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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 4

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

wiiii vuii Hi KARK.KOOlED when they District of Columbia Advertisement. W1NTEK. BLEACHEft cenis W. I. VAN NESo, 7 Marsh Market Suace.

THE SUN. INDIAN HAIK OIU. 1 auowe been "found to he the est article ver used for the purpose of making the Hair grow, renlormg it when lost by sickness 01 any other cause giving a softness to the roughest locks. Persons who wish ihmr Hair ashade or two darker, will find this Oil to an-swer their purpose a perseverance in its use will change the brightest and grey hair to a brown or Price, SO cents per vial.

INDIAN DYE For coloring the Hair from a red, light, or grey, tn a beautiful black or brown color, without injury to the texture of the hair, or staining the skin. Price, 50 cents per hotiie. For sale by J. o. ii.

n. w. Mccormick, No. 4(i North Gay street, dft-eoGm between High and lixetei streets can buy Fashionable City Made BOOTS for 82 or Fine Pump Bottomed Morocco SHOES at 6i' We are also selling gentlemens unuer nou ujjb-ra BOOTS, beautiful articles for summer wear, mute low; Ladies', Misses, and Children Shoes, wholesalo and retail. S.

II. WAKD WELL Jc. jlS-2w hu aw 8trpot- iTXirrijlT'XsiiiOiVAliLE SHOE SBAKriMOKG STB BET, No.72i, Siun.WM. II. BANGS has prepared himscli to Ktipnlv the LRdiois with his fupenor Morocco nnd Kid SLIPPliUB at S1.00 this season.

His work will he warranted the besi the market can produce. Work will bo measured for and made to order, as usual, with punctuality and dispatch Other work nr nrnnnrtiannte rates. II. LANGS, 'JO T(lK LAIHBd. A CARD.

THO. MAS a. STANFORD oilers to the Ladies of Baltimore itu vir.initv, superior LADIES' SHOES, of every variety, at his Store, three doors norlhof Mulberry street, in PEARL STREET, at the shortest notice and at the followiBd prices. Ladies call and see. Morocco, Kid and Lasting Slippers and; Misses and Children's in proportion.

N. B. If av.v of my work lV.ils it will be repaired without charge, and a reduction made iH the next pair. Country merchants can be supplied withfron one to ten dozen pairs. at-y SUMMKR HATS.

J. W. BLOOJIER, has tti iust received trnin New York, a few cases ef beautiful lame Double Brim and Low Crown LEGHORN Also, a lew cases of the best Youths' and Children's Single Brim, which he offers vnrv I iui tnnothpr with his usual assortment ol cliopon Peaver Dral -s, lead color, plain, and black HATS, of lhebest materials anilines! approved Store, corner of CALVERT and BALTI.tlURK MS opposite the Museum. CHEAP! The Fr3 first nuality Black RUSSIA HATS are selling by TsVV. H.

KEEV1L CO. at the reduced price 01 actually worth 3. For beauty and durability tiiosa Huts ar nni fivc.el ed. Also, the Blue KUf HAT, for S3; fine SILK HATS, on Russia Bodies, for worth Jg4, or no sale. Come anil see, at tne MARYLAND ARCADE, Marsh Market Space.

j20 61 fiKNTI.KHKN. ACL! do vou want a ftshiona ble Pearl Colored or Blue RUSSIA HAT, mnde ipvurrsslv for summer wear, althe low price oft3, nA ft I fheaner than at any other place iu the city, or no sale; also, fine Black RUSSIA HATS at 83,30, usually sold at 60; beautiful SILK HATS, on Russia Bodies, for 2,50. worth 4. Come and see. hv W.

H. lvEEVIL CO. Mid lor sale at their Cheap Slores in MARYLAND ARCADE, Marsh Market. nkw AIM!) CHEAP HAT AND CAP fe'STOItR. Wo.

24 JV. EUTAIV STREET, north of Lexineto street. The subscri ber respectfully informs hia friends and the publie 1.. a anlanHiH ndDfirt. ceiici ally ne is niitnuiai-uiiuf; luent of HATS and CAPS, in all their variety, eon sistinir of Black Russia at S3; White do.

su nHrior SilkHats.S2.50; from 81,50 up all of which be warrants superior to any in this or any ther market. Detlers would ao 10 can annsee auK-y-Sm SAM'LC. IDG A WAY TO THE PUULIC TOWSON still conti fe jnues to manufacture HATS at reduced prices He would call the attention of country r.hants and wholesals dealers to his stock ef HATS, rand as he has a number of hands employed, he can fill orders to any amount, at the shortest notice,) as they will be found equal to any in the market, and ncrhans at lwer trices, in F.UTAVV STREET, one door North of Lexington st. Hats on retail at the fol lowing prices: Silk liats 550; Drab Russia Black "Do S3; the best Silk and Clipped Hats low; Vanned Hats from St 50 upwards. w.

B. The traJe supplied with HATS in therough of all qualities. HATS. CAPS. FURS, No.

184, COWER nf nil.Afll.RSaud BALTIMORE. A-'WM. CALLAHAN, having been induced, by increasing patronage, 10 enlarge his former estab lislnmmt. is now manufacturing, and has on hand a most extensive assortment of HATS, CAl'S, which, from being marie under his own stiue.ri ntendence and by the best workmen in tne tmsi nesB, he feels c-mlident of being able lo present to his friends and the public, articles in nis line uusur parsed for cheapness, beauty and durability by any other estatilis nmeni 01 me Kina. no uas aisu on hand, a new article of HAT, called the Clipped Hat which for lightness, beauty, elasticity and durarnli ly, cannot be surpassed, and sold for the low price of $3 per Hat.

