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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 48

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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MUSICIANS OFT. NATIONS HOLD ANNUAL FEST Oldest Church Music Extant is Enjoyed By Many Thousands K-w murle nd frwh Ideas are hard fljv but- the ancient town of Siena. Italv, which date from the century ar.i Is cm 'f t'1" beautiful cities lit F.uivi'e. gave music lover something to think about the other Jt. was at the sixth n-teiiw'lonal musical ff-tiyal vihUh this ar has been rM ln and his o.chestre iw.

ttrst of all. lovelv progtam of music written i' iTth centurv. If yo.l hart heard forelii'i Fndmciir you comd never f.i.-g'et It. Such a lively, quirk dance ion think that the violinists fingers wi re lit lo less and aims all dancing toHi-v. A Living Poem At a morning concert next flay we t-turd tho ru'Kt s'tt prising thing In the whole frstnal, Bunan's Voire bunt' Bm i.m a Czecho Slovak compote- and hie -il" original.

He t.ike" a. aim and turns It into a liv-1 lift th'ng. He selects three women's (ind 'Mir men 'i'he prrform-em fit lacing another on nun ide of the piatfoim, he himself fit the middle and conducts, at the mine time, making wonderful of rhvthm with drums, ryin bals, and a triangle. The performers sing hum. moan, or speak the words, end Builan seems to give new life to them by the way he nnanges which shall miike the sad sounds and whlrh the gsy-ounrilng ones, The Python On rtf the things he chose was Rellnc's little poem.

The Python. Yon should have heard what he did with the words. "Allow no music near its We felt that the snake must tie 'fitting ln hiding under the platform. 1 On the next day some English music was played by Mr. Bros and his quartette, who had come all the wav to Italy to do Justice to Frank Bridge's fine composition.

We also heard the Polifonlra Rotnana choir sing some nf the oldest church music in the world. The Ave Maria sounded so lively and so fresh that It was hard to remember It was written as Jong ago as K'll. William Walton's music to the words of an English versc-wrlter was given two performances at a small theatre, for there wbs not. enough room for all those who wanted to hear It. An Italian artist, Severlni.

Had painted a Dcatituui curtain ior 1 with a castle ln the middle. Through Its doors came the megaphone, which 1 used to declaim the words, and the muslo Is played behind the curtain. New Kind of Music If any In the audience were so surprised and puzzled at this new kind of music that they forgot to listen to the words; others -were so busy trying to hear the English words they could not take In the music. But it was a great success nevertheless. Next year the festival is to take T'ace at Geneva, so there will be no excuse for tho concerts beginning as Isto as they have this time.

Perhaps the Swiss section will present the noclety with a watch aplecel jou never know what will happen at a music festival. Hut we shall never forget the feast of rye and ear at Siena this year. COULDN'T BE MISTAKEN AS TO SPEED OF AUTO The other day in traffic court a larky was on trial for speeding. He had vehemently denied the charge, but the arresting officer pointed out to the court that Inasmuch as the car hart no speedometer, the darky couldn't possibly have a fair Idea of how fast he was actually going. "Boss," declared the darky earnestly, "Ah doHn need no speedometer to tell how fast Ah's When Ah goes ten miles an hour, man lamps rattle when Ah goes fifteen mah Mudguards, rattle: twenty, mah hones rattle: an' de one time Ah went ns fast as de officer says, Lizzie Just ehorst herself nil to pieces an' ain't neber been de same since." QUASSIA NAMED AFTER SLAVE IN DUTCH GUIANA The names of many flowers find their origin in proper nouns.

Back of them there are often hiographles. The beautiful Japanese flower, wistaria, discovered by Nnttall, was not named ufter him, but in honor of one of his scientific friends. Caspar Wis-tar, a professor of anntornv. The gentian gets it a name from the lllyrlan king. Gentlus, who was the first to lllscrJVrr its properties.

Quassia was named after Quassi. a negro slave in Surinam, Dutch tiuiana. who used its bark as a remedy for fever. BIRD FANCIES TIT" cii koo has been ci edited with I the. hnbit of sucking birds' 'eggs lo produce a dear voice; the swift was aald to h'bermite during the winter seiison bci.e;th the waters of a lake or pool; hile the barnacle goose was pupnosvd to originate from shlpbarn-acita -one wmer recording the taut Uuit hml actually witnessed bBrn-acles del.acu themselves fiom the (are of a rork, and then transform themselves into mlnatuvc geese.

