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The Zanesville Daily Courier from Zanesville, Ohio • Page 3

Zanesville, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i- for the at now According to a call by the of Concord and vicinity, a tad concourse of people there on Wednesday lait. The object of the me'tine was lo give a reception to ibe three tnonth's mm." who recently rnorned from the neat of farewell 10 company of "three years men" about to go put under Jin CoKMim, as well us to give our bean; and utiiii-d expression of sympathies, as a com. mniiily. in the present struggle for the taity of oar glorious government and injlitu- tio-s. out finely.

The inn smiled throueh an azure sky. At an early hoar road became a tributary to swell the moving tide of people, all anxiousto part in an occasion appealing so directly 10 their hearts 1 be crowd swelled to at leant 3.000, and presented a sight worth looking at. About 10 o'clock the spirit etirrinp fife and dram, announced (be movement of the mill' tary of to receive companies from abroad. Receptions were piven in a cam. menditble mnntier to the tullowing companies: Cambridge Claysvill') Bines, Greys, and Rizville Guards -These with three companies of the viciaity, Coocord Guards, the three months men returned, and the tbree years' about to go to camp, made quite no impo-ine proceniioii.

the two latter companies were from C3-O TO GEO. D. A A iwo. JLOB North tide of Main Si.belwemStJtA 6A Sit. lk 4oar KaM ef 'Zaoe Heaw." For All Kinds of Goods, AND CHEAP FAMILY GROCERIES, 48 I TKLEGIIAPHIC.

eteloKt.1, Dally Ocmrler 8 A S. l) 0 AM) CRICKS TCAH. II A KtiQ. DAIRY t1, MO LA 88 8. A 8 A 8 AN Di, KS.

MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. if Norwich, and were accompanied by a large number of the good people of that place and ricinity. Tbe procession was formed and paraded under the direction of Capt. A. Speer, Marshal of the day, and his "aid-de-camp" Capt Z.

of the defunct cavalry. After para- dine about town, the procession received an addition, at its bead, of tbe clergy, and a fine choir of singers lor the occasion, and then marched to the prove. Here was a scene beggaring description. A concourse of people enjoying themselves finely, surrounding throe very long lablen, which were being load ed dovn with tbe and even luxuries which oar patriotic mothers and daughters had served up. The table was the finest, altogether out of many, which the writer has teen.

The Caste displayed, as well as the abundance, was certainly to the community. Soon the large audience were gathered round the stand, and listened first to mi anthem by tbo choir, so beautifully performed as to hold that large crowd spellbound for tbe time. Prayer then offered by Rev. W. Sigfried, after which the choir sung "Hail The audience was much disappointed when it was announced that all three of the speakers expected from a distance, had failed to However, addresses were delivered by Revs McAbee and Broehy, of the M.

E. address of Rev. Ballentine, to the three years' men, was postponed till Wednesday September 4th, at 4 o'clock Tbe dinner was dispatched in good order It pzcellent, abundant repast, whicl the writer will not undertake to describe. The order on the occasion was excellent The officers of the towuxbip and borough aided by a. special police force, "shut all liquor truffir, and were watchful againa (H 5 GO so CC EH i-3 I I I A A 0 TB rCTTEB, A I I I 8 LEHON8.




MAKBIKB! 8 0 1 I A I I I I 8 PKNCILtl, A TICS, PKHS, THIM- KICK CRACK. A Squadron Coming Home. 'AnnifCTox, Auituit from India Sijuadron itatrs that the 847 officer ban received tbe order of the Navy Dfpa.rtrari.tlor the immediate return of to tbe United States. One ship howtver will left there, and alio on tbe coast of Alrica, and of Brazil, after aqnaJrons shall have been withdrawn for blockading porpoifi. The Governor of Fernando Po has been authorized by the Spanish Government to ceive in tbatislsnd.acertaii naoihrrof slaves, who may be ctpiprcd by vrwels of the United Slates.

That being free, ihey ro.y there quire the ben'fin of civilization. FU offi Cfr In-i an communicated ibis proposition to the Government. It appcun Iron African Squadron that the SecttsinniltS bnvc sending to naval officers of SoulbTQ birth, holding out inducements to leave thn United States service and join that of tha diiunioniils, with rank. The Government employees have recr ired one sixth of their preient month's salaries in Treasury Notes ai.d the remainder in specie. Private parties exhibiting lo prominent officials and offering to itipply the- army with the Percussion Orrm or T.i"««»iin i W.tir- Mt.

ftt O. 9 lo UMl. bbl. Ncvr Jlcdiatl Bio Co-rrt-- LiaeiiA Oornt-- ft. Tiri.t Ciiin Op Ift.

