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Wayne County Herald from Honesdale, Pennsylvania • 1

Honesdale, Pennsylvania
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MWHEE1EB, CIVIL ENGINEER. SURVEYOR, AND EVEIVIIfG WORDS. MORAL GEMS. Draughtsman. Oltice: Kesidence Earl Wheeler, xirncr lltlt ana Main streets, Honesdale, Pa.

Bawl-dresses baby-clothes. Joint education gymnastics. A wife's sour face is good for tho liquor trade, i Words that burnRojected communications, i When is love deformed? When it is all on one side. TTJF.AT, KSTATE AOTCNTOY. XV The undersigned has several Farms to Bell any one wishing to buy can be accommodated quantity auoquamy lanU, well as yng STEPHENS.

thorn in the bush is worth two in the A word fitly spoken how good is it" Solomos. -Our prayers must always bo socondod bj our endeavors. Lofty hearts, like lofty mountains, art never fruitful. 1 Whater talent you may possess, the Divine Master says, "Occupy till I come." Cromwell did not wait to strike until tht iron was hot, but mado it hot by striking. 11 What does this moan It is only the aristocrats that are to die." "Away, woman," exclaimed only one of the executioners.

No I will not away until you tell me why my brother is just Your brother?" was the echo. "Well, who are you?" "I am Maria don't you know mo The Beggar-girl Ay." But this is not your "It is. Ask him ask him." Young Antonio de Nantes had turned a scornful gaze upon the maiden, but a light- passed across his face, and he murmured "Oh, my sister!" "Is this your brother?" asked Robespierre of the snpposed beggar, advancing near her. "It is." I supposed him to be an aristocrat." "Then you are mistaken. He is my broth hand.

nENTAL CARD. J. KESI-ER 'Who was the inventor of tho steel pen? We fear that his name, like that of the individual who ate the first oyster, is destined to remain unknown to the millions who otherwise would be eager to render their acknowledgments to their groat benefactor. Vhat should we do without steel pens Why, it might be asked, what should we do without'the printing press Like the railroad and the electric telegraph steel pens have become one of the necessities of the age. In the days when four wheeled coaches were deemed the ne plus ultra of locomotion, and when a journey from the metropolis to the midlands was a task requiring several days preparation, folks were content to use quills, which they cut and mended at their leisure.

But after a time men grew weary of continually mending pens, and so, after maDy attempts and failures, the steel pen came into use not tho article with which we are now familliar, but one mounted in a bone case, and known as Wise's pen. This was in the beginning of the present century but there is reason for believing that the invention was of earlier origin, steel pens Baa fitted up tho oillce in Duuning's Building, a few doors above the Bank, where he will be happy to serve friends who Deed bis professional services. Teeth ex Natural Fill-osophy. have another drink." Men' of means are oftenest the meanest of men. tracted without pain.

41-ly SCALPED BY INDIANS. The Detroit Wree Press snys that a victim of Indian vengeance in the present straggle along the borders, and one that wilt forever have cause to remember it, reached that city on tho His name is G. Sand-bertson, and he lost his scalp at the battle of Washita. He allowed the envious to examine his poll, and a look at tho still red and tender spot from which his scalp was jerked away was not calculated to prejudice -any one in favor of "h'ar lifting." As but fow persons have ever lived to undergo the process, perhaps the sensations experienced by Mr. Sandbertson will interest and enlighten.

Says he: "I was in the infantry, Custer had command of the troops. There was- quite a force of cavalry with us, but they were about a mile in the rear when we first discovered the reds. Some of the-troops had been sent around so as to-attaok on the other side. Tho reds were within eighty rods of them for half an hour before daybreak. Justin the gray of morning the firing commenced ou both sides, and wo had it all our own way for a few minutes, the cursed snakes being much confused, and not knowing what was up.

At length they rallied, and we could hear Black Kettle shouting and ordering. The vermin got into holes and behind rocks anywhere they could find a place, and began to fight back with a will. We fired whenever we could see a top-knot, and shot squaws there-were lots of them jnst as quick as Indians. We first went in for wiping out the whole gang. When it was fully davliaht Come stand by my knDe, little children, Too weary for laugliter or song, The sports of the day are all over, And evening is creeping along.

The snow-fields are white in the moonlight, The winds of the whiter are chill, But under the sheltering roof-tree The ore Bhmeth ruddy and stjii. Yon sit by the Are, little children, Your cheeks ore ruddy and warm But ont in the oold of the winter Is many a shivering form. There are mothers that wander for shelter, And babes that are pining for bread Oh, thank the dear Lord, little children, From whose tender hand you are fed. Come look in my eyes, little children. And tell me through all the long day Have you thought of the Father above ns.

Who guarded from ovil your way? He hcarcth the ory of ths sparrow. And careth for great and for small In life and in death, little children, His love is tho truest of all. Now go to your rest, little children, Aud over your innocent sleep, Unseen by your vision, tho angels Their watch through tho darkness shall keep. Then pray that the Shepherd, who guidcth The lambs that be loveth so well. May lead you in life's rosy morning, Beside the still waters to dwell.

THOMAS BROWN, CONTRACTOR, MILLWRIGHT, BRIDGE BUILDER, ONESI) ALE. PA. Mr. F. Drct Harto undertakes in the Overland Monthly, a companion-piece to the celebrated Jj'lyuu of Virginia," or "In the TunneL" That truly dramatic poem had an ads-antago of priority, tho intrinsic merit of the two seemiug to us so nearly balanced that whichever appeared first would appear to be (he best.

At any rate, tiie following reoontre of the mines friend meeting friend, with a tear and an oath, in a bar, after years of separation is a bit of character-painting we cannot afford to spare from our columns 3f Say thero! P'raps Some on you clmps i. Might know Jim Wild! Wetl no oil'ence; Thar ain't no sense In gettin' riled! Jira was my chum Hip on the bar Tlm'wwhyl come Down from up yar, Lookin' for Jim. i Thank ye, sir You Ain't of that crow Blest if you are I Money? Not much That ain't my kind I ain't no sur.h, lium? I don't mind, -i Seoin' its you, Welt, this yer Jim, Did you know him? Jess 'about your size; -v-Same kind of eyes Well, that Is strange Why, its two year Since he came hero Sick, for a change. Well, here's to us! Contracts for Building of all kinds taken on the most liberal terms, j-istimaies iuriuanea at snort notice, Honesdale, Deo. 5, 1867.

