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The Barre Daily Times from Barre, Vermont • 3

Barre, Vermont
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THE BARRE DAILY TIMES. MARCH 5 1 9WJ 3 "IT SAVED MY LIFE" THREATENS ALWAYS TAKE MOTHER'S, ADVICE. Mother's Medicine Chest. STIR AT THE WHITE HOUSE will aid much in bringing about a normal condition of the structures involved. In sterility and Impotence its curative THE CZAR Tt, r-i-i iuc rcauuuimry wdVdi ccai- en by Him ACCEPTS COUNCIL'S VOTE Practically Abolishes Autocratic Power to Make Laws for the Empire-Reactionary Cabal Desperate on Emperor's Support.

St. Petersburg, March 5. The reac tionary cabal at Tsarskoe-Selo, headed by Count Ignatieff, Gen. Trepoff, commandant of the palace, and Gen. Prime, Futiatin, made a last-ditch fight at the i iS.

00m PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT. recent meeting of the special council to Before I wrote to yon, telling you how I defeat the decision of the Emperor to fert, I had doctored for over two years steady incorporate in the fundamental laws knd speat kite of money on medicines Ussldai, that hereafter no law shall be effective without the consent of the national a- vith faintlne headache, backache sembly and the council of the empire, beering-down peJns, and I was so weak I According to- some reports, their efforts could hardly keep around. As a lost resort were not without the sympathy of the I decided to write yem and far Lydia K. Pink-Empress bunls Vtfntable Compound, and I am When 'it became apparent Pre- fl mier ltte. and the Emperor council- i kn.

rnil- and in wf Mck childhood end hink of what mother advhmd we feel pretty that she advlsod whit was instinct of mother-no'ilgof chitdi.h ailment and i-iw 1 of medlSr that she knew i. ElPri' after knwt nstiach8r- mothers Jf St JoanS el' on tho threshold wf-Srh. f-nw6rlr fort' Tr many ST1 mended to ailing girl a prescription mads from welf-medicinal Lady's iM BhiH? 2ra rooV Blu Cohosh rot if pure 1TriM make one I the best prescriptions for the period tnd whlcVvWt UJ fnW00'1. M. of Bennett Medical says of Lady's Slipper Mr? social influence upon nervous condition.

j- oram of the feminine organs relieve assr.ass and nervousness." Prof. Hcudder, M. says of the same "IV li i valuable In all ease, of or Irritability." or Golden Seal root, Edwin M. Hale. M.

at Hahne- awiciw wiifse, Chicago, ay: la Its ffenr1 11im k. iMir Is no medicine In om about which Jnure snch general unanimity of opin-ton. It 1 unlvenallu recanted at a. in debilitated states." Prof. F.

ElliRBood, M. author of "A on Materia MetHca and Therapeutics," say of Golden Seal root: It wnperUmt remedy in disorders of the Of Black Cohosh root, Prof. Jno. M. King.

M. author of Women and Her Diseases," gays: "Upon the reproductive organs It exert a specific prouiuung regularity, in ayfr nuiM parlous), it is surpassed by no other drug, being of the greatest utility In irritative and congestive conditions, for drawing pains resembling the pains of rheumatism and ffor side ache." Of Unicorn root the mkbioax Dismssatorv says: It is one of our most valuable stents, acting as anterine tonic, and gradually remov- Ing abnormal conditions, while at tho same time it imparts tone and vigor to the reproductive organs, hence it Is much used la leucorrhcea, amenorrhea (suppressed dysraeuorrheea (painful periods), etc. Dr. John Fyfe. Editor of the "Eclectic Medical Review." says of Unicom not (Hslonlas Dioica), one of the chief ingre-oints of Dr.

