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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 2

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I SEIH OF BEAUTY JS A JOY FOREVER Dr. T. Felix GoumuiTfl CrieuUJ jOroam or MalctU Bj-iUtitler. Yit rmncttt wiV tio it. Ktr-vet Ian, Hiiupki.

Freckle, Moth Fauhrt, laht ami kin diu, nj twjf kucmuii oi twauty, am) Orties (itrn iku. Ii i fit iei of jun, ami to iuin iru ti tt to be Mirv mad Ai-crut no court-trriit of kirtuLf ridntc. Ihr. L. Svr Mtd to Inly of tha haul-ten patient "Ai yon mm trill uu tlwm 1 tomiiwnd 'vra uu La bam.

aa 1 1 harmful of all kio (-rev-ainma." Hot t-tka bf alt dntrai'ti ami f.n-y joU deilert in the U. a. ndfana.U,r,d Km. MRU. P.

HOFKIN3, toufirtctor, 37 (uci June buret, New Yof WINN1PEGS CD TO ST. PAUL TO PLAY Local Lacrosse Team Has Arranged for Two Matches in American City. International Cup Series Will be Definitely Arranged After Today. Tim Winnipen IficroKHK club will to Ht. I'nul ii week from tomorrow to play tho St.

1'nul team two exhibition namcK on Saturday, sSi-pt- 3. nnd Monilay, tft. 7, Labor Day. All arrangements for tho trip Imto heeii completed. Tho boys will make the trip via tlio 0.

1 11. it ml (ireit Northern. The train in to lenvo Iiitp at l.fiii p.m. Friday, Sept. 4, and a rate of return fare has liepn (secured.

Anyone, who de-' lures 'to take In tho trip ttliould notify A. C. Smith nt the C. V. II.

city ticket office. The club will have a special car, and It is necessary to know the nuinher of people who Intend to make tlx trip. IN.TEKNATIONAL CUP. No final arrangements have yet been mad tho play-off for the Chipman cup between tho Canadian and American clmmpiouK. Lorn Defiel of St.

Paul, who In th Am-rrlcan representative on tlio board of trustees for the cup wrote Isaac Pitblado Home time ano siiK(reHtlni Sprrtembp-r 7 as a suitable date Mr. Pitblado replied that tho dauo was all ritcht, hut tlwit It. was 'liuposHiblo to make final arrangements till thn winner of tho Canadian series bad been decided. As this dos not occur till today, the Intcrnoiiional matches will bo set later. RETAIL CLERKS Enjoyable Excursion Down the Bod River on the Alexandra The Retail Clerks' excursion down tlio river last evening on the.

steain-er Alexandra was patronize by about 250 people, and proved a mont enjoyable on orchestra furnlHhod music for danc-Iiik. Tho coinniittpe in charge of tho pxcurslon was conio.sed of Wi II. Waring, G. Turner, II. Piinl, II.

.1. Howell, A. Andrews and 0. S. Wakefield.

BEFORE COMMISSIONERS Charges Against Police Constable Newton Will be Heard. At tho next meetiiiK of the police romnilsxioners a cliaruo will lie pre-forrtil acains-t ('oiitalle Newton by Herbert lKre, who arrested for refuwiiiK to move on during the excitement ciuwxl by the ill tirp.atine.nt of a rumple of bronchos at the eor-nor of MclXTiiuot Avenuo and Alliert Street. K. H. rhippon, the legal adviser of Mr.

Ire, Ik weic.urinir further evidence of the oondiiet of the officer previous to tho arrewt. It was material that rouhl not bo hmmI In the oha.rgo against Mr. Ports as It had no Is'ar-inir on tho point at Issue. The time of the nwetinjr of the board In not fet, but will bo nailed by Judge sVia-lke-r. T.

W. Knowles of Kmerson, who has been attending the llortir.ul.u-ral Show, left for home today tho proud poKKcsh-or of five first prizes and rIx seconds for exhibits in vegetables and fruits. Who Is discouraged by a condition of ill-health which fails to yield to the treatment of local physicians will be glad to know she can consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. In little more than thirty years, Dr.

Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo, N. assisted by his stall of nearly a score of physicians, lias treated and cured hundreds of thousands of weak and sick women. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Address Dr, V.

Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "After belnff unbjrctf! for mine time to sn annoying frmnle trouble, ftnvA Mm. Miums Tilloton, of Potomac, Vermillion 111., Una lv "I wrote to In-, ft. V.

