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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 5

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

btf.UI) UHt lb lltlti.Ja MlJltaHa Matur. Tn nU, loartot. Iumj sal I HL.U1 it I tt II rr(4r I'llll. I a.rc(llf Ut llM, 111 laMa. n.

fuiu, AW ISie.l, tlxTUal betUa pfae- Ts t'rriuatorr A Fututii (, Of'la statu. ll.vf 1.4 I I Kl t-. tl. Hill of rru.1- pdi.l al. I Mora lr I I- ii ik ai.l hi.

i.i i lako Mrr II. I aial IiWuiuh II. II ri a Ir. iu '1 1,0 Ut-lr an r. f.

rr.l l- ii.m i.ljr ti-m. r. ail ii.m it. a aa I l. lunlt-r ui il Mr t'.

knlilmly. (J nnik-l n4rii.lrlimii ab.tma alMC It I li-- J. rgaa ae lu i I pJt.t". Mr i.l health dt- tut mint, r-rlat liml lojiid- i i fra lr lllH lL.lll.'ra Ul.g tl It.Hart Ull ika Itia Km pro. rtj "I UiM ill) mi ilnUnl Hist i.i el.tpl jhi n.iiui I mi aiaild In Mr.

I lii ait I lint id uiuat tay ii. if A ujl.iim HiullliK lli-v. lru Hi" lliiiniin to mi li." 'itii iwtritttr.ate nw- At i i i-l i i-Iiti luinlii.t; airay Tli. ll'iriuux ani-t, Ii ui tu i.a t.t I I nut Mlmt ui lliml a.iti-l, and thi-y t.tvl t-1 a plan, I Ih lidKii -i in ri "imiii ii I tu tin- inrii'u It u.i ix t-t ull.v I i Mr.n i-1 i rmlr a nltirli til ikaa mri' and tint I lilt UK i if l'i Ihu al.n.a at ii 1 1 I 1 a una li' li ijiiii kl. i a liruli- ut of Hi wry.

I'lian rn i tluit tlin til.tlni; Ill- fir" ill uti't lin am tin n. I i-t nil lln AT In thn rliamlkr. Thi-n i liarnail aa Imrn iik tu tlin ollii tlt nu I na tm li r'ull'l a ti'iiy ami uun-l'i ni'tliol ui nu ttm itniini 'a liii.iy It ii 1. 1 nu Mr. IIoki; '-l fiKUHN to nhi.w thnt a mi tiil' rtiiinil" iikiH nwiiln fur nlaxil nuit llirt ktnrit Muni.) riwt nlamt 91.1(1 rnrh.

Aii'l lio thought tli" i d' ritiiiiiM aliiiM riminirnil it-m-lf to llii' nl'l-rm ui. Mr. KtAii uf tint linrrim-'iit; tnli-a fli" h.Tl lirnr I 'f tlnl wiiv 'liia wre k.lliil At tli. i uml. Hiiia.

ill.l nirr'M. Ui Il ci: lu-n In. rlilnroform writ t.ntra ua.1, tint hrnait ins nr tlm hnninii-r tin' tUPlInvW ailopted. Tho ut. r'l t.V liifl ita lirarl i i llit jtlan MIUK tl, fl till AN tlll iM Nil until, flu.

I lunula tin. city nIioiiI.1 It In tljo ruuw of lumvnnitv. Tln ilia'imin proiul.l Hint tho tnnttiT wi'iiM wor-'vr. the I'ttiiMilcni-taui of tho coiuiiltta4 HOME FROM DAWSON'. A'inniptiucr and Others Are Dw From ihe Far Norih-Aff iio In Yukon A of KlomllkiTH nrrlvoil from lh Vukiin on Tiii-M-lay, Iih-IuiIIiik Mi'HNra.

Koblu Conklln, ni-rinintnnt In Mi" rrowu tlmlM-r officii; Timothy O'Donoliiic, pro Im ami coiuiniNHino iiMTchiint: a in I Kil. MrKeown, of the BK-ri't service ilnpartmtMit of the I)o. million govcramtiiiw Anothor menitii-r or tho (Kirty wub h-riff Kllbcck, of 3x IniiHtnn. who lins Imm-ii hIiit iff of thi Yukon for hoiiio yonra, but wliri In now on Uin iy lionto for a. vUit to hlH family.

