The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 2
- Publication:
- The Baltimore Suni
- Location:
- Baltimore, Maryland
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
UUNKEI, VARNUM, ATTORNEYS JIT LAW, letter bags up at the e.ychanuk readino rwoms-For Havana Steamer Sirena, August 28th, 4 P. M. Rotterdam Brig Neptune Valparaiso Barque Cornelia, Kio de Juiiro Barque PORT OF BALTIMORE, August 2 THE SUN. The Syracuse Explosion. Resolutions have been adopted by the Coroner's Jury, at Syracuse, setting forth that the twenty-five persons who were killed, came to their deaths by the explosion of 27 or 28 kegs of gunpowder, the property of William Malcolm, and Albert A.
Hudson, of Syracuse, which was secretly stored by Albert A. Hudson and Charles Goings, with the knowledge and consent of Wm. Malcolm, number of limbs; one eye ii a deep black, and the other as deep a blue. The animal has been preserved in liquor, so that those who doubt can establish their faith in the existence of the phenomenon. Stealing the Sun.
A gentleman on the Point complained yesterday that his Sun had been taken from his door for several mornings, and seemed to be amazed that any one should steal the paper when every body took it. Dont steal, if you please, the light of the glorious orb is intended for all. Profanity. Catharine McKean and Mary Ann King, two degraded white women, were imprisoned, with great propriety the night of the 2Gth inst, for using profane and obscene language in the streets. Jlioting.
Richard Burk, with his wife, and Edward Snowden and wife, were tucked up in the western district watch house, charged with surprised at this robbery. We believe there is at this time a league of the most skilful and daring burglars in this country, whose operations are conducted by concert from one end of the Union to the other. They arc aided too by an unprincipled police, in the larger cities, who by collision share the rewards aud screen the rogues from justice. have been anticipating that they would come down upon some of the towns or cities in our State, and warned the public to be watchful. The Banks in Danville had nonight watch, as it seems to us they ought to have had, particularly since the unsuccessful attempt mado a short time since on the Virginia Branch in that town.
This robbery should cause every Branch Bank to employ a guard. We trust that the utmost vigilance may be ex ercised to detect and punish the robbers; and let iio Justice Wiley be permitted to act a part in the matter." Napier's Peninsula War. We have recciv- the second number of Napier's history of the war in the peninsula and in the south of France, from 1S07 to which we made a deserv edly favorable notice yesterday It can be had at at the low price of 25 cents each number. The Dcerslayer, or iht War Path. This is a navel by J.
Fennimore Cooper, "the Walter Scott of America," the author of several of the best prose works of fiction that claim American parentage, The author says in his preface, that the favorable manner in which the more ad vanced career, and the death of Leather Stock ing, were received, has created, in his mind at least, a sort of necessity for giving some account of his younger days. And, pray, who that has read the early works of Cooper, or indeed any of his works, would not rejoice in the opportu- nity of becomisg acquainted with Leather Stock ing in his "younger days?" Few, we apprehend, except those who have imbibed certain unjust and dishonest prejudices against the author, which had their origin in any and every thing save his merits as an American writer of fiction one whose only fault, apart from the entertainment of certain principles having no necessary connexion with his literary character, was a too faithful adherence to supposed origi nals, in certain pictures which his fancy had drawn; but whose real fault was the entertainment of the principles referred to. Cooper is, however, too firmly fixed in the public estimation as an American writer, who has contributed largely to the establishment of the literary character of his country, to be seriously injured by jealous rivals, infinite in their inferiority, or by ephemeral critics, impotent in their assaults; and Deerslayer will be read with interest, despite all efforts at depreciation of the author. It can be had in this city, at the book-store of Fielding Lucas, Baltimore street. The Baltimore Phoenix and Budget.
The number fur September is out. Contents, enter taining getting up, creditable price, a trifle. Those who wish to subscribe will call at the office, 2j North Gay street. Mon Lynching in Illinois. From a statement in the Peoria Register, wc learn that a few weeks since, a young man named George Fisher, of Henderson county, was taken out of bed at night by a band of ruffians, one half of his head shaved, his body tarred and feathered, and then, with his hands tied behind him, put into a canoe and set adrift in the Mississippi river, with a threat that they would kill him if he came ashore.
After floating a few miles, Fisher contrived to free his hands and reach the shore. He immediately returned home, and caused some of the ruffians to he apprehended, who, after due examination, were bound over to appear at the next court two of thein in bonds of $1200 each, the others from 100 to $S00 each. The remaining four ruffians made their escape to the Iowa side of the river, and there succeeded in rallying a mob, who came over in a ferry boat and recaptured Fisher. This was in the middle of the afternoon. Fisher was taken some seventy yards from the road, tied with a chain and rope, and a guard of two men, armed with knives and pistols, placed over him, who told him that if he hallooed, instant death w8 his portion.
Here he remained till dark, when he was taken to the second island above IUoominglon, and flogged by four men until his back, legs and arms were cut into welts. He was then presented with a lie-bill to sign; refusing to do which, he was again put into a canoe, in which was a larre stone, and set afloat. He, however, effected a landing a few miles below Burlington. Close ok the St-B-TiiEAsnv in New York. The New York CoinmcrcUl states that on Wednesday, Robert C.
