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The Leavenworth Bulletin from Leavenworth, Kansas • 2

Leavenworth, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LEAVENWORTH MAKBLE By Mr. Rogers: An act to amend a creation and regulation of Incorporated live duty of Congress to limit the com lofty range. It gains tha enormous alti stood the misunderstanding which has been spoken of as existing between Mr, BULLETIN; JC companies in the State of Kansas, approved Feb. 26, 1806: Committee ou press of Messrs. Beadle is masting with great favor among the readers of standard fiction literature.

Cloth tude of 7,000 leet in lesi man juu miie. The present plan contemplates in all about 8,400 feat of tunneling, and one Corporations. Senate bill 27 i An act to amond an edition, 91. SOi paper tfdltlon, 60 cents, Territorial law By Mr, Price: An act regulating mar. rlagos, By Mr.

Scott: An act to establish Courts of Common Pleas. By Mr. Graham: An act to amond an act for the sale of school lands. By Mr. Wood, a Joint resolution In grade of 110 leet per nine tue maximum allowed by the cburter.

This will act entitled an act to provide for the as Beadle' Monthlu." for February. Is or TBI STATE 'AND COUNTY, be for only three miles and a half: no 1 I A I. nvn.m.l 1 nO sessment and collection or taxes', committee on Wavs and Means. at hand, and will be sought by Its num -1- OHOl T. erous friends with eagerness.

leet mile. panics by stringent statutory enactment, rUTCUB RAILWAY SYSTEM OF KAKSAS, "Knpsss, rich and developing with pre-ordained to be grid-roned with railroads. The Mlssiourl road, from St. Joseph down the east bank of the river to a point opposite Leavenworth, is practically a Kansas line; but the Wyandot and Leaven worth Road will, ere long, be continued up (he west bank -of the river tp the Nebraska boundary, "A company for building the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston Kail way, from Lawrence due south, has refuronce to permanent school fund. Senate bill 29 An act prescribing the duties, defining the powers, and fixing the compensation of the reporter of ihe "Track-laying east of Cisco will be Also, a resolution instructing the Com IJITKRRHTINU D.VK1.0PIIENTS).

mittee on Education to inquire The name of Senator Cowan has been Supreme court: uommittee on juui- r.iarv. a LKAYENWOKTHt WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 80, before the' Senate some time for eon legislation la necessary to uiase mo Stalo University. Normal School aud 1867 House bill 97 An act to amend an flrmation as Minister to Austria, tie Agricultural Colleges sclf-sustaiulng. The following resolutions and bills Mr. Motley, resigned.

act to establish a codo of civil procedure Committee on Judiciary. House bill 1)8 An act to change and At Senator Sumner's Instance, the were then taken up and passed i Sonata concurrent resolution 23 been organized. The nearest outlet of regulate tho boundaries of the couuty of a tYin i fTATimiT correspondence between Secretary Betv- Wilson: Committee on County Scats 6L Asking Congress to equalize the boun ties or soldiers. ard and Mr.

Motley, relative to the and County Lines. House bill 09 An act to vacato part resignation of the latter, was called for, Senate concurrent resolution 24 Con Burton, our Minister at Bogota and the Columbian Government, will soon be arranged. The Tribune's special ssys tbe Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs came to no conclusion yesterday in regard to foreign appointments before them. It is understood both Cowan and Dix will be reported against. Mr.

Seward'l letter to Mr. Motley is looked upon by Senators as most Insulting and undignified, and it is considered Mr. Motley was, in sqlf-respcct compelled to resign. The Committee will, therefore, report agalnBt any one nominated to the position. With regard to gold sales the Senate Finance Committee favor the present policy of the Secretary of the Treasury.

They have not yet disposed of the gold bill, Tha Ways and Means Committee were engaged yesterday on the Tax Bill. They will not desert it, however, until they they get the tarrilfso as to adjust these two measures, and make them harmonize. No conclusion has been reached concerning tbe issue of the 950,000 loan certificates, bearing a less interest than the compound interest notes, to take the place of thoiejield by the banks. Secretary McCulloch favors tbe scheme. Philadelphia is stated to contain more Methodists than any city in the world.

i of avenue eight in tho town of Mound and after a long delay, has been sent in cerning printing tho report of Superin-tendent of Pubiio Instruction. Kansas to the seaboard is at Galveston, Texas, which can be reached in seven hundred miles. Through this channel, ultimately, the exports of the young Prairie State must find their way to the sea." KANSAS LEGISLATURE. gin next spring, winter storms are so severe that a few miles of track will probably require covering by a stoop roof, to slide the snow off down the mountain side. The company are sanguine of having the road in operation to Humboldt, 250 miles from Sacramento, in 1H87, and to Salt Lake In 1800.

"The company deal -with- no contractors, but as a corporation build the road. They have now 13,000 men upon their pay rolls. Thoir laborers are nearly all Chinamen, who, after a few 'months' experience, are as efficient as Irishmen. The company have erected ample depot buildings and machine shops in Sacramento. Their locomotives are mado in San Francisco.

The portion, of tbo road already running docs an immense business and proves very lucrative, carrying passengers and supplies for tho mining regions. The running expenses are only 20 per cent upon the gross receipts. The eharget, in wild, are ten eenti a mile for each pat- but not yet made public. Its contents City: Committee on judiciary. House hill 100 An act to amend an House bill 10 An act to provide for act entitled an act to regulate the tak are known to tie as loiiows, ana out braced In two letters, ono from Seward, roU I'UENIDKHT IN ULYSSES S.

