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Austin American-Statesman from Austin, Texas • 3

Austin, Texas
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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 1917. THE STATESMAN PAGE T11KIS15 Douglas Fairbanks at the Majestic Today PEACE TALK IN GERMANY AGAIN "NOR'EASTER AND HUB-ITER GREET i Get Under a Smith -Wilcox Hat All Ihe new ones for Fall are here and they arc Ihe best looking lot this town has ever seen. Soft Hats $3, $4, $5, $6 and $7.50. Stiff Hats $3, $4 and $5. OIU TIlltKR HOLLAR LINK 18 A WONDhlt Come In and take look.

Lxcliihlve Agents for: Dobb's Fifth Ave, Hats. Hnnlnp Hats. rinKon 8M-lal llatx. ('. K.

Hats. Merlon's loth lints nil aT'nfiai fCTVfTTT-I 11 I 11 9 msin $150 AND $1,23 616 CONGRESS AVENUE a Ugh! Calomel Sickens; Salivates! Please Try Dodson's Liver Tone I am sincere I My medicino does not upset liver and boweb so you lose a day's work. Freslien up your wardrobe with a New Fall Hat "We show all the latest Fall fashions. Our Hatg have the style and quality. Stetson Hats Schoble Hats Mallory Hats $3, $4 and $5 Come take a look at the new Fall Suits.

They are made by Hart Schaffner Marx. Stebbins James Start Campaign to Combat High Costs ST. PAUL, Sept. IS. A Nation-wide movement to combat the high cost of living was Inaugurated here today when several thousand delegates representing, it is said, approximately 3,000,000 memebrs of Industrial and agricultural organizations, met in the St.

Paul Auditorium for the first session of the Producers and Consumers conference. The conference, which will cover a period of three days, was called by the National Non-Partisan League. SAFE REMEDY FOR CHILDREN. Every parent Is, or should be, careful in giving to children. C'has.

Baker, Brownsville, writes: For some yen re past I have used Foley's Honey and Tar and have found It especially efficient for bad coughs of my children. I always recommend It to my friends as a safe remedy for children as it contains no opiates. My wife would not think of using any other kind of cough medicine as it is certain to bring quick and lasting relief." It checks croup. Sold everywhere. Illinois U.

Line Strong, Says Zuppke VRBANA. 111., Sept. 18 The back-field is the most serious problem with which Coach Robert Zuppke of the University of Illinois will have to deal In reconstructing the football team this year The line, he says, will cause him no worry. Freight Clerks' Strike Is Ended RICHMOND. Sept.

IS. The Seaboard Air Line freight clerks' strike, in progress for ten day8, ended today when the men returned to work under nn agreement to accept a contract to be drawn up by O. of the Department of I.abor. Propaganda of Peace Without Annexation Spreads. AMSTERDAM, Fept.

IS. In connection with the report published in the Tages Zeitung that Germany had decided to abandon all claims to Belgium, the Koelnische Yolks Zeitung says: "We, too, have similar Information from which it may be concluded that last week a decision about Belgium was reported in conformity with the English views." Mathias Erzberger. a clerical center member of the Reichstag, speaking at Biberach on Sunday said: "The foundation of peace must be no conquests of any kind. "We are advancing with long strides toward such a peace peace built upon the basis of the Reichstag peace resolution." Very Brief Biography of Lovely Mae Marsh Mae Marsh, teh famous little celebrity who is the star of Goldwyn's first great production, Tolly of the Circus," to be shown at the Crescent Friday and Saturday, has had a meteoric career in motion pictures. She has become one of th screen's greatest and most popular stars in a very few years.

Miss Marsh, who Is now only 20 years old, was born in Santa Fe, N. M. Her father was an officer of the Santa Fe Railroad. Miss Marsh followed her sister into the motion picture Industry. Her sister, using the name of Margaret Loveridge, had a part in a production being made by D.

W. Griffith at Los Angeles. One oay Mae Marsh was seated on a box In the studio watching a rehearsal when she canio under the notice of Mr. Griffith. He inquired who she was and someone said she was the sister of Margaret Loveridge.

