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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 19

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FEW CHANGES GRAIN PRICES ON DULL MART Trade Looks For Early Opening of Navigation Vessel Agents Busy Liverpool cloud i down to tin-ahangad with exchange at 4.6J. Equivalent Canadian prlaaa arai Way. 1.4St July, t47Hl Spraada: No. 1 St overt Ho. 2 Vt und.ri Na.

8 84, under) No. 4, 1. undari No. 3t undart No. (, 41 undari No.

C.W. oat, a ovar May) No. I C.W. parley, undari Na. a C.W.

rya, 9 undari No. 1 N.W. flax, 2, under. Recelptai Wheat, 418 earai oata, 0 barley, tlax, 7 rye, total, Laet yean Wheat, tot; total, sm. Opening; unchanged the market was ry dull and sfeady throughout the soaslon.

Some ahort covering at Chicago In the llnal tradin, gave prices moderate lift at the cluae and a gam of to unclianged was recorded. There have been heavy ralne in the southwest and'forecaet la for more. Sumo coiuplalnta of excoag of molature nay be expected. The market waa unchanged from the nenlng- at noon. Prlcea had held within a ran, 0f Ho and trade waa light.

A continuation of the preeent mild Weather pointe to an early opening of lake navigation. Duluth harbor la aald be praotlcAliy open. A m.ssag from tha Boo aay: Next Monday, weather permitting, the ateamera M.S. remain sad H. P.

Werner, laden with grata WH1 wmv out It I. expected they wlU i ed shortly by other ateamera Which were caught by the ice jam Jaet voce si bar. A very large movement of grain own the lakee aad everaeaa la ex-Footed once the lake, th. heavy booking, of oca, freht, oard are undoubtedly in anticipation of thl, movement exporter, report a very limited -Biand for wheat today. There were rye overnight with ale, of Canadlaw -r entY.l JTi lo 'H over the Mar.

A iiul. ajual to 14H over the May, barley waa alao reno.rt.ui. Local veeeel agent, report an active fcarket and It la eetimated booking, for 000.000 bushel, oargo ep.c. wire put through thla morning. Thar, are aome 40 boats at the lake heed already loaded and ready to move out.

The coarse grain future, were iteady but extremely dull. Ry, oaU an(J bar ey r. falr ttmnit barley are being aold for export In fait quantitle, ally. Foreign buyer, an. Hently eonalder mating prlcea reason-able and there no lack of bide for rye quite close to the markej There waa good demand for some grade, of wheat for lilting out ahlpplng order, but offering were light and the general aituatlnn tl.hf ru.i.

ay that paroela are hard to locate. Home of the lower grade. Mid aa high aa te over yesterday, price, before requirement were filled. Flour trade la reported very dun both east and west The demand for the ooarsa grain, waa alack. Cash barley doe, not re.

fleet the otrength ra futures and the aen board export offering, of all Hnee were very light Local Cash Prices Theee price, are lwve the notations na Si Gioae Cloee 14344 1J8S 130 1201 10614 0614 18414 14214 13914 13414 12914 122 18914 12714 122 12614 12314 11614 12214 13014 11714 1SJ 14 129 12614 300 I4 lS5i isoie 1204 106 78 14014 IMii 14 14 14014 1JS (4 ISO 14 liU'4 13014 12814 12714 12414 12714 18314 12114 118 '4 13414 13014 127)4 300 67 SStt S14 189U 168 163 10014 TSt, as 14 7314 00 So? St 1004, io. 4 Mo. 6 Ko. 6 reed No. 1 Durum No.

a o. 3 lJarum No. 1 Toiish. Ho. 2 Touth a uurn Wo, 1 Smutty ro, 3 Smutty No.

3 Bmatty No. H.jealed No. 1 Kea Durum No. 9 Ked Durum Ne, 3 hod Durum No. 1 Kota 7 nvi.

x. 1 i re.d -t4 Apk 87 82 81 82 46 3 8 189 ies 168 163 190 73 71 7 66 73 rn O. 1 ro. r.w imww AflleVOtaill fiavltnr-e Sejeeted ZttHt. lr; WIUUMIWI.

S': i fJiViiw Sheeted 09 Export News I W. E. Reid A Co. Ltd. Broom hall cublea: Tha mild wea-her In Canada, with prospect, for an arly opening of navigation on tha -ureat Lakes, and reports that Duluth harbor ia already of ice.

together with the brilliant new crop prospect, fn the American couth-weat. have been in favor of tha who at preaent 1, in a better position than he haa been for a con-iderabla time. North American ex. portable aurplu, of wheat la very eiantial, considering- that Europe haa been able to replenish her stocks that were so severely depleted iaat lumber. It appeir that Importer, will bo Inclined to resume their policy of hnnd-to-moVtO purchasing while watching the development of new crops on both side, of tha At lan tic The Argentine shipper, do not seem to press wheat exceaalvely in competition with North America; prlcea hold fairly steady and a large export buxlneas with Europe la being carried on every week.

REPRESENTATIVESALES CASH GRAIN, MARCH 30 Cem wheel No. 2 northern No. 3 northern Vo. 3 norntliorn N'o. 2 loueh No.

2 tough Sn. 3 tokirlt No. 3 tntish Vn. tnlivh No. 3 touai No.

