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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 9

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WOMEN'S REALM All EVENTS St. John's Junior auxiliary p. in. Saints' Womeu'a 4.1: guild, 3 pin. St.

Xitrke's Woman's auxiliary, 2 p.m.. parish rooms. Chalmers church Ladles' Aid aoolety, 3, church parlors. Grace church Women's auxlll-axy. p.m., church parlors.

St. Joseph's Orphanage auxiliary, 3 p.m., Columbus hall. "Laugh wherever you go; is Infectious. ''Don't lose your temper but when you do lose It, let rip. "Look every man straight In the yes.

That la tl.a quickest and oursst T.ay to mimml understand- lug. "Never be ashamed of jour opinions simply because you are In the minority. "Look at marriage as the beginning, not the end of an adventure. "Never use the words 'settle down' until you are at least 80 years of agu. To Kettle down is to stagnate.

"Get into the fresh air. When you are deprecbed, summon the body to the help of tho mind. "Never admit you are beaten until you are battered to bits. Then go away, heal your wounds, end fight again. "Kise every day like a man who la going Into battle.

"Don't be ashamed of being an Idealist. "Think and dream on the grand scale. "If every bhred is taken from you, keep your honor. "Don't analyse your emotions." Tha War Widows and Widowed Mothers' association will hold Its monthly meeting Friday In the London block at 8 o'clock. A silver tea and muslcale, under the auspicea of the W.M.8.

of Fort Kouge M'-thodist church will be held J'riday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. Mrs. H. Aseltlne. Mrs.

F. E. Church-Mrs. J. H.

Morgan will receive the guests. -Contributing to the program of music will be: Mrs. G. Plngle, Mrs. I.

Moore, Miss Nellie Hardy, of Manitoba, will give an address on "The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes" Friday evening In the Royal Alexandra hotel, under the auspices of the Women's Canadian club. The speaker will give an account of the eruption of a volcano at Katmal, Alaska. He was a member of a party of seven which was sent out by the Boston geographical survey and of three groups which attempted to reach the valley. Dr. Shipley's party was the only one that succeeded.

The eruption Is claimed to one of the ntt faj-'reaoiilng li modern times. Approximately $50 was the amount realized at the silver lea held Wednesday afternoon under the auspices of the women a auxiliary or the victoria hospital. Tho president, Mrs. W. L.

Hamilton, and Hie vice-president, received the guests. The tea-table, centred with yellow dnffollls, was presided over by Mrs. W. Somervllle and Mrs. T.

Fisher for the first hour. In the second hour Mrs. John Morris and Mrs. C. H.

Hrlttaln presided, their places later being taken by Mrs. David Christie and Mrs. Bertal Heeney. Friday evening Mrs. Colin H.

Campbell will entertain the girls In residence at the Y.W.C.A. at her home, Itoslvn road. A short musical progam has been arranged. Mrs. Lleb.

103 Spence entertained at a benefit bridge and party Monday evenlnJT. Fifteen tables were arninced for the games. The guests Included: Mr. and Mrs. Cieorsre F.

Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mulrhend.

Mr. And Mrs. F. E. Trautman.

Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cox.

and Mrs. F. II. Somers. Mr.

and Mrs W. K. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs.

W. W. Walker. Mr. and Mrs.

Hnoley. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P.

White. Mr. an.l Mrs. Hackett, Prof, and Mrs. L.

I. Johnstone. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Handle.

Mr. Mid Mrs. J. E. Daniel.

Mr. and Mrs A. H. Wood. Mr.

and Mrs. O. K. Thnmassen. Mrs.

A J. f'hamherlnln. Mrs John L. Pudee. Mrs.

J. H. ToiiiiK-. Mrs. A.

O. Hample. Mis. r. Isbester.

Mrs I. Messier, Miss Moore. Mrs. Adam Held. Mrs.

A. Vtnwes. Mrs. C. Haker, Mrs.

Hector MMler. Mrs. J. A. Lozo.

Mrs. J. D. Mnulden Mrs Wllf Aran. Mrs W.

Fink Mrs. E. Smith. Mrs. K.