GRANT. FOJt Vlt'K-rRE8IDE5Tl' A MAN WE CAW TRUST. mo transcribing ot certain records oi tue county of Jackson. Senate bill 17 An act supplementary to an act, in relation to tee removal and Manufacturers and Dealers In Foreign American Marble KMOTAI'HN, TOMBS, Monumental and Head Htonea Coanter-linreau, and Table -Xopft. MANTBLSj All work warranted to Rive aatigfactlon.

Seneca Hl.reot, between Fourth and i fifth, Uear of Market, covering one from an American gen ing up and posting of strays Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures. House bill 101 An act supplementary to an act to prevent nuisances Committee on Judiciary. tlcman traveling in Europe," and one Roported Exclusively for the Bulletin, by H. V. HoLMSTaa, Phonogrnphor.

location of county seats. Senate bill 20 An act declaring see, from Mr. Motley to Seward, in reply. The anonymous letter sent by Seward, tion lines in Nemaha connty public highways. House bill 102 An act supplementary to an act entitled an act to provide for charges that most of our foreign Minis The Hecate then went Into Commit ters and Consuls are enemies of-tho Ad' Kahias.

tee oi the Whole, Air. ltogers in ins (Jan 1-d ly ministration, open in denunciation chair, and after some time spent there bud his "Chlof Clerk" Seward in, arose and reported back et.naer, and ten eenti a mile, per ton, for It makes a special point against Messrs. fretyht." senate joint resolution 7, in reierence to States lately in rebellion, and recotn mend its passage. Marsh and Motley, saying that the 1st MAIN STEM VWOH FACiric. This line is oroercssing from Omaha PROSPECTUS MM'S FEMALE ACADEMY.

ter had spoken of Mr. Seward as a de ST. senate Dili An act to amend an graded old man, and had also expressed act relating to roads recommonded Its 8tmMtwtntat passage. preference fur the English Govern Senate bill 21 An act to legalize the ment to our own. action of tbe Board of Trustees of the Mr.

Seward's letter, conveying this westward with a rapidity never before equaled in building railways. It used to be thought a great feat to lay one mile of track per day) but here two miles, and even two-and-n-half have been laid. The cars oro now running 300 miles from the Missouri. Hitherto the nearest railway connection has been by way of St. Joseph, 225 miles from Omaha.

It has cost the company about State Insane Asylum in tbe appropria A large delegation of National Bunk Presidents Is In Washington, asking Congress to.le let tflonc; JVftllandigUiuu la delighted with the Supreme Court. In a lettor he says the satisfaction ita late decision "Is both great and sweet." 1 Good record this, for the Court The testimony of prominent Union Generals at Washington, unites in say-V' lug that the annoiinceniDnt of the late BifprcniojCoiirt decision, has caused the rcbcl'elcmcnt South to become insolent and defiant. '1 At a Catliollc fair, on Saturday night, in Memphis, a cane was voted to the most popular county official, Slicriff Winters. Tim, votes cost one dollar each, and forty thousand, eight 1 hundred and thirty-six votes were cast. The cane originally cost eighty-flve dol- tion ana payment ot money recom precious bit of anonymous goBBip, was only long enough to ask, In diplomatic OPERA HOUBE.

Welnealny EvGnlnwjjannary Loat night but threo, of the charming I.OTTA who will appear in six dls-tinot cliaiaoters, with banjo Solon, and Irish JIks, In the splendid comedy of mended its passage. -Senate Joint resolution 6. relation to stylo, what Mr. Motley had to say for This Institution, sttuateil In a pleasant art of North Leavenworth, la oondnctod the 8IHTERS OF CII ABITY, and under the patronage of the Uikilitltuv. J.B.

Jlimm, iiisbop of leaven worth. THacouRsi or insTanc-non i it, mast's AOADKHV, COHPB.IS-SS Orthojrraphy, Heading, Plain and Orna. mental Penmanship, Grammar, Anclenti and Modern Oleography, Ancient and Modern Hlstorv. phi. himself.

issuing an Adjutant Ueneral's report recommend its passage. 91.000 apiece for transporting locomo Mr. Motley replies by a flat denial of The report ol the committee was THE FEMALE DETECTIVE. the admiration for the Government of adopted. tives, aud 9175 for each platform car, from St.

Joseph to Oinoha. The completion of the road through Iowa to Council Bluffs will enable the company IIOUSK. Topeka, Jan. 2010 A. m.

The House met pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker Id the chair. Prayer was offered by Rov. Mr. Piatt.

The journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Booth presented a petition from S. Flowers, and 39 others, praying for a State road from Manhattan to Washington, Kansas. The Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures made a report on the resolution in reference to an inquiry into the expediency of amending the law in regard to incorporated companies, and recommended that it be referred to the Committee on Incorporations also on House Bill No.

14, and recommended ita rejectiou also on House Bill No. 89, and recommended that it be referred to Committee on Ways and Means; also ou House Bill No. 7, and recommended that House Bill No. SO be substituteo also on House Bill No. 63, and recommended that it be substituted for House Bill No.

also on House Bill No. 94 and recommend its rojection also on petition of citizens of Linn county, in relation to wool-growers, and ask further time; also on House Bill No. 84 and recommend that it be printed. A message was received from the Senate, announcing the passage of House Bill No. 24, without amendment.

Mr. Updcgraff, from Special Committee on the Constitutional Convention, made a report, and recommended that the Joint resolutions Nos. 4, and 6, proposing amendments to tho Constitution, be printed. Report agreed to. Mr.

E. J. Jenkins offered House Con England, charged to him, and refers to losophy, Rhetoric, Criticism, Proso Also, as FAXNY DKIDBLES, in tho OBJECT OF INTEREST I his historical and other writings, to anil Poetical Composition, Physioln. gy, Mytholoiry, with the to make a great saving in tbo- transportation of its material and supplies use or the ulohes,) Locrlo, Moral and gethcr with Ills whole life-record. the assessment and collection or taxes, approved Feb.