Mr. IL Cniiklin In il mm of tlin Intn Mr. R. (. Conklln nn in wolcomi'd homo by a host of friiMKln with whom Is niuaintivl In this rlty.

lii" In out on lenve of nliHi'iico ami will roumln In tliB'clty for hoiiio woi'kML Mr. Conklln thu Noino koKI flrlilM nan. crt-at fiizln, anil Kiyg that everybody who can poHHibly get out of the country in returning. Mr. Conklin canin out hy way of Cap Noino and on thn way Raw Bomo tit.v Tltif til Hlglits of dr-ti-tltution aad mif fi'riiiff.

Tho Yukon, however, is dem-rilied as an pxi-ellont iiilnlnp country and Mr. Conklin predicts for It th bpst year in its JllHtory tiext seasoi. Most of tho miners nre doing well. Mr. MrKeown and Mr.

O'Donohuo are. both out on vIhUs merely and will returning before the winter Is over. Mr. O'Donohuo has one of tho best established businesses In liawson ami speaks highly of tho country. Mr.

McKeown has risen to an lm-Jxirtnut poHition in tho service -ajf th Kovernment and is delighted jfith tho city, of the north. YOUNG C0XSLRVAT1YES. Innnal Meeting Last Evening Mr. G. W.

Don ald Elected President. Lnst evening the first annual meeting of the Young Men's I.ibernl-Conservatlve club of this city was held irt tho club rooms, Stovel block, and a large number of members were present. Reports of the operations of tho paHt year were read nnd the nominations made- for tho various officers for tho enmiing year. President (I. W.

Donald presided, and calllug tho meeting to order nt 8 o'clock, n' read Ills annual rejtort, piving a review of tho association nnd Its growth since one year ago. Tho memborfhip hail rvipidly Increased during thn year and the members were all anxious to assist In the nd-Tancement of thn association's Interests. Mr. IJonnld thanked tho executive for the assistance they had tendered him during tho year nnd asked for united effort during the coming year. Hon.

Mr. Campbell made a few re-mnrks, congratulating tho association on tho progress made during tho last year, and also npon the benefit which tho association was proving to the Conservative party In stimulating th' formation of other associations in various parts of tho province. He, thanked the ao-ciation and them every Mr. Taylor, delivered a rather lengthy address, dealing with th history of tho Conserva tive party, and its national achieve-Taenia. He said: "I wish to In OTEINW4Y Th Slaaaard riaaa af tha War I at MOROHEISIER Ta Pramlar Artlstl Plaa at Saaada.

Catalraraas apoa apauaattoa. Eiebanaad Piaaaa ol oiha ataaara Iroaialua i.r.utiT. Albert Evans, ruoo Wireroomi, Joo Jlln street 4M lK U.IT kUira Ill Itf bji- Ili'iM an I IL l'i ij ta Ik lit, ut. llira t'l llt I i.trrait p-iri 'In I'M'I t'l 1.4 btlt a tiL 'tt llrlr i la UxU 1 l-f-alKtil Hull IwUfla lb briuU-ra I ll I. nn.r Irsl iarl uu kliu at.

I if.uila-l In ttia I IU ir-ar tb til II Utr lllH I. Kbi-r tillj.a a a. I u.iunuatura. Iha aui'i'raaf tl uraa lirourfttt l.t 1 1 a. Tli buiuutalii'iia fr Hi It lii-r ofla-i-a atrra aa lrf aik-ni.

li v. lU'tl l.y hi lauiU ui, at II WltllU J. Si.riiill), li. li I-HUM. II i iir.iK tu.

a it. I 4 II kmiitli; t-r. I t., t-lra-lcl ll.dll It, (. a Im.

(illi--ll I.i It li. ll. A It-il It Wi I. i llaiianii. M' li.

'iiir. It. Il ri(inn, A II W. II i Mi nil if, I. llaiiila-r.

