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The Barre Daily Times from Barre, Vermont • 1

Barre, Vermont
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6 I Ml FT TTR 1 -1 4i, It 1 VOL. Xn i-X(). '21 H. JU1JIM2. TUKSDAY.

FEIIRIJAKY' HMO. JljiiviiJib A 1 I CASE RESTS WITH MEYER As to Result of the Rcbnctt Courtmartial WHICH WAS ENDED TODAY Admission by Dorothy Heslcr That She la Engaged to Marry Dr. Robnett May Serve to Get Him Off Easily, Po(on, Feb. 6. Arguments In the emutmartfal of i Asst.

Surgeon 'to wove rapidly into deep water. In A. II. Kobnett, U. on charge 'an Instant she wa whisked from tier growing out of aa affront to Edward: feet and went careening toward the iS Oowle of Boston at navy hop on 1 inner were presented thi iii'tni-itiig.

Major Leonard, pleaded Hint Roh-neit was justified by Cowle' action in insulting the bitter over the telephone; alao that having been reprimanded by Neictry Meyer no further punishment i poiisitiio. At the conclusion of the pr-M-ntation of the arguments the court martial greed on verdict which will be tit to (Secretary Meyer for review pnblieation. lr. Pobimtt and Miss Dorothy of Chicngo, whose picture waa at the bottom of the courtmartial, are eiiRed was bromTht out durina the testimony of 3ha llesalcr yesterday aft ernooii. Although Miss Heaaler told the court tlisiC she became entrefHI to Hr.

neu. joir monnia a (to, it Win Kept. airier, a secret inat when the replied to counsel, "Dr. HoLnett my nance," her words, eojnmjt as the tirt public announcement, oeeaaioned anrjinse even amonat Intimate fnenda. Mis who ia IS and pretty, nnd who wore a becoming lavender p-'ian, bbiahed and glanced at tlie ue-ensed young oflieer, who entiled back sc-uringly when the announcement was made.

It became neeeaaarf for Minj Ileniiler, I the first witness called for the defence. to tell about her engagement to Ir. Hob-nett. in order to pave'the way for tetti-wony to the eiTet-t that be wa the only male acquaintance' she felt she could appeal to for protection apalnat the attention which declared Ir. Kdward Spencer Cowle forced upon her aainf-t 1 i wii-he.

Consequently, it Poured as the moat important, development at yesterday's proceedings, for it ii-c Ky to ine situation wnirn na ine wiiip nivv mi a ip it a motive, for Dr. P.obneit a prominence 1 i ep Jh'. Lnhnett is a vnuna mpn. nrn -er Anld. convicted laat i ne)u Imrt a 'inU i inm I f.vt'.ui i' i tio it i i i 4n-.

out ot t'ie at the hop i j- -d him I I iii i'rn- i'i '-cHea Naval hopital to the urrn- fuiw'tt training school, and pt-ml-; ilia the ot his he is do- temporary duty an the Wabash. Mi. lieaaler for the past mont hs has I 'CM a at the home of her father's sisier, Mr. Kilhnnrne. wife of, the P.ev.

Mr. Kilbourne of Maiden. Slie has been under Kilbourne' ehaperonage at the trial. FRANCE WILL SPEND ONLY $28,009,000 A Mu-h Smaller Sum Than England and rm.iny arc to Spcad in Navies. France Pic fen to Spend O'ch-eiwiso.

piii. Tt-b. S. With a program agreed nnon eHlling for the expenditure of but for naval armaments, France ties prat'tieally dropped out of the "Luropean race." -This sum i tmlv a Hinall part of what, England and tJermany will apend in the next ten year in navies, and it is smaller even than that of Uussia and Austria. 'rancp wehomes the eallinar halt, be lieving it belter to increase her financial prosperity than to build ship.

REaCUF2 POEEED OF $823. Tie- Yoik LT-in Suffers Fate Similar to That of Banker Van Norden. New Teh. P. --Since M.

Van Norden, tho banker, was robbed of by two women several eases of a tjirmla.r nature have came to the attention of the police. Magistrate Cornell hut hehl Jessie Miles in on a elmrue of highway robbery made i-iainst her by John 1 Russell, Mr. naid that he was walking through West thirty-third street when Jessie Mile, who was a short distance ahead, fell la the street. He picked her up and she threw her arms around his neck. She, did not recover for gome time, and, when she did, she thanked hui and 1 1 wik away.