29, 1866 Committee on Ways and Means. House bill 103 An act to correct assessments in Doniphan county Committee on Judiciary. House bill 104 An act to provide for tbe registry of Slate lands Committee on Public Lands. House bill 105 An act to prohibit tbe sale of Intoxicating liquors in the unorganized counties and territory of the State of Kansas: Committee on Counties. House bill 106 An act to amend section two of an act entitled an act to authorize the Board of County Commissioners, and the authorities of incorporated cities, to issue bonds for purposes of internal improvements, approved 27, 1806 Committee on Internal Improvements.

House bill 107 An act to define the north boundary line of Allen county Committee on County Seats and County Lines. House bill 108 An act to extend the time of paying of taxes in Leavenworth county: Coiumilteo on Ways and Means. The House then went into Committee of the Whole on House bills Nos. 50, 16, CO, 84, and House joint resolution No. 2, with Mr.

J. R. Goodin in the chair. After some time spent therein, the Committee arose and reported back, House Bill GO: An act to amend an act entitled An act to regulate the taking up and posting of estruys, approved May 23, 1861,. Recommended its passage, and asked leuve to sit again.

The report was adopted. This prevents the running art large of stallions and jacks over two years old, and bulls and hogs over one year old. Mr. Booth moved to reconsider the vote by which the House agreed to ad Saturday, Grnncl Matinee. Intelleotual Philosophy, Chemistry, The senate tiwn adjourned.

SENATE AFTERNOON SESSION. The Senate met pursuant to adjournment, the President in tbe chair. The Senate again went into Commit, tee of the Whole on unfinished busi-ness. Mr. Rogers in the chair.

vindication ncainst the libel. He does "Two boats loaded witu iron have snncecd and cone to the bottom. Tho Box office opnti Irom 4t-Prions as asiml. lo a. H.t to p.

not go luto a defense, by even denying company find that ties alnno cost them the use of disrespectful language to wards the Secretary and President, ne After some time spent therein, the i 91. 85 to; tfl.ou apiece, iney empioy thirty locomotives. When the mountains are reached rolling mills will be Committee arose and reported back Sen admits that he has spoken of the Frcsl- ate bill 28: An act to encourage the The No Orleans Tribune says tliat dent and Congress freely, under his own roof, among bis friends, and is not aware growth of hedge fences.and recommend French, Gorman A Latin Langnaftesi Musloon the IMauo-forte, Harp, Uelodebn and Guitar. AIbo, Vocal Music, Drawing 1 Painting in Oil and Water Colors, t'rayilo Palntlnu Plain and Ornamental Need Work, Tapestry, Embroidery, Crocbot aiK taee Work, Zophyr and Wax Flowers. WThe Academic Tear dates from the first Monday in Supteipbor, and clonus on tbe last of June.

ts iyided into two sessions of Ave months each, Pnpils entered aftor tbo commencement of the session are charged only witb tbe portion that may re-maiu. No reduction will bo made for those who are withdrawn before the expiration of the session, exoept in oase of sickness. Gov.i Wells, In his annual message, which was to be delivered to the Legis ed its passage: Senate bill 8: An act UOVEB.MEXT HA I.E. OrFlCI C'RTIV COHMmSART St'B'c-ircB. DKPARTMKNTOVTHI MlDflODRI, Ft.

La vkhwobth, Jan. 28, C7. erected for making rails. The company design building a branch to Denver. Their main line passes 100 miles north of -that city.

Tho company expect to arrive at Salt Lake with the locomotive that a citizen living abroad, even in an fixing thu fees of the clerk of the Su lature of Louisiana yesterday, takes official capacity, has not the right to en preme court, Attorneys, County OU1 i ii.i. hcii at puiiiio auction, strong radical ground on Federal rela iiibui on oaturuay, enriutvy SlU, ccrs, Justices of the Peace, Constables, Witnossea, Jurors, Appraisers and No by January, 1860. "The section-already opened enjoys a tertain and express his views upon the great national questions presented by tions. Be recommends the adoption of 973 GALLONS Of WHISKY, taries Public, rocommend it he referred to a special committee to report by bill the overthrow of the rebellion. He be or otherwise.

i lie report ql the committee was In barrels and kegs. The Whisky will bo Bold bytliepaeknKuat aomunli por gallon, aiM Is ot bucaune the onlors from tho War liepartraont forbid further lsuues Hcves we should abolish and forever prohibit political distinctions, on account of race or color, by an amendment to heavy traffic pamengen art charged ten eentt per milt, and reight in propor tion, Next'sumiuer, when the locomotive reaches the mountains, pleasure travel from- the Atlantic and Middle States will begin, to set in that direction. Within five years, many tourists and families, from every civilized na adopted. current Resolution No. 18, that the the Constitutional Amendment, but does consider it an ultimatum for re-.

admission of Rebel States. He Is of the opinion that Congress ought to demand the right of suffrage for all American citizens, without regard to color. He recommends education for all The Special Committee, to whom was Postmaster-General be memorialized to the Constitution. Having thus defined establish a daily mail from Troy to Ul WlllHKy. Terms Cash.

