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The Herald-Press from Saint Joseph, Michigan • 2

The Herald-Pressi
Saint Joseph, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DEC' 11, 1312. COUNT TEEWJCHI vuui'ii ntLO GniGCKIATI SUEPT OCOSEUELT AfiAIH told rSitHi Of SCBJCdlPfiOS By ltilot BYCOilFLAGHATIOtl A i v. 1 .10 a-: Pm 'I (.: Charged Demanding 4 in Letters, From -v; Governor "Wilson. r.lADE CANDIDATE Progressive Conference Swept by Religious R. Is Renominated.

ttjr MaU mm rarai mutt u4 ta vtlUfaa Ona Taar. 8n al'ita. tiuiJa JUOr TUrjMtln.iniiiooaoty. tu jam. lo14 Oaa bloatfe.

Iaiu a.ocy. Entire Business section of Cituifeythe Flames. 1 Mix UoBUU. uuuiia jaul. I'' mm r.

at totaa4H4a Mouth, Mitiiia oj mi jr i fautua Moata 1 CAPTURED IN A WILDERNESS LOSS Will REACH $1,500,000 STORY OF VISION IS RECITED Htiaiiffef addr will anJa i.jui'y ahM iiMM wjo da uuC rjoiT ralarirwlUobUiMa bf rawiu ParM ffiMtBl J. duo xpirauo. ua uotuy vmuu raamwaaaB payablao TdBi SXD COMPaAX. Osuphter of Julia Ward Howe Says Uncouth Country Boys Are Brought Before U. S.

Commissioner Stockton and Held Under 12,000 Ball Be Examined Monday. Her. Mother's Dream Is Being Realized Colonel's Views on Party's Leadership. a It. Butane ll Mia poaMinea, Bi.Jo.Hi, gap.

Dabar aaaoiMUtaM mawaf Newark. N. Dec. 11. Three Chicago.

Dec. II. Following a wave Fire Starts In Rear of Gibson House From the Explosion of a. Gasoline Torch-Many Peopls Are Overcome by Smoke. Cincinnati, Dec.

that threatened to.destroy the ntire busi- 7 ness block bounded by Walnut street. Vine street. Fourth avenue, and Fifth avenue, broke out in the rear of the avenue, broke out in the rear of the Gibson house shortly after eight o'clock. destroying "the GlbBon of religious fervor that, swept over thr rough and sullen young mountaineers, who Jn their dugout In the wild high national conference, Tbeo lands of New Jersey, had dreamed of lore Roosevelt was nominated for president In 1B16 snd the singing blackmailing the president-elect of the United States, were brought here by houtlDK men. and women arose and three jaded officers of the federal po made It unanimous.

lice. Uenlamin Fay Mills, evangelist, wao That they "did knowingly and wil just concluding an oration, likening i house; Pousar's care, me the Progressive movement to a rell fully use the United States mails for furthering a scheme to defraud Mr. Woodrow Wilson of Trenton, N. was fna wording of the charge placed gious crusade, when he stopped and mentioned the name of Roosevelt. Th cheering swept over the 1,200 men and against them.

What they had actu BLEASB AND THB CONStlTU. TION. 1 Coleman Livingston Blease is governor of South. Carolina. Nobody -knows why.

His it at least a torrid temperament other day In Richmond, In the house of governors, he pro-fanely abjured the constitution. He was upholding his red-blooded right to slay without the formality of a trial any negro who has attacked a white woman, "When the. constitu-tion steps between me and the de-, ense of the virtue of the white worn, ea of my state," shouted the governor of South Carolina, will resign my comtnlssion and tear it tip and throw it to the breeses. I have therefore said To with the These views of Coleman Livingston Blease, governor of South Carolina, have been repudiated, by the house of governors in a formal resolution. women ally done, according to.

the officers, He then proposed Mr. Roosevelt as Count Terauchl, the new premier of Japan, was- the Japanese governor-general, of Korea, and 'before that was minister of war. was to send seven letters to Mr. Wil the standard four years hence occupied by tne Mecca Bendlgs-Lothman building on. Fourth avenue, the Missouri Pacific railway building on Walnut street, the W.

L. Douglas Shoe company building ou Walnut Street, an abandoned building, everal floors of the Union Tmit building at Fourth avenue and Walnut street, part of the, Honing hotel and part of the Johnston building. Property Loss $1,500,000. The loss of property as a whole is roughly estimated at $1,500,000. The in tfia frame work that son during the last month, demanding that he deliver to them $5,000 under and the' demonstration was like that which produced pandemonium in the 'VVIIIIsm P.