Ilprce's Favorite Prescription: A remedy which invariably acts as ft uterine invlgorator and always favor a condition which makes for normal activity of the entire reproductive system, cannot fall to be of great usefulness and of the utmost Importance to the gweral practitioner of medicine. In Helonla we hav6 a medicament which more fully answers the above purpos tfum any otMr drug with uMi-K 1 am acquainted. In the treatment of diseases peculiar to women tt Is solclom that a ease is seen which doe not present some indication for this agent." He continues: Heloniaa (Unicorn root) through its tonic and alterative influence acts equally well in smenorrhoRa (suppressed -Menstruation) and in mt sior-rhagla (flooding or prof use menstruation). It is especially called for in cases of amenorrbwa which are accompanied by general debility and an atonic (weak) rendition of the dlgostlve organs, as It increases the appetite and promotes digestion and assimilation. When there Is atony (weakness) of the generative organs and a tendency to miscarriage its toulc influence upon the sexual system I it i i.

a ir wuulu curry urn uay, vouni, lgnanen made a last personal appeal to the Em- warmn hhly that on the eve of the assembling of the national assembly such an irrevocable step would nut an end forever to the autocracv. The Emperor, however-remained firm, anJ orleTea a vote ftnd when th; The Emperor, however, remained firm, proposition was carried his majesty for mniiy confirmed tbe decision, rile ealml i renrentt K.n driven to desperation by the defeat, and there are sinister remuors of an atUmpt I at a palace revolution. In high quar tcrs, however, such a possibility is scouted. A prominent personage who participated in the council eaid Saturday: matter what the cabal might secretly desire, with only the support of a portion of the officers of the guard regiments it would never dare, in such a cause, to attempt a coup d'etat." Tiie hold synod has issued a circular to the clergy forbidding them to use their influence with their, parishioners in the coming election in favor of any 1 particular candidates, but informing the clergy that it is their duty to give moderate counsel in the interests of the Emperor, the people and he fatherland. ESCAPING FROM RUSSIA.

Thrilling Stories Related by Recent Fugi tive Arrivals at New York. Xew Yoik. March 5. Stories of es. capes from the Russian fronties on rafts and of massacres alleged to have ue- eurred in the cellars of Mocow homes during the nent ovtbreak there ven; told here Saturday by Russian jefugees.

i hcijc s) i. vi irs ttviiii. 1 1 in avuw Ul lliv THE REALM OF MODES. Slack Far Duulitaaon Gotfbh Chi nese Bine Combined With Buff. Black gowns nfe coming in again for i street wear, and some most attractive one3 are being made up at the present moment They are all in lightweight i ag.

-No well dressed renchwomaa corwlderu her wardrobe complete with- out at least oue frock of all black, and wit a the lingerie blouse the black coa- Chinese blue liberty broadcloth trim mevl witll continental buff Which ia ZLACX CHir EAT. re illy a chamois color couibmauou for spring. ch unois toned Continental bat adorned with a bow of blue velvet in front, slip- ped through long gold buckle and further supplemented with a bunch of I -is the smart! wiili Mr mt Mf MPaesrae'MPMPa ar aar sp vo ffie Times' Daily Short Story. I miS mm mm Mr. wniadsM Tellt How bP9 into uyoi E.

PlaUua's Vegafalil Umpnti Jstt I IBS. Mr. t. c. wmadsea, of wdar.

Iowa, write to Mrs. Pickham: Dear Mrs. Flnlrheas "leu arory say that yon have aweed mr life, and I caaaet express soy aratauida you in we. 7 entn. Had it net been tor yon i would be In my grave to-day.

rsiacsrely tmst that this letter may lead suffsnnr woman to the oooatry to wnt yoa Ior helP 1 When women are troubled with ir- regmar or painim penoa. weaitness, dlpiacement or ulceration of an organ. regular or painful period, weakness. that bearing-down feeling, inflammation, backache, flaUlsnce, general de- bility, indigestion or nervous prostr hy hold remember there is "uu .1 Pinkhaia's Vegetable Compound at one removes such troubles. No other female medicine in the world has received aaeh -widespread and unqualified endorsement.

Refuse all For ti years Mr. PinVham. daughter-in-law of Lydia B. Pinkham, ha under her direction, and aince her decease, been advising sick women free of charge. Addree, Lynn, Mass.