M. K. MORGAN, Brovet Col. and C. S.

llon't of Jto. JanaWlOt relerred tho communication of the u. A. reported In favor of making an appropriation for the establishment of a bis position, he closes by tendering his Leavenworth, by way ol Atchison. Laid over.

resignation without assigning a reason tion, will abandon tue old resorts ior 9 Boardper session, iOii.OO Tuitlop of (lie Junior Circles, perses'n U.tiO Tuition of Senior Circles, per 20.00 Musioon Piano, extra 45.00 Harp, ao.00 Guitar 15.00 Washlnir, 10 00 Bed and lleddlng 4 00 Needle Work in all Ita varieties, and Draw Ing, taughtrce ocluirge. For lessons in Painting in Wator Colors, Cravon painting, Zephyr Wax Flowers, tliero will be au extra charge of S10 per Session, each. All Paymtntt mill be mode in odwmet. soldiers' Orphans home. The following bills were then intro therefor.

the hundreds of features of beauty aud irranduer-lhe uuuumhered hot and NOTICE. Liavekworth, Jan. 88, 1887. journ till to o'Ciock to-morrow. duccd and read for the first time Mr.

Connor offered a resolution that each member of the Committee on Roads and Highwavs be furnished with 1 a copy of Gunn Mitchell's Map. Referred to Committee on Accounts. Jilr. J. uoooin moveu tuai tup mo mineral springs, carved and.sculptured NOTICE Is hereby given, in acoordance tion lav on the table.

Lost; By Mr. Eirfnicrt An act amendatory It remains for the. Senate to say whether the President "shall drive out by such a man as Motley, and rocks, mountain parks, lolly pcaKs, he motion to reconsiuer was carrieu. oi an act entitled to provide tor the ex cnlaracts, suowy ranges, big trees, and j. wuuiaw, uiat tno dooks ior receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of tho Groat western Protective and Detective oomnanv.

will boonened at th nfllna nftim Mr. Lecompto moved to'indetlultely Mr. R. W. Jenkins oflered a resolu they aid in filling his placo with a thing penses ot tne military, and tor tho pay ment of claims and damages arising lakes among tue'cioutis 1110 twenty Switzerlunds in one, with incomparably postpone the further consideration of Great ostorn Uorse Insurance and Detoo tion that Mr.

Apothecary, of Nemaha like Senator Cowau. the finest scenery In the worm, Be county, bo employed ss AssistaDt-bn-erossing Clerk of the Huuse. Carried. tween the Oreat Itivcr una ureal the resolution. Carried.

The House adjourned. AFTUHNOON SESSION. THE SISTERS will spare no pains to ren- RAILROAD Mr. Spencer offered a resolution tlnTt Ocean." aer tins Academy worthy of extensive pat- pa1 JoIih O. Sloan, Corporators, their There seems to bo a general awaken this bouse be tendered to lion.

.1. it. ronaxe. The health a 1 KANSAS POllK OP UNION PACIFIC. and happiness of jan gn-u mpl! PU Brewer on Thursday evening, for a lec in win no constant oniiwts 01 their so.

"This road is a direct continuation House met pursuant to adjournment, Sneaker In the chair. ipg upfln the subject of groat railroad monopolies. The exporienco of some ture under the auspices ot the Topeka westward of the Pacific Railway of Lveeuin. Missouri. It receives the samt endow W.

T. BURGESS, Attorney at Law, Mr. E. J. Jenkins moved that the Special Committee to visit the Capitol of the older States, that, in their eager 'Mr.

K. J. Jenkins moved to amend- ment from Coneross in real estate nd By a telegram from New Orleans, of 1 the 28th instant, it is reported that the United States troops stationed near Galveston, Texas, had been attacked by Indians, and forty of them killed. Upon the same authority, it is assert-i ed that the French, consul 'in Mexico has published notices advising all resl-' dents in the country who desire to leave with thb expeditionary forces, that they can have free passage soon. A party of i eight hundred accordingly left.

Muxl-'j" jnilinn bad permitted a sort of truce of war trade between Jnlapa and Vera Crua.i.The Liberals were tearing up the Imperial Mexican, A move-merit of much importance is the defec-vr tion of General Carillo, who commands at Saltlllo, and who has issued the fol-lowing to hii soldier Yo- have already soea the conduct of your, so-oalled protector at Mntamoraa. Vnn iLlriuLilv know that lite flair of the Unit- that when this bouse is used for other money as the Nebraska line. Its lands ness to develop tholr resources by the QnioB -No. 9 Building have leavo ot ausence mis si-toruoon, for tho purpose of visiting said buildine. Carried.

purposes than the purposes of legisla BUllding. Post. janlS-iim construction of railroads, have bound office Box, 1,804. are the richest and most eligible ever presented by the United States to ony num ino rnce itaidln 1804, and to amend an act to provide for the auditing anu payment of claims for damages arising out of the Price Raid. By Mr.

Riggs An act authorizing the transcribing of tax sale records of Douglas couuty. By Mr. Riggs An act to provide for the collection of Illegal and void taxes and assessments. By Mr. Mr.

Riggs: An act declaring a certain territorial bond a territorial warrant. By Mr. Voale: An act declaring certain certificates territorial warrants. By Mr. Veale An act lo crodit certain counties with ccrtin tuxes.

By Mr. Rogers An act to lof ate a Statu road. By Mr. Veale An act to provldo for the assumption of settlement of claims growing out oflhePriceRaid and Indian lioitude white they will emlouvor daily to Instill into tiieir tender minds aud hearts tho principles of moral rectitude. Tbe discipline is mild but tit and the strict observance of rules is enjoined upon all.

At tbe completion of tbe Scholastic Course, a Crown of Superior Merit is awarded to the Graduates, S- To avoid interruption of classes, vis-Its to Pupils are eonltned to Saturdavs, and can be made only by their parents, sisters, uncles and aunls. Others will not be re. eeived, unless formally authorized by par-ents or guardians. No dednetlnn wilt ha made forahsenoe, unless caused bv Pnniln m-n i-m. themselves band and foot, and become Mr.

