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The Perry County Democrat from Bloomfield, Pennsylvania • 3

Bloomfield, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

R. To give relief to cruel pangs of pain, Relieve the patient from his torturing grief, To cure instantly IJiirns, Sores and Sprains, Is the object of Uadway's Ready Relief. Sores of all kinds. Lumbago and still back, Rheumatism, Ch amps, Paralysis and Gout, Frost bitten Flesh or Cold, Cuts or Chaps II instantly relieves withodt a doubt. In Rheumatism, Nervous and Neuralgic Aflcc lions, llddwiiy'ii Kmdy Relief acts like a clmrm.

The very moment it is applied, it gives relief and cures the worst cases of Rheumatism, Lumbago, Gout and Paralysis. In Ilernicranca or Nervous Headache its effects are speedy and effectual, in fact it is the only remedy that possesses any cer. tain power over Neuralgic diseases. How many thousands are there who are suffering with that dreadful disease, Nervous Headache, yet have failed in receiving permanent relief, he will war Estate of Daniel Smith. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that James Millibar), assignee of Daniel Smith, of Savillo township, Perry county, under a voluntary deed of assignment lor the benefit of his creditors, has exhibited and filed, in the Court of Common Pleas, of Perry county, his account of said trust, and the Court has appointed Wednesday the Sth day of January, 1651 for the passing of said account, when the -arae will be allowed unless cause be shown hy it should not be coufirnicd.

the Cour t. PETER OR WAN TroUi. Nov. 28,1850. Estate of JIui Ernest.

Notice is hereby given, that Jacob Shearer, assignee of John Ernest, under a deed of assignment for the benefit of creditors, lias tiled, in the Court of Common Pleas of Perry county, his ac ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER' AN ARTIFICIAL DZGSSTZVfi FLUID, OR IC JUICE! A GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURER'. Trcpared fr om RENNLiT, or th fourth Sloniaelj of the Ox, after directions of BATiON great Physiological by J. S. HOUGHTON, M. IK No.

11, Eigth Street, Philadelphia, Pa- This is truly a wonderful remedy for ODInES-TJON, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, and Curing after Nature's own by Nature's own ngent, Ihe Gastric Juice. lyiialf a toaspoonfiil of this Fluid, infused in wa'er, will digest or dissolve Five rounds of L'oust Ih-ef in atoul Ikv hours, out of tho stoniaehi the Court of Common Pitas of Perry county. Henry Cooper, No. 0-1 Nov. T.

1 S47. vs. Judgment I). Woodruff Fi. Fa.

No. GO Oct. cr W. lleckendorn T. 1950.

Levy and saleof Deft. Woodruff's personal property. A KUnk, No. 1 74 A ug. T.

1 850. vs. Judgment D. Woodruff) Alias Fi. Fa.

No. 55 Oet.T. 1850. Levy and sale of personal properly of Deft. 28th, 1850.

On motion of Mr. Anderson and the petition and affidavit of Henry Cooper The Court grant a rule on SherifTCniripbell to bring the money raised on the ubove writs into Court, for appropriation same day the parties inter In the Orphans' Court of Perry county. RULE on the devisees in the Will of Jacob Rico, late of Tyrone ('now Spring) township, deceased, and the ir legal rep re-sentatives, viz 1st. On the heirs of Jacob Rice, namely, William Rice, John Kilmer and Catharine his wife, Daniel Shawbeil and Polly his wife, Philu Rice, John Thomas and 'Elizabeth his wife, George Jacobs guardian of Nancy Rice, Daniel Rice and Calvin Rice 2d. On the heirs and legal representatives of Henry Rice, deceased, viz Mary Rice (widow of said Henry) Joseph Kennedy and Sarah his wife, Calvin Itice and John Rice his guardian, Jlenrv D.

Woodruff guardian of Samuel, William Henry and Mary Jane Itice 3d. On Robert Crozicr and Mary Ins wife 4th. On the heirs of Elizabeth Wilson, deceased, who was intermarried will) James Register's Notice. TO ALL PERSONS CONCERNED. The following named accountants have led their accounts in the Register's Office of Perry county, and they will bo presented the Orphans' Court of said county, for confirmation and allowance, on Monday, the Gili day of January, A.