Tlfia H-I. art -liifl'l. Ixt. A. I.fti.l.

IJ.Ia. A. W. iu'aa-. i i 11- K- l-io-lany.

1 1 rl a at ill laka tlai a mi Tin- In, ttviivtixu 7 aU'l I.i Tlt: ALA KM- 11i ri.mrnl fire lirltitiila lii'l lluf run at lnt litiilit uu William ainliim. Ilia rail from Im o. Tli rail La.ka ii.ii'uni. aii.l aa ttia aiilliiTl Una kiHtanic rl.attf alili (or itaritrai laiinn-riiiK Hiih ilia alarm In lh nffnr will itrnlmlilr Imi In Trtiij-riiiil with Uin alnrni l'H la aertoua nKt-nra ninl If lti i Ifi'ii'li ra nra rituislil tin will bo i i r. l) ib-Alt Hltti.

riRT HI(B THR WAR. Thi-ra Joli'tn 1 tti liuiii' of two of tho rcinmM tmliln-ra from Hinnh Afrli'A. Tli wlfo of (junrtrr-iiuiHii-r hx-ricl. (irnlitiu, of tli I'. n-r-Miily hr liuaU-unl unit ii an in an ht-ir Alt.

I al.iil lut ttnnMi ttinoa I'ka plenannt fata fill Strtit. Alliw.n, of Uih a.tino uflrmi. I'-otli ttm tlit b-allhy nrninlati an.l thfro no iloiilit but thnt tlnvy will umkit eoimI ri.lli-ra. Thi-ao nr tlin firat clill- ilri'il tmrn to mi'tnlirra uf th II kiiira thilr rvturu rum Huutli A' rkca. THEY MAY STK1LL Pcmand of the Stamrn't I'nlon for 10 Advance la Pi act.

ClovelMiil, Oct. 20. Aa it remilt of the fnllurn of the Lake Carriers' as MM'iiitUtua to alliance thn warps th aallors for thn fall at-Amui In nccordanoe with th" uaual rmtom th memliera of the Cleveland brnnc of th lntprnalional Heanien Union ivit hi 1 1 a nii'dilntr. and formulntc ileinanili for an linmedlnta Advance Tlio aallors ask $1.75 per day for tlin HteamlKtata and for anllknK It is said that similnr ae it ii will takitii by union snllors nt othir lako pttrts, an 1 that If tho lulviniro Is not crantml, a general striko may result. i ERITJSII NAVAL RESERVE.

St. John's, NfliU, Oct. 211. Arrangements havo boon oOmpletod to dis-latch anotlicr contingent of lifty nnval Tiwervi In tho British cruiser ChnrA'bdls next week, for a six months' cruise in West Indian waters, followinK the precedent adopted Inst year which proved so great a siiccrMS. Tjie delay In the British admiralty In sendiiiK the training ship Calypso here prevents a larger schnuio of enlisting three hundred fishermen to (trill in riacentia bay, taking ehape before next year.

CHirrE TARIFF DUTIES. Loiu'xtn, Oct. 29. The fcfliAnfih.ii crn HMmleiit of the Times des-criben tine rtnHticns under which tint preparations are being made to give effect to the IivcreaMo of tariff ilutLes1. In pursunitT-o of the protocol, ns ehnrttic.

"Tho Japnrsese ami others," ho wi.j "aro ralslitg the question whether, altliough the protocol refers to mnritiine Imports, ox-IHtrtti should not bo also subjected to a simultanoo'is Im reabo. It Is reported tliat tho mliHHtors of the jtowers in 1'ekLrj disagree as to tills point." IMTORTIAN'T, COAL DEAL. Calgary, Oot. 29. A transaction of great Importance to the Blairmoro district wns concluded last week when Frank Collet, well known In Montana, and more recently East Kootenay, bonded the McVittlo coal areas on behalf of J.

1'. Morgan, of New Y'ork, and his associates. The exact terms of the agreement have not been mndo public, but it Is understood that tlio bond provides for a considerable ensh expenditure in Improving the property, and work will be enrried on through the winter. DUTiCH BOYCOTT. Berlin, Oct.