Jackson, Republican national committeeman for Maryland, who was appointed by the governor te serve out the unexpired term of United States Senator Isidor Rayner. threat The first letter reached the govern' Coliseum last August. Roosevelt's Leadership Views. POLICE KILL BANDIT Earlier In the proceedings Colonel or's office in Trenton on November 11. The last one reached him in Ber Roosevelt.

de4lveriBgvhl set speech to the conference, declared that the ques muda: Did Not Alarm Governor Wilson tion of leadership would-. work Itself NEVER SAW DYNAMITE Force SurrOlindS Lonely Cabin has been erected in the tear of the old onrf PonfYtr Mpn Gibson house, where the hew building While Mr. Wilson -expressed no out naturally and that the leaders would be developed by the events of alarm, his friends immediately wiu w. t1nr aredted. placed the matter in the hands of Mn were working 30-foQt deep the next two years, M.

J. Youna Denies Any Part pt omen inspector corteiyou at Mr. Roosevelt's own words on the Officers Take Train Robbers Mltr OTCavation with gasoline torcnea wn I -m aAtrins: nre 10 Question of lesderihfp. which were in in the Conspiracy. oiaying une in a nrc rnw i va mem ivu-, terpreted to mean that he would take That was, of course, the only thing for Intelligent governors to do.

Putting lynch law above the constitution Is a proceeding that must be stamped as Infamous in spite of all the bloodthirsty Bleases in Christendom. ---Chicago Dally News. Bullets. tne wooa rrame worn, a uvu throueh the rear of tha nomination in Ml 6. were as TOI fcMVIa rwwmmm Witness Declares He Did Not Know lows: h.

r. ti icin the building, caught the tiny blaze and I T1V. wMflr lb the' matter of leadership, both That McNamara Got Money Untllv the Latter Was Bergman, train bandit and craensman. .,.1 Turn In General Alarm, local and national, we may trust the events of, the next year or two to de hu milieu auu vuy. who have terrorised the trainmen and velop our ablest and most resourceful JAILS VERSUS SCHOOLS.

A recent issue of Public Health, the robbed banks. and poet offices throughout, the southwest in, the last two man. And for every position tne ieao i er must be chosen not In the least buletln of the Michigan state department of health, contains a striking veara. were captured here in a raia with referenoe to his own desires but by detectives in a lonely hut in the example of the ridiculous limitations solely with regard to th needs of the. aouth part "of.

the. Indv Dec. 11 Mlfhael J. Young of Boston, accused as an active promoter of explosions' in eastern cities, testified in his own behalf at the dynamite conspiracy trial here tie declared that he never had jiartld-pated In. the.

McNamara plots. who Is a member of the Iron Workers' union executive Is. charged with approving the appropriation of soften placed on public health woric On the day the first letter was received deputy marshals, secret service men and post office inspectors throughout the state were hunting the blackmailers. Meanwhile the persistent repetition of the threats went oh. The first let-, ters had made December 4 the 'time limit for the delivery of the money, but that day passed 'and the next letter extended the time limit to December 15.

To Deputy United States Marshal Louis Q. Beekman and Post Office Inspectors Francis Butler and Clinton Larabee had been assigned. the most Important and difficult task of keeping secret watch on a rural free delivery post box on a mountain road near Wharton, N. J. It was In this box that the money was to be left, according to the demands of the blackmailers.

Capture Men in Wilderness. The men capturqa rmna. Jhe board recently condemned the people, for the Progressive party the servant of the Colonel -the, Ablest Mitchell. John McCoy and Frank hoi- Ingham county jail because some of the cells were below the ground level loway. Hplloway from the The "events of the next year or Oklahoma state prison.

The men are and were not In sanitary condition, two." as the leaders viewed the situ' believed to have held up the two Rock "The county was compelled to build a tlon last night, will develop Mr. Roose Island trains across the river from Memphis about a year velt as the "ablest and most resource man to carry the banner In 191 When the detectives surrounded: a month used by John J. McNa-mara for dynamiting purposes. He. also was named by Ortle E.

