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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 7

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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Helntzman Co. Invade New York I.oin XV irnd l'lann to leading New York Kiii'im-ler. There In on i-iiihltlon this week In the window of Vo olds Flrme of Limited. loi.ce Stii'i Torunl'J, bmu-tiful Uiand l'luno In Hunta Io-mliiKO mahogany. The chxo Is work of orl.

This iil.ino a liulll for Mr J. I'lHtton, I'resl-dent of CmtiM at' and Trust New ork, and is one of the. finest of the many line plunos hullt by this old rblabllslied Canadian concern. More than anything; else, however, the piano Is prized ly Its owner because of its delightful tune and touch a r'ano mellow und rich In qullltv, with a touch delightfully flexible and finely ndjusted. The piano la to be fhljiDOd to Mr.

Flatten at his New York home. The above artlile, copied from the Toronto News, la an Illustration of the (treat prestiwe of the Heintzmun gr Co. rlanos. It la the standard by which all other pianos are measured. Send for complete catalogue.

Vhen In our showrooms visit our Vlrtroln. Pnrlors and hear the latest Vlfto- Uncords. Jo. Kallv. J.

Redmond, W. Rosa 8ol Owner Winnipeg' Greateet Muslo House 'Cor. I'ortBBe Jlarsrave ONE-WONDERFUL NIGHT By LOUIS TRACY Author of "Mirabel's Inland." "The WlnKS of tlie Morning." Ktc. "Sorry to bother you," he suld, "but my wile has come In unexpectedly, and we shall want breakfast two." lie raised his voice: "t'nffre for you, Jermlone, or would you prefer tea?" "Coffeo, of course," wim the answer, in calm anil collected a tone that the waiter thought that he must have been mistaken In his Impressions. "No trouble at all, sir," he said, with the ready civility of his class.

"Unless you wish to wait, six, I'll bring another cup and some hot plates, and order ft further supply from tho kitchen." "You're a man of resource," cried Curtis cheerfully. "I leave the arrangements tn you with confidence. Come along. Hermlone. Pon't say you have breakfasted already." "I won't, because haven't." she Bald, reappearing with a smiling nonchalance which removed the Inst shred of doubt from the waiter's mind.

But. for all that, she electrified Curtis with a timidly grateful glance, for she appreciated his thoughtfulness In giving her an opportunity to collect her scattered wits. There was need of some, such respite; she had much to tie thought, before he could possibly understand the motives which led to her flight. Barely half an hour ago Mr. Fteln-fall had put In an appearance at her apartment.

He had told her, with convincing brevity, exactly why Curtis re- FK' r-J J. I II rIL1 r-w7- trained from adding to her perplexities by nmiouticlng tho comparatively of Jean de L'ourtoia. "He wus vory kind," ald Hermlone, sweetly penitent, "but he made me feel rather liko a worm when he said that if 1 were his own daughter he would thank find that I had fallen Into ha hands of a man like you. He eald, loo, that If 1 owed you something, he owed you more, because you hud saved his life last night, so, being an Impulsive creature, 1 hurried hole to ask your forgiveness for that horrid note." "There Is no lie so difficult to combat as a half truth," said' John. "That fllow, Schmidt, Impressed you because he probably believed what he wus saying.

As for Stelngall, he mnkes rather too much of what I did for him, but, If there was any debt on his side, he has repaid me with ample Interest." The waiter had left the room, and Hermlone was free to blush without restraint, a privilege she availed herself of fully now. "Hut, dear, you and I can hardly feel that we are really married," she said "l'esterday It was different. I cannot remain here now. Perhaps your uncle and aunt will receive me until "It Is surprising how easily one can get married If one is really bent on the act," said Curtis, dlscusBlng the point as coolly as If It were a question aa to where they would lunch. "At any rate, we shall settle that difficulty to your complete satisfaction.

I expect Stoing.ill here in less than an hour. Meanwhile, we have lots to tell each other. I want you to know Just what sort of a husband you have drawn In the loiter)'." "Do you take me on trust, then?" "Absolutely without reservation." Obviously, tho conversation did not flag beforo the detective was announced. He looked tired and preoccupied when he came In, but his shrewd, pleasant face brightened with a cheery smile when he saw Hermlone, who was pretending to be Interested In a newspaper. "I am glad to find that two people at least, have taken my advice," he said.