IIoiirH Cull. Mrs. O. Croft. Mrs.

H. F. RatTiernm. Mrs. M.

Feelv. Mrs. Ii. Mrs. O.Hrran.

Mrs. O. C. T.o-ke. Airs.

J. Hastorto. Mrs. K. Unpad'n.

Mrs. Kva Wll-on. Mrs. Mary McOrew, Mrs. II.

Rolfe, Mrs The Coughs And Colds Of Children Only the mother knows how hard It Is to keep the children from taking cold, they will get overheated and cool off loo suddenly, get their feet wet. k'f'k off the clothes at night, and do a JWet, and one things the mother can't prevent. A great many mothers are now glv- their children DR. WOOO'8 NORWAY PINE SYRUP ia pleasant and nice for them to take and relieves the cough or cold In a very short time. Mrs.

J. Wilson. Portage la Prairie. writes: "I have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for my Ave children.

My little girl, two years old, had a very bad cold last Winter, which I thought was croup. I had some "Dr. Wood'" In the house, so gave It to her and she was fine the next day; also my baby, three months old. had a bad cold and I gave It to him. It cuts and brings up the phlegm, and la the best cough medicine I ever used." Prloe 8 Jo and 80c a bottle; put up only by Tha T.

MUburn Limited, Toronto, Ont Advt. pick Mitchell. Miss 11. Liveriy, Miss 101 Hawkins; Messrs. Paul SnflU'.

(j. i. MuOougan, N. Mclnnts, Guorgn Bradley, J- Lleb. Prises ia brldtco ivert won by Baker and Mr.

W. W. Waiker. and "600" by Mrs. ji.

L. Cox and Mr. IL Cox. THIS eleventh annual meeting of tlw Provincial chapter, I.OJ0-&. will le held April 4, and It was decided at a meeting of the educa-tlvo comnii'teo held recently.

It announced that the I.O.D.U. National war memonaj fund had been augmented since the new year by received from the following cIui-xts: Drandon, JliO; La Ver-anarye, Dauplun, UW; C'apt. McMillan. Winnipeg 3t); 1K) Wlnton, i Curberry. a4; lock, Urandon, 7D; sir fcdward Grey, Winnipeg, I Military District, No.

It), Winnipeg, KirKeeia cnai'ter, No. 30. an Is an Englishman's recipe peal troia the Armenian Relief as- on how to attain napptnen: ui vanaua was cnaorsea. me cuiiimiuee Deing given toe privllego appealing to J. J.

Bvift, known to the chap tors. V. Mcpherson, on behalf uf th W.U.T.TJ., spoke of tho eftorta ut tho society to obtain mciro adequate reading in public schools text booke. on tho question of health, evil effects of alcohol and drugs, winch was endorsed by tho executive. A resolution of sympathy was extendi! to Sir Daniol McMUlun and Mrs Leigh McCarthy, 011 tne recent death of Lady McMillan.

Mr. Colin Campbell paid a high tribute to Lady McMillan' work In the Interest good causes. An appeal was received from E. Mason. Los Angeles, asking that tho I.O.U.E., ascertain the a htreauouts of Henry Carlngton as he was not able to be rea.iied through the mails.

A letter of appreciation was received from C. Batty, president of the Great War Veterans' association, in Dauphin, thunking the order for a picture ot the Battle of Vlmy, which was given the association for their hall. Foster Union V.CT.U. will hold a sale o( home cooking Saturday morning at 10.30 o'clock In the West End Coniectlonery Store, corner Styles sk and rurtase. Mr.

A. E. Coleman, Bannatyne entertained the Kushl-Khau club Friday. The tea table was centered with a silver candleabra with rose shudes. Prizewinners Included: First, Mrs.

W. T. Clarke; second, Mrs. J. K.

Newell; consolation, Mrs. A. Stevton. The monthly meeting of the Fort Garry chapter I.U.D.E. will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

The executive will meet at 2.30 o'clock. Members of the Women's Mlsslon- Mlss Phyllis McPherson, Miss Helen ary soueiy 01 mtwiumu iucuiuuidi. Hancock, Miss Lillian Allan. David Martin. Accompanists, Mrs.