Ail liats purcnaseu 01 me i win Keep in goad order, free of charge; and if any of my Hals do not give the satisfaction required, I will make a reduction on the next. Country Merchants will do well to examine my stock prior to purcnabing else' where. as my terms are liberal. Ju-y SHELL COMBS Of the celebrated inanu factory of Sliaffner Hambricht. Lancaster, Pa KiA The unucrsicned are the only agents lor this city of the above named manutacturers, ana have on hand a large assortment of their celebrated COMBS, which thev offer at manufactory prices.

Orders for any qnanlity and quality areiauen. CHARLES WILLE DICKEY, j2C-dot No. 7 Hanover street GEO. W. WEBB, GOLDSMITH AND A.

JEWELLER, Nos. 171 BALTIMORE and FAYETTE STREETS, manufac turesto order, and kepps constantly on hand kinds of HAb Jb VVLLRV, consisting of Plain, Chased, ana et work; also, vnn and Chased GOLD iulNiA J. UKii SETT- Every attention will be paid to neatness and durability in the manufacture and repair of articles in hislme. rersons at a instance may uepena upon nav ns their work properly attenueu to. jeo-y A BEAUTIFUL HEAD OF HAIR IS THE GREATEST ORNAMENT TO TH8 Minus pnnv.

HUH K. OIL. Glorious news from UjJtOj-- I'usum. tn tha inhaliitanla nf Baltimore and vicjnity.Xhe great increase of sale of tne genuine r.un,i0 the happy results Irom its use, and all those who have made use of it are Draisinff it they all say it is superior in Bear's Oil, or any other article now in use, to promote the growth of the Hair; it gives it a satin gloss, and causes the Hair to curl beautifully; also there is no article so successful in pr moliii the growth of Whiskers. There boiai hniu.

tions in the market, you will call for the Genuine, and observe the signature of the proprietnr(VVilliam Brown) on llie outside wrapper; also, as a further security, he nas tanen out a copy-rignt lor tiie laueis any minus' mem will be dealt with according as the law has pr vided. For sale in Baltiinoro and Washington bv all IlieDriifsistsand Pfrfumrrs. Dealers supplied at the proprietor prices, by G. TYLER, Baltimore; also by Dr. 1UD1), WaHliiiictonCity.

ml-y ei OHIO HAIL KOD. --r-r 1 rVPFlCE OF THE FORWARDING AGENT, Pratt Ptk-m Dipot, 12th 1831'. NO TICK JS 1 1 It GIVEN, That Goods sent to Hub Depot (or transportation to points on the line me rvincnesier uaii itcaa, must in every instance be consigned to the care of the "Aeent of the Win. cheater At Potomac Rail Road Company" at Harper's Kerry; otherwise they cannot be received. It isalso deemed necessary to apprise the public, thai this uonipany no mi permit consignments to be made 1 their Aet-nts: consequently commodities intended fo iindivniunis at or 111 tlic vicinity of Harner's For.

ry.orlortrp.nshiprnciiUB canal boats at thai place, must hereafW he consigned to some resident ol liar. ncr's Ferry, other ihantl, Agent of this Company nwiii'iniiir. iv ci ill, uwi irt I A I. (il.Aaa IH A 1 1 1'AUTl IK NO, 2 NORTH (JAY ST E. H.

FRVER has Just received, by direct iinporta. tion, and oilers lor sale, an extensive assortment of French and Girmin LOOKING-GLASS TVTOTICE. The Ladiei of Washington City will hold 1 SALOON, conneenc-jn THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, the proceeds of which are io he apnlied to an important benevolent piiriwe. Il is therefore Imped that the public general-ly will attorn), and give a eenerou? price for ilia many useful ami beautiful articles offered for sale. GJ Perms of admission, 25 cents children half j9-3l GRAND NOCAK wove-ral millions of times, will be exhibited in the Up.

per Room ol the PERSEVERANCE ENC1NK HOUSE, forth!) Hknkfit of tub Lambs' air, to bo hold in iri.oi'a Humus. commencing on Monthly, June 29th. Tins splendid Instrument is not only tho power of lYWnilyillS HI111081 IO uui mr uri'u aim expose tliedeceplion practised on tho public by artificial Hunts; anil also has the power of throwing aside the veil, and bringing to view the millions that forever must hive remained invisible to the human eye. Crys-tall'ization, which ibis instrument exhibits to the greatest perfection, is one of the most beautilul sights that can be imagined, showing the formation of the crystals of different salts, and producing all the variegated and brilliant coloring nf the rainlxiw. To lovers and admirers of minute scientific investigation, an exhibition of Lilt) SoUr microscope will be truly a inenuil feast, and WtltP illitexalean opHruloup at least.

The Exhibition will been TUESDAY and WEDNES DAY, wliich will be the auth of June and 1st of July, if he weather be clear. Hours ot exhibition, (roin 1-toJ o'clock. Admittance, 25 cents children halt rice. j2'J-3l txm KoURiH OK JULY PLEASURE rtk3pTRlP, TO PINEY POINT Steamer CHESAPEAKE will leave KOULKS' WHARK, Washington, on Fill-DAY, July 3d, at 7 o'clock in ihe "venins, and Alexandria at o'clock, for PINEY POINT PA VII. LION, where she will arrive on the morning of the Fourth at 0 o'clock.

