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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 5

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

STOCKTAKING SALE 25 OF Ladies'Snits, Skirts and Dresses This sale, coming as it does so early in the season, enables anyone to buy ladies' ready-to-wear garments as correct in style as any to be found in the leading establishments of Paris or New York at prices away below regular values. Our entire stock must be cleared before the end of the present sea son, as we never carry stock from one season to another. 15 ONLY LADIES' STYL ISH TAILORED SUITS in black, brown, taupe, tnn, fjrot'ii and fjri'y. Some trim med moire and soutache braid; coat lined satin. New model skirt, pleated.

Regular $47.50 For $27.50 ONLY NEW MODEL PLEATED SKIRTS Perfect (ittinji. Regular $6.00 The tltv a lii( t'l Ihe No S'e No lorit t. i .1 5 7 ONLY ONE-PIECE DRESSES in fine Venetians, in navy, taupe, irreen and catawlia. Laee yoke; front panel and sit-even handsomely braided with soutache. Regular $18 For $19.50 297-299 Portag.

Ave. WINNIPEG and TORONTO. Tribune Telephones lutinets Office 0 Editorial Room and Reporters 62 THE DISCOURAGED BROTHER. Say, brother, whut'a oiir trouble? Ain't the old world used you right? Look a though you'd given up hopln' though you'd lost heart to light; Have you found out that ll's useli-ss to expect to stand a rliow? If act, tell me how you'w done II tell me how you really know. Ain't you Kttur what oure CHti't you find no win to ilo? Ilnvp you ii ot to thliil In' mebhy bid has It In for you? tt'pose ynii'w- not a sort of notion you'd be way In lul'-iws With tlx- winner if yuud only had Some iMlll-r feller lilll.i e.

Come, now, brother, let' Imnr-t let Kit right down to bed roik, iNm't you, wlo jou're werklu', l-wuy keep a lookln' ut ihn do, Don mi do what nu liuvo to. In allp-shod sort of way Not tiri-auM you like to do II, but be- ue ou want ibr I syV T. I Ihougiii You've a notion nu'e In en rhented, hain't you, now? (Tint ort i dsrk uplclon everything 1 wrong, somehow; Thbik the world owe mmi a Uvlu' and tin trlnl to rhliK Its bl When II r.iin oii w.inl dry wi-nllor, lo-ll It's illy toll Wsnl It Wet Hate nu ever tn oinb why lh World should ever ir- 'Iieiher yoi are (-lin- Puppy or are Unaiii' to il' -l alrT Have von rii to sin liii-ortin that It likely Hliolm (Tan feiur jeniou mi iieht- tle hut ou done? Ctl" the iroiibb. vim oii, brnlher, I you lul dmi I ir to try. And "'i think I'm mn quit hlnln' when ptk (II pi rve; Mebbv thn" wotilii look lirifM-if If i'il Be up tlii-lm' i-iii Ann git nil )our loira oi--nr, whl'y ou ti lo rum )our tn t.

KUT. In i hirsijo HrrnM. TWtNTY YEARJ AGO. M' lire piKMibnt In Wlnnip(. liools nr i loped hied I rul e''i hour in- nint-r -ii out no h-secure it I 'i Ho.

Th football mai' lo.lsy l.ilswti Miit.lloI'MI n-l-ijl" Slid II. Pools aoilfd In a vhtory for the o'l' Th ain Iiim tlon rriurna for lha veik rti'lma; fib. are as fnilow fata lull 71 I i.otiirn I pot I I i ie. 11 I.Mi-r li'lrf Irtl-a-l 111 rninnt uriU of threfouartert, flay tn muni in 1 in- on i' ry o. the city art.

r. A i minus i.l.-Ti occurred at I.miy nil Ki b. 1. ha. I ill: li iitlairs.

y. rt. i.l vuu.d ithi tli- two tirt iiaut-uVL-rn-Manitoba, McDoukiiiI ami. Arch iK-ioen-'e fide her 1 1-1. TlH're state dinner at (Jovern-ernment house on evening.

Mrs. Schullz held reception In the t-vt'iiiiiK. Local New Parvjrapha Kildonan Roads One hundred teams at lm-Miit employed in haulinii gravel for the Kii.iun..ii roads. 1 hiilceu milt, a of tnorouBiiiare bcins improved. The.

work is bei.ttf carried on on both, nidi's of the lieu river. Weather Conditions The temperature ut o'clock this morniuir was 1 decree above zero. The maxiniuni for the last twenty-four hours was 3 dc-Krees aoove uud the. minimum 1 degree belniv zero. The barometer reading shown 43 inches, and there was a west wind blowing ut the rate of eighteen miles ail hour.