3 touffb 8 eVied 18 131 130 1J0H 1 vi '4 110 1W WHIAT May July Oct. OAT Miy July OCta a.ea ft BARLEY Mi July Oat FLAX Ma.y July Oot a RYE May July Oot. MINNEAPOLIS WHEAT May July 8ept CHICAGO WHEAT apt MINNEAPOLIS OATS May Jul CHICAGO OATS July Bent CHICAGO CORN May July. 8pt CHICAGO RYE May Julv Sept MINNEAPOLIS BARLEY May July DULUTH FLAX Hay Local Livestock UNION STOCKTAIIDB, Winnipeg and Boniface. March II resh receltlt at tha ITnlnn Ktnbvo.

to I o'clock Thursday morning con- inira 01 eso aie came ana calvea, 7(0 hog, and It aheep and lambs. Railway reDorta ahow nnlv thra. r. r. of stock for arrival today.

mere were approximately 1,000 eattlt on tha market for today', trade, which Included a liberal pro-portion of yesterday', lata arrivals. witn relatively few attractive offering, Included In the receipt, today. ouye wrg mot keen to Operate tradln thla morning I waa nntlraahlv buyer, were mot ao keen to operate waa noticeably allwar hut the quality, most killing classes were ZTiiw y. "f8'" with tha exception of cow atuir.

Which moved varv alowlv anil uiit on a trifle weaker market. There were mm 1.600 hnara nf. fered for sale, which included a gensrou, carry-over from yesterday. xraamg conunuea unaetuea with packer, blddlna tilt for thiu mooth. 8heep and lamb auppltea, which were falrlv nlain.

onnatateil nrin. clpally of holdover. Moat of the lamba available were kind to sell from 18. 2i to $10.50, there being a few good weighty awe, going; at 87.26. Choice Fair to good Medium I7.3S 6.35 IK (7.60 7.00 6.00 6.60 (7.28 6.60 Common (6.75 6.00 Bsseher Hatters Gha.ea fair to good Batcher Cow, Cbefce (8.78 Talr to good 4.75 Medlam xta (6.00 6.50 4.SO leo (4 so 3.73 (5.00 4.00 325 (3.78 6.00 Caaaera and 8.26 uood (4.00 8.23 (4 SO 3.50 3.00 Commoa OfM Qood Uadluaa Comrrrba sHeeker Bteee-s Oboloe (3.25 ralr te aood 4.00 Meeker Belfera Choloe (4 80 Fair to 3.50 (4.78 4.26 (6.80 6.00 (11.00 8.00 6.00 F.taer eXoera Cbolee (6 38 Fair te good 6 00 Calvea Choice (9.0O rland 6.00 3.00 Commoa 8.1 baoen 111.00 (11.00 10.00 10 00 Thick smooth HmvI.

0.60 8 00 10.00 10 00 7.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 8.60 Extra haavlea 9.00 1000 10.00 7.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 shop nogs Llfbls and feeders Roushs Sows No. 1 Sows No. ft (taae Lambs Fair to (9.50 8.00 (6 00 3.60 (11.00 9.00 (7.00 6.00 Common the Fair to good Common Reported up to p.m.. March tv utener steers No. Ar.

Tt Prios No. Av. Wt Price 11880 1.00 1.00 1 00 (1020 I 7.25 11140 (1080 (60 1040 (1050 (80 I (60 7.2b 7.00 T.OO (.75 (.50 (.50 (26 10S0 10f.O 1 7( 1( 1141 (1230 121040 T.75 7( 1.M 1.50 7.60 (10 T.EO 41040 (.00 Baby Beef steers and Heifers 1 MO 10.50 1 740 8.28 eso 10.00 ttmm 4 710 (.00 4 700 8 U( (.00 8 8 700 8.56 8 IM uteher Heifer t-1010 7.10 4 (M m. 8 (N 7.50 6 (70 WO T.I5 (SO (40 OO (70 4 S0 1.75 (50 1.00 TOO (50 8.00 4 6 CM (.00 5.76 (.60 Buteher, Cewe, Canner, and Cutters 11220 (.00 1060 (11(0 6.76 41080 111160 (1040 (1170 1.16 81020 101120 (.00 8 (80 7110 4.75 81000 10100 4.6( 4 (M 5-1070 4.16 Bull, 11(10 I 86 11176 Me 11(40 (.86 8 IrO 11820 1.60 4.0 1.64 (.15 176 1.60 1.1 I 60 Stoekera 1- T60 I 20 M0 4 (10 410 6.76 8 620 8 70 (o 2 (00 4 71 4.60 4.16 4.00 8.i 5 6 6.00 (.60 (.15 (.00 (.00 80 (.16 (70 (.00 (60 1.76 IM 844 Calve, 11.00 i 170 10.60 8 140 Thick Smooth 1.76 14611(0 Heaviea 26 140 (M 1 Bxtr, Hvavlst (.76 1 l0 Light en. Feeder I0.M I 130 10.00 (hop (.76 I ll( Sew, 8 WO 100 11 1( (00 6.60 (.71 (.16 (.26 (76 10.00 120- MO 4 3 I 854 4 1(4 150 It 14 1160 8- 410 4 1(0 9.T6 too Open 131 132 13314 I28V4 128 42'4 42 43 43 78 79 12or- Wt 70 21 THE WINNIPEG EVENING TRIBUNE, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1927 Winnipeg Grain Market THURSDAY, MARCH II, 1927 rVev.

Laet Open High Low Clota Cloee Year IMi-MWij 1OH 1394 140' 188ft 148? 117 IS' 187V, 136ft 1372 137 146 127 127 127 Wt bh WA B5H UH 48V, 49J, 4H 494 4814 74J, 75 744 74ft 744 12). 73, 73H 7314 73J 78 S74 87 MJ, 191 190 11 1911, 1881, 1945 188,4 198 187 $8 'SJ 58' 95 SSy, 98 95, 86 American Grain Market High Low Close Cloea 1321-4 181 1S2'4 MVA 133 132 133 133 1281-4 128 1281J 128 128 134'4 133'4 184 138 129 Wa 128 128 127J4 122 127 126 42 42V, 42 42i 48 42 48 42 43 44(4J 48 44V, 43t! 4, 44 431-4 43lJ 48 KH 77 7814 77 7Va 80 79 8fB 122W v100 100 88 99i 88 96 95V, 8 98 70, 70 76 70 218V, t17J4 217 21ia Winnipeg Dairy Produce T. J. Carle Co. Ud.) Battel No.