"Now, Mr. Curtis, I want you for an hour. The various official infinities are adjourned till next week, and your presence was dispensed with. Kut we are going now to the office of Mr. Otto Schmidt, where we shall have the pleasure of meeting the Karl of Valletort.

Count Ladlslas Vas-sllan, and, possibly, Monsieur Jean de Courtois. On no account, young lady," and he turned to Hermlone, "must you run away again during our absence." "I shall not," said Hermlone, so emphatically that they all laughed. CHAPTER XVI. A Parley Nature was kind that morning. A Hood of sunshine greeted Curtis when he turned into Tilth avenue with the detective, us the latter had suggested that they might walk a little way before taking a taxi, there being plenty of time before the hour fixed for the meeting In Schmidt's ofTlce.

It was a morning when life and good health assumed their lltting places In the forefront those many and varied con-stderailons which form the sum of human happiness. The world had suddenly resumed its everyday aRpect of hustle and content. New i'nrk smiled at Its new citizen, and the new citizen beamed appreciatively on New York. "1 cannot explain matters to you fully even yet Ptelngall was saying, when an automobile drew up close to the curb, and a well-known voice cried Joyously. "Just In time.

Where's the fire? There's hound to be a blaze when you two run In a leash." Devar bounced out of the car, and Brodle grinned with pleasure. The rhnffeur was beginning tn like the excitement of acting as supernumerary on the staff of the I'etective Hureau. "Will you Jump In, or shall I prowl with you down Fifth avenue?" asked Hevar. blithely ignoring Steingall's strained welcome. "We are keeping an appointment." suld Curtis.

for one. shall be more than pleased If the combination which proved so effective last night may remain intact this morning." "Stelngnll daren't cut adrift from me." said Hevnr. "If you knew the truth about him. you'd find that he is' deeply superstitious, and I'm a real mascot for bringing good luck. Perhaps he Is not aware, John that I was tho who 'presented' you to an admiring public.

Tell him that, and see If he has the nerve to any I'm not wanted." "Come along. Mr. Devar." said the detective, apparently yielding to a sudden resolve. "I think I can make use of you Justify your presence, that Is. Tell your chauffeur to wait for us at iorty-second street.

C)tf went brodle, Jubilant at the prospect of his sendees being In requisition again. He had not yet learned the application to all things mundane of Disraeli's quip that It Is the unexpected which happens. "Now, I want you two gentlemen to attend closely to what I have to say," said Stelngall seriously, placing himself between them, so that his words might not reach other ears than those for which they were Intended. "Mr. Hunter's murder has passed long ago out of the common class of crimes.

It will be Inquired Into thoroughly, of course, and punishment will be dealt out Impartially tTj those responsible fur Its commission. But and this is the point I want to emphasize nolther or you know, nor am I at liberty to Inform you Just what bounds the authorities may reach, or stop at. Have I made my meaning clear?" 'Yes," said Curtis. "We're to be good little boys, and sit still, and say nothing, and do as we're told," said Devar. (To be Continued) SAYS CROPS LOOK GOOD.

Prince Albert, Aug. 7.. A. T. Jury, Dominion government emigra tion commissioner at Liverpool, r-! rived In Prince Albert today on offl-' Hal trip through provinces of western Canada.

Jury speaks well of the i rops throughout the country he has visited, and particularly ao of thoae In the Prince Albert district. "FROM FACTORY, TO HOME" 17 WESTERN BRANCH STORES T1IK same ulentific manufacture that has given lhe Mason HUeh Piano Its world-wide reputation. I developed to the highest degree In tho Mason Blsch Player Piano, nn Instrument which has oti the enthusiastic support of eminent musicians and nivslenl authorities on all aides. Reciljlj Daily from 2 to 4 p.m. LASOEM nmOM LIMITED 274 PORTAGE AVENUE, WINNIPEG.

Miss Nora KUlott, Armstrong's Point, arrived home yesterday from Berlin, Germany, where she hus been studying music, German and French for twoyears Ills honor the Lieutenant-Governor and Mrs. Cameron, entertained at dinner last night in honor of Major-Gen-eral Cotton, of Toronto. The guests were: Col. Steele. Col.

Ituttan. Col. Nanton. Sir William and Lady Whyte. Mr.

and Mrs. Mrs. W. J. Christie, Mrs.

Fred Morse, Mrs. Bury, Mrs. Lome Cameron, Miss Francis Tupper, Miss Overton, Miss Kate Baker, Ma tor Lawless, Mayor Lindsay, Mr. Lome Cameron, A.D.C., and Count de Dury, A.D.C. Mrs.

