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The Brattleboro Reformer from Brattleboro, Vermont • 1

Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Wm or.194 400 AyAyM Ay vlAyAy 1.50 A YEAR. $2.00 IF NOT PAID IN ADVANCE. 'Let all the ends thou aimest at be thy Country', thy God's and Truth's. FIVE CENTS PER COPV. VOLUME XIX.


BUNCO ASD THEFT AND BURGLARY. BRATTLEBORO SOCIETY. IT memI)crs were voted into the Wheei club Jast week. Mrs. 31.

A. Cnne entertninul Burdett College Of Actual Business and Shorthand. THE Ml'STEitV A GREAT WEEK FOR BBA fl CjiBORO. Full Account of It, tne Officer, and the Companies. Tne Burrow.

Cart mn and Other Notes of Interest Tomorrow morning will close 0dmtiinx cessful and the most instructive ami interesting encampment the Vermont Kational Guard has ever had. Brattleboro ban greeted the bovs with her wonted hospitality ml enthusiasm. Patriotic colors have beerithrown to I I Leading Putney Citizen, While in "Process" by Bunco Steerers and Apparently a Little Stay, is Robbed or (6,000 Barn Set Aflre to. Make the Opportunity An Extraordinary Case. A very rank case of bunco has in.t.

inm. tn light at Putney. Saturday morning a stranger mute mio iscuiuMju i7uvih yaru aim represented himself as Mr. Joslin, a son of a banker of am soon engaged Mr. Davis in conversation in regard to the sale of Mr Davis' farm.

He also convinced Mr. Davis that he was well and personally acquainted with him and also with a great ma jority of the good citizens of 1'utney. And then came the old "put up" game. By some art of mesmerisim or byptonism he got Mr Davis to agree to go to Brattleboro with him and draw from the bank 6000, which was done the same Davis riding with the stranger. J5000 of the money was borrowed on a note which Col Francis Goodhue signed with him.

but with security. That a man of Den-nison Davis' shrewdness, for a generation known to be one of the most capable business men of the county, should have been caught by such an old game, one that has been described time ancf time again in the newspapers and one about which the Reformer gave full details only a year ago when it was played on an Addison county farmer, is remai-Kaoie incieeu. ine explanation probably is that he is breaking down. While the two were returning from Brat tleboro to Pntnev, buueoer No 2. appeared, according to schedule.

It was near the "Murder Hollow" bridge and No 2 had a great tale of woe to tell. Josyln, so called, claimed to be a friend of the stranger. Apparently Mr. Davis was too shrewd to Jet them him in the regnlation way, so it developed during the conversation that the stranger No 2 must return to Brattleboro at once to do some telegraphing. So Mr Davis was allowed to walk" home, a distance of some four miles but he was overtaken after about a mile by Mr Field and rode with him.

Perhaps the plan was to rob or kidnap him and was prevented by this. Mr Davis remembers encountering another stranger on the road, with a long cluster on. The stranger was to meet Mr Davis at his home in Putney next Tuesday when their bargain what ever it was was to lie closed up. Now comes the finishing touches. 'Wednesday night about eleven o'clock several people in the village heard a team drive through the village headed toward Mr Davis, which Mr Davis himself heard.

There was one, and some claim two men in the buggy. At twelve o'clock Mr Davis was awakened liv a light shining in his window. Getting up and looking out. he saw his buildings across the road from his residence were afire. Calling the hired man, Mr Phillips, who had just then seen the fire himself, they started in to save what they could, at the same time giving the alarm, but the buildings including barn, grainery and other outbuildings with about 30 tons of hay, a steer, hens, etc, were totallv consumed.

The were insnred for $1300 on the big barn, $900 on the contents and $200 on the grainery and contents perhaps half what they were worth. On returning to: the house Mr Davis bethought himself of his money which he had placed in a tin trunk in his room. Upon looking in the bureau in the dining room where he kept it, no box was to be. found there. His money had taken wings and gone.

He then made an examination of the house and found' at one of the rear windows the screen torn off, the window raised and a chair beneath it on the outside. The stranger's appearance was brought quite forcibly to Mr Davis's mind and he will remember him as long as he lives. Mr Davis is rather reticent about the matter and feels that he haa been made a fool of and buncoed out of his hard earnad ash. Bat from various state- menu it Is snntllsed that the buncocr talked about bo: Hiybip other farnni or other profitable fill Mith wa n. 1 sirsngeai part of tha thing is, that the man who took the money naa to pass wunin six reet of the watch dng, which Is considered a model, allowing no one to enter the yard without barking or taking hnlil nf ttia fntinlo.

la .1 itiwuuvii is i ii, iu; 11 1 i in: (ii 1 1- mal was drugged or chloroformed. Xo doubt the robbery was committed while Davis and the rest were at the barn and the fire was) set ror mat purpose. Every one feels sorry for and the rascals have taken about all he" has. iiu. i a ne is a man wen along in clue- Mes sages have been sent all over the near states, Mr.

Davis has before lost lnrire amounts having twice had his pocket picked, of flSOO miu (wu. There has been a gang of fiorse thieves and other disreputable fellows aliout Putnev for several months and the townspeople are" sure that the members of it have something to do wsth the lire and robbery. ') V.M.C. A. Notes.

ltev. Mr. Hadley of the McAuley Water street mission gave an address in the Methodist church Sunday afternoon to a crowded house. The meeting was under the auspices of the Association and took place of the regular four o'clock meetings in the afternoon. Mr.