Cornell, the Sub-Trea. surer at New York, basing received instructions to that effect, closed his accounts, and paid over the money of the Government in his possession, to the Merchant's Bank, which was selected by the Secretary of the Treasury as the r. sent depository of the public funds. As an instance prompt ncss, the Commercial adds, thfit the instructions were received in the morning the money was paid over receipts taken the wholo business closed, and advices of the final closing cf the Sub-Treattury in New York forwarded to the Secretary of the Treasury, by the mail of the afternoon. Lihkkated fcsLAVm One thousand dollars are wanted to transfer eighteen urines to Li-berii.
Thos. WaUacc, of 1 lemingsburg, recently died, and by his will liberated eighteen slaves on condition that the American Colonization Society send them to Liberia, in Africa. The Society hai not now the means at command, and an appeal is nr.udc to the friends of the every where to come forward and aid in rforruing this good ait. Another Extensive Bank nonnf-m i j-tsards of Ninety-two Thousand Dollars learn from the Kiehmond Compiler, received last night, that the Danville Branch of the Farmers' Bank of Virginia, was entered on Saturday or Sunday night last by means of false keys, and robbed of ninety-two thousand one hundred and thirty-five dollars. Fortunately for the Dank, $72,135 of this large amount were mutilated notes, issued by the Branch, stamped on the face "Cancelled," which it is hoped may aid in the detection of the burglars.
A reward of $5,000 is offered for the apprehension and conviction of the robber or robbers, and the recovery of the money, or in proportion to the amount recovered. The Compiler further says: "We are not Fayette gTnEtr, oi'POBitk Orf Hotel. George DunkcL Joseph II. Varmun. A-NOT1CK.
Persons wishing to become member of ST. PATRICK'S TEMPERANCE BENEFICIAL SOCIETY, will have an opportunity of taking the Temperance Pledge TO MORROW, (Sunday) immediately alter Mass, at 101 o'clock, liv order. ir8-lt" P. A. WATTS, Sec.
(tJ-A CAMP MEETING for the colored people of the Methodist Episcopal Church, commencing on THIS DAY the isth instant, seven miles on the York Turnpike, turning oil' to the left half-past the six wile stone. All persons are requested not to intrude with any kind traffic within two miles ef the meeting, according to law. a28-lt JT-RELIUIOUS NOTICE To MORROW (Sunday) the instant, Mass will be celebrated in the Catholic School House on Poppleton street. Service will commence at o'clock, A. M.
A meeting of the "Catholic Western Association," will be held imme diately alter the service. u. u. COSKEKY, a28-lt President of the C. W.
A. HO! THE WASHINGTON JUNIOR TEMPERANCE SOCIETY AGAIN. They will meet at their Room THIS (Saturday) EVENING, to transact business of vital importance to the association and the of temperance among the youth of the Monumental city. All over 14 years of age who have signed the sledge, are respectfully invited to attend; also, the honorary members, with other friends of the cause of temperance. a28-H (trj-AT OUR POST.
The WEST BALTIMORE TEMPERANCE SOCIETY, Auxiliary RO. 4, wi hold a public meeting on TO-MORROW (Sunday) AFTERNOON, 29th at 4i o'clock. Addresses will be delivered. Our fellow citizens are invited to come forward and sign the pledge. Our weekly meetings are held every Friday evening at Republican street unurcli. our members be at their post. aae-ir matthew turner, pres't, VERBALIST CHURCH. Funeral Dib coursk. MR. SHRIGLY will preach a discourse TO-MORROW MORNING, at 11 o'clock, in relation to the death of the late Mrs.
Si'san P. Robinson. Relatives and friends of Mrs. R. are very affectionately invited to attend.
Pews will lie provided for those who do not own seats in the Church. There will be service in the Church in the ENING at 8 o'clock. It" INFORMATION WANTED. A person na med JAMES MALLOY, a native of Gal way, Ireland, a short time since engaged on some public works at or near Elizabethtown, Allegany county, was accidentally drowned. His motherand sister, it is supposed, live in Baltimore; who can hear of something to their advantage by calling on the Pastor of St.
Patrick's Liiurcn. a28-lt" CTJ-Tt) JOURNEYMEN PAINTERS. An inad vertence having occurred in calling a meeting of the "Painters' Soeiety" on the 24th the monthly meeting will bo held at LOUGIIRAN'S, corner of Boutn ann Water street, on TUESDAY EVENING next, 31st at 8 o'clock. Persons wishing to become memuers are respectiuny invited, uy order. a28-lt WM.
H. II. DAVIS. CCf-ATTENTION, MARIONS! The MARION TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIETY will hold their regular weekly meeting on TUESDAY EVENING, ai (jo-eiocK, at ineirtiaii, in fcnsor street, few doors above the Independent Engine House. Persons disposed to join the good cause are invited to at tend.
The members are requested to be punctual in uieir auennanee, as tne ueautiiui ceruncate or mem bership will be distributed on the above evening. By order, JOHN H. VVESTWOOD, Sec. a28 3t Baltimore, Aug. 24th, 1841.
JCf-JoHX Wills, Dear Sir, The undersign- cu, irom a long personal acquaintance, and from the high regard they entertain for your character as a man, combined with recent circumstances now fully laid before the public, are induced to make tliereouestof vou. that you will deliver a lecture upon some subject of your ewn cnoice, ana at such time and place as you may designate. They believe you have Hie ability to amply compensate those who may hear you, for the time so spent, as also the charge that may be agreed upon as the price for tickets of admission. Hoping you may find it convenient to comply with their wishes, and that the result may render vou some service, mey are, wan regard your lnends. John Kettlewell, R.
