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The Hutchinson News from Hutchinson, Kansas • 14

Hutchinson, Kansas
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TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1915. TIIE nUTOniNSON NEWS. 1'AlU: FOURTEEN FIGHT ON PEACE SHIP: MAY QUIT Ladies! "Dress Up," Your Feet FACTS ARE GATHERED They Have to Do With Possible "Preparedness." V't'lw These are absolutely new boots Very dark brown nine inch top kid button boot Correct heel $6.50 The stote of the Christmas spirit COMMISSION MAKES A REPORT WW 0.ARMSTR0NG la Regard to Industries That Might be Used in Case ot a Dig War. it tit Nine inch top "A IS store grows busier as the shopping days before New York, Dec. 21.

Information needed bv a national preparedness commission, which President Wilson 1 is said to be considering appointing, nlrpnilv has been eathered by the fed eral trade commission, within the nine months of its existence, Chairman Joseph E. Davies, of the commis- HE WAS A FREIGHTER ON THE OLD TRAIL t-C 't Dr. J. D. F.

Grage, MOVED Over 11 North Mala. Phone Residence 2692 Office 301 Office Houre 8 to 12 a. m. 1 to 8 p. m.

sion, told today to the American Manufacturers' Export association meeting here. If it became necessary to mobilize the country's industrial Christmas grow less in number. Things for every man and boy on the gift list are here many of them rare and exclusive. There is inspiration in a visit to any of these sections ideas which will help those perplexed as to what to give. resources for war.

Mr. Davies said, "Uncle John" O'Laughlin Drove On Old Santa Fe Trail In the '50's. the trade commission could produce a record not only of the Industries avail able, but their respective capacities, actual and potential, and tne aegree J5r. hftisir ffouf 6 Mt.eto Maker EMKIWfS-VICTROlA Amr Outfit Include utit Vicvrola flS.JJ number VIII with 14 elections, your HfrnM chlco-on ovm 19-lnch dnubl-fauMd riKonli. 6 cash (4 a month.

of their integration, physical ana financial. The commission, he saia, had come Into personal contact with virtually two-thirds of the industries of the country, measured in value oi investment. The First Survey. After going into his first survey of C. H.

Tillotson, M. D. Industries by a government agency, whose prime object was to determine Timely Sztggestojs for Christmas Shoppers the needs of American business, Mr. John O'Loughlin, whose death occurred a few days ago at his old home in Lakin, was one of the fe survivors of the old Santa Fe Trail freighters. In the latter '50s O'Loughlin became a freighter on the old trail between Leavenworth and Santa Fe, New Mexico.

During the war he was employed by the government as department quartermaster between the Missouri river and other western frontier forts; at the close of the war he was with Phil Sheridan's command in his Indian campaigns over the southwest, finally settling down about seventy miles north of Dodge City on the Smoky river where he opened a frontier store and built a toll bridge across this river. When the Santa Fe railroad was Davies said the commission now had Ben B. Llndsey (top) and S. S. McClure.

knowledge which would afford a ba SPECIALIST RECTAL and CHRONIC DISEASE3 Hours 9 a. 12 1 p. m. 6 p. Evenings, Sundays, 9 a.

12 m. Phone 1999. No. 1 So. Main Corner Sherman, Hutchinson, Kane.

A. the noted Brazilian aeronaut, is in Washington to sis for recommendation of legislative action by congress. The Information gathered, he said, will be ready to put attend the Second Pan-American Scientific Congress, Deo. 27 to Jan. 8.

before congress within a few weeks The commission, he said, has paid He will bring before the congress a plan for the co-operation of all the aeronauts of the United States and particular attention to competitive conditions that exist in foreign countries and which affect adversely American Industries. Legislative recommendations would include meth of the Latin-American countries, look i Fine Fur Caps 'Manhattan Shirts Fine Hosiery-Street Gloves Dress Gloves Auto Gloves Fur Gloves Neckwear Umbrellas "Waistcoats Bill Folds Pocketbooks Scarf Pins Motor Scarfs Handkerchiefs Manicure Sets Safety Razors Sweater Coats Tie Rings Night Robes Pajamas Blanket Robes Hats All styles Traveling Bags Suit Cases Collar Bags Lapel Chains Silk Mufflers Dressing Gowns Pullman Slippers Mackinaw Coats Smoking Jackets House Coats Cuff Links and Pins Combination Sets Leather Novelties Knox Opera Hats Full Dress Suits Full Dress Vests Distinctive Accessories for Evening Dress ing to the advancement of the science of the air. It is expected that the built he sold out and went to Dodge and then to Lakin, settling there in Februarr 1873. For a time his was ods by which dumping by foreign manufacturers at the close of the war might be prevented. plan of the famous birdman will find the hearty support of the scientists from Pan-America.

the only store between Dodge City on Call 3091 for Jitney or Livery. No. 6 S.M. CENTRAL BARBER SHOP the east and Granada, Lolo, on uie a distance of 125 miles. Every Stop "Unfair" Competition.