"Would you like to become a motion Picture actress?" Griffith asked the little girl, and from the moment when she nodded assent her future as assured. Two years alter she was the star of "The Birth of a Nation" and a year later the star of the great spectacle, "Intolerance." Last September Samuel Goldfish, president of the Qoldwyn Picture Corporation, persuaded Miss Marsh at her home in California to become one of the stars of the company he was then forming, aria Mr. Goldfish freely admits she was really the actual inspiration for the fcymation of the big Gold-wyn corporation. She Is under a long time contract to Qoldwyn, and now that her hard work in "Polly of the Circus" Is ended she will soon be facing th3 snmeras again (n other Goldwyn productions of equal magnitude and beauty. Herbert Rawlinson in "Flirting With Death" The Bluebird feature attraction scheduled to uppear nt the Crescent tomorrow and Thursday presents the daring, handsome and talented Herbert Rawlinson, assisted by Brownie Vernon and a select cast, in "Flirting With Death," an amazing drama of love, thrills and adventure.

"Mutt and Jeff," Bud Fisher's humorous cartoons, are also on the program. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J.

Cheney doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the eum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December. A.

D. 1886. (Sea!) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public.

Hall's Catarrh Medicine is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucoust Surfaces of the System. Send lor testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY Toledo, O.

Sold by all druggists, 75c. Hull's Family PilH for constipation. Wichita Murder Trial Goes to Jury WICHITA. r.Kn., Sept. IS.

The case of B. W. A. Honson. on trial here for the murder of his wife, will he in the hands of the tonisht.

dition of the blood. If your blood Is thin and impure, and your strength and vitalltv have been gradually undermined by an accumulation of impurities, vou will fall an easy victim to one of the many ailments which assail your health every day, whil! those who keep their blood pure an I clean will enjoy almost perfect health. You can be Bure that your blood will be kept in perfect condition by the use of a few bottles of that matchless blood purifier, S. S. S.

This wonderful remedy Is purely vegetable and has been used with unvarying success for more than fifty years. S. S. S. is sold by druggists everywhere.

Don't accept a substitute. A valuable book and free medical advice about your blood supply can be obtained by writing to Swift Specific 206-E. Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Tour'e bilious! Tour liver la alug-glshl Tou feel lasey, tu.y and all knocked out. Your head Is dull, your tongue la couted; breath bad; stomach eour and bowels constipated.

Hut don't take sullvutlng calomel. It timkes you alck; you muy lose a duy'a work. Calomel Is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the i nee. Calomel crashea Into cour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. Thnt's when you feel that awful nauaeo.

nnd cramping. If you want to enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever eiperlenccd Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealer sella you SO cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone under my muney-baek Douglas Fairbanks receives an av-erase of ten letters a day from film patrons who fed that they would like to take up the profession of motion-picture actiiiK. He always answers these letters, giving them good advice on the subject which is usually to the effect that the field Is nt present over-crowded with professionals, let alone amateurs. It was discovered that one very persistent man from Iowa would not be discouraged.

His weekly letters were of such original composition that they attracted more than a passing notice and discussing the matter with Director Kmerson, the Artcraft star decided to for Charles P. Mcllugh, tho tfen-tleman in ques.ion, and give him the greatly desired chance. t'pon arrival at the studio, Mo-Hugh made such a hit with Fairbanks that he was immediately given an opportunity, ihe result of which Is evidenced on the screen of the Majestic Theatre, where "Down to Karth" is at present being shown. "He Is a born actor," said Director Kmerson, whereupon Mcllugh'a part was built up especially for him. Thus rung the tale of the erstwhile clerk of the Iowa Dry tloods Store, which, however, must be considered In the light of a miracle.

Inasmuch as In nine cases out of ten tho discouraged department utorfl girls or salesmen would be more discouraged after seeing their Initial efforts before the camera. It Is underslood that McHugh, however, has become a permanent actor In the Falrhanks company. Earle Williams and Corinne Griffith at Queen Again Today Dainty Corinne Griffith, who appeared opposite Earle Williams in "Transgression," lg a native of Texas. She has lota of friends here In Austin, having attended the University for several terms-Webster Campbell and Mrs, Mary Maurice also have prominent parts. Fifty years on the stage, an asso elate of Booth and Barret and in lat it It.a It Wiltianmoi G-ffilh ter years one of the Greater Vltagrnph stars, Mrs.