Pierc. who at onrt nnnVrrtocxl niv ulTerin. nnd i1ned me lo Uae hia Favorite Preacrintinn and Golden Vertical and iim alo liia 'Lotion Talilrta' and After mini; hia medicines eiuht or nine months I was completely cured. "lam rralefnl to Dr. Pierce for hi advice and the kind and em-onnialiii lettera he wmte to rue I would advise anv woman ii(Terlin with female diarime, lo consult hnn.

Prompt and leniwvtriil attentkm will he gWcn and good advice received by ao doing." The Common Sense Medical Adviser, loo3 pages in pnjier covers, is sent free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pay unease of customs and mulling only. Address Dr. U. V. Fierce, Buffalo, Y.

tea MM REWARDS FOR TIE FLOWER Noticeable Increase in Prizes to Ania 0 A Long List. Exhibits Have Been Re-arranged for Better Artistic Effect. From an nrtleilic slnt of view the Horticultural Kxhihilioii will of greater Intercut today, as practically all tlio exhibit which were set out with a view to makinj the 11 work as taxy an xKnible liavi Ikm In order to givu tin; moht artistic effect. A number of i.Mitio.iH were mado this morning by Mr. Alston.

These wcri beiiullful 1 I f.e of work rcpreKciiliii' a broken column of whit Heleclirisum ania- hlhu: cut win. -I wlih whit"; also a lx'autiful cross of the formation cntwiiK'd with red roses ari a whlt- wreath, very artisllenll.v arranged on a large can. and 111-twbicd with roy.u puiple nlib.ui. Tlnse beautiful Moral cri-ntions are nrrairtl near the intrance, and glv! vuiit-jrs a ndld Impression of what Inay lc exixfieii lurtner on. UETTKIt I.IUHTINO.

Tho managers were rather dlsaiv. xiluted last night with the lighting and to-day tln idectrlcians have lnslallcil six large arc lights, so that the large place will be bright as day. Tim directors are delighted with tho LncnYvmNl numW'r of entries by amnti'tirs and feel tbnt the object of tho exhibition is being attained wIhmi there is sucli a noticeable In- cienne 1,11 tne entries lor non-ro- fessionnl prizes. TIk iudges concluded their labors last night and this afternoon the prize list is presented. There may be Borne additions and changes, but Hecial notice will bo given of these.

FRUITS. of ApuUti 1, A. P. Stev en-sou 2, TlwxH. Krankuid.

taalloCtHMI OI CirVUlS 1, A. 1'. 6IPV- en-on Uios. mnUiina Airs. K.

Kowfcr. Cilliction of hybrids and seedlings 1, A. P. KteviTiiNon 12, Thios. M.

IVlKXatl ltt hn.rdv nnouis. Man'ltoba ami N. W. Tluw. ivinkland 'i, A.

P. IlKt plnUs ix, woiJthy 1, A. P. StcvoiiMon. lU'til plate, Hlv, lulx Tnnl 1, A.

P. Stevenson 2, Ttww. Kivinkland. Itefit iihite, six, oMmt named stand ard 1, A. P.

Stevoneon 2, Thos. Fr.uik.( iiwl. lHt plate tr.o.nX'iident crans A. P. Stevonfxm 2, Tlios.

Mk-K'K-ay. Best pjitto Hyslop crabs 1, Thos. MiatcKxy: 2, J. M. Kwgiion.

ltft Utte Silxrlan orabs 1, W. Thomson 2, 1). MtUHson. IVest l'lnte iortn r.nats nog. Frankland: 2, Thou.

M. Itooon. ltest pliiile Whitney crabs 1, A. P. StcVfMMKHI.

Lieut olate otlier niri.metl crabs 1, A. P. Stpvomoon 2, Thos. Frankkand. Collixitbon iwi.nMHl varieties plums 1, A.

P. StevenKn 2, Thoa. Frank-si i'l'd. Collation nmtive plums 1, Lay Bros. 2, .1.

W. Knowtas. Plate Cheney ulnni 1. A. P.

Stev- enwon 2. Thos. Ffank'iand. Phi to fivh ganlen plums A. Stevtnuom.

Plato ciarly plums 1, A. P. Stev- other na.nieu vanciics-i, A. P. StevMin.

Plate liest niative seedlings 1, A. P. Stevenson 2, Thos. Frankland. Collection cultivated Biuall fruits 1, I).

W. Iviichi.itin. Pint blnck currants 1, Vim. Bell; 2, Thos. M.

Bacon. Pint red currants 1, D. W. liu- chnnan 2, Wm. Bell.

Pint white currants 1, Thos. k. Fowler: 2 P. W. Buchanan.

