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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 2

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TEN YEARS HENCE A strange thing haa happened. Under the leases which brother-in-law Tad secured from the Dominion Government many years ago, he has laid claim to most of the country lying north of fno 49th parallel and extending from a line running duo south from tht. town of Slfton to the boundary and west as far as the Rockies. The U. P.

R. and all other lines that have not beert en rapport with Tad have had to pull up their lines of track and make a detour via the Arctic Circle. When old S'r Wilfrid Laurior, ex-premier of Canada, was coming through the country on his special train, ho was obliged to make a detour through the Bute In order to get to the coast. The old man, who was delayed Uays because of the obstruction, Is said to have expressed profound regret that he did pot cancel the leases or at least reserve right of way for at least one railway through the alienated territory, so that ex-premiers, statesmen, Jehus and corn doctors might be able to go through without delay. There la talk of getting the Emperor of Germany, ex-President Roosevelt and BUI Allison to act as a commission to approach Tad and see If he could not be persuaded to sell at least enough to build a single track through his preserves.

The issue Is regarded as extremely doubtful. There Is great general rejoicing throughout the country west of the great lakes, and Aikins historic hole, over the fact that the gasoline tank of old Billy McWUliams' automobile blew up In front of the grain exchange bull' ding and knocked the wits out of most of the members of the exchange. It Is felt that without their wits the bunch will be quitu harmless. It is un derstood that the severity of the concussion was not such as to deprive old Stephen of his ability to knit or tat, old Robbie of his facility for ironing shirt and things, and fat old Fetronlus of his ability to grouse and handle chips with which to start the furnace on the wet mornings. Old Billy ays he Is damn glad the pesky thing's busted, as it will enable him to pursue his peaceful occupation of playing bridge without Interruption or distraction of any kind.

At an emergent meeting of the Old Topers" Club, held night before last, a resolution was unanimously passed de ploring the fact that the whole bunch combined did not possess the ability ir enterprise of Brother Malcolm, Jtherwise they could float. Ed. Manahan's potatoes and mangel wortzels are up so high that old Ed be seen any morning in his potato patch hoeing briskly. The old man usually goes In his bare feet, although nc. has boots to burn good boots, too, with copper toes on them.

Ed. does not look for a good crop of hogs this year, as he says the hog lice have bothered the old sows to beat the band. Old W. u. scott nas gone in witn him as a partner in sending the milk to the cheese factory.

Owing to a change In the course of the Red River, a cut off having been made below Kildonan, a deputation went down the river a couple of days igo to arrange to carry the lock from Bt. Andrews old rapids across to the point selected on the new water course. There was some difficulty at -first opening the lock, and several artists Ilka BUI Alloway and A. A. Andrews tried to pick It, but Kd Martin, M.P., leaped into the arena and declared that he held the key to the situation.

With Ed's key the problem was solved and the lock safely transferred to the point selected. Old Billy Bell la collaborating with Old Arthur Wlckson on a volume, "Do ing Egypt and Its People." It Is understood that the work is based upon the observations and operations of the two budding authors, who visited the East during the late spring of 1908. Everybody who knows the two geni uses will aeree that nature formed tncra for the production of such a work. It is confidently anticipated that the book will set the heather on fire and put "Three Weeks," "The Yoke' ind the raciest gefns in "The Words of Praise Mr the several Ingn-rUeata of wnMajSa rVrreivi medicine are com posed, as fteeC by leaden In all the several scbooto of medicine, should have fat more weight than any amount of noe-profosslonal tes timonials. Dr.

Pierce's, Favorite Prescrip tion baa thb Basal or BoaasTY on every bottle-wrapper. In a foil list of all IU in gredients printed In plain English. If yon are an Invalid woman and rniffer from frequent headache, backache, gnaw lngdlstri Iq stomach, periodical paint, dIsagre-jK Me, catarrhal, pelvic drain, daggiifWdown distress In lower abdomeh or pelvja. perhaps dark spot or speck aanemg before the eyes, faint spell and Kinase? symptomscaueed by female weak new, ote thijJ-denuigBtnentof the feminine. organs, yf can not do better than talc Dr.

