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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 3

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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the yrnrsiFEQ daily i nnBUXEt battjiiday. may 23 1903 FOR 21 SPRING ALL OVER CANADA (VI Eft OF FAIVSE AND WOMEN OF PROMINENCE USE PE-Rli-WA FOR CATARRH WHEREVER LOCATED Suffering Women Tired, Nervous, Aching, Trembling, Sleepless, Bloodless Peruna Renovates, Regulates and Restores'. This country the land of nervous women. The great majority of nervous women are so because they aro suffering from some form ot femalo dlscaso, Ily far the greatest number of female troubles are caused directly by catarrh. They are catarrh of the organ which affected.

These women despair of recovery. Female trouble Is so common, so prevalent, that they accept It as almost Inevitable. The greatest obstacle In the way of recovery Is that they do not understand that It Is catarrh which Is the source of their Illness. In female complaint, ninety-nine cases out ot one hundred are nothing but catarrh. Peruna cures catarrh wherever located.

"I am very glad thnt Peruna was brought to my notice as there are so many of our people who have suffered with catarrh as I did, and probably think there Is no cure to be had. "I certainly never expected to be entirely cured, as eo many people claim that you can never get catarrh entirely out of the system. But I am glad to state that six bottles of Peruna certainly drove every trace of It out-of my body and I am tt happy woman. I shall lose no opportunity of praising It and recommending it to my frlendg." Mrs. Marguerite Lyons, 1801 A St.

Catherine Montreal, Can. Chronic Invalids who have languished for years on sick beds with some form of female disease begin to Improve at once after beginning Dr. Hartman's treatment. The doctor's experience and knowledge of this class ot cases enables him to discern with great accuracy the wants of each. These patients apply for treatment by letter, giving all their symptoms.

The doctor then writes them what to do and what to get. Thousands have already applied and still there Is room for more. Kach euse receives careful and separate attention. In writing be sure to give all the symptoms and a complete history of the case, so as to make sure of valuable advice. A PERFECT BLOOD PURIFIER.

An Excellent Tonic to Build up a Worn-Out System. Miss Mabel Richardson, Wolfe Island, Kingston, writes; "Peruna has given me the most perfect satisfaction of any medicine I used. "As I am a teacher by profession, I am exposed to all kinds of weather, and I really feel that I owe my' excellent health to Peruna. I can safely recommend It. to nil women as a perfect blood purifier and an excellent tonic to build up a worn out system.

"Several of our teachers use It and all praise it." Miss Mabel Richardson. A tonic is a medicine that, gives tone to some part of the system. There are different, klnls of tonics, but the tonic most needed In this country, whero catarrh Is so prevalont, Is a tonic that operates' on the mucous membrane. Peruna is a tonic to the mu. ous membranes of the whoje body.

It gives tone to the capillary circulation which constitutes these delicate membranes. l'cruna Is a specific in its operation upon the mucous membrane. It Is a tonic that strikes at the root of all ca tarrhal affections. It gives tone to the minute- blood vessels and the terminal nerve fibres. Catarrh cannot exist long wjiere Peruna is used Intelligently.

Ptruna seeks out catarrh In all the hidden parts of the body. Mrs. Jas. McKay, 2HH Johnson etreet, Kingston, writes: j'rruna is a gceat friend to a sick woman. I have found that out by experience, and It has been of BUth help to me, I gladly speak a good word fur for it.

I suffered for two years with Inflammation and had at times such bilnuing headaches that I was unfit to be out of bed. A such times I could neither 'eat nor sleep. I became thin, extremely nervous and unstrung, and the least noise or trouble would drive me Inlo hysterics. I was sore in trouble when Peruna came as a friend to help me and to heal. I soon felt that I was slowly Improving, my general health beeame much better, I began to eat very heartily and enjoy my food.

The rights brought restful sleep and gradually the pain subsided. I kept taking Peruna for four mon'hs, then I felt better and stronger than I had dons for a couple ot years. I am now en-Joying t-plendld health and 1 advise my sick friends to try it and not drag around sick bodies when a few bottles of Peruna would ma them well." Mrs, McKay. All womon who are In doubt as to what their trouble Is should write Dr. Ilartman, Columbus, O.

Give him a full (Inscription of your trouble, previous treatment, symptoms and age. He will promptly reply with full directions for treatment free of charge. 'This la an opportunity which no ailing woman should miss. Dr. Hartman has become renowned through his Buccess In treating women' diseases.

Hie experience In these matters Is vaBt. Correspondence Is strictly, confidential. No testimonials published without written consent. Miss Emily Lyon, 218 Richmond London, writes: "I am pleased to inform you that I am entirely cured ot catarrh of the stomach by the persistent use of Pn-runa. I Buffered everything and took everything (both from physicians and proprietary medicines, but got no relief until I tried Peruna, and It will always be with the loudest praise that I recommend this wonderful remedy reruna." Miss Emily Lj-on.

