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West Schuylkill Herald from Tower City, Pennsylvania • 3

Tower City, Pennsylvania
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WEST SCHUYLKILL HERALD, TOWER CITY, PA. JCXXXXXAJOOOOCXJOOOOOOOi-JOiJiJ JUMPER DRESS IS POPULAR; IN THE ULTRA SMART MODE "Nugget" Dan's Mixture Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Skin When red, rough und Itching, by hot baths of Cutlcura Soap and touches of Cutlcura Ointment. Also make uso now nnd then of that exquisitely scented dusting powder, Cutlcura Talcum, one of the Indispensable Cutlcura l'ollet Trio. Advertisement. TO) ft) Feel All Out of Sorts? Im biu'kiiehe spoiling your pu tinner? I you get up lame and stifT fi-el tired all day? Are you so nervou nnd worn out you cannot rent or rcltix? Ixtok, then, to your kidney! 8Iukih1i kidneya allow pntflonn to accumulate and upnet the whole nytem.

When thin happens you ure apt to miffer backache, nhaxp paiiiH, itorencnn. stiff iiuhh, di.zint'Ha and aimoyinir kidney irrt'KularitifH. Help your kidneys with a stimulant diuretic. lUe JJoan a Pills. Doun'a are uwl the world over.

Ask your neiyhbur? A New York Ca you will) knitted yarrtnee as a costume medium. The fact that this Bilk-like 111 fabric lends Itself so admirably to tailored manipulation Increases Its popularity. These silken sleek knit drexHes have a peculiar knack of molding even quite discouraging figures Into slenderized lines. Then there Is the question of summer comfort. If you do not own a rayon knit fabric frock you are losing out on one of the real Joys of life.

However, the transcendent quality of the silk-knit costume Is style, spelled In capital letters. For confirmation of this statement note the adorable 1 -I tirftn jXt.Mf.iiS fraJpa Said Burglar Goes to Sing Sing for Ninth Time New York, Kven the best of burglars sometimes make mistakes. This was admitted by Charlie Hill, seventy-four, as he was led from court to a seven-year term In Sing Sing for possessing burglar tools. This trip to Sing Sing Is Charlie's ninth. He got the habit of going there away back In 1874, and hasn't since been able to get over It.

Hy his own admission, Charlie "always has been a first-class burglar" with the exception of these nine mistakes. EX-BANDIT CABIN NOW RADIO CHURCH Rendezvous of Desperadoes Sanctuary of Miners. Tonopah, Nev. In the hills near the new gold mine of (iilbert, ill) miles from here, Is an old stone structure known us the Outlaw's cabin. It has stood for TtO years or more.

Many tales are told of this rendezvous of the desperadoes who once Infested the desert country. It was here they gathered to plan their stage holdups and periodic raids on the scattered settlements or to divide the booty, an occasion that often ended In a bloody fight. Many bullet scars In the walls and dark streaks on the floor testify to the former character of the place. Itecently the name of the cabin was changed to the ltadlo church. The discoveries of gold In the surrounding hills lately, bringing a stampede of prospectors, provided a new use for the old landmark.

Kvery Sunday evening It Is filled with those who listen in on ii sermon delivered several hundred miles away. Some of the grizzled old-timers are a bit bewildered at the rapid inarch of progress, hut gradually they are becoming used to radio talks nnd concerts In remote places, to prospecting with an automobile Instead of with a string of burros. Indian Bride Paddles to U. S. to Find Mate Detroit.

Cupid, the cherub churged with the destiny of romance, will be perched on the desk of Immigration Commissioner J. Stanley Hurd when Vera Cussel, an eighteen-year-old Indian muiden, tells of her love for a Spanish sweetheart that led her across the Canadian border In violation of the Amerlcnn luw. Vera lived with her people on the Canadian Indian reservation on Wal-pole Island. One day a Spanish visitor came to the reservation. Vera met him and Cupid did the rest.