Hadley gave a brief sketch of Mr1. McAluev's life and told in a most dramatic manner the story of his own conversion Igf this mission. He also gave an interesting account of the work the mission is doing iuiioiht the slums of the city and held the attention of his audience to the end by the pathetic storv he had to tell. Mr. Hadley has len present at "the Xorth- nei.i eoiiierence meetings and came up only lor the afternoon.

The 1 M. C. A. quartette iiiiiusueu music, assisted nv -Miss Ciiima iiregg and Albyn Crosby with his violin and layton I lack ley with comet. Minor II.

W. Whittle, the Evamrellst will speak In the Congregational church Sunday afternoon at four o. m. under the A llalllepa oi me Assocriiioii.iiissiiiiiect win be "Which Master." In the evening he will sneak In the Baptist church and will give his illustrated lecture to the Sunday schools and 1 OUllgpeot) c'S soc et 08. There lie aim.

inl music at these meetliiL's as Mr. aml.Mrs. Geo. C. Stebbins and Miss Whittle will ac company him.

The tent which the association la liuvlmr charge off at muster isMng well patronized. The dark room in the basement of the rooms lias been coniti cted mid voiinir men who like to developed! the of nlmtn. griipiu are welcome, est Hnndolph. Fred Fpimell of Ijike ueorge, A who has visiting In town left recently for home for a visit. Miss l.lie i nauwicK, daughter of Ml.

Cha.lwiek aged 1(1 accompanied him. The young couple while at Mr Kennel's grandfather's In Glen Falls. V. were mnrried by the grandfather who is a clenrvinnn. Mrs Kennel limn nmii tinni stating her marriage and asking to have her things sent to her.

A new bv.lrant has lieen put in to replace the one broken bv one of the drivers of Hlngllngs circus last Saturday. The South Main street road was ronsldersblv dnmageii nerore tne water could Iss shut off Sniilt, treasurer of the Pigeon 'ove Tf Co of Pigeon Cove. Mass, accompanied by 1 wife and son are visiting his fat her, San Inmaged liefore the water could Iss shut Tool his Sault. 'ol nnd Mrs It Kimball have rpturiipil from St Jobnsbury. i.

IMltllUll. UI her friends delightfully at a tea partv Satuf- 2Iu? J1 lV ThomPsm Save an Informal tea Wednesday afternoon to a number of her lady friends from five to seven in honor of her Ralph Metcalf of Chicago. Dr.J.L. Rathbone left Tuesday for hi o0'" Montreal and returned Thursday with his bride and the newly married couple will make their home on Oak street. i Muf celebrated her Wth- Wednesday witn a partr tQ a number of her young friends at' her uncle's: John Hurley's.

It was a fine and a jolly af! Seventeen of theyonng friends of Miss Hat-tie Gregware met at her Organ street home last Saturday afternoon to fielp her celebrate her loth birthday, tce-creamaud cake were S61VCu. Miss Altethaire Chase entertained some 25 other friends very happily last evening, first at the show and then at an elesraut hud-Eroke upWaS Sfter midniSht when the put ty A large tallv-no party including some or 2 young people will attend the first dance of the season at Dmiton Farr's evening. The Wheel Club orchestra will fir-nish music. Mrs. W.

E. Mixer ami Mrs.S. W. Kdwars assisted by the B. H.

8. Banjo and Gui tar Uub will give an entertainment at Westminister next Wednesday evening under the auspices of the grange at that place. John Bliss entertained about 25 of tr's friends a right royal manner Mondav niaht with an old fashioned corn roast. A tallv'-li and large carriage carried the party up from here and they found a large bon tire had been built on the East side of his residence on which they roasted corn, potatoes, lobsters etc. Mr.

and Mrs. O. A. Alvord very qtiictiV celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary tit their Elm street home and notwithstanding the fact that they had desired to keep the fact a secret, thev received some elegant presents from friends, a beautiful silver sen'ice being sent them from Lyons, N. and also remembrances from friend-, in as.

A complimentary -bull was given" Tuesday ns bv Landlord Tvim. m.o evening House to the soldier bovs and also tn the zens of the town The dance was held in the uiuing room ana tne Philharmonic orchestra furnished delightful music tn whieh tin. rw of the dancers kept lively time. The ladies in their pretty light costumes added greatly to the affair which was a delightful one for those- present. A pleasant but oiiiet Itity th.if ebrated at the summer home of J.

K. Bancroft at Saxtons River, Tuesday when Theodore Ward Kirkland. son of Mrs. Fdwar.l Kirktond and Isabel B. daughter of J.

Wilder. Smith, formerly of this place, were united in marriage. Ihe ceremony was performed by Kev. Geo. I Chapin, and onlv the immediate relatives were present.