Collection of currants 1, nichnrd Alston; 2, P. W. Buchanan. Pint Houghton gooseberries 1, P. W.

Buchanan. Pint other cultivated gooseberries 1, Wm. Bell; 2, P. W. Buchanan.

Pint red rnspherrlps 1, W. II. Tnmiilin 2, I). W. Buchanan.

Pint yellow rnsplierrips 1, P. W. Buchanan 2, Richard Alston. Collection raspberries 1, D. W.

Buchanan, PRESERVES. Collection preserved cultivated fruits 1, Mrs. CI. Mitchell Mrs. Thtvinwon.

Collection preserved wild fruits 1, Mrs. Thomson. Collection of Jellies 1, Mrs. P. K.

Dickson; 2, Mrs. T. H. Oxlcy. Quart raspberry vlnogar J.

B. Mitchell; 2, -Miss E. Fowler. Quart of wine, fruit or vegetable 1, .1. Caldwell 2, Mrs.

J. II. Cnni'-ron. Quart of pickles, mixed vegetable 1, Mrs. J.

II. Cameron; 2, J. Caldwell. Quart pickles, mlxel fruit 1, Mrs. Thus.

Nixon; 2, J. CaUlwell. 0 I Quart chili sauce 1, ,1. CiUdwell 2, Mrd. J.

II. Cameron. Quart pickles, cabbage 1, Mrs. O. Mitchell; 2.

Mrs. Th-s. Qunrt pickles, cauliflower 1, Mrs. J. II Cameron; 2, Mrs.

Li. Mitchell. Quart pickles, cucumber 1, Mrs. U. Mitchell 2.

.1. Cold well. Quart pickles, tonyito 1, Mrs. (1. Mitchell: 2, Mrs.

Thos. Mvon. Quart sauerkraut 1, Victor Mager. Quart tomato vitsup 1, -I. W.

Thomson; 2. Mrs. (i. Mitchell. VEGETABLES, PROFESSIONAL.

Beets, long 1, Ooo, T. Chapman 2, T. W. Knowles. Beets, turnip John Slonry .2, W.

E. Fielding. Knle, cabbage 1, T. W. Ciihb.ign, early John Htoney 2, T.

Knowles. Cabbage, winter 1, John Stoney 2, iJeo. T. Chapman. Cnbbnge, savoy 1, Geo.

T. Chapman 2, A. C. Hull. Cabbage, red 1, John Stoney; 2 eo T.

Chapman. Cnbbnge, other varieties 1, John) Stoney 2, Victor Maer. Carrots, short 1, Victor Mager; 2, W. 11 Fielding. Carrots.

Intermediate 1, T. W. Knowhs Victor 'Mager. Cauliflower 1, Victor Mager; 2j Stoney Celery, pnrls golden 1, John Rld-dell 2, John Stoney. Celery, wlut plume 1, W.

II. FMd-In 2, Jns. Barratt. Celerv, nlnk plum 1, Ooo. T.

Chapman 2, W. II. Fielding. Celery, other variety 1, John Stoney. Sweet com 1, fieo.

T. Chapman; 2. John Stoney. (Viriiniber. wli'tn spine W.

II. Tom-it! 2, John Stoney. CtiPiimber, lont green 1, T. W. Know leu; W.

11. T-nrilln. Cuciimb F.inrllsh frame 1, Henry lutcmun 2. Jos. Uurrett.

THE "WINNIPEG DAILY TEIBUNEj THURSDAY. AUGUST 27 1903. lAtluce, cabbago-1. W. H.

il-'U- co-l, John tftoucy. curlixi 1, Mcior Major, V. U. F.iehliii,'!. Onioim, iilow-l.

tiio. T. Chup-ui'iii; J. W. IXKhllcai.

U.doini, ml-1, Mackay; Ciiapiuuii. onloim. iute-l, Lieo. Lliapiuao John money. Unloim, jiik.iii-l.

tK'O- T. Clutp-inaii: vutor Mager. lcks 1, JJ.liu.l. i Victor Mugor. lvuei, ill iuJ Job" fcHouvy; in od-l.

Hctiry lUtuuiajl Mackay. IN IpeiM 1, victor Major. fcUmily 1, tjo. X. Uiuianuu; Jonu fctomy.

liollow crown 1. Vlcioi Jouu floury. Purmdi-s, ttu.l.-nl 1. Jolm Stoney. W.

11. 'I'oiuiiim Joiiii t-toiw-y. Potalo4, Early Ohio X. Ivuovvica; W. il.