D. 1831, in thdH-'otirt House, in DIoomfield, to wit: The partial administration account of John Sutch, of John Fertig, dee'd. The administration account of George Black, adin'r of Jano Black, dee'd. The adininistration account of John Soudcr, executor of Daniel Fry, dee'd. The guardianship account of Lewis Mickey, guardian of Samuel Fisher.

The guardianship account of David Grove, dee'd, guardian of Robert, Rachel and Urie Hackctt, by his adtn'r, Wrn. B. Anderson. The administration account of John Myers, ndm'r of Patrick McCachen dee'd. The guardianship account of John Bull, guardian of the minor children of Wrn Dewces.

i The guardianship account of Robert H. ested, agree that the money be considered in Court, and rule that the same bo appropriated at the next term. BY THE COURT. All persons interested in the appropriation of the proceeds arising from the sale of the Defendants personal property will take notiee that the same will be disposed of by the Court on the first Monday of January next. P.

011VVAN, Frothy. Nov. 21, 1850. In the Orphan' Court of Perry county. To the heirs and legal representatives of George Moyer, late of Savillo township, dee'd, iz; loiicorge uie issue oi uco.

er, dec' Joseph Moyer, Samuel Mover David Moyer.Samuel Fisher and Elizabeth his wile, (late- Elizabeth Mover) George luli and Latfia- .1 TT 1 I (1 rine Ins wile, (late i amarme aunu j.r- nest aud Mary Ann Ins wile, (late Mary Ann Adam i.ruesl ana lienecca niswnc, Rebecca Mover) and Emanuel and Catli. urine Mover, Widow. 'Pake liutiee that by virtue of a writ of partition and valuation on the estate of said dee'd issued out of the. Orphans' Court of Perry county and to me directed, I will execute said writ of the prein ies, in Saville township, on Friday the -0th day of December nc.v', A. D.

Itvl); hen and where vou may attend if vou think proper. SAM EL lit G( I NS, Shcriif. Sheriirs Bhnmifield. Nov. IS, 1S50.

i (Jr non commissioned oliicers and privates entitled to reeeive "Bounty Land" under the late act of Congress. I herebv 'ive notice ill fiav hi; associa- ted inyseii' with an efficient ag'-ni in Washington City for procuring warrants said lands, and having ihe pay rolls in my possession of those who served from this district, in the 5th detachment, under the command of Col. James Feiiton in the war of 1512, will enable me to give information to claimants illative thereto. Prompt intention will be paid to the procuring of said warrants for the? able defenders of this country. The charge will be moderate.

I will also attend to the procuring of Patents for the smile. Please give me a call. It. LAMBEltTON. Carlisle, 5, 1850.

Valuable Mill Proiievf y. II A S' It A subscribers, Guardians of the minor children ofTsaae Kirkpatrick, late of the borough of liloomficld, Perry coutitv, deceased, will in pfir- suance ol order oftht; Orphans' Court, of said county, expose to sale by public outcry, on the premises, on Priday the 2'th day of Dccanlur next, At 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following described valuable The undivided five eleventh parts of four acres of lurid, situate in Whealfii Id township, bounded by land of George Pillow's heirs, Geo- G. Moscr, lieighslineaiid others, having JfarL thereon erected a larirc three story KJJ i i'f IIVVI ,1 aSNV Urff Cl'tl with two water wheels, prop, lledHg rant them not only a sptedy relief but a permanent cure, ifihcy will use Radway's Ready Relit according to directions. The ttharp, cruel pains of this painful diseiifo, shooting through the system like electric shocks, is instantly arrested by one application of the Ready Relief. powerful is this remedy in the cure of sore throat, Hoarseness, Cramps, Influenza, Croup, Soreness in the bones, pain in the Bums, Scalds, Soros, Erupt ions of the Skin, that tin: most violent pains have been relieved, and a perm mcnt cure made in from five minutes to twenty-four hours.

Now from nocturnal sweat and Sanguine rta-in, They cleanse their bodies in the neighboring main; Then in the polished bath refreshed from toil Their joints they supple with dissolving oil.1' The ancients, beyond doubt, enjoyed better health and lived to a more advanced age than the moderns; they were more particular in their baths and the applicants of Balsamic and oily preparations to their skin, which by softening and moistening the ilesh prevents loo great a dissipation and restores the natural strength. RADWArH MEDICATED SOAP is the most purifying balsamic, cleansing and healing preparation that can bo applied lo the weary, gives tone and vigor to the functions of the skin, removes every particle of excressence from the cuticle, and imparts beauty to the complexions of all who use it. Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Tetters, and other unsightly spots van-ish after the libations with this soap, like dew before the morning sun. Let every lady aud gentleman use Radway's famous Medicated Soap in the bath, and we will warrant them a pure, clean, sweet, fair and healthy skin, and a beautiful clear, and transparent complexion. Look for ihe Sin Engraving Radway's Soap, No.

