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The Brattleboro Reformer from Brattleboro, Vermont • 11

Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

11 WmDHAU UOUKTY CRATTLEBOUO, FMUAY, 8EPTE21BEB 28, 1C03. Render retaraed to Tofte sos-'ia n.isay villa, which, in the n.L7-i baa bsa. toe far all kinds of work. iTSoitoT Mrs. Hmniai uj of tt nasi tar and mistress, jsmped oat of window aad hams; itself by its chain.

sympathising neigh her waa aaar to rescue it to In cr seas sTaliwial el Island Boaton arrived bat Friday at their asnsaur Saturday. asm OfOT I lllty. -n. Monday evening: a number at the members I It aad given ap tea gaost warn Its ster appealed. Bis grief waa of aa avail, VW AWAY FREE With every order of liquor emountlng to t4.00.

bottle of ohoioe Old Port or Sherry Wine. lter Yl DW ITee- 'T American Express tow. nvtor Orange, who tea ton Lir'ey' haa returned home. of the heard ef trustees and alumni asaoda- to bring it back to Ufa and it wa daly interred. A it was goad dog as trail as a sew weska staay.

Mr- Mra. Olasy Croaisr of aVulbsrae ralla. Maaa, and Mr. and Mrs. Kaiaosa Ora- ft Mrs.

Bufas Crosier last weak. le.vrWl'UL tioe of Letand and Gray seminary mat wits Prof es aer Lewis ia hia oases to stake plana great pet, it owner haa the aympathy ef his friend. the meeting to-be neld at tha WrooK -Ji has moved into the cottage in Brattle bore mouasy anaerausn, oat. recently occupied by Mtl They Is whit spot an the door ef the at 1:80 p. m.

A committee constating Of cut WHISKEY WHJCTJIOTOaT. Professor Lewis. Mrs. O. W.

FwUett. Miss Congregational church, which, upon closer inspection, proves to be a notice signed by the Pax Pr rintton and Tnurston Jok. yZL lingering irlneaa, number to visit Bolton this clerk, to the following efset: "The mem bora of the First Congregational eBoreh and society Per Pr Osi. Qt SUM $140 3.00 JO HoQiBd OiB. Par MAlt Ola of Townshend are hereby waned to asset at L.

Spofford of New London, the chapel on Monday, Oct. 8, 1909, at Mrs. N. F. Alexander this Esther Dale and Fred Willard waa appointed to decide upon the points to ba brought before the meeting next week.

It waa tha general opinion that the beat way to increase the endowment would be to bars a competent financial agent to work for tha interests of the school. last all friends of the institution show their loyalty by appearing at the Brooks house next 00. Qt, .4.00 1X86 1.10 1.00 U0 LOO 8.75 .88 8JS0 .76 p. as, to aes what measures shall be token Old Private attock KUvwf Brook Hotm no By. Jajrsaf B.

Konofrtra Bye. Koturtaln ftortaaT By. 1 .1 nieuaras is a wife and eight children. He lived for oral year, on the upper UTSBV. Miu Belle Severance started Tn.ui..

-Mother yea, Mt Holyoke Prof. H. A. RUM Vtw BtfJnd $2.75 tun Old landlord g.76 Vary Old 125 IM her work in C. E.

WiHisms' tr's hmily welcomed the 10th home on Moody etreet Inst Ws Swear Man Arraigned far Onetty to Aauaaala am Orand ust'a CesxptotBt. Joan Ripley Snow of Wast Dover waa ar-ralgaied before Justice L. W. Boyd 8s tarda? on complaint of Grand Juror B. Buell on the charge of cruelty to ess of bis team horses.

The affair happened near the residence of N. M. Haskell, and Mr. Haskell, his soa and two daughters were witnesses. A Jsry waa empanelled, eonsiating of M.

I. Bur. 0. H. Parmelle, f.

8. Crafts. W. 8. Brown, F.

K. Med bury an David G. Huhbard. O. E.

Bat-torleld appeared as eoanael tor the state and Mr. Snow pleaded his owa ease. The jury disagreed and the case was continued nntil November, Snow being placed under a 100 bail. Mas) Old Kwitnrty Bony. SJM .76 E.

B. Batehelder ia ill. Ned Wyman was in town Saturday. ieyan university, Middletow Conn" it Vast Uprs ire taaAKi ti It Put nf Utntet 0. Willard spent a day ia Boston last has returned from Pitts- wash.

ji mack. n4 a Willard Fisher same home tha last ef last Per Case, SI.C9 wek, Mrs. Jnhn Mrs. Minnie Pratt Is visiting at J. W.

Rueter'e Sterling Ale Frank Jones' Cream Porter -Highland Spring XXX Ale Pfaffe Celebrated Lager Beer weus io new yorfc eity Saturday and while there will attend the wedding of a niece. Jenkins's. 1.23 1.23 Mrs. Ralph Snyder spent Friday li West is very ill with typhoid build a barn at tha parsonage, we sops jar. Melntyre will shew this notice to hi hers that ita heart may be gladdened by the prospect of a comfortable shelter, aad that those concerned will put forth their bast eCerta to make the long-talked-of barn a reality.

The following guests registered at the Townshend inn last weeh: W. B. Carpenter, Bellows Falla; L. R. Carl.

Brattleboro; E. 8. Merrill, White River Junction; L. J. Allan.