0 er. Ask him. "Does Maria speak the truth? asked Robes pierre. HENRY M. SEELY, ATTORNEY AND TOITNSELOR AT LAW.

tohe does, was tho brother reply. Aud you are not DeNantes Why did you Claims Collected and promptly remitted. Particular Waltzing may be defined to be hugging sot tonusic. However cheap provisions may bo, venison is always doer. Mr.

Pancake is candidate for constable in an Illinois town. The paper most popular among women is a paper of pins. To say of a lady that she is "no chicken" is a fowl assertion. The grate question of the day 'is, What's the price of coal Why should old men never jest Becanseit is bad-ia-age. What to expect at a boy's school Boysterous WThy is a man half asleep like twice bjx Be not tell us of this before attention paid to examination of Titles to Real Estate.

REAL ESTATE BOUOHT AND SOLD on Commission. Desirable Lots and Dwellings in the Borough of Uones-dale for sale. It' I attempted to speak but was silenced -4t But you might have declared yourself." You would not have believed me." But your dress It belonged to an aristocrat. Perhaps to SCIIEULLEIt, CONFECTIONER, Main Hontsdal-k, Pa. Canfl-v of the best nualitvat Wholesale and Retail.

Our present frail existence is the unsubstantial basis upon which too many are building the fabric of their happiness but it is building a nest upon a wave. The difference between true and false repentance is as great as that between the running of water in the paths after a violent shower, and the streams which flow forth from a living fountain. "Have you not mistaken the pew, sir," blandly said a Sunday Chesterfield to a stranger who entered it. I beg pardon," said the intruder, rising to 'go out, I fear I have I took it for a Christian's." Some preachers are always severe and magisterial; others are always mild and insinuating; neither of these can do God's work and it would take two such to make one Preacher. That things are fashionable is no proof that they are right.

We have many fashionable abominations that are turning homes into bells sundering the sacred duties of domestic life, poisoning the fountains of true happiness, and warring against the best interests of society. Endeavor to be truly and thoroughly religious, and be not discouraged at the difficulties of it. 5 God's grace shall be sufficient for your help His promises your sweet encouragement, and peace of conscience and communion with. God, shall be yon ever-present cor THE FAITH FTl, him for. whom I was taken." having been imported about 176U trom lunis and Tripoli into Holland.

It was not, however, until a comparatively recent period that steel pens came into goneral use, and to Mr. Joseph Gillott, the celebrated manufacturer of Birmingham, belongs, in a great measure, the honor of having rendered the steel pen cheap, good and popular. His es-tablishmentin Graham street, Birmingham, may fairly claim to be ranked among the Workshops of the World for its productions1 are fa-, mous over the whole face of the earth, while to thejeommercial men, whether at home or abroad, a "Gillott" is almost indispensible. A wonderful place is this pen manufactory. It is an im so ail kinds of Sugar Toys, Cakes, Nuts, Fruit, Jkc.

Robespierre advanced close to young Nan 6tf I'd been away from her three years about that Ana i returned to nua my Mary true tes, and gazed earnestly into his face, then he approached Maria, and looked steadily into her eyes for a short time. It was a moment of tri And though I'd question her, I did not doubt that The you say 1 Dead? That little enss as was necessary so to do. we all gave a big yell and charged right down into camp. The lodges were all standing yet, and lots of Indians in them. As we ran through the alleys a big red jumped out at me from be 'Twas by the chimney-corner we were sitting al for the poor girl.

She trambled in spite of all her efforts to be calm. She almost felt that she was lost, when the human fiend, whose word was law, turned and said juary, saiu nave yon ocen always truo7" Frankly," said she just pausing in her knitting, 41 1 don't think I've unfaithful bcien to you But for the three ycors past I'll tell you what I've done; then say if I've been true or not. "Release this OA. DUSES'BERRE, M. D.

Office in St Torrol'g New Masonic Build mg Second floor. Residence, Second streot, three doors below the Baptist Church. DR. JOS JONES, HOMOSPATHICIAN, Honesdale, Pa. Office at Mrs.

GusUn's opposite the Bank. 29yl rpHOMAS HAWKEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND GENERAL REAL ESTATE AGENT, May be found at the office of 0, F. Ehlred, Houes-dale. Pa. 49yl When first you left, my grief was uncontrollable, Alone I mourned my miserable lot.

And all who saw me thought me inconsolable, Till Captain Clifford came from Aldershott mense brick building, described by a bewildered special correspondent as being an edifice, 'which looks something like a large asylum, and a little like a manufactory, and more like a hospital than ither," with which graplnc description the reader must be content for our business is not with the outside, but the inside of tho place. Very interesting is it to follow the steel from the the moment of its being cut into long strips until it issues forth in the shape of a magnum bonum or the well known "swan quill." The mud a tent, and before could shorten up enough to run him through with my bayonet, a squaw grabbed me by the legs and twisted me down. The camp was then full of men fighting, and everybody seemed yelling as loud as he could. When I fell I went over backwards, dropping my gun, and I had just' got part way up again, the squaw yanking me by the hair, when the Indian clubbed my gun and struck me across the neck. He might just as well have run me through, but he was not used to the bayonet, or didn't think.

The blow stunned me it didn't hurt me in the least, but gave me a numb, feeling all over. I couldn't To flirt witli him amused me while 'twas new; dont count Uuu unlaiUUuluess. Do you? Tho next oh! let me see was Frankie Phipps: cause nes a aoze-in. 'The man in debt for his shoes cannot say that his sole is his own. Capital punishment for boys Being obliged to sit between two girls at school.

Any undertaking submitted to a lawyer for his opinion is always pronounced feesible. Somebody else is going to ruin himself in an "American Punch." An Indianapolis clergyman has preached a sermon on frizzled hair. About one-half the carpets sold as foreign are manufactured in America. -s" A crowing hen and a cackling rooster are misfortunate poultry in a family. Solomon's wisdom is attributed to the fact that he had 700 wives.

Perhaps, A New-Yorker has invented a glass coffin on the solf-sealing-can principle. A Minnesota lady killed seventeen ducks at one shot. Quite a duck of a woman. A Western girl likes to make bread because it cleans her hands so beautifully; The chains were instantly removed and Antonio de Nantes walked down from the followed by his sister, while the shouts rent the air, for they supposed it was commoner who had thas been saved. The young man worked his way through the crowd as rapidly as possible, leading Maria.