Mrs. Alex. Johnson, No. University Kingston, Canada, writes: "I have been a sufferer for years with bearing down pains and backache, and got no relief from doctors' prescriptions. I commenced taking Peruna and after taking the first bottle I felt much better and within a mcinCih; I was a well woman, and I heartily recommend It to any woman who Is in poor health as I Pe-Ru-Na Recommend as Restorative Tonic.

By a Weil-Known Canadian Newsdealer. Kilt, The Newsdealer, Ottawa, sells every publication on. earth. Ho has two stores, one at No. 05 Bank and No.

5 Little Sussex Street. He writes 'Gentlemen Last winter a- friend advised mo to try Peruna. and I am glad that I did. The first bottle improved me very much, and before the second was gone, I was entirely cured. I have enjoyed good health ever since, and now and then when I feel tired or worn I take a few doses and It Is like a charm as a restorative tonic." Kilt.

A SPRING TONIC. Almost everybody needs a tonic In the spring. Something to brace the nerves, Invigorate the brain, and cleanse the blood. That Peruna will do this Is be-Irond all question. Everyone who.

Jiaa tried It has had the same experience as Mrs. D. W. Tlmberlake, of Lynchburg, who, In a recent letter, made use of the following words: "I always take a dose of Peruna after business hours, as It Is a gre.u thing tor the nerves. There Is no better spring tonic, and I have used about all of them." CATARRH IN SPRING.

The spring Is the best time to treat catarrh. Naturo renews herself every spring. The system Is rejuvenated by spring weather. This renders medicines more effective. A Bhort course of Peruna, assisted by the balmy air of spring, will cure old, stubborn cases of catar.

ii that have resisted treatment for years. Everybody should have a copy of Dr. Hartman's lates. took on catarrh. Address, The Peruna, Medicine Columbus, Ohio.

THAT TIRED FEELING. Almost everyone has come to believe that March, April and May is a season that brings derangement of the body dependent on blood Impurities. This belief Is an old one. Is nearly universal and has arisen, not as the result of the teachings of the medical fraternity, but has been learned In the bitter school of experience: Depression of' the nervous system at the approach of spring is a fertile source of blood impurities. There is general lassitude, dull, heavy sensations, continual tired feelings, with Irregular appetite and sometimes loss of sleep.

Peruna meets every indication and proves Itself to be perfoctly adapted to all their various peculiarities. Peruna Invigorates the system, rejuvenates the feelings, restores the normal appetite and procures regular sleep. That tired feeling, which is the natural results of the depressing effect of warm weather Immediately after the Invigorating cold of winter, quickly disappears when Peruna Is taken. Thousands are dally testifying to its priceless benefit. A.

E. Conlomly, 88 St. George's, Quebec, writes "I have been afflicted for nearly five years with an unpleasant, offensive, catarrhal condition of the head. Only those who have been troubled as I have know how It makes you shun society and you become morose and melancholy. Peruna cured mo in seven weeks.

"Peruna Is certainly a wonderful catarrh remedy; It not only cured my catarrh, but It built me up generally, until It seems I have nerves of Iron, and the courage to undertake what before Jnad seemed Impossible to me." A. E. Conlomly. Men of prominence all over the United States commend Peruna. Over fifty members of our National Coi gress have either used Peruna themselves or noted Its benefit to the extent that they do not hesitate to give It public Indorsement.

No other remedy In the world ever received such honorable and unqualified endorsement. Governors, Mayors, Gencral3, Admirals, Consuls and scores of other government officials speak In high praise of It. Thousnnds of people In thP humbler walks of life rely upon It as a family medicine. Send for a free book of Mr. Jos.

Ciees, Gov. House, Ottawa, Canada, head steward to Lord Mlnto, Governor-General of Canada, writes "I wish to emphasize my high opinion of Peruna as tho finest remedy I have ever known for catarrhal afflictions. I havo used It and have found It an excellent tonic and a grand blood purifier. I have recommended its use to a. number of men 'under mo and am pleased to say that nothing I have ever observed gets a sick man out of bed and well again as quickly as Peruna.

I am glad to bo ublo to tell of Its merits." nAy one can escape entirely the 111 effects of spring weather, and Instead of dragging drearily through weeks of bad 'feelings and perhaps acquiring a fatal disease can find themselves In as excellent spirits and health as at any other tlmo of the year. Get a bottle of Peruna when tho first languid feelings make themselves apparent In tho spring. Take It according to tho directions on the hottlo. Continue this treutinent through the first months of Bpring. This courso ot treatment Is not experiment it Is as positive In Its results us any fact of science can bo.