C. Mason, c.tmuei nrridy, Charles H. Pitts, John C. Legrand, S. Teacklc Wallis, Joshua Vansant, H.
W. Bool, John Roney, H. Wigman, Robert M. Welch, Oliver Holmes, R. Mason, John Marshall, G.
S. Duhurst Co. II. Diehnan, Wm. Ward, Joiia.
Chapman, James 11. Valliant, Walton Gray, F. B. Schaeller. The undcisiened in acknowledging the kind atten tions of hid numerous friends would inform Jhem that he has complied with tlieir wishes expressed in the above flattering letter.
The subject of his Lecture shall be the charac ter and tendency of the American Press. Kespcctlully yours, JOHN WILLS. N. B. The time and place Bhall be announced in the course of a few days.
J. W. a27-yt JjARPAr OTJ-HANDIN HAND GO I1EISLEK CO. AND THE PRIZES As they sold per the Alexandria Lottery class 46, foer three Nos. tickets, to Nos.
25 45 60, a prize of $500 and to Nos. 26 31 45, a prize of $500 and to Nos. 17 19 25, a prize of $500 and also to Nos. 17 ao 04, S70. Also, per the Maryland State Lottery, class 64, they sold to Nos.
2 7 69, a prize of $300 Those of the fortunate holders that have not received tlieir will call on Heisler and receive the same, as the cash is always ready at their office. Nos. ot Alexandria Lottery, class 4b, drawn August 26th, are 64 59 60 25 26 45 19 62 31 17 43 lowest prize $4. And the Nos. of Maryland State Lottery, class 64, drawn August 27th, are 7 70 69 2 13 72 18 74 46 60 53 10 57 52 lowest prize $5.
Draws TO DAY, the Magnificent Scheme of the Nirginia State Lottery, class G. The capitals arc, Hollars, uonurs. 15,000 dollars, 2,500 dollars, 5,000 dollars, 2,297 dollars, 50 prizes of dollars, Tickets SI0 shares 62i cents. In this scheme a certificate of a package of 26 whole tickets will cost only $18.50 and may draw over as there Rre 13 drawn ballots out of 78 put in the wheel. Citizens call this day and secure a package of Hie all lucky ilKISLKIl No.
1 NORTH CALVERT STREET, first office from Baltimore street. a28 lit jr-TWO OF A HUNDRED 1'crtlie return of the Maryland State Lottery, class 64, to Nos. 52 57 6, in a half and to Nos. 46 52 69, in a quarter. This is the way to keep moving, per the drawing of every lottery.
Sold in the Alexandria, class 46, drawn on Thursday last $500, to Nos. 19 43 45 and to 25 60 64, $-70. THIS DAY, the Mammoth Virginia State Lottery, class G. Capital prize For lucky tickets, by the package or single ticket, apply to EMORY CO. Risk on a package of 25 quarter tickets, on certificate, only $37 50 cents.
THIS DAY, August 28, will be drawn Virginia State Lottery, lor the benefit of the Town of Wellsburg. To be drawn at Alexandria, D. Class 78 Nos. 13 drawn ballots. SCHEME.
I prize of $10,000 15,000 3,000 1 prizes of $22971 1,000 300 do do do do 50 do 50 do 50 do 200 2,500 32,396 Prizes amounting to Tickets $10 Halves $5 Quarters Head Quarters (ot Prizes, No. 3 N. CALVERT ST. nearly opposite Barnuni's Hotel. EMORY CO.
Drawing of the Alexandria Lottery, class 46 drawn on Thursday the 2fiui inst. lowest prize $2.50. 64 59 60 25 20 45 19 62 31 17 43 Drawing of the Maryland State Lottery, class G-l drawn on Friday the 527th inst. luwest prize $5. 7 70 69 2 13 72 18 74 46 60 53 10 57 (A lt WST YLyp ES, (Daguerreotype process) by II.
FITZ, No. 112 BALTIMORE STREET. Hours of attendance from 9 o'clock, A. until 4 o'ebek, P. M.
Please call and oi sppciinpim. r26-1w MAHItlDI). On Thursday evening, 26th by the Rev. C. B.
O. Sheckles, to Miss Elizabeth Johnson, all of this city. the 26ih by the llev. Mr. Roberts, Mr.
Thos. Harrington, of Worcesturcounty, to Miss Louisa Zelg-ler, of this eity. DIED. On the 85th in the 58th year of her age, Mrs. E)voii, consort of Peter Epvon, alter lingering illness ol two venrs.
In ashington, on the 26th in the 71st year of her age, rs. Mary Plant, oi'ler a lingering illness, which she bore with christian resignation. In the Khl al Myrtle Grove, Charles county. Mart land, Mrs. Elizabeth A.
Mitchell, daughter of It. B. Mitchell, and wife of tho late James D. Mitchell, dc-ccnrd. of the former place REMOVAL.
JIRMOR having removed their establishment from No. 10 Hanover strt-ef, to the S. E. CORNER OF HOLLIDAV and FAYETTE will continue to exneule SIGN, FJtNCY, ami ORNAMF.XTJ1L PAINTING, with neatness, and in the most durable Ftvln. N.
FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS painted in the New York and Philadelphia styles, with neatness and despatch, a28 4tsMWfcl" UALTI MOUJATUJtDAY.J IKHTih: CiRCIXATIoToTmK Sim ricr Ihwithat of oiitAe of.Aer rf0.v PJ' more than cisht times as large as that of -i-J mihlislited here; consequently tho (Men of Advertising in this Sck arc only about one iUJt its high, in proportion to circulation, ass ill any other daily paperjnjw en v. The Weekly Scn. Tlhe Jiankrupt Law. The Weekly Sun will be ready for delivery tiiis mornim? at sis o'clock, and single copies enclosed in wrappers may be obtained at the 1 1 Anna 'Initio nuntlwr 1G a VH luable one for preservation, as it contains the Ha runt Law in full, besides an excellent tale, and a great variety of news, markets, mis rpJlanv. Doetrv.
kc. Subscriotions received jt at jtl.50 per annum. Crowding the Professions. One of the ablest periodical writers of Great Britain, speaking of the ambition in that country of adopting professional life of all kinds, and of the rush, if we may call it, into the professions el physic, and divinity," thus points the mind's eye to the general consequences, or some oi ttiem; But thousands have dkd of broken hearts- in these pursuits, thousands who would have been himnv behind the plough, or opulent beLind the counter; thousands in the desperate struggles of i VuanKleSS iuuk vpwl uic ittiyiiuiiy a life of manual labor with perpetual envy; and thousands, by a worse late still, are to necessities which degrade the principles of honor within them, accustom thein to humiliating modes of obtaining subsistence, and make vp, by administering to the vices of society, the livelihood which was refused to their legitimate exertions. These remarks are preg-nant with meaning, and the meaning so evident as to almost render it unnecessary to add a single word.
But we lave appropriated them why? For the simple reason that they have an extensive field for application in our own country. There is here a perfect rush into the "professions" not indeed so much into divinity as medicine, nor so much into this as into law, which last has come to be the chief stepping-stone to political distinction. Indeed there might, we doubt not, be found thou-candi of fathers and mothers in our own land vto, each as soon as their boy has commenced 4he study of his Latin grammar, begin to dnw ur him in their fond fancy pictures of political elevation. They see in the collegiate diploma a warrant of a national diplomatic mission to some of the foreign courts; and in the speaker at a town meeting or a political gathering, or in the chairman of either, their imagination discovers a future Speaker of the House of Representatives, or President of the United States. Such incipient greatness is not to be crushed the bud, by being sent into the field, the factory or the workshop; and the consequences of the decision based on such parental visions, are with Tery few exceptions utterly ruinous to the objects of such bright anticipations.
Hundreds of thousands have been thus led to cherish hopes impossible of fulfilment, and have fallen under the pressure of thwarted ambition and disappointed expectation embittered in mind, -their feelings soured, and fancying themselves the victims of an unfeeling and upid world, unable to appreciate their excellence, and unworthy to be blessed with their transcendant talents. Pride a false tiriile. vanilv am) In'. uorance, constitute unitedly the chief cause ef this evil, and fill the "three professions" with useless members, with mere lumber ivith individuals who in some other occupations might prove to be good citizens, and tolerable if not profitable members of society. Pride also, aided more or less liy avarice, Las filled the mercantile ranks to an injurious degree of repletion; while these, together with the prevalent desire to live without labor, to possess the fruits undergoing the toil of productive effort, have begotten a host of speculators and their "camp-followers," and attendant drones, that cover the land like an army of locusts, eating up every green thing that the earth gave to the hand of industry.
All this seems to militate against a favorite theory of ours, that when any profession, occupation, or line of business, should become so full that membership would be found unprofitable, it would to receive accessions but the contradiction is only in seeming. If the general mind and moral system were in a right frame and a healthy condition, our theory, wc feel confident, would be found correct; but as they are now trained and constituted, the whole current of correct lis is turned aside, aiid made -Jlo run in unnatural committing all sorts of depredation, carrying destruction in iU course, and leaving des lation behind it. And this must continue to be the case, until good sound princ. ei, and common honesty, lake the lace of idc, Nl var.ity, avarice and their consequences. When economy shall live dethroned extravagance, and the lain, simple and unaffected social principles, that spring naturally from 111'! il of a pure republican system, shall have banishe 1 "fashionable" folly from the land, then, and not before, will labor, no matter how hard-fisted, be held as honorable as any of the "professions," and honest industry take pitcedencc of in point of respectability.
The day may conic when this will be the case; nay, it must conic, if the people will it, if not, they will never see it. In answer to a question put in yesterday's paper by a correspondent, in relation to the probable redemption of the Tide Water Canal notes, another correspondent says no arrange. menU have yet been made, but he think the President and Directors of the Company pre men of too much principle to allow our fellow citizens to suffer longer with their miserable shinplaster trash. Fire. About 12 o'clock Thursday night, a lire broke out in the four story brick building No.
14 Courtland street, New York, occupied by Jos. mct.1 roofing establishment. The building, together with its contents, were entirely destroyed. Tiic adjoining building was partially by water. Duel.
Two yoitiig bloods fought a duel in the vicinity of Klkton, on Wednesday morning; one shot was exchanged, by v. hieh both were wounded. One of thein was from JVcw York, and the other from Philadelphia. Their names have not been mado public. jSee advertis merits under bead of Education, on the next pagr.
A grit ramber of excellent school are cflered to parents and 28.. SUN RISES, ..5 27 I BDN SETS, ..6 33J ARRIVED. Sehr Columbia, Powell, from Havre de Grace, anthracite coal, to Henry McElderry. Steanif.acket Columbus, Parrish, fiom Richmond. SAILED New barque J.
W. Paige for Boston; ship Copernicus, for Bremen; brigs Cicero, for Rio and a market; Columbo, for Boston; and several mUers. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.J Beacon Office, Norfolk, Aug.2C. 11 p. M.
