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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 8

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 Tribune Telephones (tualraaa Offloe Oirry IWt Crflterlal Cspartmont. CUrry 1903 NIGHT OF PRANKS One Hundred Minor Complaints Made to Police Watchman Badly Scared "We want an apple a Hallowe'en apple!" Down Chostnut street, last night, went a black procession of the "student foody," chanting, shouting, with laughter. A man stuck his head out of a window and said something. The fc-ang stopped. They were all therel The man threw a pitcher of water at them.

They went Into camp and made snowballs. They charged the verandah and the night grew hideous, aa the saying goes. Everybody woko up and It was some time before the, parade ambled away, black agalnat the snow, chanting, shouting with laughter. Harmless noise, a little1 row, sniper-Induced by luok of toleration thl apparently was about what Hallowe'en night meant to Winnipeg this year. The boys were out, the girls were out, and "an enjoyable time was had" aa they say In the society columns; but real downright Hallowe'en wickedness was not as prevalent this year aa the historical records will show.

Manitoba students at the Walker created a good deal of fun. The many pranks which are a part of Hallowe'en night were carried out and many unique and pleasant parties were enjoyed In Winnipeg homes. House Burned Down The police reported one hundred complaints of a minor nature, tha only serious offence being the burning of a deserted house on ilacFar-lane street The bouse was the property of Mrs. B. Hall and was valued at M.000.

Theatre Caretaker Soared The strata of the orchestra had ved away; the last patron had de-' parted long since; the lights had near-f- .11 ATtinmilshed. and the care taker of the Bijou theatre was Quletlv going about Ms duties, xmo wi last night. Incidentally, It was Hallowe'en and the man's thoughts naturally dwelt on eerie spooks and goblins. "Queer," he said to himself, "how dismal a theatre Is when the performance Is over. Thla would nranklnr arood place for a witches' midnight festival," and ho glanced around at the rows of empty Beats, at the one solitary light he had left burning and the weird shadows that it caused.

He took out his wntz-h nd wanned it closely. "Just one minute to twelve." he muttered, rnt th tlmeuiece back In hlH pocket In a nervous, Jerky way. There 1 was a strange oppressiveness in the air and ne Degan io ii uncomfortable. He didn't like the way the shadows seemed to press him as thouKh they were real. rinnkBd figures with long sinewy arms.

trutir out his watch again. It was exactly mklulght, Tlnlt' Tankl Tonk!" The caretaker Jumped and his heart stormed beating, xne waiuu In liis hand clattered to the Poor, -rank! Tonk! Tink!" The sound came from the orchestra pit. It was the piano, and a ghostly hand was fingering the keys. Straining his neck forward the care taken forcUHfed his eyes on the In strument. There was no one mere.

"Tonkl Tankl Tink!" With a wild shriek he rushed out Into the street. He careered full tilt into a passing policeman. "Come on In." he whispered hoara- lv. "there la a spook playing the Llano." The cop laughed. "You don't play no Hallowe en Jokes on me.

he sold But the caretaker was shaking in every limb and tha officer realized that something was wrong. They crept cautiously back Into the theatre and nali-way down the cen tre Isle. "PlanV over there," whispered the caretaker In a shaky voice aa he gave the policeman a gentle and inamuat lng push forward. But the policeman stood stock still In his tracks as a ripple from the high keys caught his ear. His helmet rose three Inches and his hair bristled like the fretful porcupine.

For a few seo ends the two men held on to each other, while the unseen hand rattled epookUr over the keys. "Turn on the lights," -sTtrbrpered the giolleeman. The caretaker started. The thought had never occurred to him. "Com with me, then," he whispered, and the two crept to the switch.

Like All Ghosta In a. moment the house was flooded with brllllanoe and the startled Bliou cat Jumped from the piano keys to the uoor ana scuaaea ror safety beneath the Btago. The policeman looked at the care- taker. The caretaker looked at the oop, ana tnen sneepisniy drew a flash from hU hip pocket. "Berry," said tha guardian of the law.

i never drink. Then, as an afterthought, "not while Tm on duty, anyhow. But I'm off In half an hour, ana i arop in. C. V.