Then he disappeared. That meeting occurred In the summer of 1924. In September, Vera'fied the reservation and, slipping through the Immigration barriers, sought her sweetheart In Detroit. liut before her quest was rewarded she was arrested and returned to the Canadian authorities. All through the winter she walked the shores of her island home, dreaming and planning a way to return.

Finally, a month ago she appeared in Algonac. Immigration officers believe she paddled across the lake in an open canoe. She hurried on to Detroit and once more started her search. She was recognized on the street by a federal officer and taken to Jail. Now she will not only face deportation, but will have to stand trial for violating the immigration laws.

The federal officers say Vera also uses the name of Edna Isaacs. They have been unable to learn the name of her mysterious Spanish sweetheart. Brooklyn Trolleys Allow Girls and Men to Smoke New York. Girls, you'll simply have to hand it to Transit Commissioner Le Koy T. Hnrkness.

All on account of him you can compose yourselves In the rear seats of open-face trolley cars, take your cigarette packages out of jout vanity case and puff away. Mr. Hurkness announced the transit commission had granted a request of the Brooklyn City railroad that smoking be permitted during the summer months In the rear parts of the new type of center-exit trolleys. Mr. Hnrkness said "Formerly women generally objected.

Now, I doubt that the majority of women would object. It Is probable that a sizeable number of them would like to avail themselves of the permission now given to smoke in the rear of the cars. If they so desire, I know of no law against It." Mr. Harkness also observed "Some years ago smoking was allowed on the last car of elevated trains. This practice was done away with.

Puppies Chase Hen "Mother" From Barnyard Springfield, Muss. A Rhode Island Red hen that adopted a litter of beagle puppies on the near-by farm of J. W. Cesan has been disabused of her theories regarding puppy culture, for the pups, It was learned, have turned against their foster mother. Deaf to her mother clucks, they have chased her from the barnyard, forcing her to take refuge In the hen run.

Her adventure, however, has not been without benefit to her, for whereas she had been destined for the chopping block, Mr. Cesan has decided to allow her to live out her normal life. Cork Insulation A combination of cork and concrete for building houses is the latest Innovation being tried out In England. It Is claimed that the combination Insulates the houses, both against cold and noise. Swallows Teeth New York.

Amos I'oggi, fqrty-three, of Brooklyn, awakening swallowed a plate containing four false teeth. Surgeons at the Brooklyn Eye and Ear hospital succeeded In recovering 1U By BERNARD LONG Its). 1Mb, Western Newspspsr Union.) iOT to git, have pan and bng- vJgage, light off'n this yere gold placer, to let that big over-growed comp'ny operate Its dredge?" "Nugget" Dun'g wrinkled features registered mounting wrath as the lawyer and Big Charlie, manager of the Sierra Gold Dredging company, snapped assent almost In unison. "Right of eminent domain we can go through your ground might us well be reasonable and sell," the lawyer enlightened. Nugget Dan spat slowly and turned keen gruy eyes on Big Charlie.

"Yo'r comp'ny bus millions to my pennies, I reckon," he drawled. "And 1 got a moughty slim chance In the courts." "You are behind the times," grinned Big Charlie. "Our dredge will take out thousands while you tinker with your pun for a few dollars a day." Nugget Dan gnawed off a fresh bite of plug. "Whut you offerln' rue?" he queried. "Five hundred dollars," from Big CharHe.

"Fffe hundred dollars!" ejaculated Nugget Dan, wiggling his tongue over broken teeth. "Why, this yere ground Is wuth full If she's wuth a cent. She's wuth more. Don't believe I'll sell fer a cent less." "Then," announced the attorney, briskly, speaking for the company, "we'll make counter otter five hundred dollars, and light it out in the courts!" Big Charlie nodded assent. Nugget Dun rolled a cigarette and strolled down the gravel working, plunged In deep thought, then he strolled back to the two dredging ofilclals.