The wind has got round to the southard, which will enable the large fleetof cruizors in Hampton Roads and neighboring anchorages to get to sea. A considerable portion of them were underway this morning. The ships Isabella, Marshalll, for Liverpool, and Maryland, Raines, for London, are on their way down James River. The weather continues dark and cloudy, indicating rain. A letter from Washington, received by a'genflrman of this place 6tates, that the nomination of 25 Commanders, and 25 Lieuts.
have been sent to the Senate for promotion the former will include Commander Breeze, and the latter Lt. GlyPil. It is also reported that Commander Lattemer, who was! recently tried by a Court Martial on this station has been fenteucd to 5 years suspension without pay er emoluments. MEMORANDA. The sclir Owego, McLiiniar.which cleared at this port on Saturday last, and saibd for Norfolk Petersburg, was run foul of the next night near Herring Bay, by sehr Indian Queen, which carried away her boat, taff-rail, rudder, ami so disabled her, as to make it necessary for her to put back, which she did by aid of the steamer Patuxent.
Sehr E. A. Stevens, Briggs, for Baltimore, cleared at New York 2Cth inst. Schrs Mary, Howland, and Suir, Hudgins, from Bal-tiinore, arrived at 24tlh inst. S1 TOC1C OF FANCY DRY GOfins AT TION.
The STOCK OF GOODS nt No. 48 Rl. tiniore street, 7th door west of Gay, will be closed at Public Sale the second week of September. to which, GREAT BARGAINS are of- fcred. a2B-3ft OTICE The subscriber takes this method of in forming Country Merchants and others, that he is the only wholesale agent for GOLSH'S PATENT MATCHES iu this city; and will now sell them at the manuiaciurers price cw York.
JAMES JONES. a28-lm Corner of E. Pratt Albemarlcstt. CO-PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned having ih day associated themselves under the firm of FOWLER MACE, in the DRY GOODS AND HARDWARE BUSINESS, respectfully inform their friend and the public, that they have on hand a choice selection of GOODS in the nbove line, which they intend Kpllmtr nil nl ir.
ilmoA .1 in- win. njiiv nivur men: with a oall. Stand EAST BALTIMORB STREET neiir uaroune. THOMAS FOWLBK, a28-eo3t WM. II.
MACE. NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE, South Wcsl Corner of HILLEN and EXETER STREETS The undersigned having taken a store at the above named place, has now, and intends keeping constant ly on timid, a supply of the best selected brands Family, Extra and Super FLOUR. Also, CORH MEAL, and the various articles of FEED, such a Corn, Rye, Oats, Rye Chop, Shipstuff, BrownstulT cin.i is, wiiicn nc will sell at the lowest prices. a-38-lw WM. N.
ROWE. I KAMATIC MIRROR, No. 3, is THIS DAY is JL sued, containing the THEATRICAL NEWS 0 New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimore to getner with a Biography of a celebrated performer, an miscellaneous reading matter. It is published ever kaiu.ii.! ceins per copy ana may alwaj be had at TURNER'S Print, Song, Tov Book, Pla and Almanac Store, No. 10 NORTH STREET, nea ui rust wince.
ayS-It A CARD. JAMES J. BARRETT bees leave state to the ladies and gentlemen of Baltimor mat, niter an absence ot two months, he has returne to tlie city, and will furnish MUSIC for Excursion) liaiu, between this city and Washington, D. C. uie Biiuriesi notice.
N. lhe subscriber has received new Musii through Professor J. M. Depms. that has not heeii rip formed here, which he intends introducing at the earl est opportunity.
j. j. BARRETT. a28-l BROTHER JONATHAN of Saturday, Aug. 28th, embellished with a beautiful Engraving, illustr: live of a sketch by William Carleton, entitled "Tl Irish ProBhecy Man." The Prophecy is extend on two chairs, giving out his orphic savings, with gravity of an owl.
The consulter sits at "his feet; child is dwelling on his lips, like the bees on the lins the muse of song; the very dog pricks up his ears; ai uie mom 01 ine ramiiy, witn a boK, is comparing I predictions by copy; in the back ground two wick younger sinners are hanging on each other's lips in manner periecny tantalizing. Also, a great variety other interesting matter. For sale at No. 12 NOR! STREET. WM.
TAYLOR, Agent. a28 1 NEW AND CHEAP STOitE. MRS. WATSO No. 38 MARKET SPACE, returns her than to her friends and the public in general, for tlie liber patronage she has received, and hopes to merit a co tinuance of the same AT THE OLD STAND; ai sue a'sowisnes tointorm them that she has opened cnivyi A 1 my uutius STUKli at No.
HANOVER STREET, three doors from Pratt, wh will always be found a large and general assortment FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, which win sen at me very lowest prices. Jut received large and general assortment of LACE GOODS. 1 commonly cheap, yiz: Lisle, Thread and lirussi rrom 1 cent a yard up; Fancy NETS, I Caps, from 8 cents up; Thread EDGINGS and rrom cents 10 si; Muslin EDGlNGd and 1 SERT1NGS, lioni4 lo 50 cents; two yards wide Bn sels Nt Jl cents a yard; beautiful Cap RIBBON ceats a yard; with nn assortment ol Brussels I ruing LACES; EDGINGS; QUILLINGS; INSER 1NGS; NETS; newest styles ot KIBHONS, the public are invited to call and examine, at No. HANOVER STREET, 3 doors from Pratt. a28-lv STORE AND DWELLING WANTED Any person having a small Store and Dwell for rent, or a place suitable for such, will In of a good tenant by addressing A.