Then, he gays, he recollected the atory of the Van Norden robbery, and reaching into his pocket- found that $S25 had difop-t-enred. Ho vent, to the Tenderloin police station and reported the loss. COMING TO J'OMPELIISR. W. M.tchell Re-igned To Posi-t'ens at Haveil-iil, Mass.

Hiverhill, Feb. 8. Frank W. "'itd-elt ainwd in this city yesterday from Montpelier, where he has pur- ha Ned a drygoods and yesterday" aiTfit-nooii resigned from the school i ff I anl a iiunii of the citv commit teP. l-onard th Pbil'iriek vcjil prclaMy be (i 0 of the I rmt iit-an eou-mittee and John Tiitr-n in f-V-csted as the choice for he school i CRANITEV1LLE.

Tf.f?o!ftT meeting of branch Xo. f) W. 1. IT. will lie held in 'fumes hall Wednesday evening.

February 0, si I iovk. important JniameM, DEJECTED WOMAN WI OVER FALLS Beatrice R. Snyder Committed Saifida at Niagara Yesterday Afternoon. Her Fiance Recently Died. Niagara Full, If.

Feb. 8. (i rhe R. of 11i(Tlo committed here yesterday afternon by into the river jut above Prospect 1 Viiit a nl nni hut the American fulls, A ltr body swept over the brink of the cataract she turned her face toward would-be resetters and stuiled a farewell to them. Park Policeman John S'paiildintr w-aa 1 i -r to Alston A.

Parker of White Haven. when the voting woman first appeared on the path lending tn the riv er paid little attention to her until she hr-uen to rnn toward the rher. It wa too lute to Intercept her. Without a moment' hesitation she wad ed into tH stream Hie turned ome and smiled toward the men who Here calling upon her to ston hut continued brink of the falls. A she paused cut of sight she wa ttill smiling.

On the bank was found a handbag and in it this note: "Mama and Papa May you both for-(jive ma for bringing this awful disgrace upon you in those Tear of vonr life. AKo iiittv our Ibavenlv Father fori'iva ell my aina. ftut bnve been very pood.j thank Cod. You will find a alip for the money under your dreer a-'erf. With) irty heart full of love for all vonr ktnd- ne-ia and tender love, pood bye.

"Lovimr'r, Beatrice." There wan a card in the purse bear- the name Beatrice Snvder. With the lower river jammed with ice 'and the jam inert-asms hourly there ia little hope that the body ever will re- Tlnffalo, Feb. S. HIJ. Pnvder was chief clerk i.l a F.tiffulo tea atore.

She baa been dejected ainee the death Jof her flanee, Ceortre F. Mevers. TIict were to have r.en married in a few month, fche worked yesterday niorn-injj. PUGILIST WEDS FORMER SWEETHEART John t. Sullivan, Fonncr Heavyweight Champion Married to Former Schoolmate.

Left To-day for European Trip. Bm.ton, Feb. L. Sullivan, with his bride, sailed for Europe at three clock: this afternoon on board the Kmn- frl 1 nir Iuim A Ur-e crow at 1 1 I t' fT' 1 com iiotcin, let), fin t. ft Ihvan, the it, chanipn wecrhi' Kathenne i i 1 1 Tt Ot a ba ron i we I in rook a xhurv.

place at, AT me if of in The f-ou artemoon. from nit Il "liih 1 fir eknd tin iii-i win; secured it divorce first a year nyo. Miss Katharine Harkina and John L. Sullivan were echooltnates toffethcr in Hot-ton and eaily became attached to cadi other, but when Sullivan took up a pugilist career a gain it her wishes tlie friendship wa broken. A few years ago, when the former champion waa tbreaiened with blindness, tht sympathy of bin oitl friend vag anataed and tthe i piid to nursed him back to health.

Seeuring a divert from hi fir-tt wife, Sullivnn renewed his friend-ahip vcilh Mia 1'urkim, which culminated in their marria-je to-day. Even rclijfic.iH owinjj to the objection of the I'athoFe church of which Mr. Sullivan if a member, to sanctioning the marriatre of a divorcee, were brushed asitle by the emip'e, who, in the absence of a dispensation, were married by a justice of the, peace. CIVIL WAR VETERAN DEAD. Henry C.