They scarcely escaped it before the poor girl fainted from the intensity of feelings. The brother scarcely knew what to do, but a hand was laid upon his arm, and a voice said Bring her to my room again. She will be safe there." The brother conveyed her to the apartment of the pauper, and asked of her: HOTELS. Wio mafov tOM afar' i You over tuirT. 1 Can't a man drop '( i' i 'sglassin yershop 1 But you must rar'? 'y It wouldn't take much to break' Yon aud your bar.

i i 1 Poor little Jim! Why, tharwas me, Jones and Dob Lee, Hurry and lieu No account men Then to tako him! 1 1 i Well, thar good-by No more, sir I Eh? What's tliat you Bay? 1 Why, dern it I sho Yes! By Jol Sold! Sold! Why you limb," You ornery, Dern'dold Long-legged Jim! OLD BACHELORS-. -The reason why Some awakened persons steel, which is made from the best Swedish iron. WAYNE COUNTY HOTEL, HONESDALE. PA This well-known Hotel is now under the management of the subscriber, who will endeavor, by constant at are long in, coming to peace, and some never come to peace at all, is, that they think to find an open door of themselver. They feel shut up by the fears of wrath, hemming them in on every side, but still they hope to find some way of their own by which to escape.

They are not altogether shut up. They have not been brought to, despair of ever saving themselves. is cntinto long thin strips of the requisite width by a machine made for that purpose, and which in appearance resembles a straw cutter. The steel strips are then subjected to a series of processes, by means of which they lose their hardness and brittleness, and are freed from the ox tention to mo wants oi nis guests, to deserve a continuance of the liberal patronage which it has heretofore re- ceivea, THE BAR AND TABLE will be liberally supplied with the best the market af I met him at my uncle's, Christmas-tide And 'neath the mistletoe, where lips met lips, He gave me his first kiss" and here she sighed-' We stayed six weeks at uncle's bow time flaw I don't count that unfaithfulness. Do you? "Lord Cecil Fossmore, only twenty-one, Lent me his horse.

Oh how we rode and raced. We scoured the downs we rode to hounds- such fun And often was his arm about my waist That was, to lift me up or down. But who Would count Vtat unfaithfulness? Do you? Do you know Reggy Vere? Ah, how ho sings? Ve met 'twas at a picnic. Ah, such weather He gave me, look, the first of these two rings, When we were lost in Clifdn woods together. Ah, what a happy time we spent, we two I I don't count ttat unfaithfulness to you.

'J. I've yet anothor ring from hfm. Iyu see The plain gold circlet that is shining here?" I took her hand Oh, Mary can it be That you" Quoth she, That I am Mrs. Vere. I don't count that unfaithfulness.

Do you "No," I replied, "for I am viarried too." fords, while the charges will be on the same moderaU. Now," said the bishops to John Huss, as scale lor wuicn the House is noted. A lai-ue and com' the fagots were piled about him, we commend moHious STABLE, with convenient sheds, is attached to the Hotel, furnishing the best accommodations for Horses. KZEK1KL REED. 31tf Alow iliey have born Treated iu I'linos piMt lNthere a lortheni in Ucuv- have got to my feet then if all alone, while the squaw kept screeching and pulling my hair out by handfuls.

I heard some of our boys shouting close by, and the squaw started and ran one of the boys killing her not three yards off. The Indian stepped one foot on. my chest, and with his hand gathered up the hair near the crown of my head. He wasn't very tonder about it, but jerked my head this way and that, and pinched like Satan. My eyes were partially open, and I could see the bead work and trimming on his leggings.

Suddenly I felt the awfulest biting, cutting flash go round my head, and then it seemed to me as though my whole head had been jerked clean off. I never felt such a pain in my life why, it was like pulling your brains right out. I didn't know any more for two or three days, and then I came to, to find that I had the sorest head of any human being that ever lived. If the bovs killed tho Dr. Dubs, tho President of the Swiss Cantons, gets $2,000 a year and no presents." A sharp washerwoman in Omaha, tears a shirt in two aud then charges for the extra piece.

Statistics show that there are more female than 'male lunatics. So we had always sup ATATIONAL HOTEL. i The undersigned begs leave to call the attention of the citizens ol Wayne County and tne travenng public generally to the fact that he has recently opened for Have you seen the female before "Yes I know ail about it," returned the pauper. "She borrowed my clothes to save her lover. She has done it and I am glad." Before the noble sister returned to consciousness the brother had learned alL When she did so, they both sought secure quarters, after rewarding the Beggar-girl as had been promised.

-'Do you think Iiobespierre was really deceived as Maria de Nantes. I think not," returned the brother. Then why did he order your release He saw your plan. He admired your courage. Could a fiend have done less "Perhaps this was the ease.

But if so, it was a deed of mercy, and tho only ono that the man ever "You are right." Antonio de Nantes was not again arrested, and lived happily with that sister who so nobly periled her own life to save him by representing the Beggar-girl of Paris." r- ide with which they were covered. They ore then rolled until they become of the proper thickness. During this operation they are occasionally dipped in oil, tho rollers being kept cool by means of a small stream of cold water constantly falling on them. The long, thin strips of white, glittering steel nre next taken to one of the" long workshops which form the npper part of the factory, and which are remarkable for their light, warm and well ventilated character. These rooms lead one into another, and are filled with crowds of clean and busy workers, principally women and girls, the number employed being between five and six hundred thus solving one of the most important questions connected with the healthy and remunerative employment.

Entering one of these rooms, we find it filled with a number of presses, at each of which a female is seated busily employed in the cutting out of blanks. The steel is placed under the press, and by a posed. tueir accomniouauou nis large aim cuiuniuaiuua NEW BRICK HOTEL on tho corner of 2d and 6th Streets, Honesdale, MISCELLANY. Father ITyacinthe, in the lecture which he delivered while in New York, held forth upon the duty of men and women to marry. His animadversions upon -the single state could scarcely have given umbrage to the spinsters of his audience, who are prevented by the usages of civilization from taking any steps to alter their condition.

No doubt he designed his reprehensions for the benefit of the bachelors, whose choice of celibacy has made them recognized where he will be happy to entertain all who may favor Of all the banks that have failed this winter, the most, miserable, failures are the snow banks. 1 A woman who neglects the buttons on her mm witn tueir patronage, xno national note, is rur-nished in the nwst approved style throughout, and uo pains will be spared to make it a pleasant and agreeable THE EEGGAK GIRL OF PARIS. slopping place lor ail. wiijLiiAii wJiAViUi. Honesdale, August 6, 18C8.

82tf. viper, they didn't get back my scalp perhaps husband's shirt front is not tho wife of his bosom. Daring tha "Reicn of Terror" in Franco got lost in tne snow. was shipped down ACKAAVANNA VALLEY HOUSE, to Xiaramio alter a bit, and all the nursing I got hain't made the hair grow out on this spot there were many deeds of daring performed even by women, and many examples of affection exhibited. The very streets of Paris were A.J Cor.

