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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 16

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

King's Own Chew A CONFECTION of a chewing nature, with such lasting qualities that 11 kuuwH nu equal. The iwomlnent llnvors are Fresh tlrnund l.irbadncs Molasses. lOach rhw Is wrapped In wax paper, Hint ta regular-ly sold at 4iic it-r pound. On KiUDAV und bATUKiJAi 25c Per Pound At nil Our Store. Watson's Friday and Saturday Confection Special Some of the most delicious Chocolate anil Maph Fudge 19 specially priced today anil Saturday.

It' pure, frcah and toothsome mailn from fresh sweet cream and maple sugar. Juiit from the candy kitchen yesterday. CHOCOLATE FVDGR Regular 25c for 15c MAPLE Kl DfiK Regular 40o for 20c. On Sale at noth Stores. WATSON'S ftTa Mala.

SOU Portage. Phnna MO 1'hune nuas Furniture Recovered and Repaired at Richardson Tel. 138. 318 Fart St. a Tribune Telephones Business Of flea fl Editorial Room and Ileportera 61 WINNIPEG 10 YEARS AGO (From The Tribune, Fob.

3, 1S9G.) Sydney (C.B.) dispatch "Bishop Cameron, of Antignnish, says the men opposing coercion of Manitoba ure heil-lnspired" Buyers aro paying 47 cents per bushel for the best grade of wheat. Lord Dunraven now admits that he was In error in making his charges against the owners of the yacht Defender. I J. K. McC'ulloch.

champion skater of America, returned home yesterday afternoon and was greeted by a host of friends. He won in all eight races. On Sunday the new organ at the Church of the Immaculate Com option was dedicated by Archbishop Lange-vln. The Winnipeg Operatic Poclety is this year putting on the comic opera "Princess Toto." Those in the cast Are: T. II.

Illllman. Stanley Adams, R. Maslen, K. 1 1 amber, II. M.

Arnold, AV. Cheshire, A. Eggo. Mrs. Fry, Miss K.

Anderson. Miss Prldham. The address in reply to the speech fiom the throne will be movVd by Mr. It. H.

Myers, and seconded by Mr. Morris. I Ills Honor the Lieutenant-Governor hnd Mrs. Patterson visted the General Hospital this afternoon. LOCAL MEWS PARAGB.APKS Falls Fainting George Lcary of 300 Furby street fell in a faint on Kennedy street last evening and was re moved to his home under the care of lr- Nichols.

He has recovered. Board of Trade. The annual meeting of the Hoard of Trade will be held on Monday, when the president's address and councils report will be presented. The election of officers wiil Xollow. Appointment Follows Hug George Barrowclough, the Winnipegger, who received an unwelcome hug from a bear at the Homestead Kxtension mine, has recovered from this Injury in-llicted by Hruin, and has been given nn excellent appointment in the gov ernment assay office at the latter place.

Pedro Winners At the peilro tour nament held last night by the Young Conservative club, the fallowing were the winners: Hold button. A. J. Goodman; silver. J.

Uyrne; hroir.o, Graham. At the Young Men's Liberal Club the winners were: II. Pearson, first; II. L. Lewis, Fecund.

WEATHER REPORTS Winnipeg, Feb. 3. Temperature. Weather Highest Lowest nt Yes'day Today 7 a.m. Victoria 4S Kainloops SS 34 Cloudy Calgary 0 "I Cloudy Lethbridge Snowing Medicine Hat.

Mi Cloudy Prince Albert. 4 Cloudy Itnttlefnrd 2 Snowing Swift Current. f.n IS f'loudv Qu'Appelle 20 4 Cloudy Kegtna 0 "ondy Mlnnedosu 2'i Clear Winnipeg Hi 4 Cloudy Port Arthur IS 22 Snowing Bulletin from Central Office. The weather has continued mild In Alberta and nt many places In Western Saskatchewan, with light falls of snuw. Throughout Manitoba it h-in turned somewhat milder, with light snow and heavy gales.