CAFE WILL BE ONE OF WINNIPEG'S FINEST Big New Restauranti Constructed Modem Unas, Will Open Monday, The a V. Oaf, on the -vov i rwuin ana iltaln 1t and next, ivlll be one of the finest restaurants jn yiiuiiio. is nnuuied tnroug-h-oiit In hardwood and rloh trimmings On entering the vlstor 1b confronted with a beautiful marble fountain, relieved on a background of mirrors. j'ucing tno rront is the cigar stand .....1 i iww biuus are tretus loorways. ona leading to the lar liinrh i-nunter.

nnrt ihn iVia- A Ised ee the dining room, which Is done in espeo The sanitary urungtunenta are ideal, nun leHtuie ot tno restaurHjit is rti iuhi tr nt IKa If Ith.n all washed and sterilized by machinery, thus insuring that no germs attach to them. A bake shop, a butcher shop, and the chefs sphere of operation are all built with the Idea of combining effl-riein'y cleanliness and the saving of labor. An Important change In the leaving hour of the Soo Line from Wlnnlpetr, tukes place Sunday, Nov. 3rd. that ilnte, Soo Line train for Minneapolis end Pt.

Paul, will Iravo thi! Cunu.iiian Pacific Hallway Depot, Winnipeg, at 17.00 (5:00 p.m.), ln-utead of IS: 00 1C, (6:00 p.m.) Drink Crescent Milk LESS DAMAGE UPON ITHE CITY 11 Local Cuilomi Collections. The -ol- lertiona at the local porte of custom! for lctober amounted to ( This Is slightly under the collections for September. Tiinnhcna Instruction The telephone d- nartnu.nt him aari-eed to place a switch board In the Kelvin and St. John's technical schools for tha use or tu-donis.

Classes will start next weeVc rd.u I Partnarahln W. J. A. Mustard, formerly of the legal firm of Kovle, Parlee, freeman, addoh. una Mustard, of Edmonton, has formed a a'Wv.

c. Ta.v. the firms name now being Mustard ad Cay. niaaaMA HainltSilo r- a lUvonw fiiinr4Titmdant of city hospitals, la back In the city a-fter a visit to the united Biaies ana ern Canada, where hs has viewoa a number of Isolation and tubercular In stitutions. rmiiln wtll sell Ul, PlCi, I good food tomorrow In the J.

J. H. Mclean music store on roram aw nue, and In Hardy A Buchanan's store at Fort Rouge. Prices will not be high. Caithness Views The Scottish Caithness assocla.tlon will hold a meeting on Tuesday evenlns; In Odd Fellows' temple and an Illustrated lecture on the country will De ariven.

'nro hundred slides -will be thrown on the screen. Harvest Homo Service -The annual harvest thanksgiving social of St-Thomas' church. Weston, will bo held this evening at 8 o'clock. A good pro-, gramma has been arranged for the occasion, and the church has been ap propriately decorated. 8ociaf Service Club to Meet There will be a meeting of the octal Ser vice club held at the Industrial Bureau building.

Main street, this evening- at 8.30, when A. R. Morrison, of the city playground commission, will reewi a paper on "Recreation." Sucoeaiful Tax 8l St Andrews municipality had a successful tax sale yesterday In the auction rooms or H. Gray on Lombard street. One hun dred and seventy-five parcels were of fered and the municipality did not have to buy any In.

Rlvoro Drop Six Feet The opening of the St. Andrews locks north ot the city has resulted In a six-foot drop In the water levels of the Red and As- slnlbolno rivers. The banks this morn ing show long stretches of oozing mud as a result ot the annual release of the water that Is dammed back. -v Ci. W.

Rjiv. misKlnnnrv rnlnir will deliver a lecture this evening In the sparling Methodist church. Weston, on "The Darkest Spot on Karth." and Albert Bates will sing. The Jecture Is Illustrated bv 20(1 lantern allries nrri a number of excellent views accompany me songs. "Canada's Relation to the Mother.

iana. i nis wjii be tne subject or an Interesting and eloquent lectures by Professor W. F. Osborne In Grace church on Tuesday evening. Nov.

Stti at 8.15. Tho lecture Is belr-g sriven under the auspices of the Women's Missionary Society, and a tilcome exlenued. First Annual Members' Dinner- The Winnipeg industrial bureau will holil Its first annual dinner in the lecture hall of the Industrial Bureau Per manent Exposition ouldlng, corner Mf.ln and Water Streets on Thursday, Nov. 7 at 6 on this occasion a series of short talks on Hureau Ac tivities," will 'be given by promln ent Fpeakers. Importsnt Poultry Meeting The Winnipeg Poultry Hssoclutlon win noiu Its next Reml-mlnthly meeting a the Winnipeg Industrial building, corner of Main and Water street, on Tues day, Nov.

5 at 8 p.m. sharp. The next poultry show dates and permanent Quarters will be decided on and every body Interested in poultry and pet stock Is cordially Invited. Military Institute Lectures. Major F.