Backus, Worthy C'-tiaen Of WaitsSeld, Pa.sstd Away Suddenly. Waitficld, Feb. 8. Henry C. Backus, who died at his home in South Fayston Saturday morning, February 5, was- born in Walerbury years ago.

where he resided the -creater part of hi life and was by trade a tanner. Several years ago he moved to Fays.ton, but ha run Piehardsoira Raw-mill in this town. He was married four time. Hi first wife was Mi-s Ellen dohngiui of Water-bury, by whom lie had four children, LueittP, Ernest, Monroe and Charles, Hi second wife was Miss Alice Wnodard of IJuxbury, by whom bo had six children, Eva, Alice (deceased Harry, Eleanor, Itessie and Eddie. His third wife was Mrs.

Jane Irigalis Hoyce, and the fourth, to whom he was married only a few week ago, was Mrs. Re 1 1 Howe Ncvvcomb of this town. Mr. Backus as ft veteran of the Civil war, having served in Company fi, Sixth Vermont. The funeral on Monday was at his late homo and at South Phut bury, where" the body was interred.

A. was the officiating clergyman and T. J. Ferris of Moretown had charae. The bearers were hi late comrades in arms.

H. M. Wiiite. Ed. Savage, H.

N. Bmhnell and K. A. Fih. Mr, Baefcti was a stunuoh and unassuming citizen, trusted rend reapeeted hy aVi who knew" bin.

tho bereaved family has lbc of all in the loss' of a kind and hiving father. 'INSANE OVER RELIGION. Benson Ltavitt Taken 'to Asyltmi. Waterbury Burlington. Feb.

Benson Lesvitt, omitted this term, the roan who was found insane on the lr Knight has already left for 1 la-farm of Luther Putnam in West ford i vana. Cuba, where he will remain inland who has been keping the prisoners til late in the spring. Prof. Maulaby awake nieht at the -outny jail. wa tak-, en vesterday to the state hospital for the innc at Waterbury.

by order of ha recirinn mil I he rave almo-t eottinuously. Edward will take Prof. Mculsby'g emuse on Ian" who was erviu a tnene in jail the drama. Thomas Witie-aiore, pro- for lar-cny was taken to Water-i fwor of Knclish. wMl teaelt the course Ky order of tie gov.

nior. Lsnglln eratory formerly piven ly Dr. Maul- roo5ibv. while the rest of the courses will 1 previously the yhu. BACK SALARY IS SUED FOR Ex-Congressman Powers Is Plaintiff Against Rutland R.

R. tin VfWfT rt AAA! I1L nUW LLiim Say That Railroad Hire Kim at $10,000 a Year and Only Paid Kim $5,000 Year for Term of Five Years. i Claiming $23,000 in back salary, Attorney I. U. Powers of Morrisviilo, an3 an is uing the Rutland railroad, th bavin eonie up to the Vermont jKprenie court ti d.iy from Lamoille county court.

The eae start-ed thi afternoon, ex-Coji-jreMMiinn Pow er appraring for himself and Attorney Edwin Ijiwren'v, tauvewor to Pow- Ahx' I ana H. W. Ilulhurd of flyde Park represent- inr the defendant company, Power claimed that he i engnged a attorney by the railroad at a salary of 10,000 a year, and that lie remained in that position for five years, for which ecrviee the railroad paid him only at the rate of tlOOO a year, which left the railroad in hi debt to the amount of $25,000, which he now tries to collect. Supreme eet-Tt resumed it scion thin morning, after the usual over-Sunday reecNs, whrn the OTanye county eae of Crlo Slack vs. Dan Braor wa taken up.

The plairitiil claim fale war- i ranty and deceit in the eaie of 15 cows at a cost of 1750. In the lower court the plaintiff wn awardod a verdict of S3 and cost, Twi Rutland county eai- were also heard thin forenoon, the tirat of W. H. Yaliquette vs. the Ciaik Coal Mining company aad others.

Ti a unit over a draft, the verdict in the lower court having Wn in favor of the plaintiff. The other Kniand ounty rase that of Statu v. Mul-r-son, adultery, the defendant havirs: I en i to state prison for rot lc-than two and a half vears ard not nimc than three year. Ife ia now out on The claim of the fVbr-c I bail. At the not proven.

'i FORCED OUT BY HUE, I MANY PEOPLE SUirill Scvn Persons Badly off aa -ult tf the Exposure to the Cold Weather This Morning. Springfield, Feb. 8. When the ilm-e-story tjcndreau apartment block at Indian Orchard wan destroyed by Rr thi morning, many of the occupant of the building had very narrow escapes from burning to death, and they were forced, thinly clad, to flee into the street, suffering (severely from expo-tire, before they could he cared for in neighboring house Seven of tlie occupants were in a serious'conditioit from tho result of being subjected to zero weather when they were attired merely in night clothing. The apartment building wa burned down, and it wa only through the assistance rendered by the Springfield fire department that the fire wa confined to the Gendrean building.