Forecast Northwesterly gales and much colder, with light snowfalls. DR. A. W. CHASE'S QC CATARRH CURE I.

tent direct to (be diseased parts by lb Improved blower. I (tali lha ulwiia, tle.n the alt pauafes. Mopi dropping In lha throat and pfim.ui8r.tI7 enrra mower free. AH lir. A.

haw meuicuia ioronia an ttultulo. KfvT HE? 4 COMING EVENTS Invitations nro out for the Locomotive KniilnoerH' ball, which will bo held in Manitoba hall, Feb. A meeting of the law hludcnU Hill bo held this evening at 7.45 In the mulleins' room In the basement of the. court house. The meeting will be ud-t'rtused by Mr.

J. A. Macdonuld. The ladles of Maple Loaf lodge, P.gree of Honor, A.o.U.W., have decided to hold another "at home" nn Feb. 13, in their lodgo room, Kurcku bull.

Next Thursday evening, before the Young Men's union of the First liup-ttst church, Principal Patrick, of Muni-t ba college, will speak on the "fug-Ccsted Temperance Legislation." The Young Men's and Maplo Leaf Conservative clubs will hold a Joint smoker at the rooms of the former, on Wednesday evening. Tho following Mieakers ure on the programme: Mayor Sharpe, M. E. Nichols, J. W.

J. II. Howden and H. Urlggs, members of the local legislature. At Selkirk hall tomorrow night Itev.

P. C. Parker will speak on "The Compassion of Christ." Music will be furnished by the Welsh choir. The Canadian club will hold regular fortnightly luncheon on Wednesday next at 1 o'clock at Manitoba hall, I'ortago avenue. Tho guest of th club will be Dr.

Henry Druinmoud. tho well ki.own author. Tickets will be on sale to members of the club on Monday and Tuesday at the store of tho John A. Hart company, Mclntyre block. A meeting of the executive of the Winnipeg Old-Timers' association will be held at 9 o'clock this evening in the olfico of the secretary, E.

Marston, at the city hall. Local lodge. No. 343, Brotherhood of Carpenters, will hold a smoking concert on Monday evening in Scott Memorial hall. The Catholic club will give a social el the club rooms, Avenue block, on Mcnday, Fob.

5, at 8.30 o'clock. A presentation will be made to the retiring piesident; Mr. F. W. Russell.

The regular meeting of the Central W. T. U. will be held on Monday, at 3 p.m., in Zion church, Pacific avenue. Mrs.

Mary Lyman Slonaker will give an address at the public service tomorrow afternoon in Manitoba hall at 3 o'clock. The subject will be "(Jon-sliuctlon vs. Destruction." The American association will celebrate the anniversary of Washington's birthday by a banquet and ball. The ei.tertalnment will be held in Manitoba hall on Feb. 21.

Rev. Hugh Pedley arrived from Montreal last night and will preach the dedicatory services at the reopening of the Central Congregational church tomorrow. While here Mr. Pedley will be a guest at the residence of J. Girvin.

He will also address the men's meeting in the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock.

The Rev. Dr. Patrick, of Manitoba college, will deliver an address before the Men's union of the First Baptist church on Thursday evening, Feb. 8. et 8 o'clock, in the assembly room of the church.

The subject will be "Temperance Legislation." A lecture will be given In the Norwood, Presbyterian church on Monday evening next, Feb. 6, at 8 o'clock, by the Rev. It. M. Dlckev.

of on "With the gold Eeekers In the Klondike." Among those who have been invited to speak at the banquet of the Manufacturers' association and Industrial league in Manitoba hall, on Feb. 13, tilt Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, ex-Sen-mor II. Conger, formerly of Wisconsin, but now residing in Rdmonton, 1'iemier Roblin, I). W. Ride, Hon.

Dr. Montague, and T. C. liallantyne, president of the Canadian Manufacturers' association, of Montreal. WHAT WOMEN SUFFER.