F. A. Caider, of Windsor, Is the guest Mrs. Hoss Caldor. Dr.

A. W. Moody has returned from Detroit Lake, where he has been spending a short holiday. Miss Madeline Hall Is at present visiting In Brandon the guest of Miss Olive Robertson. Mr.

and Mrs. M. H. Farnsworth and (daughter have returned from their trip west. Miss Grace Cornell leaves today to visit Mrs.

George Hryan at the Lake of the woods. Mrs. Northwood has returned from Ottawa, where she has been staying several weeks. Miss Marlon Ingo Is the guest of Mrs. Jeffrey, Brandon.

Mel. Dover returned last night from an extended trip through Western Canada. Miss Wilson, whose marriage to Dr. Harry Leonard, of Winnipeg, takes place shortly, was the guest of honor at tea given recently In Edmonton hy Mrs. J.

B. Bartley. The Misses Myrtle and Ethel Smith, of Fort William, arrived In the city last week and are th guests of their sister, Mrs. F. W.

Thompson, Home street. Mr. and Mrs. R. E.

Hall, of Victoria, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. MeQuat, Wolse'ev avenue.

Mrs. Stephen Trewhlle returned to St. Laurent yesterday, after spending a few days In the city. Mrs. J.

C. Steinmann, of Pittsburg. Ta, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. I). H.

Sparrow, of 340 Dromore avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. DaXoe, of Rurnbank Cottage, Wellington Crescent, announce the engagement of their daughter, Iols Rernice, tn Mr.

Ronald Morrison, eldest aon of Mrs. J. B. Morrison, Brantwood, Pearsden, Scotland. The ceremony will take place September 3.

Dr. and Mrs. R. K. McCluntr have returned from Detroit Lakes, where they have been spending six weeks' holiday.

Mr. hT D. Herdt. of Montreal, is a guest at the Royal Alexandra. Mrs.

and Miss Simson, Banning street, have left on a visit to Eastern Canada. Mrs. A. Wright and Miss Wright, have returned from a two months' visit at the coast. Mc, H.

A. KT Drury has returned from his holiday spent on the Haie des Chalenes. Mr. H. P.

Pennock will spend the week-end and holiday at Kenora, the guest of Mrs. W. R. Allen. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Moss and family have today to sprnd the remainder of the summer at the Lake of the OOUH. Mr. and Mrs. Geo.

Bnrrntt, of St. James, announce the engagement of their daughter, Hilda Prm-rose, to Edward Herbert marriage will take place on August 1 4 at St. James' church at 2. .10 p.m Mrs. J.

Hleirlns en vt iviiuan avenue, Kort Rouge, have returned to the city, after having spent avwmt ncrHH ine west. Mrs. W. Becher and Mr. Charles Beecher.

204 Harvard avenue, have returned to Winnipeg from the Lake of the Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Henson have returned from England and are staying at the Royal Alexandra for a few days.

Those returning from Detroit Iikes this morning include Dr. A. W. Moody, Miss Park and Mr. W.

R. Fish MUSIC AND DRAMA AT THE WALKER "Ready Money," the brilliant comedy from the pen of James Montgomery, which William A. Bradv. will present at the Walker theatre all next ween, is iuu or bright and witty dialogue, and there is not a lino or situation in the entire play. It is a ciean, snappy comedy that refreshes and Invigorates Its auditors and sends them away happy and contented.

The play contains four separate and distinct love stories, each delightfully worked out and lending the spirit of romance to the coined v. It tells a story of a young man who makes success Just at the time when things look darkest for him. and if. fords a lesson In encourgement that cannot fail to muke an Impression on its uenolders. the play opens on New lear's eve, with most of the charac ters preparing for the coming of the New year.

They have arranged a big dinner party to await the coming of midnight, with Its noisy greeting, and everyone is gay and happy, with the exception of the hero, Stephen Balrd. who Is discouraged and down-hearted at his Ill-luck. They insist upon his Joining their party, but he is In no mood for the merry-making and declines. He Is In this unhappy mood when Jackson Ives, a man about town, comes to him and offers a proposition which he guarantees will make his fortune in a couple of days. His proposal is a perfectly legitimate one, and Balid finally consents to try the experiment.