Here's the 3V V'- iwft I mix rug To THE WINNIPEG TRIBUNE MAGAZINE, NOVEMBER 17, 1928 iif 99 Crimps Smuggle Wardens Take Alert Measures to Detect and Combat Ingenious Conveyors of 'Snow 'Stuff 'Dope' -Scientists Seek Permanent Cure, Not Now Available pyr'rM. rutiil'h'rt by OPE! To the average, norma human being, that little word Is fraught with Imr-lor. and suggests nothing but aversion, loathing an.l disgust. Not so. however, with the narcotic addict.

To him, the fm.r letters composing that small word spell happiness, glory, joy th shortest uathwav and the easiest nm.nnr1ni.r1 rnn. nrir-, ii-f riit'tvun, tentment. It Is for the dope that he lives and dies. While under Its Influence, he can he tender as a woman, or brave anil IUhc ns a madman. Deprived of his "shot" or "snlfT" he becomes inanical an I fiendish.

When deprived of It for an unaccustomed period, he will brave any hazard to obtain It. if his dope is held limn him long enough, chances are that insanity and perhaps suicide will result. At the present time, the dope question Is one of the most gigantic problems with which the heads of penal institutions are confronted. The dope tlend. and he Is Mend, has resorted to some of the methods of getting dope during his term of lncai relation.

According to prison statistics, about 45 percent of the prisoners in penal Institutions are users of some form of narcotic. The prison method of dosing these. adiLicts with a dally shot of narconsan. which acts as a temporary substitute for the regular "high power stuff." quiets the novlcn addict. The old timers, however, cannot stand the separation from their usual stimulant.

Dope smuggling is the inevitable result. At the present time, an effective war Is being waged against illicit traffic In drugs between convicts and outside "runners." Experts who are engaged In stamping nut the narcotic evil In penal institutions, reveal numerous unique methods In. troduced by drug crazed souls In these Jails to obtain dope, Souped Letters common one said, "Is what we call the 'souped Some pal on the outside, who writes regularly to one of our prisoners addicted to the use of dope, acts ns the The pul purchases the necessary narcotic, usually heroin. He dissolves the dope In water and soaks an orrllnary piece of stationery' In the solution and lets it stand twenty-four hours. I be paper is then removed and dried.

When drv. it Is Ironed with an ordinary iron. and. to nil appearances, is In the same condition as It was when purchased. A harmless rnernage is scribbled nn the doped sher-i iv- prearranged rode word Is Inserted to show the prisoner that particular sheet has been nd the letter is mailed In tho customary fashion.

"If the prisoner received this letter, ho would take it to the soil-tary confines of his cell and after 'lights he would prepare his dose, front some hidden crevice ln his cell, he would extract his outfit a small spoon, an ordinary eye dropper and a safety pin. With the pin he would puncture the skin deeply, and, leaving the pin stuck in hia flesh, tear a bit from tjie doped letter, place It In his spoon with few drops of water. "A lighted match held under the spoon soon heats the water and extracts the narcotic from the paper. The eye dropper sucks up Hie water charged with dope, nnd 111" actual 'shot' is ready. During all this procedure, the pin has remained sticking In the arm.

and when It, Is drawn forth, the hole In the skin will remain open for several moments. Into this little hole the done fiend forces the narrow end of his eve dropper and srpieezes the bnln. He then sinks hack fnto Ills hunk, happy in the thought that ne has tooled the authorities and rejoicing because he Is beginning to feel the tingling sensation brought on by the Secret Detection Methods "THE methods of detection 1n eases of this kind nre nntorallv unknown to the outsider, ami ex perts request that their methods be. not exposed i ii-i 1 1 ui it in i- en I r.l I lough and fiery battleground 1,1 nghl against the dope evil. It houses an avernge of prison-en at all times, ftf thHt number more than 30 prrcent are drug rd- dicts A veteran police officer has found great difficulty in preventing the Introduction of dope, which been tiiMt-d from a bridge overhead onto the penitentiary grounds, later to be covertly picked up by some prisoner detailed to clean up the premises Through an established "grapevine system" of communication, certain Inmates leitrn at Just what time, lust what nlace and in what sort of container this dope will he from the bridge.

