ever published in Vermont was in 1887 and was dated at Brattleboro, Micah Towusend being secretary of state. II Minor is supplying the camp with 140 quarts of milk a day from tne Adams farm. The band has won universal praise as the best in the state beyond question. It has 20 pieces.

A member of the regular army company had knee pan cracked Saturday at Rutland by trying to get on the train after it started, being thrown and dragged some distance. Capt Dyer entertained companies A and at mess last night with icecream and cake. A disorderly and intoxicated citizen from the town raised a disturbance in company m'b street about 11:30 o'clock Wednesday night and resisted arrest by Lieut AEG Fuller, supernumerary officer of the guard. Capt Dyer, who was near by called out company in the next street. In 15 seconds the street was filled with men and the unruly citizen was taken into the guard house.

"The uioile or the icvolvhig anoii, the invention on which S. M. Wait'e and the late Jarvis F. Burrows sank some $30,000 aud which excited much attention at the time, is on exhibition at Col Thos Hannon's headquarters. The cannon was invented by a man named Dodge of Dummerston, and the model is an automatic piece, having a barrell eight feet long and 12 chambers, each three feet in length.

The gun revolved by means of a lever at the aide, 'and sent ajprojectile weighing 12 pounds. When the first cannon was completed a hoard of inspection was sent from the war department at Washington with a view of adopting the piece in the regular auuy. Alier resting me gun iv hjw iuuhu that" the board was not of sufficient strength. Anothor board was made of cast iron and another board of examination was sent from the war department, Imt the fire was too heavy for the resistance of the board and another had to be made. This last one was constructed of three-inch white oak plank bound with wrought iron bends five inches wide and three inches thick spiked well together.

The secretary of war came with the third board of inspection and the cannon was again tested. The department had great expectations of the new gun and thought if they would adopt it that the advantage of possessing rapid-firing cannon in the army would be very great. However, it was "found that after bring the piece three times the chambers would heat to such an extent that the expanding steel prevented the revolution of the wheel containing the chambers, and the board was obliged to give up all hope of ever adopting it. THE OLD VETERANS Of the Ninth Have a Reunion An In teresting Aftnlr. The veterans of the 0th Vermont regiment held their annual reunion iu the band tent be fore (ten Estey 's headquarters, vesterdav af ternoon.

There were about 100 present. The meeting was culled to order by Col Andras, life president. Afterthereadingof the mm utes of the last meeting the following officers were elected irst vice presutent.C Branch second vice president, Stearns, of Brad ford secretary and treasurer, Lieut Park-erof Newport; executive committee, George Lane, company of Springfield, Henry Vancover. company of Huriington. and" Col Erastus Jewett.companv A of Swanton.

These company vice presiients were also elected Company A.E Jewett of Swanton company II. I) Wilder; company Sneedenof Bristol; company D.C Haskell of Grafton: company E. A Sleeper of Newport; company AW Turner of Windham; company Axtell; company AD Hradlsh of Proctorsville; company Joel Raker of Rutland. Gov Fuller was then introduced and after congratulating lie volunteers upon thegreat servii-e they had given their country said that It was an auspicious circumstance that after 32 vears this regiment should meet upon the same camping ground and in company with tliesainegcneral whogave a commission and discharge to so many of them. Col.

Mausur, Republican candidate for lien" tenant governor, spoke briefly, rcfering to the great good that the members or tne army had done since the war as well as during the time they shouldered their guns for their country's good. A letter was received from Gen II Ripley of Itiitlaud, who Is now traveling in Switzer land, expressing bis regret at not hemgpres- ent at the reunion. Ex-Gov Holbrook was it Mil Mioke hricllv. suvinif that hot only id the veterans proved themselves (rue to their roillitrv In tune of peace, lie spone of the rapidity 'with which the men got upon the field when President Lincoln called for liKi.lKH) vo miters. Of these men the inn regi ment was the first upon the field.

TIIK, SOWS OF ltEVOLfLIOX. The Vermont Societv of the Sons of the American Revolution held their sixth annual meeting and banquet at the Brooks House last evening. Sixty -five sat down to the banquet. Col A oouiiury presweti nun me fjui-i-prandial exercise were most interesting and Inspiring, the toast Mng responded to by Gov Fuller, Hon Chittenden of New York, Col Hooker. Col Jlansur, col iiaskins, Olin Scott, Gen Met ul lough and Mrs xally Jov White.