CT Passage and Farejatlhe Pavillion. (wliich includes Rreakfast, limner. Siii per.und Ball in the evenins.) $5. the Chesapeake will leave Pinoy Point at 10 o'clock in the evening, for. Washington, where she will arrive nextiiiornioc A good 13ANU OF MUSIC will Rceoinpany the party JAS.

MITCHELL. j'Tlie Proprietor of the Pavillion will spare no pains to give general satisiaclion. "J-ot FOR NORFOLK fc CONE RIVER. Thp mpHliir RSAPK A In-m TiMNtaiWiV placed on the Line permanently for the season, will make one tr'p lo Norfolk in the week, and one down the river as far as Cone River, Nor-tnuinberland county, Virginia. DAYS OK STARTING: Will leave Washington every FRIDA WORNINO, at 9 o'clock, and Alexandria nt 10 o'clock, for Norfolk.

will leave Norfolk every SUNDAY EVENINU, at i o'clock. and fare 15. Will leave Washington for Cone River every TUESDAY MORNING, afe o'clock, and Alexandria at 7 o'clock; and leaves Cone River every WEDNESDAY MORNING, for Washington, and arrives in Washington in time lor the Baltiioo Cars. This trip is got up e.rpressly for the accommodation of the people on the Potomac. The Chesapeake will take off and land passengers and freight, on both trips, going and returning, aiall the diilerent landings.

Passage and fare as customary. MITCHELL, Master. Washington, June L'th, 1810. jel j-tf CUTIZiCNS OF WASHINGTON, GEORGKTOWN, ALEXANDRIA, and thr District oe Columbia gesekali.yY'ou are respectfully inf-rmrd, that Cer-tificatbs op AGBcvare held by tho following respective persons, to sell ihm Valuable iMedicine railed BRANDRETH'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. Washington Citt, D.

Frank Tavlir. Do di John H.G'oddard. Do rlo K. Farnham. Do do John Kennedy.

Do do Stanislaus Teuch. Georgetown, D. Robert White. Da Edward S. Wright.

Alexandria. D. Eliza Kenadav." Remember, Drusreiste are not permitted ts sell these rills it you purchase el them, you will obtain a counterfeit 6-1 HAMS Just received, a lotnf the so much I. admired curing of Mr. Jonathan Fitch, equal to roipuuuH, iinu iniic.n cr.eaper, jlO-y W.

I. VAN NESS, Marsh Market Space. OU-TENSORY BANDAGES. This article, which affiirds so much ease and comfort to the afflicted, (especially in hot weather,) is for sale, wholesale or retail, at G. K.

TYLKK'S Bmc Store, corner of EAST PALT1M0UK and HIGH STREETS. Baltimore. Also, a good assortment of TRUSSES, for the cure of Henna or luipture. those wh. stand in need of an article of thio kind, are invited to call and examine for themselves.

i.v DA TIES' FAMILY PILLS. Mr. W. D. Camp, 121 Prime had W.Uie use of his limbs for 20 months; his lungs also wer riiuch diseased, with pains in the side, breast and anus, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, prostration of nerves, and threw up a treat quantity of sticky matter.

The doctor who attended him for lit montijs. supposed ther was an abscess with-in, ami pronounced him incurable. But wonderful as it may appear, from taking DA VIES' FA JULY PILI4i, (wliich cure almost every and LIFE PRESERVER, he is now able to walk about freely and is doing well. They also cure Colds, Cotishs, Diarrhcea, and Summer Complaint, and destroy Worms. Sold by O.Savace, Washington; J.Turpin.cornerof Charles in Fayette and at J.

Jloore's bookstore, near Hollirlay St. in Baltimore St. Hail to him who has the KkiU, Relief to rive. nn.l hnlm it.aiii Upon Consumption's dreadful ill. DR.

VA NDE HOFF'S MATCHLESS PULMONARY BALSAM. This inestimable medicine exerts a specific influence in Consumption, Bronchitis, and all the diseases of the breast and lunes. Its liealins Trirrinlft rnmps itirprr'tu in fn-it n'i nim tuc un.t'ia Ol the lunes, causing them to heal up, an effect which no win. i mm iiiv.nin nuiirt ii til IJOSSeSS. 10 De 00- tained from Dr.

HITZELBERGFK, No. PRATT ST. 5 doors east of the bridge. i23-eo3t Jr. IllK subscriber oti'eis FOR KENT his ihree-Um slnry brick lVVK.LINO HOUSE in South Pre-XsUILdMicIt street, siiuatotf between the dwelliim-s of Jaim Howard and H.

1). (i. Carroll, Estrs. Address the subscriber, at Ellicotts' Kills. C.

S. W. DOR SKY. NOTICK -I lmv fjif ninn finn l'irn Ilk .11141. 1WIV HITT 1 1MLLES, which I wilUell low, Thos wish- ttm I ft Till till DA r.ln..lirt s- 11 I 1 1 tl I 1 TUNS TAVERN, Prattstrexl jUi-aawlltl "WJ1 MILLER.

rfX 'iti KKWAUD Kanawity from the subacri-heron Saturday nisht. the Kith mail who calls himself GEORGE HARRIS he is somewhat the col of roasted colfee he isiv fnnt hi.fli ntiil it il tne of Maryland can produce; he has a quantity (if rli.lliillrt luilli I. I.n I. .1 .1. nim, im cioin coat, bWlCK.

silk vest, fiaured; summer cloth pantaloons, while and a number of others not recollected; he has a watch and guard, he was married three or four weeks hofor he left, to a bright mulatto woman, who calls herself Miranda i. and ia r.r rs pvhI iLa thirty years old. JiSHUA jA-lw M. James' r. Baltimore count v.