Mary Maurice's lovnbla character and wonderful Interprotalon have, perhapa, never been seen to better advantage than Mrs. Page, the mayors' mother, in "Transgression." Mrs. Maurice wag widely and favorably known on the stage half century ago, and she was amo.ig tho first great actresses to answer the call of the films to record permanently her remarkable talents. Also the Pathe Weekly. At Majestic Theater With June Flvedge, Montagu Love and Arthur Ashley as tho stars the new World-Picture Brady-Made, 'Ths Guardian," will be the attraction on tcmorrow and Thursday at the Majes-tice Theater.

Montagu Love appears as the guardian of Marin Oacre (played by June Klvldge). Mario Is a flighty yountf school girl when we first see her and like a great many school girls she becomes Infatuated with a young man who proves to be utterly worthless. Mo seeks to marry her be-catise he knows that she has a large fortune. James Uokeby, thn guardian, alno loves Marie, but the young man manages to poison Marie's mind against her guardian. Finally, however, the situation Is cleared in a startling manner nnd llokeby moeis the happiness that he deserves.

All three of the stars play their parts with distinguished skill and the whole production forms one of those delightfully entertaining offerings that everyone likes. A TEXAS WONDER The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame back, rheumatism and Irregularities of the kidneys itigulateg bladder trouble In children, and bladder in both men and women. If not sold by your druggist, will be sent by mail on receipt $1.00. One mall bottle is two months' treatment and seldoms fulls to perfect a cure, ppnd for sworn testimonials. Dr.

E. W. Hall, 2928 Olive. St, Louis, Mo. Bold by all druggist Adv.

Typhoid Epidemic at South Iiend ROVTH BFND, pept 1 a. Nine. teen cases of typhoid developed here yesterday, making a total of seventy-two cases since Rent. 1. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.

The great benefit derived from the use of this remedy in cases of coughs and colds has been gratefully acknowledged by many who have used it. Mrs. Hen). F. Blakeney, Decatur.

Ill, is one of them. She saye: "Chamberlain's Cough Romndy Is by far the best medicine for colds and coughs we ever used In our family. I gave It to my children when small for croup and have taken It myself. If all mothers knew much I do about this medicine they would appreciate Its real worth. NEVER BOTHERED SINCE.

1 i.w Boff.rir,fir Willi tcrrlMA nnlno I. V.i V. c.i-o.iri.l Vila lMnot-a for eight years, and after having several nociors and oirrerni meut- 1 IrtH At llnl i ilcs' "Foley Kidney 'iHB wei recommended to me and the first botle removcl the lain. After taking three bottles the bloating was all gone nnd has bothere.) me pinre." When retief ran had rumkly why pot haiilfih backache, rheumatic pains, stiff and pwi.ll'ii joints aiied by disoi leied kidneys. Sold JAPAN MISSION Parade to Be Held Despite Disagreeable Weather.

1 BOSTON. Sept. 18. Ameri-jean and Japanese flags flapped brave-j ly the tain and wind of a typical 1 Uoslon "jior'euHter" today by way of Bieenns to ine Japanese mission. Notwithstanding the sasieeublu weather, tho reception committee wua preparing to carry out the plans for th "entertainment of the distinguished visi tors, beginning with a parade from the south station to the State House.

CONVICT AIDS GOVERNMENT. You can't keep a good man down. A. tl. Crunc, sentenced to the Nc vada State prison for burglary, found chemistry an absorbing study, AH his leisure time wus spent at It until he became expert.

Lust June he dlscov ered a new and cheaper process for ex trading oil from shale. The Govern ment sent S. H. Day to the prison to investigate the process, and at a spe cial session of the parole board, held last week, Crane was granted a par don, In order that he may perfect his process and superintend the erection of nn extraction plant. Day said Crane's discovery will be of incalculable value to the Government.

Negro Lynched at Whitehall, Ga. ATHENS, Sept. 18. Rufus Mon-crief, negro, 30 vears old, was lynched early today near Whitehall, Ga. Tho usual crime was charged.

DARK POSSIBILITIES. One per cent of the people of the United States own about 70 per cent of the wealth of the United States. And in the present condition of the mar kets, with the outlook ahead for worse conditions as the war goes on, a part of the 1 per cent will be taking away the wealth of the rest of the people. Men and women who work In competitive lines will be Impoverished and starved. Business will drift through wreckage Into the hands of the few who have a hold on the preferred lines of business the monoiolles created under law, but not controlled or restrained by nny other factor but reckless human greed.

Socialism which has already grasped the worlds' sane desire for peace, will grow apace. New Orleans Item. CLUB STANDINGS NATIONAL LEAGUE. Standing of the Clubs. Played.