The nitr-'otic sometimes in nn ordinary i tnharr-n ran. or a crumpled cigarette package. Other times it may be concealed In an elaborately constructed metal container. A certain llimnte, one who is "in the know." while policing the grounds, picks up the container and returns with It to the prison proper It mav hold enough dope to keep several prisoners In high spirits for a week. Then again, It niav contain but a tiny pinch nf stuff," Just sufficient for one "Jag." "It Is difficult.

Indeed, to 'spot' some of these drug addicts, and it is only a person familiar with their habits who is able to do so. To the lav person the drug user would look just like any other prisoner unless he had an overdose and became boisterous," the warden cxpiained. 'Men in jail seldom overdose." he said. "They have such difficulty obtaining their drug that thev aiv very careful In Us disposition. They lake it iienrrally In quantity just sufficient to produce an outward calm, and while they ate dangerous in this state, they are not 'hopped up' sufficiently for the average man to detect it A Sympathetic Sitter "pHE warden related the case i one prisoner whose craving for drugs exposed one of the most ingenious schemes known for the Introduction of narcotics through the bars and walls.

This particular Inmate had sister, who visited him frequently She was of unimpeachable character. Btid he was not known to be an addict, and was on good behavior, he was not watched for dope. However, the warden grew suspicious at the man's nervousness for the few days preceding each of his sister's visits and decided to Investigate. On the girls next visit she was permitted to tie alone with her brother In the warden's office instead of being forced to talk to her hrother through the bars of the visiting cell. An officer was con-j cealed In a closet where he could hear and observe all that took place between the prisoner and his sister, and still not been seen himself.

Until they were sure they were! alone, tne convict ann ine gin i snoke merely of ordinary topics. However, when thev believed thev were unobserved, the girl reached tinder her skirt, pulled her garter off and handed It to the convict, i He slipped up the sleeve of his; grey prisoner's coat and placed the garter on his arm In the manner i of the old-style shirtsleeve holder, He pulled his coat back into place and the conversation was resumed, The officer stepped from his i place of concealment and arrested the girl and ordered the convict searched. The garter was discover-1 ed to conceal six small vials of: mo- hlne, enough to sustain an ad-1 tu I uill err H. iiiunui. Other Hiding Places rpHE visor, of a male visitor's cap Is alays examiner! thoroughly.

It Is there, the warden explained, that the forbidden powders are often concealed. Kalse bottoms in wallets and pocketbooks are amaleurish and naive to the experienced prison official. A cigar or rigarelle, hollowed out to enable the concealment of a small "pill." offers the most troublesome difficulty. "We have to tear apart every cigarette brought Into our prison," the warden said. "Many Innocent visitors are necessarily subjected to this inconvenience, but we have to do It.

This Is one of the commonest methods of smuggling the stuff in. Cigars, too. can he "Very offen. by rearrangement, an Incarcerated man will have his accomplire toss away a doped cigar or cigarette butt at some designated spot wllhln the confines jof our walls. Later, the convict, while on clean-up duty will manage to secure the doped butt and nbt.iln one dose of his prized narcotic," warden explained.

A prison official must Veep a wary eve open on every shipment of sup-piles lo his Institution. The head keeper of another prison showed a cliMir. icceivi-d withm his pilson, a regular shipment of furniture, of which the holiom had been hollowed out Into a small container. In this chair was concealed sufficient heroin to supply ten men with the dope for more than a month. Dope In Heel SHORT lime ago, according lo the u-nnlnn certnln Imvmtft of Tki.

In nv.lAp shoes. This was In order. Frequently prisoners are the recipients of shoes and other articles pf wearing apparel. But a thorough examination or the hnc Tho men at the prison never cease their vigilance. and In this case their efforts were rewarded.