8. -W. Kirkland was best man and Miss Maverette, sister of tne bride, was bridemaid. The house was beauti fully trimmed with clematis, maiden hair ferns and golden rod ami tho tily attired in a brown traveling dress. Th nappy pair iook the train for the north ami their bridal tour will include Montreal and the-provinces, and on their return thev will malte their home at the Berwick house, Rutland.

i he reception and dance with which Capt. ami Mrs. J. Gray Ester entertained alut I of their town friends and the militia officers, Wednesday evening was one of the pret seen In Brattleboro, The "officers in- 5 young men aT. were a Jt nZL TV thst "ever ft "a Brat-iieooro had "ch an assembly of prettv gtrls ami pretty toilets, and alf this youth an? SiDrifor Party was made up qf young people with few exeeptions-in the-beautiful rooms of r.n rf School street with made i se long relneZ tiered.

A large balcony was erected for the dancers and the Wheel ch.h niv.wi... Capt. Es lev 1 J. J. Estey.

fc. "refh climax of the evening's enjoyment bv giviny a song, whicn with Mary Harris Voo-T as accompaniesf though an' impromptu affair, was finely and appreciatively done. Among the guests liesi.tes Mr. Lavin and were Mr. and Mrs.

E. R. Pratt, and George Stewart and sister Itose, making a musical well as military gathering. Protective Grange Picnic. There will lie a clam hake and corn roast a the home of the master, (J.

W. Pierce, Tuesday, Aug. 21, from 0 a. to 5 p.m. I)in ner at 1 o'clock, basket picnic plan.

All niem-liers of the order with friends invited. Wheel Clnli Xotrs-Ahout the Big Meet. Tlie Xcw Iiondon Northern R. it. give excursion rates from all stations between Palmer and Brnttlehoro, on Aug.

SO gist. Joseph GiKxIninn of lliirtfnrit awarded the score card privilege. Goodman has furuished cards for springtlclil and all the nig iiiccis aim win ne here to attend the races. Notable entries thla wppk arp- ir t. bendnf Wlnchcn.lon, who won the mile novice race at Kecnc, July 4, in 3.211 1-2; H.

A Seavey of Walthnm. best remenihered by nil who attended the Keene races as the man with the "pink suit," also H. U. Mattison of North Bennington, who Ims made a good record for himself on the circuit. Staples, I.nrnli nnd Stoddard are putting ln dally work at the track, while Crowu and Taft are putting in more or less work, so wn on the lorn! riders making a good show.

ing. F. L. Knapp accompanied by his trainer w.ig; in town today. Knnpp starts nt Allutiiv Aug 25, where he meets Jcunev and it will he' a it-tie royal lietwcen thcin.

Walsh and Reynolds, the Bnrre fivers, tire at muster, being members of the Sieiwer rilles. lloth will enter here nnd expect to put in a lew lays training on our track. Not content with offering the largest flnoi-t list of pri2c ever given nt a Vermont meet the V. V. chili will give a prize for the largest delegation from any town or club nnd prize for the licst ladies decorated wheel In the morning parade.

Mitrlc clone Thursday. Aug. 2li. All riders noiii'i get in meir ninnss uuiv lined out liefore that dav. The B.

A W. K. B. gives half rates, also tfir Boston and Halnc from Mpringlleld to Windsor and from Ho. Vernon to Keene Thp VirJ Gntige tniln leaving here at beheld: till H.fsl to acco nmiMlnte those attending the race meet.

nmslbai and Rebus. Have, tlieri- are two entrance to that The tilitlnin! rountv committee il.n hibltion party has placed the name of N. Itatchelder of Fair Haven on the ticket ns nominee for senator, in place of that of Hcv, I. W.

Dayton of the same place, who declined the nomination. 694 Washington, cor. Kneeland BOSTON. The followlnff exclusive feature, hnvn made the Burdett College the leading institution of its kind in the world. It Is the only Colleec In ltnutnn vicinity using the Patented System of Actual Business from the Start, which teaches business as business is, in both its Business and Shorthand Departments.

It is the only College that uses real nrices Quoted dailr from thn Boston Chamhor of Commerce; that has roll -top desks for its pupils: that has a weekly lecture course free to its pupils and their friends; that has a distinct situation depart ment, which in this year of business depression, lias found more positions than it could possibly fill, Early registration necessary to secure a seat. Prospectus free. Visitors always welcome. TO RENT. Advertisements under this head two cents a word flrst insertion, and one cent a word in each subsequent issue.

RENT. Tenement. Co. Inquire, Barrows 1-tf TO A furnished or unfurnished room. A.G.Barnes.

33tf TO RENT. To the right parties, a new house on Canal Modern improvements. E. M. Akoier.

4stf HO RENT. First-class Tenement. J. M. Baker, 85 Elliot St.

Applv to 43tf IO RENT. To small familv, a pleasant Tcne ment of 1 rooms. M. J. Moras.

4Stf TO REST. Desirable Tenement in Raymond House, Green St. Inquire, A. V. Cox, or Mrs.

Jj. A. COx. 47tf HO RENT. Barn with three stalls, or will let single stall.

Enquire at 2S Clark St. tf TENEMENT to rent, 28 South Main street. Mrs. Brown. rpo RENT.