Fake Dance Tickets The police are looking for a man who has been selling tickets for a dance which was supposed to have been held last nittht in Oddfellows' hall. It was supposed to have been got up by the chauffeurs, but they deny all knowledge of the affair. Last night several people who had purchased tickets ut Jl apiece went up to the hall, but found it iu darkness. Fell From Street Car While getting off a tit. lines car ut the corner of avenue and Main street yesterday ufternooii, Mrs.

Neutron, iisti Alexander uvenue, fell and fractured her hip bone. Silo was taken into lr. White's office for attention and was ufterwuids removed to her home. Shu staled the uci -blent as due to the car stopping and suddenly starting up aain. White Plague Campaign A meeting is to be held tomorrow evening at fl.lfi In the Y.

M. V. A. hall, under the auspices of the ludies' auxiliary of the Winnipeg soeiel J. A.

M. Alkins, K.C, ill preside, ami after a short musical programme Dr. 1. A. Stewart, superintendent of the Manitoba sanatorium at Ninette, will tell what the women of other countries are doing in this worldwide crusade the while plague.

A collection, will be taken to defray exile uses. International Literary Club on Thursday, l-'eb. 3, at .3 p.m., in the Y. M. r.

the lirst general meeting of the International club will take plaeo, with the. purpose of enlisting inemoers and electing officers. Any person who would take an interest in this organization, no matter what nn- tionulily, is invited to attend this meeting. A preliminary meeting was held on Jan. 24.

at which reprcsentu lives of nationalities were present. aunday School Conference A nut eesiiiul conference of county Sundiyy senooi workers was held vcstorilnv afternoon and last evening at the Y. M. ('. A.

Itev. J. acted us chairman and S. U. Henderson was KWiointed secretary.

Tapers of great Interest were rend by John Holland, of lnigald; S. It. Henderson and Jas. lMuck and W. II.

Irwin, of Winnipeg, and M. of Stonewall, and Miss Helen Talk, superintendent oC elementary depart men t. Property Owner to Meet An Important meeting of the Fort ltouge South Property owners' association will be held on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In tin- Itlverview Presbyterian church, Oakwood avenue, when the matter of iminovenu nis in this part of ward 1 for the year 1MU will be considered. Several other Important mailers in coiiti'-etlon with the association's work will coino up uud It is expected there will be a large alteml. ance.

All intereMcd Iu the welfare of the district are invited to utteinl. Land Tax Ducusaion A series of sumlay afternoon mci-llnts In gin mi l'ehruury ti will be held under the auspices of the League for me taxation of Land ulues, in the lire.imland tluatre. The object In view la to promote public discussion or aoriai questions. Some of Ihe speakers who will addresM these me, burn ure K. J.

Dixon, Itev. W. A. Vrou man. li.

White. Prof. A. Clark. I'oiiaie, i-orresier.

and Key. 1 S. il lilnnd. a meeting will be held nt 3 p.m.. when Mr.

Dixon will s-uk on "How lo gei rnh nil hunt working. Black Cat Officers Elected The on ulenated Order of Hon-Hoes, tc-n-erally known as the lihuk I'at'soil-et. the o.ilv older of luoi-berineii. In-id meeting al 4 al Ihe ret ill lumbermen's hoard room In the M'ntie I. lock.

'I'd meeting held for the puipoM- of eiei ung nun-era lor iho year ami preparing for tin- annual nnivi-mhui if lumbermen lo be Ik Ul durum bonsph-l 1(J num. or In tin- lerill" of Ihe oroer. ml-I renin snark. is Cnnn linn, W. A.

Dudley, of, oM. Al the Meeting II V. noon. i Teiiiiant. of Ihe Lumber Co, was nt" '1 he lillle oilier offiieis Wl.l be rliiii ill the enliven' I 'll.

Coming Aorori Gin. ihib will ri'briirse lhi n. iiim ihe KUiiid iHaoi nid 1 1 niei-i at I rum i ttreei. The Iji.i,,..- Atd if lh" Tiibern.i aptlst i hurt h. ItuiroM, Mn ill meet at the liollie M-a ln'vre "II Afitoiie nv.iine, on nfi.

r- ll'H'll Ht 3 i I'M li. A l'T of Hilllilisy nft'llio'll loliimell. Hlg I ei. tt, be held iiinb l'i" i iniioim league for Ihe I.

nal 'ii lunl iil'ii a. In the I ir Miiil.i i.d tliattt-. The Winnipeg bn.r tairl" llo'd llietr snllillll llhtlie a MI supper eiiiilog hi i buil Il Will be I lie ef I. pro. -oi i iieik- an sniiiiiil Ruiiii ins, mid Ihe of U.K.

la 1'iia Ihsl eoill.l be Tie i II i In-n un- for i' (nii'il pi 1,1 lid I II ill'le i lilli- rf Tin. in HI i- Eivi ii by In hi. .1 hn KI 'hn a Draie-ilie i l-i'i. i oi. a II-.