C) l'K DOLLARS Kfc.VVAKDBHi Kim suo- Critll.P III .1. I.J.L C7TJV nsro woman named JI HL'Stv She iuf'tiameot Mmon Hiiintho habit nf working at the bUckniith business with Mr. Cofsman, Fell's Point. The above negn woman I purchased of Rodger Thomas, of Haiti-more. When slip ran awayghp lived near the City Spring, 8prinff street, Baltimore: she ig about Fell's f'oinl lir ill Old Trivftlll M.l 1 toe next to the bur one is cut etr, which foot i not recollected, but I think it the ef(; she is Hbmt 3IJ ye.ira fliit.

of a llrk rinrn.p r.ilni. uiifl. l.u she is very stout ami fleBiiy, Tlie (ibove reward will nr. yom 11 iiiufipn in rurvis'jau, orany oilier, so thtIpetlieri.Mln.

Direct to the subscriber, Leonard rn-ui vvuiiij, UKU II 1 1 jl3-2w JAJIES filLMORE. 'i'O HACK' DWIStlls nmii l- 11 second hand CARRIAGE, suitable iui nmn. 11 is nearly new, strona, 1 mnl in iiiiitiiil.iA A Hi.uiniiMiiiliirm umri, nnoiv to P. DUNN. WllW.liiri.hl JM-Cl High street, O.T.

GREEN TURTLK. The sulmcriber hu just recoived a superior lot of Green Tur tle, WHICH will Desrrvnu tip THIS DAY, atll Itnilsl.1. Sauth street, In Soup, Steak, Fin and Pie, in the beet stylo, Families can be supplied. N. number of fine (S KK.KN TURTLE (or sale.

Apply as iihnve. JOSEPH BtJIZARI). niy9-3in REAL OKKEN TUR TLE! A suiMTior Jirllll(l 1 it 1 iui' just re. AiMtdtiK reived, and one nf which, wehdiinr ptnuTTw w'n in S0ljP al o'clock THIS BALTIMORE TAVER.t, Lombard street, fourth door west of Marsh Market, by HUGH KENNEDAY. 1'" 08 usual, at 25 ronu per niwi-iw EKswoiiDL N.

13 N. w. STREET. Also, Bird Cai, Wirt Ii EN KEK.S, hihI every article In the wire vry roduce prices. Ollur windows wired at 2D cents per fot.

AlIoritrilhmiU ulty celred. PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS are daily "eticct-ing some of the most astonishing and wondor. fil cures thai have ever been known in consequence of which they have now become a shining murk, ngtiinst which all the arrows of disappointed hope, envy and uncbariiablenesa are levelled without distinction. The town and country arealike filled with their praise The palace and pnorhouse alike echo with their virtues. In all climates, under all temperatuies, mcy still retain their wonderful powers, and exert them unattended by age or situ, ntion.

They are simple in their preparation, mild in their action, thorough in operation, and unrivalled in their results. PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS Are Anti-Bilious, Ami Dyspeptic and Anti-Mercurial, aid mav iustly be considered a UnivtrtaV Medicine but they are peculiarly beneficial in the following complaints: Yellow and Bilious Fever and Ague, Dyspepsia, Croup.Liver Complaint. Sick Headache, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlatgement of the Spleen, Piles, Female Obstructions, Heartburn, Furred Tongue, Nausea, Distension of the Sumach and Bowels, Incipient Diar-rhrea, Flatulence, Habitual Costiveness, Loss of or Sallow Complexion, and in all cases of Torpor of the Bowels.where a Cathartic or an Aperient is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their operation, producing neither nausea, griping nor debility. For sale by all the principal druggists in Baltimore and District of Columbia.

Price 50 cents per box. G. TYLER. Geiimal Agent. al7 tf LE CORDIAL Dfcl L'JIMOUR.

We LUC1NE, OU VELIXIU DE perceive by the papers that the (anions French physician, Dr. Magnin, has established an Agency for the sale of the above named-extraordinary medicine in this city; and to speak; the truth, we are sorry for it, as we think that there are to many people in this part of the world already. We dare not enter into an explanation of the wonders effected by this medicine here, but will nevertheless venture to add, that it is the royalist thing in the world for gentlemen and ladies who are hus-ba7idsand wives, and would wish to be fathers and mothers. The Agent Bhould take this medicine to the far West, where people are scarce. JV'ew Ytrk-Examiner.

"The Lucine Cordial" is a general invigorator of the liuwian frame in all the. various cases of lassitude and debilitation, and is at the same time so simple, yet. so efficacious, that while it can renovate the prostrated energies of a giant, an infant may use it, not only with impunity, but with advantage. The Lucine Cordial is also an indabiia. ble cure for the incontinence of the urine, or, the involuntary discharge thereof.

It is likewise an invaluable and unrivalled medicine in cases of chronie eruptions of the skin, and in the dropsical affection of the aged. This celehrated and inestimable Cordial is for sale by G. K. TYLER, corner of East Baltimore and High street; also by J. M.

LAROQUE, corner of Har. rison and Baltimore ROBERTS ATKIN SON, corner of Hanover and Balt.sta. AitHlSON's SPECIFIC OINTMENT For the. cure of While Swellings; Scrofulou? and other Tumours; Ulcers; Sore Legs; old and fresh Wounds; Sprains and Bruises; Swellings and Inflammations; Scald Head; Women's Sore Breasts; Rlieumaiie Pains; Tetters; Eruptions; Chilblains; Biles; Corns; and external diseases generally. The proprietor has received at least a thousand certificates and other documents in favor of his SPECIFIC OINTMENT and they embrace almost all tiiecoHi-plaints in their worst stages to which ointment or sticking plaster can be applied.