ASS istantWar i Artist to London "Black and White" Recommends Pe-ru-na to Travelers. The Accompnjlnff Picture Sbovi Mr. Hartley la the Uniform lie Wore During the Late Chinese Uprising: in China Where he was Acting: as Assistant War Artist to Lonion "Black ana White" and "Collier's Weekly." "Pe-ru-na Is an Ideal Traveling Companion." I Know of No Article la My Traveling: Outfit Which I Prize Higher Than Pe-ru-na." L'iNri SZ A Mr. H. Tt.

Manlcy, care "Black and White," 088 Craig Montreal, Canada, writes: "When a man travels In extreme hot or cold climates, he realises how valuable a friend he has If he carries a bottle of Peruna. I know of no article in my traveling outfit which I have learned to praise higher. "If you are Buffering with the extreme beat Peruna restores you, or If you arc ufflicted with a rold. la grlppo or bronchitis, Peruna restores you In a short tlmo. Or if you suffer with sleeplessness, or If your appetite Is jioor, again reruna acts as a good, true friend and Is the tonic needed.

"I huve tried It for months and am only too glad to acknowledge It as a truo loyal standby In times of trouble. I do not hesitate to recommend it to all." H. P. Manlcy. Pe-ru-na Is TRAVELERS SHOULD USE PERUNA.

Peoplo going on a Journey, either by rail or steamboat, should take with them a bottlo of Peruna. It Is an excellent remedy to prevent railroad sl -k-neHS, sea sickness, to guard against catching cold, or acquiring contagious diseases. The exigencies' of travel, to most people, aro hard to bear. Change of water, change of diet, ehango of climate, ewposurc to unventllated staterooms, crowded coaches, all this creates now environment. A largo number of peoplo are mado sick In this way A bottle ot Teruna Is worth ten Imes Its weight In cold to' a person under such clr-circumstances.

It prevents the 111 effects of Pe-ru-na Prevents Sea Sickness bad water. It produces refreshing sleep under adverse circumstances. It keeps tho arpetlto vigorous and the digestion normal. A multitude of peoplo have already made this discovery, and they never think of taking a Journey, either by land or sea, without having with them a bottlo of Peruna. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr.

Hartman, glvlnjr a ull statement ot your case and he will bo pleased to give you his valuahlo advice gratis. Address Dr. Ilartman, President ot The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbua, Ohio. a Wonderful Nerve Tonic. It Restores the System to a Normal, Healthy Condition J.

E. A. Pin, Quebec, Canada, writes: "Peruna Is a grand medicine, I havo found It a wonderful nerve tonic and a great healer for Inflammatory conditions Induced after prulonged (olds and subsequent catarrhal lonclltlnns. It eliminates poisonous diseases from the system and restores it to a normal healthful action. I have often used It myself with very beneficial results and a largo number of the numbers of our club have beun Hired through the use of Peruna.

I therefore do not hesitate to give It the highest endorsement." J. K. A. Pin. After you have tried It you will say Peruna Is positively Ihe best spring medicine you have ever tried.

A great many years of extensive trial of this remedy in this class of derangements havo demonstrated that there aro no failures. The Springtime Is The Time to Cure Catarrh. Nitu Will Assist the Action of Pe-ru-na to Mike Your Cure Speedy and Permanent. A person may havo been afflicted with catarrh a long time, but every spring the catarrh assumes a slightly dlffeiir phase. Tho catarrhal discharge become thinner, the thickening of the membranes partly disappear.

If the catarrh is accompanied with a cut'Bh, the cough becomes looser, the expectoration less sticky; In every symptom shows a slight tendency (toward improvement, this Is Catarrh Improves in the Spring directly due tn the season. Every Spring Nature rejuvenates. Nature attempts to become young again, rid herself of disease to throw out impurities to cleanse herself from excrescent les to renovate. It Is tho season ot procreation, of exuberance; of re-lnvlgoratlon. To those who havo been afflicted with chronic catarrh we wish to say a few words.

The spring season affords you a splendid opportunity to rid of your disease. It may be you have been nffllrted for several years; you may have tried different remedies, Perhaps you have become discouraged you may even have tried Peruna and not have realized tho prompt benefit which Peruna Js so opt to bring. This failure was during the winter months. Hut now Is your opportunity. Naturo comes to your assistance at this season.