Brattleboro) G. Dorman, Keene, N. Lieut. John Boldecker, 17. 8.

TJ. 8. 8. Windom, Galveston, T. D.

Potter, Herbert W. Fsy, Boston; Geo. R. Goodenongb, Windham; H. C.

Kirk, Rutland; F. L. Darling, South Londonderry; W. H. Harris, Boston; 8.

W. Rogers, Boston; Miss L. Shnrdam, Bellow Falls; Mis E. Snow, Whitinsville, A. M.

Wslker, Essex Junction; P. Spaulding, Sextons River; Mr. and Mrs. W. B.

Gentry, Providence, B. Mr. snd Mrs. F. A.

Brsinerd, South Had-ley Falls, J. F. Page, Manchester; Howard 8. Merrill, Brattleboro; Mr. and Mrs.

F. W. R. Esehuman and Edgar A. Eachuman, Tonkers, X.

Mr. and Mr. N. H. Rand, Orange, Mr.

snd Mrs. R. W. Rand, Newfsne; C. J.

Miller. Brattleboro: A. F. Barber, Keene, N. W.

M. Houghton, Keene, N. H. Leon Wheeler fever. sin" Mr.1'" Vn" ite4 Townsbend.

Bsxton has been engaged to paint the oruwa, at Friday and Saturday. tembers of the O. Went, to Pfwrusday evening to attend the io allow the pupils to Tint the HB HUT. rjdewood and daughter are among at Perharo's inn and are visiting Liwit Chaff" '5 musical rJT at tie Xorthdeld aeminary in place i PhiMios. i- ,1 i i Phillips.

Follett barn. 7' vT'" ntertaining her Mra. Moses Randall baa gone to Cottags City for a viait. il-o lliii West of Elistbetii, N. J.

7 Mrs. Basan Lawrence is spending a few Mw. John Barber of Xorthfleld her mother. Mrs Wfnn ask out pAtroni to eompiw ou boor, io sad porter with other which tin at the gAme Afore. When ordarinf foods bo sore and state) tha itreet and nnmber.

HENRY ISAACS, Tel. 184 CREENFICLD, MASS. SEND AMERICAN EXPRESS OR POST OFFICE MONET ORDER. days in Brattleboro. The house on the Reuben Turttelot place vi-wiHieia.

wen guests at W. A. Barber'a last week. waa burned recently. Mrs.

Angelina Brooks of Worcester came Visit her ftictav 1,. n-ii Mr. and Mrs. George F. Roberta attended the Brattleboro fair.

Hosea Mann of Torrington, waa in town over Sunday. 1 George Dixon baa resigned ilia position aa foreman of the Times orB.ce. Rev. Flint M. Bisaell will occupy the Dnl-versalist pnlpit next Sunday.

Mrs. H. Kidder Is visiting her daughter, Mra. Charles E. Gardner, in Troy, Miaa Matilda Goulding is visiting in Montreal and other places and will be absent two weeka or more.

Ralph H. Mann left town Monday for Burlington to enter the freshman elaaa of the University of Vermont, Mrs. W. 0. Davis went to Jamaica Satur day, returning Monday.

uNfn, criisar ana will visit other relatives while in town. Abbie Adams, a graduate of Leland Mra. W. C. Smith and children are a few days at her father's, 8.

0. Sever- Gray, "waa in town Tuesday. Mrs. Abble Fitts of Brattleboro visited at asienaea us lair at one day. E.

H. Fessenden'. last week. A large number from Townsbend attended SOUTH TESaTOH. the Valley fair on Wedneaday.

Frank Todd. Rtnilnt i. Mrs. M. O.

Howe of Newfan called on Clark Chaandler and J. H. Kidder are in A. Beers'. Miss Harriet Fletcher Friday.

the weat examining property upon which the Wilmington Savings banks holda mortgagea. Visitors are nnmenMia In tA i Mrs. Hebb is better and Mr. Hehb has re Patent De Barthe haa returned to n'a'ter a visit of several weeke with 'F. z.

Allen. Mount of the heavy rain Saturday the jUeen the Korthfleld and Green-nun postponed. delegation from Harmony lodge at-Ke centennial meeting of Shelburne finst on Wednesday. whimore's mother, Mrs. Sloan, ia at his home, so that the aerrieea of Lad are reluir8d- I Era P- Maine of Groton, haa iL us her hte after spending a week cottage in Eaat Nonhneld.

trastees of Korthfleld aeminary made imposing appearance on their Tiait veek, coming in seven sotomobiles. large attendance at the Held at. Hermon on Monday, the the seminary going in large Laielle haa rented hex residence Mlaod ivenue and is thinking' of lesv-Zsnti to the regret of -her many Li, 'vVv the Valley fair. turned to his work In the mill. Joseoh Wnndanl Si a- i i Mrs Jonathan Eddy of Brookline viaited Massn for his vacation.

her brother, Horace Gale, last week. WEST TOWXIHBhTD. Mias Louise Stowell waa in Bellows Falls Sstnrdsy. Abram Howe and Fred Smith have bad ailos built. Carroll Boyden of Bellows Fall waa in town over Sunday.

W. R. Livermore has been visiting his nephew in North Adsms, Mass. Mr. and Mra.

Earl Hadlock and son returned to their home in Somerville, laat week. Elmer Harris, who has been quite sick for the past month, waa token to the Brattleboro Memorial hospital last week. A cow owned by A. 0. Bristol was found J.