At all Ages They Need Rich, Pure Blood to Secure Health and Happiness. A woman needs medicine more than a man. Her organism is more complex, her system more delicate. Her health is disturbed regularly in the course of nature. If anything happens to interfere with that natural courso she goes through unspeakable suffering.

In fact the health of every function and the happiness of every moment of a woman's ilfe depends upon the richness and the regularity of her blood supply. That is the simple scientific reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are worth more than their weight in gold to women of all as- from fifteen to fifty. These pills actually make the rich, red blood that brings health and happiness and freedom from pain to every woman. Mrs Neil Ferguson.

Ashtleld, N.S., says: "In Justice to you and In the hope that what I say may benefit other suffering women. I take pleasure In stating that I have found wonderful benefit from the use of Dr. Williams' l'init Mils. When I began the pilis I was so ba.liy run down that I could scarcely go about; at times I stinYre 1 vet j' iiiui li and felt that life was a burden. Thanks to Dr.

Williams' Pink Fills. I can now say I am enjoying better health than 1 cut expected to have again, anil I can most heartily recommend these plhs to oilier suffering women." Dr. Williams' Pink Tills cured Mrs. Ferguson because they filled her veins Willi the rich, pure blood so necessary tti the health and happiness of every human being. It Is tor this reason that these pills always cure such troubles as anaemia, neui heart trouble.

Indirection, rheumatism, sciatica, St. dance, paralysis, kidney and liver troubles, and the special ailments of grow ing girls and women of middle age. You can these pills from any dealer in medicine, but you should tie careful to see that the full name --Dr. Williams' Plnli Pills for Pale People." Is on the wrapper around each If you wish you can get tho pills by mail at 50 cents a 1im. or rix boxes for J2.50 by writing The Dr.

Williams Medicine Hrockville, 1 int. OBITUARY The remains of Mrs. F. Mcl.eod were laid to rest In Kildonan cemetery yesterday afternoon, large nuinlie'r of the descendants of the old rYIkirk settlers being present at the tuneial. lis the aged uidy was practically the last of the genui.i" old sealers, having been born In Kildonan years ago.

She lenvs to mourn hor loss three pons und Iwu daughters, Mrs. A. Kildonan; Mrs. T. Smith.

Qu'Appelle. Dr. M---Leod, Stonewall; (ieorKe, of Kildonan, and Domiid. who is at present visit In in Los Angeles. Cal.

The funeral service was conducted by Rev. J. H. Cameron. The pnllbeat -rs were W.

Eraser, J. Cauffaian, T. Lay, A. Mun-roe, D. Mclvor and W.

Munroe. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thnmnn Cooper, nf 400 JnrvtH ptrPft. rmurn the of thi'lr infant dun.

William. Tho of thp Mrs. Tl T-. Lung took j. luce yist-jiaay from lur THE WINNIPEG TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1906.

Cured of Drunkenness How a Montreal lady cared bet husband of dninfctnnesi with a secret fcorjio remedy. vt "I want to tell too that taalt. bamaria Praicrlptlon bat LMtnu 01 arunKUiFm bo ani Mtnply that 1 am nstonutva. HowrUd lam that I Confided in you and Wrot for your frr tampla package. Tb amnla tablet I mat from vou charked uis drinUnK.

and before I had lifted the full treatirent ha was perraanentlycurcd. 1 Cve him lha remedy in a it nt a nntasia inniell. he never kne he vu taking it. i Wirt other to know 'oa can nt thta let- trr, hat plean not my nam yet, i i I. i i.i.

ay that my kuftbaud healUk it be tut ut aver way Uian aW year. Ppaa Parbnno ndpnmphletprlv.nnftift riCC ruVnuyc partiouUis, lcltraouial and price acnl in plain acalctt envelope. Cor. teapoudenre ancredly confidential. Address: Tlltf SAMARIA Rl.Mi-IiY 81 JurOall Chamber, JurdaU bU, Taiouto, CunatJa- Also lor aula by II.