20. Hie delegation of Dutch longshoremen which is visiting Hamburg for the purpose of getting the co-operation of the German longshoremen In boycotting. English ships as a protest nganist the Boer war has met with the wnrmest reception there. The longshoremen of Hamburg have decided to co-operate to a man in the movement. Tllie newa- Itnpi-rs here, however, believe that the plan is impracticable.

S.vrrER C.ILL'S SENTENCE. Victoria, Oct. 29 Sapper Gill, of tho Royal Engineers, whoa couple of weeks ngo shot (runner Clinniek, of the R. (I. while shooting at Gunner Mnhoney, of tho same regi ment, wns to-day found guilty of manslaughter, and wns sentenced by Ju Igo l'rake to 15 years In the peni tentiary.

He is only 21 years of age. A verdict of murder and capital punishment was looked for. A DRCNKEN MURDERER, rittsburg. Oct. 29.

Because ne had been discharged for drunkenness John Mc.Vrdelle. a workman in the new Frick buildlnx. shot and killed Chas. K. Yonngberg, superintendent of electrical construction for the Geo.

A. Fuller company, by whom he hail been employed. Two butleta entered tho body of tho victim. VEEIi WE.Vr TOWN. Pyitney.

N. Oct. 29. Bchrr.nPT Joitn tahot, nrwnl hy Kkdpj a Nina, NewfrunI.Aisl. fiairsltreil at mtx, all haiKlo.

including Capinin Brew nnd one paaiteiMcer, Rev. Vr. Jtrefaw, a CathoUc prlrst, wrro lost. Ttmaco r.LocKAinr Co'oo. Oct.

29. Tb ColurnhJan gr.vpmnent in that that In-aurgents wil r-it Im abl to ratio ta a the bo k.ido at Tuhmuo. RICE MURDER TRIAU Torrnt Ot 20 Tho trial of Fra-d. Rica, for the murder of Boyd commenced In the assize court her to-daj-. the wixxifko daily wr.nxcsDAV.

curroiiKii a. i.oi. Ml'SIC AND HKAMA Mr (iru knr-tt' alut I mi aUtl Uu l.u li iI.b ii un ii.m i la 4 -ajuiim (m-m ua luiit'ai iftiia. 111. alii.

Bill tin flifna iiraa but K-r in.ia rtl II t.v Ui tnii.ii.trtt it tilt "11 ap ian," atuikli tt.iek if I a auttiua) Auttraatu it' at If IS.t laat itaoti-l ntra Lad l.r. fravt.iMl iita it. i utl.l ''I iaiilli uj! lain aua a lux'Xy pur at IMI ara itll-l, 111 Im-l I a tar) tn-raik oil i.rintr ttoui'l tali. i-a kk lo a i urtitiiit) TIib lit tut -t it I t.i.i'ut ui MiHatii) ta en- i in. -r an I t.t t.

f. Dm lr of I Im i nu- t- Uul. i. a Urn niii.riia. an 1 rrliiairt w.llt Ilia aaa.Ha-a i4 nail I).

aa rn'r. aa a irii.K lir i irii-a i' lltti Unti'4ta I'm- I.I Cttpuait" loiitatita) Kfim I. u- liior. a n. I airaiitcK tu any fur tl itnra.

a trill of Uia tlu4a perform-aiwtt, tti-mpv Jil in ilia rlinrm-lera ten to Mm I arrli'i; ton. luuaii. Titin linltV'J and Mr. luiw, wluaat liitl-Inn I it ttaliwiu furuml oimi of Hie Uiii-f ttiaaiurra uf Htenlnu. Mj (arriiiirtou's aork may be aoiiiiut-d uo uu It drain it tlu ai.lit na lnui.if with iMluriti israce.