'H. Gould nf flnvimiraaM 1. Fred Lawrence haa so far recovered from gueat at C. H. Newton's.

his injury as to return to hia work. Rev. WilliMm TlnnSnn I 1 .1. F. L.

Lowe Is making some repairs on his An extension to the roof of the Savings Bank building will prevent the enow from obstructing the sidewalk as it has heretofore done. Philip Goulding, who has been assistant librarian in the Congressional library at Washington for some time, haa reaigned his position and will go to Utbanna, where he will be the librarian of the public library. Charles C. Barlow went to Chicago last week to meet Mrs. Barlow, who haa been in Minnesota- for some weeks, and to return barn, Bussell Blood doing the worh.

Mrs. Clark of Hinsdale, N. is visiting chapel Sunday at the usual hour. Mita Berniee Fairman is at borne from Greenfield, to attend the fair. Win i.

it week to see her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Harris, who haa been sick for aeveral months, and is now in the hoipiuL where she went for a surgical operation which wa performed Saturday. 4-j MOTH LONDOMDERRT.

John Brudeway of Wards boro spent Son-day at D. L. Benaon'a. Mrs. Lucy Shattuck came Friday night for a visit with her parents Dr.

Millington returned from Boston Sat' urday with a new automobile. Mrs. E. A. Tannahill and family went home Saturday attar apending the summer here; The Baptist Ladies' Aid aociety had a IS cent dinner at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Emery Aldrich Friday. John Bailey and family started Monday on a carriage drive to Brattleboro to visit relatives and take in the Fair. John- Cummingal who is attending Burr and Burton aeminary at Manchester this fall, spent Sunday with his parents here. Mrs.

Ida Jenness Moulton, impersonator snd entertainer, will give an entertainment Wednesday evening, let 3, at the town hall for the benefit of the Epworth league. her daughter, Mrsf Herbert Franklin. Mrs. Macdonald and Esther have gone on i ii uuuic ig, ,111 CD weeks' vacation, then will enter a business aa excursion to the White Mountains. in the pasture with ita leg broken last Mrs.

Smith from Somerville, I. vis with her. In some way they missed each other wMoai, week. The fracture was set by C. M.

Deane. iting her cousin, Mrs. Fred Watson. Mt. Hermon students will conduct the Will Scott has corns to take charge of the Cjaoant of the long continued illneai of I whn ia anffavinv from in the depot and Mrs.

Barlow came on home, thinking that Mr. Barlow had not arrived. She reached Wilmington a day or two In advance of her husband. meeting at Johnson hall Sunday evening at 7:30. to W.

8. Fenn's Wednesday for a week' visit. Richard Willard, who was In town to attend his aunt's, Mra. Elisa Clark's, funeral, ha. returned to Boaton.

Howard Smith underwent another operation Wedneaday, an abscess bsving formed. He is now as comfortable as can be expected. Miss Alice Lsnghton of Dnmmeraton and Torrey of Easthampton, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Solon Kendall.

In the wreck of the way freight and mixed trains Tuesday morning in tha freight yard at Bellows Falla, W. 8. Fenn was slightly injured. The summer cottage, are soon to he closed, sa Mrs. Colburn returns to her home in Springteld, Vt, this week, and Mr.

and Mrs, George Evan, return to their home in Lowell, Maaa. 1 The first meeting of the Fortnightly club will be held Monday at the church parlors. Program: Annual report of secretary; music; talk, The Children, Miss Susan M. Holton; Events of the Summer, by members; music. The pupils of our schools are especially invited.

WESTatUrSTER WEST, Misa Carrie Wellman i. viaiting in Boston and vicinity. The Lsdies' aociety met with Mrs. J. P.

Ranney laat week. Mr. and Mra. Harlan Goodhue are spending the week in Brattleboro. Mr.

and Mrs. Nial Boutelle of Providence, R. are visiting at John Hitchcock's. Quite a number from this place attended the Sunday achool convention, at Saxton. River laat Friday.

A. P. Ranney and J. H. Clark attended the cider mill, which waa opened this week.

PTJTKEY. Stowell went Stowell went fclirwin" uuni Lr iha has been removed to the noma Miu Helen Saturday Mrs. F. W. Watson, Rosa and Raymond Windaor.

are visiting st 8. A. Sawyer's in Peru. Charles Warwick of Bellows Fall wa at Mr. Corey of Hill.

N. spent two dsys George H. Barber, accompanied by his wife, left Tuesday for TJrbanna, where they will remain a week or more before going to Colorado, where they expect to spend the winter. Mr. Barber has been in poor health George Warwick's over Sunday.

last week with his nephew, H. Gale. Joseph Craigin of Camden, N. visited Wilmer Turner entertained his fsther snd IhtatabMS raiiaawM Le areotnpanied her. Minnie Stockwell will he at Mm.

Lm' every Monday, beginning Oct 1, plH.m. until 8:30 p. with trimmed fiitiimnied hata1 from Jlra, H. Baa-fciitore in Brattleboro. i i.

pQV i.rniAn. frnm Biminahaan. In town from Friday till Monday. for some time and goes in the hope ofreceiv-ing benefit from the mountain air in Colorado. VEUT0H." Mrs.

Julia Frost and Miss Emma Tyler attended the Franklin County fair at Greenfield last week. H. F. Carr is seriously ill and was unconscious most of' the' day Sunday? but la trow very much better. Mr.

and Mrs. Will Heard of Manchester, N. are spending a short vacation at bis mother's, Mra. B. R.