M. at the office. Rent must be moderate. a28-eott NOTICE. The advertiser will sell the lt "if est bargain in property that has ever been ol)e 'I1! niiLid 1, HOUSES two on Baltimore street, nnd two on una lllciinrt.
A 1110 wiiojow vi 1 lane, which lane is improved. It will rent tor $400 annum; the ground rent 011 the whole being only Il is in an excellent neighborhood, and close to co newly built churches. or further particulars, enq at the sun olhcc. avia JUST RECEIVED AND FOtt SALE- iQteft hend ot fine woik and single harness MORS also, two or three fatt troiiers for con horses, and kind to liatne -s. Tn be seeu at CI1A1U GODDAKU'S.
Gen. VVawie Inn. 28-3l N. HUTCH IN FOR SALE A first rate Northern Hun six vears old. warranted in all respects 1 A-fectlv sound, will trot his mile loss tha minutes, very gay, and wniriintea nmo nnu genu I 1.1.
ia ft-OMI. Il be seen at JOHN WOOLLETT'S Livery Stable 111 1 en. 1 0 save iriminr. imv-- street. FOR SALE, a beautiful BAY MA suitable for a lady, or for fan, ily use.
is well gaaeil. rules remarkably easy, work in any kind of harnesa, and is unr lnonly gentle. The subscriber, havirg no lurther lor her, will sen ner very low. ht J. vv.
1HC1 l.l.l, 1 yv. rmiiiiiiiire, n28 6t nenrGreenstre STRAY COW. ,2 REWARD. Sir from the subscriber on MONDAY last thr a black COW. dimpled with white snort Horns.
The owner will give 1110 onove re for the return of said Cow or any intoi niaiion in 11 lead to her recovery. ANDREW iiurv 1 B-J8-II" in Hill street niu tmm twtl.l.AUM I A Stray stolen from the Fiil.sriibi t'r 1,1 inst, a dark yeiiriTyUl. has the loll horn Boreii, ami quantity of milk. The above reward will be giy uid Cow be delivered to the owner, or lrany 111I0 tion that will lead a28 2t 85 Aliee Anna street, Fell's Poi HI -AND A-tflJA kTEROENTisitKWi Runaway about ihuWfh of July, WILL S'tW BRANNAN, an indentured apprentice t1 Jl Iron Foundering, and in the employ ol Moore. I forewarn all per-ons from harboring 01 nli.viiitf said buy.
The above reward, bet no chi will ke naid on delivering him to Mi. Moor Foundry! JOS. MIARE. a28 ONE CENT REWARD. Ranawny fro subscriber, nn Sunday morning, 22d im 1 'U? UUliivK, ueiween lliatui -11 yearn 01 dentured apprentice to the Cabinet irnKini mi 7s Had on when he went away, a pair of dai siinre pantaloons, dark vest, and giitgl'am roiin he nlso tok with him a qiianiity of summn elf All persons are forbid harboring or employing under penuliy of the Inw.
Tin- a'xivi: rewar no charges, will be paid lor Ida a2 3t Montgome7 at, 4th door from l.ig contrary to the published ordinances of the village, and without the cognizance of the Trus tees. And that the lives sacrificed would in all probability have been saved, if Charles Goings and Albert A. Hudson had made prompt and.ef-ficient exertions in giving notice of the danger; and that the conduct of Elislia F. Wallace, in contradicting the reports relative to the storage of gunpowder, without absolute knowledge that no powder was in the building on fire, was in discreet and highly censurable. And is that all! The matter should not stop there.
Malcolm and Hudson and Goings should be tried for their lives. Their violation of law has been produc tive of the death of thirty persons, and yet a simple vote of censure is all the punishment proposed. We agree with the N. York Herald, that "they have transgressed the law have been the means of hurrying a large number of their fellow beings into eternity, and should be punished as an example, to prevent, if possible, any accidents of the kind in future," A meeting was held at Syracuse on Monday raise funds for the use of the unfor tunate families, whose protectors were so suddenly taken from them, and $1300 was collect ed of this sum the guilty men gave $1000. "The Right Way." The New York Com mercial thinks the plans adopted by the candidates for Governor in Maryland, of "stumping" it through the State, the right way, and adds, "we would that all our nominating committees, which are but so many intriguing cabals, were done away with, and that the candidates for every elective office should be presented for the suffrages of the people by a different process, and be compelled to meet the electors face to face, and exhibit their qualifications for the places to which they aspire." The ability to address a populous assemblage, is not 'always evidence of qualifications for office.
A man may make a very excellent governor, and yet be unable to speak a half dozen sentences with fluency in any assembly. Would the Commercial be willing to lose all the thinking and acting talent of the country, because the possessors have not the confidence necessary to a dis play upon the stump? There are many first rate men who would cut but a sorry figure in a dis cussion from the stump, but who are fitted to adorn any executive station. The Barque Clarion, it is stated in the New York Courier, has been chartered by govern ment for the coast survey, and will, in company with the Consort, leave for the East in a few days. It is anticipated that the barque will form a very useful auxiliary, and the advantage of the propeller will be fully tested. LOCAL MATTERS.
Accident. Thomas B. Stumph, of Wooster county, Ohio, met with an accident yesterday morning which, though not immediately accom panied with serious consequences, furnished an instance of fortunate and almost miraculous preservation of life. At the corner of Green and Baltimore streets, he got into a buggy wagon, having a colored man for a driver. The horse became restive, when the colored man was directed to leap out and take him by the bridle.