Plcroli FevorlW Prescription. The hjWrttet, Mrgoon' knife and opera ung texsarmay be avoided by the timely use of Meteorite Prescription" In such esses, a nereny me oonoxlom examin ations si pnysician pnysician na lbca.1 trpa.Tliw.nUnf lh Tnmll caiuie avoided and a tl cuurseoi success! in treatment earn lie ni n. I nr.iy flf 4 Q'll hump "faVOritO Prescription' coin powd ol The very berl native medicinal root known to medical science for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments, contain no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Do not expect too much from "FlTorlte rnwniniom win not perform mire- CleSJftU Will. not dlnolva or cure tiimnra.

No medicine will. It will do much to establish vigorous health in most weaknesses and ailments peculiarly Incident to women a tnv medicine ean. It must ba given a fair chance by perseverance In uoti iuf iwunsura lengin 01 time, Yoi ran't ffnrH VfT Sick women are Invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, fret. All correspond- gnaraeq a aacreaiy secret and womaniy connuoncoa are protected by Dr.

Pierce's Pleasant pellet the best laxative and regulator of the bowels. They Invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. One a laxative two or thro autarua, ay uuu as caaaj. Doctor" utterly to the bad. Billy has been assigned the role of the observant philosopher, sitting on the bridge, or stool, If you like, as It were, and reeling off gem which are expected to put anything that the great trav ellers of the renaissance ever wrote In the shade.

On the other hand the gay and festive Arthur, who always had his coat poekels filled with cracked ice to keep him cool, is engaged In describ ing I Have Saw in the Latin Halves of the Effete East." It is understood that nothing will be inserted in the book which did not come under Arthur's very own piercing eye glance, which, like the spot light in a vaudeville theatre, was successfully turned upon the back of 627,439,872,042 cheques durinrr a more or less utormy presidency In a bank office for" 39 years. Billy says he Blinply had a devil of a time keeping track of Ar thur, or "Arty Boy," as he came to be known by the hot sports on the trip. At Brimlisl "Arty" got "lost" for four days and nights, but when he turned up he had an Immense quantity of notes which he had taken wherever he could get them. His supply of Ice had run out, bue he was gay and chipper as usual and flung numerous bright and yellow coins in the water to in duce the black urchins to dive. There was no keeping track of "Arty" at Alexandria, He simply ran wild.

"That's where he sowed his wild oats" was the consensus of opinion among the numerous "Wlnnlpoggcrs who lined up at the wharf every night to fish. Billy says he found it quite a difficult task to do the people of Egypt--Justice, but he hopes to give them a run for their money In hla portion of the forthcoming work. Billy Veitch and Joe Hall, after am assing a big fortune, decided to spend the remainder of their Uvea for the benefit of their fellow men. They go about the country singing and making melody in their hearts. Joe has revived his great song, "Peeping through the knot-hole of the widow's wooden leg," while Billy beats the torn torn that old Chief Poundmaker presented to before he departed for the happy shooting lodge, and Aaron plays a few sharp accompaniments to Joe's songs.

Charlie Brown has swapped whis kers temporarily with Ginger Snook and now you'd never know "un." Gin ger complains that Charlie's beard gets entangled with the prongs of the fork when he Is loading manure on his waggon. Dave Scott opines that "them elr whiskers Is in grave peril, and that Charlie will never recognize them when they are returned. Farquhar McLennan Is still living in luxury out of the $650,000 that he made on the 1907 crop. After his great fortune on that occasion he bought the "old Grain Exchange building and converted It into a mammoth eoup kit- chen for Indigent and Impecunious down and outers, whose names used to be a pit hold word about the pre cincts of the Exchange. Old George the fourth, Nicholas the third, Petro- nlus, tho two Billys, Robbie and Thompson Sons and can be seen every forenoon hiking for the Exchange to get their generous bowl.