Steps were taken to form local chapters. The society proposes an amend ment for national congress i 10 cuiismei making past presidents of society permanently inemlier national congress. The conim'I- tee on nominations reported list of ofllceraas follows President, 7. Mansur, Island Pond; vice president, Robinson, Burlington; secretary, Forbes, St Albans; treasurer, Paine, Windsor; historian, Henedlct, Rurllngton; registrar, II LStlllson, Bennington Imard of managers, Stewart Strana han St Albans. Olin Scott Heliningtnn, field Montpelier, I Proctor of Proctor.

II Allen. Huriington, Butlerfleld, Derby Line. II Taylor, Brattleboro delegates to national congress. Wm Dillingham, Water-bury, II Henry Powers, Morrlsvllie, It Kimball, West Randolph. HOME BIOGRAPHICAL RoTBS.

llrlg Gen Julius Estev. commander of the brigade, is a man who naturally holds romniindlng positions, in business mid social and religious activities as well as milifia duties. He is a native of llrattlelsiro, the son of the late Jacob and Desdemona (Wood) He Proposed to Six Girl Before He Found one Who Would Have Him Some Malicious Gossip About Him. Kudyard Kipling Is the man concerning whom Gotham-London gossip is busiest, it seems that when in London he had the craze for marrying, but not one girl would have him, although he proposed to six in succession. When the girls got together, and began comparing notes about Kipling, they were not long in agreeing that he was a wonder as a wooer, aud the fart was too good to keep.

It will interest western people, whom he has so harshly critized, to learn that the Angelo-Indian had such very bad manners that few Londoners cared to invite him to dine. His reputation in this respect became so firmly established that Loudon society positively tattooed him altogether. It is not a source of surprise to many in London that he likes to schedule himself in Vermont witli his wife. But since an American girl was kind where so mam-were cruel, perhaps Kipling Is justified in condemning the taste of our Boston Herald. Kipling Quirks.

The Gambler in Book liuver savs: Mr. Kipling is well pleased with his house iu Vermont, which he says is not called "Crow's Best." by himself, and has learned to admire the horses bred in that district, He is planning to have still another cottage, however, and it is to be in England, somewhere near the Bea, where he cau watch the channel trallic, vet within reasonable distance of London. During his flying visit to Bermuda lost winter Mr. Kipling devoted himscli once more to admiring study of his ancient friend Tommy Atkins, to whom his heart beats true. NEWS FLASHES.

A Central American Republic. A protocol has been signed uniting Guatemala Xtcaragua, Salvador and Honduras into one republic, to be known as the Central American Republic Costa Kica wag also represented at the conference which discussed the proposed uniou, but that government has declined to sign the protocol. The third day's recing in the Koval Victoria rcgetta was held yesterday and "the Satanita came in first, winning easily, Britannia second aud Vigilant third. Eastern War. The Chinese land lines to Corea are totally interrupted.

There 1b no prospect of restoration. Corea is completely cut ofl" from all telegraphic communication. The Chinese forts at Wei-Hai-Wci have rc pulsed the attack of a Japanese squadron. But the Japanese claim the attack was oniy a ruse, designed to draw the enemy's fire and ascertain his strength. There were 20 Japanese ships in the fight.

But little damage was done on either side. A Seoul telegram announces that the Russian flag is to be seen on the Island of Gctsubio. It is surmised that the Russians have seized it. There are rumors of an important naval en-gagement between Japanese and Chinese fleets off Wel-Hai-Wci, on August 10. Seven Chinese vessels belonging to the Sorth-ern squadron were sunk, according to the re- Eort.

The number killed is supposed to have cen very large. Statu of Ohio, City of Toledo, I Lucas County, s- Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney doing business in the City of Toledo, County "and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.

FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this 6th day of Decembei 1886. A. W.

GLEASON, seal Xotary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mncous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J.

CHENEY Toledo, O. UEiTSoId by Druggists. 73c. DINING CHAIRS We are now showing our new designs in Oak Dining Chairs, and we find we have more styles than we care to carry in Stock, so shall close out lorae patterns at cost. One that we are making a special drive on has been sold for $1.50, our price now Is $1.15.