-I l.ejae, fila V4 r. I Ii ilnv siol ore on lur.lnv IKi'l I a are, III the II 1 I'ofa-I'll'g Ihe ef Ilm V.i ff rnsn v. 1 i ri i- i -tt '4 II iria at a -a-t' -t lit 'at 7 il I4 t', Il tt 'a a w. -ar t. Ii 't i I t.

A I1tr-lat aat.1 taa a aaa nitTrr4ta aal fjvit .4 I'hone 123 THE WINNIFFG TFIBUNF, WEDNESDAY, TZVTSIAM 2, 1910. White Clover Bread Sweet as Juni Meadows A MILK BREAD digestible, nourishing, good in every respect Keeps fresh longer and Ustet setter than any other. Try a loai If one of our delivery wagons does not call at your home, ask your grocer for this loaf, or phono us. Phone Main 1030. RIQHMDSQfi'S Packing and Shipping Storage Van Go.

518 Fort Street world." "The burglar and the and "Hroune, with an The Christian Endeavor union of the? city will have charge of the reoples' meeting of the Tabernacle. liaptist church. Burrows avenue, on Monday evening next, and promise to hold an ideal C. E. service.

he regular meeting of Queen Ks- ther Hebeeca lodge, N. 2, I. O. O. will be hel dtonight at 8 o'clock in Friendship hall.

THE DEATH WARRANT DELIVERED. No defence can be offered when you imply I'ulnam's to sore corn thu offender has to die. Nothing so certain to (luickly cure corns us I'ut nam's Coin and Wart Extractor; try I'ut nam's, it's free from acids, and painless. Obitxtary The funeral of the late Mrs. Itebei Mather took place tills afternoon from Thomson's undertaking parlors lit 3.

Jo o'clock to Klmwood cemetery. Kev. C. Walker officiated. The funeral of the late Hal ton James lturgess who died iu a cab while being taken to the police station on Sun day lust, will take place on Thursday at clock from Thomsons unoer taking parlors to Hrooksiue cemetery, The death occurred at ihe family residence last evening of Mrs.

Catli erine I'n aged 60 years. She had been In ill In all for only a short lime and the news of her death will me as a shock to many friends of Ihe family in the north end. lie ased is mourned by her husband ilm I'reusentunz, and several child ri n. 1 lie funeral took plHce today ut 3n from tlie family residence, 4 Keilwoou avenue, to Kim wood come tery. The dcalh occurred In Porlnge Prairie on Monday of Oliver Crestl la a lormer resident ot Winnipeg.

The leeeased was 33 years of age and hud been un inmate of the Home of Incur allies ut Torture for six months. He was an Kngllshuian and lived In this city for some time. Key. Thus, llelllwell. who for many years lias been a supernumerary or retired, minister of the Innli district, died III Selkirk lust Saturday night, Inst, aged years.

The funeral took place on Tues day morning, the service being eon ducted bv Itev. T. II. Wilson. The In torment was in the Mapleton cemetery, 1 lie late Mr.

Helliwell came to Winnipeg In und he has resided in ever since wllh tho exception of throe years spent In Nebraska. He wuh born near Hie River Don, lint and was married llity-nlne years ago. He was ut the lime of Ids deiilh. He Is survived by his wife, iwn daughters Mrs. (Rev.

It. Sieinhaiier. of Untile River mission. Alberta, und Mrs. S.

Parsons, of Toronto, and son, Harvard M. llelllwell, of Meadows. M.i nitons. The body of Ihe late William Junlea Ti-skey was followed to lis Inst resting plae in Khnwood cemeterv Tues day arieinoou, by a large number of Ihe fi lends of the lie, eaxeil plollei-r. 'I lie funeral win Masonic one, the lis I'dhliving been member of the A.

F. and A. A private service was held at Iho lamlly residence. Id; I.aiiK"l'le street, at 1 o'i loi k. after wlih Ii tho coil proi eeded Masonic temple wher the regular bin servhe of the order was car-rl out.

ft. John's beige A. K. and A. M.

tin hnrae of Ihe service. A irge iiiimber of Humbert i tin. nr. iiiige miler und A. II.

L'. V. also The funeral if Ihe Lite J.iiti" wi died nt rit on Halurdsy. look punn iiionitna at ii'i liM from J. li.