Stover, by consent, introduced a tion, the 8ergeant-at-Armr be excused from Inking care of the property of members lying on their desks, which was company, me roau was onginuny u' petition in relation to tue liurouucuon CASPER BEECHLER, sicned to turn northward from for the slaves of a power delegated by them selves in an unfortunate b'our, Is awak Kiley but last winter it obtained Ol Doutncrn came, xveiei icu iu mittoe on Agriculture and Manufactures. carried, and tue resolution as amcnuoa, was adopted. chunge of charter from Congress, au ening tha West, where the controlling Mr. Tucker presented a petition on thor nir it to eo oirectiy wosi to una AGENT Mr. Turner offered a resolution that when the Houm adjourned, it be until hand of moaopolies already begins to tha samt subject, witb tbe satuo refer var.

with tin Drovlm that it should ence. be felt in legislation. tho usual hour to-morrow, for the pur ceive no more government endowment quired to bring all necessary articles for the toilet. A bill in now pending before the II limn if the original route nau ueen 101 Mr. CUrk presented a petition for the establishment of a State roud.

Refer pose of allowing each member to make a personal examination of tho State For tho maintenance of orood order. It Is lowed. This will leavo the two bun linois Legislature, providing for the re. red to Committee on Roads add High capilol now in course of construction, died miles nearest Denver without any wavs. subsidv from the United States.

The aud the material used therein. Adopted peal of all bills consolidating diHe-ent roads, past and present. It also fixes ed Statue has floated In that port, and It required thatalltho pupils assiBt, with pro. prlely, at the public duties ol rollgioiu A All communications respecting tbe Academy, addissi-d to the MoTHKa Scpb Mary's Aoapbht, 1a avonworth, Kausas, will receive Immediate attention. ehnrter now reauires tho road to Join exiiidilion made by Gen.

Curtis in 1864.4 A message was received from the Senate, announcing that it had adopted Senate concurrent resolution 22 Ask three cents per mile ns the maximum was occupied by the United States forces, after thoy had covered the ground with oorpses of our countrymen. Tlioy wlxli the extinolion ot our racu, and hereafter to occupy our country. The North, onr constant enemy, desires nIthcr the Omaha line within fifty miles of Denver; but as that lino does not approach within ono hundred miles of Mr. Moore offered a resolution that whereas an ordinance of this city declares that any person making a deposit on the side walk or other public place, shall forfeit 910. Resolved that the Ser- janiMum of passenger faro, and roduces tho pros ing Congress to equalize the bounties of ent freight tariff twenty per cent com Denver, the company win nsruiy com UM PACIFIC RAILWAY.

CI8TUH-M At)B piausime pretext to penetrate into geaut-at-Arms be instructed to tuko such soldiers. Senate concurrent resolution 24 Con cerning printing the report of Superin ply. The chief advantage of continu nor to abandon it. pels the companies to rcceivo grain at all stations by weight, and makes them OPKN TO steps as to secure the free and easy egress and iugress into the saloon attached to ing due West, Js the rich trade of New Mexico, for which a branch to Santa ay Jur. oou An act to repeal a certain act and restore sec.

60k of the code of Civil Procedure. By Mr. Wood An act to amend section 27 of an act regulating the jurisdiction and procedure before Justices of the Peace and Constables in civil cases. By Mr. Price An act to amend an act to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes.

The several resolutions reported from the House were taken up and referred. Tho Senate then adjourned. liable as common carriers, and affixes tendent ot 1'ublic instruction And that it had passed. FORT RILEY Fo is Probably an at- this for each member aud officer penalty to their refusal to comply with House bill 10 I An act to provldo for of the House, In erder that no violation lempt will be mado to continue the line BOOTS AND SHOES, the transcribing of certain records of this request, No State can afford to Indulge in hos' JUNCTION CITY, or such ordinance in future shall occur. directly west noin uenver towarg tue Pacific but Congress Is hardly likely to aid in the building of two parallel the county or bill 17 An act supplementary Mr.

Stover moved it be referred to the to an act In relation to the removal and tile legislation towards railroad companies; but they must recognize the fact Committee on Agriculture. Lost. locution of county seals. Mr. Collins moved It he relerrcd to roads, so near each other, tlirougu tue Hocky Mountains." "At tho present rate, the cars will Trains will Leave Tally, (STJKDAY EXCEPTKD.) OOlNQ wkst that all corporations within the State, Senate bill 20 In act deckling sec- Committee on Ways and Means.

Lost. Nor 47 Shawnee Street, MAVBHwoaTu; KAKSAS. lion lines in Nemuha county, public are the creaturet of endowed with Mr. J. R.

Ooodin moved the resolu. reach Denver in two or three years. The road already in operation does a btgliways. tiau bo printed. Lost.

Mr. J. K. Goodin moved' the resolu The House thon went into committee special rights and privileges, for the public Rood, by tho will and according lucrative business, charging mms to Leuve Leaven S.30 o'clock, a. 1.

Leave Wyandot Arrive at Lawrence 10.45 Arrive at Topeka 1 t.h. Arrivoat MS Arrive at Junction Sid of tho Whole, on unfinished business, tion be referred to a special committee nine eentt per mile (ot passengers." to the wise discretion of the people. ot one. consisting of Mr. Moore.

Car ATCniBON ft PIKE'S PEAK BAILROAD. with Mr. J. H. Goodin in the chair.