'lOinaltu. lolulocri, Early I'uialon uco. X. Cnapiiuiu 4.V.J. luddlcn.

l'otjitocti, liiiiuty of Hebron 1. Jon iti-os. Know kuiYLcH, txtrta .1, tjoo. Cliupaiau. Potatoes, oilier varieties IjcO-T.

Chupinuii; 'C, Jong llros. RailniMh, wiiHer 1. Ueo. thup-inau. Kaddish, sunimei 1, W.

II. rlld-ing; 2, Jan. Barren. Litruiih-l, Mis. behton 2.

Xlios. Mac Kay. tpuiMli, win tor-1. Victor Major; 2, julin c'torey. ipiash, bumiiier 1, Mrs.

J. Mc-ponahl 2, W. 11. Fielding. Collection of tomatoes 1, John llhblell 2, Richard Alston.

Tomatoes, large, red 1, as. liar-it'lt 2, V. 11. i-lidding. Tomatoes, yellow plum 1, John Hidden.

Victor Mager; 2, II. ieldkiig. Itliiiburt-1, Jas. Bnrrott; 2, W. II.

Fiddmg. Turnips, white 1. Geo. T. Chapman 2, V.

C. iluil. Turnips, yellow-1, J. W. Knowles; 2, Geo.

T. Chapman. Turnips, iwedc 1, Victor Mager; 2, Tlios. Mac Kay. Best collection or savory neros 1, Victor Mugor; 2, Geo.

T. Chapman. VEGETABLES AMATEUR. Collection of vegetables James Cartmell 2, Mrs. J.

IL McDonald. Beets, long 1, Go. Caddrlck, 2, Mrs. J. H.

MclHMiuJd. I'M'ts, turnip 1, Magnus Harper; 2, Mrs. B. Shepherd. Kal" Mrs.

J. H. McDonald. Cabbage, early 1. W.

L. Lyall 2, S. Lacomlie. Cabbage, winter 1, E. W.

Bate-mnn 2, Mrs. J. H. MoDonald. Cabbage, Savoy 1, Geo.

Caddrlck; 2, Mrs. J. R. McDonald. Cabbage, ml 1, J.

W. Thonwon 2, Mrs. Thos. Nickson. Currots, short 1, Mrs.

M. Bacon; 2, S. Larcoiulie. Carrots, Intermediate 1, J. W.

Thomson; 2, A. Anterburg. Cauliflowers 1, Magnus Harper; 2, S. Liweombe. Celery, white plume 1, Thos.

Bull-man 2, Geo. Craduck. Celery, other varieties 1, Mrs. T. Nixon.

Sweet corn 1, Geo. Cradduck 2, Jns. Cartmere. Cucumber, white spine 1, James Cart moll; 2, Mrs. M.

Bacon. Cucumber, long green 1, Mrs. T. Nixon 2, 8. Larcomle.

Cucumber, long frame 1, S. Lar-combe. Gherkins 1, Mrs. J. R.

McDonald. Lettuce, cabbage 1, J. Butterham, 2, Jas. McDonald. Lettuce, cross 1, 8.

Larcombo 2, J. J. Battcrham. Lettuce, curled 1, John McDonald 2, J. Bnttei'liniii.

Onions, yellow Mrs. J. R. Mc-Donld 2, Geo. Nicholl.

Onions, red 1. Mrs. J. R. Mc-Dermald; 2, M.

J. Cartmell. Onions, white, 1, M. J. Cartmell; 2, Lnrcombe.

Onions, pickling 1, W. L. Lyall 2, S. LnrcomlK). Leeks 1, Jas.

Cnrtmell 2, Mi's. J. R. McDonald. Peas in pod-1, W.

L. Lyall; 2. S. lleans in pod 1, Jas. Cartmell 2, D.

V. Peppers I). W. Buchanan. Salsify 1, Geo.

Cradduck; 2, Mm. J. H. McDonald. Pnriniw, hollow crown 1, John McDonald; 2.

Mrs. A. MoBean. Parsnips, Student 1, H- Larcombo; 2, Geo. Cradduck.

Potatoes, Ttovee 1, Mrs. J. It. McDonald; 2, J. W.

Thomson. Potatoes, Harly Ohio 1, Mrs. J. R. McDonald; 2, J.

W. Thomson. Potatoes, Flarly Rose 1, J. W. Thomson 2, J.

IL McDonald. Potatoes. Early Puritan 1. J. W.

Tliomso.i 2, Mrs. J. R. McDonald. Potatoes, Beauty or Hebron 1, J.