Mi a n.irlora lo HI. Mnr 1 1 un dry. Tin- sirtl'-e wna torn! luted in Holy (ilioat rhiiri h. The of Ihe bile Joaeph I ntii'C, Ihe well known lolieer. ho IP on finohiy.

nhlcll loos pla, rail ail' rii.H.ii i lo. k. waa a lriuie imliire. Itev. Purlin i oiuliii led a service at the family li Hti til ilm ii I sirrt-t, and Inii-rm.

nt plnce In HI. John a Ii-ii. The pull In mi ra -trt Mf-aia. I ti ftl. 1l per, I 'Il I II I Htirila.

Ilr.ili Iim a le end Oavtald. W. H. AULTSBURItD. Soeulm and fnandi Pay Last Tri buta to Wall-Known Manitoba.

There Mlia larre llltllllllt Hie liio. of Wliilntn Hnii la. slin no "i at i on fun. lav ami oaa Inn I'd nt Hiri airilu The l-'ily taken lo ft i loir. h.

he-a it Ux till after hiin ot i.i.i aetle ai Jn i hn At lh aaine a rfftin.iiiv s' i "iiinm to rite sai I lie I'llieriil inlrt Waa i ntp iii. ra Ilia K. P. hi I't a turili. nitiiaiii ii1ii.

if l.Oaat- mil, of tt i it i. A y. A. Il am D' fii- loilaa. No.

A. I A liio fAtivlr Hllll a larsie i i of ti mi tlotn- l-i. i iil' no at I'm ti hi i -I l.y ho V. I'll I ha liriili-l Maal'-r of Manllnha. I Paint pea-ilaa nie'llbera nf Uo.lU.

Mr and Hmiiti, rt'h. I ml, and II s'iiia. of tit' 'fllilpi ta I- lha The oraall a at hi fr.m I bOi' I ie t'liii. Slain It lM on, I Tom I'tl 'e. lt I 1 J.

tv i. it" Vt. Mr ti.l lta l''e. N'V A lit ar at .1 ii em V. I mnal.t rii.

Wlf 1 A V'-nnj. I lllattd II. WlM, ft. It that Ittoll.ara SHalrra defl Mr and tt Mra a'l l'f AM- I sti'l on 4i A pMlet Vis A.F.

A.M.; three link. Turtle Mountain lU! l.o.'i-K. Boiwvain lide. No. IT.

a. Jj liaine, Heloraiije; Mr. and Mrs. at-runi-r, lieloraine: Miss lieloraine; lieorne Velie, Winnipeg; Koyal Arch Corinthian chapter, In Society Mr.

Sylvester li. O'Connell, of the staff of the I'nion bank in this city, left night on the C. N. H. flyer, for rhicato and New York, on his w'- to Ireland where he will spend three niontns at his old in Cork city.

A number of citizens were at the depot to bid linn Dun voyage and seeedy return. Mrs. Steep and Snell were the fortunate prizewinners at a delightful bridge given on Monday by Mr. Geo. Stephen.

Mrs. L.yall and Mrs. Shepard ere in charge of the tea. table, which ras decorated Willi aaitoans. ine guests were Mrs, Kllhourne, Mrs.

Snell, Mrs. M. Scott, Alias Scott, Mrs. Knott. Mrs.

Mc illiams, Mrs. Steep, Mrs. Kneehuid, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. ummlngs.

Mrs. Lyall, Misses Gordon, Mrs. Krb. Mrs. Mott.

Mrs. A. IJ. Mae- donald, Mrs. Maeleod, Miss McKerran, Mrs.

Sliepard, Mrs. Hugh. Mrs. A. J.

Snell, Donald street. Is curtaining at a young people's after noon bridge next uesuay. Mrs. Robert Campbell entertained at delightful bridge yesterday after noon, Avlicn tho pretty prizes were won by Kohl ajid Mis. C.

Brydges. players were: Mrs. Hegan. Mrs. Nichols, Mrs.

Lee Peters, Mrs. Hulling. Mrs. Sullivan, Mrs. Farrell, Mrs.

C. M. Taylor, Mrs. Kohl, Mrs. Ireland, Mrs.

John Gait, Mrs. F. H. Hrydges, Mrs. Hrvdges, Mrs.

Allan F.wart, Mrs. Carrutliers, Mrs. George Allan and Mrs. R. M.

Deiinlstoun. Mrs. MacGa chen and Mrs. F. II.

Hrydges presided over the pretty tea table. Mrs. S. M. Stidston has issued invl tatioiis for a young people's bridge uud dance, to be held next Thursday.

The engagement Is announced in Ot iwu of Miss liorotiiy 1'letcher, young est daughter ot the late Dr. James Fletcher and Mrs. Fletcher, grand daughter of Mr. Collingwnod Schrelber, to Mr. Richard Stewart Lake, M.P., of irenfell, Susktehewan, son of the lute Colonel P.

li. R. Luke, of Winmurleigh Grange, und brother of Ma jor-Ueneral Sir Percy Lake. Mr. and Mrs.