After some time spent therein, the committee arose and reported back, ried and the resolution was so referred. Any attempt on the part of corpora Alley noon Iteiort. This road rccoives from Government anmo bast The following resolutions ot a previ a trap, Quartermaster-General Meigs has made a request for the autograph and photograph of all officers having served in the quartermaster's depart-inent during the war. We warn all ln- terested against this well laid plan of government detectives, to organize" a rogues' gallery" on a large scale. If Meigs has gone into this ly, is evidently from a patriotic sense 'y of duty.

rrRnEjtT LITERATURE. i UUHD HOUCHITON, HKW YOUK. 5 fc'totfo This justly pop- ular magazine is reprinted, with elegant 'Illustrations, In New York, by the pub- lishiug house of Hurd Houghton, by i special arrangement with the London publishers. It contains ninety-sit pages, filled with a choice variety of reading. Sketches of, the English Bench and Bar," appears in this with "portraits of the Lord Chancelor and the Lord Chief Justice of England, and' tions to dictate, control or regulate legislation, must be promptly met by legisla House bill 10 An act to ilctlno tho boundaries of Bourbon, Crawford nnd Work madb to oiidkb, and a r-EK- FKCT FIT ODABAKTEED.

the same endowment in lands and bonds as the Union Pacific, to a point one hundred miles wcsl of Atchison. There it was originally-designed to connect Leave Junction City S.30 o'clock, A. k. Leave Fort Itilcv 6.40 Arrive at 8,10 r. M.

Arrive at Lawrence 11.0!) Arrive at, l.tst Havana a Port of Entry. ous (lay, were taken up and acted on House concurrent resolution No. 16, requiring the establishment of a national road and mail route from Fort Riley, Cherokee counties, recommending Its tion that will lake away the power, and effectually crush out tho disposition to passage, with amendments. House bill 00 An act to organize and witb the Union faeinc. eastern Division, Kansas, via the mouth of Walnut River such interference.

SoVere Storm at i New Yoik. on its way northward to join the Ne- define the boundaries of Labette county, and Fort Cubo, to Fort Belknap, lexas. PraKKti fine. unit tie continuance 01 tue Unltm JPacifio. D.

read directly west Wcr -tiu our 'Slate'Svill not so far neglect Its duty in this 'respect, us to recommending its passage. House Joint resolution 2 To amend Senate concurrent resolution No. 17. ward to Denver, leaves tho Atchison Riot Investigate Comimitte, make any future conflict between the section one of article five, of tbe Const! Union of the State of Kansas. Report Arrive at 1.83 .1 Passenuer Coach Is attached to Freight Train leaving Lawrence at 8.4ft p.

arriving at Topeka at 11 p. 111. Connecting at Lawrence with Stages for Fort Scott aud all poiutg In Northern, and Southern Kansas, At VVamgo, with Stages for Council Grove, Mission Creek, Rock Crock, Emporia, and Murynville. At Junction City, with, ftoHidayg Over-land Mall and Express Coaches for Denver City, ami al) points in Colorado, Montanu. Utah, California and New Mexico.

Pike's Peak road 'out in the It instructing thu Committee on Judiciary to tho feasibility of regulating the rates of fares on the railroads in State and its railroads possible. develnpes the of Northern REPAIRING ON SHORT NOTICE, AID RAIiefAOTlOlf AtWATS OITSM. i ed progress.and asked leave to sit again. Kansas, but it never was the continu Impeachm't Com'tee. at Work THE FACII'IO RII.ROAI ITU House bill 84 An act supplementary to an act, to provide for the assessment ance of anyirunk line toward the great Pacific.

Possibly its assistance from Uotisei concurrent resolution No. 17, (, The New York Tribunt pub'ieiies and collection or taxes, recommend in reference to soldiers of 1813. Adopted. ing the clause to be stlcken out. Cowan and Dix Shelved.

the Government is explained by the fact that Mr. S. C. Pomeroy, United Slates Senate concurrent resolution No, 20, map showintr the route of tho Pacific Tho report, on motion of Mr. tpdc is worth twice the cost ot the magazine.

Senator lroni llansns, is a resident 01 the eiiwuriii wun pacKeis ror points npthe Missouri Hiver, and Hannibal and St. Jo, B. It, packets for all points East, At Wyandot with trains of the Mlssonrt Pacific ttpad, for St. Louts aud points South Railways and Connections, and a iu reference to the five per cent due and to become duo to the Bute of Kausas. On ol Mr.

E. J. Jenkins, referred 10 Oowmitioe on Education. grsff, was agreed to. In Conimiuca of the Whole, Mr.

Le-conipte spoke against the joint resolu lengthy acconnt of their constuetlon, Andy's Appointments Veto'd city of Atchison. Curs are now running fifty miles west of Atchison. The road will probably ask' further ndowment Wholesale and ret ail deajer in i FRUITS' ANri NUTS.I OB l-10M-ivrp Street, from which we make a few extracts for J. H. SiDWAHnS, Gcnl TIekot Agent.

J. M. WEBSTElt, Gen'l Freight Agont. 1 Scualu concurrent resolution No. 21.

the benefit of our readers i tion, holding that the amendment was not only unwise and unnecessary, but from Congress, it is nseiy to oe com In relation to bounty New Yoiik, Jan. 30. la the Board of vestcr- pleted one hundred miles in 1807." "The great trans-continental line from jam S-tf that the question was not uelore tue peo Adopted. i I We have from Messrs Hurd Houghton, Hhe ferst number1- of the JtiterM'daifa if Mini," Jot young people. finely gotten up, richly Illustrated, and uuejcccptionablo in matter.

If the publishers continue in the course marked ut in tills number, we predict for 'the Rivenide Mahnzini a popularity ST. JOSEPH pike's peak road. ple at the Inst election. be 11 at 0 concurrent resolution No. 23, Omulia, via Bait laae to oacrnmenio, nowDUsliintf forward rapidly frdnl LEAVEN WOBTH.

