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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 15

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i Vr I LET WtA Keep pgavj.m& CUT It rl A 600D fUMt? U1A THE. AM' UBT OUT WAND TO I THE WINNIPEG EVENING TRIBUNE MONDAY, JANUARY '21, 1924 In Jake Schaefer Opens Assault on Hoppe's Title Tonight Tex Gets a Thrill Out of Promoting Big Famous Promoter Says Gameness Not Required He Declares Handling World Matches is Like Plaything Sees Sheriff Shoot Dowh man From Tree in Front of Whole Mob opjrlrlit. 1tl. In VM. nd r.rrat Britain, Culm, and south Amer rm by North American Newepaper Alliance.

All right reaerTd. By TEX RICHARD IIOUOII the promotion of big boxkng matches Tiaa brought me considerable fortune It al ways has seemed to me more like a plaything than a busi Bees. To me the gams Is real sport. I get Just as much thrill out of pull ft ahi the irnirer 1 does in making hia best score. When 1 tell you that the amount of Money Invested, earned or lost has revor given me much concern I am likely to ba accused of exaggeration.

I assure you. though, that inch la the fact. Money Itself never meant anything more to ma than one of the fac tons to be moved in a ine like a jiawn in chess. I have had plenty erf money at times amd have been broke occasionally, but In either event I never bad much thrill or much distress, i I have seen frequent references to What writers call my nerve or gameness in making enormous offers of money to land a fight. They have expressed wonder at the, chancea 1 took.

"How do you know," one man Writes, "that the men you deal with will be honest? How do you figure them aa being on the square?" That reference to nerve always fclves me a laugh. To offer big money for a right Is not a matter of gameness. I tail to see where any nerve Is required in paymg out money that you feel pretty sure of retting back with a profit besides, jks I say, the money Itself means nothing to me. It is simply a thing to be used In playing a game. If I haven't any money, then I can't play, that's all.

As to depending on the honesty of people, I always have done that. Keal people are nearly always honest. If I judge a roan to be a rat I don't deal with him. With fighters, for Instance, I have never had the allghtest argument over moiey or agreements. A few of the little two by four managers have shown rat tendencies, but It didn't take long to find them out.

Met First Crook at Forty Tha big city man may be surprised when I say that I never knew very, tnuch about people being dishonest until I was nearly 40 years old. There were no dishonest men in the old Klondike days. There were not any amongst the cowboys with whom I worked and associated on the plains. Petty thieves couldn't live In that atmosphere. They didn't fit.

Real gameness, to my way of thinking, has nothing to do with money. It Is a personal quality. The gamest man I ever knew, for Instance, was Cooper Wright, a sheriff in Texas. I was a young fellow about the town of Henrietta then, lust feeling my oats. I had been on two or three or me long came anves and had seen enough to know a real nan when I saw him.

A man by tha name of Henry Pte arall hod committed some crime, I forget Just what at the moment, and was in the town calaboose. The cattlemen and other oltlsena were much incensed at Btegall. One day the cowboys all rode In town and began "llckerlng up" at the many pine hoarded saloons. In time nearly JO0 of them got together and marched on the calaboose to take Btoeall out and hang him. They couldn't watt on the law.

The Jailer was helpless. The mob Imply walked up to the Jail, kicked ripen the door and yanked Sjegali out. They dragged him to a telegraph pole aearby and strung him up. With two other young fellows I watched this from the roof of a shed. Just aa fitogall's body dangled and the cowboys shot their guns off in the air.

Cooper Wright, the sheriff, came on the run. He was all alone, had no support. That didn't atop him, though. The sheriff pulled his six shooter and stood on the atep of the calaboose. "Stop that!" he called out to the rowd, levelling his gun over their heads.

"I'll ahoot the first mar who moves!" Sheriff'. Bullet Cut Rope There was something In the ring that aingle man's voice that made very one atop and listen. There wasn't even a growl. Wright then tdok deliberate aim nnd tn three shots cut the rope with a bullet. The form of Stegall fell to the ground.

"Don't one of you move!" ordered the game sheriff. The whore rough crowd stood as If pellboimd. Bu this time it was seen mat otegaii wnti not yet dead. He half rose and a 4 ki. e.t lllr.

ta rit nfiken vj 1 man, tlie noosg ttlll hanging around hia necK. I Cooper Wright, MI keeping hlg tun In front tf him roollv walk! tnroiigh that mnb. grabbpfl HtpraU by the arm amd hd hint back to J.itl. orkd him up and thfn ordered the crowd to ctar out. And, I'm telling you, thoy did It! In all my Ufa that waa tha rmg.

ot I JSavtj vr an performed by a lona man. Abova all It ahowed what force of character mean. Now, when I hear people talk about ft requiring gameneea to bl.J $100,000 en a prize fight I have to amile. I alwaya think of Cooper Wright. In thoae day a to be game waa not unuoual.

That waa expected of verybody. It waa tha liver hearted feliow who waa the exception. In that big crowd of cowboy there were many other Jttat game aa Cooper Wright. But they knew he waa in the right and they knew that he would alaJce hia life on doing what waa tha, right thing. They were in the wrong and he made thorn feet it.

That's where he licked them. Oddly enough there were aome otit Uii aitmllta la tr Krai, as hnm thai men wmild not hot her hacauaa their Crimea did not concern the Immediate community. I remember quite well when the Jesse James gang came to Henrietta I was a mall boy then. We had no news gaper but we knew about the all I Title Fights HAROLD BEATTY TO LEAVE WINNIPEG Harold Beatty, one oi Winnipeg's moiit promising track men, In leaving the city Tuesday. He Is hilled for Chicago anil will be a club mate of Cyril Cuaffee at the Illinois Athletic club.