Lackawanna and Franklin Avenues, opposite yet." tile li. A. W. it. K.

uepot, SCRAN TON. PENNA. deluged with human blood but near the guil thy sOul to the devil." "But said Huss, lifting his eyes to heaven, "do commit my spirit into Thy hands, Lord Jesus Christ to Thee I commend my spirit, which Thou hast redeemed." He wore a shield which no fire of perecution could destroy. A prominent and highly esteemed clergyman, for twenty years a resident of California, describes the prevailing wickedness, as comprising "Infidelity in every conceivable form and degree of virulence, indiff'erentism, grown stiff and solid as masses of ice, in the long absence of many from the means of Christian instruction, and an intense baste to be rich, with all its snares." Nothing but cries can pierce the. heavens.

Prayer is an arrow if it be draw up but little, it goes not far if it be pulled up to the head, it flies strongly and pierces deep if it be but dribbled forth of careless lips, it falls down at our feet. The strength of our ejaculations sends it up to heaven, and fetches down a blessing- you have easedyour souls in tho bosom of God by prayer, you may go securely, and know that He will let yon reap the fruit of your prayers in the best time. Yea, but I nave prayed long, and have had no Wait in prayer God's time is the best time the physician, keeps his own time he turns the glass, and though the patient cry out that he torments him, it is no matter, he knows his time. The goldsmith will not take the metal out of the fire till it be refined so God knows what to do wait his good leisure." E. B.

BUBNHAM, Pbofiuetob. 18tf lotine it ranfin rushing torrents. One dark I THE REV, rapid yet methodical movement tho blank is accurately cut. The swiftness of the punohing operation is almost marvellous, especially when K. BEECHES, ON" MAR DON PIATT ON QUEER FISHES.

morning an unusual number ot tne aristocracy game for satirists, moralists, and sometimes for governments, from time immemorial. It seems as if society, from the earliest times, had conspired to persecute and torment those whose own condition is sufficiently miserable. Various nations have passed laws to deprive bachelors of their cherished freedom. The ancient Persians hold that they could not go to Heaven hereafter, perhaps, because they had shown no appreciation of happiness here. The Lacedemonians not only punish those who ab RIAGE.

I had been marched forth, and countless heads RAILROADS. I was called upon the other day by a queer The milkmaid has disappeared from sight, but we know by experience that made milk has not. A conscientious gambler in Chicago gives ton per cent, of his winnings to the Orphan Asylum. -a 1 A sick young lady iri Worcester, who has been attended by thirteen physicians, still livCS.r,4, The champion old maid resides in Elizabeth City, New Jersey. She pleads guilty to 104 years.

7 A strange reason for having folding-doors in roiled trom tne dIock. A gaping multitude stood by, and with shouts rent the air as the aristocracy were thus butchered. One member of the Boecher family, at least, appears to have a true appreciation of the marriage relation. Ho is tho Rev. T.

K. Beecher, RAILWAY. A.U 1300 Miles Under One Management. 860 Miles specimen of humanity, who had inflicted himself upon tho world for about forty years. lie wore an abbreviated bob-tail, tight pantaloons, and a cane.

The cane was somewhat more than a broom-handle, and something less than a club. Although dressed in the latest stylo. Among tne assembled multitude, tunc dreary without Change of Coaches. Broad Giiage. Double of Elmira.

The following is from his weekly Track Route. For Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee. St. Paul. Omaha, and all points West and "Aiisceiiany in tne Jumira Jlaverliser morning, were two females.

One of them was plainly clad, while a cloak was thrown around ner, with which she kept her features nearly concealed. But a close observation would be North-west. Mansneld, Galion, Urbana, Dayton, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Txui8villo, St. Lome, and all points South and South-west. New and improved Ceremony at 8 o'clock precisely." So we read the extremely square and stylish card which made us aware of a coming wedding and a house is that thoy are so handy in case of a uoiienes are run turougn witnout ciiaiiRe to Kociiceter, tray the fact that she had been weeping.

Her iuneraU Xiimaio, uanKirn. Cleveland and Cincinnati. caued us to be a guest. Ceremony" a ceremony A marriage cer On and after MONDAY, NOV. 15th, 18i9, Trains will Teachers of short-hand don't thrive very well now-a-days.

Most people are short-handed emony Pray when is the marriage service to take place Is the priest or pastor called that eyes were inflamed and red, and she gazed long and eagerly on the platform, while a shock of the glittering knife severed the head from the body of some one who had been unfortunate to fall under the ban of two leaders. The face leave LAUHAttAAiiiM at tne touowing Hours, viz: CiOIIVG WEST. 8.30 A. WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. enough already.

ho was evidently of an old style, peculiar to the frontier, and bothered me amazingly whether he was full of enthusiasm or whisky. He stored at me a second and then asked Are you the wielder of the facile pen styled D. I responded that such was my maiden name. Well," ho continued, "I am the editor of The of Freedom, in Missouri, and that's a scurrilous sheet up onr way." I expressed myself dolightfid tn make the acquaintance of so renowned a personage, and invited him to be seated. ne may oe master oi ceremony is his prayer a mere and his benediction a showv sham 12.37 P.

M. DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for An American barber has married a wealthy Italian Lady. That was a big shave for Mon we consider tne seeming perplexity ot the process. The steel has first to be carefully adjusted on the die, then the punch has to be brought down, and as each blank is cut out care has to be taken to avoid, waste. The number of blanks generally cut out in one day by a female is three hundred gross, and as each gross contains one hundred and forty-four, the gross total thus cut would be forty-four thousand two operation strongly resembles the schoolboy trick of moving the hand rapidly backward and forward under a regularly descending penknife.

For one description of pen a steam press is used, but for all tho other presses- worked by hand labor alone are employed. Tho pens are next carried from tho blank cutters to the side slitters, after which they are pierced; the two operationssometimes take place together. A kind of annealing process is then gone through, for th pwrfw- tf preparing the lank lor being stamped. The stamping press is exquisitly contrived, and the girl -who works it places the fiat blank side slit on the die, her foot works a treadle, and the next moment out comes the pen impressed with the required inscription. After this the blank is snappered, or rendered of a half cylindrical shape, and in the case of the magnum bonums," to have the border part of the blank mado completely round.