Indian Orchard is a. suburb of this city. The tidal los i estimated to be 30.000. ALLEGED TO HAVE STOLEN TRADE SECRETS Machinist Employed by American Fork Company Charged with Stealing Valuable Patterns from Plaiit of Same Conceroo in Ohio. Rutland, Feb.

8. Jamea Sehumticlfl-aged 30 years, a machinist for the American Fork company tn its W.tllingiord plant, waa held to-day under $1000 bail before Justice J. I). Hopkins for alleged stealing of valuable patterns front the plant, of the name concern in Oeue-'a, Ohio. He was arrested under the nominal charge of breach of the peace so that he might be held for the Ohio authorities.

Jt is hinted, that he stole the trade secrets for another concern. CHANGE TUFTS TEACHERS. Profs. Knight and Maulaby Leave on Extended Vacations. Boston, P'eb.

8. Tufts college opened on its second term to day after the annual midyear vacation. By a vote of the tnisteea of the eollege, Dr. George T. Knight, professor of Christian theology, and Dr.

David L. Maulxby, professor of English literature and oratory, will be given-a half-year leave of ab-fienee. As a consequence, a few subjects which would have been taught will be ha not 'yet deeiJed here he will speu 1 his vacation. The Rev. Mr.

Keton of Med ford will" teach one of Prf. Knight's eu 1 dti.t HowaTil .1 Savtlift, tor in in the eriuineei-in" cbiil. -uc- i Ofi not given thk half-year. DYING IN HIS DUNK FROM POISONING Silas Young, Ad 23, Had Pcea Having "Trouble With His "Girl" and. Was Despondent.

Ibitlinpton, Feb, 8. Fila Younjr, fttfed 2'. found in an unemiaeioua eoudi-tion hist evening in ti! bujik in the nunrtei (Icn-irriiieut, at Fort Iblhan Alb-n. where lie was employed. antboritlea were at (nice notified and a h-tal of men wiui ft streteher lout no time in onveMr' the I iek man to the ho -pitiil, where he vni jti'njitej without nvu.l, dyinjr a'mt "0 hp, ya emitaininj a nowjer, Ivinj; the floor neir the bunk, and seme remark, which Youni; wrta ht-ind to during the after noon, have Jed to the theory of suicide.

A post ei fMainination was nmde lat niulit bv the frtirjfeona at the pont but the reauH of the txinn-inatioii won not annmiTwd. Ytniitp i.4 known to have I dfep'y tlaehed to a Mtna Jfiirnard. a woman employed in thi'a city and the Tt lection Of hift Hint 1 tiiotljiht IiV till frien.U In ha tb M.we of dkiiur hig life. Yountr had tld hia frienda lie was enwp-d to be mnrned hut who wpr witll ler lit was Iwnwl he with that he. yra- I lm" "rrar' J'ear, rtr" very tipondent aa a rexuit.

bc-n fHne- with th pirl f--r the pant year, but of late thiiijf bad not be-n funning nwthly and 'Younjt had frequent "attack of the blues. Yeeterday afternoon he tried without succe--i to obtain pern.i--'tn to call upon her and told her that she would be amry for throwing him After that be acted qti'-crly, not (speaking Ui hi a quaintanee. The hmt seen of him before he discovered wae when he left the men hall and was walicinj toward hie quarter. Several of his frienda met and poke to him did not rejdy arid walk'-d on with head bent. Little i.

known of hii pAi-t, etcepMns that, he sometime apeke of a mother Kvlnji in the Wet, who, be a id. kept a boftrdins! boe. He 1 in" the 15th eavalrr and honornbly dis charged from the pervice while that retfi- nient wa in Cnr. lie wa j-irineriy tat'ned at Fort Ethan Allen an-1 while there lime acquainU-d wdth Ulan Marna rl. He was einployed at the time of hi death, a wa known to )n nosnewhat di-dpnt'i and tbi is auppesed to have caned the trouble betwe, him and tfce girl.