In the heel of one of the shoes was found fully nn ounce of dope. The heel screwed on and off and fitted so snugly that It could not he detected by a cursory examination. Rut this was an old trick to those familiar with smuggling. The hollow heel Is used to goorl advantage bv the international smuggler in bringing precious gems into the country. First Television Wedding mnni i V- When men first discovered how to use a bungy, a pciTer-tcd, so It was perfectly natural that a welding Th.n came micresstvelv hp broadcast.

Mere it Is: They are Miss Cora roupll were married in one. Then came su lnrnnsn1) Vnwlkes. of Kansas married tho automobile ami' balloon and airplane, ami couples microphne rind television, apparatus at v.tia mauled In them. Now television is bciniithe Chicago mdio cxiiiu.n. Use Bible and Narcotics Into And another old smuggling trick Is by use of the hollowed hook.

That la a book whose leaves Inside have been cr so that only a small edge of them are left When the bnok Is closed it looks all the world like a bona fide bit. of reading matter, but when It is opened It is found lo he a container which will hold quite a quantity of contraband, the depending, or course, on the size of the hook and the width and depth of the hole Inside. Bible and Crucifix 'pllK warden has Intercepted many of lliesc hooks, but possibly the most Interesting case was that of a man who received dope In a hol lowed BihJe! His lrreverance was unbounded in his anxiety to obtain the drug. To pave the wav for the reception of the holy book, laden with its load of hellish dope, the man suddenly "took religion." Kor a few davs he carried on In a way that gave the warden cause to believe that he had repented all his alns. He would drop on his knees In his cell and pray during the day and night.

He was a zealot. Then one day a woman came, a woman with a studied air of sanctimony whlrh almost equalled that of the prisoner. But her appearance seemed Incongruous wilh her pose. The warden became suspicious at oner. She left, in the prisoner's hand a Bible.

The man pressed it to his heart In the presence of the guard anil when the warden came and asked to see It. he hugged it tightly and became fiendish in his resistance The hook was filled with heroin. Another prisoner had tried to obtain dope by having it brought in to him in a hollowed crucifix. The crucifix, the sort worn on a chain about the nerk, had carefully been rut In half and hyllowed out and was made to close on minute hinges The prisoner gave himself away in much the same fashion as the one who had received the Bible. Only this fellow was an out-and-out atheist and only a few davs before receiving the crucifix had been asserting himself.

No bit of deceit Is too tow and nothing Is too sacred for the dope fiend when he wants his "shot." Glossary of Slang Words Used by Addicts to Designate Various Phasas of Their Affliction Runner, stooge, peddler, passer, crimp seller of drugs. Shot, deck, nip, touch one dose of dope. Snow, stuff, coke, dope all forms of narcotics. Cun, pin, hypo, joygun, needle hypodermic syri.ige. Loaded box, stuffed box, gimmick containers used to smuggle dope.

Shipment a quantity of illicit narcotic. Hoppy, hop head, snow bird, queer, a dope an addict. "Gallop through hell" a period without the accustomed dope. High power heroin or hasheesh. Soup narcotics in liquid form.

A jag period while under influence of dope. Floating rib a woman smuggler. Chinky or "a pipe" smoker of opium. Hit the pipe, or hit the smoke smoke opium. When Red Jack Flew at Canadian Privateers Harried C.

H. J. Snider Writes Nar-ratives of Exploits of Maritime Men in War of 1812 By PROF. W. T.

ALLISON BOOK that has more of a thrill than the majority of novels written nowadays is "Under the Red Jack," by C. H. J. Snider (The Mussun A Book Toronto). The title sounds like a story by O.

A. Henty, but Mr. Snider is no maker of fiction. He is fond of exciting reading and he finds It In old documents pertaining to the naval history of the War of 1812. For many years he has been making researches In old lockers, as four volumes testify; "In the Wake of the Elghteeu-Twelvers," "Faded Flags of Fadeless Fame," "The Glorious Shannons of Old Blue Duster," and 'The Story of the Nancy." I have read all these hooks with pleasure and find his new work perhaps more interesting than any of its predecessors.