Beatty In an all round athlete, but doca hia beat work in the (prints. James boya. Secretly we admired them. James Boya Pay a Viait Mrs Allen Palmer a Hister nf anij Frank James, lived directly across the rnad from our house. One night wa pot word that the James ffimff Una mm nil In trial! ha ililar wm nPvrl.

foret how we turned out the lights, closed the green blinds and peered through the cracks at the band of outlaws. They all were there. I saw them drive up, Jesse James in the lead and Frank following. There were eight or 10 of them. They hitched their horses outside, then went In had supper.

Everybody In town knew the James boys were there but nobodv bothered tliem. They had done our town no harm and the citizens felt the visit was none of their business. Most every family did Just what we did put out the lights and looked through the lattice work In the blinds. I know, though, that I had the best and closest view. saw Jesse James kiss his sister, laugh and romp around.

Ho didn't seem at all like an outlaw ought to look to me. The one thing watched closely, though, was the famous outlaw's belt and holsters. The belt was there ns had expected. That belt, br the way well, that Is a story in itself. Tomorrow! A Bigger Belt than John L.

Sullivan's. CURLING Tli tYature rnni Hal unlay nlnht at fttrftthrontv a a 13 nd bnttle between J. T. Hal and Cliff Wtr, tha Hal rink flnftlly ffalnitig tha verdict with tha lant rock at th eitra end. The irnme wm olos lr content', throughout, with Wine having tha upper han 1 until th 11th, when Hair counted two to come horn One up.

Cliff waft unfortunate with hln last rock on tha lath. Ha playa'l a amnrt har to maka aur of tha nhot and r'eaneit tit hia own thrre counters a tana; with It. nla own atone, however, ataveri. put Una tha tnie Into an extra, and. iTmv had tli advantage of tnt rock on tha extra ana and mad it count.

On tha arflolntnar nheet MrT in.l hit aecond triumph of ttie aeaaon orer the Hunaon rink. It waa a nip and tuck affair from afar to flnleh, tha rlnki comma home tven up. M'lod had In at rock, hut didn't It when Hudaon mleacd a difficult ahot tn trying to chip tba winner. Joa. Hnfir took an earlv lead over the McHridw ChrfMla combination and tvni nevr in danger, the Anal count being il lV, Poh Oourter rot away badlr aminet f.

Mcinnnnin on one of the illtch aheeta nut after the third end had thlnga pretty rnnrn ne own way. in game ended at tn tentn, with ritinrler 3 point! up. Walker ajid Han lg had a clone gam no to the efehth, when a four end hv Walkey put the game on tee. Tha final acore wis 11 to 7. Charlie Harria waan't on ine jon nimeeir, the gamo being nan died by hit third man.

At p.r. To a dm a Fooii va. Spick, Warner TB. Morrii, Duff At Fort Rnuce Tmingmen 12, Saundcr 10: fiaaa 1. HnderFon 10: Fanne 12, Cihh 9 Tonlght'g gnmca Kennlna; va.

McKay. mh, owan, rtoone va. mc Ponfild, Tleudereoo va. Crackaton. Phan va.

Thorn. At TlMtfli Puchanan v. Brlgra, Pnnailt v. Rtd dell. Bird va A.

T. Wthnn. Haw va. orewn, ivneennw va. wilenn.

At Termlnftl Aldoia va. Fera uiinn l.owa MrWN in su, vning vs. i nmpnen. At Mvlr rtevnalda va. Wllann.

nniua ki. Ingham. Ptalr ve. Rlrkner, Nlclinla va. Aiiardyce, Stewart va.

Hay, Champion va. Pop. At Hi. 1 (IMr MrTann 18. Jacnh 10: McDonald "12.

f'otilter flher woon a. prrga Syma 10. Watson 9. Toniehfa game Sherwood v. Camn hell, McCann va.

ITntH rwood, Mcronald va Crawford, Orle va. Hamlin, MtTavlah va. i.amg. Prokera tronhy Stannnrd, Pngera rruu Tiunwen, ott Fruit 9. At Deer Iorige Kuplee va.

Parker, Donal v. L. John aon Low v. Ttillier. Andrew McJw, Graham va.

lxva. pet v. Wetah. At F.lmwntxl Brown va Brown. Mclean vg.

flunn. Mniiin vg. Tiirnhuii. Rlmpion va. Alkman, Brownhrldge vs.

Dv, At Ntntthronft WalVev 10, Harria 8: MrBrld T. Joa. TTaia 11: A. C. Wiee.

g. J. Hnlg 9: McDiarmld 7. Gourtay 10; McT.aod 9. Hnrtson Tonlght'a gam Oourlav va.

TTa'ohen. J. McDIannid va. Orrtg. Christie va.

Walvev. Thompson vg. Harriott, P. Mc Diarmld va. N.

wise. At Tli lt le Call va Ktlarhv, Culllngrord vg. Puth cHaw1, Walk or va. Dr. jatplason, Ooitln va.

Cottam, DnnaM vg. cimptell. At the rnioo Dcpn Thla wgek' gam follow Monday And. Dlaltt. va.

Freight Trafftn: Legal vs. nty Office; Fuel vs. Frt. Claims; Oea. Piigaage va.

r. Traffic; loal Freight va. TreRg. itt. of way.

Teiitay cjtf Offlr Ta. Dining Car; Frel vs. (ln. Pa Kan. g.