Li. Vault, P.M.O., will deliver the first of the winter series of lectures at the Military Institute on Saturday ov. 2nd, at 8.30 p.m. The subject of this lecture will be the Oeneva Convention, and will be oartlcularly Interesting owing- to the present condition of affairs In Europe. It is expected that there will be a large attendance of members and friends.

Military Lecture Major F. I Vaui, P.M.O., M.D.. No. 10, will deliver the first of the winter series of lectures at the Military Institute on Saturday, Nov. 2.

at 8.30 p.m. The subject of this lecture will be the Gonova convention, and -will be particularly Interesting owlnjr to the present offolfa 1 tfnrnn. Tt Is eit nert- ed that there will he a good attend ance of members ana rncnas. Tax Sals In Assiniboia Asslnlbola municipality held Its annual tax sale yesterday In the council hall. Hi.

Charles. Bidding was lively for the SUB parcels offered, and the entire offering wss sold. The amount of taxes In arrears rerresented by the proper ties offered was about Most of tho purchases were not large, the high est price paid for one parcel being 11.000 foifive acres. "Grampian" nnd "Vletorlaa" The Allan line "Ora mplan" from Olisgnw li reported two hundred miles east of Belle Isle and will he due Quebec Pun-day, Nov. Montreal.

Monday, Nov. 4. Western passengers will be due In Winnipeg Wednesday and Thursday. Nov. 8 and 1.

The Allan line "Victor-Ian'" from Mont-eal Is reported due Quebeo Friday, Nov. Montrml Saturday, Nov. 1 Western paeaenger will be due In Winnipeg Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 4 aiiO 5. A Soelsl Time.

Hons of En Brian Lodsre Shakespeare No. 1M, meeti In Forresters' bo II, Ixckle block, 218 Mc-Dermot avenve, on Monday Nov. 4, at 8 p.m. After the regular bxislnens meeting an open social will be held, commencing at 9 p.m. Officers and members exterd a hearty Invitation to embers of sister lodges and Isdy frlonds to come along and have a good time.

Piano Recital A pianoforte recital will bo given ty Miss Lottie 71are Derby, assisted Mrs. W. B. Thomson, contralto, Fort Rotige Metho-dlstr churr.U, TJii.rsday evening-, Nov. 7 at 8:30 o'clock.

Although Mrs. Thomson is a nca.ulltlon to the musical clr. les of Winnipeg she Is well known throughout the states, particularly In Seattle where she was the leading soloist and teacner eroie coming to this city. Ratepayers Meeting At a meeting of Elmwood ratepayers held last even ing In Kwnrt'B hnlL Tnlbot avenue, tho street railway in the criticised inadequate. Aid.

Midwinter will be naked to attend the next meeting of the issnclatlon and explalii his plnrs for the Improvement of the service. A ol thanks was nassed to Aid. Midwinter and Aid. Potter for the interest they had taken In the proposal for a subway under the C. P.

R. tracks at Talbot avenue. To Extend Barbers' Union J. f. Shnnessy, of Indianapolis, writes the Barbers' union of this city compllmon'-tug It on Ua energy, lie staled tfat nfLjj si Organiser Kelder of headquarters would be sent to the city rext week to push the local work of the organization.

The union appointed a commlt-lut) confuting of J. Ktngaroot, E. Lake-raan anil Cnarltia Hall to make arrange mollis for the annual bull of the union, Foils ind Has Concussion John Mn.t iierson. milkman for the Carson i-J'Sinlc dairy, was delivering milk at the l-owers block in Norm Winnipeg yesterday when he llpid on the sidewalk, fell, ana struck Jhls head. He was picked up unconscious and taken to th.i North Wlnnlpi'f hospital, where was found to be su tiering from cpcvisslon of the brain.

8ctiool Construction Delayed Work on three of the new school buildings, the Hecord, on Lenore street an! "NVolseley avenues: the Lord Sel- klr. No. 2, Elmwood, ind the Princi pal Hparllnar. on Garfield and Sher- burn streets, has been disorganized as a result of the recent storm. The two first mentioned may be closed In io that the interior work may be comrleted during the winter.

Want More Cars Kim wood rate payers met last night and discussed the sar service. Alderman Midwinter will be requested to attend a future meeting of the association to explain the plans of tha stroet rail way ins iai inrvico in an pans or rJim-wood, after -which he body will make a move toward securing a better ser vice. Tne present service of the rail way -was declared to be Inadequate to the needs of all sections of the ward. Qla-I Gultlaa Maat 1 Tlnnipog branch of the B.

Girl ClulAn Una Vml fl I- 1.A r. tho Industrial Bureau lat night. Pat rol eaaer violet Uover menUonod that the honoraxv lntnif-t re in first aid sand sick nurslnir Dr. A lino nnn. las.