Up to this point, the pens are in a soft state, and for practical purposes, useless. They have the principal stations ana connecting points on main line, and the vows of fidelity spoken in presence of stain altogether from matrimony, but if they deferred it beyond a certain period, they wero obliged once every winter to run round the market-place in most fantastic gniso singing a song ridiculing themselves, and on a certain solemnity, the women were allowed to' drag them round an altar, beating them all the time with their fists. Before the era of Roman luxury and extravagance, no laws were necessary to cncouragematrimony but, after that period stringent measures were adopted. They would not allow bachelors to give evidence in courts of justice, and the first question asked by tho judge was, Upon your faith, havo yon a wife They even extorted an oath from bachelors that they would marry with all convenient speed they levied fines upon those who continued contumacious they ordained that the married magistrates and patricians should have the precedency of such of the same rank as were unmarried. So heavy were the taxes laid by Augustus upon the bachelors, that the Roman ana lor nuiiato.

uunsiric, Cleveland, loieuo. Detroit, sieur xonsor; of the woman was very beautiful, and she was young certainly not more than sixteen or eighteen years of age. Chicago, Cincinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis, St. Louis and all points West and South. Drawing Room Coaches will accompany this train to The handsomest woman in Norwich county was burned to a cinder the other day.

She was ne otner temaie was quite ainerent char acter. Her face was fair, but there was a bra made of wax. uunaio, uuu ieepmg uoacnes win ue attacnea at norn-ellsvillo for the accomodation of Western and Southern zen exprPRriin o.loufc ibt She was cltxd in rogv, A thriving town in Alabama is made up of passengers respectively. and as each head fell she would dance, and in So when he sent his servant into the top of the mountain to look for the cloud from the run as the precursor of rain, and he returned and said, I Bee But Elijah saw something, and believed with a heroic, persistent faith, that the rain was coming." a.47 P. EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays excepted, for three bar-rooms, two drug stores, and a tenpm "iNo, sir, ne exclaimed; dont propose to angle my corpus at tho present writing.

I know that time is precious. The world awaits an stations on main une oiiu lor uunaio, uunkirK, aiiey in prospective. ClevfiJund and tne west. various ways express her delight, and then exclaim There falls another aristocrat, who re fused me charity when I humbly sued him Coaches are attached to this train at Susque- Two tleacons in Florida lately rode fifteen anxiously for the scintillate. You refer, in your letters, to that ancient person of the state witnesses empty words, and the whole composite performance a mere tableau, eshibitiou or ceremony No wonder that divnroo wo so oommnn.

Married lite which begins with ceremony ought to end in sham, shame and divorce. Marriage is a mystery of God a sacrament, and is to be enterprised "reverentially, discreetly, advisedly, soberly, and in the fear of God." It is no ceremony. In that solemn service man undertakes to cherish, protect, honor and love his wife, even as Christ His Church. And the wife, regardless of rights, equities and selfish reserves, gives herself, losing name and station, and is "married unto her husband. Unto these two, thus united, unreservedly, come experiences painful and joyful, of deeper tone than nanua, running tnrougu to uuaaio witnout cnange, GOING EAST.

iuicn expression ot the kind would create a miles at night and stole the Sunday School library of a rival department as Old Sardine. I have just inter viewed him. come to give you the process 11.37 A. CINCINNATI EXPRESS daily, con A Missouri lady mourns the loss of one of her laugh from those who heard Iter. Bnt any thoughtful person must wonder how one so young could have been so depraved, The first female watnhed tbn r.rfifitnre for n.

fpwmnmnnts knights presented a most pressing petition to relax the severity of the law. In reply the Em eight children, because she had just enough to necting, Sundays excepted, at Jersey City with afternoon and evening trains of Now Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, and at New aance a cotillion. xotk witn steamers ana evening trains lor ftew x-nit- Why is the nose the leading feature in every peror ordered the whole body of knights, married and unmarried, to appear before him, when, having arrayed them in separate parties, he and then preying her hand to her side she laid her hand upon tho shoulder of the wretch and nuiu cities. one conntenanco Uecause every one must 11.3a A. WAY TRAIN, Sundays and Mondays wmsperea toiiow it.

lorm ol the hmsued article, but nothing more. To render them of the required hardness and elasticity, they are taken to a room in the basement of the building, where the furnaces are Remember Christ loved his people before they began to sin, but not in the dark. Ho knew exactly everything they would think, or do, or be and if He resolved to love them at ah, you may rest assured He never will change in that love, since nothing fresh can ever occur to His Divine mind. Had He begun to lovo us, and we had deceived and disappointed Him, He might have turned us out of doors, but he knew right well that we should revolt, that we should backslide, and should provoke Him to He loved us knowing all this, and therefore it is that His love abides and endures, and shall even remain faithful to the end. Spuryeon.

A sagacious philosopher has observed that if Would you like to become rich at once The female in rags turned about with a look excepteu. 3.45 P. WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. 0.09 P. DAY EXPRESS.

Sundays excepted, con tne earth really is hollow, we ail live upon a kept glowing in a manner which makes the at- necting at Jersey City with Midnight Express train of mere crust. of surprise, burst into a loud laugh, and then, replied mosphero unbearable to those not used to it. ssvw (ft-'rsey iuuiroau ior Why is an address pronounced on board a 0.55 P. M. for Port Oi course I would.

Follow me, and you shall be." ship like a nnger-nng Joecause it is a decor' ation (deck oration). "Enough; lead on." It was with considerable difficulty that the fe Jervis daily. On Mondays stops at all Way Stations. HONESDALE BRANCH. Trains leave Honesdale for Lackawaxcn and interme Lieut.

General Sheridan was made the happy males extricated themselves from the crowd recipient 01 a gold watcn at the XIgm watch Here the pens are placed in iron boxes, each capable of holding several gross. The boxes are lifted by moans of a pair of tongs into the furnace, where they remain for about a half an hour, after which they are taken out and the contents dexterously emptied into a tank of oil. After remaining for some time in the oiL they are strained by the inner tin in which they are placed, and which is pierced with holes, being drawn from the outer one. They are then plac but they did so at length, and thon the first fe works on Thursday. diate stations, Sundays excepted, at 9.40 A.

12.30 M. and 4,30 P. arriving at 11.00 A. 4.18 P. and male asked ot the other A Boston paper says anthracite is a drug." If it is, it must be one of the drugs that is good earth can elsewhere aaord.