Wedneday Cnnipt roller va. Dtnlng Cnr: Tariff Bureau va. or Vny Tflegraphe va, Loral Mehn n'rel va. far fierlce: Aud.

labia, vt. raar Trnflc. numnay mernanicai rntigni Claims: Comptroller va. Pats. Tramc R.

DUNBAR WINS CURLING HONORS Eveleth Skip Wins Aggregate in Northwestern 'Spiel; Mc Diarmid Loses A Straight EVE LETT. St. R. D. Dtin bar of Eveleth woe tha grand aggregate, lh premier priie the North astern Curling association, at the 54th annua bonapiel, which clnaed Saturday night.

la addition to winning the grand eggra gaa with 94 game won and on I oat. th iuntar nna tooa inree nrst p. awe. i nlng th Virginia event, the Scott Graff Lumbar C. event and th Superior Cur mi club vnL Knm Haatlnaa WinneaooH waa gee nd la th grand aggrgH'.

having; ioat two games luring tne Donept' Aftr travelling along in champlonehlp atyl to reach tn eight in five etente, Bet MrDlarmld. Winnipeg, ran into a bad streak and dropped four game in row, starting with a lre to Bam Ha at tnr. MrUiarmld. how.v.r, nt tato th J.rlrr in th.

Sratt Graft v.rt. Iombs ta Bok Imnbar stato tk IW, PENNY ANTE THE FELLOW WHO INSISTS ON A FOUR CARD DRAW By KNOTT WAKE 0M WESBt.ESSlOM, POCZ A UVlMCd IS A CACD WAvJ GLENBORO RINKS RETAIN O'GRADY Baldur Skips Put up Great Battle. But Lose on Extra End 29 28 Special The Tribune OI.KVHOliO, 21. The battle over the C'lrady curling trophy reached i llm ix her Frtdny when Bai'lur aklpi ntla vored lo wrest the trophy away. Phe result waa an even score when th ud waa played.

Olpnhoro retalnnl he trophy by one point In an extra end. ThH acor waa 29 28. The gam throughout wag thrilling and gensMlonal. The Baldur curlera had rouble ranching their destination owing a bad atorm Whtoh raced over th prairie. The game started In favor of Olenhoro.

Peg. Doig eeorrd 4 points on the first nd, piftytng Fowler, hut Tom Johnson, th other Rildur tkln. got (wo oninii Fred Doig. utenbnro hsd thaupper hand tn eariy atage or trie ramo ann wen on to the finish. Baldur wrn mora nde, but Qlenboro got larger acorea.

At the 15th end the acore waa tied. tin ding 12 to 12. Reg. Doig made one point on Fowler on the 14th. but fat seemed to be against Tom Johnson.

Fred TMlg had a rock In the ring, well guarded aava for an opening large enough to let rock through. Johnson mado a ancc tacular allot through th openinir to pick out the ahot rork and tie one. 'red Doig then tried a draw. He mane brilliant nnm cut wan a trine ahort. Thin the gam.

Another end had to "played. with tne result mat Fowiem counted two. but Fred Doig won the victory by putting a ihrea over on Johneon. Thua ended the mnc ewcitlng game ever played, on the Glenboro Ice for the "Buffalo. After th gam a banuu wa tendered the visitors In the Lelnnd hotel, and about flfty aat down to enjoy a roast of bufYnlo meaL A if, Doig.

th veteran curler, waa chairman, and addresses were made by Frod Doig. Reg. Dola. A. R.

Cline and lave Lyall. repn aentlng Olen boro. and Messrs. A. Fowler and Thomas Jf'ViS'in, the sklpa 'of the Baldur rinki.

The remarkable fight Ovr the "Buffalo'' first brourht back mem orle of Olen horo'i CApture of th "Buffalo" 13 yeara ago from Deloralne. At thut tfm the kips reprcaentlng Oltnboro wen A If. and rei ioig. Th following hre the neraonnel of the rink and acort by ends: Oietiporo J. McKenx a.

O. Onwnnlnclt D. Lyall, F. Doig, klp; A. QowRnlock, K.

Lyall. A. R. Cline. Reg.

Doig. Balflur E. PKSTtllth. MrPhnlt tfi.t Joinsn. Tom Johnson, akin: T.

Poole. H. Jlrnwn. J. A.

Jnhnaon. A. Fowler, akin. Pcore bv en da: Tom Johnaon IS Fred Doig OlXm03O4iO100'J lfi A. Fowler 01 3020210102102 IK Reg.

Doig 40040001010010 IS ioim uientioro XJ. uaidur kiB. BOWLING DRAWS 4 TODAY p.m. I hi uh lea C. Oihuon and lJitdiia If Vli'Orarip atn.l Laing 1U.

Bilighain and Nicholson 13, Bouver and ivlackdn 14, Davie and Irving 15, W. Boyle and Kmmit 16. l.nwvnr and ii. Nichol.tti 17, Tnvior and lilcka 18. 3.45 p.m.

single Blnaham Klt htdsn 1 1. hi.nvsr.Udpaiin 12. baUa Irvlng 13, Doyle Kmma 14. Lawrence I. Nicholson 15.

Tuvlor Hlrk 16. C. Glbson 17. Lalng 18. d.ih p.m.

team f.A.S H. 1 1. Kre Preaa Kdlt. 12 Tlve Rosea IS, Patterson tirain 14, Bruoswlck Balk 13. Hevbv Geehv lb.

ftaralnsM. Urn. creation 17, Farmers Adorata IB. 7.15 p.m. Teams Blnar Ie 11.

iJpn. K. Jjane 12. Windsor Hotel 13. 8t.