Peter MeCullum have returned from their wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. William Whyte. Jr ind Mr.

and Mrs. Wallace Hlulr left on Saturday for a trip to the south. Mrs. R. M.

Neely, 1 Si! street, will receive Thursday ironi four to six. Mrs. Duvld McArlhur. borough court, will receive day. her.

Chestnut afternoon Marl- Thurs- Miss Wheeler will receive wi Mrs. 11. of liroadwuy court, will not receive Thursday, but will receive thu lirst Thursday in March. Mrs. H.

F. Matthews, 3o7 Warwick block, will receive for the lirst time the second Wednesday anil ulterwards on the second Thursday of each month. Mrs. rrank I-lsher has left to spend the remainder of the winter in the south. Mrs.

Ralph W. Proctor, 100 Warwick will on Thursday from 4 to 6. Mrs. A. K.

Proctor, for inerly Mlsg Alleen Sharpe of Snr.nia, will receive with her. Afterward Mrs, Ralph W. Proelor will receive on the llrsi Thursday of each month. Miss Kdna Sr. guest of J.

street. tt, of Saskatoon. D. Gilbert. 114 Is the Garry Mrs.

T. K. Hubie, formerly Miss Alice Tingle, will receive for the lirst time since her marriage on Frldav nf ternoon, from 4 to 6.3'i. at Suite Amulet Apartments, corner Kuell and Lnngslde street. Mrs.

W. L. who since the death of her husimnd, has been stopping with her sister. Mrs. f.

J. t'h', 207 ltoyd avenue, left on Miyiriny morning for Newcnstle-on-Tyne, Kng-land, where she will take up her residence with her married daughter. Mrs. Nicholas HawlX Is having a tea on Thursday afternoon from 4 to t.l'i 111 aid of tne Lathes' Aid nr St. Ignatius church.

Mrs. It. J. Jones, Donald street, entertained nt Iiiiisi I'liJovHhle lea yesterday aflernooii. The tea inhle.

centred by BKhower of white cnrmitloiia, was presided over bv Mrs. Pnussette and Mrs. Holland and lat'-r by Mr. I K. Sprague cud Mrs.

Stowe. Mrs. Mriiliishiiii a ml Mra. ij. Si olt cut the b-t-a and usl.tlng were Mlaa Knthlein I'ateraon, MIhs Maillsoii, I'ar-rulhtra, Mlra riliarmiiti, Mlaa Kinlly Hoawell.

Mlaa Tela. Mlaa LfTle Slllllll. Mlaa Mil er. Mias lallt II Alnieraoli, Mia-t I hair and Mits M'-Oiiialian. The gin-ata were; l.ndv Hehiilix.

Mrs, ll ia- wi-ll. Mra. 11. Miriig.i.-. Mis.

Krui Mrs. Athol Mis. ti lling. Miss M. iiiiilnu, Mra.

Jukes. Mrs Mi lion Mra I. Mr'. Ilrue Uordoii, Mrs. Kred Heott.

Mra D. II. fprnaue. Mrs. Mra U.

A Mr- orhoiihl, hvle, Mra. Dmlne, Mrs. H.irrls, Mia. Dallam as Tor. Mra.

Mrs. Vlv inn. iiotigiaa. Mrs. Hague.

Mrs WmiI. And raen. Mr hlvers. Mrs. Miller.

Mra Marler. Mr Marks, Mra. Mra. 'Ira.

iiniiioiir, sir. I. A. Auan-'soll Mra I how II. Mra.

Hilab II, Mra. tilaaa- i 'i. Mra il, nrriiihers. Mra. I ivrr.

I nwley. Mra Vliilmil. Mra, i'alil nri lie, Mlaa ii I lie.on. Mrs Alrd Mra Korllllir. I'aHeraoli, Mra.

Khel.1,,ir,, iiiiphi II. Misa Corn, iiii, iimnv otli-i rs. Mra, Maiiaitr till il' I'ghtfill no I 'e I emrt .1 bv was Ihe hoalcaa nt a la.l yetlrrdav after- preiiy whl. bowl of aol.i'-n iiiiir.i. ll aa liver Mra.

lu, svenue, when liarland t'het-ter 43 Balmoral hiuI Su-faune Abemethy Smith, of Winnipeg tvere married by lit-v. R. Miliiv-ish. Miss Irene Smith, sister of the bride, acted as oridesmaid and the rooiu Hmi by W. S.

Metcalfe. Mr. and Mrs. White-marsh have taken up their rtfidence on Hargrove street. ll rov.

i oi Mrs pt-plrr M.ta i tut ll.e it and saulatlna were isa Dor-nlhe Coril-l. Mlaa hiiiI iiiii-Inlna ill' at Hie Mra D. Ull 'll. Mr- D. W.