Allen's. On account of the proposed visit to Hins Mra. John Kimball of Marlboro, N. ia youngest brother fremi Weston last week. Mr.

and Mrs. Willard have returned to Burlington after visiting here snd in Putney. Hia many friends wish that he may return with her daughter, Mrs. W. 8.

Adams. fully recovered. Miss Florence Fisk and friend were guests Mr. and Mrs. Knight of Wsllingford visited iwriu tj fto ass been visiting in town, haa gone of Mis.

Jennie C. Pierce over Sunday. st Zins Cobb's and Charles Austin's last week. hTBWFAhTB. Clara Winchester i.

ill. Henry Warren of Putney ha. been a re William Robertson' paper mill is shut Iduje, the guest ol nia, niece, auaa nun Lu Fslcon, but expects to return, here fet he leaves for the Cologne haa he9 mneV Bad down this week for repsirs on the flume. J. W.

Jenkins was at West Townshend last dale by Vernon grange Wednesday, Oct. 8, Mr. and Mra. H. 0.

Warren returned Sun cent guest at Mrs Sophia week running the enailage cutter for Nial Bemia. the Ladies circle will not meet until Wednes OUEI RIVER. Frank Barry is at home sick. Mr. Jackson, boarder at Mrs.

haa returned after an abaence of days. Fife's, day from a viait of a few days at Newfane. by the news of the death of her day afternoon, Oct. lfJ. several Mr.

and Mrs. Cox are spending a few Mrs. Nancy Ranney of Springfield, Mass, Bit, William n. smirn ra caain, Lw resident of this town, arho visited bar FT 1 days on their farm which ia now ocupied by Mr. Saxton.

Mr. Wyley and Mr. Berlin of Holyoke, Mr. and Mis, G. H.

Banes of Waverley, well known berg, aa Mr. Barnes is a brother of A. G. Barnes, were thrown from their carriage last Friday near their home by is a guest of her daughter, Mrs. w.

a. Dickinson. George Thwinr, who is attending the Al wary, ne leaves wmw mui were guests of F. Bam the first of Rev. Mr.

Gushee of Chesham, N. Mr. "and Mrs. Harry Lyman and two children of Orange, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Nelson' Gray. Visitors st D. A. Benson' this week are Mr. and Mrs.

V. J. Wood of Chester and Mr. and Mrs. C.

B. Chase of Andover. Mr. snd Mrs. M.

R. Pratt and Mias Nellie Pratt have been taking a tea days' carriage drive through Grafton and Rockingham. the week. had a small attoBdaarcc Tu- bany Buaincas college, was home over Sun their horse taking fright at an automobile. preached acceptably at the Baptiat ehureh laat Sunday.

The Cutting homestead ia closed and Mrs. day. mninr, but the discussion i ne topic They were both badly bruised and sprained. Cn turns: and Lena have gens to xsrattieboro. The Misses Wilkins.

who have been spend InieiJtural Fairs to ate usawaaerea a reunion of their regiment st Brattleboro Monday. Mra. Ranney and Mra. Clark accompanied them. Mr.

and Mrs. Herbert Wheat of Boston, bat not considered idaagwrooaly so. Franh Rogera of Bpringneld ia a gueat at to the Farmer! was vary jawestinc ing aeveral days at the Dales' returned to Westminster Sunday. Mr. Wrisley's and attend the fair.

tie aaestion waa decided in tna amrma- C. E. Davis went yesterday to attend the reunion today of his regiment, company 15th Vermont volunteers, at the Grand Army ball ia St. Johnabury. Senator Redteld Ibe next meeting eoaaea vet.

a. Mrs. L. O. Reed left last week Thursday and will spend several weeks ia Schenectady gentlemen's night.

C. E. Skinner started Tuesday en a sur-reying trip through the northern pert of the county. During his abaence Mrs. Skinner RAWSOHVILLE.

Aiala Landman is sick with typhoid fever. Miss Rose Kingsbury is afflicted with a nervoua diaorder. faaeral of Pliny Calling waa fcehl a and Amaterdam, N. Y. Proctor was colonel of this regiment, ex-Con- WHITUMathaf Mrs.

Willard Jillson, formerly of own, was here the first of the week. this O. A. Davia is painting hia house white 1st ifternoon. Mr.

CntBng 'waa one of jffuailiar figures on Main aUaitt tat 'Che years of a long life, and much at the thrini the last of bin fife waa mployl with dark green trimmings, Everett Phillips is doing the worfc, George Place haa finished work in Benning greasman W. W. Grout was lieutenant-colonel and Go. C. J.

Bell waa also a member. While St. Jobnshury Mr. Davis will be she gueat of Ho G. iy.

manager of the American Hoe ft Fork company. Amherst Snow spent several days last week in Greenfield at she home of his bob. Mrs. Miles snd her daughter, Mra. Fred ton and returned home, W.

M. Hosley ha. moved from Frank Wil tat We Henry W. Webster. Bseiiee km Mra.

Arthur Osborne of North Adams visit Cutler, of Brookline, have gone to Hartford, to viait frienda. It. it leaves a married eheabter. liams's house to M. H.