KANSAS. Mr. Updcgraff moved to amend by In reference to postuge stumps, The day, the Special Committee on Bunks aud Insurunco Companies reported in favor of relundiug tho amounts illceallv Tnisisaeontiriuaflon westward of the annlbul St. Soseph.road. Tnt cars GMML RAILROAD both ends, is-boilt by two tompanle also striking out the word male nnd Orders for Turtles l'romptly Filled.

ft The Central cluetly ot ayes and noes were called for, and the resolution was adopted j. ayes, 44, cots 23. will soon be running from Elwood to the word he," and insert the word such persons. collected from certain of these institutions by the. county as taxes.

Troy, sixteen miles. It receives a liberal California capitalists, witu headquarters at Sacramento, and the Union Pacific Mr. ilamhy made a stirring speech In The resolution appropriates .) worth land grant, but no bonds." Havana advices state that tbe merchants have taken stens to make favor of tho original resolution. OKKEUAL PBOOnKSS OP TUB GREAT of postage stamps to each member. The following bills were introduced, Choice and Elegant Cakes and Pastry furnished at dwellings obeaper than they eon mail at home, myHI-dlv W.F.

ORIS WOLD, JD IE IsT T. I After the committee rose, a message was received from the Senate announc NATIOMAfc WOllBf i "It is gratifying to see the Trans- and read the first time TICKET OFFICa3, Havana the entry-port for the storage of cotton, by the withdrawal of restrictions on foreign vessels. The United HtJitcs gunboat Don. with ing the passage of Senate Joint resolu By E. J.

JonkinB, No. 109: An Continental Railway and its various branchos going forward so rapidly. tion No. 0, In relation to pardons, and act to aulhoiizo the destruction of Territorial aud State warrants which have a secret mission, had not arrived. Upon the Trunk Line alone, Nebraska desired the action or the itouse thereon.

The former messages from the House been paid. Advices Irom St. Thomas says that with headquarters at New York. By the Congressional charter each company will own and run just as much of the road as It can build as both are engaged in it dively' race lor Salt Lake, working upon a suale never before approached in railway history. Each company receives In 8 per cent.

80 yenr Government bonds IB, 000, $32,000 or 8,000 for every BiUe ol road finished $16,000 where lie route, is level and grading iiprht; 9:13,000 among the hills, and 948,000 In. the Rocky Mountains and Sierra Nevadas, where the heaviest labor is retiuireri. Tliouch nominally a were taken up and properly referred. By Mr. Palmer, JNo.

110: An set to provide for the selection of arbitrators, On motion of J. K. Goodin, House the cholera had almost entirely disappeared, but the small-pox contlnes unabated. 1 Two telegraph lines were to be established at Porto Itlco. and defining their powers and duties.

aujourneu. 6i California, twenty-five thousand men are employed and making due allowance for the ovcr-sanguineness of the companies, the cars are likely to run from ocean to ocean, within three or four years at the furthest. Then New York will be the metropolis of the world, and San By Mr. Robb, No. IU; An act to 79 Drlannre street, Leavenworth, Kansas.

doo, J-tf HOUSE FORT SCOTT, KANSAS; CROMWELL LAITHE, Late of Wisconsin. Stages arrive and depart (Tally, for all parts of this State, and Missouri. Old navigators of the Sound say the SBNATB MOHNIKO SESSION. Senate met pursuant to adjournment. weather the present winter has been amend an act to protect farmers from the depredations of stock belonging to freighters, -By Mr.

Loomis, No. 112: An act to the President iu the chair. Prayer by rancisco the second city upon tue the severest they have experienced for twenty or thirty years. Many of the jkm6ng American 'yo'uhg'folka not hith-, crto Attained, by any Us cotcmpora-' ries. lC.SOB FIELDS, BOSTON.

-J' flit Atlantic Monthly for February, as usual, fomns thu solid base of American literature fortlio-' month. It liaj become a necessity tni the reading i pubiio, "Our iToung from the vgame bouae, contains, the first part of Houud-tlie-World Joe," by Ueorge Eager tiigetlier with its usual interest-k ing and instructive" variety from Such anthorsss Mrs. alker, Canby, Miller, Chas. F. Foster, t.

Warren Ju- sad' others Tbo I A boys' end girls should all ycai the i'uunf fulki." We have also Every fiaiwday.publish-" id by the same house, and one of the nidKt wejeome of visitants. BEAPLB SEW YORK. This enterprising has just sent jnTa ffnely 1 woiJtf- of eighty pages, entiled "JS'tne Steleimnd Territor ies by A. p. Richardsoii, the we ll iter.

Mr. McAlee. mcrican continent." loun, these bonds are practically a dun-- Mr. Graham presented a petition Of amend an act entitled an act providing I -r Mound steamers got last In tbe ico near Tlirogneck, oud the passengers had to torty-clglit citizens for Increased pay etor York to Chicago, 070 miles. planters! HOUSE, lor the removal ot county seats, and th permanent location of the same.

jmiwpiii' foot it ashore. ior District jHUeeB. Chicago to Omnha. 500 Timos Washington special says he Mr. Emmert presented petition of By Mr.

Miller, No. 113: An act to provide for the punishment of minor Omaha to Salt Lake City, 1,035 Salt Lake to Sacramento, .025 has the best authority for sayluc the Air. Mooney and others, asking that the convicts. i word "white be stricken out of tbe aiKOLACs Bissirca. 1 babx schhitt.

IiAHHIEUIl Manufacturers A Pesters In" 1 Sacramento to San Francisco, 80 11011. iuicu company also receives an absolute gift of 12,800 acres of land per ndle along its line, and is allowed to issue first mortgage bonds in equal Amount to tiie Government subsidy, and having priority as a lien upon the property of the road over tbo mortgage given to the Government. i "No other pafclic work in this country ever received euch magnificent endowment, i I letter to the London Times irom its Washington correspondent, referred to By Mr. Huffman, No. 114: An act to LEAVENWORTH, encourage the glowing of hedges.