A. W1S1J. 414 Main Htrtot. late residence, 6S Gertie street, to in wood cemetery. The fun era lot the Into Mrs.

Frances McLcod look placti tills afternoon 2 o'clock, from the residence of her daughter. Mis. Angus liast Kiluunun, to Kildotian ctauclcry. The funeral of the Infant daughter of Mr. and Airs.

Ryan, of HI Paeitic avenue, too): place yesterday afternoon to iirookside cemetery. The r-vices were conducted by Rev. Robert Miltikcu. Mr Mrs. Archie Spelts desire to thank their many friends for sympathy shown, also for numerous tloral tributes sent during their recent bereavement.

Father Remegtno Chartler. for many yeurs engaged in missionary work in the St. Mary's valley, Is deml at Sudbury, lie was one of the oldest Catholic priests in the northwest. The death In the General hospital occurred yesterday of Miss Ann Catherine Falconer, aged 33 years. Too funeral will take place this artcrnoon at 3.30 o'clock to Klinwood cemetery.

Kev. Clarence McKinnon will conduct tile services. The death occurred at St. Ronirace hospital on Thursday evennlg of Anna Catherine Falconer, aged eighteen vears. The deceased was a native of lictou.

Nova Scotia. The funeral took place this afternoon from the undertaking rooms of Thomson and to Elmwood cemetery. Tho death occurred at the General hospital last night of Gavin D. Terry, aged tliirty-threo years. The deceased was formerly principal of the public school at Cranbrook.

13. C. und had also taught in Selkirk school. Ho was well known In educational services, lie leave sa. widow, who resides In Klldonan.

THE CHURCH One of Largest Church Edifices in Canada Will be Opened Tomorrow. After alterations and extensions to the value of have been made to the Central Congregational church, the congregation will tomorrow worship in the new edilico tomorrow for the first time. It will meet, too, with the pleasurable consciousness that a large portion of tho cost has been already -defruyed, and that but J11.0U0 remains to be raised. To a congregational church with a vitality such us is possessed by the Central this will be no haunting spectre but un utmost pleasant incentive to church activity. The.

church has been extended laterally forty feet, the gallery has been raised two feet, an extra gallery udded and electric light placed throughout the building. The raising of the main gallery has greatly improved the seats at the rear of tho church, as heretofore tho immoderately low gallery somewhat obstructed the view of those sitting at the back. A secondary gallery seats 200 and when the partition between the Sunday school and church is thrown back, a vast congregation of 2,000 people Is able to take part In the religious exercises of the church. The Services On Sunday (tomorrow) the Rev. Hugh Pedley, R.A., of will preach at the nirning und evening service and will speak at tho Sunday school at 3 o'clock.

There will be no pews reserved for the lirst day, and admission is not by ticket as has been erroneously stated. On Monday evening at 8 o'clock there will be a reception of members, adherents and the general public. Music will be given by the choir and the Winnipeg Male Quartette. The mem bers of this combination are Messrs. Phillips, Ilolingshead, Thompson and Poison.

Selected readings will be given by Mrs. till.) Thomas graduate of Emerson college of expression, Boston. Words of greeting will be offered by representatives of diliercnt churches. These representatives will be the Ven. Archdeacon l'ortin.

Holy Trinity church: Rev. John McNeill. Rev. Wm. Sparling.

Rev. C. V. Oordon, Rev. J.

H. Waiuirker, I'tinrlpul Sparling, Wesley college: Principal Patrick, Manitoba colli go: Rev. Hugh Pedley. Montreal, and Rev. T.

A. Monroe, Congregational Church. On Tii-mlay evening Rev. II. Pedley will deliver a lecture on "Sandy Mc-Rae." On Sunday there will be a free will offering to the building fund.

GA7.KTTK AOTICHS. The Manitoba Farmers' Herlge and Wile Ft nee coiopnny ins given that they Intend to apply to the liec-teiiiint-govi riior-la-l for permission to chang. til-- of the lino to The Sprltii; Park Xurseries, Limited. Thomas Peini and Samuel Rerger. of Winnipeg, proprietors of the Dominion have dissolved partnership.