TOOK BIG DOSE OF PARIS GREEN JTr. Tsank Stacy of Montptl er wjs Over I.l Health asl ho Woik for Ker I'ti'basd. lo SUA A' ve. I)(-pft 'ir' orler i.l In a', arl of rcr hu-bei to pet tf-u fi i I 1 1 nip. nk f' i ir in'1" i i 1 'ft l' i i a-i cr-i 1 i I i a'ertiin (, ijit u.d 'e it In.

f- tic jlsintn- ft' i i ale wis i ral 1 lrf i ontii1 i1' lint s'r'niK still a precunoti cntniiiinn, a aha i tit walk came. in g'i it pun It. hi, 'ml thisj p) fr. pc. on t1 rnf qnu 1 id t'pt thi c.

ti act carried 1 tcnj girt ttt" I. I. -i'-n die to ui- I taratein Ij turn that mni 1 1 1 sti lit and. wa go ru to 1 Mr hHtjIi. (, iSi T.

vt, i-t' md he bail not had ijuatrcl within, vcre en ed. 1 dinn tut her. took the poison early ye terday afternoon, beina discovered by her son on bis return from the prranj. The child ran to the house of the nearest, neighbor, WiJlium Hidden, and Mrs Holden went to The Stacy house. For some t.tmo she did not.

realiae the n-ture of the wonuui' illness, and when it, became anna rent to her that Mrs, Stai'y stilferitic from poison Mhe notified lr. William Lindsay. The latter discovered that Mr. Stacy had taken pari green, and he found a cup partly full of the mixture, togeth-et with a apoon, in a cupboard, it is thought that the woman swallowed two spoonfuls of the poison. She wa in very actrte pain last night nnd wa only slitr'htlv lietter.

to-day. The. 'Stacy family moved to Montpelier from Will iamt own last Nm ember, and the lnwband, lining a granite cotter, ee-Cured a position at the National Granite company's plant. Then came the labor dispute ami ho wa thrown out of work offer only a short time. This is said to have preved on Mr.

Stacy mind. She is 49 year of age. FAVORS INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. To Vermont Youth How to Do Things, as Well as Know Them. State Superintendent of Education Mason S.

of Montpelier an interesting talk at the Spnulding high whool assembly room Iat evening upon the subject of industrial education, under tho ansoices of the Clover club. Mr. Stone began bv telling of the 'y which the voting of the caribou are taught to shift for themselves, and then compared their training with the preliminary education v. bien the youth of the country. are given for the battle with life, Tho- nublie schools, said the speaker, teach the bur how to know things, but they do not teach them how'to do tilings.

Tlie speaker implied that that was specially true in Vermont and aid -that 42 per cent, of the native-born Yermonters, the largest number of any in the union, live outside of the state. When, many years ago. the appre.Viec.' ship yfim, existed, matters in the line of education for life's work were different. Then the boy was usually bound out to serve his apprenticeship at some trade, and, if not this, the work around his home was such that, he knew how to do tiling. To-day this is different that it.

was one hundred years afro. To-day the hoy is iausrht to know but not to do ihin. As an explanation of the prob- lem. Mr. Stone iK'retd industrial edu lem.

eatk li on along different litres rr III VCrilKtlil OlV IW3 n-eium spell he of senpTio his lti in n-rK-ii? he, ShOlt ,1 be tntifbt to under' and the properties of the YVrroont Mil and to know the plant and bird life and to gain knolede" of how to pet the bct from the. soil. ll should barn thi as be U-erns at the! -ehoois of to-day to Bet" knowledge from I book. GIRL KILLED BY BRICKS Which Fell to Sidewalk From B. Tom as i Block Cornice TWO MORE RARELY ESCAPE iMiss Irene Farrar Had Skull Crushed In by Terrific Blow Last, Dying This Morning at the Csty Hospital.

Twentr feet of the brick cornice on the top of the fortr-jttnry B. Toniai block at the coiner of North M.tin and Seminary street fell to the sidewalk alioitly i alter 8 clock last evemnif, tataliy m- iurina one lrl nd narrwlT jniiwini? two t. I 1 i "iJ v. t. 't I tilths, r.

