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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 6

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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iU- Snciatv MRS. II. D. Goodcrham, Wilmot Plsre. will er.leitnin nt rlin.

tier Thursday evening in honor of Miss Donna McKrnty and Mi. Victor Prrssc. whoa? inniriagc will l0 an event of Saturday. Mr y. Muiray cntei tained -fit a i-mull bridge luncheon, Wednesday afternoon.

K. K. William Yale ave. entertained informally a' bridge Monday on. 1 Mirs ISfriha H.

Herman has left rol mi f.c.i.'M isit to t'hh-ann Xew am! Canadian i iiies. Mi; S. 1'. Oniinill. liettfmd hnnlcvii d.

n'u at tr-i. 1 rroon hi honor 01 Mrs. liui Kultt.n. of Toronto. Mr.

and His. 1. Withrow. H77 Ososv'i nor uvo, will he "at home" -tr their friends on Saturday, from 3.30 to and from 8 to 11) m. Mr.

John Wilson. KarKton entertained at bridge Thutsday evening in honor of Miss Florence a biil'-rrt of this i.ionth. A IKS. Vl. D.

liny. Henfoid F.lvd will in'- tun nnlly hi honor of C'lwj i M. Toionto Tin' VV-mcn' M'sum-my will meet Thursday at .1 o'clock in the lectin room. Reports on the Preshyterial will he jjiven by the delegates. S.

P. Mathcson. P.ishops Court. St John's, will enfrtain his evening In honor of the out-nf-town delegate" and executive members of the Runert's Land diocesan woman's auxiliary. Mis.

H. Sullivan left Fiiday for niggar. Sask wneie she will the gue.t of Mr. and Mrs. J.

Hes-Iccth Wilson, for a fw weeks. A NUMBER of Mr. Charles V. Rnnnard'8 pih friends will rntertain at dinner in hi? honor Thursday evening prior to his marriage to Miss Dorothy Cope. E.

C. H.irte entertained the members of the Winnipeg Press t'luh at tea. at Government House. Ttiesdnv afternoon, in honor of Mm. Walter Mundav.

who is leav- PRESIDENT It Does Make a Difference Where You 'Place Your Purchase and Confidence' This Offer Good for a Limited Time Only fiZW Li Fcr Your Old Radio or Phonograph on the New 1931 LL TF ST YOUR OLD TUBES FREE HOME RECORDING KrtriR th.m in Our m9 Victor Radio soiiji trutti abvut a radio tui. With electrola A wonderful opportunity to caili In on your old rurnent in fnda on Vicor aenaatlonal c'omhiriatlon Hfrtfn Jtsdi.K -in proved combined wlfti liome-recrding drvke, mtihliifc: r. of a. I lume entertainments. TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON OTHER MODELS Victor R-15, $185 Allowance.

$26 Victor Lowboy, Allowance. $40 Victor Highboy, $285 Allowance, $50 Liberal Terms on Bilanre BbY FROM RELIABLE AND ESTABLISHED SPECIALISTS UU Wi. fort Tranftcona SI. Jam Norih est otnrne St. Campball Block IS5I PorUat Ave.

ioro St. Afwt at Pnrtaqe la Prairie. Brandon, Dauphin. YorMon and Port Arthur 5" i. I W0 If Every Woman Could Be Told" Conspiracy of silence responsible for much doubt and confusion about feminine hygiene.

Here arc some important facts. The day will no doubt soon come when all women will know the real truth about feminine hygiene. Even in this enlightened time there is not enough frank, honpst discussion of this vital matter. Women certainly should know more than they do about it. One fact dors stand out.

Women, today, are certainly practicing feminine hygiene. Modern ways are dainty ways. And nothing less than true surgical cleanliness will satisfy. This is right and doctors know it is right. However, you won't find these doctors advising the caustic and poisonous antiseptics employed by many women who mean well, but do not know the danger that lies in bichloride of mercury and the compounds of (cjbolir acid.

In the old days, thenc poisons were the only antiseptics powerful enough for the purpose. Hence risks were taken costly risks that exacted terrible toll in suffering. It is most fortunate that a new discovery, called has finally removed from feminine hygiene all possibility of danger. Everybody can now nave Zoni'e, and Zonite is as safe to use as pure water. Yi hen Zonite is the germicide used, I there can be no areas of scar-tisaue.

No interference with normal secretions. No mercurial poisoning. And yet Zonite is Jar more pourrful than any dilution of carbolic add that may be tillowcd on the body. Mail coupon today for the modern booklet "The Newer Knowledge of Feminine Hygiene." The whole subject is covered in frank, honest words that will not confuse anybody. Meanwhile get Zonite at your drugstore.