76 p-r dot. 41 JO IMT TCM-- So. 1 Auinet-- luc per Jb. prr 8. i per B.

Onaia--n Glut, Urtlknl Ditcfarga, intl Wtaknttt, Mgktly JgmUtioiu, Xlb.fiTSj.IIB -tABtn, lo IIC.TDMKD wlta erfokoowii. i i.r.'H J.P'IC ind when ta lyiUw, and naiatala Ike lmiaek, tiwtb; and all la-leli avoided. NOTICES; Tolu E. H. KING UPPLIES 'Affirm Yolonuor R.

with Itogulatloa Si.rtlt.tvbt'. Ii.lli, at the IOVMI prim, 04n promptly tucatcd. aog 17, 1801 -diwSn. disturbance, b-it none arose, simply because when the cause was suppressed, the effect was ditto. The citizens of Concord and vicinity may well feel proud of last Wednesday.

It was a gala day, in which was shown alike their pat' Holism, love of order, and tbo moral and ed ucational interesU, for which the community is noted. The military spent the afternoon, and had a fine display on the ground south oi town. 8. ROLLA, August 21,1861. DEAR FATHER AND MOTHER: I have the pleasure of writing a few lines to you once more to let you know that I am still living and etijoying good health and hope that these few lines will find you all enjoying the same blessing.

Since you beard from me last, I have travelled nearly one thousand miles, halted to three skirmishes, and tbe great battle of Creek, near Springfield, in this Slate, in which we lost nearly half our Regiment, (1st Missouri.) were whipped "there times and did not know it, for we did not know bow 10 ran, and if we bad, it would have been tbe last of us. We cleaned out the four brag rezimenu in one hour's time, and did not half The Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee Regiments were tbe four put against as 6r-t. bat they could not stand the first Missouri Dutch, as ih-y term m. Wfj marched all uight and went into the field at balf-paa five o'clock, left it at a quarter o'clock, the fight lasting six hours, and at the same time leaving their baggage train. We were fighting 5.500 men against 24,000 of them, and if Gen.

Lyon bad lived one boar longer, we wunld have won the day, but tbe brave General fell in the hour of the and after this the battle was commanded very poorly or we would have won this great battle. This Regiment will be at St. Louis 'in a few days more, to recruit again, for we are' not done with them There were forty- two killed, wounded and miuing out of our Company. As for myelf I gofa slight touch on tbe right leg, it was only a graze, but it is black yet, but I'll have revenge fur that in auother month, if I am living, lor I woald as leave go into the battle field as eat a meal, although a good meal bi been very scarce for tbe last three montbi. I have not got much more room to write, but hope that you will answer this as SOOD'M von get it, for I never was ro anxious to bear from borne in my life.

I would -ive the world to ite'yon all ooce more, but tbia can't be opw, but looked to at some (more day oot far distant. Direct yoar letters to St. Loois, Mo. Farewell. C.

EL VAX HOKK. AVING MT ACCOUNTS MADK OUT FOR COL- lecilon, 1 trnit my fnendi will rail and Mqalc'ato th'ini and uta me tho trualle of ailllnc oa tkem In perfeu. A i i tiireto rflcrn my moet ilarere thankt to mv who hare often reipondeo' to my atml aonutl I truit hiring aeconoti of erer elz moatbe itandinc will not Ml tuthla 1 only to their acconnta hadoaod If6t-liw. MM. J.

K. CKUMBAKF.B. FBOM WASHINGTON. Apeclil to WASHWcroK, Aug. no exciting rumors to-day from the other side of tha Potomac.

The enemy's movements are. believed to bt intended lu draw out our troops from their entrenchments in small detatcbaienn. There is no indications to day'of an attack upon our lines. A new army order, to suppress the publication of all objectionable will be sued, and under its provisions Gen. Dix will take measures the secession journals of Baltimore.

A FLAG OP TEUOE. Aug. flug of truce, from New Madrid, arived at Bird's Point Camp this afternoon. Tbe objct was an exchange of prisoners. It reported Jhat the rebels under Jeff.

for llheuraaliam by ant rani aptilkatloa falU ol enr. or relief fran Ik. tary fact than half of Ihecaeee onbelrao.1 tua 4yij-plle TbU fl Ibe bluod circulation, and (bllawi; Local Bfcf ally c.unnM) to mnvuUr or fcooy pni. tui pware rr.n one part ol other It tb-n lia«oi of Iho norrM. Thertfvreall of K'neiat re nn-rex.

and mubx) with the Tulu Antdyue. In ef lijhl Ceihutlc pill (wlih'ni nwcnrlal.) Iwu-eor tbrler awrek on lo will Anudjne ri mocli, Tble eanie law with i torn, oaaeeof fartll ParalyiU.Goat. ud at. Vliue U.uc. fiiw adrertlkement and the nunt bleu txuy 3.