This he did, but did it in such an awkward manner, that the horse broke loose and dashed off down Baltimore street at the top of his speed. When he arrived nearly opposite Mr. Charles Goddard's tavern, the young man was thrown out between the horse and fore wheel. By a singular piece of good fortune, the horse at this instant, leaped from the street to the pavement, and thus passed over the fallen man between the two wheels. The horse pursued his flight at the same rate to the corner of Baltimore and Eutaw where, in changing his course, he ran the wheel against the curbstone, broke the hinder axletree, and fell on the pavement.
Though not much injured, he was so frightened that he fell the second time from mere incapacity to use his limbs. The young man was taken into Charles Goddard's, and Dr. W. S. Love called in to examine the injuries.
The Doctor gave his opinion, that the head was entirely uninjured the weight of the body having been thrown on the left shoulder. No limbs were broken, and it is thought he will soon be well. Thcescape was singularly fortunate. Serious Affray. colored woman named Cordelia Neal, presented herself yesterday before Justice Wright, to enter complaint against Mackcy Sanders, also colored, for an assault and battery.
The complainant, however, had just then more need of medical than of legal aid, and was directed to the Western Dispensary, whence, after having her wounds dressed, she returned. Her own statement was unnecessary to show the magistrate that she had been engaged in a serious encounter. The parties are neighbours, as appeared, and both employed as washerwomen, Cordelia, the complainant, was in the possesion and use a clothes line which Mackcy said belonged to her. After some few passages in wordy war, Mackcy resolved to cut the Gordian knot with a large knife. A scuffle ensued, which must have been excessively fierce, if wc may judge from the appearance as well as the statements of the complainant.
Cordelia managed, for some time, to avoid the knife of her u.ilant, but, at last, received a cut across the left arm, immediately above the laid it open three inches in length and doubtless to the bone. She then fortunately perhaps, seized the knife with the right hand, when it was suddenly drawn from her, cutting her hand to the bono wherever it touched. Mackcy Sanders has not been arrested, but we hope will soon be, and taught the danger as well as impropriety of indulging passions of such an implacable and fiendish character. Natural. A singular animal, supposed to be some hitherto undiscovered variety of the cat genus, was found yesterday lying in the yard attached to the dwelling of Mrs.
Hubbard, at the corner of Wilk and Washington streets, Fell's Point. Its length is four inches; the head bears a strong resemblance to that of a dog; it has eight legs and two tails, and is furnished with but two cye, but those so large as to make up for tho deficiency, compared with the rioting and disturbing the peace of the people in Park street, and in the morning committed to jail by Justice Steuart. Bound Over. John II. Baker was bound over by Justice Jones yesterday to keep the peace towards his wife.
The United States. This large and most valuable weekly paper, published every Saturday, at the office of the Public Ledger, Philadelphia, will be for sale this morning in Baltimore, at Taylor's, No. 12 North strecj. and at the Sun office. No Qcackerv It may not be generally known that the article familiar to the public as Dr.
Peters' egctu-ble Pills, is the production of a regular physician, Dr. Peters being himself a graduated doctor of medicine, and most eminent as a practitioner in the cily of New York. His pills arc the result of many years of inces sant observation ot diseases, their causes and cure, ana he has beyond doubt approached nearer the invention of a universal medicine than any one else. The Pills for sale at the druggists. LIST OF APPLICANTS.
For the Benefit of the Insolvent Laws for the past week. Eli Calderston, Joseph Crook, Marcvllus Kalilcrston, George Price, (Bait county) James Terrott, James Myers, (col'd) Zachariah Eppes Ellery, Alex. J. Lesfaurits, John H. Youns, Albert J.
Webb, Anthony Moffitt, rrencrick L.ier, William Dorsey, Hiram Rowlan, 'James MeCook, Francis Lerew, 'Gilbert Inloea, 'Joseph Hiiggins, Robert Register, George Palmer, (col'd) 'For Debts less than 50. To appear before the Commissioners of Insolvent Debtors, on the 4th October and "Ml I)eeemer. Commercial Summary. Reported for the Baltimore Sun. Review of tlie Baltimore Market, for the veeK eiining rrvtay, Jiugust 'ii.
Beef Cattle. The offerings this week were rather limited, but about equal to the demand; and nearly 200 sold at 5 to $-6 per 100 lbs. Hogs arc in moderate request at last quoted price, about .5, from first hands. Coffee. We have no report of moment to make, as the transactions have been confined chiefly to small lots, as immediate occasion required.
Holders, in anticipation of the passage of the Revenue bill, are not disposed to submit to a decline, and the few parcels sold were at 10 to 11 cents for liio. Flohr has again advanced, and Howard strnet and City Mills have sold at $6 50 per bbl. cash, the lbrim for select brands; but several hundred bbls. of only common sold on Wednesday at ,6 3TJ-, and Susquehanna at same price. All kinds of standard superfine, from new wheat, are now held at 6 50.
The receipt price of Howard street is $6 12J. Grain Maryland Wheat has advanced about 10 cent per bushel since our last report, good to prime reds having sold at 1 25 to .1 35. Parcels of PennFyl-vania have sold at 1 35 to $1 36. Rye has reached 68 to 70 cents for Maryland and Pennsylvania. Corn has sold, and prices remain at 78 to 71 cents for white, and 72 to 73 for yellow.
Oats are in request at 44 to 45 cts. Molasses. The market remains ouiet: indeed at this season the article is usually in only limited demand. At auction, this morning, 120 lthds. Martmique sold at 23 cents.