"The principal function for which nnfl of the old nlainsmen, from Kit the commission was created," said SENDING OUT THE BALLOTS Carson to Buffalo Bill knew Uncle John, as he was familiarly called. Mr. Davies, "undoubtedly was to prevent practices of unfair competition in industry. The object was to de He was a native Irishman having been born in County Clare, Ireland, in TO VOTE ON 8-HOUR DAY stroy monopoly in the seed and to pro 1842. For City Garbage Service Phone 2141.

ftr hauling 1d 'AlVS1 er country. Phone SMI or tMW. tect the great majority of business units in industry, whose chief men One of the Symptoms. Railroad Brotherhoods Getting "Are you and Miss Gadder still at aces comes from practices of unfair competition which might be employed Christmas Gift Certificates. They enable the recipients to make their own selections outs?" by not a more efficient, but by a more Ready to Take a Vote on Matter.

"I'm afraid so. She still pretends powerful rival. that she doesn't recognize my voice when I call her over the telephone." of gifts from any of our departments at any time. "Democracy and monopoly are In A FAIR PROPOSITION. We can not recommend a more satisfactory remedy for rheumatism compatible, because monopoly con Chicago, Deo.

21. Presidents of the Birmingham Age-Herald. Not Important. sists of the denial of the principal liberty in a sphere of action that than touches most intimately and vitally "Have you done your Christmas f4 shopping yet?" "Long ago." four brotherhoods of railway trainmen started work today preparing the ballot that is to be eent to the 400,000 employes of the 458 railroads in the United States asking their approval of these demands. An eight-hour day; with the same wages now paid for working ten hours.

Time and a half the life of the people. But this does not mean that we should set our face against the advance of progress in industry. The economies of large scale production to the extent that "Then, why are you rushing around now?" MARK "Hum! This is a little cash trade I've reserved for the last." Binning' they now exercise, the advantage of integration of industry, the sustaining for working over-time. The demands, completed here last WEATHER SERVICE RHEUMATISM POWDERS Guaranteed to give relief or money refunded. Sold only by us, 50c and $1.00.

Bailey Adams. forces of stabilization in industry the prevention of feast and famine, the night by officials one Brotherhood prevention of cut-throat compectlon, of Locomotive Firemen and Engine-men, Order of Railway Conductors, can all be encompassed in a demo Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers cratic state without yielding to monop oly in principle or in effect." and Brotherhood of Railway Train An Old, Family Cough Remedy, Home-Made Easily Prepared Coata Very Little, but is Snre and Effective men, will be mailed to every member of the four organizations on January CAMP FOR BOYS. It was announced. They will be given sixty days in which to vote and How a Student of Psychology Deals Plan to Extend the Work of That Department. Highest Prices Paid for Furs and Hides I need large quantities of all kinds furs Bud hides: it will pay you to return their ballots.

With the Sons of the Rich. After the ballots have been return The director of a iboy's camp was By makins this pint of old-time coush ed, officials of the four organizations calling on the father of a small boy svrup at home you not only save about raady-made will meet In Chicago, probably wHa fnr v.innlni? as comparea witn tne $2, as compared with the who was looking tor a place to send that small boy for the summer. A get my price kind, but you will also have a much more ina, out you will also nave a inucn more April, to agree on a date for presenting the result of the vote to the rail WATCH FOR TROPICAL STORMS prompt and positive remedy in every way, pile of pamphlets announcing the It overcomes the usual coughs, throat arid chest colds in 24, hours relieves even roads. tags toaay. J.

F. ROHLEDER merits of various camps lay on the fathers desk. He picked them'up whoomns coneh auicklv and is excellent. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT Which never fails to please your SON, DAUGHTER, WIFE or HUSBAND. Start a Savings Account.

Deposit $1.00 every week. This draws 3 interest and you get a BANK BOOK showing each deposit. SAFE AT ON ASTIR. one by one. Depot too, for bronchitis, bronchial asthma.

One Block West of Mo. Pac. Hutchinson, Kansas. hoarseness ana spasmodic croup. "This camp does so and so for its boys," he said, "and this one bo and Get from any drug store 2Vfe ounces of American Doctor, Nurse and News so and this other one so and so.