LAB OK AND PROGRESS. At an estimated cost of 4,000,000 tho bed of the Kiel cnnal Is to widened by twenty-two yard and th water surface by fifty yards. The greatest depth at which gold has as yet been excavated from the earth. is 4,200 feet, about three-fourths of a mile, at the New Chums mine, Australia, Tbe oil fields that have been discover ed in Africa are so rich that the predic tion is made by American consuls thai Africa will ultimately show the largest cil riroaucing areas of the wrorld. rriu .11 tons output.

tMPrvinr imrre! in the nrlnelnal in. dustry of Vs-edales. France. It is put into tins and small caste, and exported. Extrexnely pure water.

Is required In the cooking of eorreL The plant Is pown for four succelve years on the Same land, which then put under other crops for twelve years. Omaha's Ijthel Ca-mpnlgu. The labor unions in) O'nialta are conducting a unique carcpiilgii which, according to reports, the open shop advocates 'viewing; with 1 alarm." Through the columns cf Ine Western Laborer they ere auvtitislcg. free of A tbe pdjontslwlio carry-union made gootis. The merchants have, of course, no objection beiug well ad- vertised, and tbey are heartily support- Ing the movement.

The result is that the stores are being; filled with union labeled articles, Mid the Citizens' alliance is doing much less business than formerly. The members of the Citizens' alli ance still staca ror tne open snop, but the shops might as well be "closed" for all the patroiia je tbey get from tbe working men and women. The space In the Westtm Laborer is being paid for by the Union Label and Home Industry league, a. central organization maintained by tbe nalana. Chicago Record-Herald.

The original aSnd only genuine porous plaster. Be not deceived by misrepresentation. See that you always get BUNION PLASTER8. of Corns and Bunions. Afford Abeolui Oomtort.

Kussians ana Russian who i amred at New York Fridav on r.anal Iron output of 35,000,000 tons, stennier PennsvlvsnU from England consumes 6.000,000 tous mr and who parsed the immigration iiispec- than Its 14,000,000 tons output and Ger-tion Saturday. many 3,000.000 nioreNthan it 21,000,000 power unrcisia suit, ana wunia reasonable time it will restore to healthful activity ail cases not dependent upon organic wrongs, and in k-ncorrhtea and defective menstruation it is a frequently needed remedy." The following are among the leading indications for llulorilas Pain or ach-iog In the back, with leucorrhrea; atone (weak) conditions of the organs of women, mental depression and irritability, associate with chronic diseases of the reproductive organs of women; constant avnust'en of neat in the region of the kidneys-, menorrbagia (flooding), due to a weakened eondi-ilon of the reproductive system; amenorrhea (suppressed menstruation), arising from or aecmnpanylrg an abnormal condition of the digestive organ and an anemic (thin blood) habit; dragging sensations in the extreme lower part of the abdomen." If more or less of the above symptoms are present, no Invalid woman can do better than take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, one of the Jesdlng and predominating ingredients of which Is Unicorn rout, or Hslonlas, ssoclated with other equally efficient medicinal eitracta of native roots. From the above extracts It wil. be understood wlty Doctor Pierce is so euc-covful in curing difteasee pernliar to women with carefully prepared glyceric extract of the above mentioned roots In Just the light proportions this compound being called Dr.

Pierce's Favorite Prescription. As a solvent and preservative, glycerine is superior to alcohol and Is entirely unobjectionable. The "favorite Prescription is the only medicine put up for sale through druggists for the cure of womsn's peculiar ailments that does not contain alcohol aqd that too in large quantities. It is also the only non-SRcrot medicine for woineu sold by dnigitlsts. Its Ingredients are firlnted In full on the bottle wrapper and plain English.

Dr. Plerc feels that he can afford to take the afflicted Into his full confidence and lav all the ingredients of his medicines freely before them becaune these ingredients are such as are endorsed and most strongly praised by scores of the most eminent medical writers of all the several schools of practice as cures for the diseases for which these medicines are recommended. Yonr drupglsts sell the Favorite pRtscmrnos and also that famous alterative, blood purifier and'Slemach tonic, the toi.pp Medical Discover." Write to Dr. Pierce about your case. He is an experienced phyiican and will treat your case as confidential and without charge for correspondence.

Address him at the Invalids' Hotal and Surgical. Institute, Buffalo, N. of which he is chief consulting physician. It is as easy to be well as and much more comfortable. Constipation Is the cause of many forms of illness.