1, is enclosed within a label of beautiful steel engraving representing two female figures of Beauty and Health, see that the signature Railway is upon cadi cake none other is genome price cents, ar''C cases. Ren tit if nl Locks ef Hair 'Tis true that the crowning ornament ofbeanly is a head of luxuriant hair, the most lovely face would appear indifferent if it were minus Ihe I locks of hair lo give it expression. Loveis have sworn by the hair of their lady loves. IV is have snug of raven tresses, warriors have fought for the possession of a simple lock of their lady's hair, kings have given half their thrones to pos. sessa queen possessed of beautiful locks of hair.

Rndwny's Circassian Rtthn. Is the most natural hair restorative in use, il cleanses Ihe scalp from dandruff, removes rcurf', cures sores of Ihe head, is a perfect antidote for Ualeluess, gives nnurUlwiemt to the roots, iuvigo- rates the bulbs, strengthens the hair, prevent its fa out, ami forces it to grow It is adini- ralde fiir dressing the hair, it is suoerior to nil other preparalioiT. for the hair Ladies and gen- tit-men who have used liatJiliiu's Cirniriutn I'ttlm pref it to all oils use. Raibvay's Cir. cassian llahn is 2., ets.

per bottle, largo bottles. See ll.r. fiio See that each bottle has the fac simile si" nature of A I A A. CO. For sale by John Swartz, Petersburg, C.

Roth, nioimifieid, Fetter Wrise, Laniiisburg, ('. W. Cuib J. D. Uhiesmitb, lhi.ini Johnston, Centre.

Oct. 21, IciaO 2m. First Arrival COMETO T11E CIIEjAP Tllo The subscribers have just received a large and elegant assortment of Fall and Winter iw mm. both finey and staple. Wc have purchased our stock at fair terms, nnd are prepared and ill se ll them at ve-ry (ill EAT BARGA1 NS to purchasers.

It consists of a general assortment of every thing in the Dry Goods line. Wc have a choice selec tion of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, new styles; plain, changeable and striped Silks; lurk Satins, trench Marinocs, Camchen do Laines, Figured dc I.eines, Brocade Came lions, Coburgt 'loth, Alpacas, Bonnet Velvets Satins; together with a large assortment of ibbons and Flowers, Stocking and Gloves, STAPLE OOOSS Cloths, CasMtncrcs and Vestings; Flannels; Tick, ings; Sheetings, Shirlinns; Hats and Caps; Boots and Shoes; Oil Cloths, vVc. Groceries and Queensware, c. tjV. Thankful to our friemds for past support we solicit their continued favors, anil desire that all, who want cheap gooels, call at the Cheap Store, one door below William Lackcv's Hotel.

WILLIAM Bloom field, Oc t. 3, 850. I JESSE BEUm FOR1VARDIXG COMMISSI OX And Jgent for the Pennsylninia Railroad Company. NEWPORT, Perry Solicits consignments of all kinds of Freight bv ('anal or Railroad to PiiiLADKf.riiiA, I Baltimore, I riTTsnrno, Lancastkr, York, llot.i.iiAvsBi;nc, and all iutermei'ialo points 011 tho line of Canal Railroad. Also, constantly on hand nnd for sale, at fh lowest prices, Fish, Salt, Plaster, nnd all kinds of Stone Coal.

1 he highe st price paid for all kinds Grain and Flour. Nov. 7, 1850. Estate of Benjamin Smith, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the Register of Perry count v.

has minted h'tterHof'iiehninistralion on the esl.ife ofltctijaiuin Smith, latu of the township of Spring in aid county, to the subscriber, residing in the borough Landisburg. All persons liiivmg rlaimsor de. inatiilsaqa inst the said estate are reqiieste to make know the samo wilhmtt delay, and persons in. debtee! to said cslato arc required to miikc pay. nientiiniiieiiiHtely.

ABRAHAM B. ALBERT. AebnV. AujfiutS, 1650. Ut.