-will conduct fnrlnlfht lv rln rnr the members of tha enmu Th. cii ul-les of Winnipeg no number nearly selves for the "noblest profession." SIngli Tsxers Meet The Manitoba. League for the Taxation of Land Values Will hnlri III annual moatlm. tonijght In the Odd F'ollniva' l.mnl. i on Kennedy street, The officers of mo icaguo win oe eiectea at a Dusl-nes meeting at 8 o'clock, and the addresses will begin half an hour later.

James R. Drown -will be the principal speaker. Ho Is a Now Yorker and recognized as a leader In the enure meeting is open to ttoe general public. A i fan Kl i I luO Al an 1 1 nM I 1 gow. Is reported two hundred miles 2e" ana wl" b9 due 'n guebeo Sunday, and Montreal Mon- passengers will be due In vvlnnlnerr WHn.l...

rni y' Nomber and 7. The Allan nuts ion rrvtm r.nii porced due at oiiAhnr wviHa tr.e,fJt Western passengers will be due in Wlnnlper Monday and Tuesday, November i and i Pllilathea Union. TV, of ofTlcers of the union was heia in Marvlnnd cuius, uiiuuer -Htrt. Reports were given by the cluss- iifiiuiun-e oi tne work dune bv them during the pat year, which reports were v. miifvinc out the motto of the Philutliea rni.n women at Work for Young omen and 'hHsi" i sor- gave a heart-to-heart talk' on "In- u.

muuuiuy anu wrgumza-tlon. which wa very beneficial and much nppre-olu The enjoyment added to by a piano solo by Miss Si-arlett, vocal solo by Miss K. Itowden, and a reatllng by Miss E. Jlrkllng. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year President, Miss Younif churi'h; -vice-president, Hiss Barber, Maryland church; secre-Miss Kelly, Younir church; tiea-'urtir 'harlton, Zion church.

At the close oX the refreshments wejr-B served by the Maryland church ilajys. "A Night in Caithness." On Tuesday- evtninur, under the a.usplces of the Winnipeg Caithness association, November 5, there will ue thrown on the tcr-en 200 photographic views of the coiinty of Caithness, Scotland, and a lee lure will be read descriptive of each slide. The entertainment will be held In the assembly hall of the Udd Fellows' temple. Kennedy street, and will commence promptly at o'clock. The Caithness association have Invited all otrir Scottish sister associations in th city, all of which have received formal notice.

The views have been sent from Scotland direct to the Caithness association, and urn a famous col lection, having been exhibited and lectured upon throughout Scotland extensively. The county of Caithness Is unequalled for coast scenery, of wralch there are about 160 miles. She Is -bounded on the north by the Pent-land Firth, running between the mainland and the Orkney Isla.nds, while the east coast is washed by the stormy waxers of the German ocean. The interior of the county is well represented. Including pictures of her quaint olrl neighborhoods, ruined castles, and other famous historical landmarks.

Appropriate music will he rendered and the specially prepared lecture by the author, ltobt. Ounn, is expected to prove highly Intcrtaining. Grand Trunk Psoifio to Regina rhr-ough tha famous Qu'Appslle and ButhV A'siniboine Valleys, Main b27S-7M, Where Dad Smiled. report card I got at the end of the term. "Wasn't awful good nor wasn't so bad No so very.

You heard that I squirmed like a worm "When I took It ii, to hand over to dad? 11, mobbe I did squirm a little. What's that? 2. guess you'd 'a' squirmed If 'twas your dad and you -An your gang was siandln' where my gang: was at, D' ready to laugh If he spanked you a few. mother was nervous a little, I guess. An sister stood there -with her back to us two; I tever am 'fraid of my dad though, unless X've been doln' aomethln' I oughtn't to do.

A- at had passed I walked up where he stood -An' stuck the card Into his hand an' Hood there Aa be said: "Why, WUlyum this looks" pretty rood But your your conduct is 'poor'. 1 declare'." Tn lie reached out his arm an' he drug me up tight, -o' hugged me close to him an' said: "How Is thisr An' I said: "One day, daddy, I got In a ntrnt In the yard, an' once In the school throwed a klsa But he said: "Kirn the flKht," an' I said Yar Haln. y-Ic Jumped on a kid that was smaller than he, So I licked him" "Who was the kid?" dad said. "Kxplaln." Sn I hung down my head an" I said: "It was me." An' dud's face got red. an' he looked 'round nt ma, Hut ma'il turned away an' was shak- ln'.