Good cardboard signs, "To A Rent," can be obtained at Reformer Office, cheap. 3tf T17HAT is it worth to restore to a man his manhood, his health and his happuiess? YOU gladly pay your familv physician his fee for carrying you or your loved ones through some threatening disease, but when a man's life ana cnaracter, anil all that ne lias, is at stake, you all nt once begin to be economical and cuimi me cost. decide the matter for yourself. If the man who needs to take Mm Mnrrell Cure is not worth the saving, in vonr opinion, if you think the money would not be well invested, then, If you dare, let the matter go. Yon ought cuanuw nin value nciter.

man an1 iyone jisejiut HER that If he came to the Morrell Cure, he wouiu oe surely curen. ana would never want rum again uu ne invited back the appetite for it, I seems to us little compared with T.r. in return: Lite, Health aiipiiiuw, i-rospcnty ana tccspert of Friends tnesc are all worth SOMETHING. Better dc uuvi imi win you lo about it rpWENTY Institutes in quarters, ltrattleboro. Vermont.

Head Must Sell at Once. "pARM, 85 acres, 7 utiles out, 1 mile from vll nvfucw, riNonn Him targe nail, with oilier large buildings, all In fair condition. Wood enough for place. Price, 1,000 or to. a.

biuti, TARM, 125 acres, 8 1-2 miles out. 1-2 mile from on good road, in good neighlwrhood, extra good buildings, running water nt house and bam, fine sugar orchard. hi, corns or wood linn timber, which will more than pay for the place. Trice, ukiuum I'EKKV. COIJNTRY More in small village, well estab llall.Ml tpm I t'at in niuif, mil rcu ngiu TyHEW yon get out of stove wood, lust leave vour orders with us and they will be l'iuniiii.


In view of the "hard times," I offer a choice of my huh ror strut, or nnv two of them for These lots have a right of wav from three different points of view, and arc four roils front nnd ten deep. If any refuse to buy the lots which I oirer occause or trie rocks, I will say that I will remove the rocks and prepare the cellar for a sum not exceeding what in nuuiu cusi, i' uunaeiscwnero. 23tf H. s. JOSSELYN llnve two Concord Buggies trimmed nnd pnlntcd in the very bet Hsslhle manner, for each have a new oiie liorsc lumber wagon ith twodnch trend wheels, one and one-half axel, lixa 12 feet bodv f(ir Have a genuine lliihbcr trimmed hnrness for I2.

A good time to buy shingles now. Xo 1 hemlock for 2.10 per spruce for for t2. cedar for 2. E. G.

PHILLIPS. xwz 25 lbs. Corned-Beef Advertisements under this head two cents a word first insertion, and one cent a word in each subsequent issue. TjWR SALE. Hot air furnace, good size and in first class order, or will exchange for a good business horse or other property.

A. G. liAKXEH. 3tf JB SALE. Lady Cornish, a brown mare, 8 years old.

stands IS 1-2 hands and weighs linn nnnnds: is Bound and a creat roader: sired by Pikes Ilambletonian by Goodwins Hamble-tonian by Bisdvk Hamblctonian No. 10; dam Bet6V by'Kcnt b'v Risdyk Hambletonian No. 10. A.Gilkev, 4 Chapin Street, Brattleboro, Vt. Swl TiOK SALE.

100 line blooded Southdovan sheep and lambs. For particulars inquire of A. G. Hoatling on the Oak Ridge Farm in East Dummerstou, Vt. 2tf TWR SALE.

House nearly new, three good tenements, ten minutes' walk from Post Office. Inquire of H. E. Taylor Son. 40tf TWR SALE.

One 2-horse Truck, well ironed J. and a good one. Price, complete, 75. C. B.

Willahd, Blacksmith, Putney, Vt. 37tf FE. VVILLARD, Slate Roofer and Dealer in Roofing Slate. 59 S. Main Brattleboro, Vt.

SOwly THE PROFESSIONS. J' W. DAWSON, M. West Brattleboro, Vt. Office in Knapp's Building.

Tele-lihonc 74-5. 8wl3 Banjo and Gnitar Instrnc.tlon. MISS COX, 36 Grccu St. 23tf DRS. KETCHTJM GRAY.

Office, Crosby block. Night calls at Brooks' House, Brat-tieboro, Vt. i'1 GEO. II. GORHAM, M.

D. Whitney Block, Main Street, Brattleboro Practice limited to the descases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, and Nose. Office hours, 9 1 p. Tues-davs and Fridays only. Remainder of week at Bellows Falls.

18tf DRS. WEBSTER PRATT, 41 Elliot Street, Brattleboro. Office hours, 7 to a. to 2, and 6 to 7 :30 p. m.

DH.j.S. DIITTON, Veterinary Surgeon. Telephone at House. Office, Ray's Stable. Residence, 40 Main St.

30wtf ES. BOWEJr, M. Homoeopathic Physi- cian and Surgeon. Office and Residence, Leonard's Block, Brattleboro, Vt. Office hours until 8 a.

12 till 2 and 6 till 8 p. m. lOtf F. BARBER, Dentist, Pratt's Block. ltf R.

F. A. WOODBURY, Dentist. Office, 1 18 Elliot Brattleboro, t. uswiy HD.

HOLTOST, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Brattleboro, Vt. Office and resilience, comer Main and Walnut Streets. Home from 1 to 2 and from 6 to 7 o'clock p.

m. ATERMASi, MARTIN HITT, Attor- neys at Law, Block, Brattleboro, vt. A. KNAPP, Dentist, Hooker Block opp. Brooks House, lirattieuoro, vt.

A I. MILLER, M. and 8nr- geon, liooKer isiock, jiriiuicuuru, i. ujulc flours uciore si, i to 2, to e. R.