1 creamery butter. f.e.b. Winnipeg 41 .4, Egge (Strictly freeh. not o'er 6 dare eld Eatrae, doxen, cases returned Co First, doi.n, case returned 84 doMn, Caere returned .11 (Prlcoe tecordlng te Pom. Oavt eradtng) Produce Market tirade! fetatoea (Jobbere to retellerel Manitoba pZ Vegetable (Jobbers to ret.ll.ral Manitoba ewuns.

per deaea .35 Am. pin-. par Anieriiaa Uoeen buaohea. .75 Caliromia eelery, per lb. per ewt.

3.00 Man lo ha turnlua, per ewt. l.SO Manitoba beele. per ewt. 8.00 Manitoba carrota, per ewt. 3 00 Manitoba parenlpa.

per ewt. 4.00 Manitoba onlona, per ewt. 6.00 v. Flour Wholesale privaa, email Iota delivered to dealers: Lake ot the Woo ill five 981b. aacke 64 69 4.70 wo aa-iD.

aaca Tour 24-lb sack 4.16 nwwn furity 98-lb. oaeka 14 68 Two 4'1-lb. sacks 4.70 6'our 84-1 b. aaeks 4.T6 OKllvie Koyai Household 98-lb. eacka 64 6S Two 49 lb.

sacks 4.70 Tour 24-lb. sacke 4.75 Maple Leaf Mills 98-lb. eauke (4.68 Two 49-lb. aacka 4.70 roar 84-1 b. eack 4.75 Quakar Plour 88 -lb.

aacka Two 49-lb. sacks 4.70 four 84-lb. sacks 4.76 Moiled Oats Psr sack. 80 lbs. 85.30 Mill feed Manlltoba (Delivered In ear lota net cash) (27.00 Mran, per ton Shorts, per ton Saskatchewan Bran, per ton ahorta par ton Alberta Rran.

per ton Shorta per ton aa.ou 837.00 80.00 (30.00 30.00 Bay (Crash baled) Spot prices for well cured key, rood at data ot issue, aad quoted by two l.aji- ln, houiiea: No. 1 timothy (23 00 No. 8 tlmothjr 19 00 No. 1 red top 18.00 No. 8 red top 13.00 CHICAGO DAILY MARKET REPORT (Furnished by R.

A. Nothstsln, Ltd.) Hpot fresh first, 13-13 1. Futures April. Mj May, 26tt; U. Receipt egg today, 11,111 caaea; re celpts last year, 17,618 caaea.

Butter Spot extras, 60; spot stan-darda. 60. Futures April, 4146 June, ti Receipts butter todsy, 8,0.10 tubs; reoelpts laet year, 4,017 tubs. 1 nnj 1 jiruLf u. I Obituaries SKINNER Susan Skinner, aged 71 an Inmate of Mlddleohurch Old Folks' home, died Wednesday at the Institution.

The funeral was held this afternoon at 8.80 o'clock from tha horn, to Mlddlchurch cemetery. Thomson', funeral home wa. In charge of tha funeral arrangements. "WILSON Tho funeral of Thomas Wilson, aged (( yar. who died Wednesday at tho residence of his eon-ln-law, H.

Cordlck, (il Poventh Brandon, will held Friday afternoon In Winnipeg. Mr. Wilson was a native of Scotland and had resided In Winnipeg for It years until ha moved to Brandon recently. He 1, survived by hi, widow, three eons. Jamea and Jna.

of and Thomas, ot Glasgow, Scotland! and five daughters, Mrs. W. T. Milne, airs. u.

utubersteln and Mrs. Cooper, of Winnipeg, and Bonn and Mrs. H. Cordlck, w. T.

of oranaon, MITNRO Funeral aerrtcea will be held Friday afternoon at 2.10 o'clock at the Clark Leatherdale funeral horn for Charlea C. Munro, aged 61 years, (53 Mlnto at, who died Monday. Burial will take plac In Elm-wood cemetery. CADE The funeral of Frank Underwood Cade, aged 1( years, 882 Victor sL, who died Tuday. was held this afternoon at 8 o'clock from tho Clark-Leatherdala funeral home to Elmwood cemetery.

CHAPMAN Emma Chapman, aa-ed 6 years, wife of James Chapman. 474 Bannlnar at, who died Tuesday, will he buried Friday afternoon in Brookalde cemetery. Funeral services will be held at 1.10 o'clock at Barker's funeral home, 124 Donald at OILLTAM Robert Frsnklin Oil-Ham, eon of Mr. and Mrs. W.

B. Ullliam, of Cypress River, died Tuesday In Montreal from typhoid fever. The funeral will bo held Pridsy afternoon at Cypress River. BCHrTNK The funeral of Clsslna Sohenk, aged 67 years, wife of WU- For For For Index to Classified Headings a. Birth.

t. atwrtaaa 4. Deaths, a. riolaaa. a nsorai pi MoaaaMafa.

I ef TO) 0. la ft rra tarsal. Lea. 11. Covad.

Toad era Mottres. 14. IS. ft rereo Haas Wi 1 ale aaa Mala. (4.

BUtees. Cattle aad a law aaa wsea. Mtse.TLialees. Mlsoellaaseua For Bala, Useellsaeea WaaUe. ISsalcal.