Won. Lost. New York 189 0 49 .647 Philadelphia 138 77 69 .566 St. Louts 142 76 68 .585 Cincinnati 143 72 71 Chicago 142 71 71 .500 Brooklyn 184 63 71 .470 Boston 136 60 75 .444 Pittsburg 189 48 83 .831 Results Yesterday. New York 6, Chicago 0.

Philadelphia 4, Cincinnati 1. Boston 4, Pittsburg 1. Only three played. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Standing of the Clubs.

Played. Won. Loet. Pot. Chicago 141 93 48 .660 Boston 137 85 52 .620 Cleveland 141 78 88 .653 Detroit 188 68 72 .490 New York 139 6 73 .475 Washington 136 65 71 .476 St.

Louis 142 62 90 .366 Philadelphia 137 49 88 .350 Results Yesterday. Boston 6, New York 1. Only ono played. Where Thsy Play Today. St.

Louis at Washington. Chicago at Philadelphia. Cleveland at New York. eDtrolt at Boston. WANTS HER TO HAVE IT.

The wise man not only lots his wife have the last word, but Is tickled nearly to death when she comes to it, saye trie of the lietoit CqH Hl WW iFIuffy Long Silky By-II using neruiin Tie ow ihetmry Itiat mit new httr to I sprout all over Tour hro otiksiQ tout aappr, coane.aiDkrhatr. toft. uiiT.loor. fluff, itrairbt Ao roe can do it op any style. Lcncioena tout faiir 5 IS InHin.

STOPSDANliRLFT AND 1TCHJ.1G SCALP AT ONCE. HRROUN ia oV I DrhuuUr perfumed and aot nktr or room aiND aa Of hto pho a NIrM IM MIOICHII OO- umt. OMi I AGENTS wanted A rrmd for rnfoctlooa of to urleoir utt. will Dot atrtcioro, lilUI data. ft OLD tJir liStttluIRT.

tnM Til it J'rk- 11, or LatttM K.Ta, I' ttlE EVANS CHEMICAL CINCINNATI, O. YSATARRHi I jA bladder: Believed la Yi 1 1 1 IW24 Hours -sai beanMuejHirjYI 1 Moaesi1 litma Af I JJowore cfcaunterfHtt Ridding The Stable Of Flies. Usually, horses, cows, and all livestock, are worried as much by flies in the stable as outside. Free your stable of flies and all other insects by tightly closing all doors and windows and burning a little Bee Brand Insect Powder. The same result can be had by fanning a slightly larger quantity into the air of the stable.

Harmless to people or domestic animals. Bee Brand Insect Powder fan it Into the air. Fljes and mosquitoes die in a few minutes. Will kill ants, fleas, roaches, bed-bugs, lice, and bugs of every kind. Directions on package.

Look for the Bee Brand Trade Mark. 25c A BOc Everywhere McCORMiaiCtL.hkuMrt.Mi. (Continued from Pago One.) Improvement of sanitation In a San Antonio school he wus profiting when he had no right to do bo. The Governor said he never laid the Ellis matter formally before the Board of Regents, but thought he had spoken of it to some of them. The Governor explained why he had charged certain rnembeis of the faculty with disloyalty to the State Government He produced a copy of the Dally Texan, a student publication, which he said was published with the consent and approval of the faculty.

From it he read a short article about certain Austin citizens scratching their ticket and voting for a negro Instead of Mr, Ferguson. Any person who wrfuld countenance in nny way an act by which a negro would be shown preference over the white nominee of the Democratic party in Texas Is grullty of he commented. He read an editorial from the Dally Texan approving the action of Dr. Battle In giving up the acting presi dency of the XJnlverslty and condemning Governor Ferguson and the State for failure to keep him In office. Another criticized the action of the Governor In vetoing the University appropriations and predicted Impeachment proceedings.

"This was absolutely the first time Impeachment was mentioned any paper," commented the Governor. The Governor declared that the nineteenth article charging him with remitting a $5000 ball bond to Wilbur P. Allen, chairman of the Board of Regents, to Influence him, was "deliberately and falsely untrue." He said It would have been unjust to some of tho men on the bail bond to have enforced It and, furthermore, he had been assured by Allen that there was good prospect that the bail-Jumper would be caught and brought to Justice. The twentieth article charged the respondent with seeking to improperly influence the courts of Texas. The Governor repeated his previous testimony.