I.IH..II. Mi. A It I in -ii. Mra Price Moiiinaue. aa Cilioii Mra Mrs.

K. i lmk. Mia. -Waugh. Mra A P.

Do-kin, tn-Imlm. Mra Nl. holaoii, Mlaa Mra Mi. a lit I. Mia p.

lta I'h'itn M'a i orn. II. A Ainlnas, M-a itltniper ra IP 'lone. Jai k. Mf I.

Mr. It i. I'sii. M.r nod at i.l a Matrimonial 44 BtLLtN DRAPER. A O'l'et a'd'lina I on Wr l-fitm.

b.s- tvitili In st 11,1 ip a I. nr. h. II'" e. La Hi.

I.e. big It J. feiti M'aa I- f. I 1 ht tftt. In.

or tin ttit bv lv. I a le. ti of Ht Phnip a 4 4 WHITCMARIH-IMITH. a A l'T laa-l'lint tt a on p'a I si hi a iliurtl' tit Personal. Dr.

Charles A. Ritchie has removed his cftiee from the linker block to suite 21J Enderton building, 334 Port- i'c revenue. Hon. Robert Rogers is expected ck from the east in the beginning of the week. At the Court House In the county court before Judge Dawson, the ease; was continued Tuesday of fonder vs.

Nlckleson. Xlfkle-son is being sued as landlord for loOO damuges for illegal distress, flarke, the bailiff, being also made a party to the action. Tlie facts are as follows: Nickel- son rented his property, 1UI is aim street, to one Geach. Conder sublet from Geach. but Geach left in October and Xlcltelson claims a new ten- In any event fonder moved out about November 10, and Nlckelson seized on tho other premises to which Conder had moved, clnlming the right to follow fonder's goods under the statute which provides that such goods mav be followed to other premises within days If fraudul-nntly or clandestinely removed from the premises In question.

The defendant claims that the goons were moved In the daytime anu not clandestinely. W. D. Curd is acting for the plain tiff, and S. Finkelstein for the defend ant.

He fore Mr. Justice Mncdonald, In the court of King's bench today the iso came on of Dangerfleld vs. Mo The action was brought by the plaintiff, who Is a real estate agent, to recover payments stated to be In ill-roars in reaper of the sale and purchase of property at C. I'. R.

town. Tlie defendant alleges misrepresen tation, and maintains that ho was shown ihe wrong property. or the plaintiff, Elliott vs. stacK- poole, and for the defendant A. L.

liaskiu ana j. J. liaig. The peremptory list In the court of nppeals for Feb. 7, Is Jack vs Steven son, Dillsborough vs Wetton, Federal Life vs Lelrault.

Emerson Forester, Vivian vh Magee. Upset by Constipation Distressing Indigestion, Stomach Gas, Palpitation, Constant Headaches. When Robbed of Beauty and Strength, and Suffering From Lassitude, Inertness and General III Health, DR. HAMILTON'S FILLS CUTtE "It la with intense satisfaction that I am able to relate how 1 was snatched by Dr. Hamilton's Pills from my bed oX sickness." writes H.

II. Sargent, a well known, hardware traveller residing at Charleston. Ho many changes of diet brougtit on a fit of Indigestion and liver complaint, but being very busy I didn't give the matter much attention. Headaches, awful dliszy spells, and constant tiredness soon made it impossible for me to attend properly to business. My Bpietlte faded away.

I became thin and looked yellow and l.iiniillced. 1 used three different pre scriptions hich physicians snld would tone un my liver and regulate my bowels but I got no relief at all till started to use Dr. Mammon a puis After taking them for a tew nays i was- surprised at the energy and force obtained: the old leeimg oi iireu liess ana men. oi uesnu iu ni u.a- nniienred. and Instead came vigor, en ambition, aood color and sound digestion.

I take Dr. Hamilton's Pills three tlinea a week anu ever since nave v.wl ihi. beat of health." What a the use oi jeenng so innguiu, i stupid and dull when Dr. Hamil ton PIUS will give you such nmuai, Joyous health. Kor all disorders of the stomach, kidneys, liver and bowels, no medicine compares wiin nr.

Hamilton Pills. 2T.C per box or five bines for II. on, at all dealers or the fatarrh- iixone company, i-ingsioii. inn. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY.

Tresturer Acknowledges Raetipt ef Many Donat'iona. The treasurer begs to acknowledge Willi thanks the) undernoted receipts for January, being grants, aubstrlp-tloiis, fees, J. II. Ashdown, I1UU; Llkhoin Methodist Sunday school, 11071; iiiiinlclpiillty of llolaiid, ttiifT of A. K.

llanMeld. municipality of Mlnto, J. K. N. Klrby, W.