A few of the others, whose names are rot mentioned because of want of space, etlll repair to the other Joints for their bowl. The report that Old Sir Fred Goatye has been summoned to Windsor Cas tle to kiss the hand of Princess May, is confirmed. It seoms that the Impression 4eft by "Old Goats' kiss was never quite obliterated from the heart or hand of the fair lady. She said she would not care to die until she experienced the sensation of another' embrace from those firm old cracked ilps, which explains the why and wherefore of "Goats suddent" trip abroad. Old Major Bell has been busily en gaged for months on hla autoblog raphy.

Inasmuch as he haa promised to set everything down exactly as It oocurred, a largo number of advance orders for the publication have been sent in to the publisher. Archie Mc- Taggart has bespoke three copies, half a dozen each have been ordered by two judges, Hugo wants a brace of copies. Doc. Good has sent In his name for sixty, and George Carruthers has stipulated for a de luxe edition. Macklln threatens to buy a copy to mix with his mbaupassant edition.

Be'ah, When Iyord F-plar (then plain Sir William Whyte) visited the Khedive of Egypt ten years ego, he hud the freedom of the country conferred upon him, Concluding, Jlke ex-Mayor Sharpe, that the freedom of the city conferred upon him the privilege of plucking anybody's fruit, running bis automobile roughshod over any clU zen's onion and tomato beds, and In swaggering generally up and down and all aroud, the Noble Lord, who is naturally a modest man, cut himself loose and decided to give the citizens of the land where Moses was found In tho bullrushes a tasto of western style He stove in the Khedive's silk hat slapped that official's wife on the back took four schooners of Ound's lager beer hand running, stumped the prime milliliter' to a hundred yard dash, shivered a thousand dollar chandelier two feet above his head with a deft high kick, and wound up by Inviting what he called the "hull push" from Alexandria down to Abu-egis to Join him In a trip across the North Am erlcan continent In his private car. The Nobis Lord was voted a "snort- vadlum," a native expresxlon somewhat equivalent to "a holy corker" or a "Joy Jammer" In the Canadian ver nacular. In addition ha had hla title extended enormously by the addition of more garters than would stock Eaton's or Jerry's during an Industrial fair run. President Return. ChIhIk, France, May President Fflllleres landed here at 12 o'clock this afternoon on his return from an of ficial visit of four days to England.

11 I S9 THE WINNIPEG TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, MAY 30 1908. Hard Coughs 1 will not be re-Instated. Athabasca Navlyatisn. 3 mm The Kind Tea Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for otct SO years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- ffif-f1- Bonal supervision since its infancy. -CCCCAii- aIIoav no one to deceive vou in this.

All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bus Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-Experieuce against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Para porta, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss.

It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It rerieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation find Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signaturo of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.

THI CCNTS.UH OOMMNV, TT HUHIUV YMCCT, MW VOHK OITV. BY COMPARISON Five (Roses AND Harvest Queen BRANDS OP ARE THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. Let the test be proof. Lake of the Woods Milling Company PIG METALS ships In the harbor. Calais was decorated in nonor or nis atrival, and at Immense enthurilaatio arrival an Immense enthusiastic crowd itrpetPrt him on the pier.

He was escorted by detachments of anldlers an-J sailors, and was driven through lonR lines of chcerlnjr people to the railroad station, where he boarded a special train for Paris. Tolman Wanted. Montreal, May 2D. A warrant waa Ispued today for the arrpat of D. H.

Tolman, who Is In many ways the father of the 155 rer cent business In America, and who haa an office In Montreal. The warrant for Tolman's arrest wa MsHiie.l on behalf of M. H. Duncan, who borrowed 10 from Tolman. Tolman, or his agent, a young woman, at preaemt unknown to the police, charged him 150 per cent, per annum on a loan.

Tolman Is said to be In Philadelphia. The young woman who made the loa nto Duncan was not to be found. It Is she who will have to face the chargre eventually. The man will hardly give Canadian authorities a chance to serve the warrant for hla arrest. Prince of Wales III.