Among these certificates, too, are a great number from tne most eminent physicians in the country, who use the Ointmept in their daily practice, in preference to any, or all others which have ever fceen invented. The proprietor has also received a great many testimonials from Fartiers. Military gentlemen, Farmers and others, relative to the amazing efficacy of nis Ointment, in the bruises, cuts, and ail the external complaints and diseases of horses; ami -among them are no less than a dozen certifying to the most perfect cures-which it has performed on the sore backs of some of those animals. Altogether, tho proprietor teels no hesitation in stating or in putting it to the proof against all composition that "HARRISON'S SPECIFIC OINTMENT 'is vastly superior 10 every thing of the kind which has-hereiofore been offered to the public; and the proprietor not only voucsesfor itsenerai good qualities, but is willing to risk his reputation on a single for he knows from tho most ample experience, that it cannot be used without immediate and palpable benefit, iu any one of the complaints for which it is-so highly recommended. This medicine is for sale in Baltimore by G.

TYLER, General Agent, corner of Baltimore and High also by Dr. GORDON, corner of Pratt and Howard streets; WILLIAM K. ORRICK, corner of Eutaw and Lexington streets; E. PERKINS corner of Franklin and Green S. S.

HANCE, corner of Charles and Pratt and by ROHERTS ATKINSON, corner of Baltimore and Hanover and in Washington City by CHARLES and in Georgetown by O. M. LINTM WJAi. Price, SHcents per box. C-if ftAl REWARD 1 V-llUlv ED For any recent case ef the Secret Disease, By Dr.

Hitzelberger, the only Regular Physician in the city of Baltimore, who attends exclusively to the treatment of Secret and skill and great experience, thousands in this city have enjoyed the benefit of, for tbe an-precedented low charge of $311! Price of the Medicine, by the single bottle or box, 31 and $2 per bottle, $1 per boxlli Dr. IIUSSELBAUGIPS CELEBRATED MEDICINES, for the cure secret diseases. Dr. HusseN baugh, of Europe, the illustrious aisceverer of Hub-scihaugh's Medicines, challenges a single case of recent secret disease to be brought, in which his meii-icines will not effect a rapid cure, under a forfeiture ef These medicines are based upon scientific principles, and are different according to the particular disease of the patient. Dr.

Hiizol-herger, who is a graduate of one of the first schools in llie United Stales, has these celebrated medicines for E.ile, and he would ask, why, ohl why will je purchase the detestable quack nostrums with which this city abounds, when you can obtain the medical advice of a regular physician, an- be Heated with these celebrated remedies, for the unprecedented low charge of $3. Positive cure in every case guar-aniecd, or the money returned. Tlnwe idvaluablp medicines can be purchased nt the IIUSSGLUAUGHIAN 1 NFIRMAR No. 8 PRATT live doors east of the Bridge. jl-Jm for the cure of Gonurrhuia, and all Of all remedies yet discovered for the above com pjaints, this is the most certain.

It makes a speedy and permanent cure, without the least regard to diet, drink, exposure, or application to business. We give no long quackish recommends todeceiv the public. If the medicine does not speak foe itself, no one shall speak for it. Our object is to ntify where it can he had, nnd that the proprietor challenges a single case of recent Gonorrhea to be brought in which tho mixture will not effect a rapid cure, under a forfeiire of $500. it is found to be an effectual preventive against the disease, if exposed.

It does not effect the breath, in the least, and is perfoctly pleasant and agreeable to thestomnch. Il is put up in bottles, with full direction accur. panying it, at $1 a botile. One bottle lasts a week, which generally cures. Many are cured in two days.

For sale at ROBERTS Sc. ATKINSON'S, come of Baltimore and Hanover streets, and at Jones HutchinsoH's, corner of Seventh and the, immtreeis, Philadelphia pliH.y HUNTER'S RED DROPS. JV'O CURE, NO PAY This infallible Medicine is found to be the only absolute, speedy and effectual cure for Venereal Dis enes ever discovered. It ha achieved a transcendent career of usefulness which distances the competition of mere boastful pretension, and bus secured a conspicnou station in universal favor by intrin- iiic worth alone. It has never been known to fail In cither sex.

It requires no restriction as to diet, nor hindrances from business. Also, HUNTER'S ANTI-MERCURIAL SVRIiP. an infallible remedy for mercurial iheumatism nnrt other bad effects of this dangerous Drug, with syphilitic symptoms in the blood, old standing ulcers. sore throat, pains in the head, eruptions of the skin kc. The genuine Hunter's Medicine nre for sale at No.

3 PITT STREET, between Front streut and the Bazarr Bridge, Baltimore. Also, of Wm. Ban. phier, Surgeon Dentist, King B. C4 nd at no other places in this State.

2.v rlfl ir it FAILS. The celebrated FRENCH u)J PILL, well known a the most peedy curs ever offered for secret disease. The FRENCH P1LL8 are applicable in all ease for either sex, and possess great advantage over tho balsam and all liquid medicines, by being entirely free from smell, and consequently do not affect lh breath, thereby preventing tbe possibility ofdisw viry while Using them. For sale only by 8 S. HANCE, corner of Chsrli and Pratt streets; JOHN EVANS 4c ornerof Dtigan's Wharf and Pratt street.