In bottles: 30c, 60c, $1. Full direations with bottle. ZONITE PRoMTCTS ColiroitATloN 1S5 DuTenn Street, Toronto. Please wnd me free enpy of th Zonite booklet or booklets checked below. BTht Newer Knowledge of Feminine Hygumt t'x ol AnuVptica io the Hume Name Pimm pnrt nam) Address City I 1 i MRS.

HENRY D. MARTIN Mis. Martin is presiding at the annual conference of the Rupert's Land Diocese of the Women's auxiliary in session here. Mrs. Martin is piesident of the board and has been nominated for another term of office.

mg ioitlv to reside in Saskatoon. The table, ceniif.i with spring im-. v. pi si.ifd river bv Mi oia hill iir n'ei tnillid at luncheon. Tuei-d-iv nfteriinnn.

The -i I 1 uas centred wiih bloss( ics, coinbining tulips, Iris and daftodils. The guest.s included: Mrs. Walter Sorbv, Mrs James Halls. Mrs. Campbell Harstone, Mrs Harcouit Vernon.

Mrs Arthur Rrown. Miss Catherine Ryan and Miss Kathleen P.van. Mis. Stanley Swail ani Mis My-netta Meisnet entertain jointly at bridge. Monday evening, at the home of Mis.

Swail. 56 icrbrook st. Those present Mrs. Stanley Swail, Miss Mvnctta Meis- 1 nf r. Llva uinr" Lang, i Ruth ljuwood.

Mildred Burnett, Jean Olive Riehl. Lillian jClaike. (iladvs MacKenzie. Owen Movins.ien. Vrlma McLean, Mis F.

Magel and Mrs. M. Magel. fi98 Redwood ave, Thursday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. A.

Magel. of F.ast St. Paul. Those present were: Mrs F. Magel, Mrs.

A. Mngel. M. Magel. Mrs.

E. Mag-1. Mrs. J. Rupple, Mrs.

C. Puppcs, Mrs. Lapning. Mrs. R.

Neil, Mrs. P. Adolph. Mrs. H.


Miss Lapping and Miss K. Lapping. Mrs. William Anderson. Panama Court, entertained at a tea and handkerchief shower this afternoon in honor of Miss Donna Mc-Kentv.

a bride-elect of Saturday, lrir, tulips, daffodils and other spring bloom were the chosen centre for the tea table, at which Mrs. Harry Agnew and Mrs Donald McKrnty prttdiied. Assisting were: Mrs. Carter Mrs. Monty Anderson, Mrs.

Charles Er-zinger and Miss Ja.iet Agncw. In honcr of Mrs. H. P.ernhaidt. Mrs.

M. Magel and Miss Kernhardt were joint hostesses at a surprise gathering. Wednesday evening, at her home. R34 College ave. Those present were: Mrs.

H. Bernhardt. Mrs Banks. Mrs. Jack Bender.

Mrs. H. May. Mrs. E.

E. Wetger, Mr F. Erhart Mrs D. Wcrger. Mrs.

V. Magel. Mrs. H. ricrnhHidt.

Si Mrs. Lincoln, Vis. Chick. Ml. Magel, MUses

tllga Sallaniuk. Anni" Bern iry Bernhardt, Molly May and Emily May. Mis. Bruce McBean. River entertained at the tea hour this a'ternoor.

in honor of Miss Dorothy Cope, whose marriage to Mr. Charles Rannard will be an event of Saturday. The tea table was centred with a combination of white carnations, pink rosebuds and frecsias, ani lighted with tall white tapers Mrs. W. H.

Cope and Mrs. Sara Robinson presided over the tea cups; Mrs John Anderson cut the ices. A group of assistants were: Mrs. Ahtn Davidson. Mr.

A. R. Merrv. Mrs. Archie McBenn.

Mi- Mnv Jukes an i Miss Marga-tct Engagement of Interest LONDON. 11 -The engagement is announced of Major H. mming. formerly of Montreal, and Miss Alice Weaver, of Vancouver. Major Hemming was largely responsible for organizing A business meeting of the Fort R'Hige Rockets will be held at the Odd Fellows' Tfmple, Kenmdy on Monday, February 16th.

A whist drive will be held at the Olive Branch Rebekah Lodge Mo. 1 I.O.O.F. will meet Feb. 17 in Eureka hdl. Odd Fellows' temple.

Kennedy street. A novelty dance will follow the meeting. Golden West Division, No. 471. G.I.