Dr. Pierce's Pleanant Pelleta cure constipation. They are tiny, sugar-coated granules. One little "Pellet" is gentle laxative, two a mild catbari.f. Ail dealers In medicines sell them.

A good medical book, written in plain English, and free from technical trms Is a valuable work for frequent consultation. Such a work is Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. It's a book of 3008 pages, profusely Illustrated. It Is glvn away now, although formerly sold In cloth binding for l.So.

Send 31 Send 31 cents. In one-cent stamns. to dsv for cost of mailing only for paper-coverod copv, addressing Dr. B. V.

Pierce. Buffalo-, N. or St cmiui lor an elegantly cloth-bound cojiy. for fiv luf.mtcs and then, ncrsi. lug himself, resumed.

"It's beastly thing to tell a girl by telephone that you love her, but what could I do? I knew that If I didn't do it then I'd never agalp. after cooling, get my courage up to ask a girl so much younger than I to ninny tue. I went Into a telephone box, shut the door as tight as I could and begnn my lovemakiug by tailing 4308 D. A fine way to make a proposal, wasn't It? "I'm not so deuced confidential as to tell you just what was said on both aides. I'll only say that wheu I came away frons thnt telephone I hid proposed, been necepted.

arranged for a marriage by proxy and that my wife 8llouM foow me on tbt 8fpaffic, ollt 0ue. This only gnve her a week tr.nke purchases. As to a trousseau, I was so anxious for my bride to Join mo Uint I would not consent to her waiting for It. Before I sailed I had gone through the ceremony by proxy, nnd the lady did the some the next day. Instead of Balling out on tat the 'somber ocean' I embarked oa the 'bright blue I was br.ppy as a king.

"I counted the after arriving at Itlo till I should bo joined by my blushing bride, and each dcy seemed a month. At last the ship I wanted to see was reported in the harbor, and I went down to the dock. The vessel pnehored nnd a tender brought the passengers ashore. Suddenly I saw. my mother-in-law ascend, the gang plank and come toward me, smlliug and blushing Mrs.

I exclaimed. 'I didn't kiuw you were' "Sh'e Inuglied. 'Have you forgotten that I nm Mrc. Lee?" "In a twinkling It nil flashed tlmyigh my brniu. At the telephone I had mls- tskeu tbe mntlier's for the uaughter's voice.

miirrled my mother la-law." 1 Lee gt up iiitulu nnd walked fever-lahly bKek nnd forth, the plot tire of "You hr ve Known me for yenrs. ln pnwitly "nnd I 1'ilink 'Hi v. 1 l.ffif that tlietv'g Uoth'lijf crm me. If my wife hnd set ft trjp for me I would oerer have forgiven her. but dIOn't.

In recitlllng our word thmugli tho phone I great dcrl of on sliles tvlihb fit the time 1 ta luipurfect electrical fiji' I nt a that 1 let her know the truth it i fell' fir her. I had ouly a but In that Reoond I it yvH i igi ther. and sis sooa we -were el3i iMtrrlnge I put Br nnrs nUo'if Iut nnd spoke the word's 1 Imd sii ofien seen lu love 'S Tie tv eoiitrriBt between th tus exiivesion on i eMI smile wor ifii I i ass, R' ma in' " limy be an re a therouslibred gentle- Hard at Work on Rate Compromises PRESIDENT AND REVIEW Amendment With Certain Limits Said to Be Acceptable The Chances Of the Statehood Bill. D. March 5.

The fate of tiie Philippine bill and the impending fate of tne statehood bill made Saturday a day of stir at the White House. Secretary Taf and Senator Lodge held long conerences with the president over the Philippine bilL Other senators have conferred with Mr. Roosevelt as to soiue possible means of preventing the Foraker amendment from being fattened to the statehood bill. Secretary Taft's well known belief in complete court review for railroad rates argues that he is bringing more pressure than ever to bear upon the president to agree to that proposition so as to givts the Philippine bill a chance. At the cspitol tbe conservative senators also have been in conference and grow-more confident not only at reports from their own ranks, but at reports from the Democrats as well.