In WASHINGTON SlTY. thev T6 sold by VfUS 6 UNION. Price fl a box, with direction fer us BALTIMORK, TUESDAY. JUNE 30, 1. FROM Ol'R CORRESPONDENT.

Washington City, June 2D. The House of Representatives was iti session on Saturday night, until 12 o'clock, and the sub treasury bill was discussed by some eight or ten gentlemen, and by common consent each gen tleman was allowed an hour to expatiate on the gloom, and the glory, the honor and dishonor, and the happiness and misery of the fifteen mil lions of souls and bodies who move and have a being, within-the limits of this republic and who, according to the laws of nature and of the land in which we live, will, within the circle of a thousand years, die in their beds, or dangle from the scaffold! This is a moral reflection, to vliirli I invite vour serious and undivided at tention! "Think of that, my masters!" The arrangement that was made to allow each member to speak one hour, and no more, was most religiously adhered to, and it is but an act of common justice to say that every man "walked up to the rack," and there was no grumbling. This death of Mr. Eleazer Early, Librarian of the House of Representatives, was and "less than a pig's whisper," or the "twinkling of a bed post," wine fifty high minded and pious gentlemen started on the full run, for the office that the defunct had occupied. Mr.

Eleazer Early was a native of Gdorgia, and was a brother of the Governor of that State. Jlewas a man of some talent, and spent the tetter portion of a long life in the capacity of a political lecturer and writer. In the year 1S22, Jie made a tour of the United States, advocating the election of Mr. Crawford to the presidency. He was unsuccessful; and until the election of Gen.

Jackson, he was suffered to go unreward-d. Between the years 1821 and 1829, he advocated Gen. Jackson, and for hi labors was regarded with the place he has just vacated by death. He was rarely seen in the Hall of the House of Representatives, and was generally found in his office, leading a life of seclusion. After the journal had been read, Dr.

Petrikin's motion to adjourn the present Congress on the 15th of July, was called up, and objection to it having been made, Dr. Petrikin called for a suspension of the rules, but the House refused to acquiesce, by a small vote, and the matter lies over till to-morrow morning. The Congress, however, I am authorized to say, will adjourn on the 15th of July, and that a resolution to that effect will be passed, as soon as the sub-treasury bill is disposed of, and if good luck attends Congress, and the devil don't 'flare up," that event will take place before 12 o'clock this night. At 11 o'clock, the orders of the day were de manded, and the House went into committee of the whole, Mr. Hanks in the chair, on the sub treasury bill; when, as Mr.

Banks was proceeding to the woolsack, Mr. Jenifer, of Maryland, and asked leave to make personal explanation due to a gentleman from Mississippi, Brown) towards whom Mr. Jenifer had on a previous occasion accidentally for the want of a correct understanding, done an act of constructive discourtesy. After Mr. J.

had made hia explanation, which was satisfactory, Mr. Brown made a response, which did him great credit as a gentleman, a man o( tirmness and uncompromising honor It, secured for hira the respect of that "chivalrous" portion of Society, which is really "chivalrous," and where chival ry is always displaced at the call of the "country," and which does not waste itself on the pigmy fends of the Houseof Representatives. The affair, originally looked very belligerent to my eye; but I am nappy to say that it was adjusted in a manner that reflects the highest credit on the better judgment of gentlemen ho act on reflection ratiier than on the mere impulses of passion. Mr. Brown, of Mississippi, needs no extraordinary inflated "clnvalrv" the "chivalry" of a pop-gun to sustain himself amid any hourof emergency or trial.

It was to be hoped that the "personal explanation" between Messrs. Jenifer and Brown, had been so correctly and satisfactorily adjusted, as to gratify all; there would be nothing of the kind to listen to, for a day at least; when, "oh, my jingoes" I looked around, and to my horror, 1 found Messrs-Lloyd and Chittenden, cf IN'ew York, engaged in a "personal explanation." It has been well and truly said that "too much pudding will choke a donkey," and it could not be found rn the heart of a christian to listen to it, and I backed out. What became of it, I do not know the probability is, that it "took the balluon of John Atkins, and escaped in ether." Mr. of Massachusetts, who had heard ruite enough of "personal explanations," now called for an enforcement of the rules of the House, and Mr. Banks mounted the wool sack, and Dr.

Duncan, of Ohio, proceeded to the discussion of the sub-treasury bill. The Doctor wa.3 on the floor when I closed this note. In the Senate, at the time I closed, the bill of Mr. John Adams, to prevent frauds on the revenue by smuggling, was the special order of the day, and was expected to create a good deal of discussion. Yours, From Flohida.

From the St. Augustine News ot the lGth inst. we copy the following paragraphs; On Saturday last, the pissengers, Messrs. Lyne and Germon, with the mail for Jacksonville, were chased, near lingers, by Indians. The pursuit continued upwards of three miles; the horse of the private conveyance shortly after died.

Cant. Miller. 1st Infantrv. reecnllv on the (Julia river, ten women and children; killed one warrior, and another supposed to be a white rami. Capt.

Bonneville, 2d Infantry, on the Withla-coochcc, had not fallen in with any of the enemy since lm last success, but had destroyed over A hundred ac.rte of their growing crops. Col Harney, 2d Dragoons, was in the neighborhood ol the Wthitea. Had started several panics oi i no enemy, and was in pursuit. From Iallahasscc, 21t we lcar i i ii1, tvi il if i I.i 'I I 1 we icarn mat ill unit, il UVU Indians, by the assistance of two hloodlwvnds. VUUUdk LYVM Jt is supj lowd that thci hounds have not had Tiir trial, as on this occasion they cvci Anticipation as to their keenness of scent and jaithfulness in following it up.