F. A. E. Hamilton. Marjorle Kyle, Evelyn Hicks, Helen McPherson.

Dr. J. W. fShipley. of the department of chemistry of the University The Old Woman Who Lived In the Shoe," 'Little Red Hiding Hood," "Jack and Jill," "Little Uoy Blue- will be at the Story Hour Cornish Library Saturday morning In person FRONT TRIMMING POPULAR IT IS interesting to note how many spring models show all nearly all of the trimmint: used, on the front of the gown.

1 througi Loudon Two of the frocks sketched have modifications or tne jaooi drapery one in a genuine jubot of sheer fabric falling from the throat to the waistline, the other in a less usual circular panel that drops from the point of the yoke to the hem. The third dress shows an oddly cut front panel with the jabot drapery at one side. OUR MARRIED LIFE The Story of a Wife Devotion to a Husband Who Feared Himself. THE CHASER Poppy Dubois' we beg her par-ri. Prmnv Rlaisdell's wedding re- IceDtlon had reached tho pricked bub- church will hold a sliver guest tea Ible stage.

The bride and groom had at the residence of Mrs. W. J. Bleeks, departed. Merrlam Lindsay, life of 264 Aincld avc, rriuay afternoon, the party, had gone, inueeu, eveij- ft o'clock.

i hnH i tiiii invfA Pouov and was oor- ciock. i lrom 3 to with her not-so-much brother and Mrs. A. II. S.

Murray, assisted by wife, had left Misses Delia, Falconer and Flora Sellers will have charge of the mual-cal prorram to be given at the St. Patricks guest tea. under the auspices cf the ladies' society, Westminster church, March Members of University Women's club who wish to form a table at the dlmer of Manitoba Allumnl Association, to be held Saturday evening, shuuld telephone Mrs. Lawrence, ULlib. The uxlllary to the Canadian Institute to the Pltnd will meet Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock in Cornish library.

lils socially climbing -llinblnK anortiy aner me umm hj waved her happy good-bye. Which left just two sorts of persons, the dowdy kind who didn't know how to break away, and the rowdy kind who didn't Intend to break away until the music and the drinks stopped. So that outwardly the party was still a party, especially the masculine portion of It. Merrlam Lindsay had whispered to Joyce Qlldden when she left: "if we hadn't promised to dine Just quartette with Uncle Thorne and Nan, I'd Insist on taking you home with me. Mrs.

Dubois says she expects you here for dinner, we'll be leaving the BlalBdells early. Suppose wu pick you up here at nine o'clock?" So Jovce, who was very weary, looked fward to release longingly. But outwardly she was a pretty bridesmaid having a pleasant time to greet all the young folka. These danced mostly with her host who lost legends of the Nursery Rhymes iwas middle-aged and heavy on his will be told by Winifred Kelly, as sisted Helen Lalng. AUTO THIEF IS SENT TO PRISON feet.

Poppy had been his baby sister. Jovce found herself wondering how anybody so stupid as he seemed this afternoon, could have had tho sense to have made as much money us lie was 'reputed to have mado In the past five years. 1 He was a trifle maudlin, partlv from drink, but mostly from the most genuinely decent emotion of his life his love for the young sister who I had lust been married. When Joyce and Poppy had been toddlers ho had been "Poppy's big brother" and It Winnipeg was rather pathetic now that Poppy M.w.o i was tone, to see now ne cuing nw BB that operued In the city last summer, was sentenced to one year by the Reglna pillco magistrate, Monday. Swift anda man named Vaneck, who Is servlni a one -year sentence at the Jail farm, were arrested by Win nipeg pon last fall following tneir "Clean -up' of a syndicate of auto thieves, twlft was handed over to Hie Regim authorities to face a previous charre there, while Vaneck was sentenced Winnipeg.