Kingsbnry'a house. ed her sister, Mrs. Claw Jillson, thia week. formerly known as the Clark Ball place. Halph Martin snd Miaa Brown of Bellows are viaiting Mr.

and Mrs. Henry C. Warren. Mr. and Mrs.

F. E. Smith of Dover, N. are guests of Mr. Smith's fsther, E.

E. Sanderson. Mrs. C. H.

Bridgman of Kenne, N. came Tuesday to apend a few days st John F. Clerk's. Samuel M. Pember of Springfield, Mass, came Saturday for a few days' viait at M.

H. Pember's. Rev. William P. Clancy of Northampton preached at 'the Congregational church Sunday morning and evening.

Carroll Whitney, Miss Florence Mason and Mr. Mason of Keene, N. were guests at Milo E. Whitney's Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. 0. L. Davenport and child of Winchendon, are visiting at Ira E. Davenport's and at Hngh Crawford's.

Lillian Webber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Webber, is very ill with appendicitis, and an operation was performed Monday. Mra. Carley and daughter, who have aMJTXTOSJJ.

William R. Moody hi the victim of an stnt this week. She waa standing at the Falls visited Friday at Roll Phillips's and several weeka at Bey. I. H.

Beaman's. win visit ner asugnier in rfinosu. Miss Katherine Chamberlain of Philadelphia is s' guest of her cousin, Mrs. Amass Grout. Another guest has been Mrs.

Groat' sister, Mrs. Adams of White River Junction, who returned to her home Saturday. The lecture given by Mrs. N. 8.

Moore laat Friday evening on An Evening in Scan-, dinavia, was well attended and well worth listening to. She told of the habits and customs of Sweden, also of men and women whose fame is world wide. Mrs. Edward Davis of New York and Miss Mary Davis ef Newfane gave several delightful piano duets and Miaa Davidson favored the company with a charming solo. an kead when the animal became tngnt- Mrs.

Harrison Chamberlain of Townsbend snd Miaa Willis of Norton, also Mrs. Beeman of Brattleboro were visitors st W. L. vailed on friends in town. turned to their home in Buffalo last hud itarted.

She clang to the harness la endeavor to stop him and, being en-it! the reins, waa trown flown, the day. A. Mrs. Jennie Francie and daughter of Read Mr. and Mrs.

Marvin of Ssxtons River drove to Horace Gale's Friday, returning home the following Monday. Rawaon's laat week. A. P. Williams and have been repair bit of the carnage waning over her.

ing, came up on the excursion last Saturday and stayed over Sunday with tun- Alliaton Cnahing has spent a good deal of ing their mill, having torn down all the upper part and rebuilt with balloon structure atnu manv bruisee. abe xonflned to aunt, Mrs. liana Fowler. kd suffering from the nervous ehock. time during the past week studying the geology and fauna of.

the hill paaturea. in place of the old frame. John Whitney of Honolulu, Sandwich isl Mrs. I. 8.

Smith' was in Brattleboro last ands, 3000 miles away, has been visiting bis Mra. George Cheney of Belolt, came to town Saturday and will apend some time fa Fannie Duncan, aUugnler of the late la C. a Duncan, was a Taeent visitor in Mining from Cornish, H. -where she lifcr mother hare been snending 'the sum- cousin, Lincoln Sawyer, and family, wnen young man he lived in town in the family of Dr. Waters Gillett, being a nephew of Mrs.

Gillett. He is well remembered by your Xn Duncan ban won eormoeraDle Mr. and Mrs. Inet Andrews and daughter Haul of Greenfield, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Lyman the first of pluiiy aa an author, and a description of tCnish rardena written ihy her appeared correspondent at that time. with her daughter, Mrs. C. H. WUlard.

Mrs. Annie Smith of Boston, while on her way to her old home in Peru, stopped a tew days with her cousin, Mrs. Fred Watson. Horace Gale and George went to Brattleboro Tuesday to attend the fair. Let tie aad Franh Gale attended the Valley Fair on Wednesday.

li went number of mre of ihe leading mm. lira. Duncan and her daughter Mr. Morris'- household goods were loaded Monday for their new home. Mrs Morris started Tuesday for Chicago.

Her little the week. Mr. snd Mrs. Milton Whitney aad daugh spend the winter in Boston. Tiied, Nezvous Mothets Mahe Unhappy Homes-Tnelr Condition Irritates Both Husband and Children How Thousands of Mothers Have Been' Saved From Nervous Prostration and Made Strong and Well.

grand-daughter, Sophy Morris, snd her nurse ter of SpringReld, sre guests of Mr. Whitney's mother, Mrs. Lacy Jeckson, and return with ner. one will visit mere lor Esther Dale gave great pleasure to the few weeks before going her home in gi rortnightly dub avare iBelightfulry en-jaaed last Monday afternoon, hen the ttstion waa bead iLibrary ball, gamier invited one giieat. It -waa with pleasure that Mrs.

Mary T. Wells jbvit heard on The Work of ibe Women Greenfield. The hotel closed on Thursday and is left so at present, as there is no one going to occupy it, and the place will be left brother, Whitney. Mis Minnie Stockwell will be at the hotel every Thursday noon until 3:80 p. Friday, beginning Oct.

4, with trimmed snd nn-trimmed hsts from Mrs. H. E. Bascom'a atore in Brattleboro. A Sana tf Emtanaioa of Tslepbons siTrtoa probable.