Cot'RT Scandal. The Liverpool correspond-cnt of the New York Star, gives place to a piece 'f harmless scandal, as follows: the other day Prince Albert admired a bouuel which Miss Pitt, one of the Maids of Honor, had in her hand; that Miss P. asked him to accept it; that he did ii ibiit. when the Oiieen came in. shortl after, the Prince said, "See what a pretty bo.

juet Miss Pitt has given me;" that the Queen ii liia band and trampled on the CI1U1VIIVU .1. it 11 A Hint then called in poor Miss l'itt and gave her a bitter scolding for "presuming to be so free and bold as to give flowers to the Prince." Hi-formation. For the last week, aye, month, the once celebrated whiskey town ol Koscrea nnr ninp-le. case of drunkenness lias not i- toHhe rusty hinges of the solitary Bridewell. flia Di lipar.

Indeed, so strange uu unuu. ance of intoxication, that it is looktd on now with a sort of credulous astonishment, as if such a We new xted JYm. CIOOI'ISK'S COMPOUND AliOMATIC CONFKC 1 TION. This deservedly popular remedy wai first introduced in thiscoumry in 183b; since whon, more than cures have attested its ex cellence. The certainty, safety, and pleasantness of its operation; its perfect freedom fromall unpleasant taste or smell, and its thoroueh and nurifyine ffeet upon the system, (from the large quantity of com pound extract ot Mtrsaparilla vvhmn it contains, renders tho Confection one of the most desirable ro' medics for secret diseases ever discovered.

It is pul up in neat tin boxes, with fill direction: eac box containing sufficient to effect a cure. Prioe.Jl wr box. 8id byS. S. HANCE.

corner of Pratt and Charles streets; J. H. comer Eutaw nd Balti more streets; and J. O. N.

McCORM ICK No 4i oaS- OALT RHEUM, King Worm, Tetter, Scalled Head Barbers or JacUson Itch, Eczema, Psoriasis, and other diseases of the are safely, certainly and ef fociuallv cured bv the use ol feAJNUh' tth.iVlh.Di Messis. A. B. D. Sands, Gentlemen, Feeling deenlv indebted to you tor the valuaole services you have rendered me, 1 do most cheerfully inform you that mv wife is entirely cured 01 the halt tiheum by tho use of your Remedy and Syrup of Sarsaparilla.

She had been very severely aHiicted with the disease in her lace for six years had tried various medicines, both in ternal and external, out without prouueing any gooa effect, until by the advice of a friend who was cured by your medicine, she was induced to use it, and lam thailKlui to say, me return, nas ueen a periect cure. Yours respectfully, JOHN HAPMAN, 79 Chatham st. New York. Sect. 13.1S33.

Prepared and sold by A. D. SANDS, Druggists Nos. 7'Jand HX Fulton streets, New York. Sold in Baltimore hy TYLEK.

corner of Etist Baltimore and Hieh streets, and S. S. Hance. corner Charles and Pratt streets; and la Washington by Dr. Todd.

Price, si yii 0 JNEILL'S CATHULICON. Thetranscendant me unparalleled elticacyin the cure of Sc.njfula, Brunchites, White swellins, Kings fcvu, sec, nave urawn iortn tne voluntary olaudits ot a ereat number, who, bv us use. have been cured of those diseases after all other reme dies had failed. The following letter from T. W.

Brotherton, Fill street, lialtimore, is recommended la the perusal ol the atll icted: 1 Mr. P. O'Neill Dear Sir: The causeofsufTeriBjliU' manity requires that I should state to you that a member of my family was for several years, afflicted affection on the face; it battled the skill of the moslable physicians of our city; Swaim's panacea was also used fera longtime without benefit. Having seen some astonishing cures which have been made by your Cat helicon, 1 was nuluceu to procure it; it soon besran to show its sanative powers, and in afew months effected a radical and perfect cure. More than a year has elapse since the cure alluded to has been effected, and there is no annearance of a return of the disease.

1 have since recommended it to several, who are now la- king it with every prospect ol success. Yours, iVc, T. Brotherton. Baltimore. May The above medicine, tosether with O'NEILL'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC MEDICINE, may be had of SMITH it ATKINSON, No.

23d BALTl.UORE STREET; and of SETH S. HANCE, cor. of CHARLES and PRATT STREET my-Wunt IMPORTANT MEDICINE. MARSHALL'S COM 1 POUND CONCENTRATED SYRUP SAUSA PAKIL1A, FOR THE CUKE OF Obstinate Eruptions of the Skin, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Biles which arise from an inipurg habit of the body, Pains in the Bones, Rheumatism, Tetter, Scrofula cr king's EvH, wnue swellings, Syphilitic Symptoms, Scaly Eruptions. And all disorders arising from an impure state of ths blood, produced either by a long residence in a hot or unhealthy climate, the injudicious use 01 mercury, ecu This very convenient and active Syrup, with confi dence odered to the Medical Faculty, and the public, as possessing, in an eminent degree, all the virtues of Sarsaparilla, in its most concentrated form, and at the same time, the safest Medicine that can be resort ed to sivins ftrennlh and increase of health to the whole Prepared oNi.r, at MARSHALL'S, 312 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, and lor sale in Baltimore, by R.