With the publication of this volume. Mr. Snider completes a contribution to Canadian history which will bo regarded in time of come as ever more and more valuable. When v0 think of all the labor behind Mr. Snider's book-making, it seems almost incredible that he, busy managing editor of a big Toronto newspaper, should ever have gained the leisure for the writing of these records, let alone the time spent In searching for material.

I might exjtlaln that It was his love of yachting on Ijike Ontario that turned the editors thoughts in this channel. Had he not been for years a sailor before the must and a re porter of yacht, races for his paper, he could not have conducted his researches into admiralty-court cases with nn understanding heart or olven us In his books the nronrr tang of tho sea. Motivei of the Pnvateerimen IN this new volume, "Under the Red Jack, Mr. kinder has rescued from oblivion the names and exploits of prlviitcersuirn of the maritime provinces of ('anuria in the War of 1812. The title refers to the flag that was ordered hy the British Admiralty to tie displayed beside the colors usually borne by merchant ships on those vessels that were called privateers and let-tcrs-of-marque.

Privateering, a spcclcg of naval warfare, carried on by sea-going was looked down upon by officers of the British navy, hut it must be conceded that these saucy, swift-sailing, smaller men-of-war did great damage to American shipping In the War of 1812. Many of the men who saijed them nnd fought In them were 'sons of the U. E. loyalists who harl been driven out of New Englanrl after the American Revolution and saw in tne war chance to avenge some of their wrongs. No doubt, however, most or tne documents In tne Archives of Cana-Canadinn skippers and sailors who da bearing on tlieir activities, be- Ihn A tiiptit-w KCM-ftf tl 1 sill eS liilrl rerls of li'tter lni rirtrilrl were actuated hv' public service plus a desire for adventure nnd for gain, jlui no matter wnac ineir ruoiivb -w in ill in hi ill in.

i i i r.w. Even religious emblems art not Crucifix with sliding top used One Interesting method of smug-' gllng ill the drug was by the use of a gold piece. This had been cut in half, hollowed out and made to screw together. It would hold only a small quantity of the drug, and must have cost an infinite amount of labor. It was handed to one of the inmates by a visitor.

This method was exposed because of the prison rule that ho inmate can have Money received Is always deposited to his credit and he does not actually handle it. The warden found the money anil when he attempted to take it and hold it for the man, the latter screamed and fought. Drugs have been tajsrii to prisons hy the use of hollow canes, umbrellas, a "phoney" fountain pen, wrist watches with dope secreted in the compartments for the works, "decks of the stuff" sewn in the lining of visitors' garments and many other methods. may have been, these sea-fighters of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland showed such enterprise, bravery nnd skill that It seems strange that their exploits should have been passed over in almost, total silence by our regular historians. They helped materially to end a war which New Kngland never wished to begin and from which she of all parts of the United States suffered most.

When Grass Grows on American Wharves MR. SNIDER points out In his opening chapter that these maritime fighters captured more than one-third of the vessels taken from the United States In the War of 1812. "Two hundi'd and sev-ti of their captures lay ln Halifax Harbor, or St. John, or Liverpool, or Digby, or Yarmouth, with 'Monl-tons' nailed to their masts, signify Ing that they had been delivered to the Court of Vice-Adniiraltv. "As many more, perhaps twice as many more, enemy vessels, were halted on the high seas, examined, dismissed ns valueless or from motives of humanity, or sent in as prizes and lost on trie way by wreck or recapture.

While the overworked British navy was in the midst of wars with all the world, privateers of the provinces of British North America struck a deathblow at the commerce of the nearest enemy. "Had the Germans in tho Great War succeeded in blockading the St. Lawrence, or In seizing a trunk-line of continent-crossing railway, Canadian traffic, would not have suffered more severely than did American commerce, in the War of 1H12, through the activity of the provincial prlvatorrs. In two months, through the terror of ono small schooner, the Liverpool Packet. New Kiigland was forced to recognize its transport Hitherto practically the wmun commerce or tne northern antl eastern wtates harl been carried by coasting vessels.

There were no railways, and the roads were bad. Two wagons did a poor trade carry ing all the land-freight between Boston and Providence. Alter wie ursi swoop or tne pri- I valecr two hundred wagons had to ho employed to move the blockaded goods, and Insurance from Boston I to New Orleans by water rose to 1 prrcPnt pl-cmum. Grasa grew 0n American wharves. Dismantled at gosles were replaced by 'four- wheel slowly plodding along the execrahle turnpikes from Boston to Pittsburg.