W. Thomson 2. Mrs. J. It.

McDonald. Potatoes, lUirbees 1, Mrs R. McDonald; 2, J. W. Thomson.

Potatoes, other varieties 1, G. II. McNoll 2, Mrs. J. R.

McDonald. Rnddish, winter 1, Magnus Harper; '2, S. Lareombe. R.iddish, suninipr 1, R. Larcombo.

Citron 1. Mrs. J. IL McDonald; 2, Gx. Crail lni'k.

Splash, winter 1, Geo. Cradduck; 2, S. Iarcnnls. luash, tuaim 1, o. Cradduck; 2, D.

W. Buchunan. TotnnUx'S, largo red Thos. Bullninn; 2, M. J.

Cartmell. Tomatoes, red plum 1. Geo. Crad duck. Tomatoes, 3'ellow plum 1, Mrs.

J. R. McDonald. Parsley 1, Ttios. Bullman 2, Mm.

J. It. McDonald. Rhubarb Mrs. Mackenzie; 2, W.

L. Lyall. Turnips, white 1, Mrs. J. McDonald; 2, Mrs.

B. SJwppherd. Turiiii, yellow 1, Mrs. II. Slu'pplicrd 2, S.

Lnrroiuhe. Turnips, Swede Mrs. J. R. McDonald; 2, Magnus Ilnrpftr.

Collection of vegetables by Agrl- GOT TO Have Sharp Brains Nowadays or Drop Back. Tlio man of today, no matter what his rnxxls a sharp brain, and to get this ho needs food that not only gives muscli) and stroiuith, but brain and mrvn power ns'well. A cars-nter and builder of Marquette, who Is energetic nnd wants to advance In- his business, read nil article aliout food in a religious pais-r, nnd in speaking of his excreiic.e, he said "I'p to three years ago I had not been able to study or tiso my thinking (lowers to any extent. Thero was something lacking, and' I know now that It was due to the fact that my food was not rebuilding my brain. "About this tlmn I began the use of the condensed food, Grape-Nits, and the result has Jwen I can think nnd plan with some success.

It has not only rebuilt my brnlni until It Is stronger nnd surer ntut more active, lint my muscles are also hardT and more firm where they used to be loose and sort, nnd my stomach now In perfect condition. I can emlur more than twle the amount of fatigue, and my night's rest nl-wnys completely restore me. i In otlH-r words I nm enjoytnir lifo nnd I attribute It to the fnct Uiat I have found a gcrfect focxl." Nnme. given by ob turn. Bfittlo Creek, Mich.

Are you Bilious? Lo you have Sick Headaches? You can be quickly and easily relieved by taking Beechams Pills Bold Esrywhara. In boxes, a cents. rultural Ronloty 1, Birtlo Agricultural Society. FLOWERS. PROFESSIONAL.

Group of plants 1, JUcliard Als-I ton 2, H. E. Phllpot. Hanging baskets-1, II. E.

Phllpot. Rare plant 1, Henry Bateman. Tlanthus-1. John Hlddell 2, Lay Bros. i'nnsles-l, Mrs.

Lelgliton 2, John Stoney. Zliinias-1. Richard Alston; 2, T. W. Knowlcaj.

Dhallas-2. Rlclianl Alston. Sweet peas l. Lay Bros. 2, Mrs.

Lelgliton. Asters 1, Henry Bateman 2, John Hlddell. Stocks 1, John Rlddell. Phlox driiinmondl 1, Mrs. Leight-on 2, Henr-y Bateman.

Petunias 1, Lay 2, John Hlddell. Anturhlnum 1, Henry Bateman 2, Jolm Hlddell. Cn rnatlons-2, Richard Alston. Hollyhocks 1, John Stoney. Collection of annuals 1, Lay Bros.

2. Richard Alston. Verbena 1, Richard Alston 2, Henry Bateman. Hand bompiet 1. II.

E. Phllpot 2, Richard Alston; 2, John Stoney. Floral table decoration 1, Richard Alston; 2, H. E. Phllpot; 3, John Stoney.

PLANTS. AMATEUK. Pots of flowering, house plants 1, Mrs. G. Mitchell; 2, Henry Bateman.

Pots of foliage house pViuits 1, A. AnUmbring 2. Mm O. Mitchell. isogoirla, Iiberous 1, A.

An ten-bring. Begonto. tuberous 1. Miss E. Fow ler.

Geraniums. In bloom 1. Mrs. S. Mit'clwdl 2, Miss E.

Fowlor. KiKrhwias 1, J. p. EwiiiR. Petunias.

In bloom 1. A. Anten- briivg. Itiuiging basket 1. Miss E.