Paul 14, Trafflo No. 3 15. Batikera 16, Bu 'rancla hotel 17, Woodbine IB. 13 p.m. Tem Trnffic No.

3 11. Hriaden'a 12. PsrVhlll Redding 13. Oiler Bnmmond 14. Marlbor ouah Hotel No.

1 15. Trorflr No. 1 16. Saratrga Ranger 17, United Uratn Qrow ra 18. TUEPDAY 17.00 p.m.

IhMlblr Ahrrni ncl Tnimer 11, LnuirhM n1 W.M.r 12, N.t.on n4 Schmeltxar D.rh sn Tonne 14. Atom, and V.nd.r tuuk 15, Mutak and Mluh.ll 16. Martin and Martin Jr. 17, Mutrlxr nnd Fl.Tll'a 11 ll.t.i t.m. minim 11, lirh Tnns; 12.

13, Ma'ak atttchll J4. Martin Martla Jr. IS. Wuirlv rlairllla 16, Ahrena Trumtr 17. W.ider 18.

l.fA f.m. PfiultlHi ftr.d iliiler H. Hn and H.llhak 12. Hill and Suth.rland 15. Halrd and krnahan 14.

Alack and Nar. valanaky 1 MtM.r and Koatna 16. Iraon and Urady 17. st.wart and IB, s.s p.m. rtinsir IIIII SMth.rl.nil 11.

balrd K.rnahaa IS. Aln 13. lll.r.Knaina 14. tarann tlrad. 1(S, St.wart.f'handl.r 16.

RIctiataiD Millar 17, Van Horen Utllhak. 18. IJI0 p.m. fnnblftl W. TViyl.

and rhiart 11. Mntharn anrl Bradl.v 12. t'apatli and Wataon 13. ftlnhardaon and Hanann 14. P.rlman and Flnlajr Orlaraon and Tavan.r lb, Jrhn.

and Wolf. 17. Carrutliera and Comfort 4.16 p.m. Slncfe Oapattck at. on 11.

lUchard.on T1an.nn 12, rnat.a 13. Orl.raon 14. Wolf. 15. rarriithara romfnrt lr.

W. Uoyla Chlarot 17, lalb.rn 8. Brad 1.1 p.m.' Imirla Taaa. and Cottar 11. Httru.r and 12.

Srran nd Fordham 13. and 14. lutharlr and Fraa.r lr. Ca adr and Collin 16. liv.rldc and UarMf.

17. p.m. HIpi Im Wllllatna Ttohiti.un 11. B.nn. It Malt, tt 12.

Hath.rljr Frnaar 13. roltlna P. O. Flnran' 14. lovrlttr.

t''. Iv.rldg. 15. Cottr Wktbart 17. Hunlar.RoTC 18.

1.1 p.m. Tam C.K. Tarda 11. Smlth Murph. 12, wart Fpaadom.t.r 13, Fir Inauranrt.

1 14, Vat.ran 15. Traffic No. 2 16. Cuba pfcenlor) IT Tranacona Shop 18. S.1S m.

Tatim A nckir. ts.rato.aa 11. Star 18. Trl him. IX.

Kol 14. R. Mru.n r.mln o. 1 lotr.C)ub No. 1 Wood VeilajM 1 luar Cluk Jio.

1. In 1 0fc oo 4 p'MUU JUST PECK UM PICK t(2AJ OOK GAn tfMOUJ, cAEK LONDON. Jan. tl. ntlsaardi ant (irencning rain mane naiurnny a gain in the ftfx fnothail leanuea unpieaaant, especially In the aouth.

Moat of tha gnmnde were water logged. oonrn made a prom'airg oenor tor Tottciihum. Hasty ahnoting lost Nrw castle many chinpca nnd the vial tor gve the that they were purpose ly paying offsltJe tctlia, the re Urge's whistle sounding with irritating frequency. Cardiff City petanna ne poaition at tne head of the first leagu table, but the team icimi 1 lack a combined effort, and It Wit only occasional Individual hr.lllanc that saved them from aereat at Arsenal. (l(talkepng of a high order and exreiiejit defense play by bath t'helsea and Hudderafield made a great game at the latter city.

Miller, of Chelsea, aoored the only goal of the mnth. Hlnckburn Roveta put up a poor game, bolion a defeat of Aeton Villa waa scored iiUte uf the that they were weakened by an Injury to Joe Smith. In the southern action, third division. Reading' attack on Northampton waa being constantly held up by fre kick baing given egalnit them. KNf.l.lHH IKAfitE First Division Arsenal 1, Cardiff City 2.

Birmingham 0, Nottingham P. 2. Hlaikhurn ii. 0. Went Ham V.

0. Bolton W. 1, Aston Villa 0 Erton 1, Middlesbrough 0. Hudderafield T. 0.

Chelsea 1' Manchester C. 0, Liverpool 1, Notta ounty 0. Preston N.E. 0. Sunderland 2.

FhofTield fl. Tottenham H. Newcastle U. 0. Weat Brumwlch A.

0. Burnley S. 8erond IMvlsloa Blackpool bury 1. Bristol City 0, Bradford City 1. Coventry City 1, Port Vale 3.

Crystal Palace 4. LelcaatrrrQiJf aw lerby C. Dt South tthlelit. J. Kulham 3, Manchrater U.