London, May 2D. The Prince of Wales la not In very robust health Just now the royal physicians have Insisted to his getting as much sea air as possible. It Is hoped the prince's trip to Quebec, in July will prove an aid to his recovery. The prince has never worked harder that at present, and conscientiously performs all sorts of duties In place of his father. Borne times of late he has been so thoroughly tired out after a long day that he has been compelled to retire as early as 9 o'clock.

Still at Largs. Fielding, May 29. The ststs-ment In a Winnipeg paper that Steinberg has been arrestod In Cincinnati on a charge of wife-murder Is Incorrect, as tho police In ten larger cities of the States are tl it searching for Copper, Lead, Tin, Zinc We are headquarter. Bead as your Inquiries. THE CANADA METAL William Toronto.

FREE HELP FOR MEN The only remedy known to lenea which will positively cure lost umnhood Ib w.f STOBISC." Ihe msrvelloiu German Remedy discovered by Dr. Jules Kohr. It is controlled in this country by the Dr. Kohr Medicine Comnanv, a concern which has th highest standing in the medical world. This treatment has cured thousands of men, youne and old, when the best known remedies have failed.

If you aresufferinfr from diseases of the ireneratlve organs sncli as lost nianjood, exhaust-ins; drams, debility, the resulta of abuse, this remedy us (ill caft you Is its The headache, plm pies, varicocele, pain in the back and failing memory, U8n)7JCVI VI I 111 Jilt. It I 1 11 mimt v.ov pf to two week'a treatment. We make the honest offer of a cure or return your money. Tnousanaaoi testimonials. Correspondence treated (Iriellf eenMtstial.

HIVE dsy's treatment sent free wilh a book of rules for health, diet and advice. Our greatest successes have been those who have falledlwith other treatments. This remedy la regularly used In the French and German armies, and the soldiers in these countries are models of atrcDCtkj tad vitality. Write for sample sent securely sealed in plain wrapper. Address DR KOHR MEDICINE P.O.

Drawer 2341. Montreal. was welcomed by the boomins; of guns from the Calais fortress and the war Tenders for Supply of Coal Scaled tenders addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Control for supply of 1,000 tons of bituminous steam coal delivered at the rate of 1,000 tons monthly on the siding at the Fire Service Water "Works station at the foot of James Street, will be received at the office of the under signed up to 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, Jun 4. Specifications and forms of tender together with conditions governing tender as prescribed by by- law may be obtained at the office of the City The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. M.

PETERSON, Becretary, Board of Control Office, Winnipeg, May 28. 1908. CALL 3642 W. E. GRAY t'pholalerer anal Carpet Fitter Roe rORTAOB AVE.

hlm.D A provincial detective from Re nins. Is In the Keatley district, near here, investigating the allegod tragedy. Miners at Work. Michel, B.C., May 29. The striking miners all returned to worn tnia morn ing, following the decision reached at a meetin got the loca union yesteroay, Ihe management of the Crow's Nest Coal company Is firm about tne nil missal of the leaders and declare they Athabasca Landing.

A1U May 29. The steamer Midnight Pun will mako a trip up the Athabasca River as far as the Macleod River in the latter part of June. This Is something new in steamboatlng, as no steamer has ever ventured up the river so far before If your doctor fully endorses your taklnf Ayer'i Cherry Pectoral for your hard eoufh, then buy It and use It. If he does not. then do not mtJMnu.

aZTproud of th.m. V. Aon tbou thli splendid mdielne nonwf In rnnrral nit aecsrf. fe hlJt. for eouchi and colds.

teSlalfi fit. aa. SHSBMSHHSMHHSMHHSlMHSSBSSSHmBSSSSSSSSSSSSSmVSSSSSSHSBSSSniSSSSSaSl I fflHliP 1 1 lllllllllllllllpB nor MADE I.V WUPriPEO. CALL AND SEE SAMPLES OF ORNAMENTAL FENCING Maanfaetaresl at our Werka, Coraev Crabaos aad sua ban. Munro Steel Iron Works, Ltd.