I I I S. count of said trust, and that the Court lias appiut-ed Monday the Glh day of January, lfe'ol, tor the confirmation of the same, when saidaccountwill be allowed unless cause be shown why it should not be confirmed; of which all persons interested will tiike notice. PETER OR WAN, Prolhnnotary's Office, Prolh'y. Nov. 28, 1850.

Better Late than Never! FALL WESTEIt GOODS AT THE CHBiiP GORHEB. The subscriber has just received, and has now open for inspection aud sale, a largo and varied assortment of Consisting, in part, of Cloths, Cassimercs, Satti- ncl. Ladies and (entlcjuen i'ress Goods. 1UX AM) WIXTliK Of all descriptions, such as Marinocs, Alpacas, Calicois, Ginghams, ic. Hardware, Groceries and Queensware, all of which will he sold low for or exchanged for Country Produce.

'Phe public are invited to call and examine before purchasing eUewhere, as no charge will be made for showing our Goods. A. C. KI.I ty HROTII ER. Rlooiufield, Nov.

r-'S, lsoii. Perry county, ss. The Commonwealth of IVnn-sylvania to William I'. U'iliis Kxecutor of Samuel Willis, do ceased. At the Instance of John W.

Rossorman, you are again hereby cited and commended lobe and appear at the next stated Orphans' Court, to be held at Ploondield, in and lor the euumv of Perry, on the 1st day of January next, then aud there to settle an account of your administration on tin' estate of said decedent, and abide the orders and judgement of the said Court. And that mi state and hie voiir said account in the oliiee of the Register for (he probalc of illis md urairinui letters of administration, in ind for said count at least thirty days prior to the time of holding the said Court. itness ihe Honorable predeiiek Walls, President Judge ol'our said at llooinfudd, this 7th day of November, 1850. GEO. W.

CRANE, Nov. 11, 1 Clerk, O. C. Alias citation awarded to be published three weeks in two papers in the county, twenty days before the next term. I5Y THE COURT.

In the Court of Gammon Pleas of Perry county. To the heirs and legal representatives of David Hopple, deceased, late of Ferry county, Pennsylvania, and to all persons in-lerested in the real estate of said David Hopple, dee'd, and lo the heirs of Henry Hopple, dee'd, who was a brother of the said David Hopple, dee'd. Take notice that a summons in partition, to partition and divide the real estate of Ebvid Hopple, late of Perry county, iniui in i.i in, in 'i i i v. 1 1 1 1 in saiel county, has been issued out of said court, at the instance of Abraham Hopple, and Ihe names aud residences of many of Ihe heirs entitled to said real estate be-in I i i uiikiiowii io ine uemanuaiii in saul aelion the court direcled the above notice to be oiven describing said heirs as above. PETEti OH WAX, Nov.

11, 18.30. Prolh'y. In the Orphans'1 Court of Perry county On the Heirs of John Render, deceased viz Jeremiah Miller and Sarah his wile Da niel Stumb and llcdiecca his wile, or Nancy Bender widow, Anthony Brandt guardian of John, Sarah, Fanny Susan na Bender, children of Joshua Bender, deceased, also guardian of Catharine, Phiana, Lvdia or Ann, Malhias ik. George Bender, children of George Bender, widow; also on Benjamin Bender. In the ease of the writ of Partition and Valuation of the Ileal Estuloof John der, laic of Greenwood township, Perry county, deceased.

And now to wit: Oct 2, on motion of James Macfarlane ihe Inquisition was confirmed, and a Utile granted on the heirs and rcprc sentatives of said deceased, above named, lo appear at tho next Orphans' Court, of 1 crry county, to be held at Bloomfield, on the 1st Monday of January next, and ac- cop! or refuse the real estate nt the valuation, and to show cause, il any they have, why the sid ical estate; should not be sold case Ihe said parties negject or refuse to take and accept the same tit the valuation made bv the inquest. Ri the Court. Attest: GEO.W. CRANK. Nov.

11, 1650. Clerk O. C. Was Lost! On Wednesd ay of the Court, in the IWough of lilonmfi- hi, a Pocket, 10k, containing about six dollars of money, and several valuable papers. Any person fuultog the same will be; liberally rewarded by leaving it nt this oliiee, or giving in.

Icirmalioii to thu subscriber residing in Walts township. Robert fox. Nur. 7, IS50. I'll BISrSTICL.