aJtd lu-r kinging miirkiol by aimiiLX WHaila) lllle.llgi'ifit. lir aria wlmu to f.tthi-r-tt lu al.tppisl i.a for tint imiNi hiii au emulit maniile of pura vi aiii- tatit, dravtlug out au fuUiuaiaallo n- fi ire. 'J'hu hn llcnce's Aimroval of Mr. Davia' ainging waa an.l worthy uf tho aitnl.iu an lib- rally la-siowel iiim him. Tho duet (laming to tho third act wan a tt-rl- itltUt gem.

tbu tuicHs of this popular ti.nor and Mias I'arriiiKton lorm- tol, with tho OAflatance of well-play-il on ll- atral ai'coiiitKiulmelita. a rant muaicAl treat. Mr. I'uvia' Mcalit Is even, and hU Hinging Is rcauiiaut, mid therefore telling. As nnltcliiatcd.

Mr. Eagleton In tho title putrt made a pronounced hit. For ono thing, his itowi-rful liana volco Is a prime factor In Imper aonauon oi "rj laiMtnn, ono can hear almost every word he snys, nnd tint Is another ImtRirtant feature. lSfSidi'M. his aensii of humor Is keen ami insistent, giving point to Klein's clever dialogue.

Associated with Mr- Eagleton, and his antl thesis In fun making, iniisl Im men turned Mr. Fetch, one comedian nets as a well constlfiitml foil to tho other, an obvious fitct which will bo till further emphasized this even Ing In thn production of "Wang." The full and plensnnt-toned voice of llessln Tannehill Is very welcome, ami the succeeds in closely Identifying hersolf with the charac ters Mini Is representing. Mamie Scott sung surprisingly well last night, and her acting was brim lull oi sp.irklo and dash. i-ora contralto to run a compass up to aoovo inn Rlavo is a real to be remembere 1, a good, ringing tone It won, resulting In a deserved recall. Mr.

Dunbar Is a better actor than he is a singer, his self-consciousnes as a vocalist mars his efforts, even if his tow productlou were less faulty. But hto acting is most TiUe chorus as usual, sang admirably, with a vim and vigor that wns Inspiring. But Sousa's marches are nil compelling in their eloquence of rhythm, and their potency on audiences has become proverbial, even the moist conservative Englishman has recently found out the "thrills," and wildly applauded them. lTaiso must bo nuain tendered the orchestra under the skilful direction of Mr. Milton Smith'.

The stage management was all right last night. Who is going to see "Wang nnd the Elephant," to-night? This comic opera hns been substituted for Kip Van Winkle, In answer to an Imperative demand for this favorite mo'ilcrn musical nnd zoological nbsurdity. Mestirs. Fetch and Eagleton will sway the destinies of this amusing work as far as comedy is concern ed, but thiTe are pretty solos and ensembles to act as a counterpoise. Mr.

James Perkins, cholrlender of St. Mary's church, is deserving of congratulation for tho excellent programme which he provided at the snered concert held in the edifice last evening. fine work of his chorus evidenced careful training and for a small body of choristers the tonal effects were really highly satisfactory and inspiring. In all four choruses were sung the most effective probably being Falnnky'fl IMileihraoH," which opens with a beautiful pielody. smoothly sung, by tenors and basses.

Miss Kdith Hill, the ixwisesHor of a nice sympathetic voice, snug the solo prissnges with very good effect. Miss Perkins had much work during the evening antl entered thoroughly into the spirit of the difficult solo passages in the opening number "Iiudatn I urri, by Aingarelli. Miss Perkins lti not only tho possessor of a voico of much power, admirably suited to tiro music of her church, but sho Bings with good taste. Scope Tor more subdued vocalisin was given in tho solo, "Angel's one of tlio lavorite numbers oi the evening. Mis Perkins was also the soprano eoloist in the various quar tettes.

Muai Holroyde, the contralto solo lit of the choir, sang with benutiful expression Marston's Saliitaris," Tins young lady is genuinely unas- sinning In her vocal work, nnd invari ably sings most satisfactorily whe ther on the etnge or in the church. Lust night was no exception to the general rule. Mrs. Isaac ntblailo chose for her election Lord Most Holy," by that' popular composer, Mnscheronl It opens with A violin prelude.which was finely executed by Miss Denholm. The soiag suited Mra.

voice and with true Intonation nnd sever al striking clinmxes the number proved most elfcctive. Mr. 1'erkins sijig thit ever popii lar, "Ftvir Not Ye. Israel," and In in this, as in his quartette and other work. was eminently succesi-ful.