"You offer me $o00, and she's wuth $10,000. Yo'r dredge will go through here, llftin' sand and gravel In them big buckets, and take out $20,000 olT'n this 20 acres If it takes out a cent. I reckon I'll hold to the claim" be announced and strolled down the slope to bis cabin. But the old placer miner did not Intend to let It rest there nnd face a battle In the courts. That same day he went to see Taylor Whitney, lawyer of the old school, friend of his early mining days.

"All I ast," said Nugget, "Is that you git through a Injunction or some other breed of court order from Jedge Graham fixin' the appraisal of them experts as the lawful price o' my ground." "Leave that to me," said his old friend. "That's only fair, seeing that the company has Its own expert appraisers, and I am sure Judge Graham will accede." A week later Nugget Dun received a notice from Taylor Whitney, the lawyer, that the court had granted the order desired. The company had been served with like notice. Next morning early Nugget came out of his cabin with shovel and pan to go to work as usual In bis gravel, washing the "pay dirt" in the creek until the yellow color was separated from the coarser material. As he bent at the creek he heard voices and recognized the figure of Big Charlie, with three strangers.

"Hello, Nugget. Ready to get down to business. Here are our appraisers ready to sample the ground." The old miner rose slowly and extended a bony hand to each of the young men. "If you 'uns don't mind, I'll pun fer yuh," volunteered the old-timer. "That's what we expected to ask If you don't mind," one of them asserted, smiling.

Nugget had guessed aright that these "newfangled" appraisers, fresh from the school of mines, expert as they were in the technique of mining, would make a sorry spectacle at the old trick of panning. Nugget set to work, smoking Innumerable cigarettes, and panned the gravel at spots Indicated by the appraisers, until samples were taken at 00 spots on the 20 acres. Finally the sampling was completed, and Nugget Dan went with the appraisers to their little assay office at the dredging camp. "Samples show this ground Is very rich in gold that 20 acres ought to be worth $20,000," announced the experts. Big Charlie was surprised, but satisfied.

He wrote out a check for 000 and handed it to Nugget Dan. That afternoon Nugget drifted In to see Attorney Taylor Whitney. "How did you do It?" demanded the attorney, eyes twinkling. "Them clgurettes," drawled Nugget, as he rolled another, "them cigarettes was loaded with special Nugget Dan mixture, part terbaccy, part gold dust 1 smoked one fer every pun." "You old son-of-a-gun "Wouldn't a done It," declared Nugget Dan, earnestly, "if I wasn't sure them hell-diggers would git their money buck from that air claim. But they won't make a hull lot of profit Volcanoes Dying Out Volcanic eruptions, which are regarded by scientists as safety valves for the emission of gases and steam generated In the earth's interior, are much less frequent than formerly, due to the thickening of the earth's crust.

Geology shows that from the Cambrian to and through the Fuleozolc ages the surface of the earth was dotted with volcanoes as thickly as the rind of an orange Is covered with pores. At that time the crust of the earth was considerably thinner. Modern Royal Messalina Catherine II, empress of Russia, was called the modern Messalina, resembling in her many crimes and amours, Valeria Messalina, faithless wife of Emperor Claudius, whose name was a synonym for unbridled vice. Worms and Rain The Smithsonian institution says there is no foundation In fact for the superstition that worms ever descend with the rain. They are already In cracks and crevices of the earth.

TX7E I1AVK with im till" mimmpr, unci will continue to have with 08 every Rummer until xomethlni; even more comfortable In Invented, the perennial Jumper dress. It makes Its how In many popular fabrics utid In Ingenious new vernlons among tlietn models with fiiirlnn skirts. The same fabrics are liked for the Jumper dress that are chosen for morning and sports frocks, with white, pastel shades and dark flannels an outstanding success In list that Includes white and colored linens, plain olid striped English broadcloths, flat and other crepe weaves but almost any unpretentious Achieves Comfort cloth Is suited to the simple Jumper dress. Nearly always the Jumper dress Is worn over a sheer blouse in cotton or one of very lightweight silk, but several Interesting models have made their appearance la which blouse and dress are of the same material. There is no sacrifice of comfort In this combination when a lightweight fabric Is used and this variation of the Jumper costume has the charm of novelty to recommend It.