There goods had to be transferred to rafts and Hat boats, anil floated down the Ohio and Mississippi, to reach the southern slates. Thanks to the British navy all America was in danger of siege. Thanks to tne privateers from New Brunswick nnd Nova Scotia the British navy was able to press the siege until the American capital was In ashes nnd America was ready for peace." Privateersmen Not Cruel Pirites N1 let. us not forget that these prlvateersmen who made such wonderful record as the above I did so in wny that was honorable I to themselves and to their country. After reading five or six thousand dial les.

local histories nnd news paper tiles of the time. Mr. Snider uccimicb uuii ue mo, noi una one in be. to It In i be I I ja I i in Crucifix Prison Cells sacred to the addict hnlhw lo carry dope to prisoners. "pHE personal contact between In- male and Keeper has made It impossible to stop the dniE traffic into the penitentiary, the warden said.

"There Is always a slip tip when one deals with tho personal equation," he said. "Prison keepers are not paid any more than they should For this reason It Is not hard sometimes to bribe them. "We have several right here who nre serving time for helping to smuggle dope Into the Inmates. "These keepers arc allowed liberty every night. "Sometimes they carry messages confederates on the outside ns to Just how the dope should be that is brought in by a visitor.

is these fellows who make it impossible for us, for instance, to frustrate the passing of dope between the man who tosses it from tho bridge in a tobacco ran and the man the 'policing squad' who picks it up below. The prisoner has heen informed just, where the -dope is to dropped and In Just what sort of can it will he. Then the guards nnd keepers many 'times bring back various things, in-5 noccnt -enough on their face, which are denied prisoners. Articles of food, etc. These all contain dope.

The guard will tell you he was Ig-i norant of this and only thought he was being a good fellow in bringing certain likable inmate a piece of cake, a pound of butter, or some- thing of the sort. "The amount of bribes given the guards Is oflimes ridiculously small. That Is. small compared wilh the risks they take In smuggling in dope. Hvp to twenty dollars for bringing dope which at the street price is selling st sav Sinn and which in prison is worth Bootlegging In Prison Inmate who receives an ounce of dope can make quite a tidy sum 'bootlegging' It to other inmates in the prison.

Kor there, of all Peak Speedy U.S. Shipping stance of cruelly, of personal robbery, of Insult to women, or of wanton slaughter. The officers on board these privateering vessels were leading citizens of their communities and their men were volunteers. The author', exhaustive and long-continued study of this phase of the War of 1812 has led him to conclude that "in our prlvateersmen Canada-in-the-making had spirits ns gallant and adventurous as those who fought the forest or wrestled with the soil, or In embattled ranks, hurled back the invading foe. Brave men.

In brave ships! Surely their memory should be rescued from "dumb or, what is worse, confusion with either the swashbuckling fashion-plate pirates of fiction or the filthy cut-throat who was the pirate of fact." Captured. 100 Vessels In Nine Months IN the stories of sea-fights ln this the place of honor is given to the "Liverpool Packet," a Nova Scotia schooner of 67 tons, under command of Captain Joseph Barss, son of a U. K. Ixjvallst of Liverpool. N.S.

This ship hoisted the Red Jack on Aug. 31, 1812, and put to sea on her first cruise as a fighting-vessel. She was victualled for tS) days nnd carried 200 rounds of canister and 200 of roundshot In her magazine, four hundred-weight of gunpowder, two anchors, two cables, 300 pounds of spare cordage, and 25 muskets and 40 cutlasses for her 45 men. She had five guns, one six-pounder, two four-pounders, and two 12-poundrrs. John Moody, Halifax Importer of foodstuffs and merchandise, and Col.