Just so. An' I stolo a Blanco up at dad, an I saw He asj grlnnln', an' so I aald. 'Pad, may 1 go An" Tun: up my balir An' dad said: "do ahead, -An' I'll talk this thing over with you after a while." So 1 went with the kids, but dad's face was still red, -An' I'm wonderln' yet what It was made hip smile. eChlcafo News. THE WINNIPEG TRIBUNE, FRIDAY, NOV.

1, 1912 Musk and Drama ALICE NEILfiEN AS "SUSAN NE" TO-NIGHT. To-ntght dainty and fascinating Alive Nielsen will give Winnipeg a real demonstration of her ability as an actress' as well us a sinner, for she will appear In the name part of the Wolf Ferrari operatic novelty nnd success "The Secret of Susanna." This charming opera will be produced In Its entirety and In perfoet manner as to costuming, staging, just as It was by the Metropolitan Opera company. Admirers (if Miss Nielsen will welcome this exceptional chance to see her at her best, for clever and wonder ful as she Is in concert, she Is decidedly a grand opera prima donna. The -sreJi' ALICE NIELSEN At ths Walker Tonight and Tomorrow Night. opera tonight will be preceded by a programme of operatic selections sung by the star and her many noted associates.

To-morrow night "Tha. Barber of Seville" will be the principal offering, also properly staged acted. he complete programme for tonight Is aa follows: Part 1. 1. Duet "Linda di Chamounlx Donizetti.

SIgnor Fornnrl and Scnor Mardones. 2. Aria "Boheme" Puccini. Signor Ramello, 3 Aria "Tosca" Puccini, Miss Nielsen. 4.

Aria "Bnrbierl" Rossini, Hlgnor Kornart. 5. Aria "Joan d'Arc" Miss Swartz. 6. Aria "Boccanegra" Verdi Senor Mardones.

7. Group of Kngllsh ijongs (a) "Oh, Haunting Carrie Jacobs-Bond. (b) "Down In the Fureat" Ijinilon Ronald, (c) "Rut Tjitely in ArensKy. (d) love Has wings Miss Nielsen. Part 2.

"THE "SECRET OF SITPANNR" Wolf-Ferrari Susunne Miss Nielsen. Count till Slmior Fornari. Their Servant Slgnor Tavecchlu, "POMANDER WALK" SEATS ON SALE TO-DAY. Seats for "Pomander Walk" went sale this morning at the Walker theatre, where that beautiful Parker play will be presented next Monday evening and all week, Including the two regular matinees. Llebler and company are sending the same splendid English players who gave such an admirable performance of this most amusing and dulnty English comedy In New York.

AT THE WINNIPEG NEXT WEEK. "Madame the play to be produced at the Winnipeg theatre next week by The Permanent Players, Bhould give Miss Brant her greuttst opportunity yet this seuson to display her emotional ability. The advance sale opened Thursday morning, and the seats are selling rapidly. MIS8 INEZ PLUMMER In tie "Coma Back" at tha Orpheum. AT THE EMPRESS.

"The Devil and Tom Walker," which appeared at the Empress lust February, was produced by John H. Hy-man, the man who has the "Macy Models'' out on 1ho Sullivan and Con-sldlne clrifult. Mr. liyman is putting a large number of attractions on the boards for the same circuit and his offerings will ba of especial interest to theatre goers when it Is learned that he has secured some. of tho most wide-awake talent on the continent.

The cut shown here Is that of Miss Ruth Hart, little "Miss New York," who walks up to the stage from among the audience and cleverly gains possesion of Jimnilo Dollars' fll'tv dollars and his ring. She is Just beginning her stage cHreer and says she would not change hor position for that of even a princess of fable. AT THE 8HERMAN GRAND. This evening at the Sherman Grand tho regular chorus girls' contest will be given. It should, however he greater this week than ever before for there are a good many new faces amongst the chorus and the girls of the new company ull have better voices than those of the other troupe.

1 i first and second shows. Each girl in nun comes lorwnra and gives a vaudeville act. At the conclusion of this all the girls are brought forward and tho -irl receiving the most applause gets tho prize. This In a Mg feature as It Is given In addition to the regular show. Before and alter tho contest the "Half Hack" will be produced by Die entire company.

THE 8INS OF WOMEN. "The Sins Which Women Are, Prone to Commit" will bo the subject of a special discourse by Dr. J. Gordon In Central Church on Sunday evening nt 7 o'clock. At the morning service Dr.