I llVl V9 lU'lli'tlj IRU- in.r her death ten ininutcj to four o'clock thi rmirnsng- at the City hospifl, where nhe wu taken o'ler the accident. M--s wjg the daughter of Mr. Nellie Pcrtar, who ia employed as cook at the Northern boardinibouse. ami the two griri wko were with h-t when the secident happi "Tied were Miv. Pearl Stone, who at.

the Northern, and Mia Ixittid Gibb, who i iho employed at the iiffii place. The three girl had just left the home, which, is the next building to the of the Tow.wi ffi up street, rd aa they were paeidng the block th mas of brick from the top of the building, without any warring, came crashing down upon them. The thic-e gir'a were rapidly and in Hi arty tuiple file, with the Stone girl al.ead and the Farrar girl in the far. The latter girl was vi the outside of the walk, wlnre the mutt of the brick fell, nd (e atrtuk on the bend by two btkks, her ekull in two plai-e. The bricks fell all erourd the ofher two t.i fjt tly a i rt hi i i i 1 at iiki! fci.i tr rt fu-, of fh? lfk rm -t jaid 'e 1i ktrt a i te i i in eoet itn I l-r i Sw her to fit i i i- JtfH- J'm iirrlr tnft 't'y to I pi i lull -1 II Tl it li tV, i ti K'f i r- i 1 i i i' I 1 1 I ii I i i I i i tii at tBeir fitst tiiOuOTt was of an eartn- the girls sktm was crusited, they at once ordered her taken to tho hospital, and B.

W. Jlmikcr company' ambulance called. On further examination at the hospital, ths physician found that her condition was critical, and the only hope to save her life was an operation to remove the bone which had been crushed down into the brain. At 10 o'eicM-k tlie operation was performed, and it v. a found that the brain had been r-o badly Injured that it oed out erf the two bole in her skuil.

and it was -not possible for her to live. A few minutes before 4 o'clock this morning, she died without regaining conscioua-nes. Besides her mother, the decemed leaves two brother, C1yd and Robert Farrar, and fwo half-brother and a Imli'-t-ister, Tt'aldii aud Closes Farrar of Jtuntpelier and Miss- Jna, who lives, in Calitnrnla, The funeral arrangement have not Ixvn completed. Thi? Tomrt'-i block is a veneered brick building and the cornice near tlie center of the top of the front wall is naid to have been cracked for a long time. The frost getting into the crack 5 suppo-ed to have forced the bricks out more, im ti! they tStifilly fell.

The building wa erected in ISitS, The section of the cornice which fell wa about twenty feet long and extended down on tne wall about two and a half feet. The building i. owned by Mrs. J. B.

f-'Wguinetf i. whoso former Im-hand, B. Towam. built the etritctnre. San-gitinefti wa Interviewed thla mnrnipg by a Times reporter in regard to the reports tht the cornice on the block had been cracked for a lone- time, and that a.

mason had been asked some time aao to look it oxer, with a view to making repairs. Mr, fanpninettl stated that be never saw any crack in the cornice and if there was one it bad never been made known to him. He, nevpr knew of any mason being aked to look the mock over. As Mayor Robin nnd Alderman Campbell were returning from viewintr the Tomasi block this morning, their Attention wa- called to ft big crack in the brick wall on the; Jlstnlconi block gt the corner of North Main and Merchant streets, The erael- in this wall start just back nf the front top of tho all on tfce Merchant street ride and extend I back and down to th; first window of tlm ground floor, Tho crack is two im-hes wide in some places. The tnawr imir niateiy personally- nonnea air.

to repair the wall, and the hitter is taking steps to-day to have tho wall fixed. LEG AMPUTATED BELOW KNEE. T5i, r.i-n!w rt i Springfield. Feb.

S. A. 0, S. Raymond. manager of the Supcrfor Tap company.

who lost a port's on of one foot at i Chartestown, N. IL. week before 1ms since suffered the removal of the; lee Su-t low the knee, blood joisOB-! ing have et in. INSURANCE ON CENTRAL FIRE STATION Considered at Regular Meeline of the City Council Last Night Cost of Toor in January Was $531.75. The eitr father had little business on hand to transact at, the repular meeting of the oily council last evening, and thi vs aa quickly bundled.

James IJijr- gin I in half of th' Republl can and Democratic tity committee and reported to tho council that the citizen' eaticu mm-t be hehl thi week, and that the opera hmise, where it i tiually held. ia now occupied by a -we-dc Khow. Accortlin-j to the term of the kaae, (f the house, the city reserved the right to lies tlie house for such purpose after firing the management (suitable notice; but a Manager llolmn had not, been given any notice this time the matter was r- ft rud to the election committee, to see if it could li-tt, hire aomfl other hall. Tha report of the overseer of tho poor for January reail and accepted, showing that ho had paid cut .75 in tho month for the nnpport of the poor. The chief of police report -d a total of orret in Jantiary, divided follows: lutosication 1, brcsaeh of the peace larceny 1, pambling 1, forgery 1, assmi mj; a iwisoia-r to escape 1.