A. to B. of L.E.. will meet Thursday, at 2.30 p.m.. in Friend ship hall, nedy st.

aet ved. the soloist. The Women of St. John's College Alma Mater association, will hold a silver tea. on Feb.

17th ftom 3 to 6 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Walter Rurman. St. John's college.

Proceeds will go towards Hamber hall debt. Kv ryone Interested is cordially invited. General R. Ketchen. C.B..

CM (1., will address the Empire club at the monthly dinner meeting Thursday evening next. Feb. 12. on "The Importance of the Empire During the War." at the Plcardy hall, corner of Broadway and Colony sts. Dinner at 6 o'clcck.

The fortnightly whist drive and dance of the Imperial London association was held, Saturday evening and was largely attended. Dancing took place under the direction of Mr. Dan Strachan. music being supplied by the Byng Hoys' orchestra. An invitation is extendtd to the association to visit the Security Storage Co.

on Friday. March 0. All who Hre desirous of attending, 'phone Mrs. G. t.ihbs.

39 333, or Mr. W. Birch, 39 978, for reservations. The Winnipeg district W.C.T.U will hold a Frances Willard M'monal meeting in Knox church. Tuesday afternoon, Feb.

17 at 3 o'clock. Mrs. J. T. Watson will speak on a temperance program as earned out by the Women's Missionary societies in Manitoba and Mrs.

J. J. Ross, formerly of Vancouver, will give a short address on "Temperar.ce in B.C." There will he a short musical program. Kvery woman interested in tem-peiance is tugfd to attend. The Agenda club of Zion United (hutch held successful Valentine tea on Saturday at the home of the president, Miss Isabel Charlton.

Maehray ave. The attractive tea table centred with crimson tulips and narcissi and lighted with matching tapers was presided over by Mrs. J. F. Mitchell.

Mrs. J. W. Neil, Mrs. Lapointe and Mrs.

Arthur Softley. A group of assistants Included Mrs. C. MoEaehcrn, Mrs. J.

Wllloughhy. Mrs. Meyer. Miss I Bowman. Miss H.

Tcwn. Miss E. Haines. Miss C. Charlton and Miss Stella Powell.

At the annual meeting of the Queen Victoria Chapter Imperial Order Daughters of Empire, held Feb. 5. reports were given by the various officers. New Canadian schools were assisted by the pre- I sentatlon of a gramophone and records, parcels of used clothing and gifts and t-ys for a Christmas tree. The annual Empire Day party was arranged for the little inmates of the Children's hospital, when each child was presented with a mlnia- i ture Union Jack, a colored balloon, 1 and a treat of Ice cream and bls-I cults served by members o( the chapter.

Yearly contribution is made in support of a cot presented to this hospital by the chapter several years ago. Tw. members visit the soldier ward of St. Boniface hospital cveiy week, distribut ing cigarettes rakes and reading 1 matter The chapter is a corporate member of the League of Nations society, with a convener to sum-, mariz'e the league's activities as presented by the literature received Dept. each month.

Contributions have been given in lesponst. to the van- 1 PRESIDENT JJ If DR. HENEDINE LA BERGB Dr. 1 Berg was re-elected president of the Federation of French Canadian women at their recent annual meeting. RUPERT'S LAND W.Ai DOING GOOD WORK With delegates from as far north as Gypsumville, a large assembly the tour of the British headmasters of diocesan workers attended the to Canada last year as a member of tb? Anglo-Canadian Educational committee.

He tourrd Canada with them. The wedding is to take plac? in London probably at the end of February. i i Clubs tion of His Graco Archbishop home of Mi's. C. Swanson.

675 Wil- Mathe.son nam Thursday, at 2.15 p.m., under the auspices of Jubilee Lodge, A W. afternoon session Tuesday in Trinity l.b'.l of the Rupert's Land Diocesan Board of the Women's Auxiliary to the Missionary society of the Church of England in Canada. Mrs. Henry D. Martin, president, expressed gt allocation 3t the splendid rpi esentation of 82 out-of-town delegates and "I city representatives.

It was a fitting climax to a year which has seen an increase in 182 members and 19 new hi inches and a notable advance in junior workers. No fitting words could be found, Mrs. Martin said, to express the loss of the society in the resigna and the departure for Ontario of Venerable Archdeacon R. B. McElheran and Mrs.

McEl-heran. Reports submitted showed a year of activity and financial soundness. With total receipts $18,375.97. Mrs. If.