Gordon will answer the question In hla sirmon: "How Can You Tell Whether a Man Is a Christian or Not?" A printed sermon by Dr. Gordon entitled "Unpopular Men," will be distributed at. the morning service, ifv, vrt MCaf ft in i sr i MISS RUTH HART Who Plays "Miss New York" in Macy'a Models at ths Empress this week. Bleak, Chill November Ere this reachen Us readers, October, 1912, will have quietly Bllpped away and gruy, sombre November, with its leaded skies and moaning winds that sift through the leafless trees will have taken Its place. Chill winds that grip us with their Icy breath and keenly remind us that hoary winter is fast approaching and we must needs be prepared with suitable clothink.

Let us advise every housewife to tukehe way to Hudson's Bay store, thut old and reliable house where every need can be supplied with the latest and best in every line of elot.ilng. Just look over the splendid assortment of warm, comfortable unshrinkable underclothing tor man, women and child, from the heavy all-woor weight, that defies Xrost and chill alontr through the softer, more medium weight to the tine spun silk in daintiest shades and latest ideas-In cut and finish. Just look over the attractive display In dressing Jackets and gowns. These are such comfortable additions to any wardrobe, easily donned and alwavs comfortable, few women but strongly udvocute two or three for a complete outfit. And these shown by Hudson's liay are particularly pretty and ure tt iviue range ot choice.

Some churmlng, dainty, long gowns in klraona style, made of line all-wool delane are noticeable for their dressy effect, mude of bordered goods, the design is so worked in as to give excellent results in effective style are seen in soft eiderdown, in rich, wurm shudes, and prettily trimmed with bands of contrasting silk. Indeed, It would take great space to enumerate Individually, tout choice of every variety awaits the purchaser and you will be pleased with your experience In selecting a gown for warmth and comfort. One naturullv thinks of warm bedroom slippers in connection with these gowns, and a more varied display could not be found than those now offered by Hudson's Bay Company. Dainty' little attractive kid slip-ons in shades to match any gown, red, blue, or mauve with huge fluffy pompoms to decorate' the toe, while felt nhes in all the Popular shades and patterns are much In, evidence among tho fail's new stock. Warm felt boots for the children and long servicetble gaiters so admirable for school wear when snowy puths must be traversed In early morning.

But even the warmest underclothing and heaviest boots will not be quite sufficient to keep Jack Frost at bay one needs furs in this country when the gray frosts nip and the thermometer drops to forty below, then we know it is next to Impossible to trv and live out without being protected with warm furs, and no finer selection can he found than that carried py this old firm. Just look over the Immense stock, ere you make a purchase, and be convinced how wise it Is to buy of this house, and buy ere tlrst choice Is made. Splendid, well-made fur coats of best selected' skins of rich luxurious quality In a wide range of different furs. While stoles and muffs are also to bo found In the greatest yarietv nnd heaiitv; hardlv two exactly alike, yot ull made with a view to both comfort and stylo. This year, as never before, are shown lovely soft, warm mufflers In an endless variety of styles and material, time was, when only the squares of silk or cashmeres were the available artic les for men's warm neck wear, but now beautifully silky mufflers ure to be found at Hudson's Ray store suitable for rmi or women, that are capabuo throat protectors.

Some are shuped to fasten socurely around the neck, while others are lii scarf style, In a wide range of colors, Irom silky white to black, giving all the tones between. Gloves and mittens are always In demand when the first cool days come, and people should see the natty, comfortnble display shown by this firm. Exquisitely warm fur mittens and fur-lined gloves. Just the thing for skating, snow-shielng and driving. They make admirable Christmas gifts, and ensure comfort to the wearer.

Speaking of Christmas, which really Is not so far off, Just look over the pretty little dainty things In the way of paper weights Ink wells, stamp boxes and a hundred and one useful und ornamental articles that would be sure to pleuse and are really charming and ure so reasonably priced. The suggestions one coulil give purchasers for "stocking up" lor Christmas when one remembers tho varied assortment of such lovelv ornamental and practical things now being shown ut Hudson's Bay store. Usually women are In doubt ns to what woyld be suitable to give their men friends, but 1 shall endeavor to point out a few more Ideas ere Christmas time approaches, and thus help the undecided In their choice and selections. MAIL-ORDER SHARKS. Ottawa.

Oct. .10. Postmaster-general Hitchcock, of the United States, and Hon. L. P.

I'eletler, are uniting In a crusade against mnll order sharks, who are tixlne tho malls of both countries for fraudulent purposes. EDMONTON BANK CLEARINGS Edmonton, Oct. 31. Honk clearings, the month's building amounted to IS1 while last year It was LETHBRIDGE BANK CLEARINGS. lethhrldge, Oct.