Now Build a Fine Weather Structure in Canal Zone, is the Plan Now, pint h0tie and fill the bottle with plain paper Woman All Right" Saloniki, Dec. 20. (Via Paris, Dec, trranuiatea sutrar svrup. mm directions what does your camp do?" "Nothing," the director replied. 21.) Dr.

Henry Forbes, of Boston; with every evidence of with Pines. Keeps perfectly and tastes good. You can feel this take hold of a cough or cold in a way that means business. It Mrs. Walter Farwell, a Chicago news great surprise.

paper correspondent, and Miss Mit chell, are safe and well at Monastir. quickly loosens the dry, hoarse or pain ful cough and heals the inflamed mem "We do for our boys Just as few things as we can," the director continued. "Our boys do the doing RAILROAD TIME TABLE3. SANTA FE. Eastbound Departs.

2 Eastern Express 12:20 p.m. 4 Chicago Limited 4:26 p.m. 6 Chicago Express 11:35 a.m. 8 Chicago Express. .10:50 p.m.

10 Atlantic Express 9:20 a.m. is Missouri River Saloniki dispatches received yester No. No. No, No. No.

branes. It also has a remarkable effect in overcoming the persistent loose cougjh by stopping the formation of phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes. day said that Dr. Forbes and Mrs. Far- tuemseivea.

ir mey are to De successful men they must be able to well were being held in Monastir by Washington, Deo. 21. Department of agriculture plans for extending the weather observation service throughout the Caribbean region, for investigations into the utilization of domes-tie products in dyes manufactures nnH flhm nlnnts for binder-twine pur No. stand on their own feet, and the only .12:55 p.m. n'l, (tj.

i 1 1 1 i the. -who had torn down S'o. 568 Passenger way to learn to do for one self Is the American flag from the Red Cross I nicci, ji i mo uii wo memuranes is known by almost every one. Pinex is a 3:15 p.m. I most valuable concentrated compound of ny doing for ones self.

This camp No. 566 Passenger No. 558 Passenger No. 608 H. S.

Pas. (arrives) hospital, of which Dr. Forbes is' In is a camp, not a nursery." mi. i .12:55 p.m. charge, and seiaed flour which the No.

74 way i-reigm. ine iiaiaer starea wnue the new poses are outlined in data Just submitted to congress by Secretary No. Red Cross wast distributing to 5:15 a.m. Departs. genuine ui way pine extract uomuineu with guaiacol and other natural healing pine elements.

There arfl mnnv wnrfMpaa fmlfnfiriTia Idea struggled with all his precon 7:05 p.m. ceived notions as to the care and 3:45 p.m. rif fliia fnmniia niivfuro ovnlj ,4 la. Houston. The information was given in connection with estimates for ap-in the next fiscal year 32 tast jfreigni Westbound 1 California 3 California 5Colo.

Utah Express 7 Fargo Fast 9 California Fast Mall. 11 Colorado Flyer 3 -It am. appointment, ask your druggist for "2 training of the children of the rich, Then he banged his fist on the table, No. No. No.

No. No. No. Turkeys and Ducks Buy your Christmas duck or turkey 4:00 a.m. ollnces oi rinex, ana ao not accept any- for the agricultural service amount "By George!" he said.

"What an 3:30 a.m. 9:40 a.m. today, we will dress and deliver whenever you say. If you prefer Passenger ing to Deing jpz.uuu.uuo less than the current year appropriation. No.

567- uiing eise. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with preparation. The Pinex Ft. Wayne, Ind. -Passenger 4:55 p.m, amazingly fine idea!" For once he had found an educational scheme that squared with his own experience of No.

665- other meats you can find all choice 9:50 a.m. tv" t7 Pspnffer. Watch th Storms. An nnnrnririation of $30,000 Is asked are. cuts of beef and pork, fish (all kinds) and oysters, at I.

SMITH'S market and grocery. it 9:45 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:45 a.m. 7:40 p.m.

5:00 a.m. Ana there you have Camp Penn No. 507 Pasenger (H. No. 73 Way Frt.

(Main Line). No. 77 Way Frt. No. 31 Fast Frt.

(Branch) No. 531 Way Frt. (H. his ability as a golfer or a tennis player is a professional and all the rules in the world can not alter it. To ignore this fact is to trifle with the vital issue.

January Outing. for extending the Caribbean weather an experiment in character-building, observations with, a view or maKing a a laooraiory aesigned to test the tjos re you going away the service continuous throughout the thA ohlect beine to furnish warn sibilities of making men in spite of Christmas Dinner Four Days Off. We have made every possible pre MISSOURI PACIFIC. money, a corrective for the luxurious ing of the approach of destructive Eastbound jjeparis, Passenger 10:50 a.m. Passenger 5:35 a.m.