McManigal as having pointed out nonunion jobs to be blown up; McManigal said that when be caused A still alarm was turned In. but before the firemen could reach the scene the flames, fanned the strong wind, had swept Into the Gibson house and were ricking outof ej-ery window and crevice in the building. A general alarm was turned but the flames had gotten such a start that the entire fire department of the city could not prevent them from spreading to the surrounding buildings, and ln the course of an hour the eAtire block was a seething mass of flames, the firemen giving up the hotel and buildings on either side of It in a combined effort to save the Union Trust building and keep the flames from spreading to the Mercantile Library building on the other side of Walnut street and from leaping acroes the alley In the rear and spreading to the buildings front ing on Vine' street Hotel Guests Escape. At the first alarm of fire and before the blase had spread tnto the hotel. Clerk Kelly, who was 'on duty, notified every room ln the hotel and every guest and person in the lobby, barber shop and bar.

were gotten safely to Following the nomination of Mr. Jail that was sanitary. In district 6, Lansing township, Ingham there is a school house which has a. basement room lighted and ventilated by five small windows. In this room werel-crowded fifty-five the hut 'wiiere the ineri were in hid Roosevelt by the conference, George ing.

Bergman, leader of the gang. W. Perkins. Frank Munsey, "Bill' climbed to the roof. He was naked.

Flinn of Pittsburg, Olfford Plnchot. Me- As he scrambled along the roof Berg small children. The conditions as to i McCormlck and others told why an explosion in a new opera hoUBe in construction at Boston in. March, 1909, Young met him and showed him where It was in the desolate wilderness, man lost his footing and fell to the ground, breaking both legs. He continued his fight until shot to death.

among the abandoned mines north Of Lake Hopatcong and about fourteen light and ventilation were as Daa in tney were f0n0wing Theodore Roose-the schcool room as In the Jail cell. TeU iaj they wanted social Yet the state board of health has no jUBtice in the United States, power to order the school, board to a Touch of Sentiment. provide sanitary school rooms, nor, A touch of sentiment swept the big miles from Dover, that Beekman and B0LAND ACCUSES JUDGE the Inspectors captured the three sua pects. to put, the explosive. On another trip, McManigal said, Young met; hfm in Springfield, in April, 1911.

and arranged for the dynamiter to blow up I he tower of the Springfield municipal buildings. Numerous letters between Young and McNamara were produced by the aonarently. has any other body. The nrlaoners are Warren Dunn, audience and brought tears to many eyes when Mrs, Maude Howe Eljiott was introduced. Mrs.

Elliott is the his brother Jacob and Seeley Daven nort tvDical "ooor whites" of the daughter of the late Julia Ward Howe. facts are shown on the front page of the bulletin In an impressive cartoon bearing the suggestive queB-- ''If the state can protect why can't it protect school children?" Why, indeed? asks The! hills. United States Commissioner Rich prosecution. author of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic." She told a new story that "Did you ever point out to MoMani ard Stockton had retired when they had to do with her mother, which has the a house ln BoB. arrived here.

He arose and accom 'Journal of the American Medical As-1 not heretofore been published. panied them to his office shortly be- 'Put a shot in there and asked attorneys for ton and say, blow It to A short time before my dear mother midnight, where the prisoners Coal Operator Boldly Assails Archibald Before Senate Body. Washington, Dec. 11. Standing at the bar of the United States senate convened as an impeachment court, William P.

Roland, pointing his fln ger at Judge Robert W. Archbald and speaking wKh Intense feeling, denounced that official as a "corrupt judge" and charged that his judicial actB had been controlled by the railroad influence in Pennsylvania. Bo-land is a coal operator and was one of the parties to the contract ln which Judge Archbald was referred to as a "silent party." .1, ft the defense. were arraigned and held in $2,000 bail "I did not," answered Young. 'I died," she said, "she came downstairs one morning with her beautiful face rlowin like on alabaster vase with a light behind It.

She told us she had each. They were sent to the Essex never talked to anyone about blowing county jail, and will be examined next up any place andnever saw dynamite Mondy In my life." a vision. iociatlon. It is gratifying to know the local school board is doing everything in its power to improve the situation. But the fact remains that under the present law in Michigan, all plans for Jails are subject to tie approval of the state board of health, while school houses may be built and are built without any sanitary supervision whatever, Similar conditions are all too common in other states.

"1 said to her, 'No, mother, not a Shown canceled $1,000 checks pay ible io McNamara and marked "by or MORGAN SWAYS BANKS vtBion. but a dream, on, sne saia, was not a dream, but a vision. I saw In my vision the men and women of 1cr of the executive board." which, the government charges, enabled aiciNa- orrv rn a rivnamitins cam my country working together, hand in hpnrt fnr the unllft of the people. It paign on nonunion jobs extending Untermyer Tries to Get Frevi the street without injury. Manager Martin of the Gibson house happened to be behind the desk when the still alarm was sent in and he personally supervised the safe removal of the guests.