31. clearings previous week, 1747,016.78. Sarcsstio. Wife Any fashions In that paper, I ft Ill Ik GROCERIES QUINCE We expect some Saturday. bavkets Ked i'lums 30c 1,000 baskets Blue and Clroci (trapes 25c r0 baskets Tomatoes, per 50c SNOW APPLES No.

1, barrel. .95.50 Snow Apples. No. 1, 6 lbs 25c NORFOLK WINTER BALDWINS are In. We are offering around 600 barrels of No.

I at 94.90 Don't miss them, the quality Is great. No. 1 Oreenlng Apples, 6 lbs 25c No. 1 Red Apples, lbs 25o Carrots, Turnips, Beets, bushel CABBAGE for lavlnc away for winter. luird nnd green.

12 fur oM Green Tomatoes, 12 lbs 25c Red Native Onions. 9 lbs New Spanish Onions. 6 lbs 25c New Season ranberrles, a Bananas, ripe and good, dozen POTATOES We have a car of dandies In toduy, per bushel 60o CANNED FOODS. Tomatoes, finest pack, tin 15c Corn, Pens, lieans, tin no French Mushrooms, tin 19o Tomuto Cutsup. tins 25c Asparagus, Imported, tin 25o Plums, finest, tin 10c Greengages, finest, tin 11o Sliced Pineapples, 3 tins 35o Pumpkin for pies, 2 tins 25o Bartlett Pears, tin 15c Peaches and Cherries, tin 20c Pork and Keans, small, 5c large, 10c; Jumho, 2 tins 25c Van Camp's Soups, any kind, 2 tins Salmon, new season's, nice family quality, 2 tins 25e SardineH.

Canadian, 6 tins 25o Sardines, Crossed Fish, 2 tins Sardines In Tomato Sauce, 2 Clams, largo tins 10o Oysters, new season's, 2 tins Shrimps, new season's, tin 18c Scotch Fresh Herrings, tin 10c Thistle Haddie, tin 15c BUTTER Dairy In prints 31c EGGS All fresh and sweet, 2 dozen 65c TEA We are it for value. Try our 25o blend. BAKING GOODS. Seeded Raisins, new season's, 3 pkts 25o washed, finest, lb 11o Orange and Lemon Peel, lb 15c Sultana Raisins, lb 15c New Valencia Ralsln9, 2 lbs 25c Cocoanut. stripped, lb 25c Oarraway Seed, lb 20c Extracts, all kinds, 3 bottles 25o Spices, pure, all kinds, pkt 10c One tin Syrup, one tin Molasses for 25c Lard, lb 15c Peaches, finest, lb 15c Pears, finest, lb 15c Evaporated Apples, 3 lbs 25c SUNDRIES.

Flour, sack, 92.75; hulf, 91.40; quarter, 70c; small sack 30o Pure Vinegar, gallon 3Qc Fry's cocoa, imported. lb. tin Hulk Cocoa, per lb 30o Green Tea, per lb 30o Cocoa and Milk, tin 250 Coffee and Milk, tin 25e Gold Seal Milk, 2 tins St. Charles Cream, tin 10o Loaf Sunar, 3 lbs 25c Royal Crown Soap, 7 bars Royal Crown Washing Powder, pkt 20c Royal Crown Xaptha Soap, 5 burs 25c Royal Crown Cleunser. 4 tins Fels Naptha Soap.

4 bars 25c Sunlight ami Lifebuoy, 5 cakes Mottled and White Castile, large 45c Toilet Paicr, 6 packets 25c Sopade, pkt. 10c and 25c Washing Soda. 5 lbs. for Powdered Ammonia, 2 packets 25c liquid Ammonia, 2 bottles 25- Toilet Soap, 12 cakes 25 hile Castile Soap, 12 cakes 25c Clothes Pins, 2 doz 5e Wash Boards, euch 25c Lump Glasses 3 for 25o Lantern iilafses, 3 for 25o Wheat Granules, sack ') 30e Graham Flour, sack 300 Shredded Wheat, 2 packets 250 Corn Flakes, 3 packets 250 BLACK AND MEALY PUDDINGS. made by John Dalglelsh, of Glasgow, (and.

an. expert at that), per ib 25a SCOTCH TIPENNY i PIES, 6 fr 25o Grape Nuts, packet 150 Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour pkt. 15o 5 lb. box Macaroni, box 40c H. P.