Receps was then taken. 900 Germans Are Injured by Bomb AMSTERDAM, Sept. 18. In the recent raid by Entente allied airmen on the Belgian town of Roulcrs. says the Sourier de la Meuse, a newspaper of Maastricht, Holland, bomb fell on a building near the market and killed or wounded 900 Germans.

WILL BE REPAID FOR THEIR WORK. Women everywhere suffer from kidney trouble backache, rheumatic pains, swollen and tender muscles, stiff Joints and It la to help those who suffer as she did that Mrs. C. J. Ellis, f.05 Sth loux Kails, S.

writes: "I feel sure if any one bothered as I was W1H five Foley Kidney Pills a fair trial they will be repaid for their work. It Beema foolish to neglect fin ailment when there la such a remedy to be had." They correc bladder disturbances, too. Sold everywhere. Missing U. S.

Gunner Taken by Germans WASHINGTON, Sept. IS William A. Miller of Chicago, the unaccounted for member of the naval gun crew of the American tank ship Tampan, sunk on Aug. 6, Is In the German prison camp at Brandenburg with the four other gunners previously reported there. A VALUABLE HEALTH HINT.

If the bowels are not working regularly, undigested food in the stomach may set up a condition of auto-intoxication and pollute the whole system with poisons in the blood stream. Foley Cathartic Tablets keep the bowels open and regular, the liver active and the stomach sweet. They causa no pain, nausea nor griping. They relieve indigestion, sick headache, bil iousness, sour stomach, bad breath or other conditions caused by clogged bowel. Sold everywhere Lloyds Would Know of "Missing" Vessel LONDON Rept.

IS. -The Daily Mail is authority for a s' utenieut that Lioy3 is preparing an exhnjsiiv In'pyry into the vessels posted "misying." which not included the werklv admiralty report. The Dallv Mail says that times a dozen or more u.ifc&ing vessels are poMed a ilty. WANTED TO SEND HOTICE HE WOULD NOT BE INTIMIDATED TntHfc. IN TrtS Hr'ffE OPORTSPOllJGlHlTI THERE fN THE HP ui tint heavy nml Skirts, Itil i.T, PER YARD, $1.63 not ho NUrpnNscil gunrnntee that each spoonful will clean your alugglsh liver better than a doae of nusty cttlomel and tl) It won't make, you sick.

Dndson'a Liver Tone la real liver medicine. Tou'll know It pent morning because you will wuke up feeling ftne, your liver will he working, your headache and dlMlness gone, your stomach will be aweet and your bowela regular, Vou will feel like working; you'll ba cheerful; full of vigor nnd smbltlon. Dodaon'a Liver Tone Is entirely vegetable, therefore harmless and can not siillvnte. Olve It to your children. Millions ot people are using Dndson'a Liver Tone Instead of dangerous calomel now.

Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel la almoat stopped entirely here. largely In the conference for soma years, was until recently without coach nnd little or no Information to what the grld'ron pasttlme will amount toat that school Is available. Many of the men who were on the teams nt various times during the Inst seaaon, for there were many shake-tips, are In national service. At the opening of the season, r.rlt. Ics believe It will lie a toss up between, Missouri nnrl tie Kansas with the Cornhuskers having a slight advantage.

BASEBALL PLAYER TO ENLIST IN NAVY. CLKVrn-AND, ftcpt. 18 Herman IN 1 Jerry, catcher with the Cleveland Americans, plans to enllat In the navy soon after the clone of the baseball season. lis would have volunteered before the end of the season, but hi parents nuked him to hold off until be could visit them at their home In Huvnnnnh, Tenn. His fr.ther Is In falling health.

CREIGHTON HAS AMBITIOUS SCHEDULE. OMAHA, Kept. IS. "Tommy" Mills, couch for the Crelghton football team, has arranged the most pretentions eclieiJtilo for this season tho Crelghton team has ever faced, but he li not optimistic concerning the showing his team will make. Most of his players are new men.

only Chester Morgan, caplaln-eIot Charles Payne and One Lnhey and possibly Carl Luted of last year's team being In the list. Lutes has enlisted In the army but may nut be called Into crv-lce before the end of the football sea son. of last year's team SI Kammnnskl, center. Is now at Ieming with the Fourth Nebraska machine gun com-jiany; Hull, right end, has been drafted and Sam Connor la In the military service, THEY HONOR THIS PROFIT. Senate debates Indicate a profit Is never without honor In Its own country.