Scrub Woman Mrs. Josephine Bannecker, one of the scrub women employed in the 4Tnlon Trust building, was overcome by the dense smoke, carried out by firemen and sent to the City hospital ln a patrol. i John Mullaney, janitor ln the Union Trust building, was overcome on the ninth floor and was taken to the City hospital in the police auto. Mrs. Kate Hasseitt was at work scrubbing on the ninth floor with 16 other women and was suffocated by the smoke.

She was also removed to the City hospital and later taken to her home. The Union Trust and Savings Bank company's building is an 18-story office building. It was supposed to have been a fireproof structure, but once the flames caught hold, the whole interior went like paper and almost all of the huge structure was gutted. from Boston to Los Angeies, ioun was a vision from on high. "And as I recall It now, I believe my to Admit Magnate's Power.

said he did not learn McNamara re "THE MILLION." Performances Now on at the Olympic, Chicago.7 ceived that money until after the lat Last alnted mother did have a vision from on high, and that she saw ahead two ter's arrest. Growth of Bankers' Trust Company From $5,000,000 to $168,000,000 Deposits Gone Into. years and saw what we are witnessing today." Veteran Leads Chorus. 'RUSHING THE CAN" IS HIT ALIENS' EXECUTION FRIDAY Preparation for Electrocution of Virginia Outlaws Nearly Computed. Richmond.

Dec. 11. Preparations for the execution of the Aliens, charged with murder in the Hlllsville are going on, and the sheriff promises to have all in readiness for the taking off of the two men on Friday, the 13th, unless the governor acts in the matter. Petitions tor pardon nre being circulated largely, and wfll be presented to the governor, probably today. Meanwhile Governor Mann is Senator Dixon, who was presiding, Such Washington Authorities roroio Those who like a good laugh may get an opinion of the mirth possibilities of "The Million" from B.

L. Tay- column in "A Llne-o'-Type or Two" in the Chicago Tribune of Dec. 9. Mr. Taylor, after seeing the play, has this to say of the Henry age production: beean to look a bit worried, when an Sale Beginning January i.

old soldier, in blue uniform, stood up and began in a rich; deep voice to sing WftBhinKton. Dec. 11. By order oi with all his might. Washington, Dec.

11. "The Morgat influence'' In New York banking formed the basis for most of the day'i session of the house money trust In vestigatiou committee, with Walter Frew, a banker and president of the New York Clearing House association under a fire of questions by Same4 he excise board, "rushing the can." Tw1tr hundred voices joined in "A good laugh is better than calo- or fcarrvlnn beer In pitchers, or buck mel and. yet Ed was sure shook up and they sang it over and over again, while Mrs. Elliott stood on the plat ets, will be forbidden in Washington at 'Th Million' t'other night. If after January 1.

From and arxer. mat fArm with head bowed, and Senator your disposition is torpid go and see silent, and has given out no Intimation of what action he will take in the mat Dixon wiped his eyes with both hands lite, beer may be conveyed rrom tnr lorn where It Is sold only In the in ELECT LYNCH PRESIDENT the show, Untermyer, the committee's attor ney. Mr. Untermyer sought ln vain tc ter. It is with regret that the manage and turned his face to the wall.

Evangelist Mills spoke up, saying serior of the individual who, purchasei LNattefiat League Also Makes Secre- ment of the Olympic theatre an It. or in the "original which is construed by the board te GOUGE OUT EYES OF CHILD "Surely this movement is as 8enator Dixon Characterlxed it hi the Coliseum nounces that the. naT performance will take place on Saturday evening, -tary 'Meydler His Own Successor. New -York. Dec.

J. mean bottles. Any dealer wno sent last-August. is not politics it is Dec. 21, and It is advisable for those Man and Wife Do This Render a bucket of beer will be in danger ol reliaion." fcTBch was re-elected president of the get Mr.

Frew to admit that the phe nomenal rise of the Bankers' Trust company deposits from $5,000.000 Id 1803 to $168,000,000 at the present time was due to the influence of P. Morgan ft Co. "To what do you attribute the phenomenal rise?" asked Mr. Untermyer. the More Pitiable Beggar.

losing his Ucceise. Senator Flinn of Pittsburg and National league at the anual meeting, of that organisation at the Waldorf- George W. Perkins proved to be two Cerbere. France, Dec. 11.

A man i SICKLES HARD PRESSED of the biggest hits of the entire con Astoria hotel. John Arnold Heydler and wife living In She.vttlage of Gave. ference. Both were given noisy greet who do not wish to miss It, to make their reservations early. From Chi-cago Its projected laugh-covered route is toward the Pacific coast.