Constitution. The following bills were introduced and read first time. a cable despatch, contains nothing of NewYork to San Francisco 8,219 iiy Mr. uoomu, jno. IN: An the kind attributed to it.

In the conversation with tbe President he did not 'Still to be completed between Omaha act to appropriate certain fines collected By Mr. Cooper: An act concerning nd hacramento, miles." Wbere through ticket can be obtained to in Allen county for school purposes. bonds of Justices of the Peace and refer to Congress at allT CIGARS AND TOBACCO. No. St Delaware street, between Second and Third streets, I-vavntiKrlh, lins.

(rtecS-dl j-l taries Public. the liew uriesns itiot Committee 111 not complete thoir labors in two "Iieiwten Sacramento and fW Fran' bco, 80 miles." "HIGH CHABOES. By Mr. -Lowe: An act regulating weights and measures. CEISTttAL PACIFIC DISTANCES.

"Sacramento to Wi miles. sum't of Sierras, 105 miles. do Suit Lake City, 625 miles. "Ifi addition to the heavy subi(lv of "On the railroads immediately wjstof By Mr. GreD: An act to amend an weeks, tienerals Fullcrton and Grant and Mr.

Uaymond have been subpensed, Mr. Bayer, the Democratic member of St. LotiH, Chicago, the Missouri, upon the main line and act supplemental to an act for the regulation aud Bupport of common schools. branches of the Pacific Railroad, so tiie committee, has not yet examined liberally assisted by Government, the iiy Air. Wood: A Joint resolution re one-tmra oi ins wHiiesae, out has al- dm liiimti, Boston.

riiiiadVipi.iit, B.ilUmore, M'aalilngton, largcg are irom two to four hmet higlicr lating to pardons. 'pilB Arm nfWio, Parmelea A Is this J. day dissolved bv mutual consent. By Mr. Loomis, No.

116: An act to vacate a certain Stnto road. The following bills were then read a second time, and referred: Senate bill No. 15 An act relating to the revision of the laws. Committee on Judiciary. Senate bill No.

S3. An act to repeal an act entitled an act to provide for the redemption of real estate sold under execution, order of sale, or other final pfa-ces, approved Jnly 4, 1SCJ. Committee on Judiciary. Senate bill No. 45 An act To provide for service of upon railroad corporations.

Committee on Judiciary. ready signified his intention to submit a minority report. loTlsvllle, lij bit. bcott: An act to provide for than in the older States. The people might justly "be taxed a reasonable ad

jj Iiidlannpolti, the donation of tho town site of QuIb-daro to Frcedmcn's University. Iiy Mr. Koefcrs: An act fiiinr the known c.rre&poiicleit and associate edi- lot 6i tbo Nw Vork Tribune. This work is made up limn tii notes ol a recent tour of oliSfirvaiwn through Colorailo, Utals, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Montaas, Territory, and California, BiaOeby Mr. Tiiriiardson, and illustrated from skeuhesand photographs taken on the sKt.

It suould be read by rery one ilwMring to 4 iaiormd of the great tft-1 an A mVsn ro- If 6'eiey Rtginicr, fiora Lo place of eecntions, and providing fee ior same. land and bonds from the United States, this compsdy receives a donation from San Francisco ot 9100,000 in gold bearing Ixinds, and trora Hacramento CO acres of land including feet of we- t.r front on the river "i'lom Baa Francisco to acrame6to; 123 miles, the Sacramento river is oavi-guted at Seasons by first cias steamers, similar to those 011 the Hudson. litimatpty the company expect to irty I their track to Oakland, across the bay! from f'tin Francisco. Tiicnce starting PiKWBrd. t( irifrt! ririkf the font hil of: the Siurriis, In climbiDg hi abrupt, ASD ALL POINTS JJf TUB AS, SOU KBIT, WK.

I rt rwli i p. Tiie nndrslgne1, under tiie Una name of Cliambei-lin. l'umti-lee A Co have aior-ia-ted loireibor, and wttl e.ontlnae and I nlifiUtiy liMimeHj. and te Airenfy of the S'lliptteSewIng Mdilne. at Delswnre sireot.

Will re uta by lt of HJareli to I.aing's new bnlldlng, wo doors esst of the By Mr. Price: An set to provide for The Impeachment Conitiiitlce of the Bouthcrn Ilcpublican Association, has prepared a partial list of witnesses in the impeachment cai, and wiil soon smrst their prnjriimnieot'iLvestigatiug thechnrjics. rtenate Postofilrw Committee have sewed to report Postal Appropriation bill as it pad the House. Ileralfi's Washington special say fislrar, Minister from Columbia, has ar-j mod uoiiit Voik, audit is unuw- vance lor the additional cost of running the roads above espensea further cant, but the present prices are 'exorbitant. "The Pacific Railroad has received an endowment of unexampled magnifier nee an endowment sufficient to complete it and make the fortunes of the eouipatilcs coastrucUng it.

It is built with the people's money for the people's nste. And if these excesnive rates are persisted in, it is the impera- the incorporation of cities of less than and more than 2.000 Inhabitants, UNITED STATES CANADA. fred. harvey, -g't henate bin An act to encourage the irrowih of fences; Committee on Agriculture and Manufactures, Senate bill 26 An act to amend an act entitled an act "to provide for the By Mr. Eminert: An to protect native cattle scainst contaecous By the same: An act to vacate Bo-j cliauan street in ion ecott.

M. K. I RKUHI.II. Ww, jr. b.

sokibst. tvuwoikii, Jau. ix.i. dwli..

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