4:05 p.m, noipiessness of too comfortable homes. For further information na tropical storms. A 520,000 structure nn fho nnal zone to serve as the paration for your Christmas dinner. Everything in vegetables could get from California was ordered. All No.

404 Local No. 420 Local No. 434 Local No, 4J6 Local the links or the courts. The old) axiom, "Time is money," is true in more ways than one. For leisure time must be bought, with your own or someone else's money.

If all your working time Is required to buy the necessities of life and you have no margin of effort with which to buy time to play then you can not play. This fact is regrettable, but It can not Ibe altered. Neither can you look to the game itself for help. That way lies professionalism, whatever the rules may or may not say. So far as the spirit is concerned, the man wbo gets a Job in a sporting goods house because of to results see the parents of some of Freight a.m.

Departs. headquarters for the weather service in that section also is planned. tne ooys. outing. for the holidays? You can bay a new Trunk and A Milk Rebuke.

"When I started out in life I didn't have a dollar of my own," said the self-made man. "Now, at the age of 40, I am ahem! not exactly in want." "I fear you are," remarked his friend. "In want of what?" "A little tact," Birmingham Westbound Passenger. Passenger. Passenger.

Freight 5:25 p.m. .11:55 p.m. 9:55 a.m. ..12:40 p.m. No.

403 Local-No. 419 Local No. 433 Local No. 495 Local Christmas Dinner Four Davs Off Congress also is asked for for the collection and distribution ot Aata rm tihe suDoly, commercial We have made every possible pre choice cuts of pork and beef were ordered. big lot of fresh ducks and turkeys were brought us by our country friends.

Our grocery supply was ever complete and we assure you of a booming success if you order your good things to eat of I. SMITH'S market and grocery. it paration ior your unristmas dinner. movement, disposition and market ROCK ISLAND. Eastbound Departs.

-California n. Callfornian uverytning vegetables we could get from California was ordered. All choice cuts of pork and beef were ordered, A big lot of fresh ducks and Bag prices of fruits and vegetaoies. 'ina work would be extended to include other fruits than the strawberry, cantaloupe, tomato and peach crops, data on whicb. already is being supplied.

THE VITAL FACTOR. turkeys were brought us by our coun 1 No. 2 No, 4 Oolden- State Limited. a.m. No.

34 Local Pasenger 9:30 a.m. No 752 Local Pas. Ar. 8:55 p.m. 9:05 p.m.

No. 80 Local Freight 11:55 a.m. Westbound Departs. No. 1 Callfornian .,7:05 a.m.

No. 8 Golden State No. 33 Local Passenger 6:55 p.m. N0, 751 Local Pas. Ar.

9:55 a.m.l0:05 a.m. NO. 81 Local Freight. 8:00 p.m. try friends.

Our grocery supply was ever complete and we assure you of a Card of Thanke. We wish to thank our friends for the "kindness shown us during the illness and death of our son and brother. MR. AND MRS. I.

M. COLEMAN DOROTHY COLEMAN. Dooming success ir. you order your good things to eat of I. SMITH'S market and grocery.

it Prime Meef. The Best Time to Buy a Piano is now The best place to buy a Piano is at Harper's, 108 North Main the" best values in each class that money can buy, and a guarantee of satisfaction. What more can be asked? CALL OR WRITE J. H. HARPER 108 NORTH MAIN.

Call Fulton Market. For Christmas poultry, choice tur We have purchased a car of corn fed cattle of Dr. Bacon of near this Ladies' Hand Bags at Cost Repair and order work a specialty, Hutchinson Trunk Factory PHONE 1984. 324 NORTH MAIN keys, getese, ducks, chickens, fish and ovsters. Phone 119.

20-3t city. Those wanting something choice in beef call 119. Fulton Market. 20-6t Speed Is the Thing That Makes Tennis the Good Game. Now in most games free time is an important element You can not expect to excel in golf or tennis, for example, unless you are able to devote a lot of time to the game.

If you are to shine in tournaments you must have money to pay your traveling expenses and hotel bills. There la nothing cheap abou starring on Won't Listen to Advice. "The only objection I have to Dods-worth is his self-complacency. Why, he acts if he simply couldn't ibe improved upon." "At least he's true to his type." "Well?" "As a rule you can't improve a man like that, no matter how 'badly he needs it." Birmingham Age-Herald. $1.00 starts a savings bank account, Call Fulton Market.

and you get a pass book. Try this for For Christmas poultry, choice tur a holiday Kilt, First National BanK. keys, geese, ducks, chickens, fish and 18-Ct oysters. Phone 119. 20-St.

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