G. Mor.knouse. treasurer, reported a bal ince of $7,716.71. Mrs. F.

W. Thompson, recording secie-tary. repor.ed an increase in members and blanches over 1329. the totil now standing at 6.778 mem bers in 2.6 branches The report of Oddfellows' temple. Ken-1 Mr9 Hagot.

held secretary, re- win ue vea ed a veir of activity. The Women's Missionary scciety of Westminster church will hold a Valentine tea In the church rooms Friday, from 3.30 to 6. All members and friends of the church are cordially invited. The Conservative ladies of South Winnipeg will hold a meeting on Thursday night, at 8 o'clock, in the Oddfellows' hall. 521 McMillan for the purpose of discussing the advisability of the formation of a women's organization.

Chainlets' Women's Missionary society will, meet in the church. Friday, at 3 p.m. Mrs. T. R.

Arnett. secretary of Christian Stewardship anil finance in the initoba con- I Thirteen new life members were repotted by Mrs. C. S. Stewart and i Mrs.

R. O. Taylor. The honor roll had been enlarged by te names of women who were serving as mis- tionaries or missionary helpers, Two trained nurses at Winnipeg. It 1 was reported, had decided to serve ih the mission field.

Work in aiding the city branches was reviewed by Deaconess Mll-lidge. while the' Junior branches showed decided progress. Right Rev. S. P.

Matheson paid ous appeals fiom municipal and provincial bursary. Officers for 1SKJ1 are as follows: Regent, Mrs. R. H. Hart; first vice-regent, Mrs.

J. Severn; second vice-regent. Mrs. Bler.khorn; secretary, Mrs. u.

lerence Diancn. win auuress tne Longmire; treasurer. Miss meetir.r. Miss Jessie Fraser will be Severn: educational secretary. Miss K.

St. John? echoes secretary, Mrs. A. Wllbraham; standard bearer, Miss N. Mills.

(All elected by The chapter meets at the homes of the members the first Thursday of the month at 8 p.m. SARGON A GREAT STRIDE FORWARD DECLARES NURSE Results In Her Own Case Were Remarkable, She Says Ftom my own personal experience taking Sirgon, as well as frotm my experience as a nurse, I believe this remarkable new compound to be a great stride forward In medicines." declared Mrs. Bertha Gibbs. 335 D9th E. Vancouver.

"Seven MRS RERTHA GIBBS vears ago I was in bed three weeks with jaundice. Some call it gallstone, and I had terrible pains in tha pit of my stomach, running I around to the right side of my back. I'd he unable to retain any food and had such a smothering feeling at times I'd have to walk the floor for breath. I was so badly constipated that laxatives got to where they didn't have any effect and I had to resort to frequent enemas. The results I received from six bottles of Sargon and Sargon Soft Mass Pills have been remarkable.

I've had none of the awful stomach spells or anv trouble with constipation since tlie tltst week: my color and appearance are gieally Improved, anil I have worlds more energy and rength Although I've never recommended an advertised medicine beioie. I feci dntv bound to make this exception." Sargon may he obtained in Win nipeg fiom T. F.aton Drug leading Advt. Roneit? Diug Stoies and community drug stores UNITED EMPIRE CHAPTER HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting; of the United Empire Chapter, I.O.D.E., was held I head at the home of Mrs. W.

H. Sharpe, MS Palmerston on Tuesday, Feb. 10. The Regent wai in the chair, and prepared the meeting by a standing vote of sympathy to the memory of Lady Aikins. Mrs.

Perdue occupied the chair for the election of officers, which resulted as follows: Hon. Regent, Mrs. W. E. Perdue: hon.

first vice-regent, Mrs. L. McMeans; hon. sec- ock: Reirent. Mrs A Hughes' first vice-regont.

Mrs. H. H. Wine- tribute to the work of the Diocesan Board of the Women's Auxiliary, which in all his years as archbishop had rendered him cheerful service He recalled the names of three pist presiden.s of the organization who had gone on to greater service, leaving their Ideals and ambitions for those who remained to carry through. mm lumbago! BALME BKN'CL'K (pronounced Ben-Gay) quickly reliees the knii'e-I ike pain or "crick" in the due to lumbago or sacro-uiac dUtu Its penetrating quality stimuates cirrula- tion, lessens congestion jnd soothes he irritated nerves, lis exceptional pain-relteving properties bring immediate comfort.

Good for every pain of ner and muscle. Ak for Ben-Gay Accept Ms Substitute ECONOMIZE On Dry Cleaning Plain Cloth DRESSES and SUITS $1.00 PHONE 37 266 Perth Dye Works, Ltd. rHE connecriON of oericTivt VISION AND THE RELIEF OF EYESTRAIN H. A. NOTT OPTOMETRIST Toronto General Trusts Building 283 Portage Ave.

arls; second vice-regent, Mrs. W. I two "bridges," and sale of lilac. R. Rowan; secretary, Mrs.