The violin playing of Miss Iienholm was very ttlsryiug. Tho of th church are admirably suited to this weetpst of instruments, and admirably playeil the gratifi cation of th listener Is extreme. Jliss jir-nn'iim. In the pist or two, has dovi greater breadth of ton. plays with confidence and was certainly nppreciata! bv the larc enlienee la St.

Iarv'. Mr. MnwrWf cnntriraitel a aeleo tlon by Barrl to th programm. in addition to anlo work la the uir-taitteai arsi In the ao.j and chiirna. "irpirtt" In th conrln-l-Wiir tailata Ih-iminnm." M.a was tho contralto loist.

Laat tat not k-ait cornea Mr- Evans. An Ideal Bookcase is the Glote'VYernlcke Elastic Bookcase It la inn a ki ('. liow. li. win.

)oui l.ltiai 1 ala I I'- liu.u ii. I.m 1 1. (. II la I ut I luar-fli 'li. In.

tril l. li. all taa a. ui na ait-t I Ha. tbl.uti call Im an.

it -i lai.cial aa II. al.aa til U.aa i i m.m. 1 lh rliial-a'aif a. aiii.c aiel In ia i allmt. Ma.t.- in aia.u a ainl Hliia In suit all loal.a oi.l lr.uln a.

ant Ut ikii.Ii ti.a t.l.-a1)l leralr ta- Hurt at our Mam-n4n luinlturi- fciuia, ur acint ur lllualitr.l t-ikl. John Leslie SMIo 12 Hal It a Hota4 toe kMra-availa raraltara. JrrwvAAftlWAllrllVlJ Aatucta It aw aiaaia faaaltaj, aaolaa VIOLIN CLASSICS sab at hupia'a Nortorna Up tUatl.otall'a hiiMutiniii a atldf la lltuOal Lara. Aa. who nblr priildeil at the organ Accompanying the various rhoruaea and Moloa aa only a uiau of expert eneo can.

It Is understood that Mr. Terklm will now take up the preparation of nu ImiMirtaiit work (or tho Christmas svaaon. Mr. A. W.

Meggett haa returned from studying In 1omlon, under Walter Laubach, a pupil of hchrailieck Miss Victoria Walters, rno of tho clevercMt ami ttrt-tliest singing and dancing iMimiilu-iinixt Ims been en gngial by mAiuigir Clum. II. Yale, to the tn-lkmaid lit Uin IMlt.U ctlitsm of "Tho liverLnst log Iievu Auction. Miss Walters imhi Mrs youth, Is itrelty ami tui.ii ting ilani'ii and act, a rare txinib.nn tlon liowadnys. "Tlio Devil's Auctlun" comin ft tho AVliinitci tlteatro next Momkiy, Kov.

4. iWinnneg Won next Frl'Iay even lag nil tnatluee, to linvn of gemilno merit In the New Fogg's Ferry, which will bo preentei at the WLnuipi-g theatre witli an entire- equipment uf Hioclal scenery, an excivlent canntany. uiuirtetto wib'juh nwikea a hit every where, and a truuo of daniilng IiUkniilunles. Tine M-enery Is by Frank 1'jUzer, of the Acadomy of Musit', New York, end is claimed to be the prettiest on the road. The fnmouH torpialo scene, sliowLng the un.ler the I tows oi an up proaching Kteamltont, Is particu larly thrilUng anl realistic, iogg Ferry alnviaya was popular because it lias an absorbing story, plenty of comedy, aiui exc'iting climaxes.

In Its new Hlicpo, bnugli.t up to elate. will ho better than ever. The lead' ing Htar rt.w Is to be playtxl by the clever counetlionue, Iola I'omeroy. On Hatunlay ncht "Com Hollow" will be presented by the same company I'attl nnd her young humnand nre as luippy ns enn be after having beon married two years. According to ginss'p In Swiedisli papers, their life Li one Incessant honeymoon despite the disparity in their ages.