OMslag aa iitacai. Blag aad Sars. Female. eaieamaa aaa aasstHawe. Ageata.

XKra Femals. bomeetle. fiaatiea Waaaed. litnala Deaenara. ta Slneb CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING) SXATIS lHsT i2f IW tlataf ora if0 BS 0 t4 WJK PM sl tW mMBmmvimmmmtsm BDSINBH IMBOS For 1 snesih, pee ssoata rar laaaiBa.

par BBoaia For 6 sasntaa aar tsoath Fef 68 mootae, par moota wmm ma MaoB will a 1 leaWat. ef aay BTJB1N0) BD6INBM KODB8 8 a-m. till la P.W1. 0NB4T0-0 a.a. tUI 11 p.av PHONE 84 S81 aak for department or ladlvldaal esatred.

Ham Schenk, til Green East Kildonan. who died Monday in Victoria hospital, will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Clark Leatherdale funeral home to Elmwood Cemetery, The services will be conduoted by the International Bible Students' association. KENDALL Funeral services for Henry Thomas Kendall, who died Monday at the residence of his son-in-law. Wlllam James, 131 Ferry St. James, were conducted by Rev.

O. Coleman. St. Jamea United church, Wednesday afternoon at the A. B.

Gardiner funeral home. Burial took place In Elmwood cemetery. SCHMIDT Tho funeral of Tfonry Schmidt, aged 44 years, 6(2 College who died Wednesday In fit. Boniface hospital, will be held Friday aiioraooa at, clock from Bar- dal'a funaral hnm. tn i I i.ik.

eran church, where services will be conducted by Rer. E. Stalewe. Bttrinl will take place In Brooksld, cemetery. EIXERBKCK Tho death of John William M.

Ellerbeck. aged 86 years, 1 Oakwood apartments, occurred Wednesday SL Boniface hospital Born tn England, Mr. Ellerbeck cams to Winnipeg 18 year ago and was a well-known merchant in the city. During tha Great War he served overseas with the C.A.P.4J. Ha la survived by his widow and two aons.

The funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock from St. Atban's Anglican church to the family plot In Elmwood oemeterv Rev. Perry Meywood will officiate. Tha A. Gardiner funeral home Is in charge ot tha funeral arrange- tneaia.

HOLMES The funeral of Monte noimea, agea i years, who died Tuesday at hla residence, 18S Colony st, will bo held at 2.10 Friday afternoon frnm Mnlv Trinltw t-i servloes will be conducted hy Rev. ueorga norromn. The pallhearers will be Arthur Morrison, Edward Laver. Edward Smith, R. Bate, R.

nnue ana j. wmte. all old asso ciates with Mr. Holmes on the cricket neid. Burial will toko place iu r-imwooa cemetery.

BEACH Tha jtaath lITalln. Beach, aged 7 years, 24914 Notre xnme ave, occurred Wednesday In Mlsericordia hospital. A native of Yorkshire, England, ha had been In Winnipeg for 20 years. He Is survived by six sons. Harry, George, Alexander.

Alfred and Tom, of Winnipeg, and Frank, of Los Angelees. and three daughters, Mrs. M. Gott, Morecambe, Mrs. B.

Fletcher and Mt-a U.mnu Winnipeg, and 16 grandchildren. The win oa neia naiurnay aiter- noon at RO A'elnntr ft-in. funeral home, Broadway, to Elmwood wmmery. BtmAL MrMCIPAUTT OF EAST KULDOMAX PUBLIC NOTICE Fubllo notice Is hereby given that the Coancll of the Rural Municipality of East Kildonan has decided. Intend! end will execute and complete tha followls, Looal visi 1.

A four foot eoasrete sidewalk ea the North aide af N.ll rAM East Kildonan Road to lastarly limit ot riea r.o. ouiu. 8. A fosr foot concrete sMswalk ee the South aide of Nell Arenas from Beat Kildonan Road te Easterly limit of Flaa I.W. OUiU.

4. Tha hsulln, of etndert ea Avaaus from Bast Kildonan A Treat oad to noon arrest. 8. The gravalllaa e( Washlnstoa Avenue from Watt Street to Kalelgs All xa Ijooal Isaprovsment IMetrlet sa a. Th sravslllng ef Rtialdsll Avsnes woa aiaai Kiiionan no.4 to western limit ef Lot Nlse ().

Bloek Four (4), la loal Improvement Dlstrfat Ifo. a. 6. The making and Installing ef water eervlea connections and the purcbses of met era service boxes, pipe aad other accessary tner.Iors, the esld eonnestion to bs made to bolldlnss nuaia wunin ana the cost thereof to bs ohsrsed ss a dl.trlnt r.l. n.

ffashls property within the limits of n. ureaier Winnipeg Water IJIetrlot In aaia atunicipallty. Dljtrlcts Noa a aoa a. And will asses aad levy tbe sost thereof upon the real property to be benefited thereby, unlea. a nuneltv th.

mi property arr.cted. reprreaunn, at least ens-half la value of suoh real property aa shown by tbe Iaat revleed Aseeesment Roll at th. Unlrln.llti, petition lbs Council of ths Wuniclpalttr aaam.i ina sama within four weeks after ths first publication of this notice. Dated thla 84th day ot Msreh, A D. 1S9T.

By order, B. THOMPSOV, I. a TV ail 80S Chambers of Commerce,, aten. TENDERS ft AftPHM rt.X XIM) OIL T.nd.r. addr.ued fn mo unairmas, Commltt.

on Public Improvemante, will be received at the underslined op te 3 o'clock p.m. on Tuee-dsy, April lath. 1927. for the of from 600 tn 1,000 tons of aepbait and twa tank cars of Auxin, oil required for ina year 1'. Wpeotflratlone and form of tender, to- Kother with conditions governlns tendere ss prescribed by by-law.

mar -be obtained St ths office of tha City Bnslnoer, 233 Jamea Avenue. The Inw-et or any tender not neces sarily scnepted. M. rRTBIISOV. rity Clerk.