As we have only three dozen left we advise an early call (f you wish to secure this Bargain. PIAZZA CHAIRS. All styles and prices from 75c for a good Kocker upwards. KITCHEN TABLES. What you need and phat every lady wants is a good, substantial Kitchen Table, and that is what we have.

Call and look at them. FOLDING CHAIRS. What you need when you go to picnics, and when you come to the street to hear the band play. Wc can sell a good Folding Chair for SO cents. Wild steers are driven thro the street, A mail dog yon will sometimes meet, They are looking for "la-jfllnpe." Dstnls are eni-rled bv Innatles, And eranks nse knives for toy tooth picks, By faith some think they are rurvd.

The ealile ears run very fast, Tbe next moment may be yonf last You'd better tet Insured, AT ttletoore, XT. wm Welsh tenants? This was the argument that arrayed the whole landlord interest again the measure. Lord Rosebcrry appealed to his fellow "peers to be cautious. '-There is much in the air," said he, ought to make the house walk warilv." The bill was a straining of general principles to meet ex ceptional circumstances. It provided that whenever the present occupiers of land consent, evicted tenants mav resume their former holdings at a rent to be judicially determined whether the landlord is willing or not.

If the present occupier is unwilling to surrender his holding, then a sum of money is to be loaned by the government to the evicted ten. ant to enable the latter to buy laud elsewhere If, however, everything goes smoothly and the evicted tenant enters upon his former holding then the present occupier is to be compensated for disturbance anil improve ments, and the landlord is to receive a certain amount in compensation for arrears due by the returning tenant. The mouev necessary to carry out the plan was to be taken from the accumulated funds of the former Estab lished church of Ireland. Maj. A.

B. Valentine, an ardent temper ance man, came out in a letter to the Benning ton Banner Tuesday, that ought to set good citizens to thinking. He asked How long shall we submit to open violation of law, and how long shall its officers be allowed to protect crime for pay? How long shall rum flow like water, and men reel through our streets, and gamblers openly prv their tricks, with the evident connivance of officers elected or appointed to enforce the lawf How long shall confessions of sales by dummies be taken in place of principal, by agreement, thus saving the danger of second offense, and how long shall it be a matter of public notoriety that money is taken from of fenders, outside or tne nen snail we fully appreciate the fact that methods in various" wavs are used to shield violators of the law, and at the same time collect large sums of money, some in the form of fines and quiet settlements, some in the form of blackmail, or hush-mouey, some under the jruise of lawyer's retainer, and all in the interest of the ruin seller and prosecutor? When shall prosecutions be instituted to lessen sales rather than to reduce them to a system of high license, which largely goes into the Dockets of the prosecutors, and which sales they nurse rather than stop and cut off their rev'emie? In short, when such collusion between violators of law and public officers of the law cease? The way the prohibitory law is enforced in Bennington is debauching to the whole community, and to none so much as those whose duty is supposed to be its enforcement there seems to be something in herent in it. demoralizing to sellers, and especially demoralizing to acting sheriffs and policemen, state's attorneys, special prosecutors and witnesses. High license with ah its objections, or even free rum under no law, is preferable to prohibition, as enforced in JJen-ning on.

Our laws relating to the sale of liquor should be made possible of enforcement or so changed that in certain towns at least high license might be possible by vote of the Jieople, or else the whole system lave free rum under law" rather than free rum in spite of law. The major has hit exactly the merits of the case. Senator Feffkr, the long-whiskered Populist of Kansas, has been giving the Xew York World his' opinions about the public men of today, and there is some shrewd observation In them. Of the presiden the says Mr. Cleveland had but one leading idea when he entered national politics, and that was to reform tariff legislation.

He is a man of strong convictions and honest purposes. Had he been permitted to have his own way he would have accomplished a great deal of good, but social and financial influences were too strong for him. Ho has been moved out of bis orbit, and now, like nwnndering comet, is getting lurtner awav irom tne original one idea which constituted his intellectual habita tion. He will not get another idea, and his first one has been lost. He has failed utterly to fulfil the promise of his national beginning.

The president's affiliation with financial interests has decreased his influence as a public man. He will pass away from the public stage. The Democratic party will soou le disbanded. Its life is about run. Grover Cleveland will paw away with it.

In twentv-Hve vears it will I seen that nothing in Mr. Cleveland's public career made any real impression on the history of his country. More accurate arc these pen pictures: Men great in all directions, are verv few, if any really ever existed. Abraham Lincoln, Julius Caesar and Napoleon Bonaparte come nearer to universal greatness than any men in history. In the senate, John riherman is the greatest man in the old school of finance.