1. Hull City 1, eVockport C. B. Nelson 2. Oldham A.

1. Wednea lay 0. Ieeda U. 0. Houthampton 6, Barnaley 0..

tok u. Clapton orient v. Third IHvUlon KouUiera Charlton A. vs. Kxeter (abandoned Ollllngham 0, Luton Town 0.

Merlhyr Ti 8. Portsmouth 2, Newport C. v. (postponed.) Northampton 3, Handing 1. Norwi.h City 3, Fouthcnd U.

1. Plymouth A. Bristol H. 9. Jtic Park R.

1. Hrlghton and H. 0. Fwunea T. 0.

Bournemouth V. 0. Swindon Town 3, Aheidar A. 1. Watford 1, MillwaU 1.

Thlnl IIt1sId Northern Barrow 1, Crewe A. 2, Bradford 1, Halhax Town 0. Chesterrteld 4, iJnmaby Town t. L'nrlliigton 3, Iurham City 2. lionraster R.

3, Walsall 0. Lincoln City 0, Accrlngtnn I. t. Uo. hdule 1, Aahington U.

Rotherlmm 3, New Brighton 1. Wigan Uurough 1, fouthport I. Tranmtre 11 2, Hartlepool U. 0. Wrexham 2, W'olvei liampton W.

2. SCm TlrtH 1 KAt.ITt First 1)1. Won Hlh.rlan. 5. Third Lanark t.

Moiii.i Hell 2, aikllk 1. l'artl. Thlatl. 2, Kallh Rov.r 0 Que.n'a Park 3, Morton 1. St.

Mlrr.n 3, 'Clrd. 1. Arr United 8. Alrilipaonlan 3. fvltlc 4, Abciitcen O.

2. Il.arta 1. 4, Kilmarnock 8. Hamilton 8, Hane.ra 3. HMMtnd IHtialn Athlon Ttnvera 3, Johnalon 1.

Artnailal 8. Arbroath H. Mrnibiirn Vnltad 0, Hathrat. 0. Dunf.nnlln A.

3, Kins. Park 2. Kaat Flfo 0, Iiunda. lflbs. 0.

Forfar A. 8, Po ti.aa 0. St. Bernarria 8, Alloa 1. Ht.

Joiinalnna 6. t.oclisallr TJnltad 0. Statihoua.mulr 1, I'uniliarton 2. Va). of Lvan 0.

rowdcnb.alb 3. Irlah iold mi R.aulla In tha Aaaoclatlon football sold cup aaml nnala, played Kalurday, ra: Dlatlll.ry 7, Ot 'natfon 0. LlnH.I.I 3. Clirtonvlll. O.

In th. Irl.h haau. aaaoct.tlon football Cama for Saturday, laland Barn d.f.tM gu.en'a tr 4 o.i to 2. rk ottun tip Jan.

Vif In the flrat round of th. Scottleh aaaoclatlon rop broualil forward from Jannaiy 26 anrl played Falnr day. Calaton Data defi'atel Fall Lean by 6 foal to 8. Ht I.I1T Northern lolon Fatt1. 8 tork 0.

Hramley 0, Halifax 11. Hroufthton ft. Wlsen 2 Fealbenton. 9. l.i'eda 18.

5. Huddrralialri 16 Kunalet S. Hwinlon 11 l.ciithley 0. bury 3. llltl 8.

att. Helen a 0. Oldtiatn 16, Barrow 5 Sal lord Wakefl.ld 8. su Hel.n Hatr.ailon 17, Hull Klns aton 8. Witin.a 6.

Bradford 0. lian llKhflald 0. Uo. hdala 8. Amateur OtiT Hospital i.

Birkenhead Park 0. Thia same waa abandoned at half time owing to the trrottnda front th. he.vy downpour. 13, London Welah 8. Richmond 8, Roaalyn Park 3.

rortamouth flera. 7, Blackheatb 8 Caml rldao nlv. 9. Iond' ft ot 16. Plrmlneltam t.

London Hoapltal 3. 15. Middle. lint. 3.

Old Kdwardlan 0. Old Plu. 8. Cot entry 9. St.

Berta 26 Path 3. rtevonport Serwicea 3. Hrldsewater 3. Croea Kf)i 9. Oloucealer 5, Pnnlypnol 0.

Ttltaeter 6. Air Forr. 8. Moaiey 8, Cllftnn 10. Newport 41.

Ll.Shtlllth O. Sydney O. Pill llarrtera 3. F.dlnburrh Acad 11. st.wartontani 18 H.rlotontan 8, Selkirk 8.

F.dlnnurgh Inat. 6, Kdlnhursh Wa. 11 Falln O. l.evtonetone 30. O.ia 7.

U'steonlana 14. Old Alleynlana Chatham Herytcea" fam abandoned on account rain after both l.ani bad ored try Old l.araiana 0, Old Merrliant Tht. 1, St. Merv'a Hoapltal 0 Waap 11 VnlT.ralty Collea. School Old Hoy 8.

St. Thotraa Hoepilat 6. Old Mllllillllana 8. Old ptrat'or llena 8 Old Wbllgtftlan 8. Old Halerbunana 8.

8COTTI8H TRIALS WIN OTJISOOVC. Jaa. II. In th. third roghv a.m.

for th. pu poa. of players for the international rugby game between SMotland and Walee en FeY I. the Seot tlrti trial team almr 4ft4 Kl Sf Sootlaad br ii a. i 1 OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL i hUAT WAJ Wrttr4 HE A CXtofVE.