Tho result far exceeds even Ives' fondest hopes, and Steve is changed from villual poverty to a very rich man within a short tlm. Manager Brady has provided a company of unusual excellence to Interpret the comedy, and a scenic environment of artistic beauty. Among the well known players aro Hubert Ober, Frank Mills. Nena Bliike, T. K.

B- Henry. Mary Carlisle, Walter Kredericks, Kstelle Wynne. Adelaide Hastings and others. Seats are now soiling for the "Heady Money" engagement. MAN OF PECULIAR MOODS.

"You are the mosi uncongenial man In the world when you're sober," ex-claliuud Reeve yesterday after THE WINNIPEG pjn.r yirjOUST 1933 ip OF INTEREST TO WOMEN mm 1 CARRIE GRAHAM BURRES3 Her impersonations of a newspaperwoman in "The New Song-Birds" at the Orpheum this week, cine of the most doliglitful features of that clever head'iiner he had twice spoken to Charles Chaplin without receiving an answer. Charles Chaplin is the celebrated "Souse" In Karno's London and Mr. Reeves Is the company's manager, i Chaplin looked up sharply and smiled. "Sorry," he safd, "but I can't be splffllcuted all the time, can And Mr. Reeves admitted that such a condition was scarcely desirable.

it must not bo understood from this, however, that Charles Chaplin Is a real, live booze-fighter. On the contrary, ho is exceedingly abstemious, and when be Is compelled for sociability's sake to line up at the mahogany, he meekly calls for a seltzer. What, then, did Mr. Reeves mean when he suld: "Charley, you are the most uncongenial man In the world when you're Simply that the world's greatest Impersonator of Inebriates and the biggest lauglmniker on the vaudeville stage is one of the quietest and most non-committal of men except Just before, during and Just nfter each performance. On these thrlce-dally occasions he seems to enter heart and soul Into the spirit of the impersonation and he's the most genial fellow one could meet.

Then he lapses Into a reserved state of mind during which ho either sits Btill and thinks thinks thinks, or delves Into the pages of tho heaviest kind of literature he can llml philosophy preferred. It Is said of him that, when In a small town where he could not sec ure a book to his liking, he purchased a Latin grammar mid satisfied his peculiar mood for il time by devouring the dry contents) as though It was a modern novel. AT STARLAND. Starland is today showing the battle of "The Long Sault or the Defence of Montreal in lfi0," a reproduction In motion pictures of the most stlrrina episode in Canada's early hlstorv. and an event that will go down through the Hges as one of the most daring deeds of valor.

The production was staged on the Identical ground where the early historic Canadian pioneers scorned death nd courted the fiendish tortunrg of the Savages in their de-trrmlnntlnn tn save to posterity what Canadians are now so proud to rail thr fair "Land of the Maple." Over 350 genuine Iroqjuois nnd Algonquin Indians, direct descendants of the men who fought In the battle, formed part of the large cast and no expense has been spared In making the picture historically correct in every detail. NIGHT ENTERTAINMENT DURING THE STAMPEDE Stampede visitors will find wild west entertainment awaiting them at night us well as during the day. Thousands of Stampede visitors will be unable to find evening entertainment notwithstanding the fact that downtown theatres and other places of amusement will be open, a number of Stampede contestants have arrnnged to have a night show which will be given every evening during the Stampede, week commencing Saturday night. ThiH entertainment will be given at the Horse Show Amphitheatre, Osborne Place and Colony street and will begin at 8:30. The entertainment will consist of fancy riding and roping, steer roping and other characteristic sport of the range Including an Indian war dance, etc.

Seats for the evening show will -be on sale at the Horse Show Amphitheatre at each performance and will ge held In ad-vanco from Barrowclough Semple's, 337 Portage avenue. Advice to Stampede Visitors No doubt that many of the visitors within our lair city during the next week have often heard of trs old and reliable firm called the Hudson's Buy Co. This company, which was incorporated in the year of 1B70, standing the test of time, and has continued to increase not only Its number of stores as this vast Dominion has grown in population und thriving towns, but has held its customers throughout the generations with an assurance of always carrying choice stock and giving satisfactory service. Many visitors, not only hose from a distance, but our nearby towns, will revel in the charm of shopping, and make selections at the Bay; indeed, many have been making plans for months, to gratify their wants In selecting gowns, furs, wraps, little accessories of droBS and even home furnishings when this Btnmpedo brought them to Winnipeg. Strangers who are not so familiar with the good things in our midst should make every effort to look over the splendid stock of merchandise carried by this firm.