By reaeon of thorough distribution with the drug trade In the United Stat and lower eelllng costs, reduced price are now possible for Eckman's Alterative FOR THROAT AND LUNGS Stubborn Cough and Colda No Alcohol, Narootlo or Habit-forming Drug. $2 SLza $1 Eitt Now $1.50 Now 80 Ota. Eckman Laboratory. Philadelphia "My Blood Supply Is My Very Life; I Must Keep It Pure." HERE AND PROSPECTS BRIGHT IN MISSOURI VALLEY, KANSAS CITY. Sept.

IS, Willi Nebraska a pre-setison favorite, the Missouri Valley conference football situation will be practically un changed from the close last season, Kansas being the only weakened team. All of thn remaining srhools In the conference; have lost a number of men by enlistment und by 4he (officii s' tialnlng camps, the number lost by each school ho nearly corresponds that It gives each an almost even break. Js'ebraska has ono of the heaviest schedules of recent years, Including University of Iowa, Notre Itonie ulnl Michigan, and ending the season by playing Syracuse University on Thanksgiving Day ot Lincoln. The 'ornhusker scheilulo Includes only two of the Missouri Valley teams. Missouri and Kansas, the fnirm'r playing at Lin coln for the first time since it 1 1 Nebraska will return six veterans'.

Captain Shaw, right tackle; Iliddell, right end; Ithoili left end and left guard; Cook, halfback; Dodson, half back, and Oulapaillc, llmena. wmi in staunch nucleus. Coach 81 effort Is e- riccted to build up another machine such as the school bus been noted for In recent years. The strongest opponents of the braska, aggregation will be the University of Missouri, lust year's calb'y champions, und the Kansas Aggies. Nebraska lose to either Kansas or Missouri, the school will be eliminated from the title competition.

The Missouri situation "all depends." r.ider, Vinrr and Collins, backfield trio, are nil ni'tpbers of a hospital unit which may not be called until urtcr the football season. If it Ixn't they will appear In the Missouri Captain Hamilton Is also a member of the unit, but probably will be back at center. Slusher and liass, second string ends of last year, will this year bo regulars. The Missouri freshmen last year were exceptionally strong an material may be gleaned from the returning men to bolster up Hchulte's Tiger to their last year's form. Kansas Aggies, a team which finished last year, may prove to be a mysterious quantity In the conference.

Early reports from Manhattan Indicate that Randels. all-valley end, and cap-tafn-eleet, will return, along with E. Flacked, Hhoda, Clark, Dodrlil. Whe-don. h.

I'lacek, Kulllvan nnd Slatterly, giving "Germany" Scut more veterans than any of the other valley coaches. Clyde Williams of Ami has not yet been able to find out about his men, but he Is certain that Ames II have a team In the race. Captain I'enfleld may or may not return and a majority of the last year's Cyclones have been lost either by graduation or by military service. Drake will have Iloffwelster, Ncel. Fnilth, Robertson, Pendy, Haroff nnd Krvln of last year's varsity.

The team finished rather weakly and Coach Griffith will have a hard proposition to whip a team Into shape for stiff competition. Washington, which has never figured tC HtHE ANl The Slightest Impurity Must Be Promptly Eliminated. Keeping your blood free from all Impurities means that you will enjoy a robust, strong and sturdy vitality which will enable your system to resist the numerous ailments that are constantly assailing it, and to which bo maDy people succumb. Practically everyone Is subject to the same attacks from the number-lees enemies of good health which lurk In the air we breathe and the water we drink. Why do some so easily throw off the attack, while others fall a victim to disease? It Is almost entirely due to the con THE WHITIS SCHOOL AUSTIN, TEXAS DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL NINETEENTH YEAR OPENS SEPTEMBER 28TH, 1917 Boarding school for girl.

Certificate of graduation admit! students to TEXAS 8TATE UNIVERSITY and WELLESLEY, at wall at to other unlvartltiaa and aaatern collage without anamination. Thorough training in primary. Intermediate and collage preparatory. Special advanced work, mutlo and art. individual care and attontion given each puptu The boarding department la wall e-jipped for home comforta and haaJtfa.

Far catalogue addraaa MARY WHITIS, Principal, Auatin, Texas..

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