OGILVIE'S ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR makes perfect Bread and Pastry. It' good for Biscuits and all the other things. The Ogilvie Floor Mills Co. Ltd, Winnipeg. Office Phone 4867.

e)'M'ae-arr-anenaawBraaavvere House Phone 7533. Shorthand and Typewriting CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE Aahdown Block, Winnipeg. Principal: Pawlett, President Stenographers' Association. APPEAL By the Winnipeg General Hospital to the Citizens of Winnipeg for Sub-: scriptions Towards Maintenance. The charity work of the Winnipeg General Hospital, owing to the growth ot our city and the large number of Immigrants, has Increased enormously during the last few years, as Instanced by the fact that In 1903 there were 24,000 days of treat-ment given to public ward patients, and In 1807, 64,000 days from the city alone.

The cost of maintenance haa Increased proportionately and has outgrown the Hospital's, resources, until there Is now a deficit of $28,000 on maintenance account alone. The cost per day of each patient shows that no large hospital on the Continent Is more economically managed than the "Winnipeg General," and any further economies would seriously affect Its efficiency. The work of the hospital cannot be curtailed; the sick and Injured of our City must be housed and cared for. This can best be done by enabling our hospital to provide the most approved equipment and modern appliances for the treatment of Its patients. The City's annual grant of $40,000 towards maintenance Is large, but really only represents the cost of maintaining the hospital for three months In each year.

The Board of Directors appeal to the cltixens to rally to the assistance of the hospital and free it from Its present burden of debt that It may become, as it should be, an object of pride to every citizen, The kindly Interest that private 'cltlaene, especially women, take In the hospital Is absolutely necessary to its -welfare, and Its friends beilnve that without this Influence the "Winnipeg General" would soon become a poor, Inefficient, yet expensive hospital. A Committee of Cltlzena. of which A. L. Johnson Is chairman, and A.

L. Crajsln, secretary, haa been organised to raise funds to place the hos-pital In a better position to continue Us work. Members of this Committee will endeavor to call upon all citlxens, and a generous response is expected. Give what you can afford, and make up your mind to con-trlbuti next year and every year. InNaddltlon to the regular form of subscription a plan will be presented enabling employees tf shops, factories, warehouses and offices, Including railway, cartage, express or telegraph, to contribute one day's earnings to the hospital during 1908, and for every $100.00 so subscribed, the contributors can nominate from among themselves a Life Governor to the hospital.

The hospital cannol have too many Life Governor, who will In turn be asked to visit the hospital certain weeks In the yoar, and be a means of bringing the hospital more In touch with the clti-eens; by this plan every employee contributing a small sum will give as much as those mora highly paid. We have no mlllionalra philanthropists In Winnipeg to relieve us of the burden of this work, but a few thousand citizens each taking a personal Interest in the hospital, can not only ensure an adequate revenue for its needs, but also supply something that money cannot buy. Any hospital Is a cold, cheerless place without sjmpathy, and there Is no reason why the "Winnipeg General" should not be the richest In America in this respect. According to Its charter of Incorporation any subscriber who gives $10.00 a year owns the same shara end exercises equal authority with the man who $10,000, It la therefore purely a citizens' hospital, own-, ed and controlled clU.ens for the benefit et all classes. 1 OCORQK F.

OALT, Honorary Secretary-Treasurer. (ma eajaej rawsi swevsra e)ia- Read The Tribune and get all the news ARRET LEANING U'HOLS IKHI.NO STORAGE, REMOVAL OF FURNITURE W. O. Furnlval Telrphoae 2041. til Coloay Business Lunches Manitoba Hall served dally from 11.30 a.m., to ,2.30 p.m., beginning Monday, June 1st, at 25c, 85a and 60c.