Million" is a French farce that provokes the kind of laughter that help's to circulate the blood, clear away the troubles of the work was re-elected secretary. Lynch was in were caught ln the act ing after the bl crowd had called State of New York May Demand Fund of gouging out the, eyes of their five- In General's Hands. for them for several minutes returned to office, for a term of one year only; Heydler for three Both officials were re-elected "Well, the Bankers' Trust company absorbed the Manhattan Trust company and the Mercantile Trust company." Do you attribute It to that?" "Partly, partly to good government." "I am for anything Theodore wants, and I 'will follow him Albany. N. Dec.

11 Efforts on Trevor he leads." said the part of State Comptroller in Pennsylvania we are not worrying son Sickles. U. S. retired, an account nvr the organisation lor tne next ing day, for the nonce blot out all the social disturbances, and send patrons of the theatre home smiling. Authorities say that if we could all forget ojir troubles at 6 o'clock, Americans would all be Sandows and Ve- nuses; but such is the nervous strain flsht.

We've capture: our state anu RETURNS ON HIS BIRTHDAY we're going to keep it." 70 KILLED IN BATTLE Mexican Federals and Rebels Engage In Bloody Fights. Washington, Dec. 11. What Is supposed to have been the biggest battle yet between federals and rebels ln President-Elect to Be Gtieet In House ing for certain funds of the New York monuments commission, having been unsuccessful, the comptroller has placed the matter in the hands of Attorney General Carmody. The amount unaccounted for, according to the comptroller, is $29,246.44.

Where He Was Born. Hoodoo Banquet Friday, December 13. Nashville, Dec. J.I. Joseph urtiann hmthar of President-elect of even earning a living, that Americans take their troubles to the even- year-old child, with the onject or rendering more pitiable and thus able to obtain as a beggar more syim-athy from the public.

The other inhabitants of the village were attracted by the child's screams, and when they arrived on the scene found that it bad been blinded and otherwise mutilated. The man and woman were arrested. Threatens Whites In Liberia. Cologne. Germany, Dec.

11. The lives of Europeans along the River Sestos, ln Liberia, are threatened by Uberian soldiers, according to a dispatch to the Cologne Gazette from Monrovia. It is added that the Europeans are preparing to leave the coun- w' Man Creaaatad In Slag Dump. ing meal and to the pillow and their wm be the guest of honor at systems get warped with nervous booaoo banquet? to be given here Staunton, Dec. 11.

Presidentelect Wilson has written to Mayor Wayt announcing he will be ln Staunton on December 28, his birthday aa-nlve-sary. He will be entertained ln the house ln which he, was born. i Allen Case to Jury. WTthevllle. Dec.

It. The case strain. 'The Million" is helpful and healthful. Don't miss it Adv. Friday night, December 13, by the Nashville Press club and board of Mexico took place at Chalchihultes, in Zacatecas, where there was continuous fighting for three or four days, the dead bodies of70 rebels having been counted in the streets after the engagement.

trade. Joseph Wilson Is olty editor Of Slflna Allen, leader of the mountain Clan Which shot up the Carroll county courtW1111 By6 nurder' tor lu "core, of a local newspaper. Spain to Build Big Warahlp. went to the Jury nere. Y.

VV. C. A. Opsne Hotel In Tokyo. Paris.

France, Deo. 11. The Spanish FINE TOILET WARE. A fine toilet set will always please friends. Our line of sllver.lvory and pearl handled toilet articles will Interest you.

L. D. Huber aV Co the Sift store. adv 306U2 naval program, has just been fixed, ac Rlvard Is Freed. St.

Paul. Minn, Dec. 11. Damns U. 6.

Third In Balloon Contest -New York, Dec. 11 According to advices received here through the Aero club of Great Britain, America cording: to a special dispatch from Tokyo, Japan, Deo. 11. The Young Women's Christian association of this city has supplied long felt want br opening a pension or hotel tor women Rlvard, indicted with John Carkeek Madrid. It will Include three dread-naughts of 21.000 tons each, two of Bait Lake City, Utah, Dec.

11. Ten tons of molten--waste poured on the slag dump. of vthe cmerican Smalte here engulfed WflUaai Bruce, a la been officially awarded third place The Evening Herald should he ln tourists from abroad, and also for worn for operating an alleged race horse swindle, was dismissed in the Ramsey vhe latest type of destroyers, nine tor It la Under foreign stt- in the recent contest of nine nations for the International balloon cup. pedo boats and three submarines. borer, burning him to death, oounty criminal court' every borne It St Joseph.

It is your residents. paper' and talks for your welfare and be city's best InteresU. 1.

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