In political history, Morgan of Alabama, is the ablest senator. In modern finance, Senator Jones of Nevada, excels them all. As a polit. leal worker the shrewdest mail Is Chandler. On the Democratic side (iorinan is (he shrewdest politician.

Hill's trouble is too much courage. That is why (ionium beats him as a Kilitician. Hill does not care whether he has one man against him or a thousand. When his mind Is made up he goes ahead. Mr Reed of Maine, is one of the men who do not help the world along He takes it as he finds it.

gets what he can out of it and leaves It. so far as concerned, iitst where It was when he came upon It. Hut he is a brilliant his lack of value to his race. A fine Illustration. CorresKindence Boston Sunday Globe.

Bratllelioro has a tine Illustration of the cooperative idea carried to success in the farmers mill mechanic exchange. The history of the great majority of eo-oiemtlve undertakings has leen that the stockholders quarrel among themselves and fail to hold together. This has not lieen the result with the local exchange. It has paid good dividend for years, and now it Is to erect a handsome building of IU own. Already about tlfl.noo ha.

been milim-rllwil, and this warrants the managers In going ahead, aecurlnga site and erecting a tine building that will lie an ornament to the town. The sneers of Ibe business here In Itrattle-lsiro has been largely due to the effort of manager Harlow, who la a very capable business man, and who makes friends with every Tbe farmers of western Nebraska and eastern Colorado are moving east In long processions. Throughout all that soiion of the country tbe farms have been deserted on account of the long drouth, which baa burnt up every growing crop. They bone to find employment sti (Helen to support life during the winter after they get on tbe east aide of the Mississippi. Gov.

McKinley baa agreed to oen the campaign for the Indiana KeHibllcans. Ex-1'resldeut Harrison was first Invited to do so, but pleaded prior engagements, though be promised to make one or two ieecbe before Pkyaiciniia Recommend Horfor4' Unking Vowier, Because It I healthful and nutritious It ex. eels all others in baking strength, purify and ttpnllhflllnpM. Them tin nlkc 111. with the aid of Hill and the selfish interests of the Louisianaus have defeated the four-fifths majority of their owu body, the practi cally unanimous sentiment of the party in the house, the president, and the overwhelming Democratic opinion of the country.

Not a single resolution, excepting one adopted by the potters of Senator Smith's home in New Jersey, has been passed anywhere indorsing the senate measure, while-party conventions and gatherings and representative speakers by the hundreds and thousands have denounced it. These men have carried their point by trading upon the anxiety of the party to pass a tariff hill and threatening to prevent any thing being done unless they could have what they wanted. And as the pressure agaiust them gained volume that seemed irresistible, they forced the issue iu their favor by at least seemingly bringing the whole cause to thepoint of wreck. For the time being it is a wonderful triumph for Gorman who has managed the business. He has won a victory, against- odds, both moral and material, that no other senator ever won.

But he has only laid up wrath for the future for himself and his fellow conspirators. Their obliteration from public life is as sure as fate, as soou as an outrage people cau get at them. And their works will perish even soonor. The free sugar bill is absolutely certain to be come a law, with perhaps a temporary duty on raw sugar, but with the trust protection wiped out. If it is not done at this session, it will be at the next and before this Congress ends.

Republican filibustering now threatened, with the co-operatiou of these Democratic trust delay the end but thev cannot avert it. There are not a doz en men iu the senate and not a fifth of the House, that are really opposed to free sugar, and with such odds it cannot fail to prevail. It will be rough on Louisiana to strip her thus of both protection and bounty, while the protective system lasts for other interests but it is a retribution she has invited for her self by joining the highway tactica of the conspirators and refu sing to consider any schedule on itstheritSjSeeking to kill the whole measure unless she could have what she wanted. The other free raw material follow to enactment, because the-majority for each is as great, and no log rolling combination can be made agaiust them. Perhaps the steals which Murphy has injected into the hill will lie eliminated later.