City Clerk OBire. B'lonlpea. Marob 30th, 1X7. 1 Bad la. aatoseeatlaa.

Autos aad Metar Tree as Auto Accessories. Oarssea B'ts aad Marin gupallas. Masblsary aa4 Farm nnphn Bieyelas aad Metseeyslea. Boom. Furolebee.

Untarnished. Board aa4 BaeaM. Hoomln, Ueuase. Hotala sattee. tlaturnlahad.

Baal btela Mouaee te Raai, Uouaee for Safe, Varma itoras aad Ogleea iarket Qardesa Froperty. (4. (T. burbsa Prooeitv. Beekanae.

wanted lo Beat Property Wanted. Baela Mliila, levaatmsata, Bsstaeas (aaiiaaiaai a (1. eaaBBMV 1 1. Loo RBFRB6BMTATIVSS New Tork: Verre 4k Coaklln 8(1 Madlcoa Ava. Chicago! Verre a.

Coaklln Ina, 81 E. Jackson Blvd. Detroit: Verre A Cooklla, 811 Lafayette Blvd. Ban Francisco; Terree A Con kiln. 681 Market St.

Toronto: B. J. Gay, 4M Royal Bank Bldia. Montreal! A. Abraham, 818 St Jam St.

tadon, Eng. 1 F. Smyth, 14-40 Lud- gat Hill. B.C., 4. Vancouver: Frank B.

Faysoa. tit Winch Building. 1. BIRTHS VA-N ALSTYNI Oe March a Srao Moapltal. to Mr.

and Jtra. W. F. Tan Ai.iyee. 404 lelfer Bt, a aoa Wilfred Edward.

WOObBR Mr. and Mrs. Thomas wooler, 164 Btkrtfcsrry C. St. at th ajrao atoapltaJ, ea Maraa ,6, a son.

BUM soft To Mr. aad Mrs. Donald O. Benieon. 478 Upton on March kOtb.

a eausnta tuoona auiitni. WATBQN Mr. and Mrs. J. C.

Wat sou, 671 Brsfr Ave, March (Otb. a dansntsr. DEATHS VIC1CER-Bnars( Into rert Msreh 81 a ins iianiii rai)iAaiwa iuj obb uexasois John Bradford Vlskara la lb 67 Ut rear af bis as. Rsmalna In ear ot ths B. Us diner Funeral Home, -ontll taturday, when the body will be removed to Martla's-la-ths-FlsId Ansllcan Church where It will He In state from 1 to 3 p.m., following which funeral services will held at 3.30 p.m.

Interment la the fsmltjr plot la simwooa cemetery. SCHMIDT Oa Marsh (nth. at at. Bent tare Hospital, Henry Schmidt, ase 44 y.ara, beloved bust) and ef Maria Schmidt, of 633 Col lex. Ave.

Funeral service wui ne conducted by Rev. Srblews, ef Christ Uuthersa Church Frld.r st 8.30 pm. Intsrment In Brookelds Cemetery. Arransemants In oara of bar dal'a Funeral Parlora. Fhoaa 06 607.

BBACH On Msreh 80. at the Mlasrl enrl EnanltaL Waltsr Baach. el B40V4 Notrs tJam. ased 67 years Ven-sral aervlee will be held at Thomson's Funsrsl Horn. 660 Broad way, Saturday afternoon, April at 830 Colors.

interment fn Elmwood Cemetery. More-oambe, England, papere Pleas opy. EI.I.BRBECK Oa March SO. at St. Bonl.

face Hospital, Joha Wm. H. Bllerbeok, 8 Oakwood aaed 36 tears He- malna In oar of tha A. B. Oardlner Funeral Home, 178 Kennedy St Funeral services 8 p.m.

Friday, et ft. Al- oan a ansncaa (JDures. interment ia simwooa cemetery. SKTNNER Oa the 80th Inst, at the 014 roiar noma, atiaaiscBurcn, Susan HKinner, ased T8 yeara Funeral ear vlree will be bd this afternoon 1 rnarenayj, at Ml o'eies tha horns. Intsrment la Mlddlschurch r.m.t.rv For further Information call Thomson's, HOLMM Oa Msreh 80, at hi tat tl-deace.

188 Colony Mfntacu. Holmes, ased 63 years. Foaeral aervlee will be held In Bely Trinity Chm-oh. Friday afternoon, April 1, at 8 SO a cieoa, antermens ia Klmwood Cemetery. For laformatlaa eall 1 aomeon-a si uui.

munpoo. Marsh (,. at the family rsald.noe, Charles O. Muaro. ased 81 yeara ef 6S3 Mlnto at.

Tk faaeral will take lane Friday tflemoen at 3 o'clock, nom th Clark-tMtherdal uwr.1 nome, to Biimwoo tJemeterv. 5. FLORISTS THE ORCHID 87 971 61 M8 PB. 44100 Mt 46 407 Crescent Florist V. C.

Found. Proa. Out D.afrna plants 833 Ornaeenor at Stafford CANADIAN VATIONAL BAILWAK WBNTKBIf BBUIOH iealed Tendere will ba nmlvan h. olTle of the Chief Hnglnear. Wlnalpes, until 13 o'olock noon, Monday, th 4th day of April, 1927, for (1) Construction of a water supply at Whits Boar, Bees.