IG EST JON isefiiifTy performed in the s(om aeh by the aid of a which freely exudi it from the iniu coal of that ofgn'i. wbcn in a state' of health, called the Gastric Juice; Tilt's fluid is the Great Siilpeid of the food, the J'ut if'jinp, Vrc-set ring a nd Mini luting Agi rut of the stftoaih' and intestines. Without it there would be no digestion, no conversiuii of food into blood, and r.o nutrition of the body but rather a foul, torpid, painful, and destructive condition of the wbolu digestive apparatus. A weak, half (lend oriujui-ed stomach produces no good Gastric Juice, aiuf hence the disease, distress and debility which ensue. PEPSIN is the chief clement, or prail iligcst-ing princiUr of the Gastric Juice.

It is found in great abundance in the solid parts of the. htH man stomach after death; and sometimes causes the stomach to digest itself; crt-ftt itself up. It is also found in the stomach of nnimals, as tha ox, calf, It is he material used bf farmers in neiking chee-ct called Rcnml. the effect of which has long been the Wonder of the dairy. The curdling of milk is Ihe first, process of tion.

Rennet possesses power. Tho stomach of a calf will curdle lieiu'y one thousand times its own weight of milk. Baron states that, One part of Pepsin dissolved in sixly thousand parts of water will digest meat and oti-" er food." Diseased stomachs produce no good Gastric Juice, Rennet or Pepsin. To show that this want may be perfectly supplied, wc quote! the following SCIEHTTFlOEVlDElfCE! IUKON I.I KB1G, in his celebrated work cn Animal Chemistry, says: "An Artifcial Di-restive Fluid may be readily prepared from to" mucons niembrar.c ot the stomni of the Calf, in which various articles of food, and eggs, will be saftennl, changed owl 'ligctlcd, ijst in the sawf mtiuw.r us they icould La in the human ulumnch." DR. 1T.IJE1RA, In bis famous (realise on Food and Die published by Wilson Co.j New Yorltj page 3.r, states Ihe same irrerit fact, and describes the method el prep iraM- n.

There arc few hoiu alilln- it. Pr. JOHN W. 'em- istry in tiic iWedica! if t'nivnsilv New York, in his Text Pook of Cheiii''ry," page says, it has bei a f-uestieu w)vAln artificial digestion could be pe rrorin(d but it now uaivcrsnllv thai it, inn be." Professor DUNG 1. 1 SON of Philadelphia, in hirf great work en human physiuliigy devotes morn I ban fifty paces to an examination of this subject.

I I vtitli lip. r.r l.c i. i-' t. ZtlZl ,1, 'J h'C AS A jCYSPUP PR. GMTON'S on occurred as iv rfeet.

vit'nttl digestions." FSIA CUilSH. GH 1 ON preia ration of I US1N has proilueed the most timrrvUuii eJftcU, cm ii.g cases of Emacintiuv, Xa rvvs Dcclb.t, and Dyyiitic Cmifumj.liuu, supposed to be on the very verge of the grave. It is impossible to give the details of cases in the limits of this nei. vertisi nu.iit but authenticated certificates litv been given of more than In Philadelphia, New York, and Boston alcne. 'Phesd were nearly all desperate case mid tho cures were not only rapid and wonderful Lut per-manenl.

It is a great Nervous Anlidoit, and. from the astonishingly small quantity necessary topredueo healthy digestion, is believed to act upon EL EC TRO-MA OXKTiC There is no form of OLD STO.MACH (()r-PLAENTS hich il does not si 1 to ru.i i.n remove at once. No matter bow nc? be, it GIVES INS'J'AN'T RELIEF A Ik dose vmrives nil the. unplctifaiit symptoms, it only needs to be re-pealed, short 1m. to make these good e'tlccls periunient.

li lit'tV OF BLOOD and VIGOR OF BOD f.ii. v. once. Ills particularly xce IK nt in i.i Nao-sca, Vomiliiig, Cramps, pit 01 tl.n Slomacb, distress afte-r 1 -at Id, sla'e of the Blood, Heaviness, Lowness of Soiiits, ponde-ncy, Em-n iatie.n, Wcaki ess, t'-ndenev t. Insanity, Suiciele, Price, ON DOLLAR per O.c will often i ll'ect a lasting 1 PEPSIN 1" rOWDCf, SENT BY MAIL, I'll Eli OF POSTAGE.