Service the best. Kindly give it a trial. "Phone 2363 for reserved iable or seats of any number. Wolseley's Red River Expedi tioft Association The members of the 'above asaools tlon are requested to meet at the Cltl Hall, on Sunday, the 31st Instant, a 2.30 clock, for the purpose of at. tending the funeral of our lato com rade, Major Mulvey.

By order GEO. BLACK, TendersforBarley Screenings Tender will Via -AnAij 'j mo un dersigned until 12 o'clock Friday, May iw a. quuiuuy or oariey screenings, amounting to 488 bushels, mora or less, now in the Canada Maltina Company's elevator at Winnipeg. jj marked cheque for 10 per of the amount tendered for must accompany tender. All- tenders to be marked "tender tot barley screenings In Canada Malting Company's elevator." No tender for less than the" full amount of screenings will be consider ed.

The highest or any tender not neeeea sarlly accepted. i C. C. CASTLE, Purchasing Agent, Box 1327, Winnipeg! TENDERS Tenders will be received by the un derslgned for any or all (up to; June 15, 1808), of the following lands; N. E.

22, 27, IB; 1st. 8. K. 1, 38, 26; 1st N. K.

N. i of S. SB, 2nd, US. .3. 1: 2nd lmcrova fenced and cropped.

io, zna imprersa. fenced and cropped. ti. it, 32, vv 2nd improved. N.

hi. A M. Dart of S. W. 14.

li- 12. ist. 7 BbO acres land scrip (cash only). No tender to state lesa than sib quarter to one-third of the prices down in cash; nor term of annual payment more than six; nor rate of Interest en unpaid balance less than 8 per cent spot cagu lenuora preierrea oy least 5 to 10 per cent. These lands are all extra choice, and were picked in advance of settlement.

jney are now in tne mioai ot lb can give direct clear to all of then at once. Reason for ottering, want cat some real money, The highest tender or any tender net necessarily accepted. w. n. acivtunsiiu.

Fort Felly, Saekv GARDINER. CO. Kuaeral Directors A F.utbalmera. 681 Main Bt. Phona 88T.

Finest equipped Ambulanoe In the Weit. ALLOW A CHAMPION Sea Mala "treat. Dealers In Stocks and Bond. Money sent to any part of the world. 'a Bankers and Brokers Osier, Hammond Nanton Stock Brokera, Buy and Bell on Commission (ICKI AND BONDS On Toronto, Montreal, New York and London Exchanges.

DOMINION BANK BUILD INQ, WINNIPEG. Dr. Morse's Indian Rooft Pills THOITSANPS testify to tTielr belnsj the best FAMILY PILL In uae. They purlfv the system, regulate the bowels, thrreby cleansing the biood. For FE-MALKtf of all ages tnca.

pills era Invaluable as a few doses of them carry off all humors and bring about all that is required. NO KK.MALB SHOULD BB WITUOtT THEM. Ruahfleld, Fnlrfleld Ohio. W. H.

Comstock, Ksq. Hlr For the last 25 years hava been suffering from a disease which the doctors said would result In dropsy. 1 trieii doctor aftar doctor, but to no purpose. The disease still seemad to make headway, and they ail gave their opinion that was simply a matter of 1 1 mo with me. About this time I fot one your boxea of MOKSJS'H ILLS, arid have taken three boxes ot them up to the present writing.

I ean again do my work and fa.l twenty years younger. Yours truly, HANNA E. DICKSON. W. H.

COMSTOCK Brockvllle. Ontario. IniwiH fal mm ftM iwlmn. Try rMUftH. IJStTHEtVMlOlltMieilCt.

MEM ANDWOUESi Cm Bit SI forseaatanU irrlUiloaa uf ulvi.Ua.S of raao.a. SMnbraast Pain Iota, and Mtrla ant soltanoaa, oil ay Pragalste, Of ant la wrap, tf aasraw, tar ei.M. ortbnUlraSl.T. ClrealM stat aa Mteajt. Read The Tribune and gt all the B.wa..

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