JuhI help her a little, and she will bring you out of the quagmire In which you have been floundering so long. Ulve nature a little assistance lest her struggles be In Miss Delia Janveau, Globe Hotel, Ottawa, Is from one of the oldest and best known French Canadian families In Canada. In a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine of Columbus, Ohio, she says "Last spring my blood Beemed clogged up, my digestion poor, my head ached and I felt languid and tired all tho time. My physician prescribed for me, but a friend advised me to try Peruna. I tried it and am pleased to state that I found It a wonderful denser and purifier ot the system.

Inl three weeks I waa like a new woman, my appetite had Increased, I felt, buoyant, light and happy and without an 'ache or pain. Peruna, is a reliable family CATARRHAL NERVOUSNESS. A Condition Known as Systemic Cat. arrh A Prominent Canadian Cured by Pe-ru-na. Mil L.

H. Bpurbeau, 49 St. Hubert, Montreal, Canada, writes "I have suffered a gTeat deal with constipation, owing to the lack of exercise and too close application to my desk. Peruna proved a veritable blessing to me, and one dollar's worth did me more good than ono hundred dollar's worth of doctor's medicines, not to mention the suffering from backache and headache and tired feelings when you feel that you cannot stop work, even though you art! not able to po on. A few doses of Peruna relieved me and my health was soon restored.

I am now cor -letoly well and give PeTunat the ere L. II. Bourbeau. The nervous system la the source of all our bodily powers, mental or physical. Tho brain and spinal cord 'generate the power and tho norve fibres convey the power to every part of the body.

It 1b the nerves that give the heart power to beat It Is the nerves that give the arteries the power to contract, and thuB regulate the flow! ot blood through them. Each artery Is provided with an elastic or muscular coat, which is capable of contracting or expanding bo as to peis mlt more or less blood to pass through) according to the noeds of the body. When tho nerves are paralyzed or weakened this contractile power of the blood vessels la wholly or partly This congestion, especially of the mucuous membrane lining tha various organs of the body. When this congestion continues lor some time it is known as chronic catarrh. Whenever it occurB It produces the samo condition chronic catarrh.

The symptoms of catarrhal nervousness are: A foreboding of calamity, a sense of something awful about to happen, twitching of the eyelids, moving brown specks before the eyes, and metallic ringing of the ears, sour stomach after eating, with belching ot gas, a feeling of great weight in the stomach, morbid fear ot leaving home, a constant desire to talk of symptoms, chills and hot flashes, hands and feet usually cold and clammy, general tendency to coldness and dryness of the skin of the whole body, neuralgic headache, nervous chills, hysteria, sinking and faint spells, distressing palpitation of the heart, defective eyesight, total Inability to read, write or do any business, urine abundant without color, loss of flesh, sleeplessness and sexual excitability, t-'ome of these symptoms are present In every Mrs. F. Desaulmlers, 341 Dorhestcr street, Montreal, Canada, writes: "Peruna Is ot 'untold blessing to women. Peruna builds up the entire system and makes you well. I have fhe greatest "tallh In it, for I have never yet found It to fall either my family or myself In time of sickness.

I have known It to cure eases of chronic cases of catarrh and stomach troubles of long standing. We do not need a doctor as long as we have Peruna." Mrs. F. Desaulmlers. MIsb Mary Burns, 28 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, N.

writes "Having used Peruna for Indigestion and stomach trouble and to build up a broker, down system with the very beat I an pleased to state my experience with thin rxcellent medicine. I ha I been troubled with stomach trouble and poor dlgostlon for and although I tried many remedies and dieting nothing seemed to restore my health until I used Peruna. My system was In a very run down condition when I began to use It and In three short months I had entirely rccovVed health and strength." Mary Hums. Herbert C. Purcell, 08 Uranvllle Halifax, N.

writes: "As I have been troubled with blllloua-ness and stomach trouble for years and nothing was of any benefit to me except Peruna, I im glad to say that the first bottle of Peruna was so beneficial, that I was glad to continue tho treatment tmtll. I Vs entirely curcf It Is good fnedicine." Herbert C. Purcell. p- HEART TO "HEART TALK WITI1 DR. S.

B. HARTMAN, M. D. If all the sick mothers. Invalid daughters and diseased sisters In this broad land would take the following ladles' Blmple and direct testimony to heart and do as they have done, no pen could describe the benefit that would follow.

There are so many women, especially married women, who lrag themselves wearily around from year to year without any particular disease, and yet miserable beyond description. They ache and tremble nd throb, growing more nervous, tired and debilitated every day. For this class of sufferers Peruna la the most perfect remedy In existence. It relieves, It sootix's, It quiets, (t strengthens, and no tired, overworked woman In the land should be without Peruna in the house for a single day. Dr.

Hartman has written a book especially for this class of women. It Is entitled "Health and Beauty," and will be sent free upon application. It gives Invaluable advice for the maid arid tnatron,.

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