PKICC DOLLAR, will hy m.ll pMt.jxId By acy at al. on lewlptof mriltu' OH VAH, if i kj New Madrid. HAIK DVK! I I A I 1YKI A I A. BATOtJISLOBt HAIE T)YB. only and Ore All olbtn mere Imttatlev, and abonU a IITOQ wlih tai-trap ridicule.

dRKV, KED OR RCHTr HAIK Innlantly to boauiirul nd a Browa Dluk, vitbvnt the leant nrTKKV A DIPLOMAS bare to WK, A. i til', aid oer son onOappllcstlore born made to th. of Ibe oat. mniof biifamont BATCH (LOR'S UAfK Df a not to bo dlitlDKnlnhM from natuie, and In uorreace' not to Injnre In the leaet, hnw lunr It mat cou- tlnowl, and the III of bod Dyee reinHled. Tbr hair It for life br thli enlendM Die, which It properly applied at Ne.

16 tjtrrel, Votk. thedtlee and towniuf Ike United St by DrrKji.te and Fancy Cowli Ib-aWe. Thefieniilne the n.m. "TVIIIIatn A. and addMt upon a lire! pttte eorrarlDg.

on tU ou eldraofeachboi. Wbaleaale Factorr, III relay apr. dAwly. Late Hroadw.y, Veil I in po tn to up arde of twenty veiftfl hie lln. nclutTerv law 4 DlfflttlltlwJ, and b.tfij oi iu ifllcwd ta health.

Lai nowratlrvewi.fldmc.lpowWrlni'paV i TM "OBEAT DK. I I A I I CRONO-THERMH FEMALE which yet bllad (when Ike olKCIlox Utailrxlly MluweJ.) In remortafdlBcvl- tin arldnc from Okitrattloo, In florins tha to t-tittcl health, when nf iritf ir. CrtM. ta Bother a. In all eaoea Ntavooa mi ike bra.

nttttu oi ttt nlted Sute, THE UKEAT It li admitted by all that the (rand eecret of rvallb and life llei In the blood OIl KKT--Tbedwellinx Howaan tbe Sorth- ournerol Matket and Ondcrnooa Api.lj tv July 50, IStl. C. C. BUS3KLL. LIVERY STABLE! Hordes, Buggies, and Carriages.

A LL perront in He- of a good bnigy or carriage. wltb good anJ tafa horan. are IUTIIK) to call at my No. 15, SOUTH Gtk STREET. for fnaerale aaJ parttaa.

CHABOCS C. COYLB. Anj. 24,3 m. D.

z. MERCHANT A I No. 81 Main Mote Third Haanoclndhli SPRINQ SUMMER STOCK OF GOODS. HIS Clcthes, Cassimers Vcstings, anDot be Tbe naterlal lor I for Style, qna'lty. and price, far of any Stock I Torbronnht tothU market.

I alto bare a giod of I SUITABLE FOR WORKINGMEN, alcb I will acll without makli(, er make to order al LOW FOR can te bonght any wbera. To as opportn- to proro thli, come and try It oae and alL A of FURNISHING GOODS, At all tlm-i. lang. S. Tbe Jin.

Wvrlsi -Tbr wbre! ap and down The proud Mm Gwin, whoje crand noat" in always toak the crowd, is a prisoner of war. spy to tried for her life. She is he wife of the late Senator Gwin' of California, a Sonlbprn lady oi treat vanity. Oit bare we tbe carriage routine on tbe of Wanbinctan reception and otaerdaya. Her driver, black coat and large cape.

of tbc tber- moaetor. with ull broad band and beavj frost brickie, and with white cottoa clores. held the ribbons mod sat oa the frost of costly and sever 'eft while ine footoan. aooUier 000 cr a upon ibe hind r.f 3-w SO JTmp down -n ard c'owe tie carriage door as or her Pepped or ir. onw too with'Mrs.

Hju, snd otorrs of onr will be raited oa by whise ptrt witicral livtry. But wnerc wiTI jbfy jmrcisonfd aol in eommoa jail, of comriw, whtre men are Iftalcr. B.1JLM. and Inflaeiation and ncin, and bcala 10 worpt Inrnl. ecaldr.

tirclae. cav. or fmh wonnd oi klMdiTrrveatt aud pain from boa oaqultn Ulee and pofevlxrea cnree se'ie in th brraet. aalt rbenm. etc.