Rerger will continue to run lintel. i Coward and nf Winnipeg, have lissolveVI ii taersiip. The business will tie continued by J. fl. Coward.

Percy V. (Irey, hotelkcppr, of Ham-Iota, has made an assignment to C. n. wton. A meeting of thee redltors will be held in the office of the assignee.

Hank of Hamilton haaibeiv. on Feb. 'J, at 4 o'clock. The Sheerest mnrt delicate f.ibtii: cannot be harmed DY-O-LA the new dye for coloring at home. adds no poisons to eat tho goods.

use with common salt. The one packa re colors any mixture. Gives rich similes even and beautiful shades that scorn the sun and defy pstids. Mrfi. Maxwell, 2S7 Rleury Montreal, writes to us and says.

"DY-O-LA gives every satisfaction have used It on mKcd goods." Makes dyelng-dav different. No dye half so good. At the druggist's. You can have practically new gow fot the cost of one pa, kage (which dyrs all mixtures 10c. St ml 2- stamp fur home-uyed to Tim Johiison-Kichardsoii Limited.

Montreal, Cun. K. (J. la. Jlliur jr PB0GBESS1YE LAKE TOWNS Far in Advance of Many of the Large Cities in tho Dominion.

Amongst tho witnesses to be examined before tho telephone special committee of the government will bo witnesses from Fort William und Port Arthur. Ruth, towns are strongly municipal, und own nearly all tho public franchises. The Port Arthur Klec-trlo railway is nine miles In length and cost lately the plant has been Improved at considerable cost. The electric light plant has cost about and has about D.00U lights on the system. Last year a four thousand light dynamo was added.

Municipal Telephones The original cost of the munlrlpal telephone plant wus $12,000. Kxten-slons to the pystem have cost $23,000. making a total capital expenditure of $35,000. There ure over 500 telephones on tho exchange. Power Plant The municipal power plant was Installed at a cost of $72,000 and has a capacity of 1.200 horse power of electric energy.

Th plant furnishes power for railway und light systems and waterworks. The municipal waterworks and sewerage works are not yet completed. At present they are through the central portions of the town and arc being extended In the other sections. Combined these works cost about $300,000. F.very one of the various works Is on bearing all costs for manufacture and bearing all costs for mnlntenstnre and a paying basis and in addition to operation, also pay interest and sinking fund and return net enrnings aggregating $25,000 per annum.

BRONCHITIS, THROAT TROUBLES Cured Permanently by Catarrhozone, a pleasant inhaler treatment that is more agreeable than stomach drugging. Taking medicine into the stomach Isn't going to help sore lungs or Inflamed bronchial tubes. Medication must be sent right to the diseased parts, and this can be done only by means of Catarrhozone. Its soothing vapor Is inhaled at tho mouth and traverses every air passage in the throat, bronchial tubes and lungs before being exhaled through the nostrils. Mr.

A. H. Calkins of Santa Monica, writes: "Catarrhozone Is pleasant and soothing to the membranes of tho lungs, throat and nasal passages. I have found It more valuable than any other preparation. If anything will cure bronchitis or catarrh.

I am sure it is Catarrhozone: it cured me." Catarrhozone is Nature's way of curing prompt," sure and pleasant. It is guaranteed to. cure Bronchitis, Asthma. Lung and Throat Trouble, and money will be refunded if it fnlls. Two months' treatment rosts only $1.00 trial size 25c.

Sold by all druggists or by mail from N. C. Poison Kingston. and Hartford. U.S.A.

Order Catarrhozone now. PERSONAL. E. Toshack has Just returned to the city from a short visit to the coast. Mr.

J. Archibald, of Kildonan, will leave for South Dakota, by the 1.45 train this afternoon, where he will resume a permanent position. D. Matheson! of Lincoln Park, and an employee of the C.P.R., returned homo from a month's holiday at the coast. $3,250 will huv new all modern frame house, 24 stories, ti bedrooms, parlor, dining room, kitchen, summer kitchen, stona foundation, furnace, on Agnes near Kllice.