A resolution appropriatin-r a mm of money to the cemetery mmiioinrs to purchase the Joseph Mcrts property on 'j itreet was accepted and adopted. Thi property i Ineafed at the entmnce to Iicpe cemetery and eonisH of a houe and a lot of land. It wan found neces-aiv to buv it, that the commissioners could build a tuitabie en trance to the cemetery." The commit fee reported on the question of trie lire insurance on the central lire nation. The eommitte reported they found that, the city was nnw can-ring Jt.OCiO insurance on the bniidifijr ami a.s payiujr a rate of 113 a Th, building ts-a- orivi- tially infture.1 for $12,000, but .000 bad wen drr r- 1. I'Ik-t i ted that ttiev could now get the building injured at a reduced rate cf on a five-year contract in the tame companies, which are in the Dii-en and Pape afcrciea.

Alderman Eweo ttat-fd that these eom- panic would only pay m-fourth of the letai lo in cs of a lire, end tha eoun- cl finat-r referred the matter back to the property coremiftoe. to Bee if it could Dot fret a insurance in some other company. 5. D. rke-'w.

a member of the Aid rich P-arv ft'- "-cs, a--- before the rrpxri ,1 unl a-it I an appropriation of 1 ff t'f it'i -rt tf the library, the same tee ciiv has done in tb? rat, and on I Camp le 1 a jesti'i on c- "il drawn up, appropriating t.m tor tti htirary. HOLMES THURSTON. W.J. To-k P.cie Thi Afternoon at Bride's Heme. Mb- Nr.Ibe L.

Thurston, dariL'htcr of Mis V. ilseii fl 'wi-i Be.rre I) K.i'nits ilonipolier, wire ui.ititl amr -c afternoon at two o'clock, the ceremony taking place at the home of the bride's mother ui rlu- iil hill anl ir Iff preaence of only a few ol tue friend and relative of the contract ins Bey. A. J. Hough, paster ot Trinity eburcli, Mont pelier, was the officiating clergyman.

The bride was attired in a green siik dre and hc was attended hr her aiater. Annie Thurston. The bridal cour-'e stood' hetttre a bank of flower during the wedding ceremony. Mr. and Mrs, Holmes Teft on a wedding trip and on their return they will reside at the corner of Bingham and Marvin afreets in Montpelier.

Mr. Holmes is engarred in the oflieo of the American Fidelity company at Montpelier, and his bride has been engaged a a stenographer for the same company for a number of year. Before that she we. engaged a- atenrwaphcr in the Barre railroad office in this city. She i a of the business department of Montpelier seminary.

Both she and Mr. Holme have many acquaintance in Barre and Montpelier, who will unite in extending their congratulations. PRETTY DOUBLE WEDDING Solemnized at Church ef the Good Shepherd This Afternoon. A pretty double wedding of two daughters of Mr. and Mrs.

Hugh Bayeroft r.ramurvillo was solemnized at the Church of the Jood Shepherd in" this city this, afternoon. Ina Kaycroft. becoming the bride of Robert. Coxon and Mi's Ida Emily Rayeroft the bride of Ernest O. Eraser, The Episcopal service was performed by Rev, J.

M. Reattie, the rector of the church, at two o'clock, there being present; only a few of the relative and friends of the contracting parties. The brides were dreased niike in blue traveling gowns and they wore similar hat of blue. The happy couples left shortly afterward for Montreal, where they will spend a fdiort time, after which Mr. and Mrs.

Eraser will start for Calgary, Alberta district, where they expect to re side, Mr. Fraser engaging in farming in that vicinity. Mr. and Mm. Coxon will return to OranitevRIe to reside, the groom being engaged in quarrying and having re-ently been employed by E.

L. Smith Co. All the parties are wet! and favorably known in (Iraniteville and that their friend will unite in wishim1- them well. IS HELD FC3 SELLING. Keg and Three Cases Found on Premiss of Brattleboro Man.

Brattlehoro. Feb. 8. As a result of a liquor raid made bv the police on the premise of Andrew Amate on Eliot street i-it 'at urday evening. Ansa tee was be- loie tlie toiinit court, yesterday charged with aulkt intoxicating liq- uors.