The tariff question is settled far enough so that the country can have industrial peace in the main; but these changes are sure to be made. When they are made the senate bill, which except for these particular steals, is a well constructed measure, will satisfy the country and usher in one of the greatest eras of prosperity we have ever had. The bill as a whole even now makes a larger reduction of duties than the Mills bill proposed. It gives us the boons of free wool, free lumber, free salt, free flax, hemp and jute. Its merits may be seen at a glance by comparison of some of its leading duties Old Rate, fie per lb its New Kate.

2c per lb 23 S.V per gal 2Hc jier gal 1 1-Jc per lb free free free 33 pc SOpc Borax. Coal-tar dyes, Castor oil, 80c per gai I.insccd oil, VVIiitc lead, SMc per gal 8c )er ll l-4c per lb ide per lb 3-5c per lb 00 pc 53 25 mipc Sulphuric, acid, Sulphate of trim, Iiiiliuo extracts. Cliinaware, deco rated, China ware, plain, Itrown earthenware, Giasswarc, Window glass, 10 Window glass, WxU, Window glass, 24x30, Iron ore, Pig Iron, Structural Iron, Steel rails. Tin plates, 20 40 pc 1 8 8c per lb 2 3-8c per lb 2 7-Sc per lb lc per lb 1 3 4c per lb 2c per lb. per ton ncr ton W.7S per ton tt iter ton H-IOc.

peril) B-Mr. per lb 1H.44 per ton 7.4 per ton 2 2-lc per lb 1 l-8c per lb rig lean, 2c per in lc per ll Lead in silver ore, I 12c per lb -4c per lb free 8-4r cr lb free free 23 free 40 pc l-S and 40 1 1. per lb i.i per lb free lc per yd 2c per yd Conner. lc per lb Type metal, I. umber, T.inlicr, Furniture, Staves, Sugar, raw, Sugar, rellned.

Cigar wrappers, not stemmed Ito, stemmed, Fresh Fish. 1 1 -2c per lb JUKI pur in Id 10 pc free l-2c. tt per lb J.i3 per lb Hr per id Collon cloth, lilaln. 2c ner wi vd colored. 4c per sij yd And In addition woolen goods are reduced from an average rale of nearly lot) per cent to jier cent soft coal and Iron ore are reduced from 75 cents a ton to 40 cents.

The Her ill Kit baa been jierslstcntly re. peat lug all along that It was "coming out all right," So It Is, but It hasn't quite yet. Tiik naval war between Japan and China must le Interesting In sclent ilic way and afford, wherever the facts can lie learned, the knowledge of experience about modern methods anil armaments which was vainly expected from the Brazilian civil war. The use of armor for war ship date only from our civil war, while high power (runs and torpedoes represent a development even later. The great naval battles prior to that were with wooden ships.

The Merrimac and Monitor duel was Inconclusive because of the excessive faultinesa of construction In botb. In IHfHI there was fought off the Island of Lima an Indecisive action between Austria and Italy, and this was the first action In which two Iron-clad fleets were engaged that la re. corded in history. The two fleets raining upon each other an appalling Are, forced tbelr way through each other's lines and then retired before affording much new light upon the subject. In the war between 'bill and Pent and the Chilian civil war there were some Interesting con II I its, with ship that contained the best of modern armament: hut the conclusions from these conflicts were rather against than In favor ol armaments.

Japan may lie expected to prove siiierior on the sea Imcause of the more scientific band-ling of which progressive and well-educated oftii-era are capable. JUST A MOMENT! OF YOUR TIME TO IMPRESS ON YOUR MIND THE IMPORTANCE OF DOING YOUR TRADING WITH US. OUR DEPARTMENTS ARE VARIED IN THEIR OFFERINGS, SUCH AS TSBLtyy Carriages, Refrigerators, Lawn Settees, Mattresses, Woven Wire Bods, Cots, Curtains, Carpets, AND IN FACT EVERYTHING USUALLY FOUND IN A FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE STORE, AND WE KNOW WE CAN SUIT THE CAPACITY OF YOUR PURSE. HACKLEY MORAN, Furniture Dealers and tndertaker. The train lire rtinntni off the mils, The nhlim nre olnkliig In the gilc.

Hollers nre exploiting; Hotel nre frolnn un In smoke, And Kims are pointed In Joke After rureful londlmr. (Ml-cmin nre Martin haekwnrd nre. The streets nre hiirdMiert with dead wires, And elevators slip. H. E.

TAYLOR SON'S General Insurance Agency, Children Ory for Booker lloolc, 'it. Try It..

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