21 blocks from street cars. $S50 cash secures this snap. 2,600 will buy all modern frame house, on Langslde, south of Proatlway, 6 rooms, stone foundation, 2 blocks from street cars. A snap at this figure. F.asy terms.

These properties must be sold within ten days. A. Lickfold Co. Real Estate and House Agents, Phono 3190. 618 Ashdown Block.

Dr. Curry's Tooth Powder is put up from the dentist's own private formula, and is one of the best preparations now on tho market for making me teetn nice anil wnite without In uny way Injuring the enamel. Pleasant to use And cffectmil. Rut up In 2ie botties. mi ssi nrtuo hall.

C.P.R. Block. Phone 2370. W. A.

Robertson, Mgr. WESTERS GOAL CO, Dealers snd Shippers of American and Canadian Anthracite, Cannel, Soft and Smithing Coal. Office. Hunk nf OltnrtS Main Street. UfARTs MS THE ACTICAL Ml OK MAX.

Send me your repairing. Fine shoe repairing done while yon wait In rubber, felt and leather, practical workmen. All work damp-proof. I-elt shoes. Rubber shoes, leuther shoes under city prices.

The Old Country Shoe Store, 6-121 Mnin Winnipeg Aro You Coins to Move? We have the largest van In Winnipeg, and a careful, competent staff to bundle your furniture. WOOD AND COAL Cut and split wood always on hand. Tour order for winter's coal will receive prompt attention. W. B.

Thomason 320 Wllllnm Street. Phones: Office, 652; residence, 25(1. i7 qrv) til 0 --cfta SVIOSEY Advanced on city properties and improved farm lands. Oldfield, Kirby 6 Gardner 391 Main Street. "The JWnrmorcri" M.

aaw 4lla.ll The Only Earoprnn Hotel In tha Clir. Luxuriously furnlshrd. I.nrgcst I and loftlut rooms. Bath and telephone In cmh room. Most cheerful cafe nnd dining-room.

Service unexcelled. 4 Rent equlnteil nnil moat popa- If Inr luitel In tbe weal. For terms, write OHO. SKIN NC.It, Proprietor. Minimum Thermometers Set them at night und you will read In the morning the lowest point of frcs.

which has been reached during the night. Guaranteed and tested, from $1 upwards. Winnipeg Optical Company Dr. Fhalr. W.

O. May bee. 414 Main Street. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via the Wisconsin Central Railway TO Chicago, Milwaukee and all points east and south. Convenient Trains Tulluiuu Sleepers Free Iteellnlnic C'bulr Cars Dining Cars For full Information address H.

J. Itergemnnn, Travelling Agent, 371 Robert St. 1-aul. or Jas. Pond, General Passenger Agent, Milwaukee, WlB If you Intend decorating In the spring, drop us a card and we will mall you six HKAlTIiTI.I.V COLORED SKETCHES of Intest Idens of Interior decoration, showing every room In the house; it costs but one cent post card, or a phone message.

GREAT WEST PAINTIXQ A DECORATING Rhone 2002. 54 Princess Street. Eeaders of "The Tribune" are recommended to notice the special rates offered them in the "Want Ad." columns. Other "Tribune" readers probably have what you want, or may need your services, or what you have to let or for sale. The Winnipeg Coal Co.

GOAL I FINEST GRADE ONX.T. Telrphoaa 700. A Office Yard Hlggtns Avenue. PIPES Retter pipes are yet unknown the brlHr Is the finest, funs Insuring a cool smoke. All the popular styles In straight or curved stems upwards 75 cents.