An effort is discernible to becloud the exact coure of the court review controversy and that for v.hich each side bus stood. This lias been awaited as one of the first signs of a "compromise" by which each side could its face." The issue, however, has been -too sharply drawn to leave readily apparent room for a bona fide compromise. Apparently one side or the other must back squarely down, whatever the reason which it may give for so doing. Much is being made of the authoritative statement from the administration on Thursday that the president was agreeable to a court review amendment, drawn, how- ever, with certain distinct limits. While this was tbe first authoritative statement to this effect, the fact had been well known for notm weeks.

TO HASTEN JPfllLIPPINE BILL. Mr. Lodge Will Make a Motion to Have the Committee Discharged. Washington, March fi. Senator Lodire, ctisirman ot tne committee on the i'nil ippines, lias decided to make a motion that the Senate discliariw the committee from further consideration of the Phil- ippine tariff bill, and that it be taken up for a discussion.

Under the rules of tiie Senate a moton of this character debatable. The senator purposes to make an argument in favor of the bi! and ak that action he taken bv the Senate, concerning it. He does not in tend, however, to precipitate action un -til after the statehood bill has been dis posed of. The means suggested provides the only way in which the bill may be brought before the Senate, in view of the action if the committee in defeating it. Opponents of the bill ueciare that the Senate is overwhelmingly opposed to the passage of tl; bill, and that Mr.

Lodge's motion, if made, will be met with a counter motion to lay it on the The sentiment of the Senate then would 1 determined. Statehood Outlook Not Bright. Washington, March 5. A conference regarding the statehood bill, now pending in the Senate, was held nt the Wnite House Saturday afternoon. The parties to the conference were the president, Senators Long of Kansas, Burkett of Nebraska, and Warren of Wyoming, all supporters of the measure.

It is conceded that the prospects for the enactment of the measure into law are not bright, and the conference was held for the purpose of considering mean? to sae the bill. Earlier in the diiy Senator Beveridge, chairman of the Sen- i.ate committee on territories, talked along same line with tho president. WATERSPOUT DROWNED 30. All Europeans in Village on Madagascar Injured French Brig Engulfed. Antananarivo.

Madagascar, March 4. Details of the destruction caused by the waterspout which recently destroyed the village of Mahnnoro show that -only two houses were left standing Thirty bodies have been recovered. All the Europeans were injured, and the material losses very great. The -schooner Africa was 'thrown Hp on the beach, and the French brig Lncicmie -was cngulled and disappeared. TELLS BY THEIR SLEEP "I can tell by my little ones' sleep when a cold is coming on" said, a mother when speaking of the advance symptoms of colds in chilfJren.

They toss about, are restless, their breathing is heavy and there are symptoms of night sweats. The next morning. I start with Scott's The chances are that in a day or two they are all over it. Their rest is again peaceful and the breathing Here's a suggestion for all mothers. Scott's Emulsion al wajs has been almost magical in its action when used as the ounce of preven- tion.

Nothing seems to over- (vm.i vrfrlrnp mntf sn effectively and quickly as Scott's Emulsion, 1 SCOTT BQWFE, 409 New Yot. I-0" 13 years old, one of refuses from Moscow, said that! blu tips ut ona side, the costume is: cellar in her home, which soldiers en-stuiining. tered at intenals in search of tho oc- MUlinery becomes less eccentric as I enpants. The other "members of the LATEST PICTURE OF VETERAN OF TWO WARS. Friends Trying to Get Pension Increase for Frederick Gee.

Rutland, March 5. A bent and broken old man. slowly eivinsr way to a fataL disease, Frederick "Gee, a veteran of the Mexican end Civil wars, spenus nia ae- elinim rears at his home here. Armv oiticials and friends are endeavor-1 Ia tin innrAttai. in flip he receives, which is $12 a month.

Me 70 vears old. Of late, influential men have interested tlieinHelve in hu case. Among them are Mai. I G. Kinsley, under whom Gee (ought in Company 12th Vermont' oiiinteers, during.

a part of his service the Civil war, and li. Wood, commander of Roberts post, G. A. of this city. Frederick GeeTs a native of Canad.t jnd enlisted in Buffalo in 1847 wheu a hoy of 17 and served iu the Mexican war until 1849, when with the artillery, commanded by 2d Lieut.