At the completion of Jielr terms these men will face other iimiiar charges. DECFEE IS GRANTED Howard Logan Sharpe, telegraph operator, petitioned for a divorce from his vif, Nlta Cora Helena Sharpe, wai granted a decree nisi by Mr. Justici MacDonald Wednesday. The petltloi was heard In tho divorce court Feb. 10 and on the question of domicile hli lordship reserved decision until thore being some doubt as t( whether or not Sharpe had taken ip his residence In Manitoba with he Intention of making his permanmt home hero.

Mr. Justice MacDomiii also made an order to the effec. that the 300 awarded Sharpe ag ihst Kred Hutchlngb. named as co-ranonrfent in the action, should be piid to hn children's Aid society. Thi society had custody of tne peuiinne-s children since ne aim his wifesepirated in April.

1921. WNLD BRIEFS PARIS Tha auijnary ErnMt Boa, BUtorlaii. celebrated today. T. JOHN g.

Iren oleee of Unban, are In operation aln. glfUIOliHN( Auatralta Th. Commonwealth Priamtnt opened today. PARIS Com. Koocaid denlel eolhn prK-ea lapeetrle lo Morgan.

Jr. kONDON Tni John Huuell dlvcrce rehearing bn wednexlaJ- lONDO.V 8ei h.fore the crim inal law la urft men. a bill before puW- BtU'AST Tkmaa Final r. ouli4-ed the cnarao kr tha balaclava action. Is dead here.

LONDON Whi, Rabbi PhtllljMi aitaod-ed a case of liquor from hla eellar. wll Mntry of orljln be ore being admitted Canada. eTOCKHOUf untM hare, charted wlu, aweaele- SOIIie'MlU HHW ilou old life. "Tell you how It Is, Joy," he said, unconsciously using her long uko nickname, "Poppy is ma all over. Pa wasn't much, you know, good and all that, but kind of a lazy piker, but mn, she was all get-up-aud-go do you remember ma?" Joyce did remember her.

she had been one of those alert, hustling mo thers who fought a valiant flsht ugalnst poverty that their children mlcht Ket on In this world. Well, ma said to me, "This whole family has petered out to Just this keeping Poppy a lady, and when I gone I want you to keep her a lady and see that she gets what a lady ought to have and I guesB 1 ve made out to get it for her she's married, married a fellow ma would have been proud to have her marry." You ve been wonderful to poppy. Joyce said, rather ashamed of her self to think that she had ever thought ill of this clumsy, wull-mcauing man. declare I don know how I II make out with Poppy gone." he con tinued. "The wife and I don hit it oft very well and the neighbors around here don't.

give a boot for me Joyce stiffened. "You've had a wonderful party to day," she said tactfully, the house looks beautiful and everything went off splendidly "That Lindsay woman put It over, you know. The Hlaisdells like Poppy but they aren't any too pleased about this thing. They left as quick as they could "Mrs. Rlalsdell Isn't very etrong, Mrs.

Blalsdell says "Well, I nm," he said, "and this party is dying on Its feet. My own llcker 1h dying on me he swung her around heavily. "Let's start something. Let's weed the live ones out of this gang und go somewhere and forget our troubles. Let's drive to New York.

I want to show you the town." She protested that she didn't want to see the town. "Sure you do. You've never seen New York." "You forget," she said primly, "that I've been at Wellesley. We come down to New York ever so often." She wss fearfully tired. Twice she had begged him to let her stop danc ing, fcjlie wanted very much to sit by herself and think about Chris Barry.

She longed to be hack In Merrlam Lindsay's quiet guest room with the trig maid brushing her hair. Chris knew she would be there, she thrilled to think of the moment when Chris would telephone her. His hasty departure had been a bit of a shock, but then the whole day had been a series of shocks about Chris. She was reckoning out time. He hnd left for New York shortly before five that probably meant that he had a dinner engagement.