OF IRISH FOOTBALL TlrCl.FAST, Jan. il. Kefulta in the As sociation Foot hull gold cup it ml final la veil Saturday were: I)is11'ery 7, llenavn 0. Linfeld S. CUttonvtll 8.

In th Irlh Ifiititie aHsoclatlon foothall trnni shcdulcfl for HHturd Island Barn defeated Wuevna by 4 goala to 1. ENGLAND BEATS WALES SWANSEA Jen. 21 Forty thousand spectators witnessed th international rugby foothill naMi whl wa played In ahonery weather here Saturday between Kngland and Wilce and which was won by tho former by 17 points to 9. Except for on ruih Into the BngUah 25 yard early in the game, the play favored Kngland. Tl a Welshmen then played with mora dast but could hot got In any advantage, th English forwards having much more gpsed.

Th Engllah baks handled cleverly, but Lonlt waa pulled down when l.a was beginning to look damrerotia. Half time acor was England 11, Wales Jacob scored th final try for Kngland In th closing stages of lbs game. REGINA WINS FROM CRESCENTS REOINA. Jan. 21 Puahed down tha ladder In a motilh, In which reverae followeil reverae until they were luft llna iTt In the lowertnoat run, the Itc.lna Capital nmd.

a tlidermlncd aland on ttat lirtliiy nlKht and ttecaivcly trounced the Icague lt Adinc SankHtottn Mht lka 4 eonla to 2, By ao doin they crawled back Into a tie with Kdnionton for 111. doubtful honor of tall ettrterB, and left lh. Creecunta a poaltlon where their ona scal ttiiira in la aat. ill threatened by the Coltmry Tiireri. The Capitale wer the bettor team and mftfht eaally hav dt aervctl an even greater marifin.

At no time ware they trulllug lha vieltota, who were left ttehlnd after an op.nins period tn which hottnra were even. Much defcnaivcly than they have been for eeveral sainea. the moat notnlle Itnprovtnent on tha Herlna chili waa Hi. added punch In the attack. Th.

fiirnnnn akntt rinse around tn. Sai.ltn.toon defence men, hock off all at lotttpta at bnck checklns, and bomlmrded Hr.lnsworth with altnoat twlca aa many ahota as were directed on their citadel, guarded by HcCuHker. Cieots llnv and lck Irvln tMttiatltttted tit. Vfttiiruurd of the Ite.ina offensive formntlon. Hay came through with two goal, and Irvln, atartlng In Stattlcy'a place at cei.iiu, wua redponatble for on.

counter and an aaalat. Htlrr body checking played a prominent pari In th. detcnaive tactlca of both but, taken altoe ether. It wa not an un uaually rough game. Of lb eight nvtml lie.

handtl out th majurity war for tripping. Cat. Tl 1. 1 1. a 'I org Ttalnaworth, lh ftnakatnnn n.lkb.t th ai.1 ca.uAlly of th affair.

He hud to taken lo the drt Ing rootn for rapalre when Pulkoweki'a drive In th ocond period cnusrht him on th mouth, tliven medb nl ttt ntlon. It waa found that bad loot tine, teeth end suffered badly cut lipa. After a halt of ten intnutea, the maximum allowad for mlehnpa to goallea, he went back Into hie net and played et.llar hockey until th fluleh. HulitBworth had hi ehanc to Bhlna, and It. performed marvel.

In grabbing off mor than 40 tlrlvi a placed on hie citadel. Noway Lalonde, leader of tha Haakatoon Sheika, wa injured during tha game. Th. accident waa unnntlrcd by tba mntorlty of tha BP'ClBfora or th. referee.

Htanley. whom Ijilonda any. Intured blm, went through tli. gam without being pettal lid. Th ummaryt 8rat period 1, Raglna.

Irvln, 3 5 2, Saakatoon, t'ajrtaron, from lalotide. 1.1 Second nerlod 8. Rea ln. Stanley. 10 12: 4.

Reglna. Hay, fi 05. Tlitrn perion a. K.xina. nay rrom irvln, 2.56; 6, Saskatoon, tit.via, 6.51.

Tb. Ilna up: Saakatoon lla'naworth. Cameron. Sta vena, Lelonde. Cook.

Ferlliiquette, S' ott. Keiee. at. la aud Heaaiee. Kglna el' Otieker, Trauh, Newell.

Tr vln, May. Oagna. Stanley, Dutkowakl, Moran and Aaeellln. R.fore lard ner. SNOWSHOEING aV Atmrm t'Uih Mmhtr of tin Arieca Rniiho cluh htif1 tA ft.

K'rlrt KatHrftivy. Alt n.rvtiii(r th Turk line rnr trmitiutt, the rmirim tMn vt th rlvr, tahmK n. cv'tn rotimry rn il fiom two mil tmitii lh fift fllnh. rtfohln th tvit'i hiirhwAy ntnr th Airrtcunnrnl roHir. fiom thr follonirf th mln Mirhy to m.

Norhrt Tylw. In JUinplnB nlT th rtr hnnk. bad Lh ii.iflrorluuo tn tvrMtk ft tor Wetnii(1y th flh 1H mt nt th Purk Hn car trmtnn 8 15 p.m. Aftr th irimp th twn will sjntrtiii1 bv Mrs. end Mh Jntiiwton, Uroly emirt.

lh 2 at of ENGINEERS AND ST, JOHtTS WIN Mechanics Trim Law 9 6 and Saints Down Arts in College Hockey Th InterefllMlsts hockey bill ff four ams at th Amt'ti. again pruvl cntr of attraction for th spoit lovers of tha university Saturday afternoon. In the senior series. Engineers prun(C soniewhst of a surprise by handinr the law g' ven a beatlnK, while arts excelled themselves by holding Bt. John's down lo a I victory.

won their first gam In th Junior series, by trimmliiK lh Knglnecr 1. whll Accountancy ecured a 2 0 In over Pharmacy. All in games were hard fought, and though rough times, tho fans wcr well pleased Willi th brand of hockey dished up. In th first senior Knaiiieers showed superior team work, keeping lh famed Leo fu nard bottled up all the way. They gained a well earned victory.