It wiil poellhHy croap In clilM- en. an4 (Im ironwiute relief In tha caae of idle complaint; removea bouwarat and throat. a BboaU bo in avery Foreate CT PrncgtiU aad Swreketprn. ttivtx sroxz. Pittsburgh Female College.

Rev. I. C. PEKSHIXG, A. 92.

Presldesit HIS ISSTITCnOS mcsaaUed CKlllUw la all who are a ColhcUia Eoocattom. Tbe are and of thirl' thon- aand wotlara. Toe FacBltr Wrtta.a»d Terr and coone le itrj Intl. And eel-ctrd wl.b xnct Superior adnatatra am aBordfd In Ib" ornamental brancbM. eorb Ac It i the only la Calfd whlcb a TCLEQBAra.

and eaa Irani la practlca.1 raton. DOL.L.ARS a UK lor Acf. Xext M. S1MPSOV, ST. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE THIBD PHILADELPHIA, In oa Xatket.

Third, aad Ch-atnut Xxcbaice. te. BOARD PER DAY, PEOM PHILABELPHIA. PfllLEDKLPBiA, Aue. Baltimore American has reliable information regarding Gen.

division.up to the afternoon of the 27th inet. Gen. Ros ncraot to on alive and well but WIM quietly transact- injr his functions at his head quarters. Various accoonu are eiveti of the forces of Gen's. Lee, Wine and Floyd, but no accui rate information seeing to be possessed outside Gen.

Ro'ecrao's staff. Opinions differ very much among military men and others, in Western Virainia, as to the probability, of anything like a general engagement between the respective armies; in that quarter. Confidence ia the ability of Gen. Retecranz to maintain against any likely to bf to al- tack him. He has excellent aids and offi- ceTM to support him.

who have doubtless helped him in providing an effective army. FOBEIGN ITEWS. CApt RACE, Angnit steatxubip from Havre, via Southampton oa tbe 21st, arrived here to-day. 'She by tba Associated Press' yscbt The Etna, which broke her shaft when 700 miles on her Voyage to "Mew York, had arrived back at Qusenitown. The Great Eastern WM reported to mors troops tctlsCia da.

we're unaltered. suls for money and 91 for account. Sugar and Tea quiet, coffee and tallow firm. Rice steady, FRANCE. The deficiency in tbe crop was generally admitted.

Rents 68f55c. reactionists are everywhere the or bowile. or any continued ine.ilueu In ay organ ar other of the body, yoo prennt Mrlon.ileknM. to t--klnj becanM blood roa glr. mooenury ten hare more room.

Bat the body from tba blood and tuulntd by tbe blood, to gr blood to wutv life, and rain oar 'conilituilon. Bai Brtndretb'. PIIU r.ll eT the mwUya- by only taking away what can well iparr. andTn'Tninanrir. Mn.

Hooper, of MMI. waa enred or 8t Dance, General Debility, poornea. of blued, an1 of many Brar.dreti 'i rill The at lenph 'I. pqi.llibwl In tha PampbleU. ioW LofOftarore.

A'. T. Ani.i, Dmden. O. W.

Fnltonhan, W. Ohio, aad by all rejfrcHWo Dwlera In mine tby itT L.KC a cxiaa oy It'tlffnrailnK, and rtitorlar tha h.iiib, brlu(lo ou tba mo.lkly jty. DO maitt fn'in what eanaa tbe uleal any oth (law. a4 mi.y would Itr ICach b.zamulni«0 HiU. tMLtaa.

aM wlirn detlrnl be enl i mall by any ad. crtlxxj A rrrrlptof the J. BR VAH. Jl. GuxaAt Aarff." Cincinnati.

bvtMala aaaat. Kerialelu by BLO''KSOt II, Ultehcock, M'Oreerj Forwardin and WUOLCIIALC DKALKU I 'T Jt 1 Grain, Flour, 122 and 151 f'rfnt SlreeflY to II, W. ACKEQ WN to i Doctor taIa.d'a.^»U-Hbai,mal| 0 Band I. the onl, known remedy for RhenmatlAm, Gout aad reunlfU, anrf tbe pernfelona aOectaof Xercary, and It li with tin (rea'eet Mtl.factlon. a.

r. iu merlte. that we call tb- at tentton of readen to Ib. aoVertlwment In Mother column of oirp.per. of tbe Ann Bhanmatle Band.