(8) Erection nary ef elshty-four mils of tance, Turtleford SB. Branch. (8) Erection only of forty-two miles of fence, St. Paul S.E. Branch.

Plana aaMleoatlnn. a.S Im. tr.iot mar be asen aad farm of tand.ra OL.alnad at th offlcaa of Chtef En, Inc. r. Winnipeg.

District Unaineers, Edmonton and Saskatoon. Division Engineers, aad Prlnc Albert. C.N. Riy, Ag.nt at Moos Jaw. Tender will not be enn.ldered urdeea made on the form supplied by the Railway Company and accompanied bv an accepted cheque on a chartered hen equal to five percent of the value of the work, payabls to th order of the Tresourer, Canadian National Railways.

The lowest or an tender not neeae. ssrlly aocspted. W. A. KINOSLAND, ri.n.r I Marsh 2Sih.

19S7. Try Tribuns Wsnt Ads For The Tribune am Ketnrra 6. FUNERAL DIRECTORS SSSaBsxaBsxaBBBx.lxe The J. THOISON CO. The Most B.llsbl Parlora 901 MAIN 8T.




FIBOTTON. 80S IUBU0 BT NOB-wood. Claselc metnonala attractive price. Off. 82 073 Baar t.rma Re.


VHKBDT, BOtlTH Ttaaarona, wish to thank their mauy friend (or their klnda.aa and ye-pathy durln, their recent aad bar aa earn en t. Also for ths ftorsl tributes Mrs. aouTHaJJv and family wish to thank their many friends for Ihe and sympathy shown them to their recent aad bereavement. Aleo for th many beautiful floral tributes 9. IN MEMORIAM HVOET In loving memory et my dear husband.

Adam Karl Huset 4f 841 Burtlett who died In St. Boniface Hospital. March 31et, 1U36. Ha euffared patiently, thoosh sot loiur. Hla hope wa hrisht, hla faith waa A lovln, huSband.

true and kind. Beautiful memory left bablndi mlaa you and aioura you ia allenoe nnaaen. And dwell la th day et pays that fcav baen, We lol htm well, no tnagu ean tall, Bow much loved him and how well. Inserted by his eorrowln, wife, nlo and nephew, 611 Bannatyne Ava. CRACKNBLL In loving memory ef KUsa, beloved wife of Thoa R.

Crack-Sell, aad daarly loved mother ef Mra W. P. White and Mrs. Thos, Button, who passed away Marsh Slat, 1986. Peses, perfect Badly and foadly vafnamberad 6r husband, children end (randahlld- BtCHARUSON In lovln memnrv of ear dear mother Charlotte Rlchardoon, who paoeea away Marco aiat.

jwo. There la a link, death cannot aavar, Lov and remembrance last forever; Bar memory la as dear today, A In th hour eh paesed away. Inserted by her eona and daughter. Ht'OFT la lovln, memory of Adam K. Hus.b wb passed away March 81.

19U6. Ocne but not inserted by hla slsisr snd brothsr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. R.

Dunliar. 11. LOST STRATED FROM 41 FERNDAT.E. NOR-WOOd. police female, Wnlf prey; ehaln collar, license ts, 113.

Finder pleaae phun. 88 81, after 8 p.m., 83 t)b7. Reward. LOST ON SKLKIRK AVE. CAR.

MON. lady'a purse, cent, bank book tickets, aum of money, ate. 36 401. Reward. LOST A PAIR OF SPKCTACI.FB.

IN case, vicinity of Maryland, Bherbrook and Phone 31 748. LOST IRISH WATER SPANIEL DOO, rlcinlty Oeborne St. P. M. Bull, 60 Oahome St.

Phone 46 081. 15. DANCING Fun and FroDic GRAND THREE DAY CHARITY CARNIVAL IN AID OF Army and Navy Veteran's Assoc'a Reflef Work Hoadquartors, Bulman Block BANN ATTVB AVBI FHW BOOM WEST OF MAIN IIMIT TONIGHT, FRIDAY, SATURDAY March 31, April 1 2 All The Fun of ths Fair Big Midway Games Contests Dancing Nightly Open: Thursday, 8 pm. to Friday, 8 m. to Baturday, 8 p.m.

to mldnlyht. A. B. K. Association FINAL WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Odd Fellows' Temple 0TRBBT Friday.

April at 8.30 Refreshments. Six Good Priies FERN CLUB as. Novelty Dane end Prix Walt Whlt, "600" and Dancing TOMORROW NIGHT COLUMBUS HALL Ticket SO. R. f.

MrKME, Mar. TONIGHT Whlet drtv snd dane at Plymouth Hall. 130 Pelnoa.e etreet, every Tuesday. Thar, day and Saturday nisht. AO table rac.tpte In oaah order prise Ad.

mlMion, Oente 36c; 1-all-e gSo, Daflclna 830 to 18. Wblet, S.30 ehernT HIGHEST PRICES PAID for diamonds snd old (old. Shore Brae watclimakrts snd J-welora Til's Main Ht. ta.iii. llil.


I Madame "Marie's" Dress Shop 401 Ports Ave. Phon 30 386 Next to Bailey's Pie Shop rttata-olaas Frsnch Dressmaking OraduaUun frocks and bridal outfit, specially PSOtAL WEEK-END OFFER OF TRA.VBLl.ERS SAMPLED. OREATLT RffiDUOBID 'CAMP' ABDOMINAL BELTS FOR HEN AND WOMEN FISHERknit" Elastic Holsery rOR VARICOHB VEINrt APE BT FISHER AND BUKPE LTD. Booklet on Requeet t'h. 84 841.

WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES For old sold, allver, false taath. rswna and anVthln, of vain. Mualeal Instruments bousht and eschsnRsd. Verdun ewelery 703 Mala Han. I'n.

tw flsirdrseeln. Parlors and Bsauty snoppe. All tip.rt la eharse. 339 Donald Street Phon (7 080 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR PERMANENTLY REMOVED Trie ha Bratoia Itm Hfetlme written soar- snt ea. Free Dem.

Treatmeot. Free Book- lets 841 Somerset Bloek. SB 666 WINDOW TRIMMER Thoroughly eaperlenoed Window Tetm- aner la open for Boa 148 Oriental Rug Repairing Carpets clssned. An Handle, Co. 148-7 Donald St.

Phon 88 898. DRESSMAKER. WITH WBST END OF London (Ensland) exparlnc. flrt-ele work at moderate Phono (8 149. Mra, Byneth.

Si a. 8 187 Xenasdr St. SPRINO IS HERE, LOOK TOUR SMART-set, havs your coat r.dysd or your milt ptraead or dry cleaned. Morrle. Phon 87 013.

744 Alexander Ava. BOOBS, FT A MPtt, PICTURES, ETC. Rousht 'and Sold Van aeland. 886 Mala St, TTOt IN LESSONS. SO UP.

Robert Themena. 088 Welllngtoa sor. MeQe. Notre Dame aar. Ph.

88 TB6. PASTRY COOK (LADY), WANTS POWI-tlon. 18 yeer emparlance. Apply la per-eon. JZ'i Smith Ut.

RBI MABIje SCOTCH lADT WILL DO m. ladles' and gsntT laandry. Box bn.hi. 149 Tribune. VACUUM CLEANER, OR POLISHERS rented.

81.80 a day. Laab-Bark. 80 364.. ELECTRIC BATHS AND MASSAOB BY appalatmaat ealy. Shone SB 44.

ni.CB CAFE, MEALS (So up. aU kaura. Homemade eandlw. 483 FOR ADOPTION, BOY AOS T. BN0LISH, widower.

Boa? 131 Trllmne. 17. HELP WANTED Male sad Female KC SELL HOUBBHOLO NBCBSSITIBS Oreatest Imsglnshls demsnd; hsve buelness of your awn; make 86 up dally; capital or experience nnecasary. Oar. retaon.

Brentford. Ont. Mais Barlbcrlini Splandld opportunltle. Ma and Hoye, City and Country ahopa. All yesr round employment.

Good wasa Only fsw weeks required to lesrn. Tool free. Write or eall for free estslosue. Hsmphtll Barber Col 'are. 680 Mala St.

Wlnnlpsa. AMBITIOUS MEN WANTED to fill poeltlons city and country (erase, and aarvlce stations. Only fsw weeks' tlslntn, needed, fit yon aa auto truvk, atoraie battery, electrical exparls. W. slao tuch hrtrklsylns, plasterins.

Write or call for tree Employment Ser-vla. Hemphill Practical Tradea Sobocla 880 Main St, WANTED HIOH CLASS DRY CLEAN-In, esnvseseis. Best commission paid to ths rltht psrty. Apply bstween 0 and 0 a.m. or between 6 snd 6 p.m.

at ort Roues Clsanera 133 OaOorne St, WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO earn (6 to (IS weekly tn spare time at home. pay. ohequea Write Auto Bnltter Hoelary Company, Toronto. Dept. 48.

WANTED FOREMAN FOB LARGE farm, one wed to aiachlaary aad feedln, oattls neeeaeary. Apply A. Lobb, 61S Molatyre Blk. BXPERrBNCED FARM HAND WANTED for farm, near H.adlnsly. April let lo Nov.

let. Apply 748 Somerset JOBHINO CONTRACTOR, BARAOBS built. Special rate, for dsooralln, thla month, rhone 34 009. Salesmen snd Solicitors Car Salesmen I men required to eomplet staff to ell full line ef oara ef prove quality. Muat handle ear capably, be ef neat appearance, addree and willing to work.

Apply at one te Universal Motors, 293 Garry St. Do You Wish to Improve Your Position? OOOD LIFB INSORANUH SALESMEN do well. Ther I a vacsncy in our or-sanisatlon for one. If you tisvs ability, together with an earnest desirs to work end sdvanee yoursslf. ws will be pleaaed to hear from you.

have excellent eontrect to offer end will finance en experienced man If neceaaary. O. n. Burn-ham, provincial manacer. xcel-loe Life lnu-anc 356 Main Su Winnipeg, Vn.

3 AMBITIOUS MEN Fr mt-Mrr orlr. Mtt-t wm mMiir PUT. MH nvr "h'v -iaifrl(. 1' 19 I 801 Salesmen snd Solicitors NEW COMPANY NOW OROANI1 require eav.raj thorouihly rallabl ealeamen tur c.lyi eipert anued ntua preferred, but not absolute! a-aintlal. If you are lookln, for a rhaas) ana want to Detter your Income ceil ana ill any time arttir 1 o'olocat on TKiay neit, Aulomatlo Ws.her Co opp rrovince Theatre.

YOU CAN EARN (10 TO 625 A B'BeI rur apare time at noma writing bn cardl. No canvaaelna of a Inatruct yon and supply you with wort trrue lonar. -ins Mennenltt Compeil ao fummion nutidins. Toronto. SAI.EFMAN WANTED TO COVER MAN! loba and Saekatehewan.

calllne- on sroo.ry trade. Pneltion on ealary baa4 with espen.ea. Poeltlon la Mrniiri.l1 with real chance for advancement shtl worth Is provsn. Stnts ate and prevlettj iu noa ir 'irittune. Boys WANTED BOT8, 13 TO IS YEARS, prDiiiaoj.

paper routee in Norwood St. Bonirsca. Apply 4 to 8 p.m. Drews, Tribune Depot, Si ferlnn Female WANTED -EXPERIKNCED WAITHE eea for R. Hotel bateau.