Joseph Freeman, of Liverpool, N.S., had Joined with F.nos Collins In providing tho 1.500 ball for her good behaviour. This fast schooner I It Took a Big Bag to Hold This One 4. I ytAA -fie- 1 It's hunlinp time up In the henrl and W-inch antlers nf a moose shot hy r. .1. iKLaneyr, on mil tnuwn in ine l'nuio arc x.

nuutw places, the dope fiend will pay any amount within his means to obtain his According to another dope expert there Is no known absolute cure for the confirmed dope addict. The narcossan treatment act only as a temporary relief to the drug Mend. His incarceration for three years, the limit of the city Institution, is merely a period of torture during which the addict is forced to do the best he can with paicossan, a weak, unsatisfying substitute, until he Is released and can obtain again hla "deck" or "nhot" of the "real stuff." With the Idea of discovering a per manrnt cure for this terrible affliction, a is studying the best treatment of drug addlctioniv It is headed by Dr. William R. Williams and Is composed of a group of highly intellectual and scientific professional men.

I This committee, since Its establishment last spring, has been appropriated $13,000, and has as Its work ground, one of the finest clinical laboratories In the world, the narcotic ward at Bellevue hospital. New York, where ever knownaddlct In that huge city at one tlino or another Is setit for observation, treatment and cure. Experimenting for Cur committee has selected 16 patients for experimental use. For six months these 16 have undergone all the various "cures." Each recognized method for breaking; the drug habit Is being experimented with. Xn time, this body hopes to find f)e cure that will be a positive one.

Statistical evidence at hand shows that the drug now used most generally is heroin. Heroin Is three times as strong as morphine, from which It Is derived. It is a white powder, easily adulterated with sugar of milk or bicarbonate of soda and, because of IU strength, a lesser" amount Is necessary than in former times when the comparatively bulky morphine was the vogue. "Bootleg" heroin sells on the street between "stooge." the salesman, and "a hop," the addict, at about J30 an ounce. One ounce will carry the confirmed addict through ten days of blissful happiness.

Morphine, the weaker compound, and cocaine sell at $35 an ounce, and will last ap proximately the saute time. Mor phine, though less potent, sells at a higher price because it is delivered in cubes, not powders, and cannot be adulterated or tamperea with by the stooge. The actual drug peddler is difficult to apprehend. He may be a man who greets another on the street and in clasping hands deposits a deck of dope in the addict's hand, or the fashionably gowned woman who passes her "stuffed" powder puff to her companion in the drawing-room. But more difficult to cope with than the professional peddler Is the wife, sweetheart or friend of the prisoner whose sympathy Is aroused to the extent that she or he will risk arrest and imprisonment to provide the addict with the easing "shot." It is this class with which the authorities are constantly at 'war and which causes most of the trouble.

As soon as one device is discovered by the authorities the Inventive brains of the dope fiends and their allies evolve new ones. soon became the terror of the New England seaboard. In nine months Joseph Barss overhauled 100 American vessels. Many of them were taken within sight of American ports. A favorite lurk ing place of the Packet was round the corner of Cape Cod; thence he sprang on American nnd French vessels returning from Europe.

The value of prizes taken by her during the war has been estimated as high as $1,000,000 but Mr. Snider thinks this figure cut ln four would be nearer tho truth. Water Smoke Under Keel ERY lively are the accounts of the Liverpool Packet's flgfUs and captures. "She must have sailed like a witch," says our author. "No spot was too perilous for Joseph Barss to reach If there was a prize to be made.

On a Sunday he swooped inside of Halfway Rock, in Casco Bay, off Portland, and captured the American schooner "Lydia," outward bound for Cuba practically under the bowsprits of the United States brigs of war "Argus" and "Enterprise." On Monday Rhe captured the sloop "Conso-. latlon" well named, for she was laden quaintly with pork, flour, salt, tobacco and gin off Point Judith In the. Vineyard Sound. He way. Rock and Point Judith are 250 mile apart by sea.

Tho "Liverpool Packet" must have made the water smoke under her keel. How many yachts and the "Liverpool Packet" was smaller than most sea-going yachtshave ever logged 250 miles in 24 hours to say nothing of chasing and capturing two prizes and dodging pursuing men-of-war in the American Shaving Mills IN addition to five very lively chapters in which he describes the leading sea-tlghts In which the "Liverpool Packet" took part, Mr. Snider amplifies the log-book of other famous privateers. Including the "Dart." the "Sir John Sher-brnqkc," the Matilda." and "Loyal Sam." He also devotes nn Interesting chapter to the explnits'of "shav- 1 Canadian north woods, and here vtvii mm uwi.n WILD BIRD LIFE NEEDS WINTER FEEDING AREAS Conference Seeks Ways of Advancing Conservation ''pHK question of adequate winter 1 feeding grounds for the migratory. bird life of the North AmerU can continent Is one of vital Importance to Canada.