Rich-ird C. Drum, which was supported by the tith infantry, sometimes called the New England regiment, and known throughout the Mexican war as the 'Bioody, Xiutli." lie fought in several but tie. In 1K52 he was married in this city to Emelui Paquette of fct. Gregoire, and she ha for years.nurited and eared for him faithfully. In the Civil war 'ie was a member of Company 121') Vermont, sen' ing nine months under Mai.

Kingsley of Thi company vas composed of Rutland men. and of 77 men who went out, but 1 are low li ing. Mr. and Mrs. Geo hate mix rhildren.

They aic Mrs. Mary Ida Gordon of Win--hendoii. FreJeriek and Vd-mund W. Ob of thii city, Mn. Ndlij Smollins of Providence, K.

and Mr-. Louise Dunklee of Hrattlebnro. MODISH FRIBBLES. Hats Are Smaller A Mew Sbmle UIotp Pmhlona In Cilrdlea. Ilats are gutting wider at the back than ever, though, on the whole, the shapes are soioewhot smaller than those seen lately.

The marquise hut never seems out of favor, and for morning wear there are a good many examples of the Henry II. toque. The "igliteeiith century riding hat. trimmed with clusters of peacock feathers. Is 9 ecu ic the morning on Farisiennee as they walk In the Onion pink Is a new shade in gloves, it is a delicate biscuit color, with the fnlutest tinge of pink it.

The question of the width of ft girdle Is not so much one of style as becom-Inguess, and this is determined by it to the figure, a very slight Sg- K2WBSI THDSO IN KIOHTCArS. are with small waist measurement may wear-a sirdle 'wide enough to form a' corselet or bodice effect, while for a iurger waist a narrow belt will prove more satisfactory. The bolero on dress bodices has not jujlired its smartness by any, with if one fluds associated tho in-evitable cut out neck, describing a heart shape of the latest elongated effect. Another one of tho bolero's attributes is the shoulder cape, cut iu one with the Jacket and not put oa as nu1 overtrluimlng. The latest fancy Is to revive the nightcap, but It is a very stuuulug nightcap, as the picture shows, and not tho old time affair with which humorists have made us familiar.

On the contrary, it is a daiuty creation of lace. JUOIC CHOLLET. f(t, tfeklth end Comfort Mother ana Child NUM. WIXS1XWS nUOTBlNO fiTKtTP, tot vtiimivn imujiiHK, soiwup KtllllS, lcance inAuiunaiioa.aihtysaii pmu.and ciirowitia willo. J-ertcully Mi all nan We woulu Lo nm let your iireiniiioo, nor the ins; olillil aiH the relief that will be sure yes.

Hll intiy siiito follow use of tiu ioine.Utiini'ly usuil. IMo ao. atwtua. tpen: h'Vww ''f' V-'lf 13' aml wpre ki'Ip1 hv 'llUm jths ktc SheVaid for two davs she was hidden in a dark corner of tiie iamuy, sne eaja, were jouna ana Kllieu some of them so near her that she heard their unavailing cries for mercv. She is now on her way to West Virginia, lmv-! ing been taken in charge by a family named Michaelovitt, who which is going i Michael 5lntovitch.

who livetl near the Austrian frontier in Russia, escaped iwith "tir imy-by erowiiig the river Vistula to Austrian territory on, a raft under cover of darkness." A patrol nf nn ii narties attemotim? to escane in this man ner. heard the noise made bv bis raft in the river and filed in the direction of. tiie sounds, without, however, hitting anyone. Many other Jews, said, took the same method of getting out of Russia. Vnr of the Rosea.

In 1453 began in England the "War of the Roses." a contest for the throne between the-house of Lancaster and York, which continued until 1486. Red roses were worn by the followers of Lancaster and white roses by the defenders of York. fe0i A Thoroughbred "Marriage if a lolKtry," tttincaa remarked to his friend Lee as they sot over their clgara after dinner. "9ometiius," replied Leo senten-tlousiy. Why not always?" "Well, there are cases where tbe lucfc nr the lottery parts are more pronounced than In others." my case tber was a good deal of lottery," Lee added, then stopped.