Fow ler; 2, Anteaibring. i FncliiMliuB Untrained, In bloom 1, J. 1'. Ewlng. Fuchs'La, t'naliHxl, in bloom 1, Mrs.

J. Lytle; 2. J. P. Flwftng.

Begonia, in bloom 1. J. J. Batter-tvun. Coleus 1, A.

Antonbring. In bloom 1, J. P. Ewlng. Geranium, single 1, J.

W. Thom son 2, Mrs. tl. Mitchnll. Geranium, double Mrs.

O. Mitchell 2, MiisM E. Fowlor. trfiMnlunu varhieated 1. A.

An tonbring; 2, Magnus Harper. lu'raniiini, tvy 2, Mrs. U. Mltonoll. Forn 1.

A. Antenbiuiiir 2. MrB. J. H.

CTameron. I'aJm 1. A. Antenbrlnc: 2. Mrs.

G. DUtchull. CUT FLOWERS, AMATEUR. Sweet Peas 1. II.

P. Thomson 2. J. R. Steuort 3, F.

W. Bailey. utauioii j. w. ruomson.

Petunias 1. Mrs. G. Mitchell: 2. J.

W. Thomson. DluUioa 1. Mirs. Maekonzte: 2.

J. W. Thomson. Panies-1, W. L.

Lyall; 2, J. W. Thomson. Asters 1, J. Caldwell 2.

A. Anten-brlng. Hardy perennials 1, J. W. Thomson 2, A.

Antonbring. Phlox dummondl 1, A. Anton-bring; 2. Mrs. G.

Mitchell. Zinnias A. Antcnbrlng; 2, E. W. Bateman.

Stocks 1, MIbs E. Fowler; 2, Mrs. G. Mitchell. Popples l.

Miss E. Fowler "2, Mrs. Tlios. Nixon. Verbenas 1, J.

W. Thomson 2, A. Antonbring. ITolly hocks 1, Thos. Mackenzie; 2, W.

L. Lyall. Sweet peas, school children 1, Fl Island school. HONEY. Crate, extracted Ivanev 1, Mrs.

A. McBoan 2, .1. Gatley. Crate, comb honey 1, J. Goulot 2, J.

Gatloy. Plsplay 1. J. J. Giinn.

Honey, vinegar 1, D. LnnghM 2, J. Gatley. Bees wax 1, J. Gatley 2, J.

J. Gunn. EXTRAS. Tears 1, Tlios. Frankland.

Seedling crabs and hybrids 1, Thos. Frankland. MANY ATTEND Funeral of Garibaldi's Son Causes a Popular Demonstration in Rome By Associated Press. Rom Aug. 27.

Tho burial of Monottl Giarilialdi ooourred to-tlny, and wins a most impressive, spectacle. During the night tho lody wiaa mar ried fleroK8 tho Oamivagna Romana. G'Poups of knelt along the Hcone and oalhd on God to bless the miualiw of their lien efaotor. Gabriel Banuiiniio (hilivered a brlnf and toiir-hlng uddixMS at the grave, which lies lu the midst of desolato THOUSANDS LOST Cloud Bursts Do Awful Dam' age in Council Bluffs By Associated Press. Council Bluffs, Aug.

27. Two cloudbursts tonight destroyed hun dreds of thousands of dollars' worth of property In this city. Tlio first storm flooded tho rivers, and nun dreds of families In tho lower districts of the town were removed from their homes with dlmculty. Another storm. Inter in the evern Ing.

raised the water still higher Tlio loss in this city alone will reach half a million dollars. Traffic on tho Northwestern Railroad Is sus pended. The Rock Island and Mil waukee was also ilwi up. SPLENDID REGION By Associated Press. Basel.

Switzerland. Aug. 27. Tho territory that Urem-i iwitain lias IoivIgIi hj icntirbn is an elevatPd traot 200 mllps long on tho gamia Jtailwny, nmwwn jinn n-iiu Nairobi. This region is described as almost unparalleled In tropical Afri-cn, being admirably watered, fertile, cool ana imuimjr ior cu-ropeaos as Great Britain.

1 FIFTI-SFIEB Total Grain Runs to Ten Million Over Last Year. Northwest Grain Dealers' Official Estimate of the New Crop. Tho now crop estimate of tho Northwest Grain Dealers' association to hand from Secretary Fowler's office, previous estimates having only dealt with tho year's acreage. The total wheat crop of tho Canadian west Is estimated, under date of August 15, at bushels, Canada's second largest yield, last years having been 'Hie total grain crop is placed at about 110.0()0,(J()0 bushels. The estimate as follows NEW CROP.