ER.ZINGER MtvrS'n'io, Htgh Class Ladies Tailor. Removed TO 334 Smith St Between Portage ami EUicj Phono II3Q 216-220 Dnmr Avenue, Cloae to rortiige Ave. RATES $2.09 PER DAY a FIIAK T. I.IM)AY, Proprietor, a DON'T FORGET that wo cun supply you daily with the purest of nil nuturul soft spring waters. Used exclusively In many homes for drinking purposes.

b'. L. DREWRY Dlnf.MTiulorM for Cunnriii. rJ. AMERICAN HAW DELIVERY Tuv CO.

1 Central 0 Flics, 425 Main Strot. Tel. 625 SPLIT WOOD tcquircd, delivered. TAN Alt AC, per cord T.50 prr curd tt.fto per cent B.5ft If you want it cut only, 75e less; or In 4-foot lengths, $1.50 less. If you buy corilwood from us we will send machine and cut it any length ou renulie for 75c per cord.

Special prices In lots from 5 to cords. A. GIBSON rrlneriis and Toelnc. Phone 2387. hard and Soft Coal Dry Wood AND- LETHBRIDGE COAL D.

ADAIViS 103 Lombard Street. For Safe Leace of tha York County Loan Office in the Trust and Loan Building, Portage Ave. Ap- ply to National Trust Company, corner Main street and Notre Dame East. Quality the Best Price the Lowest Ask for quotations and save nonr J. G.

Margrave Go. Phones 4S1-4M. i S34 Main Street. FOR DOMESTIC AND STEAM PLItl'OsES. For sale in large and small quantities at Winnipeg.

Quotations given for car lots at all railway points. OSI.KH, IIAMIOIJ AD Grnrrnl Acrnla. Office Cor. Main and McDermot Ave. TELEPHONE 1992 Your Butcher Should be selected llh care.

Nourishing meats are required during the cold wiather. Allow us to enter for you. "Vou'll find our prices right. D. W.

ERASED. tlor New Store Wllllnm Ave. l'liona 015. The Oenny hack a.ii THONK DKNM UAOISI Hum ilr snd nlfftit Pron. If iter jlllglSlI i Holtby SrY 'illustrating v.fiiTM Hathaway A 'IVf-MiNG PWNcesssT.

WINMPKti'Jt GREATEST aiioia rruniL Remarkably Low Prices in Winter Footwear TODAY'S SPECIALS. Men's Hockey Dnnts, laced to the toe, made of lino strong; leathers. Size i only. Kesulur $2.00 to 52.15. Sale i ov price l.oU Men's $3.00 alt felt Boots, laced or elastic sides, thick felt soles.

All sizes. Sale rm price vl.VO Wear Ttubbera and Overs lioea. THINKS AND VALISES. 494 Main St. Largest Retailers of Fine Shoes In this Country.

Why Carry the Burden Of rent any longer? Buy a home of your own and know tho comfort of reul living. No more rent day to dread. No more landlords to deal with; and If you buy real estate wisely your is-perous future Is assured. We hav a list of desirable, properties for sale and will be pleased to give you advice in jour selections. HUGH A.

McKINNON 832 Main Street. WOOD! Best Birch, cord $6.50 Best Tamarac, cord $5.73 Best Pine, cord $5.00 D. A.SCOTT 193 Portage Ave, Eact. YARD, FOOT PORTAGE AVE. EAST Telephone 1352.

Prompt Delivery. Satisfaction Guaranteed. a Brock ffsUftlebury Phones 4204-4004. 839 MAIN ST. Royal Fuel Co.

Try our Green Cut Poplar, Tamarao and Jack Pine. Reasoned two years. Cheap for cash. Prone 1411 or 2090. Two Yards: 12a Princess St.

and 204 Upadlna Ave. BEST AMER'CAH HARD GOAL Cash orC.O.D. Orflre Phone S.IAO Yard Phone 373S Office Corner Notre Dam and ffeaa. SPLENDID LINES Dinner, Tea and Toilet, Sets Limoges China Lamps, Silverware, Knives, Forks, Spoon3, etc. Prices reasonable PORTER.

CO, 80S 70 MAIN STREET. The Tribune Is the People's Paper..

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