Sauce, bottle 20o Jellv Powders, 4 packets 5C Bird's Custard Powder, 2 packets 25o Bird's Egg Powder, tin 15o Clark Foster's Custard, tin 10o Yorkshire Relish, bottle 15o Mushroom Catsup, bottle 20c Horseradish, bottle 200 Prepared Mustard Jar 150 Worcestershire imported, 3 bottleH 25c Tomato Catsup, 2 bottles 25o Heintz nnd Snider's Tomato Ca.tsup25e Corn Starch, 3 pkts 25o Sajro. fresh, 3 lbs 25c Cookies and Scones, per dozen 10o Cakes und Pastries, dozen 20o Sultana Currant Cakes, lb 15c Family HlsculU per lb 10c PROVISION DEPT. Smoked Ham, sliced thin, lb 30c Back Kacon, sliced thin, lb 30o Corned Beef, lb 25c I'O-rd. lb 15o Huddles, fresh, lb 110 Iaree Goldeyes, 5C Bloaters each 5C Boneless Codfish, pkt 150 Salt HerrlnKs, new season's, milk- ers, per krg g50 CRISCO for baking, per tin 30e PURE JAMS. Robertson's Strawberry, Black Currant.

Plum, lamson per tin. 75o Pure Marmalade, tin 55e Banner Brand Jam Raspberry, Strawherry, Plum and Apple Jelly, tin 50o Pure Grape Jelly, Jar 15o Pure Honey, jar 20o Pure Honey 5-lb tin 75c NOTICE We deliver to Fort Rou-e daily at 1 o'clock: C. P. R. town Monday and Thursday mornings: St.

Boniface and Norwood Montlay, Wednesday and Friday. NOTICE We ship to country points at above prices. PATERSON Stores; Phones: :25 Market St 21S3. 2184, 2185 1423 Main St St. John 812, 81 Portage and Beverley 3220, 32 il Elmwood St.

John 2321 Ensure Your Safely Suppose the coal fulls to come, or for some rouson the furnace goes out. ELECTRIC HEATERS In your home free you from the danger of colds, or frozen plumbing, or other complications. Better see us today. Gas Stove Department Winnipeg Electric P.nllwny Co 322 Main Phoos Main 2522. Jack? Jack (who has Just settled a dressmaker's bill) Yes, but they're no use to you, dear.

It's yesterday's paper. Original. "Was there anything original In his speech the bunuuet?" "Well, he admitted that he knew he was he called. i jj toriiNr iaAStrJ J. THOMSON GJ Tha Lcuttnf Undtrtakara isi attasf 01 Mais st er-ttnatt CU Hall.

Phen Wae i. GARDINER CO. III Mala eh. Pbone Uaia li; Flaeil KciuippMi mtulaca t( th Wt A Pure Ale must bo brrweil, in cleanliness, from the chobost malt and hops. DREWRY'S REFINED ALE (Registered) is boiled id a sterilized copper vessel is matured in glass tanks then every bottle is sterilized.

is wty it is always in Demand ASK FOR W. G. Furnival PEONS 8HER. I960 912 COLONY ST. Carpels Claanad 8EWED AND LAID Furniture Repaired, Upholstered Covered 2Z 1690 one CANADA PISTR1HUTING 8RKVICB Now at Basement Traderi' Bank TBSLIEfS PH0NLVLI50 Z7Z-Z76 Assiniboinc I I IPEO Notice is Hereby Given That Mary Kltson of the.

City of Winnipeg, in the Province of Manitoba, Clerk, will apply to ths Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of iJlvoree from her husliaml, Charles Antolne KitHon. of the Acdmay Hotel, 24 Woburn Place, London, W.C-In that part of the United Kingdom ul Great Britain and Ireland called Enn- jlana, 'tientienian, on ine Biuunu ul adultery and desertion. Dated at the City of Winnipeg. In the Province of Manitoba, this Tenth day of October, A.L. 1912.

McMWANfl. Solicitor for Applicant. wrainrEG business couxgS MebltiM .) Cuwk't Cmuji School of Bwiara Trmininf. AwaltUd rir Priza lh WarU't Fail. Opn oVjr tiul omuii lha aniin rar.

Otr 1 .000 StucJmn VUiksa wakona, Cmlalofaal BUSINESS COlUGt Came rOITAU AVE. 14 fOH ll Boys Wanted 1 for del ivory of routes in 'all parts of the city. 12 years of age or over. Apply Circulation Department, The Tribune Pub. Co.

FURNITURE Ni PIANOS MOVED STORED PACKED and SHIPPED Satisfsction Gusrsntssd Security Storage and Warehouse Company House (0 Rent 12 rooms, with garage, BALMORAL PLACE, south of Broadway. Rental (100 per month. Patlinson Gunn Farmsr Building, 333 Main St. PiOns Main 5864 5. am ph Til Mt6W.

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