Acreage. Wheat Oats Barley Flax Crop. yield. r.7,io:,on2 743,348 28.0 11.5 LAST YEAR'S. In his annual reiort Secretary Fowler says of last year's crop: "On August 1 of last year a crop reixirt was Issued estimatimr the yield at about bushels of wnent.

in reKrt Issued on the 14th of October, this was increased to 04,284.000. -This estimate has proven to be substantially correct, as tiro situation of the wheat crop of last year on August 20, was as follows: There had lieen shipped out by tho railways, that Is, shipiied to Winnipeg, the East and other points outside of Manitoba, 50.840.530 bushels; there was in store country points on Saturday last. tu.YOO bushels: nink nir In nl 842,230 bushels. Allowimr 0000.000 bushels for seed, and 7.000.000 bush els for feed and country mills, or bushels added to this would make a total crop of (14.342.230 bushels, against my report of 284,000 bushels." When asked today whether tlio Pembina road had been ched. Aid.

Gibson Bald that only two blocks of Highway had been shut off. "That much of the road." bo said, "has boon closed for at least a month. SUMMER BABIES Tnelr Safety Depends Upon Sensible and Nourishing; Food Tho best, cheapest and safest food for Infants Is Lnctateil Food, a per iod substltuto for mother's milk. Lactntetl Food makes cross and peevish babies good-nn tured, healthy nnd hearty. It is the safest food for infants in summer time, as It contains no cano sugar or unchanged starch to cnuso sourness or the stomach, Irritation or Irregularity of tbn bowels.

If mothers would have their little ones securely protected from cholera infantum, dysentery and other hot weather dangers, they should feed them with Laitated Food. If yon have a sick baby, and have not tried Lactated Food, send your -address, and we will mail you free or cost a tin ol tins lile-saving food. The Wells A Richardson Limited, 200 Mountain Montreal, P.Q. i onrt all orfi-anlo iinHuiiittiinm. will r-UPfl VOJ OI.

otseua, mo w.juviw, Your doctors say that It is Imagination. Cc-mo to our otflce and we will show you an ankle plate inul tne uric mm rrnm tho boily has cut tho nickel oft. Iluy one, and If after using It lor six weeks you lira not ocm-intni, take It back and refund you half the tnr II ThB HllVtlltf itl VOiit doctor bills will tmrpriBO you. and others, apply to W. T.

KirlmiiEii. WlnnlrxK. Telephone, day 63; night lir.H. Mrs. It.

Mcl'hacia-n. 101a in-, says: "Ho tho Oxydonor 1 bought from you. Wo would not bo without It for diblo tho money It cost, and It Is surprising the rurfs It makes In colds, and almost nil pains. Wa are a large family, and uso It all tho time." Mr. -A.

Muck, of Carberry, says! "I was practically used up with rheumatism. I bought an Oxydonor. and after using It for two months was perfectly restored to rr.y usual health. My wife haa also received groat benefit by the uao of the same Instrument." Manitoba's Best $1,000 iu Northwest MILLION el The Auditorium, Winnipeg, August Admission 2Bo RED RIVER VALLEY 3,020 Acres CHOICE FARM LANDS only $10.50 Per Acre. Half cash.

2,0 Acres Near Otlerburne, Only $2,000. Easy terms. CITY PROPERTY Terrace of Four Houses, a 'Splendid Investment Choice Building Lots, Fort Rouge aid all parts of city. THE CANADIAN WEST LAND COMPANY Telephone 2160. 341 Main Street, Opposite Portage Avenue.

Lb Dr. S. W. Axtell Heals all diseases with- out drugs. His treatments are magnetic and massage.

He uses Osteopath manipulations; diagnoses all diseases without asking questions. He has had many years' experience as a healer and a teacher of this science; can teach you how to heal. You can enter the class the 1st of September, and he will teach you how to heal. He claims no superior power what he does you can do. The terms are reasonable.

Office on first floor of Arlington House, oppo site Roblin House. It don't matter what ails you, he can cure you sjaj WWWWW Hair Treatment Falllny hair, thin hair, dandruff, all kinds of scalp diseases. Massage of the sculp given. Single Treatment, 75c each Coarse, 50c each Manacurlng and facial maBsage, shampooing and hair dressing. Over Narcs, Robinson Black rtoom 8 1-2, 197 Lombard St.

THE MANITOBA FIRE ASSURANCE CO. Incorporated by Special Act, A.D. 1880. Head Office: Winnipeg. DirtKCTORS.