And he knew iz that she was dining with the Dubois ramily. Surely at dinner time she would hear from him She became aware that her host was laughing Immoderately at her. "What you'd see In New York In Laxative Syrup Pepsin Helps Nature Give Relief try it wkea a Lauliee ii aeedtj aaJ tee tka weaderhil retail! IT ia not necessary to take a violent physic for so simple nn ailment aa rormtipalion. Yet many thoufiliilom parents give mercury in the form of calomel. and coal-tar in ttin form of phenol when a natural vegetable torn-pound like Dr.

i well's Illative Syrup Pepsin will do tlio work equally well anil without danger. People ehoulrl realize that mercury may salivate and in certain conditions loosen the teeth; that phenolphthulein, by whatever name known and however disguised in candy, may cause dermatitis and other akin eruptions; (that salt waters and powders may conrentrale the blood, dry up the skin and cause lassitude. You can take Dr. CaldwclTs Syrup Pepsin yourself or give it to a babe in arms, as thousands of mothers do every day, with the confidence that it is the safest and beat medicine you can use for constipation and such complaints. A teaspoonftil will re- ANY FAMILY MAY TRY IT FREE ThnuMtutd of partntM are asking "Whrre ran finti a lur-lenrfny lanafiee that anvone in the family can tut when urae you to trv my Peptux.

I will gladl provide a liberal fret tamnU hnttle, sutfirieni for an adequate tett. me when to mend ii. Addrett lr. W. H.

kildtoell, S. CaiaWI Building, Toronto, Ont, Do if now! lieve you over night even if the conxtipation has'tieen chronic for Tears. Dr.Caldwell'sI.a)iHtive Syrup 'cpsin is a compound of Egyptian senna and pepsin with pleasant-taslms, aroniHtics, and does not rrauip or gripe. Every druggist handles il, and bottles are so generous that tlie cost amounts to only a cent a dose. You buy it with the understanding that if it does not do as claimed your money will refunded.

The names of all the ingredients are on the package. Mrs. Geo. Reeve of Gait, OnL, uses Dr. Caldwell's Laxative Syrup Pepsin with good results and is greatly pleased with it; and Mrs.

K. Jennings, of Toronto, finds it very satisfartory. Bring a bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Laxative Syrup Pepsin into your own home and let the family use it for consti- fialion. biliousness, wind, gas, leaduches.

flatulency, and to break up fevers and colds. vour sweet little college way wouldn't be New York. Whoops'' tlwy had collided with Cuthbert Louden and Trurtlo Holland, who were dotnir a wrlrd sort of apacho dance. "Hay. Louden, stop a minute i in gutting up a purty for Miss Ulidden.

Going 10 show her tho town. Sort of chaser alter this punch parly he waved his hand at the dripping but empty refreshment table. Cuthbert whacked his host's shoulders. "That Is a grand Idea." tie said carefully. "A grand idea.

When do wo "We sturt quick Dubois lowered his voice, "whllo my wife Is up showing her enemies the wedding presents." Joyce didn't hear him but Trudie did. Trudie shouted. "1 get ou, Mr. Dulvis. You get thu cars and the thermos bottler, t'uthle here will pick out the girls land I'll Pick out tlw Louden lurched to Joyce and laid his hand on her arm.

"Why. here's the 111 peppy tiling that promised me seven dancea anil let a fellow cut In on the first one." he said. "Well, well, wait till we hit town. I'll get my sevrn, yes?" "I think I'm not going. said Joyce nervou "I really have an engagement with the Lindsays" Illinois was hack at her elbow.

I "Not going?" he said. "well. I Just I guess you're going. I got up this party In your honor A party to Bhnw my little home town girl a town I'm perfectly 6t home In show you the whole town from the Uatterv to the Uronx no no" his voice came thickly. He had evidently fortiiied himself when he had given the butler orders to fill tho thermos bottles "Other way around- from the Uronx to the Battery jnly we'll start with Manhattans shouted nprireclntlvelv nt humor.

He linked his arm i Joyce's. Tocether thrv knr. iieu nrr along. I (Tomorrow: The Slums.) I 4 4 1 Swells and the Grip Follows the Snow Fortify tho system against. Colds.