Robertson and Mitchell on atnt.arii,a line. tin wore easily the beat two mun on tha Ice. Between them they accounted for eight of th nine counters, and were th means breaking up many of tha Lawyers rushes. Th first period ended 4 1 for lha winners, fooling l'auuln on a few close In. easy shots, Robertson getting two, and Mitchell two.

In tho second period. Law steadied down and made the acor 8 4. Irwin getting on from a long shot from outside left, and Benard giving Brock lb ruhber to scor the other. In th first of the third, th Lawyers rallied making the score 8 Benard getting hoth counters. The Engineers though playing with only one sun, stuck right to their guns, the Mitchell Robertson combination hanging In three more to Rink It (, For Law, Toung on defence with Brock and Benard on th fnrwnrd line were outatnnilliig.

while for Engineer. Slgtirjonaon put up a stnn whII game between the nets. Talmer nlnvlna with an Injured kne went both ways hard while Robertson and Mitchell could hot be stopped. The teams lined tin as Knglneers Hlcurjnnson, Borgfont Bgas, Palmer, Robertson. Mltcnen.

Lsw rsRltin. Tonne, wiinams, Brock, Benard, Isnars. Parent, Irwin. St. John's Beats Arts In the second game.

Arts showed up lo much better advantage than In their game last Saturday, holding th strong Bt. John's brlgsd to a 1 1 victory, much of which was au to the stellar work of Art Puttee In goal Hyson bulged the net twice in tne flist period on passes from Murray Murdock, in the second Davidson got the only counter making It I l. Murdock msde It safe for the north end boys a few minutes after play haa started In the final period. Th teams lined up as follows: Bt. John's I'utte, Jones, Blair, flyson, Murdock.

Johnson, Williams, Kulllvnn. Arta Poups. Olsagnw. Goodwin, Toung, Tavtor. Davidson, Mamur, Rohson.

Melstead. Official Dr. Budd and Rodger Reld. In a somewhst ragged gum Bn glneera fell before the Arts youngsters to th tuna of I In th first Junior ram. Engineers Scored the only goal of th Initial season.

The second period was scoreless desplt numerous rushes by both sides. In tha last period McLaughlin mad a nam for himself by getting two well earned goala to win th game for Arts. The teams lined up as follow: Engineers Peterson. Bennett, Young. McCutcheon, Melstesd, Cornlh, Klgby.

Beddome. Arts Bpeechley. Donaldson. Bahb, Drlscoll McLaughlin, Stephen, Vant, Westtrate, McDonald. Th econd gam between Accountancy and Pharmacy was a much better brand of hockey.

Th former had a full line) up out, and gained a decisive 1 0 Tlctory. Wlndatt oitened the scoring a fw minute after th bell sounded, with a long fast shot. HaVagaln acored In the second period. In th third period both sides had about lh asm amount of th play, the goal tending saving tha altuatlon. as no goala resulted from th efforts of tha teams.

Th team lined up as follows: Accountancy Burch. Wlndatt, Coombs, Black, Duncan, Asseltine, Entile, Sparrow, Brown. Pharmacy Vlneberg, Lsveque, Martin, Baltlwell. Francis, Hendrlckaon, Ma son, Miller. "midget hockey Tw south dlvlalon game and n.

norlh dlvlelon game will mak. th. program of the Midget Hookey leagti. at th. Arena rlnk thia evening.

fiouth End and Do mlnlona will etag. the flrat baltt. at 1 O'clock and Fort Rouge will ploy Rover. fl o'clock. Tne north division Tlattiri nntffiftrct and Map1 Whenever a trip Tn con tm plated 01 I relatives or frlenfla require to be hrnueht to Canada an npent of eifhei the rnnartlan National Railways ot the Cunard or White Star ateams.ilp rompanlea ahouM be consulted.

Ke Hahle up to date Information, eer vir and attention Ii always available. Advt. WHY WEAR READYMADES? when we make to order front a wide var'etv of All Wnol Imported Bultlngs and QOK Overroallngs tDOO Clothes that wear longer with lasting satisfaction, J. N0RRI3 Merchant Tailor Norris Block Z76 Garry St. Prion A 324 7 ENGLISH BILLIARDS DOMINION CHAMPIONSHIP Opning Qam TONIGHT At o'clock th ORPHEUM BILLIARD HALL Pettley vt.

Wright Admission SOe Table Installed by the Brunswick Balke Colbender Co. of Canada Ltd. BilliardHonor at Stake in Chicago HAVERS AND OCKENDEN BEAT SARAZEN BLACK KAN FRANCISCO. 31 Clone Kornen and Jnlin Hlark. In teniHtiunaily knoA'n Stntos Holfois, buwoil to lh superior tal lies of Arthur Muve and Jimmy (Kikenilen, Itrltiah stars, yestcr (lay, nt Lake Men rile links, where they were defeated by the Invaders one up In a 36 tiole mntih.