For convenience of sending to all pruts of. (ho country, the Digestive Maili of the 1'cpsim i put up in Ihe liiriu of Powders, wilh dirn lobe dissolved in diluted alcohol, water, or syiep, bv the patient. The-sc powders contain just same milter as the bottles, but ticu the. ip.mrti'11 fur the same price, and will be sent by 111: il, fit t. of ibrnie dollar sent post-paid1- to Dr.

IIOL'GH'PON, No. 11, North Eigih slteef, Philadelphia, Pa. Siv packages for five dollars. Every pacing and bottle bears the written signature of J. Houghton, M.

Sole Proprietor. Agents wante in ve-ry tot. in the Flute Stales. Very liberul discounts give to tile trade. Druggists, Postmasters, and are de' sirid to act as agents.

Agents for Pe rry eotm! t. John Drug Store, 1 clcrsbiirf. C. Eotb, Jr, Bloomfpchl. W.

Fetter Weise, Lan.Ii'j. G. Thorp, Live rpool. J.L.M'Neal, Centre. T.

Doyle, Germantow n. James 11, Ickesburg. Milligan, Sanely Hill. Kaey iV Jones, Elliottsbnrg. .1.

B. KnoufT, New Buffalo, Cochran F.ekbe rt, Millcrstown: Henry Thatcher, Newport. J.B. i'lmnu rman, Andesvillc. Sept.

12, IS'50. Just re-ei ived a new supply eif Air-Tight and Parlor Stoves, for wood nmrconl, from $5,50 toljl'li Stoves, IJ'IJM) to tit). 81,50 to $il. SlSj'O r. ood Cook Wilh complete fixtures rui .1 i.

PEAVfR. Newjiort, Nov. 1 Wilson, deceased, viz: William Wilson, Samuel E. Ilench assignee of lioyd Wilson, James Wilson, Mary widow of Henry Dorr, deceased, Wilson IJeck, and Nancy his wife, Hannah Wilson, John Soudcr and Elizabeth his wife, and Jacob Wilson also to John Juukinarid Henry Rice testamentary guardians of the minor legatees. In the ease of the writ of partition and valuation on the real estate of said Jacob Itice, dee'd.

And now, to wit: Oct. 31, on motion of James Macfarlane, the inquisition was confirmed, and the Court do grant a rule on the devisees in tin; will of Jacob Rice, above named, to come into Court, on the 1st Monday of January next, and accept or refuse lo accept of the said real cstale at the valuation made as aforesaid; and also to show cause, if any they have, why the said real estate should r.ol he sold, in case the said parlies, neglect or refuse to lake and accept the same at the valuation. the Court. CEO. W.

CRANE, Nov. 11, 1650. Clerk O. C. Bloomfield Hotel.

Tin IIulil is still kept open, where strangt is, travellers, boarders and customers, can be cuter- tamed with as good accommodations as the country affords. The table will be supplied with all the requisites of good living-. 'Phe bar with choice liipiors, and the stable with plenty of the i best provender. In hort. there shall he no want il.

as usual, a com fortable entertainment for both Man and E. WOUDRUl'F. liloomficld, Oct. 17, Stray JIare iiutl Colt. Came to the residence of Ihe in Carroll township, Perry county, en or about the yUlli of October, A l.liAl MARIj, 4 H'x months iv-f-it ld.

The owner is requested to forward, prove properly pay charges and lake tiu away otherwise lliey will be disposed of according to law. ANTHONY WAX. Nov. 21.1 ST it A III I A j. Came to the residence of the subscriber, in tmvnship, the I ol a Ir.

fi Ji die Hull, about2vears IWvJ and a half old. 1 here VSa is no irlienbir mark VM on Mm. I lie owner is f-1 A- It requested to come forward, prove propeity, iay charges and take it away, otherwise it will Jjc disposed ol'aetonling lo lave, WTLLIA.M PKTRE. Nov. 2S.

ISofl. ALEX. B. ANDERSON) ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bloom Fiian, Pa. Will attend faithfully and promptly to any business connected wilh his profession, lie is also Commissioner to take the acknowledgments of Deeds lo be used in the States of Ohio and Illinois.

iO 'OFFICE nearly opposite Geo. S. Haekett's Hotel Estate of John Rohison, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That letters of administration on the estate of John Robison, bite of Spring township, deceased, were in due form of law issued by the Register of said comity, lo the subscribers resieling in the same township. All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased evill make payment and having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement.