Grip Hnd Influenia by takine Laxative KHO.MO QUININE Tablets whirl, act as a tonic laxative and keep the system In condition to throw off attacks of Colds, drip and Influenza 1 The box bears the signature of Grove. 30c Advt. ELABORATE COATS 1 maw iur uress wear were never more eianoraie man they are tins season. rap-about mode paie-coiorea satins are elaborately bended In self-toned beads and collared and cuffed with ermine. A Genuine ia diib oi naltirfl'H murveli.

action is la reinov thn lour Their nrt formfnta- fct M- i- tlon thfct aro apt to rojtin the blood and iniii Uinicure the akin. Thn tho calcium ItaHf la a natnrul mcency to t-kln health ami ta approprlHtM by llsua for ta own particular um In repair work, 1'Iii'ha rffecta ar vlaibly noticeable to thoat- troubled with a pimply vkin. or mi thai i la muddy or rd or blotch v. acalv and ro tilth and tnnrae. Thfl Calcium WalVra Induce a reaction to healthier and aoon the pinklah complit.n bKlna to aert Uaelf.

the Meniti-hfa fade away, tha rilmpit-a aecm anlmatrd and the entire appearance la one of vlvacloua beauty Inatead of unalRhtllneaa. tiet a 60 cent of Htunrt'a Calcium Wafers at the neareat drug atr and nte the wonderful reaultp. Vou will aurely dellKhted, Advt. SPIRIT OF COLLEGE DAYS TO BE REVIVED BY ALUMNI ASSN. Banquet, Class Stunts and Dance to Feature Fort Garry Meeting Th Alumni association of the university of Muuftcha.

111 hold It3 flntt annual rtass iiiyht dinner and ill tin 1 orl iaii lnlM on Saturday a tf-Hturo event or tho nar ftr an uraduiitPH of thu university. A fea- 1urv of tin promim will be an drpj-H lv J. T. hiK. LA men and wei unixcrfiity site ou'-ftum.

nd- the Affiliated 'will make so urand getaway she I collcKi's and will have snrc- jdumped her hat to the I lal tallies and novel Munis will be i I table end began cleverly tying he I put on by them, und by many of the I hair with the tulle scarf that had classes. A omplete of been draped about her shoulders. ilnnrcr will be enJoed. The, "Have a maid dig out some coat.i I Intention in "to tuni the back i as many years as Is necessary to reach the high estate of college )outh QKaln. BRIGHT-COLORED FLOWERS The use of flowers is a llatinguth-i ing note In spring millinery, par ticularly the use of vlvul-colored ones which contrast with the color of tho straw.

OLD STYLE REVIVED Tho bertha effect has developed Into the shoulder drape so popular In Civil Var times. Kreiiuently It Is caught up with un old-fashioned brooch and the ends allowed to hang to tho waistline. Health I is I Happiness Learn how to get both by hearing CLANT0N THOMAS give hia atsreoptician Health Lecture at the MUSIC and ARTS BUILDING Margrave St. and Broadway TONIGHT, 8 P.M. ADMISSION 25c BUYSSELECTED PARCELS ATTHE 5 -WINNIPEG FUR AUCTION SALES Pimple Remover lS- Iver How Stuart's Calcium Wafers Work Out to the Skin and Clear it of Pimples.

Blackheads. Boils, Muddmesa and Such Blemishes. Th manner In which Stuart's Cnlclarn innurnr a tttJlutirul cnniolex Held Yesterday at the Royal Alexandra Hotel W. Cohen, tine fur specialist, of Pnrlago Hnd Colony Street, was the purchaser of HH parcels of furs consisting of tho tlnest goods offered In Fox. Cross Fox, ilea hi'X, ii Fox.

Marten, Mink, hlnnliie, nd Suble. These goods were personally select ed by Mr. Cohen and bought for his own customers' uso exclusively, Advt. Piano Recital Helen Williams Atmttd by Ivy Cooper, Soprano D. Mahalik, 'Cellist CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Thunday, March 8, 8.15 p.m.

Tickets $1.00. 75c, 60c Tax Included All Keserved Now on Sale at J. J. H. McLaan Muaic Store liMtaaan WINNIPEGgSSg 1 1 i i in 1 1 i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 in i 1 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 un 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Li 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in i We Are Now Open for Business at Our New Premises 332 Main Street RICHARDSON BROS.