A keg ami three rusts of beer were secured in the raid. Two Rales were rroven acainst Amatee and hewa held for the April term of the Wmd- hem county court in loud of 'which were furmlshed. PROPOSITION DID NOT PASS Granite Cutters Turned Down Proposed Bill a AT Tilt? MEETING TOCAY Committee Reported Result of Confer ence with Maaufavtnrers' Com-tn'itte, Held Yestef. day. After an almot-t continuon cottfeTsnce from 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, t'e two committee representing the pranite cutter and manufacturer adimimed a little, before nine o'dock to report and recommend to their respective organization at 2 thi afternoon.

If the two committee to anything, they refnwd to acknowledge even that much thi forenoon, but it i preanmed they agreed to put a new prop, osition before their respective, bodic to day. The proportion of aettlement re- jectpi by about 200 majority. The vote stood So 5 for the proposition and 510 againat. To-day's Relief. Acknowledgment is hereby made of the following receipts to the relief com-mitte of the needy memberi of the lumper, boxer and derrickmen's union Francis Leith, at hilt, eight bushel of potato; Morse Jaekion, coal and wood dealer-, have donated coal or wood to the value of $10 or $12.

Thi donation came at a very opportune moment, when everyone had ail that they (fould attended to to keep themselves warm, and more eo the unfortunate, children, who are dpending on their parent to attend to theirrieed, and these parent have no means to nippiy fuch warmfd and no opportunity oiiered them fo that they can earn the means. The Dreamland, Pavilion and BIwni management have all continued to donate 20 per cent, of thi-tr receipt on the advertised dates, which speaj: well for the managers, in pvmg away mow at a time when liieir collection are ally needed to cover nec-gsary ex-penes. The Pavilion management put up a good show to-nipht and will give it roual 20 per cent, of the rece'ftl to the cause, Jamc Mutch, L. U. GRANITE RATE CASE.

Will Come Before Ptrblie Service Cora-mis-iion Next Thurgdiy. The bearing befwe the Vermont public service comml-ston of the petition of Stdte't Attorney Uaie. charging the Central Vermont railroad with in rates on granite shipment from Barre, which a as tentatively act fnr thia morning, was finally set for Thnrsday of this week, and wih be (riven at Montpelier, beginning at nine o'clock of that day. To-morrow the will lier the petition of Bonaosd frmazzi of Montpelier for aidetnack privilege for their granite plant in Montpelier, On Friday, February 11, the commission will hear another petition of State's Attorney Oat againttt. the Consolidated Lighting company, the Vermont Power and Light company, the Vermont Telephone and Telegraph company and the Corry-Deav-itt -Frost company, requesting that they be 'ordered to place, their wires underground or in proper position.

VETERAN BURIED IN BARR1. Ira K. Holmes Died in North Calais Saturday. Tho remains of Ira Holmes of North Calai were brought to thi city yesterday afternoon, and interment was made in Hope cemetery. Mr.

Holme died at hi home in North Calai Saturday after a long illness, and the funeral service were heul there yesterday morn ing at 10 o'clock. was 74 years of age and was born in Milton. lie was married 40 years aw to Dedora Gallup in Canada, and she survives him. The other survivors are a daughter, Mr. Jerrv Luow of North Calais, and one brother, Wesley Holmes of Mon'pelier.

Early the. Civil war, Mr. Holmes ted in the army and served for three year in Company of the Etglitk Vermont regiment. He was a member of t'ie Grand Army of the Republic, and a delegation from Stowe post, of which he was a member, attended the service. When the remains reached this city, the last rite of the O.

A. R. were per formed at tne grave by Captain A. F. Dodge and Ch plain A.

J. Baldwin of R. A Oandall R0BIDEAU B0YER. Wedding cf Malone, N. People Yes- lerdsy Meming.

N. Feb. 8. Yesterday morning at Notre Dame e.hureli the Rev, Father united Eli the pnpn'er 1 'alone Tihoographer, end Mi Prudence Boyee In merHege. The wedding ceremony was witnessed by many friends of the eontrieflng parties.

Mr. and Mrs. Kobidtt left, on the morning train for a wdding trip to Burlington, Barre and Montpelier, Vt. BURIAL IN VERMONT. Body of Murdered Robert Prentice to be Brought Back.

Burlngf on, 'Feb. S. Robert, Prcn-tio aaid" last evening that the body of her husband, who was skot in Augusta, Sunday, would he brought to Ms n-ehesfer, where it wiTt he placed in the vault. No time fnr the funeral ha yet bien decided upon. Mrs.

Prentice and lur son will remain ia thi city for tha present. th I our Be IVi.

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