Orkenden Is also Freiu'h open champion. BILLIARD STARS SET FOR TOURNEY Pettley and Wright Meet To night lo Championship Tournament Two well known cue rivals, Frank Pettley and Tommy Wright, will start plav In the Cnnnd'nn professional billiard championship tournament tonight at the Orpheum billiard hall. This la tha first English billiard tournament, staged In Canada, In aklrh ta ll rtln vera nf rncrta iaetl altill tv. have bven invited to compete. The plnyer surviving tl Manitoba knock.

out aerie, will compete agtilnet rep MAMn.n.ti.AB tntn. provinces. The aume method will be used In the east, and the two winners Will meet In the final, at Montreal. Mut Ii interest is being shown In the Manitoba aerie, and tha player winning this event, Is conceded a good clinnce at the premier title. The schedule follows: Jan.

II and 12 Tommy Wright vs. Frnnk Pettley." Jan. IS nnd "Pike" Whit vs. Wright or Pettley. Jan.

26 and 28 Al. George VS. Tom Brownlie. Jan. 28 and 10 Final.

ST. PAT'S TAKE WEIRD MATCH Score is 2 0 Against Canadians on Rough, Slushy Ice at Montreal MOSTKRAl. Jan. 1 Seldom haa more w.lrd and yet dogged been wltneaa In a loral national llorke League future than waa Been In the gam h.r.,i., ni.hi hi.

r.ik hi.nh.. Canadlena. two to nothing. Th. yict.t gave tne Toronto team a Srm huld eerend place In the i a and ended, temporarily, th Cnnadienfl' chancel ot drawing even.

Itousli, sln.hy I. greeied tha rtlayeri and the poor aurfac. rendered good hockey impoaaihla. Tha game aoott degenerated Into a long dtatant aleaa by both team, on the oppoalng aoal keener. St.

Patrirka were th. flrat to resort to thla type of play, and In fact practically thmushnut tha game made no attempt to or In beyond the Canadian defen e. They wer. atlrcr.efui and got lh. "breeltl." while CanB'ltera.

though havlng'th. better of ibe ruahea, had ao lurk. t.lne un: Catiatllens Vetlna. S. rteghntn.

O. Cleghorn, Kforene, Unuchar, Jollal, Cam trun, M'tntha and 1alone. St. Patrlek't Roarh, CorbeaH, Stuart. Noble, Jackson.

Adams, Arbour, ty hd Lsoughlln. Heteree Art Rob. fiuinmary Flrat period, no oore. Seo ond petiod, 1, St. l'atrlt Va, ftye.

5 aOi 2, Patrirka, Noble, 15.10, Third parlod, ao aoura. Tsl The Canadian N'atlnnal rl. ways can make all arrangements gardlng trlpa to bermuda nd Wast Indies. Phone A5891 or AS801. Advt.

Five Hundred Points Will be Played on Each of Three Nights lty Tribune's Special Lr.el Mire) 1ICAGO. Jan. II Th lntr et of the billiard world Tvili tie rentierl here tonight when Willie Hoppo, holdtr the world's 18. tialK line rh.impioiiBhlp, will meet Jake cVhaef.ti, challenger, and former champion. Fifteen hlinthed point.

In three iilocks of fillO points each, will de aidei the mutch and chnmpinnshtp. Th title, a diamond luedal, and the net gate receipts go to the winner. Hoppe. fresh from his victory over Welkvr Cochran, in Hoston. Jnnuary 12 lias been practising In New York nnd has shown himself to good form.

Schafer has for mor than a week practised here In private, em a specially constructed table, and seem to be "In ittroke liMll.inl enthusiasts, basing their opinions upon past performances of the two, are exprrtnnt ihnt th" natch will prove replete with thrills, and look for high runs and averages. This will he the third tim that ltopio and Brhsefer have clashed In rhnlleniT" title matches, Mchneier Having won one and Hoppe another Schnefer was the first to win th title from Hoppe In a decari. Hoppe lost his chnmplor.sblp to Rcharfor In Chicago In 121 and retrained It from Hhaefer. They have met on many occusions In tourna mcnt play nnd the games have been hurd fought. THAW AT CHAMONIX; I HEAVY RAINS FALL CHAMONIX, Franc.

Jan. 21. A thaw, tha mcst dreaded com petitor of th athletes who are gathering for th winter aport program of the Olympic lames, has arrived at Chamonix. Rain fall all night, and al thouqh th downpour ceased, early this morning, the wr grey and lowering. The ski jumping exhibition arrsnaed for Sunday afternoon had to be canceled.

Th only consolation Is that the competitions are five days off and that a sinrjl nitiht of frost will maka good sll the damsge. YOUNG. BOB MATCHED NEW TURK. Jan. 81 Rev, ftlls OIB AO.

atar. wen th. special Invitation mile tun et In. Fordham unlvertlty track meet Saturday night. Ilia tint waa 4.K I DonY Let That Cold Turn Into "Flu" Rub on Good Old Muatsrels wnria Pneumonia, tiiipps or, even worse, neumoriia.

i Unless you take care of It at once. ltuo good old Musterole on the con sulted parts and see how yuicklj it brings relief. Colds are merely congestion. Musterole, made from pure oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other simple Ingredients, is a counter irritant which stimulates circulation and helps break up the cold. As effective as the messy old mustard plaster.

It does the work without the blister. Just rub It on with your finger tips. You will feel a warm tlngl as tt enters the pores, then a cooling sensation that brlnfra welcome relief. 4nr and TSc, at all druggists. The Musterole co.

of Cunada, Ltd Montreal. Better than a mustard plaUr I I I i ti m.i 1 I Of; i.

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