Lake I.oul. Alia. Apply head waiter, Leo Fentaei Hoyal Alexandra Hotel, Room 134 Irol iu am, to j-s ana p.m. to o. WANTED EXPERIENCED LAD vr-ww.

appiy at once, crown i woraa uia st. Domestls WANTED RELIABLE GENERAL 0 inei can oo piain cooiting, aire. WytM 'iu n.iT.rn. EXPERIENCED COOK CENER seated (or eutte. no Ph.

41 0 I1HU 17 OR 19. WANTED FOR UOITS1 wora. rnona 074, 18. SITUATIONS WANTED Mais aUTAaVli Iff nnaiD BfMnajivAat cqualBUd Nonhtrn fiasjktchwfc Mr ihi iTiuuQsj or u. ward, ELDERLY TRAD SOMAN WANT, JO eea Jiantte av.

inana or sio. WTD. BT TOVNO MAN. VOilXTlOM offlcsj, trtorsx ftwitorr, tt wtuwo ftda raooi (ju Bs spitinsa vj tmaiioi i unit STONE BASEMENT BUILT. CBMkV (loore, efdtwalka, oh nip gaoeral pairs: rsasunsbls.

K. Haydefl, 8(1 606 YOUNO MAN WISHES TO LEaI butcher trode; bss some ssp.i wacsal object for stsrt. Ph. 33 3S1. I AN AMBITIOUS YOUNO MAN WAN to ret into saraga to learn th 3 Wi' apply Bin .41 Tribune.

PROSPECTOR ON, FAVTT.Tm tarn Rice Leke dletrlot, want grubstake. S. rinun. Female BIQH-CLAR, DHESSMAKINO A SI inr, beat of references; by day or home. Phon BO 711.

3H1 Carlton Rt. YOUNO WOMAN. WITH 1-YeAR-cJ rl.l 1.1 .1, wurainaman a noma. x-noiie Kb l4y. WANTED BPRINO CLEANERS know elea all kinds of window blla repair or n.w.

uooHi, tU4 Carl ion. GRNERAL WORK OR NURHINO CHlJ i.n, nr wwra ur uo oay or w.ea; cwioreq airi. ra. co 101. DRBSeTMAKINft, COATS.

RELIN alteratlona children' eloth, ambrd rr, par aay. ooud7. KNOLISU OIKI. I1E8IIIKS HOUBKWf or other mployment. 9 to 3 daily; r.ierenc.a.

I'liouf no UAO. WANTED POeflTinN AH HOl'SKKK er or day worn, deep out, relerei rnone ax. LADY WANTS LIGHT HOt'SRWOitK the hour or dsy. 60S Wareaw Ave. YOUNO WOMAN WANTS WORK day or hour.

phone 4B2I8. Con PET STOCK llsV Miller's Baby Chicks All vaMatUa weekly. Ouh ke that atron, and healthy, brat for heuvy production from carefully rull.d fi. Halchlnu esse, brooders, eupj tree caiaiogua. E.

S. MILLER ntlf'KEItlES 380 Portaso, 89 2S 423 Maryland. 3 RELIABLE BABY CHICKS All breeds beet etrs-leyiii, atraina. vlpajoue olilcke. Inrubatore, bioc.

hoppera, fnuntalne. hatrhlns atrae ahlrvplTif oratea, food, and full eupp tellable Mlrd sun i'ortoge, 2b 044 ALL TERRIER CU'H OF CAVA uancn show, April Nth. vJudire 41e Jteadmen Thomaa, New York. trlea cloae daturdav. April Snd.

Ir. mark). Entries can he made In pereonj fuo eirmtyre Pnlurday even April and. from 7 to 10 p.m. For fur Information Phone S3 053.

COLLIES, AIREDALES, POMS. HI' lea Fox Terrieia Vrrm. Klttena. Hi Rabhlte, (Julnea rigs Fentall Pla- Cenarlea Parrota, Flm-lira, Gold! Turtle guppllee. Reliable Bird Co.

Portage. 8r044. Pnim. Itna.nn. tJ.

1 a. rn Canaries. Parrots, Fine-lies. Chin. Mali Oulnea I'lse, Monkeys, Ooldfl-h.

eupr Killer's Bird Store. 3S0 Portage. S9 ALL TERRIER CLUB OF CAXU nencn nnow. Baturdev. April Oth.

Kn' positively oloas Saturday. April Snd (i mark). Oeorga S. Thomas, New York, Judge. Phone 83 053 for Information.

BABY CHICKS TtRED TO LAY. HAT' In, sgga cuetotn hatching. Buckeve Wisconsin incubator. Free catalog ai.x. layiora Hatchery.

Ph. B5w. 30 ROLLER CANARIKS. OITARANTf good alngers. M.

Knrxk. 47'1 Alklna WANTED HEN'S, BROWN korna hatching agga. 403 I'ortave. 2rj ONE OOBLRR AND HENS, LAY soon, $2.6 tekee the Inf. i hone 404 4 f21.

HORSES, CATTLE AND VEHICLES FOR BALE HARNESS. liUOO. dsm orate, pony enrt, farmr wsfi, lumber whrotii. dhvr vtacsns, n1 wafonis, trifl 3 horn rntt tvatnr, trs plouKhaV barrow lyj Suthcrian1 FOR SAI.R IS HEAD OT HORR harnfia and wiion. Appif 668 Han tvna Av.

rnona Hh 870. 22. COAL WOOD PEMBDNA PEERLES FOR SPRING i In Siie $10.7 CITY COAL i 22 csi.

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