"I don't raiml giving you a bit of coufl-deuce, old fellow." a bit. I like to telephone that I won't hurry home. You have a phone, haven't your "No, I haven't." asid Lee snappishly. "gxeuse na. It doesn't matter," Dun- can replied, somewhat mystified nt his friend" aurllnesi.

"Go on with your atory." "You know I married lnte in life. I was foriy Ave. I met on evening at a odal affair a Mlsa Backert-May Snck-ett--abotit twenty-two years old, who took to uie very kindly. She seemed as well content with my' society as if, I had been a young man. Indeed, she remarked that she dldu't wnnt any boys iu her train.

She preferred men. That made me feel at hie atone, and I didn't leave the yonug lady till she left for home. I asked permission to cull, aud it was granted cordially. "Miss Uttckett lived with her mother, A I found the mother Intelligent, and we tslkel tigcther a great deul on phlloiophic mibjects. btit the intellect floewrt sntisry tiie desires of the heart, aud I often wished to cut abort our discussions In order to da a Itttlt chlt-ctiuttlng with the dan Ve-r.

I don't mean that I mnde love rr. I was too old to plunge Into Hint's rt of thing with a so much young -r- ih royself. but I ff't that a'l we wero gett'ng ui t' 1-cr. "To cut It I workvd tip to nn Impression that Sl' wnilJ marry me. making, my as uoldlera npprouli n.

and I wus about when suddenly oi ci'fd by iit j-otiiptuj to South AwrrlcK on a work wlijh I not likely ti liuli-'i In h'trril yein. I received my order ut oVloek In morning wns dlrrciid tit the time to be to sull at uoiu. I kicked myMf tiint I had not been cxpeditloiis with my love nffnlr. for If I had I wiffht hove ttiken bri me In my exile. I felt ibut If 1 left the matter open it woi'' never ewMo I 1 tw- uty -oue I oiiK.l in by telephone." Lw fiot up, waiked bock and forth On the Square tho n.1venee.

rnns.iieumis shajies and trimmlugs ar much modified In the latest models. Large hats will not be so promltient, tbe liecoming small toque in a number of iustauce replacing picture effects. Feathers art to be used galore. Now lingerie shirt waists show frills I nd ruffles with bolero Jacket effect. In one advnncetl model two wide embroid crea rumes go iroul tue waist over tne shoulders, giving a broad effect most desirable for a thin person.

Another model that Is particularly pretty has an Eton jscket, the line being defined Just above the belt line by a frill of lace two inches wide that is carried up the fronts to the shoulders. The hat in the picture is of black chip. Around the crown of silk is a band of jet beads. The brim rolls over, envelope fashion. In the back, where it is trimmed with a bunch of black ostrich feathers.

JTJDIC CHOLLET. THINGS THEATRICAL. The Kbubert added to their chain of theaters another bouse, the Empire theater' in Toledo, O. Miss Stolla Maybew aud Frank I.a-lor have been ensaged for the leading roles In "Comhig Thro' the Rye," a "song play." Jiy O. V.

Hobart. Miss Nella Bergea has been cugaged by Messrs. Klaw Erlanger to sing the prima donna role hi John rhilip rouca's new opera, "Tbe Free Laucc." N. Cl Goodwin is shortly to be seen njrain In London, an arrangement bav-ing been made by which the popular American actor will produce there "A Gilded Fool." A new comedy by Henry Arthur Joues has 'just been produced in London. It Is called "The Heroic Stubbs" mid Is Uescrl'ied ns a comedy of a man with an ideal.1 The principal part was played by James-Welch.

William explained his rpe-ecb. fit thii 'Duke of York's theater, iu which he declared his intention Dot to act again In that city. It nppearn that be will liecouie a "Cved star" at a New York theater. Joseph Cawthorn. who was recently seen In In Tammany Hall," will he the star of "The Free Lance," a new comic opera by Harry B.

Smith and John Philip Soiisa. "The B'rce Lance" will bo performed for the first time In Chicago April 2. Annie Russell bas completed her Lou don engagement at the Court theater, new com. Loudon. In Bernard thaws edv "Captain Barbara," and will sail foi v- Yoru to beeln the rehearsals of a new play which has beeu secured Qt i I i i CSfos.

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