A. E. Five new members were enrolled. Bloomfleld; asst. secretary, Mrs.

A. B. Allard: treasurer. Mrs. G.

Simpson; echoes sec, Mrs. O. I. Grain: educational aecrelar'. Mrs.

H. H. Hayes: standard Mrs. E. A.

Flint councillors, Mrs. E. S. Moor- Mrs. C.

C. McGla-hen: Mrs. W. H. Sharpe.

E. Elkin. During the year, the chapter held YOUR DRUGGIST HAS THERMOGENE Sfln Rtprtitntatixitt fcr Htrtb Amirica Harold F. Ritchie C. Limited 10-18 McCaul Si.

Toronto The word Thermosene" i the frsUtered trade mark of 1 he 1'hemmeehe Co. Haywardf Healh.uaaea. bngtand. Flags were presented to 2nd Winnipeg troop, Boy Scouts, and Girl Guide of Beausejour. A set of I.O.D.E.

war memorial pictures was presented to Isaac Newton school, and a library purchased for a country school. Donations were made to the Navy League of adu. Manitoba Bursary acholarshlp, work in India, and Lady Willing don fund. At Christmas, hampers were cent to several famllle. and, candles to the Ola Folks' Home, Mlddlechurch, and a donation ti the hospital visiting committed The chapter contributed to the upi keep of provincial headquarter, and renewed its membsrshlp In th League of Nations.

Layettes wer made by members and sent regu lariy to tne Margaret Scott Mission. 'tit? mm mm 'm it: i if 4 1 I jC i 7 Groggy with pains and aches I chest feeling heavy i influenza pending Quick! Thermogene! ward the 'flu off! Thermogene is a soft, medicated wad-dine. Apply to chest or back. It soothes with penetrating warmth disperses congestion banishes pain. You can wear Thermogene in most cases unnoticed while you carry on your daily routine And you can take it off layer by layer, safely and comfortably.

Thermogene brings blessed relief to Chest Colds, Influenza, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, Neuralgia and all chill caused pain. Doctors and nurses have proved by experience the healing virtues of Thermogene. THERMOGENE Put it where the Pain is "I am more than delighted with the results. never knew there could be such a difference in flour for cake making' Says Mary Gilltspie, Toronto, in one of thousands of tetters received from Swans Down men. YOtJ, m.

mf act A to sadi a difftrtsc law for okt BiaUaf." )t tiiialr dw breW sVmr cat)- a suwah (tutaii which swt to lestmrd froca hvt to 1 rt boon wka mat if toil ftmlt art cleared arW J-xe- e'J -i SWANS DOWN ONE-EGG CAXI nlad awsat Dova UMupoam tmm 1 ft enepoaa vaaJki stknl) 4 aaaawirwWfCajwaai Bat Swaas Down, nwde from iptoslly Mlectwl soft wheat proridct tklkatt, tander aJutrn. This eatarn perfect nsalis with "tfuick leretns aach baking pewitt, tl whim, etc feS? r3L 1 lemmmm I f- s0k I ca awaar 1 Swans Down Case Flow ii aiillad didnrndT. 100 pouaai oi SBSciaUj taitttri whMt gi'f jim 26 poamda of Swans Dovml Ssfatl mi hnm Dwrn bxaaa 27 tstat as to foatl mH tarn Mwmi Inllov aWtW And to bk ft Saa Down htftrt mmtrnttinf. (This any 70a gaki 14 cap io croy cupful sifted Swans Down, because 60a man Toiaj tjjr 9wms Dow Adavat a nat trtaaaaa aa eta anbing! Swans Down Cake Flour tMNt fa TKTT. TVwil rSehagY 5 an aw ikdi aar ym istt hud Jawaa JVaai CaW tttm aWf aVaT tue rf tbl pm mty bsii pnttout mm pp itiolultlj frtt.

am fn aaaanjaay traiaai aawaaai. Ja aaajaa arwww ana rmmi vawaar rw a aw aav 1 Cat, uaaeenat haaiaf soaair Vt liaiuuua tail I cap aajat (AH I ti'M aa, axaiam, aaW aaaaaf feaaaW mi lab, mi 10 laat'arr Irm hmtu Cntm www laaeaafMa, tii trtdndli, mi ntmrn mwHl iff 4 mi fimfj iii tit mdktmrlL ae a taw. BW after ear aae'aiaa aanJ aaaxk AJi rmMU. a ra rw grmttd 9-imrk Um fms mmitftu mm I ITff.) 2S mmmH. fat fawri mi naaj mf mi af faar tatf 5 OWaw tr-Of.

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