F. G. PETTEE, Dentist, Crosby Blork. Over Holclen's drug store. W40tr P.

WHITE, M. Physician and -a- Surgeon, Williamsvllle, vt. unice nours, to i a. 11 i p. aim to i p.

m. telephone connection. 1 4tf JAMES CONLAND, M. Physiciau and Surgeon, Brattleboro, Vt. Office in Crosby Block, opposite Telephone Exchange.

No 13 Walnut St. Office hours from 8 to 8 a. 1:80 to 3 p. m. Farmland Timber Land tor Sale.

To nettle t.h estate, the following nrotiertv of the late I. M. Knapp, situated 1 1-1 miles north of Dummerston Centre, is offered for sale: The home Farm, consisting of 140 acres of mowing, tillage and wood land, with good build ings, and water at house and barn. Large apple and sugar orchard. About 40 acres Is heavily timbered, with choice hemlock, ash, oak, maple, birch and other woods.

Also an out lot containing 82 acres of the best pasture and wood land to be found out of doors. About twenty-five acres Is covered with a flue growth of oak, ash, hemlock, beech, maple and nam wood. This, with the above, is without doubt the most desirable lot of wood and timber in the county. It has never been culled, is easy of access, and convenient to good roads and rail roads, and will be sold for cash. Enquire of WHCCLKR W.

KNAPP. On the premises; or, ALVIN KNAPP. Adm'r. 1-tf Brattleboro, Vt. I have a number of Second-hand Carriages, open and top, single and double, anything almost that you want; Harnesses, single and double; several Horses, to be disjiosed of at once, at a harcain, to make ready for new stock.

I shall at once add New Material, overhauling ine iiuie nusiucss, so nun pairon or tne BRATTLEBORO LIVERY Can always find the best Rigs that the best of i.iveriescan lurnisn. First Glass In Every Particular. H. M. ADAMS, PROP.

-At the old John Ray stand. 1-tf 25 lbs. Corn Beef, $1.00 J. H. CHAMBERLAIN LI7ERY AXI).

FEED STABLE, Brattleboro, Vermont. 181 HIRE A DOCTOR. Hire ft doctor for ymir bnik, but hire a plumb, cr fur your house. Don't get a poor plumber either, but hire one who Is I noicn to be a good one. Anyone who has had his house "doc.

tored" by A. O. Johnson, will tell you that It was done well. o. ronNsoif.

Hat Ktreet. KINDLING WOOD. We now have plenty, and A 1 qualify, J-nlor on shall not lie making It, S. A. SMITH CO.

IE BARGAINS BiGbardson's Market Advertisements under this head two cents a word first insertion, and one ceiif a word in each Btibseciuent issue. WANTED. A girl or woman for general housework. Applv to Mrs. C.

H. Daven-port, 20 Oak St. 2tf WANTED. A woman, or experienced girl to care for a babv two months old. Address, Mks.

Ciias. A. Miles, Brattleboro, Vt. 2tf WANTED. Men to sell Tea, Coffee, Baking Powder, Spices and Extracts, to retail trade in Brattleboro and adjoining towns.

Permanent business. For particulars address Grand Union Tea 144 Glen Street Glens Falls, N. T. 52w4 TRADES. SW.

EDGETT, Successor to H. B. CHAMBERLAIN, Hats, Furs, Men's Furnishings. Agency for Dunlap's Hats. Brooks House Block, 82 Main St.

50tf WA. MORSE, House and Stem Paint- ing, Hard and Soft Wood Finishing, Paper Hanging and Decorating. First-class work guaranteed. Shop, Harmony Block. 35tf JOHN GALVIN, Stoves and Tinware.

Main Street, Exchange Block. 28 BLACKSMITHING in all its branches. Horseshoeing a specialty. E. M.

ANGIER, Corner Canal and South Main street. 14yl JOHN DUNLEV Y.Cnstom TaUor, Hooker Block, up one night. Cleansing, Repairing and Pressing done at short notice. 14wly INSURANCE. AW.CHILDS General Insurance and Real Estate Agents, 10 Crosby Block, Brattleboro.

MERCANTILE. BRATTLEBORO CUSTOM LAUNDRY, 16 Elliot St. The place for best work. Orders left with Expressman DeWolf, or at Laundry Office, receive prompt attention. Work called for and delivered, free of charge.

Mrs, Win. Russell, Prop. 28w26 AF. WILDER, Manufacturer of Book Cases, Desks, Picture Frames. Also a fine line of Pictures.

Flat St. Evenings, 7 to 8. V. COX fc Stoves and Tinware, Main opp. American House.

ARROWS wholesale and retail dealers in Coals of all kinds. Office No. i Main Street, Brattleboro. 12v2 CLAPP JONES, Books, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Pictures and Framing.

12yl For Sale! Wilkins place in Londonderry. Village farm 9 1-2 ncres. house is story and 'half, a-ood barn building been kept up in good repair; will keep three cows; land is excellent; best of running water, i-ricc, ifixiu. Good 85-acre farm, 1 mile from depot, store and church; 2 story house In fine repair, also a good barn, running water to house and barn, plenty of wood and fruit; well fenced; 7 miles from Brattleboro. Price, $750.