Two new and Ingenious models are shown In the picture which might be developed In any of the popular wash fabrics, with blouse and dress alike. In the dress at the right, collar, cliffs and pipings In white and flat pearl buttons provide an ideal finish for a plain ICngllsh broadcloth dress In maize, light blue, pink, lan-vln gretm or rose. The shirt-bosom front and small pockets at the termination of wide suspenders give the model a trim and smart tailored appearance. In the dress at the left the tailored note Is repeated and emphasized by the Introduction of a simulated vest, which Is merely an extension of the suspenders at the front. Very practical and Just as pretty as their new rivals are the simple Jumper dresses of dark serge, flannel, twill or crepe cut on the simplest lines nnd worn over voile or crepe de chine blouses.

What with Madam Mode keeping her doting clientele on the constant qui vive us to her next pluy of favorites, the game of fusbion Is ever of absorbing Interest. When It comes to uitru-smart knitted outerwear the next style move is clearly apparent Juniper frocks cut from ruyon knit fabric. The trend Is very definite toward rayon (call It artificial or fiber silk If Modern Patchwork The modern version of the patchwork quilt Is seen In white bedspreads quilted in beautiful designs and ceeo-rated with appllqued motifs of color. Embroidery Embroidery of all kinds Is good new, but eyelet work, in almost any material seems to lead. An ensemble of crepe de chine.

In a delicate gray shade, shows interesting Inserts of eyelet work done on self material In tjf jMlftigi'-'' pi Tennis Old Recreation So fur buck as 1427 we bear of a famous female player of tennis, one Murgot, who "played both forehanded und buckhunded very powerfully, very cunningly and very cleverly, as any man could." The expressions "fore-bunded" und "buckhunded" have their historic value, for they seem to Indicate lint rackets were Introduced Into the game before 1427. No mstter how careful you are, your system needs a tnsatlve occsalonHlly. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills help nature gently, but surely. 173 Fearl N. Y.

Adv. Scientist Wins Medal Researches In the most primitive known animals, the aiuebae, and the rotatoria or "wheel animalcules." huve won for Dr. Herbert Spencer Jennings, professor of zoology nt the Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore, the first award of the Joseph Leldy medal of the Academy of Natural Sciences tf 1'hllndclpliln. This award was established by Dr. Joseph Leldy II, In memory of Ills uncle.

Dr. Joseph Leldy, famous paleontologist, who was ut one time president of the ucudemy. It Is to be given every three years. Street Made Beautiful The delegates and visitors to the triennial convention of the Kplsco-pul church nt New Orleans, next October will pass through a street of blossoms when they walk up St. ('billies avenue, A committee, pi'ovhl-ed with plants, shrubs, vines, trowels ami wittering cans mailt! careful house-to-house canvass giving out plants, and If nobody was at home, set out the flowers, watered them, and left note of explanation to account for the vines and shrubbery mysteriously springing up in their gardens.

Homes and Irish Laborers Holding that laborers have as full right to own homes as farmers, Stran-orlnr rural district council of Ireland recently culled on the government to formulate a plan to enable workers to buy the houses in which they live. The average man nas to sprint occasionally In ortler to keep up with hla running expenses. HELPED THROUGH CHANGE OF LIFE Took Lydia EJPinkham's Vegetable Compound during This Critical Time Benefited Greatly Baltimore, Maryland. "I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to netp me through tne Change of Life and for a broken-down system.

I had been complaining a long time and dragging along had tried other medicines which did not help me much. I read in the newspapers of the Vegetable Compound and after taking a bottle I felt better. I did not stop with one bottle, but took it through the whole critical time and am now practically a well woman. I have two daughters whose health was very bad before they married and I was worried about them. I got the Vegetable Compound for them and it helped them, and after they married it also helped them in bearing their babies.