But for true marriege, our language would lack a word to express at once the strength and tenderness of God-r-our Father. But for marriage, we were left without a name, or type, or prophesy of Heaven our Father's house, our home. But for marriage and the delicious har mony of unequals, old and young, male and fe-inalo, wise and foolish, profitably aud costly, which is found in a great family, we should lack our only hint as to the possibhty of permanent society and contentment among nnequals the whole family of God. Observing, alas, how frequently, the disappointments, the ill-health, the brooding disgust, tho misbegotten and unwillingly born children, the wrangling over pennies, the loneliness, the unfaithfulness, the fading beauty, the ill-natured grumbling or whining, complaining, the shortened lives, and sinful tamperings with the fountain of life, profaned as it has been by the intrusion of lust worse than brutal in a word, Returning leave Iackawaxen hi 7.55 A. 12.45 P.

M- and 10.45 1. arriving at 10.12 A. 2.05 P. M. aud What shall I call you Oh I'm called the beggar-girl Maria.1 You live by begging Yes but what's your name and what do and tne results, that you may send them flashing over the world, from your scintillating pen.

I was here a candidate for a consulate I am not now so much a candidate as I was. I am sponged out. I went to see Old Sardine. I said, Fish, I am a candidate for a I put in his venerable flipper a petition signed by all the members of our legislature. I gave unto him a recommendation lrom the delegation in Congress.

I consigned, then aud there, a petition from nearly everybody, from the fovornor to the sheriff of our county and then gave him what don't float about numerously a letter from old Billy Teoumseh. The fishy old humbug wakened up and read my papers then he said, as if he had just thought of it when, about making the appointment, 1 Hold on, Mack, I've something hero bearing on I said Propel, Ho fumbled about and then brought out a letter. He turned down the corner so that I could not read the name. I knew as soon as I saw the writing that I was a corpse. I said, Fish, every word in that letter is as true as holy writ.

The old cuss had settled back in his arm chair and was pulling a string through his teeth. I determined to die game. I picked myself up and said blandly, but Fish, I have been in Missouri seven years, and I have been drunk as blazes a thousand times, but I never got so mean drunk as to pick my teeth with a 'Good morning, 'Conre back, Mack, come back and take a But I responded at the door, Not for There, sir, scintillate that from your facile pen. As for the consulate, I am a corpse." Don Piatt. 1 tot a coio.

1: r- Fifty thousand dollars is the value a Jersey ed in a kind of revolving seivo, and the oil which clings to them drains off by contrifngal force. man puts upon an eye which a railroad accident FitxQTjENT PitAXEB. Bishop Taylor beautifully remarks Prayer is the key to open the day, and the bolt to shut in the night. But as the clouds drop the early dew and the evening dew upon the grass, yet it would not spring falling of tho dew, unless some great shower at certain seasons did supply the rest so the customary devotion of prayer twice a day, is the falling of the early and latter dew but if you will increase and flourish in works of grace, empty the great clouds sometimes, and let them fall in a full shower of prayer choose out you want 83?" A revised and complete Pocket Time Tabli of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and connerfing Lines, has recently been published, and can be procured knocked out ao lar, good. Why may we conclude that a man fond of Now our pens have to be cleansed.

This is My name is Maria, the same as your own. "Are yon an aristocrat It does not matter. If you know where we on appucaiion to ine iicset Agent oi tne company. L. 1).

RUCKER, WM. BARR, Gen'L Snp't. GenT. Pass'r. Ag't.

solitude is pecuniary diflictuties i Because accomplished 4y putting them in a number of barrels, which aro made by. means of steam made a most complimentary address to the mart ried knights, bnt rated the bachelors roundly, declaring that their crime amounted to all other crimes put together, and increasing the penalties upon these unhappy men, some of whom however, were so incorrigible that they even married children in the cradle, so as to fulfill the letter of the law, and at the time escape the expense of the matrimonial condition. If the Emperor had, at the same time, punished female extravagance, he would have given the world a better idea of Roman justice, and struck a more effectual blow at the source of the evil. It is impossible to justify such treatment of these solitary men, who pass through life without a friend who have no homes, except lodging, with window curtains of faded tint with breakfast plates standing ten hours just as they are left, and with no one to sew buttons on their shirts who have no consolation but the occasional rows among married people, and their sufferings from troublesome olive branches; who when hearing of the marriage of an enemy are so amiable as to say with Hook, I am very glad to hear it," though they sometimes add with him And yet, I don't see why I should be, poor fellow, for he never did me much injury." Nay, it requires principle and honor to abstain from forming engagements which are beyond the power of a party to perform, and it may demand more nerve than single men oi ordinary finances can command to enter the connubial state before the ship from India, which they were promised when a boy, arrives and brings silks and jewelry enough to venture np on a matrimonial Many of the class are ready to respond to the sentiment which one of their number announced on a late festive occasion i i can find a room lead me to it, and you shall he is always trying to get "I like to read epigrams against us women, have gold." power, to rovolve on a common axis. These MISCELLANEOUS.

The pauper led the way into a narrow, nllhy barrels are failed with sawdust, which is found said Mrs. Clever. "When a culprit clanks his seasons when prayer shall overflow, like Jordan in time of naryest." to be well suited to the process. The cleaning process is followed by that of scouring, A sec chains you know that they are on him. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE.

street, and then down into a cellar, and into a dark and filthy room. The other temaie could not but feel a sickening sensation creep over her, but she recovered herself. After contemplating for a time the apartment, and what it The undersigned offers for sale, on reasonable Among the graduates from the Girl's High School were five Sallies." one Sadie, but not a Heeoio a clergyman in the terms, ma property immediately adjoining the Borough of Honesdale, comprising ONE TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSE, with lot and ond series of barrels is filled with pounded casting pot and water, together with a little quicklime to prevent rusting, and the pens being placed in this mixture, are whirled rapidly around for the purpose of revoving the scale single barah. Fulton street prayer meeting 'There is such a thing as great fath. Christ said there was knowing the abuses of marriage and that curse which follows, weddings often seem more sad than funerals.

But, to them that are married in the Lord, and as Christians come together in prayer, and desires often self-denied, to them who do nothing for ceremony, and all for service and sacrament, we know of no symbol this side of the resurrection, that gives so many Heavenly lessons, with illustrations, as the estate of A husband has applied for a divorce? on the contained, she asked Are you well known in Paris?" ONE VACANT LOT, 22x100 feet, located between the ground that ms wile is more chignon, false teeth and padding than woman. Everybodv knows Maria, the Becrear- when He said: "Oh! woman, great is thy faith. Be it unto thee even as thou wilt. There is, also, such a thing as heroic faith. This is A qoestion in bankruptcy.

If the day breaks Are you known to iiobespierre i it so street and tne river. The house is in good condition, contains a large number of rooms, and both in construction and location, (being situate near Famham's Bridge,) Is well adapted for a Boarding House. The vacant lot would make an excellent stand for any kind of business. For terms or other particulars, call on the undersigned on the premises, or Thos. Hawkey, at the Register's Office.