Phone A2177. tin i. Wedding Rings- hiJiikKM from the most v3tVQrfi niotid xet crea- Ml ft W'- W( tlon to the plain, hVyJTfeSiWW In all size, tmt 1 4 all ititijffrh'rWi' 4tJ Paria Building 'M fafffrl 4 OTJUrM 4mm. i lii i Wi iii ri'Tria ELM CREEK Another of the Kim CrrU oM timers' paiwl way Huturday In thf prnn tf Jo-ph leun, b. Mi-.

Dc.iti .6 born In Albion. Onurlo, after reai-JMn- I In Toronto rime liTC In 1'O0. opening Oio Hrt lmriwiri nturo lie naa d.toi'Iutcil with the Itpcut Pre-Mby lerian rhurrh vt 1iMi hi; 1 an cltior Tim of a.f evening. It 1m intiMitled that thi kr rommunliy ts unJi hi i.Juw and ilauKhtFi'j in tliclr btr ra crm funeral Bervlcu hpl i t)i i iiur-'li anl wui tt-. l.v K.

W. Ipr. smhlale-l hy Mr. -i i '1 ha ic Jib of I t'Mcaao. Mrs.

lenilt vrfM.Mi at the organ and Mim Kf iiti-tJy tiiiijc "When the Mlats 1Ui Aw.iy.' The pal-barra wpr.v Mnr Ken-neilv. C. HalllfT. 1). Orr.

jftau, J. J. HoHluay mn.1 T. NlcUo.a. Extravagance Completely Forgotten It is so very unnecessary now to pay a cent more than we charge Because you positively cannot get newer styles, prettier shoes or a more comfortable fit than we guarantee to give.

Black Kid, hand-turned aole, covered heal, A to widths. Exceptional value "GOOD GOOD an or Zr I SOMERSET BLOC. Quality Shoes 296 PORTAGE AVB. For CITY DAIRY BUTTER LUCK" IN COOKING 5 Corns Go Tlie liuiple-it wav to end a corn ia ue lav. Stops the pain initintly.

'J hen the corn loosen and cornea out. Made in clear liquid and in thin plasters. The action i the unit. At your druggist Blue-jay Some housewives always seem to have "good luck" in cooking the meals they Eerve always are SO tasty and delicious. But when you discover the secret you will find that it is not "luck" but knowing how; not "luck," but using tho right materials.

And they find it costs less in the long run, too. Cooking requires fat. And among fats Eutter is King. It ia of all fats the most valuable most nourishing for the human diet, especially for growing children and tho grown folks whose work requires energy, staying power, and quick restoration of tissues used up in muscular exertion. And write it large upon your memory There Is No Substitute For Butter Still, the pantry-shelves of our kitchens are loaded down with preparations animal and vegetable fats which "will do" with which to "get by" which perform the function of fat in COOKING, but fall far Bliort of the nourishment and energy-values of BUTTER, which stand supreme over all others, to say nothing of the tastiness and deliciousness of food cooked in BUTTER, which enriches and enhances the palat-ability, digestibility and food-value of all other foods with which it is combined.

The apparent saving of using such fat-substitutes is more than I rw .1 -1 I J-ll. by BUTTER. Wise mothers uiid housewives steer clear of fatty prepare-i5 tions intended to supplant Nature's finest fat BUTTER, They know that such animal and vegetable fats have noth-t ing to recommend them over BUTTER except a possible sav- fa ing of a penny or two per meal and that even that savingHfj is only an apparent and not a true saving, because procured jW at a loss of nourishment, health, strength, growth and taste. A really good cook depends not on "luck," but ou material which, compel success. The most compelling; of these in the kitchen is BUTTER real BUTTER -GOOD BUTTER and that means CITY DAIRY BUTTER Sold through grocers only.

If your grocer does not yet carry it, CALL N-7-6-4-8 and we shall see to it that you are sup- I .1 fit puea Dy some ouicr grocer near you. (Corn riKht. I'utuida. l.y J.K.i BY EVERY TEST THE VERY BEST.

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