This is a great and good medicine for all complaints of women, and I recommend it to all." Mrs. L. Gingrich, 1375 JM. Gil-mor Baltimore, Maryland. The Vegetable Compound is a dependable medicine for women of middle age.

Let it relieve you of nervousness, that feeling of strain and those annoying hot flashes so common at this time. Fame Fame Is not futile. It Is the passing salute to exceptional ability. The Idea of every youth should 1 fame, fairly earned in competition with others. The Olympic games of today typify to me the finest type of competitionthe Ideal of human contest and adventure.

The better man, working to tit himself as best he can beforehand, wins. And such fume Is worth while nnd respectable. Chaun-cey Depew, in Hearst's lnternatlonal-Costnopolltun. A single dose of Dr. Peery's "Tend Shot" Is enough to expel Worms or Tapeworm.

Why not try It? 372 Pearl N. Y. Adv. Hot weather philosophy consists of eluding us uuuy of Its discomforts us possible. Fifty years ago a little boy prized a book now he Is smothered under them.

Fletcher's Castor ia is a pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothini? Svrups. espe cially prepared for Infants To avoid imitations, always look for Proven direction on each package. o. La mare, st-rr prop, of barber flhnn. 6 Martin HudHon Kitlls, N.

sayn: "I hnd 4egT dull nche ucroxii twinges of pain took me ihrouprh my back. MornliiKH had a Horeneee nnd In inencMit aero my kidneys. My kidneya were weak and I had to Kot up nt nlKht to pnfta the ReeretloriN. Pnnni I'll la fixed me up tn good shape." DOAN'S PILLS 60c STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS Foeter-MMbum Mfg. Buflalo.

N. Y. S3 acmes INDIGESTION Dyspepsia Gas instant rellf ask friend, druggist Have Resinol readv for burns or cuts. It quickly stops the painful throbbing and hastens healing Resinol A Modern Bathroom Complete with nickel plated fittings. Pet comprise 6 ft.

enameled bmth tub, wall ban in, china tank and iiphon toilet bowl with oak acut. Full line of plumbing- and hatinjr Riippliea, Write for catalogue. M. SCHLOSSMAN A SON. 4S Third Near 36th St New York Florida Lots $125 and Up Near Iceland.

Flo rift a Country rluh fm afpa, hlffh. "try, choice location. Kntiorl by Chamber of Commerce. Fortunes nmrle dally In Florida real estate, your opportunity. Purchane totH that will ao-m lnereaaA In value to JftOO.

Invest nnfely, local bunk trUHtne. Write for descrtlitlve Information. I.KI'AN MI'LitEV, SellinsT Amenta. 0 WlndMor Building. Miami.

Florida. HATlITl'ItH White low down toilet nete 1 6 white toilet seats, baMlna, wash tuba, sink a. Cheap. Hteff el's Supply House. 113 ICuHt 110th New York City.

FIVK-ACRK TRACTS IN OCKOLA COUNTY FlAHtlDA for sule at pay able t7tt down, balance monthly. HIk dry prairie land, nut table for vegetable a rm or home-utte. Write for particulars. Agentu wanted-M It RICK REALTY CO MIAMI, FLA. WRITK HONtiS Hfrj money and reputation.

Write for Information. J. OiiRDON PUB. 201 N. Hoyne ChieuKo.

For a Limited Time to Advertise Our Morning Star Brand Coffee, Tea and Cocoa We will pay postage and send to any address in the United States upon the receipt of 1 1.00 (money order or 8tampn one pound of our 60-cent grade Coffee-, one pound of 35-cent Cocoa and one-half pound of 90-cent Tea. State kind; of Tea desired. Cammall-Crane Co. 132 Milk Street Hon ton. Mane KEEP EYES WELL! Ir.