Farm 233 acres 1-2 mile from village; extra good tillage land, cuts 50 to 60 tous of hay, pasture from 15 to 20 cows and team. Good fruit, 500 sugar trees, 1,000 cords of wood to sell, 2 story house. 8 rooms and one barn 20x40 and 48x87. all in irood renalr: runninir water to house and barn. 9800 down; balance at 5 per cent.

Price, 1,00. Business stand on Main Street for gale. A fine chance. Good reason for selling. MAY PHOTOGRAPHERS.

OUT TXXX3 Have you seen the latest? It's nothing new, only we arc the first to introduce it in llraitln. boro, to show the people who can appreciate fine photographs, that we are oriirinators and inven. tors, no imitators. We guarantee the best photographs made In the state. Any person selling 10 of our club tickets is entitled to one dozen of our $5.00 cabinets free.

Only a limited number to be sold to Introduce our work, rite or call nna Mmre tnem at onee or .1. II. Wofwln, ngent 117 Main Opposite Brooks House, Brattle ooro, t. sitf DR. J.

E. PRESCOTT, Oculist and Specialist in Lenses for Defective Eyes, Is Nov at the Brooks House, Where he can be consulted on Ocular Dlfllcnl ties. Ocular Headaches permanently cured, and Weak, Bleary Eyes made to see with ease and comfort. Eyes falling from age fitted correctly miiioin rxira cnarge. it your rniiiiren com plain of continual headache, have their eyes ex aminen.

Consultation Free. Opthalrnoscoiilr Examination at a Moderate rce. Artificial Kyee Inserted. S-Plentv of Brattleboro references. ROOM OPPOSITE PARLOR.

Call made at residence If desired. I will deliver mi ywhere in Ifrattleboro, Soft Slab Wood, all dry, split nnd ready for use for 82 per half cord. Tine Kindlings, 20 cents per barrel, or $1.00 per half cord. Order nt P. M.

Baker's Gro cery Store, Main St. FATHIOK OrVINXn SOUTH I1INS01LK. 42 C. L. HOWE SON, MAIN STREET, Brattleboro, Vermont.

M. SKUA, Hat Ntrecl. OuBtom -T allor, Itciuili inir anilcli'Hiiiiiir ni-nilv done and iircniiut attention given In all orders. I wish to call the intention of nnvbodr who Is interested In tailors' supplies to the fact that I have Invented a "goose'' clothes press, heated by gas, for tailors' use. No labor.

No ex. IMinse. Will send to nuv iflncp In ITnlled ornunua. myl A REGULAR BEATER I Yes. It Is regular Pirir I tenter, lint It I.

a m.l deal more, beside. It Is a "graduate" and accurately determine, the amount of liquid, or sugar, or Hour you are using, mils cinnhllilng have our Sew Egg Heater, and It Is the best thing out for whipping cream, lieating eggs, nnd doing lust I.OTN ill other tlllllits. It's ureal mmiv mini in inn', neeii 01 whipm. ir vnn curiosity 1 all and see It. Those "special price" iwrcclaln lined nance pans are going rapidly, and yon better dot wait ANOTHKH day, if yon have any Idea of having one And bv the wav.

when vnti cull fur the touico pan, ion better order some of our self-senllng Krult cans, with "free sugar" yon can afford lo put a large amount of fruit In cans for next winter's Han t'se tilelltv of fruit. niiH Dm. Vmtu vntir 1im. tor's bill suiall. Mnny other new good.

Just received at WILCOX'S N. Y. BAFIGAIN 8 TO SI. 4H Main Ntrcet, Brnttlelmro. BOILER ror nnw, a noriMn, mrnm IJqIHt.

Kimnlrc of M. I'kkrv, ft Hlrge Htreel, PHOTOGRAPHERS Brattleboro Again Victorious The K.t.iy tiuard Wins the Centennial Trophy for Third Time Consecutively One of the Individual Prizes also Goes to Brattleboro. The most interesting feature to many in the militia encampment begun yesterday in the rifle shooting conte st for the 'Washington centennial trophy in elegant silver cup bought with the balance remaining from the fund raised to defray the expenses of the National Guard at the celebration of the' Washington centennial in New York. There was a good deal of wind which kept down the scores and niaue me contest a long one. At o'clock; r.TlLVT.V "5 Nelson the nuitehcs were held.

Helm ia the tolal company scores out of a ossil)le 125 at azwi-yiiru range. Conipanv I I. Light battery Conipanv I) II E. A 9i 8: 5 OEX. JVI-IUS J.

KSTEY. 75 il the Kstey Guard secure the trophv for the third tune i in nuei-esMim. mid the ilium understanding was that Ibis should entitle the winner to its permanent possession. The Barre company won it one year, had strong hope of leading this time, aiid feels rather cross about it. The Kstey Guard bova may have had a little advantage in having had practice on this range, but this does not account for their previous victories.

The Kstey Guard team consisted of Privates French, Knight, Nichols and Sergeant Hop-kinson. The third prize, a silver medal, presented by Wyman, inspector of rifle practice, was won by Private Horace French of company by a score of 22 out of a possible 23. Springer -won over French bv making his nlghnt wim A system of nr trm-rnin based on that of the regular army, was inaugurated at the encampment of isiX), and has llPAn "1111 i 1 1 1 tl. I al anh uinMtm mliaAW V. i ti.