Hudson's Bay Co. are noted for the excellent silks which they always carry in stock and many magnificent offerings in this line are awaiting the stampede visitors. Silks of black In pure dye and of extra quality are Just the exact thing for middle aged ladles, though many of the younger women are quite as ready to robe themselves In this luxurious fabric, which Is decidedly fashionable both for young and old. Handsome silks tn new shades that are admirable for afternoon wear, also appear In the stock, while alluring soft toned evening shades are In great profusion and In delightful variety among these webs of elegant silks. Charming luces are always found In great aoj linent at 1 1 in stole, and play an Important part In this yeurs gowns.

Home beuutlful sclcctluns can yet bn fouml to plcaso the visitors, of varieties and different patterns. Delightful little conceits in neckwear, an extensive display of real lace collars, Jabots, and coat sets, that is varied In style, pattern and price and tew can see the' name without investing in at least one piece. Dainty little washable creations in lovely stylos and novel-lies, recognized by the women who dress smartly, will appeal Instantly to the women of refinement and good taste whenever they are seen. No woman who comes to town that has a family of little ones at home should go back without first looking over the assortment Of children's dresses shown at Hudson's Bay stoic; sui a collection of little garments cannot be surpussed. Many of these are of German make, who are famed fur their splendid manufacture of children's dressea, and the lovely shades of color, choice fabric and pretty designs would please uny woman to Inspect.

Charming new costumes, just landed from New York, Invite one's-nt-tentlon and few who can Invest will leave this store without being the possessor of one at least. They are distinguished in their design, showing particularly graceful lines, of a wide variety of coloring and of excellent finish. New separate coats, too, that have Just come In are more lovely than any yet seen and are sure to pleate the visitors in our city. Perhaps no department attract, iiiore women in Hudson's Bay store, especially those who are contemplating housekeeping or the gilts for a bride, than the linen department. Some beuutlful pieces In damask suitable for any occasion, a well as th elegant hand worked lace trimmed cloths are a source of delight to uny jne.

Most exquisite lunch cloths, rich with wide hand embroidery or lace on a centre of linen, leave nothing to be desired, while the hemstitched tabla cloths with napkins to match are in great variety. Nor Is this ail the attraction which this department offersj for tine sheets und pillow slips, hemstitched and embroidered, are also In the collection and handsome pure llneil towels, coev blankets, beautiful comforts and dainty bed spreads are included. Another department that i well worthy a call from the stranger Is In the carpet department of this store. Perhaps nowhere can finer assortment of Turkey and Persian rugs be found than that at Hudson's Bay store, besides most elegant British carpeting that Is excellent both In quality and rich coloring, beautift rugs always In stock, this firm will fit any room that Is of unusual size or shape, so that satisfaction Is guaranteed the purchaser. The lunrb room Is a capital place to tnke a meal; it Is large and comfortable and a splendid orchestra 'discourses sweet music throughout the noon hours, then a rest room filled with luxurious chairs can quietly calm the fatigue and fit the visitors for continued shopping or sight-seeing.

Carina's Jf Flrwt Theatrt AUGUST II Matinees eilniKilay anil Sntunliij Kvery Women Should fee Thin Tier. William A. Bredy. Pres-nts the Original New Y'ork Production READY MONEY (By James Montgomery) A Fimltnrie of I. ninths find Thrills SEATS NOW SELLING Ergs.

to Mi; In. tn 25c. THREE SHOWS DAILY 3, 8. 9.30. 10c to 25c; 10c to 35:.

London Comedians In "A NIGHT IN A LONDON CLUB AND OTHER BIG S. C. ACTS. 5C0 Good Seats Every Matinee, 10o TODAY ALKALI IKE'S MISFORTUNES A SCREAMING COMEDY PATHE WEEKLY OF CURRENT EVENTS Friday Saturday THE BATTLE OF LONG SAULT Or The Defenoe of Montreal, 1660 The most stirring episode in Canada's early history. I) TODAY TODAY Under Fire A Stirring War Drama In Two Parte.

AMATEUR HIGHWAYMAN A Comedy Brimful of Laughter t'ontlaiiou I'erfnrmanee, 0 a.m. toll p.m. INDUSTRIAL BUREAU (Convention Hall) 3 Days Commencing Thursday, Aug. 14th Afternoon 2 1 30, Evenings 7:30 The Marvellous Midget City TjnyTowira Thing en Earth A once-in-a-lif-tim-how Price Evening 25o to 75o Afternoon 25o and 60c If you mi Tiny Town nxt week you miss it for.v.r Sale Sale Dresses Crep, voiles and fin mull) trimmed hand embroidery, eluny, Irish and val. lacs.