Thompson's Hre Water will Btrenntben them. At dniitrlfitH or 1167 lllver Troy. N. T. Booklet.

W. N. NEW YORK, NO. 28-- 925. As many nion have as kooiI Ringing voices as women and they never find It out.

Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans I VraaCF Sure Relief ELL-ALMS 254 AND 75 PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Most men will forgive a work of hit-terness quicker than one of ridicule. Lurk Is often only pluck. in arms and Children all ages. the signature of Physicians eveiywhere recommend it. OS QUALITY for Jo years Re id.

Murdoch Ca fltaiJirAfJ MTJ A Better Heel to Walk On SPRlNif-STEP Rubber-Heels IHifdo of Sprayed Rubber tin purest, touaheat and moat uniform rubber known Mmmm for tho bomt mhoo mol you mvmr had USKIDE ihe wonder sole for wear United States Rubber Company Thrift Accounts We Pay plus participation of profits. Safe deposit boxes $2.50 per year and up. Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Co-operative Trust Company Total 'Resources 7, 000,000.00 205 West 33d New York Opposite Pennsylvania Station -ACCOUNTS OPENED BY MAIL" Headache Relieved Safely Promptly JAN wonder how one powder can relieve a headache bo quickly. No habit-forming drugs Packed in envelopes to fit your pocket. Four dosea for 10c at all druggists.

GARFIELD Headache Powders y. Perhaps you can love your neighbor inUlUUiipr well, even if lie does brag. lefuaoe Say "Bayer" InsistI For Colds Headache Pain Lumbago Neuralgia Rheumatism Accept only a rrrr which contains proven directions Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Aleo bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists Atuitrin Is the trnrte mars of Buyer Mann-lacture of Uonoticellcacidester of ballcTllcscM And Sprinkle in tne trtot-tsaJn ALLEN'S FOOTEASE The Antiseptic, ITeiiling Powder for tired, swollen, smarting, sweating feet. It takes the friction from the shoe, prevents blisters and sore spots and takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Always use Alien Foot-E to break in new shoes.

fciold everywhere. Trial package Free. Address ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE. le Roy. N.

Y. OuticuraSoap Pure and Wholesome Keeps The Skin Clear Soap, OietPaent, Talcum oM everywhere. Green's August Flower or Constipation, Indigestion and Torpid Liver Successful for 69 yean. 80c and 90c bottles ALL DRUGGISTS I Plus Good Style. model here pictured.

It Is Indeed a charming exponent of the newer knitted costumes. This slim silken knit frock Is tailored enough for street wear, yet' smurt enough for the Informal dinner. It Is cut from lustrous crystal-knit fabric In Spanish yellow. Hand embroidery, done In white wool, bestows a lovely decorative touch. The vogue for a bit of embroidery finds favor throughout knitted fashions.

Unique placement of hand stltcbery, as the picture shows, Introduces fas-cinuting novelty Into the realm of otherwise tailored knitted effects. That orgy of color which characterizes all fashion today Is not lacking In Intensity when It comes to knitted modes. The knitted garment Itself Frock of Lustrous Knit Fabric. may be tuilored to a degree of exaggerated simplicity, but when it comes to color, conservatism is entirely forgotten. Frocks, such as the picture shows, rely on beautiful pastel shades or else vivid hues for striking appeal.

A very special preference Is being shown for rose and coral shades, also powder blue, umber tones and gray are particularly smart this season. The all-white, knitted sports frock is a great favorite. JULIA BOTTOMLEY. (. 19 26, WeBtern Newspaper Union.

matching silk. Another pink frock has panels and trimmings of various kinds in openwork embroidery. At a distance you'd suppose this to be Bome cotton material like organdie or voile, but It Isn't, It's arlstrocratlc silk crepe. With Inverted Plait One of the newest tailored suits has a skirt with an Inverted box plait at each to give freedom and a short, double-breasted, two-buttoned Jucket with long, narrow revera. 4,4 i.

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