Private Tho Caswell of to made the i individual score, making a total 23 out i.i Prize' rol' consisting of a target and TTZ wltb pnM ''y Co1 I Private Springer of Co I. won the sec ond individual prize, a silver medal of shut design, presented byMaj Nelson. inspector rifle practk, by a score of 22 out of a pos- i inos. larswen uo uarre, won the cup Battery's Target Firing The Batterv drill this afternoon concluded with the target practise, which has lieen looked forward to as one of the great features of the encampment. The range was about 2200 yards, or one and one-foiirtli miles, the target having lieen erected on- the side of Wantastiquet mountain on the New Hamp- Biiiiesnie oi ine i onneciicut.

A 13-pounu shell was fired. The target was eight feet uigii nun is leei wiuc. i ne surface is divide. into two-font squares. THE SKRVICE MEDALS.

The "service medals" for king identification with the National Guard, one of the liest ideas ot its recent development, were distributed this afternoon by Gov. Fuller as follows For vears, Segts Moses King Co Edward iigiuis iu 40 years, Brig Ucn Katcv, Col Kinsman. IS years, A A Smith Co Priv Chas II Fill ler Co H. Priv Fred IKm-ina- K. 10 years, Capt II I) Ftlllinorc Co Capt A 11.1- L'l- 11 lumen At lit Drum Mai KrcVl Austin.

Kirst Kcirt Sergts Krcd Ropkinson Co I.Geo I) Heed Co I iiaiuey to i. years, Gen Alfonl. Dr .1 lirig Sum Capt II Dyer Co A. I.ts Herbert Johnson 1st Hilt, Clnpp 1st Mil. riun i.

urvciiv kv iiiugn lo r. I'm ip ii. Sergts .1 1 llnnnon 1st Bat, II Snule Co B. alch Co llowinun to II, Chase Co John 1. Greenwood A Glslioriie Co ii.

i Huriuurt K. Geo I'arker Co Hill Co Corps 1. lie Will 1st lint, Chns A Clllev Co 1), a i.iomcy Uvnn to II llich ardsoii Co II. I) Kcrln 'n II. Prlvs Wells Ilnrdwell 1st But, Evans 1st Bat, has A Melr.nerto II 11 Douglas Co A .1 llurk Co Stephen A belt.

Co H. Gei Co B. Geo 11 WclMt-r Co It. ft II Mnali-i Kobson Co Bolinctt Co Tlldcn Co .1 Hynn Co Frank Ilalton Blnnchnrd Co Harvey II Chamberlain Co Geo Top. Iln Co G.

Frank Camrr. Co II, Alfred A War ren i. rrlvs Louis IlciikclCnI.Fred Swift Co An drew Kngge Co I Holllns Co Walter II 1 "rker 1 More Mnstcr Notes, A Roberts Co, arc furnishing the camp with groceries. Lieut V. Bingliam plnved It well on the surgeons, asking his comrades to see him reign tainting away, Thev worked over him tor two hours before be pretended to regain i.iiiFi-nniaiims nn.i tnev would never have known the Inside If all hands had kept quirt.

Chaplain Hilt will mnalnhere over Nimlav ine sliest or oi and JHrs Ilnskiiis, The Mandolin Slid Glee dub of the Rnrre fpencer nines were with them during muster. I he Hpencer Killes were tlw, first to Tiol.t the Warbfngton trophy cup. CoEofHnrre and A of Rut land had tug of war yestcr.lav In which the former came of victor amid the clwrs of tliclr friends. This evening Gov and Mrs Fuller will give reception nt their home. Pine Heights, In honor of Gen Estey and the ntlleer of the brigade.

Gov Fuller and his staff with Col Miinsitr, Republican candidate for llputensnt-irovprnor. and a number of guests dined with the battery ypstcrday. After the dinner there wasspceclimaklng. Dr. and Mrs.

II. D.llolton gave charm ni i. "cumg mini no io seven the breeze from most or the- business places and manv private residences, especially that of Gov Fuller. Sight seers by the hundreds and the thousands have thronged uniform of pride in the soldierly appearance and discipline, the Intelligence aiioj good be haviour of the militiamen who wo'iltl, it occasion required, worthily tlKr places of their fathers in the trying" days irom '01 to '65 and maintain the reputation whjeh the citizen soldiery from Vermont lias always maintained ever since the first days of the Revolution and the praisesi military men from Washington and ffiiirgnyne. Scott and Hampton, McOlellan anaV '-Uacle Sedgwick have always bestowed on them.

The encampment was formal ly opened Monday after the am. al by special train at one o'clock p. of Companies of AUs bans. of Iiurlinaton. of Uran don, of Bennington and A Rutland, and a few moments, later companies of Barrc.

I) of Johnsburv, II of jL, 1 1 11 .1 jirauioru, ui xnoriuiiejit, in Newport. Line was formed iu-front of the depoti under command of Col Bond and wijji-the escort of the First Regiment Band. Hundreds of people 'iiitil. the streets on the way to infraa-ii grounds. The Fuller Battel hti.1 gone into camp early in the luofii-ingaud were quartered on thai regimental line.