MARY ROIMSON, WILSON M'AFEE, Oct. 10, If 50. Ct. AJm'rs. Notice is hereby given that the Notes, Book accounts, of Henry D.

Woodruff, late of Bloomfield, were assigned to the subscriber on the lib of October, lc'50, therefore all persons know ing themselves to be indebted are requested to cull and make payment immediately. A. C. KLINE. Bloomfield, Oct.

21, 1850. 3t STRAY STEER. Came fotbe residence of the subscriber, in Rosc- burg, Savnlu township, about the loth of August last, a Urindle Steer, wilh while li.r ami IW ldS0A supposed to be about 18 iaonthsfJi old. Phe owner is rcouested to come forward. prove property, pay charges and take it away, otherwise it will be disposed ot according folaw, EDWARD Oct.

21, 1850. Mitchell Steever, A TT XE A A 11', I LWAlMIL', WISCONSIN. ill attend to locatinar lands, or any other business intrusted to him in his profession an Lawy or General Land Agent. Aov. (, Jtjl.

Estate of John Troup, dee'ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, AT the Register of Perry counly, has granted Leltersof Administration, on the estate of John I'roup, late oft (liver township. Perry to the siihsei ibe borough. A 11 persons hav. iiigel.iims or iieinands against thCBaiel estate arc requested to make known the same without delay, nnd prrsons indebted to said estate arc re-quested to make payment immediately A.

MONROE, Adm'r. August 8. IS50. tl. or of of Bull, guardian the minor children ol Thomas T.

Wray, dee'd. The administration account of Robert Kelly, executor of Wm. Macketf, dee'd. The administration account of W. T.

Shively, adm'r of Barbara Martin, dee'd. The administration account of Jacob Grubb and Henry Grubb, adtnr's of Abraham Grubb, dee'd. The administration account IWcFaddon and Mrs. Frances MeFaddeii, one of the executors of Mary Urban deed. GEO, W.

CRANK, Dec. 12, 1850. Register. I'HJJVCCC'rtOItf I SlH'ffSS of Hutcwxos' vegetable dyspepsia BITTERS, ho must popular Family Mcdi-erne of tho age used 'by Physicians ol high standing. These Hitlers remove all morbid luniiV the blood, 'five lone ami visrnr to the eli- gestive organs, fortify tlic system against all lure diseases, can be taken with safety, at t'ti- no time debilitating- the patient being grateful to the most delicate stomach, and remarkable for their cheering, invigorating, strengthening, and restorative properties, and an invaluable remedy fur the.

DY.srEP.SIA IN ITS WORST FORMS. I Circulars, containing the certificates of renin rk- able Cures, and the high slimalion in which tins. Medicine is held by the public pros, can be had of the agents free. lE'Pritf, 50 Cls jsf' KoSJLo. I Principal Office, Fullon street, N.

Y. up s'uirs. For sale by John Petersburg, C. Bloomfield, Fetter Weise, Laiulis. burg, C.

Culberson, Mullicaulisvillc, J. D. i liinesinilb, William Johnson, Centre. Dec. 12, 1S50.

To the Jltiiwriihle Ihe Court of Q'laller Sessions of the 1'iuee of Ferry count ij. i. The petition of the subscriber, respectfully represents thai she is desirous of keeping a public house, inn or tavern, in the house now occupied by. her, in the borough of Neiv Cermantuvin that she is well provided with all things necessary lo'liccnmmndatc the public and enUrtiin strangers or travellers. She therefore prays the Court to grant her a license lo keep an inn, tavern or house of pablie entertainment in said house.

And she wiii ever piav, 9 EMILY GRAY. Dee. If .10. tWc, the subscribers, citizens ofToboync town sliip and boro'ish of New GcniKintown in which the above mentioned inn or tavern pl ayed to be ieeused is proposed lo be kept, do certify, that uch inn or tavern is necessary to accommodate die public and irilertain or travellers, and dial Emily Gray, the above applicant, is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences tor the accommodation of strangers and travel-lers. We therefore recommend her for a license agreeably to her petition.

3.1). Riiiesinith, George Knnkcl, Samuel Kars-' tater, Tliomns Segar, Win. A. Morison, George A Fiedler, John II. Keek, Jonathan Konlz, John Gable, George Derrick, Wi.liam!, George Rhea.

state if Juct Vejfr, (he'd. NOTICE lSHEPvEHY GIVEN, That letters of Administration on the estate Jacob Stouiler, late of Carroll township, Perry county, deceased, have been granted by the Regis-ter of said county, to the subscribers. All persons indebted to Ihe estate of said ileex'useel, are requested lo make payment immediately, and tlusc having claims thereon will present them, properly authenticated fur se ttleme nt. JACOliSTOlTTEU. Jr.