A. Him J. A. Hi-aman. staff of the lloyce Carriage staff of the Wln-''i- P'-nm Co Si); iiuinli Ipiillty of til.

Laurlent, Mrs. David Poller. l. s.hii of C. p.

It. i.ige Tranafer, tJ.a"; inillili Ipiillty i Hllver Cret ka, llii, municipality of hnrlnmielil. Ui. niiinlcinnllty of Hlriilheiiilr. 1:0.

miinlrl-iillty of Ixmiae, lllilllli'lpHllly nf lldllllHh, sl'in of th Manitoba flub. It. J. hltla i'h, tin; munlel-pnllty of Muni liMrd. inunlelpnllly I Duly.

J. II. ltiley, la; K. Hur- guv, A. li.

aloriiaon. ij. li. Al. siinil-r.

1-1; iiiunlelpallty of hlln-beiiil, II r'tlend, I'o'. IllUlilel I II of Arehle, li; luuiilcli aillv nf Ihjl-f. rln. municipality of 1'm kwood, lis; iniiiilclpsillv of PiirlnsTe la Prairie, ll'ei. Htewtvrt Delia Palroner, of lb" Ilia, Lumber Co, Mra Jardlne.

It; Duke nf York llourdintT Pei'l; It T. ItHey, in il li Ipahly nf Prinhina, lilu; Town of lUrlnrv, 110, Mra. W. J. Cnnipbt-ll.

Wratmliislvr Hun. ley H' Iiim. 1 J. P. tnrman.

II; muni ipiiltlv 'f WiMidhiiiila, I Mra K. I M-a. K. sI'ifT nf Ihe llsford llolel. Mlaa Munro, U.

Mra. Itltnler. rif al.nnk. Mlralon Hand of line Held Hominy H- I11.0I, It. Children a ioIImi II-ih but llaytlald.

Il 4'i; J. II. lleh. .11, a. Ilraildnn N't A.

A. IIm Miller Munn liar are Co, li. Mra. ilis-hntn's Prlmarv Clsaa. Npwa, II.

Ii; atafT of the Mur.h' ll Walla tlarf of MiDoiutah Hhea. IJl'l. W.hh. prs'l H't'n. II; town 'if Inn.

Iii. town of Csrmen. I. a. Knot Cliurili Hiindsy a., llu. Tha tne donation In kind hnia a.aii ra'tlvit diirtna the month, and for Itinsn lieal lhaiika are aiao relurn- rd Xtra. II ilnriln, blaruita and siinr. HI. Phillips fhiirih, annd-al.

baa. Mra M'lJiran. inkea Mrs. Itoas atiniinl tea p.itlv the ihliilran; K. II N-nra, n'k; Mra Hlend, 'lotliina, iitder nf Poreainra, fintii, beef piirnl-SSI.

Ina, ie: Mr HyW. h'H tirw aim Slugs. HIVftlW Pealller Ian hwr. b. rakea.

al' i l. uii.t A ti eveiy nn. J. IjsnitllL batf erarr we a A Sauaaaea tiail Mrs i.l,-M.

I I rtuiat nttr a'tk, Mra I'alla. Narpnaa. tlolhlna. Ilentt III, ilennlna r-ata, ale Mra At t.l. ton.

t. Jellv and ba- la, and fpns- niht.f ifonatiepa from snotiy frl.P-l. Reatmf Easy. iKsi. ik I- raie raallr at llnn.fa'.a heat I'al for chapped hands or frost bit2 those ills that winter weather so often brings 'CALVERT'S i Carbolic Ointment is an effective remedy to know of, and to use.

"or a burr, scald, or bruise, for ore tkin, cud, and nuihd-, such a toothing, icaluig, Ouilincr.t it cure to be needed your house every dnv by somebody and some iay by everybody. Oi Druggists and S'orct. tin. S3 cftntr For innp'i ind 2.3 tc Cnlvert Co. 349 Drcivnrstrr St Wt.

Montreal ffl Every man who follows the "Roarin' Game" will appreciate the iiuality we ofTer. Tho assortments also will give you ample choice to suit all tastes. CURLERS' SWEATERS We show a trig range of colors, and all are made well and of line quality wool, price each $4.50 to $6.00. Any special style or color made to order. CURLING STONES We ask the attention of players to our "Dover's pattern" curling stones, which are now used by famous curlers throughout Canada.

Kino red Hone. Per pair, complete with handles $17.50. CURLING STONE CHESTS The style we show this season is superior to any previous one. It's a really line chest and will stand bard usage. CURLING BROOMS Choice quality of selected corn, 4 stringed, and handles of selected wood.