The Guards hud previously gone into camp, on Fj i-day morning, to make rcwr4sr, the rest of the w- AVhen thegi-ounds were Machftl, the companies were dismissed iiV til mess, and their baggage arnv-. ing lialf an hour later, completed putting their tents in readiness. At 3 o'clock the trumpets sounded mess and the men, many of whom had not had anything to eat since early morning, swarmed eagerly to the mess tent. Guard mounting came immediately after, and was exceptionally well done for the first one of ft muster, the movements bein ext-cuted with vigor and precision, Edward Dver, company A ot Ktitlanu, was orhcer of tUf mill Afnuloiuna ln.l... isflfiiii and Harwood of company truiuoet-crs.

Regimental Adjutant Theod ne A Davi of Rutland acted in his new for the first time. The dress parade was held Inter at it '30 in Col Kinsman in command'. Thecompanv of regulars made their flrst appearance on the parade ground at that time and gave an exhi- nuion (inn ior the beneht oMne regiment. The manoeuvers of the dress parade were somewhat ragged as usual on the first day and because the bovs were tired, and there were several hundred speetatois present who cheered lustily. i The regular order of the day was observed in the morning.

The regulars also held adrill, which was watched bv a large crowd, in the afternoon the tents were put in order, company streets raked and evervyffip or stray bit of paper was scrupulously picked tip from the parade ground. The dress Vrade wit- I nessed ly some 2000 peoph Mul slowed a as am itou tne iact eonstanuy en is week. At o'clock mess call was sounded and the companies went to supper. From 8 until clock the First Regiment band gave a con- cen ui meir stand in ironi oi ncauiitianers. Tattoo aonn.le.1 at in -tn and tan.

at 11 o'clock Afternoon drill came at 2.0T. o'clock and lasted till 4 30 o'clock The dav concluded wtthl tlrel; Tparade of theihree the company oi regulars, at in, which was witnessed bv several thousand oeonle. The formation was bv battalions, and the parade was reviewed bv Lieut Col George Bond. The manual of arms was well exe- cuted-by tne rirst Regiment, and the Held movements or tne several companies were very creimnnie. i ne alignment or company St Albans, company A.

Rutland, and com- party 11. Burlington, are deserving of espe- cial mention. The parade was a marked im- provement over that of the flrst day. The guard detail for the day was: Officer of the day, Capt Howe, conipanv command- ci ui uie guard, ueui A I'avis, company lieutenant of the guard. Meat Green', company B.

Sergt Welnter of company was detailed as acting sergeant major. Monday night Capt II Dver of Rutland, with the supernumerary officers of the guard and Lieut Burnham of Bennington, made an i insiiection of the first relief; and ranked the companies as follows First, company A of Rutland; second, company of Burlington: third company of.StI- Imns. and fourth, conipanv of Bennington. The flrst sanitary Inspection of the camp was made by Brigade Surgeon Jenne Tuesday morning. He found the quarters in excellent condition with two or three exceptions.

The streets of brigade and regimental headquarters and those of companies I). and nnd of the battery pass inspection at 100 per cent. The company quarters of iwilnlmnv 11 r.o.l VI 1. ll.L.. Viupoil.

Jl nilll OI IUV IIUUI battery were the only ones receiving 100, he mess tenia at ungiuie, regimental ami band. neatiquaners anil tnose of companies U. ii, ii, iiihi oi me nation diiss iiisdcc- tion as 100 per cent. The total averages of the several inspections made bv the Brigade surgeon are as follows: Brigade headquarters, IKI 2-3; guard quarters. 001-2; band quarter, 73 1-3; regimental headauarters.

ID) 1-8; Company IM 1-3; Company lis 2-a; company la 1-3: omimnv 1). KM: Company Ml 2-3; Company 1-3: Company G. 00 2 Company l5; Conipanv 1. 1-3 ompniiy 1)0; Company bin-panv 00 1-3; Battery, 100. The regular program's were carried out yes terday.

I lie guard mounting. ever a urettv exercise, wtis witnessed by a larger crowd man on tiny previous dav. The battalion Irills wire specially creditable, as was the drill of the battery. In Hie afternoon there was a regimental drill, followed by conipanv drills as a preparation for governor's dav. There was the lariHut crowd of anntntnrs nt dress linrnilp list haa ho since ramp was established.

The governor and staff witnessed the parade from the front of headquarters. and complimented Ihe oft) cers aim men nigniy upon their genera! rtp-liearance. Companies A and were the onlv mil companies in the parade and were kitullv applauded. Today "Governor's liar." ha. i iim nni.l one of the cm there are w.issi peoiuc on tne grounds.

There was a hntmlinn drill this moriilim full. dress Inspwtlon of the battalions aer'stely by i-itk ami tam. iicrnen E. THtherlv. The governor reviewed the trmnis at iJi p.

in. directly before the battery pmctli'e. The guard detail n.n Capt. (. Enton of Conipanv rommnnder of thegnnrd, l.lent.

Frank E. Hwettof Compnny Pina riiiiiiHirr omccr of the nard. lent. rank Fierce of Company G. I had a twiMiromr ly the Use of Hip Vll.mi...

tfic least. AUlNZtia, WIIKKt.KIt, Vernon, Vi. NOTICE. A nair nf rimers yard Wcdnna.lnv i. in nu-i-ra airaveii null VIBRATOR a a Highest of all In Leavening Power.

-Latest U. S. Gov't Report AT BARNES MARKET. VT' iiicstcd to mm nf.i,. in i If IV (Continued on (th page.) I.

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