Provisions. The market, as respects transactions. continues much as it has for several weeks; with sales of inferior qualities of Bacon at various prices, but prime Western is improving in demand, and previous prices are firmer and some instances have probably slightly advanced. The range for the latter its Ai to 5 cents for Shoulders: 5i to 5 cents for Middlines: and 6 to 8 for Hams. No sales of barrelled descriptions.
spirits 1. tj. Hum id selling in small parcels at 27 to 28 cents; and Whiskey 23 and 24 cents per gall. Sugars. We have no transactions to report, save the sale of 184 hhds.
Porto Rico, at 7 to $8 05, and 104 bills, do. do. at 7 20 to $7 25, of the cargo of the brig Frances Jane; and 148 hhds. Porto Rico, at 7 40 to .4:7 50, and 68 do. do.
at ,7 25. of the cargo of the brig i nere appears nut lime demand lortlie article. Iobacco. Moderate sales only, and chiefly Ohio. at prcvions prices, 5 to 8 50 per 100 lbs.
TUB STOCK MARKET, At New York, on Thursday, a fair business was done, but at a universal decline in prices. U. S. Bank closed at 10t, being the lowest point it has yet reached. Canton Company sold at 28.
The following were the sales of State stocks: $1,000 Indiana fives, 56; do. 55i; $2,000 do. buyer 30 days, do. 55i; $4,000 Indiana Sterling fives, buyer 33 days, 5: do. seller 3 days, 57; 2,000 do.
57; do. seller 3 days, 5CJ. The following are the quotations of domestic exchanee: On Philadelphia 3 per cent, discount; Baltimore 2 a 2i; Rich mond Jl a 33; Mobile bM New Orleans 4a4i; Cin cinnati Louisville 7. At Philadelphia, an unusually light business was done; but 32 shares of nil kii.ds of stock were sold. There were no U.
S. Bank sold, and 10 was all that was bid. The Ledger, in its money article, says: "The notes of the United States Bank are sadly depressed, and the anxiety to get them off amounts almost to a panic. AboHt the average rate at which they are bought by the brokers is at a discount of 27 per cent-, thou-'h some sales were made at as great a depreciation as 30 per cent, currency equal to about Ml siecie. TRADE AND BUSINESS.
At New York, on Thursday, the cotton market was quite dull. Ashes were selling slowly at at. 1 he flour market was firm, common brands canai soiling at i 75. Corn was up, a lot of Jersey having been sold at 80 cents, and 81 cents offered for more, but il could not be obtained; no southern In market. At Boston, on Wednesday, there had been nn in creased demand for fresh parcels of flour, and rapid advance in prices.
Halo or Ucnesec, common brands, were made at the close at 7 a ,7 12J per and southern at corresponding to quality. A good demand has been experienced for corn, and prices have bpen gradually advancing. Pules at the close, of yellow flat, at 82 to 85 cents, and Jersey, round, at 88 cents; prime southern 84 cents per bushel. Northern oats 40 to 54 cents, and southern 45 to 47 cents per bushel. At the Brighton Cattle Market, on Monday, there were 85( Beef Cattle, 800 Stores, 4,600 Sheep, and 1,100 Swine.
First quality Beef Cattle sold at 5 id second quality 4 i. a.v nurd quality Sheepsoldat I 12a.l 25. Lots of Swine, to peddle, were sold ai .3 50 for sows, and 4 to ,5 for barrows. Old hogs brought 3 to $.1 50 for sows, aud 4 for barrows. At retail 4 to M5.
Five or six hundred beel cattle, and some hundreds swine remained unsold. At Philadelphia, on Wednesday, there had boon a CMiilinuatice of the exsirt demand for flour, and the receipts being sun limited anil the stocks nearly exhausted, prices have materially advanced. Sales on Saturday, for export, at .6 12J, lor fair brands Pennsylvania; on Mondny 25; mid on Wednesday a lot of Imtweentwo and three hundred a good brand, lit. 'JO 50. On Wednesday holders refused $0 25 for fair brands fresh ground flour, and some have refused 50 for good brands.
For city use sales have ranged from 6 25 lo JO 50, and choice brands higher. Sales of rye flour at .3 50 per fresh ground is held higher. Corn meal Sales in bbls. at S3 50; Braliclywine is held fit .3 75, Grain The supplies of Wheat am-vini are very siimll, and there being a fair demand for grinding, prices have ngnin advanced. A lot of only tolerable good quality Pennsylvania red was taken at 11 37 per bushel hi store; 37J is freely offered on tlio SeiiuyiK.ui eaual lor prime old red.
wc qowoj me range at 1 3j $1 40 per bushel. sales of Pennsylvania were al 68 cents. Demand active for corn; sales of round Pennsylvania yellow at 77 78 cents; Hat yellow at 7fi a 761 ceius, delivered; Southern flat at 7S a 76, and while at 72 a 75 cents, afloat. Sales of southern oats at 42 cents. At New Orleans, on the 18th.
cotton was without chiingd in quotuiioii. No Improvement In suiiiir; sales at 5J to7 cents. Mol owes 21 a 23 cents, at retail. In the (lour market there was consiacraiiii' animation; from 50 to 6'JJ, and as gh as ijfi, has been paid fiir superfine sweet, at which rales holders manifest much firmness. Whiskey sells at 20 cents.
At Alexandria on Thursday, the receipt of flour by wairons, continued very small, mid was quoted at Sales of small piifels red wheat at 1 25, with no transactions ofeonsejuencc. A cargo of 3,500 bushels white corn sold at 70 cents..
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