Hon. IT. J. Macdonald, K.C., President. J.

T. Gordon, M.l'.P.. Vlce-Pres. D. B.

Hunna, Esq. J. t. Thompson, H. II.

Ague, Khij. W. J. Tuppcr, Kkq. H.

S. Crotty, Esq. H. H. BECK, Managing Director All classes of Insurance written.

Agents wuntud In all unrepresented districts In Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. TENDERS FOIl ERECTION ADDITION TO SOUTH FIRE HALL. OF Bulk and separate tenders addrensod to the Chairman of the Klre, Wat.r and Light Committee for the erection of an addition to the South Fire Hall, will be received at tho office, of thn underHlgnod up to 8 p.m., on MONDAY NEXT, AUGUST 81. Plans and sjicciflcatlons may be seen, and forma of tender obtained at tho office of A. W.

Molvlllo, Arrhltmts and Civil Engineers, 807 Main fctrcct, Innlocj. Each tender must be acrompanl'-d by an iieeeptod cheque or cash depoult, for a sum Pfiual to ft per cent of tender, which will be HiibJ. to forfeiture In cuae of failure cn tho iwirt of tho contractor to enter Into a written contrai with approved sureties, If called upon to do HO. Tho rlty re-terves tho right to reject any or all tenders Or to ncc ejtt any one which oppcurj advantageous to the city of Winning. C.

J. DnOWN, City Clern. Winning, Aug. 2T, 100.1. Re-ad The Tribune and (jet all the Dcwe.

The Trlbuno Is tho Tcoplo's Paper. Fruits, Flowers and all 'Horticultural will be seen at the lorfEOiiu rn prizes. Competition open to Territories. Entries close at AFTERNOONS AND EVENINGS GRAND PROMENADE BAND CONCERT BY A. H.

PULFORD I have received Instructions from Ihn proprietors of Asslnlbolnc Park to sell the bu lance of LOTS Among them rtlvcr Front Lots, at my Palace Salesrooms, Saturday, Aug. 29, at 8 p.m. For plans and particulars apply A. II. rui.FOUD, Auctioneer.

201) l'ultago Avu. D.W. Floury Co. Auctioneers anil Appraisers. BEST IN THE CITV New Dulldlng.

Clean Dry. Smith St, North, two doors off Portago Avenue. I'hona DanSHELMERDINE Aactitneer and Appraiser Now occupies more commodious promises at corner King St. and where he will be pleased to meet old and new friends. Thone 17U0.

H. GRAY Auctioneer Valuator luiirr 246 Portage Avenue Tel. 15 TENDERS Tenders will bo received by the undersigned until Monday, August 81st. for a frame school bouse for the Trustees of Donoro District No. 118.

The lowest or any tender not necessarily an J. Oreenflold, Architect, 21 Canada Life liuilding. lenders will bo received up to Aug. 20th, 11(03, for the erection of a brli and stone school building, to be built on St. Mary's opposite St.

Mary's church. Plana nnd specifications can bo seen at the office of Samuel Hooper, Architect, 8117 Mdntyro Hlock. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CIIAS. CAH ILL.

O.M.I., P.P. Tenders fcr Supply of Sewer Pips Scaled tenders, addressed to the Chair, man of tho Commit lee on Works for tho supply of newer plito will be received at the offlco of the undersigned up to 8.80 p.m. on TUESDAY, SEPT. 15. 1003.

Tho quantlilcs required are as follows r.oo of 18-inch pipe. HOI) feet of ITHnrh plpo 1O.O0O feet of 12-Inch plpo. J0, ITixO, Junctions. 200, J2xtl, Junctions. SiHclflcatlons and forms of tender may bo obtained at the office of H.

N. Hut tan, city engineer, Winnipeg. Each tender itiubI bo accompanied by an acrcpted cheque or cash deposit for tho sum called for In the form of tender supplied, which will be subject to forfeiture In cane of failure on the part of the contractor to enter Into a written contract with approved sureties. It called upon to do so. Tho city renerves the right to reject any or all tenders or to accept any hid which appraru advantageous to the City of Winnipeg.

C. J. nrtOWN, City Clerk. City Clerk's Office, Winnipeg. Aug.

27, lOD.I, 27.2.2.r,l,12.14 "Town Talk" tells all about tht towns on tho Omaha extension of the Chicago Croat Western Hallway. For free copy write Kdwln n. Maglll, Mgr TownHlte Fort Dodgo, la. tmimi Manitoba and noon, Aug. 21 26, 27 and 28 EACH EVENING Children IBo.

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