Knrh 50c SEE WINDOW DISPLAY ASHDOWN'S MAIN STREET STORE. Additional Capital Do not ruin your good business by lack of sufficient cash capital. I will Incorporate your business Into a Limited Company, and arrange sale of shares. Call or write to ATHOL GEORGE ROBERTSON Klnancler. Manning Chambers, Toronto, Can, Telephone Main 194 TO LET We have a splpiitliii locuted office Kptiff, mi.

well liirliteil ntul vi'iitilnteil. Modern t'onvi'iiieiiet's. Fire proof IniiKlin this interests you, see lis. HENDERSON DIRECTORIES A COLD SNAP Is due. and as usual there will llkelv be acnVie room which Is not auff leltnilly henleii by tha fur- nnee.

Iletler get a lit tin gar heater. We have all the brat models Absolutely odorlesa, and Hui chimney ennnei tlon required Art I'rlees from 3.13 up. GAS STOVE DEPARTMENT. Winnipeg KIsK'trlc Itsllwny o. 322 MAIN ST.

Phone Main AMERICAN CLEANING PRESSING CO. 699 Francis Straet. Phone 4747. i 1 d. ft I ft i it "I Every Wc MlsV.t MtaVitlr Hi rata aa-seiaai ati st.n,.

list, a--' lia a -Vrlal MARVtLWhirlinaSprty Phono Wa'l-Knawn Paaaengar. Nats- I eh. Tha Cmirite.i ar- Olattva Vin.h tl.ill a lh har b.iahttl-i Slid llltor ll-i'il dua''ter. I a. nata Pr I' llaoili'ita-Attierl' sn Aio-thn from I ti "'iniirf stir T'e a an i-f lta I tailr' i I r'to ia a i i CANADl 1IESSK1 nlSIRIBlTIMi StitVICR.

Novr at 15-Ttr Traders' Bsntt. Khaaka 50c BOc BOc The MAR1AGGPS INsNOVATION Business Men's Lunch Daily from 12 to 2. Also the Usual a la Carte. SOc S-00D avsnvsBMiansssnawaBKisnHsaBBHaxssBi (CttBDB(aaBUHaa(9Bua(iaBUW-aa Ale la a food, and used In mod eration is one of the most bene ficial of alt foods. It promotes un appetite and aids digestion.

Those who suffer from ncrvoua troubles should try this tonlo. When ordering, ask for Drewry's Refined Ale It Is absolutely pure and thoroughly matured. itf.niBlJ pi E. L. DREWRY Manufacturer, Winnipeg, Fire Quelii-e S.

S. Co. I ON Is a misfortune anil may come to any one at any momcjit. These flreo can be extinguished with Eclipse Dry Dust In a second. Catalogue forwarded on application.

Chcan protection and effective. Good for 50 years. Mall orders attended to ut once. Phone 30119. Haverhill Eclipse Fire Extinguisher Ltd.

445 Main Street. The Only Double Track Line (Via Mnaara Falls) Balwesn CHICAGO AND EASTERN CANADA and the I)Ol ni TRACK 1.114 TO NEW TOHK 'l lirutiab uaehra anil I'ullmaa ttlrrplua Cars. meaniahln Tickets. Cook's Tours. r-pecim lours 11 tun uiidi iaur.n, Kermudaa and West Indies Save Your Money BY PHONINO 447 i Iran and preaa your suit f'r DO lenta, We rail and deliver to any pint of the city.

We lve you prompt THE l-'iir Hates. Ileaervation. rime isoist and Full Information, Apply to A. K. Ut trr, fiearral Aaral I'saa.

Dept. 3IO I'ortaae Ave. I'knna Mala TOflH tlr. A. P.

Mrlaals, Daallat. (Formerly of Urandon, Man I Otriee: 40 Hnmerset 111 194 rortagn Innlpag. Telephone Main 9221. Metropolitan II e. a Window lileantng AND Company We clean orw houses, IIP)' ks ami Utnrea ois anon notice OtTlee I'kaaa 4Sa.

Rs-alrtrara I'bttaa 4Ji. Ilataa Altmatarlt M4esstr, prnpnatere. Ofllef 2tm airUarasat A. JOIiaj AI.TMAtKlt.Hir, GUARANTEED SOUND AND DRY Jack Pine $5.00 Tamarac $6.00 Delivered C. O.

D. CENTRAL COAL WOOD COMPANY Telephone Mam Mi ar Mam 6113. J. C. HARCRAVE CO 9S I SI at a atrial Tin: most r.Tit-ii aie it row lm rnilfa.

aark nl'r. Aaaalablea. I'linna Main all Tke Waal Why it tlt That AUTOMOBILE OH CARRIAGE PlIHTED 0 new that s'a Ham) It lo ua ami Ilka new. not nan. a II a id ma It A.C.McPao.

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