A CHEAP SUGAR MANUFACTURER OF CARBON OIL, I Pi WhluLra! Window Glut and Olauwara al idareii Tricea. A NT Softr Mill PIP or thl hundred on lo.n bt will wblcl. an IKVAK8A CABY. FATITTE, be- inr felt that the branch of the State baak at this place would be robbed, the catbier yes. fent tbe specie, amounting to about $100,000, to the Allan OD the North Missouri Railroad for transportation to St.

Lionis. On reaching Allen fhc money was seized by a parly ol 20 Secessionists, headed ay Capt. Poindezter and carried off. Whether it will be recovered it is not known. Some saying that Poiodezter been" induced to return it to tbe bank, while others asi-rt that he will attempt to cross Missouri river and carry it to Price.

ietreat of tbe Betels from Benton to Bloomfield. CntCAco, Anffnst 30thl--A dispatch from Jairo. says that bas been recei'ed at Cape Girardeaa, that tbe rebels have retreated Irom Beotoo to Blootnfield. If this is me, there it no-tebtls within tainy miles of tho river. Highly Important to Military Officers.

c.rap.lrn. A Trunk miwjntoaidflrt.t.itKtfd. Strong's Patent Army Trunk and Portable Bedstead for coBjforl- bl. I donl.t. It Ih Uarto which bo.TJJ, It be oat In tlie nln of T-sji acclton eSui.U actrar.iiwt iiJtMfa if for Trie, ufTran 50 fwCr TVicn woerarvf to Of 9O Arau The Ci'y Cars take froa any Sta- tiun TO or CLOSE TO tat Hostl KaclMi.

rrracb. Onaaa aa tbf te TWaa WVK "OAl, AS OILS, XI. r. and fa an Kux ili. Zuarrflle.

Xa-. (. -CXI JOV PBOM LOUISVILLE. LontTiu.1;. Aognn 3Qlh-- Ex-President Pierce has arrived Irom the north-Wrat.

Tbe Fraclclort Oommonteeallh sayt tomissioners from MujtoKo returned froa WasbinetoB, have delivered sealed tbe Governor, and understands Proi- willing to await-the action ot ie Kentucky I-eyisUtcre jnit'choten from tbe people, and is. disposed to accord with Ez-Mioitter Preston addrrsaed a Pic Kic at to-day and favored neotralrtt And peace for Kentucky--bni didn't beltft't sbe conld preserve either and if cot. its tbe went with the South tea It is reported that Hobli'z-1. fcnaer Ez- press Aeeot, was arrested at laeo oa cars Camp Boon Jo-day, aod from a.n vbile in aouoo and ran sbo'S Sred bioj Vat vabarotd. A Sidney Joiawo oa tkird at tit-, bead of 500 in Xj and more o( Onma aad yis, 8 beat tn Vy luble to set ont of Tor br Zane.T.Ile,ao».2i,ls«i.

JOSEi KBUOEE. ILVEB tiropam. or Sllrer Coin. may Jg. JOXESajKBCGCE.


No. 86 Corner Main Third Wa beg lean to Inform oar patnaa aad generally, that now dally raortvlac Largest and most varied ASSORTMENT OF Spring Dry Gtfods. nat we bare brco cnatited onWr, ii i llaail lr owl icaortbatrm, IB time gnat 7 c--, EASTERN MARKJBT8 or Boston, Jfew York, A Pbtladeipbla: AND DRESS DESIGNS OF, Pay. mi aenth; of Sx-J. la additlw la tn LSmt.

IJu, laf.atrr. TO THE PUBLIC. GOVERNMENT STAMPS. MiT.on tellf ns that Sataa from third of borU oi Heaves aficr bia la of hif prototypt JrS. Dari fata drawn awar a third of Uaitcd Staiea.

He ban i'mprorei bowrvcr, spsti example of bin ilJortrions tin tie ter left any nrstilenUal Jiule devils Vbiivd bia to prcpote to Alfflfcbiy sbonU aake "offers of praoe" 10 rebels. Xtyitier. TRK r. 1000 ItaFrai Ip stuk-ra, vaam. no rtbrr boner In Ohio.

It tbacna- aed mrtt aainili Clllk, fiorn NMI aod whlci WERETURK OCR SINCERE THANibtg iod jo marlt a of tbaa ALEX. GRAST DRESS 8006 Fathionabte SiOa, Black Silks, Ifittltrleu Hwming Silt, SUk tmaU plaid Silk plain Freaei CUxtut. e- Spring far fcatgotdi ALEX. GRANT A CO. aSSWiS I I.

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