JOHN 8HOPLAND. want to make a bargain with the lftith that overcomes all obstacles, and on when all things oppose. It believes and trusts in God as giving faith by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Elijah could hot tell why 1 am. What do you wish You see my clothing is better than your Things we Like to like to- see young ladies who are bitter enemies kiss each other very affectionately when they meet it reminds us of a man named Judas, who lived several years ago! We like to see a fashionably dressed lady promenading the streets wearing own, and I wish to exchange with you.

I want you to consent to remain here and not to show yourself at all for a short time, or until I come to yon again. As a recompense for aiding me the morning, does the son as-sets in the evening become the assignee? 1" I Which is the worst, to have a neighbor who keeps a parrot or one whose son is learning to play on the bugle We give it up. An Irishman describing the growth of potatoes in his native island said as a clincher i "And Bure, a bushel of them will fill rel'K The Louisvillians propose to erect a monu Thb Ekpebor and Thieves. The Emperor Charles V. having one day lost himself in the heat of the chase, and wandering in the forest far from his train, after much fatigue in trying to find a route, came at last to a solitary ale house, where he entered to refresh himself.

On he believed that fire would come down from Heaven and burn up the sacrifice, when the altar had been built and the sacrifice had been laid upon it and the trench around it had been filled with water. But he did believe it when it seemed the most impossible thing in the world, and the fire came according to his faith. left by the action of the fire. This done, they are removed to the grinding room, where the ear is saluted with a noise resembling the hissing of a forest of snakes. Each pen is held in a pair of peculiarly constructed pinchers for a few seconds against a wheel of birch wood, cut across the grain, and carefully loaded to prevent jarring.

Each wheel is covered with leather coated with glue and emery, presenting a perfectly smooth surface. The pens are ground, firstly, longitudinally secondly, crosswise, so as to insure the requisite amount of elasticity being obtained. The workers, principally female, display great expertness in this delicate and seemingly difficult process. The pens have now to be colored, much of their popularity depending on tho beauty of appearance possessed by them. They are put into a kind of coffee roaster, consisting of a simple cylindrical barrel, raised aboue a clear fire, will give you a thousand more.

As security blue-silk dress, trailing a yard behind her in for my return take this ring." the mud it cleans the streets so nicelv We These are the reasons I never have wed, The reason no bride to the altar have led The crinoline. Bilks, and the duck of a bonnet Would soon show our table with nothing upon it." Ihe lady drew a diamond ring from her hn like to see a young man very polite and oblig HOTEL LEASE AND FURNITURE, FIXTURES, AND GOOD WILL FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Any man who knows how to keep a hotel, and wishes to go right into a g(od business in this place by bnying the Furniture aud Fixtures can do so. The House is doing a business of S500 per month in boarders Bar and Transient custom extra. The lease runs two years from next April.

The Household Goods will inventory from 81,800 to 83,000. Address or apply to D. HOLBROOK, Port Jervis, N. Y. rSatisfactory reasons for selling.

This is a good place for a German. 2m2 ger, and gave it to the beggar-oirL Then hand coming in he saw four men, whose mean presaged him no good he, however, sat down and called for semething. These men pretending to sleep, one of them rose and approaching the Emperor, said that he had dreamed that he took his hat, and accordingly took it off. The sec Young man, it is easy to be nobody. Go to ed her a purse containing gold.

The girl appeared a little puzzled and asked: ment to George D. Prentice. He better deserves it than many who have been thus hon ing to other young ladies, whiio he is scarcely civil to his sisters at homeit proves that the lords of creation are void of deception. We like to see little boys come to church in the well, what are you going to do witn my the drinking saloon to spend your leisure. You need not drink much now just a little beer, or some other drink.

In the mean time play dress evening, and amuse themselves by sticking ond saying he had dreamed that he had taken I want to put it -on and go where I first ASiNffoLAB OccuitENcrE. Something over a year ago a man in New Orleans left his family quite suddenly and was gone several months, when he returned and resumed his family relations, and his wife, glad of his return, forbore any reproaches regarding his long and unaccountable absence. But a few weeks alter his pins in their sleepy neighbors it shows that they are not burying their talents in the met you.1' Oh, understand now. xou want to dee earth We like to see a man invariably throw his newspaper, boots and hat in the middle of chequers, dominoes, or something else. If you read, let it be the "dime novels" of the day; then go on keeping your stomach full, and head empty, and in a few years you will be nobody, nnless yon should turn out to be a drunkard or a professional gambler, either of which is worse than to be nobody.

1 the noor, for his tired wile to pick up it is ev return another actor appeared upon the scene, the chopping go on, and you are afraid you will be taken for an aristocrat if you wear that dress. You want to represent me "Yes. I want to look as near like you as possible." AD1HN1 STRATOR'S NOTICE. ESTATE of Abijah Bush, late of Mount Pleasant, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the Register of Wills, in and for the county of Waf has granted to the undersigned Letters of Administration lie bonw non upon the estate of the said deceased.

All persons indebted will please make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. JULIUS T. BUSH, Adm'r. Jan. 5, 1370 4w6.

this time a young and beautiful woman. She ident that he remembers his promise to "cherish her 1" We like to see the choir spend the ored. Are the glass bricks that have been! lately invented only an old acquaintance with a new name Some one suggests that: they are tuna blors of liquor. Somebody says Bout well looks like a deacon. Like a deacon we presume when he is taking up a collectionmaking free with other people'ii ha-1- In Massachusetts 'the other day, 1 man thought he could cross the track in advance of a locomotive, services at the were, very impressive.

A boy in Detroit disregarded his mother's injunctions not to Bkate on the river, as the ice was His mother don't have- to oook for as many as she did. sn WelL that won be difficult Your hair and worked by means of a long handle. Here they are subjected to a regulated degree of heat, until they require the blue or brown tinge required, when they are removed and allowed to cool upon an iron plate. Five minutes suffice to give the pens a bronze color, and ten minutes the well known rich purple color. The degree of hardness possessed by them is denoted by the lightness of the tint, and its diminution by the blneness which supervenes.

After being oolor-ed, they are placed in a solution of shellac in spirits of wine, and exposed to the open air, so that the spirit may evaporate, and leave the CotTNr Ovkb the Mebctes. Count the mer time during divine service in whispering and telling stories it helps us to appreciate the sermon, and convinces us that they are capable of singing with the spirit and the understancV and eyes, and even your mouth is like mine. Your face is too white though. But you can alter that with a little dirt." his coat, took that also. The third, witha little prologue, took his waistcoat.