Mr. and Mrs. John Callahan of Suoth Dees-field. celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage Sept. 82, by taking a carriage to the home of their old friends Mr.

and Mrs. Patrick Bran. On the second evening of their viait some one proposed a fame of whereupon Mr, Ryan end Mr. Calhthan challenged Dek' Stockwell, boarder, and Joe Lowrey, a n-in-law, to a -contest. The game began at 8 o'clock amd when Lowry came down stairs at tVve next imorning to get breakfast it waa -till an progress.

When the elder gentleman were ehided for keeping "the boys" up all night when they had a hard day'a war before them they replied, 'Let them gissn up then I We had them best in good season and they wouldn't five in; surely, if they rather sit here all night than to lower (heir colors to the old -chaps it wss a lob of their own choosing!" By the way, it is doubtful iff "Dek" ever -swung his axe to better advantage than did that day; possibly because he fancied himself still hacking away at his late antagonist. There will be a service in Christ church Sunday, Sept. TO at 2(30 T. m. Fred Akeley has moved to the Brosnahan place where he will have work for many months in clearing off the woodlot.

Sylvester Knight of, who was taken ill at the home of his niece, Mrs. Joel Flagg. about two weeka ago and carried to Memorial hospital in Brattleboro, died there The body fctok to. West NortMeld-for burial among hia kindred. He waa 76 years of age sud unmarried.

An effort ia being made to extend the telephone line wotherly tromW. A Franklin without a hotel. lurries in Literature, refresh congregation of the Congregational thweh last Sunday by singing sa arrange iwt of the 23d psalm. Mrs. Dale ass returned from her visit in Westminster.

The house in which she stsy-ed is of historicsl interest-as is the one in which Ethan Allen was married. The new shades are up in the academy windows and add greatly to the sttTacti-re-ness of the rooms and to-the general appearance of the building from the outside. Mr. and Mrs. Ormando Jenieesi of eon- Hvere Krved, and there waa a urge fje present.

The hall waa tastefully Ned with rugs and cut flowers, under Thomas Carpenter of Woodavllle, N. came to M. E. Whitney'a Sunday. He will WEST DOVER.

Miss Mary Cooper of Dover ia working for papemnon of Mrs. H. idieue ana lose Holton. the nresiding matrons. literary exxmsea -a venr -pleaaarit war was ergoyed.

body of Benjamin X. Marriaan was kere for burial Friday, when there socket, R. are visiting his broth or, Ro-msnxo Jeniton, snd occupying the beautiful ibort committal service at the station, ly situated house built by their nephew. Deacon Follett waa at bom over Sunday. fry Smith omeiating.

Mr. Morrison several years a aeeident of West 'eli, but advancing- rears brought phys- Last week he worked on a bridge in East Putney while waiting for the stem to be cut for the bridge he is esiMiag svt Putney aineaul feebleness and he vent to live Cs daughter, Mrs. Lyman of Keens, ana Torrington, to- live with 4gater, Mrs. W. A.

Bigelow. It was thnncfct fcrt in lina him eared return Tuesday. Mr. Carpenter, Who has been spending two week, st her fsther' home, will sccompany falm. F.

O. Pierce' of Putney and Mra. Helen Fletcher of Westmoreland were married Wednesday, Sept. 19. Mr.

and Mrs. Pierce were in town Thursday and Friday. They will soon go to Warren, where they will reside. A reception wss given to Mrs. Ida L.

Stowell Friday evening by the members of Golden Rnle chapter, O. E. 8. Mrs. Stowell was presented with an Eastern Star pin.

Mrs Stowell will remove to ber new home in Windsor soon. Carroll Dickinson and Clarence O'Neal from Pennsylvania came Thursday to friend, in town. They were accompanied by Henry Kane of Brattleboro. Mr. Kane returned to Brattleboro Friday, accompanied by Mr.

O'Neal. The annual meeting of the Baptist Lsdies society will be held with Mrs. Homer E. Tsft Wednesdsy afternoon, Oct. 8.

Ladies sre requested to bring food for supper. A cordial invitation I. extended to all who are interested to be present. li iSVls- sill Ftat hospital in Korthatnjrton, where he fw for the past year and a naif ana Intlly died at the stye vff 7 years. I member of the Henry H.

Johnson PV.A. anH mm. ftn irn from the The Home club will meet at the chapel next Wednesday and will tie snerber comforter. Evidently the friends of the clnb do not Intend to let Jack Frost nip them this winter. Jack Frost has been whitewashing the grass for the past few nights, but ginghsm aprons, newspapers and other devices have kept him from doing serious damage to the flower beds.

Mrs. John Ware, Mrs. Abbie Taft and Mr. ler a and tne nrn- zr. the T.

Johnaon farm now Mt tkinnini, rani, a alMIM flf the uaw. rr.w I I mm i a a Pvsr. Four umiW, flf sflle O. A. B.

Mrs. Leonard -Lee. V. L. Adams and C.

L. Adams of Wilmington were in town Sunday. There will be a dance at the school house hall Friday evening, Oct. 5. Mr.

and Mra. M. E. Lyman of Wilmington were in town Friday night. Mra.

Leonard Lee has gone to Winchester, N. for a 'much needed rest Miss Lela Cook spent several days last week, visiting her uncle, Warren Lyman. Mrs, William H. Parson, vi.ited in Wards-boro, Jamaica and Brattleboro last week. Mr.

and Mrs. Bert Parsons of Boston spent Sunday with his fsther, William Parsons. Mrs. W. L.