Rag, up to $30. For $14.50 Ratin, striped voiles and muslin. Rg, up to $17.50. For $9.50 Gingham, floral and striped tissu and linen. Reg.

Up to 12. For $5.00 Fairweather Ltd. 297-299 ortage Winnipeg TORONTO Phone Main 698 FORT STREET Daily at 2.15. Night at 8.15 "THE NEW SONG BIRDS" with WILLIAM BURRESS AND COMPANY OF 30. J.

C. NUGENT MULLEN a COOGAN CARL McCULLOUGH LANE A O'DONNELL HANDERS A MILLISS CARL ROSINE CO. Winnipeg Business Men' Trip in Pictures AUGMENTED ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA LADIES' CHOCOLATE MATINEE TODAY VICTORIA? The Home of Feature Photo Plays riinntte of Procrnmmp tlnlly Cimtlnuoua from 1 1 n.m. to 11 p.m. Admission Co nnd luc.

WOMEN'S now stylo hoots In patents, tuns and gun metal, hulton and Hlurber; $4.00 Am-prirsn made values. Stampede Spm'lnl Ht $2.95 WOMEN'S newest creation that eastern market affords. In patents, tanH, gun metal, suede and craventittes, high and low heels, liuttnn and Bluchers: lot Includes the new Knglish lust bouts In tan and Mack: all sizes; American made; $5.00 and $6.00 values. Stampede Special $3.95 i This WickV For Commencing ft SATURDAY MONTREAL AND PHOHENADB Tfce Hlace to Sleet Doitb Tcw" Winnipeg Industrial Bureau and Waier Street. Open I a.m.

to 10 p.m. Mom people ami visitors re for. dlally invited to visit the Industrial Bureau's Free Exposition of Local Manufactured Product ami Natursl Kesouces of the Canadian West Museum nnd Art Kxhlblts. BIHKAL Oil' l.KOIFMATIO. Free Illustrated Literature and Ht. Pamphlet at Inquiry I lepnrtment. Everybody Welcome. Absolutely Pre. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST Palmist and Business Adviser. 1 do not use cards, globes or go in a trance, but by the art uf palmistry (rive truthful au-vli'e on all matters, love, courtship and marriage, business and family affairs.

Ir. fact, everything ptrtalningr to the welfare and happiness of the human race; those who stand In need of such counsel should seek my advice. Setlsfactlon guaranteed or no charge. Ofrire Hours, 10 a.m. to p.m.

Kensington Work, Suite 6, 275 Portag Av. Note nw arldreBS. this week have selected the remarkable apeoial value. SALEi s.l Saturday MEN'S AND WOMEN'S We have a few broken lines of regular $4.00 and $5.00 Oxfords and pumps, elegant styles, all leathers. Your chance to buy Just the shoe and finish JCO 05 of the Hcuson.

Stampede Special SEE OUR SPECIAL STAMPEDE WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS. MEN'S new boots, V. L. Douglas, union made, all styles, In gun metal, tans and patents, button and Hlucher; made to retail at JG.00. stampede Special tf.43 CHILDREN'8 EDUCATOR BOOTS.

CHILDREN'S and MISSES We carry the famous Educator boots for children, tn all and at a price of liOe to $1.25 less than ever boforo sold In Canada. Stampede Special price $1.45 to $2.45 ONLY in Winnipeg DEAL TO Boston Shoe Storo 239 PORTAGE OPP. POST OFFICE, One Store EE i FR RETAIL GROCERS IN MANITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, ALBERTA Your "Wholesale Grooer, up to September 30th, will deliver you FREE (1) 60 lb. case S0PA1-E vith order for 10 caKPsSCPADZ5 or assorted order for 30 cases SOPADE and PEARLINE; or i3 case SOPADE Freo with order for 5 cases SOPaDE, or assorted order for 5 cases SOPADE and PEARLINE. Xo advanee in Jobbers' Prices to Retail Grocers.

This FPvES DEAL absolutely discontinued September 1912. Manufacturers J.TYLE SONS New Ycrk and Edgewater, N.J. Ajents: NICHOLSON BAIN Commission Mcn-hrnts and Broken Winnipeg Ecfrina, Saskatoon, Calvary, Edmonton, Lethbridge.

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