H. Coleman 133, and J. F. Clark, 1JII Kaltunorest. mb-dm EVAILLANT'S FRENCH MIXTURE.

Recollect 1.J the geuume is the ereat remedy of the celebrated Letaulant, of the rench Hospital, and is the most cer lain cure for a certain disease ever discovered. Person" wishing to avoid discovery, ami cure them selves effectual lv, will find this medicine supermrio all others, as it does not effect the breath: in long protracted cases of the disease, it is beyond doubt the most ef-ectual remedy ever discovered, bavins cured many ob stinate case? after every other medicine lias tailed. Price SI. Forfale only, in Baltimore, by SETH S. HANCE, successor lo Dr.

E. Baker, m23-Gm corner Charles and Pratt TT7' Frtni the JVew York Examine? VV would cull attention to the advertiMiieut our columns to iay of PETERS1 VEGETABLE PILLS. VV'o understand by the best siedical au thority, that theie is no preparation of ti.e day wliich enjoys so enviable a reputation. At the soutfc and north, their success has been unbounded, and wherever introduced we believe they have given the most perfect satistuction. we have this day nad an Interview with one of our citizens, Henry R.

Fox, who was recently cured of a most remarkable and ohstlnatc cutaneous eruption, where thn whole body was covered with large fulsome ulcers, and even the tonsils of tne throat eaten away and by usingthrjaC PILLS daily for six weeks, was restored to heaith. PETERS' VEGETABLE PILLS. Thev do indeed restore the licaith of the body, causethey purify and invigorate the blood, and their eood effects are not counterbalanced by any mcon venience; being composed entirely of vegetables, ihey do not expose those who use them lo danger, and their effects are ascertain as they are salutary they aie daily and safely administered to infancy, youth, manhood and old age, and to women in the most critical and delicate circumstances; they do not dist urb or shock the animal hut re store their order and re establish their health; and for all the purposes which a Vegetable Purgative, or certain cleanser of the whole system are required, they stand without a rival they nre allowed to be all that ran he accomplished in medicine, both for power and innocence. iLTForsale by G. K.

TYLER, General Agent, cot. ner nf East Baltimore and High streets, and by all the Druggists in Raltimoie, and in Washington, Georgetown. ani mhlU-y riMlli LitClNA CORDIAL-IS IS VV AKF. ok FJIAUO The popularity of this beneficent ami inestimable Cordial hi the united Mates, lias induced one or nire unprincipled persons to mariu lecture spurious eatrhpenny articlr.i, under various names, and purprrliv the same effect; but winch, 111 reality, proii. ee no encci otner man tnai or swindling tin nuntic ann 10 give a yei more to theii cupidity, those persons ftff.

ct that, tiieir wretched iioi-trunis have been in use in England andolsewherr lor a number of years; whereas, until the illustrious ir. r-iagnin made ins wonderful discovery, no cure for barrenness hail been ever thought of, or at least made public; nnd all those then iu use for tho restoration of llie de cayed virile cowers were found to bo of but little avail. Thus, all nostrums advertised for barrenness or the cure of imiiotencv, but Dr. Magnin'n, are mere catchpenny humbugs, which would never have been thoor it ot but I11M he nDiiearanceann great ceieiiriiy of the LUC1NA CORDIAL. As no counterfeit of the name is nt present in circulation, it may 111 general be a sufficient caution for the purchaser to ask fur thn Lncina Cordial, but as further insurance, il would be us well to nolo that its name, Lucina Cor dial, or Elixir of Love, la stamped in tho glass 01 each liotilu the combined arms of France nnd the United States are the outward envelope thai Flfiirde Lis Is printed 011 the acooipiinying tions, nnd beautifully emlsed on the showbills hangiig iu the store of those who have the e- The celebrity of tho Lucina Cord al hv ng such as II is.

It isRcarce necessary in inn inn reormrni ifn of decayed virile powers ever known nnd iH the euro of Fluor Albus, Gleet, obstructed, difficult or painful Menstruation, the incontinence of uri.u, or the mvoluntarv discharge thereof, Is superiority over every other medicine is hoi oniy aecmea, Dut Unquestionable. Pncn Si) pi noiiio- JohnM smu Konern vnni. more; and yVHhington by Charlie Htott and To-bins WatkiW nd ia Uergctw hy O. M. Lmthi- which are VVhiti.

48 Plates, 30x21 HO C4 do 34x30 HO 80 do 3V.X.0 240 Si do 3.x 18 4:13 3. do 30x18 AM GRiitl. 214 38 Plates, 3flx2fl 3t do 31x20 48 dti 3JxlH 'J35 VM do 30.V18 14(1 U0 do 30x17 214 130 do iiriJOO 1B20 70 rlo SGxlO l'JO C.Rttn. Plates, do do do do do do do do do (It do do 2(ixl5 20X15 24x14 22x13 20x1? JXxlt 17x10 HixlO 14x1(1 12x10 12x 9 10x 8 7x 8 lively, all kiHda of (Jilt and Mnhmrnnv I km. Gluss, Tortrait and Picture FRAMED, in a style of woiKinantsnip oi-nuiy ana duratuiily, cannot be surpassed by any other estaolishment of the kind in the United States.

mlr23 tf and others are invited to call and ex. miiifl forthfrnsnlve. luifore piirchnsine eluewhere DK. VERMlUHiE, OR WORM DESTROYER. This valuable medicine fr Worms, has been used extensivsly in the city of Baltimore, for the ist 35 years; its virtiisacan be allestn by thousand who hnve used it constantly in their families.

The proprietur has appointed SETI S. HANCE, fiircessor Dr. K. Raker, riHr tf Charles and Pratt for llie sale of this remndy. To be had as usual of the propriety, Fast Water 3d dr from th Bride.


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