Upton has been on the sick list the past week, but is better at thia writing. Alva L. Csnedy was at East Dover cutting ensilage with 'his engine last week and the first of this week. C. C.

Bogle of White River Junction is visiting at Mrs. Ellen Bogie's and calling on old acquaintances this week. Miss Mabel Lyman, who haa been visiting relatives and friend, in town several days, returned to her home Saturday. John Perry was the happy hunter 8unday morning when he found a black bear about a year In one of hi. It weighed about 100 Mrs.

E. M. Hathaway of Winchester, N. has been spending a few day. with her daughter, Mrs.

ILeonard Lee, called here by the of Ihe baby. The little eon of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lee died Friday Bight after a brief illness of cholera infantum. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved oneer wted'aa bearers at (be village ceme- Belden of BrattieDoro, SnHaon's.

known as the Maxwell place, and beyond Patrick Byah'a. AH tho. Soned have subscribed and It is exnect-ed that enough other, will to aeenre the aer Vice. WT5BT OTJ11T0RB. Kiehols of Florida ia tlslting I an.

Morrison baa bean stead for many DDt threa it.l,tAM feft-Julia. i Sawyer attended the funeral of William, In- Mir4 Souiera of Guilfard. Rellie, galls at Bellows Falls laat 8atordsy. Blsting aesrv Lvm n( icmii. N.

and Star lodge, F. and A. sent a very beautiful floral deaign. W. A.

Bigelow of Torrirfgton, Uorrison leaves several grand- nervous, irritavbie mother, often on ftfce verge of fersterica, ig unfit to oar Hot ehildreat it rwlns ahUd'a dlamoal-itlon and react upon herself. The A very interesting meeting was held at Alia. ker brother, H- I. Nichols. the Baptiat vestry laat week Thursday even Mra.

Chester Carry, Leader of tha Ladies' Symphony Orchestra, it Sara-ton Street, Eaat Boaton, wrttaa: IWhtraPlakhamr- "For sight year I waa troubled with ex-trsfne nervosum and hysteria, brouRht on by irregularities. I could neither enjoy life aawel.n nkrhla' wau arf irritehla. Isea-TOtnl Miss Ssdie Coleman la aiienoma school in Wt ttaouble) betsreeat ehlldrea Mid their tnothera too oftem data to the foot ing, esch one who attended the association meeting at Newfane giving an account of HOETH FIELD Stirkseather is ermdins- the week in i- "weati Orange. itbat the motaner hu sonae hstwl wealc yisas, and ah is entirely unfit to bear ithe train assoa her nerree that oTern- f. 0.

0. Morgan and Mm JWernea and sifjsfmBdent. 1 LvdasE. Pinkriams Vnretnble Comnonnd iinf- ehildreat inwaiwea; it la twpraislbee WEITJnWBTBR, Mra. Ellen Ward la viaiting In Greenfleht, Mais.

Miss Elisabeth Ward is apending week in Putney. Benjamin Harris wss st home from Brattleboro over Sunday. Mrs. Anna Beach of Burlington Is guest of, Mrs. Joel Holton.

Mrs. Cotterlll of Worcester, viaited st Mrs. Ranney' recently. Thomas Powers is spending a few day at his home in Simonsvllle. C.

H. Comstoek of Newport, N. Is to some portion of the program. Rollin White of Tunbridge, Vt, i. the happy father of twin daughters, born Sept 20.

Each little girl weighs over 12 pounds, there being but five ounces difference in their weight. Mr. White lived for a number of years at H. O. Gale'a and ia cousin of Herbert Barber of this place.

Fred Osgood left Monday morning for Bur Mr. and Mrs. Nolo of Boston hre lheTr ysction with Mr and Mrs. R. B.

Thomas at Eagle ditT farm. Rev. Jones 1- in sjomian, n. Hill of Hartford, Cofrn, was here nor ner to cm aayxaUatf eauenlT. '(The illaof wnainn ant like a firebrand wa MomnModed and proved to be the only remedy that helped ma 1 have daily Improved in health antil 1 am now strong aad W(L and all nervousness hss diaappesred.

xt rn va TTf ..) -i v.Hiiig apon oiq menssa. t. C. FiolJ -t- Mrs. Tav- 'kwell and Mra.

Rand of Woitiestor. rSaW; B.ah rapan the ssturea, eoaiaeqwentlj nlne-iteratha of the ausuau troatratioa, ner-won dearMTasteacy, Ike blnea." aleep. leasmeia, and awtroaa stritabnlty of women arise forjan snsxsa tierangement at the Fie home. Jar, t. a.

ji-a SUnt. SO of lington, where he will enter the University of Vermont. Fred waa nladietoriaji nf tale elaiaa anras, vwwrava nrvwa, vsw-sawa-- dent of the Mothera' Clnb, 11 I draa-asad thrniirh ib i Earl Thomp.on, wno 1 were urrc dbduji. entertained tha O. at.

fl. K-SAthnl rr. tmmt at Leland and Gray laat year and has since be the new buttermsker. done some post graduate work. Ha waa also able existence, worn out with auwi I.

uer collage auewj SStu1 from the Orange and aoakint Mis Grsce Gllmore of Weston wss guest of Mrs. Carrie Nutting last week. en toe xtvmaie organises. Oeroa experiestos fita of depre Ion sjrith reatleaanessi, alternating with actressae Irritability? Are your spirit aa.HTsvffectod, an tat one snlnnte won lam, sind the meat sninnte yon feel Tciusneea, until it eeemed a tbcajrh I shooicK an. noticed a (Utemaatoi a Woman' Sj all, and all tjronouneed It aV Samuel Royce ia the new mail earrler.