I'attl TO) born In. 18-13, Baron Ralf Ce-derstrom. In 1870; besides, this is tlio diva'H third matrimonial exjierlcnce. Sluo was married, thirty-four years ngo to tho MaripiiM ue Caux, and twenty years later to Erntwto Mco-linl. the fnmoiiH tenor.

Of course. fihie is old enough to lie her husband's mother, but it is said that sho hns retained all the vigors and some of tho lienuty of her youth, antl thus the couple Is not so Imdly matched. Plittl will MTii'i inn rest of her ife in Svieden, "where her fortune will bo of great assistance to resur rect tlin tottcrUig instate of the Od-erstromx. l-'or the prrsrait tho sing er do( not dwell in an ancestral castle, lsit In n. seasido villa rented run a jounutlint, M.

Klas Fahroeiw. r.iinior has it that she contemplates buying a castlo In Sweden. On one of the mnny Wands thnt l'io tietweein Stockliolm and the Baltic ift Sallsjohtulein, the present nliode of tlio renowned ninger, a pine-clad is land dotted with, wooden Bv stenmT it Is reached from tho capi tal Wi an hour a beautiful Journey, in and out among tlio is lam Li. Tho baron Is quite a striking type. tall nnd slight, fair nnd blue-eyed.

Patll is very popular among her new people, who are prou i or her mar riage with a countryman. At a con cert she gavo in Stockholm last au tumn. King Onenr, who is, perhaps, the most artistic of European sov ereigns, presented her with the Swedish medal Uteris et artibus set in diamonds. l'ntti's home. Is a large, gabled wooden hoase on the inlet known as Neglingevikln.

It contains about twenty rooms and combines comfort with elegance large rooms. wainscoted and ceilinged to admit the air and light. Every morning I'attl nnd her hus band wander through their garden into the deep wood, where the nlr Is heavy with fragrance of pines and of sea, and emerge on the rocks looking over a stretch of deep blue sparkling water. Water Is everywhere in Swelen and enhances th beauty tenfold, aud th sunsets reflected therein in varying tones are marvelous. A short walk In the other direction Wadrf to the popular part of tht 1-Kml to the large hotel, the promonnde, the sanatorium.

the both, the. charming rpstanrant on a little promontory, where It la the custom to take coffee and admire th view over mile of bine water and long stretch of pine-clad land. rr.INES.S NOTES. rne of th prettiest window decrir-atlnna aver seen in th" city la the north window of the Imperial Irv liond Ltd. It Is filial with hnaehold linens of every Th arrangement of the gnott la srtistie to a iWri and reflects crelit on th decorator, Mr E.

L. Erown. of the IioparUI staff. pntVS KirvET PTI.L. rure trlrsr'a.

clou ly. thira and highlj rol.irl url-a. diatHea. droraty and all t-nub. mr wr.g troni a wcaji condition ol Lie k.Ot.aja.

Boys' Top-Coal Toko No Price S7 White Manahan Oatflttcrt Of Men n4 ttju 10 allla at. Uf AlKrUt. Othor. A M'lll 1. tl) ru.1, n.k Ii.

aaiia: uJar attui aa uai. All w-ia liiay u.K, fly n.i.(, lain tu? a'i aiki(a. il.ip fai.naa, vtrll uaila In ettiy AilriKUr tnt rnii4 La in 1 ua al (im lo )ui. Nicholson Brock's Jelly Powder is considered, by all who have tried it, to be the best on the market. Ask for it.

Young Women'. Chritliai Associativa DR. SPENCER Will kIts "A Talk on OM I.oni1on" In I ha M. C. A.

Hall im Tliuiuy rvrn- Ina-. Oct. at. at "'iitrp. Chi-lia music.

A1nuhlm Sc. Irnrrrila In aid of the T. W. A. piano fuml.