Migratory birds, and particularly wild waterfowl, which are hatched and raised In Canada, winter largely in the southern United States. The demands of settlement and development have seriously reduced the marshland areas in tho southern states and for some years wild life conservationists to the south of the International Boundary have been directing attention to the serious shortage of winter feeding grounds for migratory birds. Recently a measure known as the Norbeck Bill was Introduced in the United States Congress to provide for the establishment of bird sanctuaries where migratory birds niav rest and feed during migration and where they may winter in safety. Advancing Conservation lrHEW these have been created and with the protection at present provided in bolh the United States and Canada by the terms of the Migratory Birds Treaty, bird life conservation on this continent, in the opinlon'of ornithologists, will have been materially advanced. At the annual conferenca of International (Same and Fish Commissioners, held in Seattle, Washington, from August 21 to 31.

one of the Important decisions reached was to support in in principle the Norbeck Bill. Among the Canadian representatives at this conference were Hoyes Lloyd, supervisor of Wild Life. Department of the Interior, Ottawa; J. A. Munro, Chief Federal Migratory Bird officer for the Western Provinces; and M.

B. Jackson, K.C., chairman of the (Same Conservation Board of British Columbia, Reclaming Marshes NOTHER project which will have an Important bearing on our wild bird life was outlined In a paper prcrented to the meeting on th work of the United States Biological Survey. In reclaiming marshes near Salt Lake. Utah. Some $300,000 is being spent in Improving these marshes where vast numbers of waterfowl, on their migrations to and from Canada, stop to rest and feed.

Heretofore very serious losses of waterfowl occurred in these marshes owing to the unhealthy conditions caused by the lowering of the water levels. Those attending the conference were of the opinion that a reclaimed marsh eres nt this strategic point would undoubtedly result in a more abundant waterfowl supply in Western Canada. BRITISH RAILWAYS OBLIGE SLEEPERS Thc British railways are getting on. After nearly a century they have provided the means for the great majority of their passengers to sleep in comfort for long night Journeys. It has been long 4n coming, but now that It i litre It has been efficiently managed.

Third-class passengers can sleep with reasonable ease, four in a compartment, two above and two below, In a composing twilight, and the compartments are quickly and neatly transformed by the. attendants for use in the daytime. STRANGE CLAIMS Siace the name of George Rogere Clark, conqueror of the old North, west, has sprung Into prominence there are many who claim some distinction because of ownership of a thing Clark once owned, or touched, or because an ancestor fought with Clark, or because Clark camped one night near an ancestor's home. But the strangest, and not at all unusual of all claims, so the George Rogers Clark memorial commission says, Is that of a number of persons who insist they are descendants of George Rogers Clark, when Clark lived and died a bachelor. Ing mills and such." A shaving mill, he explains, was an open boat, manned by sa many as thirty men.

pulling sixteen oars, nnd mounting a small rannon on swivels, besides the muskets of the crew. These boats were called shaving mills because the members of the crew were strangers to the razor or scissors. These unshorn American seamen were petty, pirates. They aspired to no great feats but were content to plunder villages and farmhouses along the shores of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Besides robbing henroosts they carried off eurh booty as flannel, broadcloth, padlocks, cod-hooks, nails, buttons, dried meat, molaspes.

sugar and coffee. When pursued by larger vessels they could escape by dunning their boats into Bhoal water and taking to the woods. A pleasing feature of this book is the wealth of illustrations. The frontispiece is a portrait of Joseph Barss. captain of the 'Liverpool Mr.

Snider has also reproduced pages from old log-books and excellent drawings of the schooners and men-of-war which course I the sea in a of canvas in the brave days of 1SI2 one of the seasons fust prizes vermilion liver, Quebec. The ginrjrs.

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