CHRISTIAN STOIJI FER, Carroll township. JJOUEKT-JONES, Petersburg borough. Dec. 5, 18a0. Administrators.

Estate of Joseph Carl, deceased. NOTICE IS IJEItEBY GIVEN, That Le'ttrrs of Adininistration on the estate Joseph Carl, deceased, late of Juniata township, Perry counly, were in due form of law granted by the Register of said county to the subscribers. All persons indebted lo the estate of saiei deceased an; requested to make payment immediately, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM CARL, Tyrone township. SAMUEL CARL, Juniata township.

Dec. 5, 13.9. Administrators. Auditor's Notice. In the matter of the distribution of the estate of Isaac S.

P.raudt The. Auditor, to whom was referred the cxrep. tions fo the Report of John II. Porter, erislribut-ing the estate of sa 11I dece dent, will meet the parlies interested, nt his office in the Porough of Ploouiliekl, on Friday the 27th day of December, 1 to make distribution of the: fund in the hands of the Administrator, and all those credi tors who lau lo prcsemi uieir claims 111 uo ex cluded from its benefit A. 13.

ANDERSON, Dec. 12, 1850. JWior. Estate of William M'Caughi deccd, NOTICE IS HIUlEBYtJlVEN, THAT Le-llers testamentary on flic last Will ami Testament nf William M'Gaughi'y, late of Maeli. non township, Perry counly, we re in elite feirm of law granted by the Register of said county to the subscribers residing in Madison township, said comity.

All persons indebted to f.iid eslale will make: payment iinniediati ly and all those having claims will pre-sent Ihem for Koltlement. MATTIIKW DALTON, JOHN SNYDLR, Nov. 2, 1850. LYrs. a I.

are door nv uie recii, wuii lour run ol stones, i eiec el, consisnng eilil acres, more ol smut machine, corn breaker, one merchant and ndjoining biriOS of John Junk ill. Ahra-two counlrv bolls, lher wilh ail the ollu rii 1. i necessary machinery tliercunlobelonging. Also, r's house and stable. This property is situate in a gooel neighborhood, on the Shcruia is Creek, five miles from the towns of Potorr-borg and Dnncannon, and the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, and five miles southeast of the HorotiL'h of liloouiuVld.

'Phe lerms will he made knnwn at the time and place of sale. JAM ES ST LTD KNS, ISAAC KIRKPA'PRICIC, Nov. 28, 1850. Guardians. Estate of Henry Ell maker, deceased.

NOTICE IS IIKRLilJY GIVEN, THAT Letters of Administration on theeslale of lien. Ellmaker, lute of liulfilue township, Perry Cuimty, dee'd, were in elne form of law granted by the of Perry county to the suhse ri-be residing in the same township. AH persons noli bte el lo saul estate will make immediate pay mi nt, and those having claims will present lliein lor settlement. JACOB CHARLES, Aug. 22, Adm'r.

lOOO Tons of Limehuriier's cV; Stone Coal, lor sale, at reduced prices, at the Warehouse of BEAVER. Newport, Oct. 17, Iiloitiiiill v. The inter Term of this Institution will commence on the 2sih of October, 1850. 'I'he terms, per Quarter of 11 weeks, for Tuifiouare: For Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geo-, ffraphy and English Gramnu For Algebra, Gi-ome-lry, Popular I'lii-Jisophy and P.

Astronomy, alio and Gree Languages, J'25 cts. per Quarter for wood. 83,00 $1,00 m. p. Patterson, Pnncinai.

Oct. 17, 1850. IV OTI U. All persons knowing them-solve indebted lo the subscriber, in any way, reepiested Income and pav off, as. money is m-cdcdaridmnstbohad.

A. C. KLIN iv. Juno 6, lf50. 1.

2 k. 3, ill barrels and half barrels, just received and for sale by JESSP, J) CAVER. Newport. Nov. 7, 1850.

w. AT TO K.H A Bl.OOVII lKI.l), PtililtY ('oi'M J'dNN'a. is removed his office lo Carlisle Street, one north of Woodi ulf's Hotel. April 18, I formic by C..

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