NOV. I AND 2 Complete and Idcgant rroUuctluns. Friday Night and Saturday Matin "Fogg's Ferry 99 Saturday Night "Coon Hollow" IOLA POMF.IIOY and Select Company. Kpniftl Engagement TUli CAHOLJNA QUAllTErm Prlc II, 75c and Eflc. Matlnre Prices Ailults 6io, fhllrtrn 25c.

Sulo ot sent 8 oiiens ThurmlHy nvirnlnir at llarrowc oUKh's, conn Portage avenua una t'orl Btcret, Mrs. E. Coat tea-Col at at Haa irona euat on her annual buslnr trip, an will visit Toronto. Huffalo and other clllos, with a vlnw to extonrtlne her buainWM. Miss WorlhlnKton 111 talis fuli charge during Mrs.

(-oatea-Colnman's absence, and tienlmont will hn Riven aa usual at 7 nundoe illock, S'Jt Main atreet. Telephone 96. J. J. II.

McLEAN CO. Dealer- In PIANOS, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC and Musical Instrument of all kind BBO MAIN STREET BSD MUSIC The best Two Steps and Waltzes. Frangeea Marcn, Sac. Marching to the Music of the Band, Cupid's Dream Waltaea, S5c. Dancing Girl Waltzes, JSc.

When the Harvest Days Are Over WaltzeH, S6c. Hen Hur Walt7t, Lady ot Quality Waltzes, 10c. 8. L. Barrowclough Co.

Box 203. Tel, 862. 228 Portage Avenue. Not only do we clean and press clothai, bat pnt them La bap at good at now. BEAT EASTERN STEAM DYE WORKS JTJ Fort Btreat TaL 1413 DEHHY DAQUST Back and Livery Stables 1T4 KcDermot St.

East. Telephone 141. Opan day end nhrht. The Tribune is the people's pnper. to aa? VifgitaaaTallaWaift Tig flWWHi JAt lii iiv mum AT mwm prices Now is the time lo tuy yctir UU cr winter Jacket and get the nifet (or your you cvtr got.

One hundred an4 t(teu ito-) iroau lajiiht iliittt cm ttie mcr for ot cah a uiM-omit of une'thir4 the icjpiUr ii-v Wc jilace them on i'c to at tl.c auiue icJiull ju, giving bur customers the benefit of ih can $5 Ladies' Jackets. $3.34 $6 Ladles' Jackets, $4 Cttaallly II Ivuaj.tlty II. $7 LaJlcs Jackets. $4.67 $9 Ladles' Jackets, $6 (uarJUy It. $1 1 Ladles' Jackets, $7.34 $13 Ladles' Jackets, Wu.mmr votantlty II.

$16 Ladles' $18 Ladles' Jackets. $12 Cuanllty II. Quantity T. True, we have us of theae Jackets; tut think of how many people will want them and come early to he safe from disappointment ml m. Second-Hand Cook Stoves, Hire Is an oprortanity that you won't tret yery often.

We bare traioilly cot together a lot of second-band stores that we have taken In exchange for Majestic Ranges We have had them all put In first-class repair, and now want to get rid of them. If you want a first-class stave at a moderate price, come and see them. WE WILL AGREE AS TO THE PRICE. Ashdown's QUALITY ALWAYS THE SAME ee- THE E. B.

EDDY COMPANY, Limited, STEEL WIRE HOOP Cost only a fraction tlie old iron band. and PAILS more than those with THE HOOPS CANNOT FALL OFF. All sizes may be had from Winnipeg wholesalers TEES 4 PERSSE, Ajjefits, iaafpeg. Velvet Hats See special Velvet Hats, trimmed, ers, satin ribbon and buckles, MISS PARRY, 241 Portage Avenue. neMeath- CC at miiwaai i'" a 'am Uf.

HFWili uu laiiiii.j.ia n.aii.iiinn i i 1 1 iyaaanaaaanM -I- "J-' --If rr. f' IK LAST TIME OF THE JULES GRAU COMIC OPERA CO. Presenting (hy Special Request) De Wolfe Hopper's Great Success SPECIAL SCENERY GORGEOUS COSTUMES SUPERB ORCHESTRA PtIccs tic ni SOC Scats now Selllcp at BarrowclotifVs..

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