He raved by one brother and two fc of St if" Fnk.fuil tie "aim four Tit began hi. work Thuraday morning. was, end the wotKferfnl rvsslti' derived from Lydia E. ahamVta Hia. Florence Nnttlng snd one of bar IMWUOmrxmnd.

ItaaanVladta arwlt UML, of threa. nvmth. a. 33? aanattheend Usm-earyimsrr Do 3s feel ornetiilnf like a ball ria-htf la Tear throat and thraateninf to eatwotnaa. My nerrcsasrjej wa all atone.

I EST NORTBTIELD. s'igs is visiting relatives in Tew of 8t. la Mrs. William Aldrleh. Hodges of Clinton, are and Mr rt Weeks.

Women ahnlt MmkA.iL.i smoke yeeji au ana aenaea pervertacl, xaorbtdlf- aennitive to light and aoaad Cln la tha abdominal regioa, and twaaaitha shoulder; oemrimfowm pains narwong dyipepela and alrooet and In JhSt the ehnrct. at ST1 Sunday, conducted by Krr. Green Baptist ehureh. Jone pMto. Pmmeter, SOUTH WXRDilOEO.

Many farmer are filling their silos. Mrs. Plimpton, who has been seriously 111, la reported much bettor, Mr. and Mrs. John Harris recently visited Mr.

Harfla sister, Mrs, Doollttle. Or Hall, who 1 spending her vacation hen with her mother, returns to her work In Bra tile hero soon. W. A. Clark and fatally moved last week to South Londonderry, where Mr.

Clark ha. work In saw mill. Frank Kidder haa began eoott hunting with Ml valuable eooa dog Battler, and ba. already caught four eoone. Benonl Sage ha.

wet fin yearlings. It I. thought that tha eeeee of death waa do to drinking topnra water In the aastars. The sale and harvest rapper by the Ladles' Aid proved a sueeess socially and financially, tha receipts emanating to over 10. The graphophon entertainment by Ben Johnson was an enjoyable feature of the evening.

There were many present from the city sad tha medloln. thatTiolda tha record for the rreateet nnmtaa i a member 'of the Townshsnd baaeball team. The best wishes of hi friends go with him. Dea. Q.

Stebblna has been kept a close prisoner for the paet three weeka by the pollen which blew from his cornfield and which caused him to suffer greatly with hsy fever. The only aafety lay In staying closely in his own room, which he did. Now, however, the rsln and frost have cleared the air so that he 1. able to be out onee mors, William Ingalls died at. hi home In Bellow Fall last week.

The funeral was held on Saturday. Mr, Ingalla wa. for many yean a resident of Townshend, occupying the bra now owned by Henry Mile and working at hi trade a a blacksmith, was obliged to give up hi trad aeveral year sga on account of a severe hesrt trouble, and went to Bellows Falls when a has since resided. Ha 1 survived by hi wife, who ha the sympathy of all Townshend people. till the mania for suicide continues to spread.

It went from the hill to tha village and laat week Friday tttasked valuable achoolmste. spent Monday In town. Miss Alice Colburn has entered the preparatory school ai Wellesley college. Mrs. John Dsle and John Dale, have returned to their home la Townsbend.

Dr. Hall of Greenville, N. visited st P1. Bsmsrd's Wednesdsy and Thursday. Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Perm and daughter, Ml Alice, went to Tyson Wednesday. Mr. and Mr. H.

0. Holdea ef Pltteford are gaeiti of Mr. and Mrs. W. fl.

Fenn, Ml Bardwell of Whateley, has been viaiting her aunt, Mrs. Jslla Lymes. Mis Oorlnne of iTrrtkaatpten, I visiting her sister, Mrs. I. Tat.

The Ladles' Aid society will hold It Octo Knights, brother of Mrs. Sterne Z'W in the Brattleboro hospital oaunusvus' ehpoa ana nappy If eo, yosar aarvas are In a shattered Intemens w- Weathsrhed hollow. ItdTaTT rw v. mies and family left or Botto. MM.

Plnkhewi. itivt. i- i eondluoa, ssad fan are threat ned with Borfovs uvajati ntion. Lydia f. Plakham.

i i --euuiie poiea tnrouga us w- Proof ta tsMaisanfintal that nothing ItaJ A ifk to TwritT to her adwloa, Mr.rinVhaavi'..r.!i--rf E. Llneoln and grsndsoi Erie Hnim am i.i,t lira. the world ta be- for nsrrom prostration than Lydia Plakham Vegetable Comrxroadt hainda and thon- with tetania trovblaaanaMam biT7 "-a 'fjoodnoogh If ffjw-- in a.lsh llnng their r.J' ba will ahartw yoa sMrthinaT for her advW and of women ein testify to this fact. tobacco crop raised a tA thla tw Watt ber meeting Wednesday at the church parlor. it En.

rtiiart ildtw-A tmm tmt VxtntmiM i tma't 0, L. Haej of 8pringtald, other oaoi-aewti gnssis. was aarveesw L'in, who i. running Osot W. Most iwans this jm.

The asre and a.

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