And the fourth with a little politeness, said he hoped there would be no objection to feeling his pockets and, seeing a chain of gold about his neck, whence hung his hunting horn, was about to take that too, but the Emperor said "Stop my friend. -1 dare say you cannot blow it I will teach yon." So putting the horn to his mouth he blew repeatedly and very loud. His people, who searched for him, heard the sound, and, entering the cottage, were surprised to see hini in such a garb. Here are four fellows," said the Emperor, who have dreamed what they pleased I must now dream in turn." Sitting down, shutting his eyes for a while, he then started np, saying, I have dreamed that I saw four thieves hung and immediately ordered his dream fullfilled, the master of the inn being compelled to be their executioner. claimed to be the wanderer's wife.

But I am married already You have married me You are mistaken. I never saw you before know nothing of you he said in reply, and mafhtained his declaration so earnestly that evi erybody believed him. The lady was regarded as an impostor. She went away, but has come back again, armed with a marriage certificate cies which have been quietly falling, in your history. Down they come every morning and every evening, as angel messengers from tho rhey exchanged dresses, and soon the vonne Father of Heaven.

Have you lived they years rich and noble Maria de Nantes was clad in the wasting mercies, renewing them every day, and rags of Maria, the Beggar-girl of Paris. The history of Maria de Nantes was a sad one. Her father and two brothers had fallen victims to mgaiso! we like to see young ladies keep their jaws in constant motion endeavoring to masticate a huge bail of chewing gum it looks so lady-like 1 We like to see a man sporting fast horses, owes to the printer, and give nnfhing to the minister it looks honorable! Theio aro many other tilings which we wonld hlto to see, but we forbour. Jfutlwi never yet realized whence they Come If you have, Heaven pity you. You have murmured under afflictions, but who heard yon rejoice the remorseless fiends of the Revolution, and a Marriage certificates in Chicago have a clause appended to them like that on railroad trix tickets: "Good for thirty days unleas otherwise third and last brother had been seized.

But of his fate she was ignorant, although she expect ed it would be similar to that of her other relatives. He had been torn from her side but a EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Register of Wills in and for the County of Wayne has issued to the undersigned letters Testamentary upon the last Will and Testament of Mary Graham late of Lebanon township, Wayne County, deceased. All pertions having claims or demands against the estate of said deceased are requested to make them known to the undersigned, and those indebted to the said estate to make immediate payment. CAES H.

SCUDDER, Executor. Jan. 27, 1870. 5w6 TALL AND WINTER FASHIONS. A Mrs.

M. A. BINDER has jnst arrived from Pans and London with the latest design, personally selected from the greatest novelties; also, the most elegant Trimmings to be- secured in Parin. Laces, Ribbons Velvets, Bridal Veils, Flowers, Fine Jewelry, and Trimmed Paper Patterns. Dress and Cloak Making.

Exclusive aent for Mrs. M. Work's colebrated system for cutting Ladies' Dresses, Sacqnes, basqueH jfec. N. W.

corner of Eleventh and Chestnut Phil'a, 37m6 There arc at least fifty' first-class to nvm-v State in thd There i not a sin shellac in the form of a delicate white incrnsta-tion on the pons. This incrustation, on being subjooted to a proper degree of heat, melts, flows over the pens, and presents, when cool, a beautiful enameled surface. The pens aro subsequently separated, and conveyed to a room where the final process that of slitting is performed, after which they are sorted, arranged and placed in the fancy boxes in which they are usually sold. A box of common pens, which in 1 cost two dollars, can now be obtain od for a few cents; at the same time the quality is much superior. gle one of the second-class in Amerieafruot if over, blessings ask the sunbeam, tne rain drop, tlie star, or the queen oi the night.

What is life but mercy What is health, strength, friendship, social life Had each the power of spoech, each would say, I am a mercy." Perhaps yon have never regarded them as such. not, you have been a poor student of natnre and revelation. What is the propriety of stop- ping to play with a thorn bush, when you may just as well pluck sweet flowers, and eat pleasant fruit? I and proot 01 her husbands identity. -aj ti Now for the explanation. The wanderer at last, by extraneous evidence, however, admits the soft impeachment.

When he went away he was suffering from temporary insanity, i While under this menial hallucination, he wooed and won his second wife. But when his reason returned, or rather when the cloud was removed from his mind, he came -back to his first love and lawful wife. This is the case in-a nut shell. None of the circumstances are exaggerated, and the tale is told as it was related by one of the family. Singular as it may appear, both wives seem to be satisfied with the explanation, and all the parties are making arrangements to go to Utah.

i few hours before. After the change had been mado the pauper looded at the stockingless and shoeless feet, and ankle of the lady and said That will never do. Your feet are too white and delicate. Let me arrange matters." In a few moments Maria was prepared and in Combat Between a Fish and Dtver, An interesting story is told by a paper published in the Isle of Man, which, resembles Victor Hugo's account of the devil fish. A diver who was engaged in laying the concrete blocks undor water at the pier works at Douglas, suddenly observed an immense creature, of a fishy nature, eyeing him attentively with extended jaws.

Judging from the expression of its feature that it viewed his proceedings with- disapproval, and that its intentions wero hostile, the diver thought it prudent to take the initiative, and he accordingly thrust one of his tools into the creature's mouth. The superior Weight and science of the divor, however, gave him an advantage he knows himselt. -i, It is an evidence of remarkable coolnesR on the part of a young lady when she can pass one of her own sex without turning round and sneering at her bonnet. Imitate the example of the loeomotive--He rims along1 whistles over his work, and yet never takes anything but water when he wants to "wet his whistle." A Cincinnati pauper declined to receive, a the filth and rags she merged into the street. -She now took her-course back towards the guillotine, and at length reached the square where the bloody work was still going on.

Gradually she forced her way through the crowd, and nearer she came to the scaffold. She even forced a laugh at several remarks she heard Though God bears long, Ho will not bear always with unfruitful His patience, if abused, will have an end, and will give way to that wrath which will have no end. And the longer He bath waited, and the more cost (so to speak) Ho has been at with sinners, the greater will be their destruction when it comes. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The Farm in Berlin township known as the Red Rock Farm contaiDinp 170 acres is offered for sale.

It ii goed buildings, good fences, and Is well -improved. Also, a timber lut in Lebanon township, containing 110 acres. For terms and particulars apply to the office of the undersigned in Honesdale. C. F.

ELD RED. May 10, 18C. 19tf pair of shoes from a charitable society because they were unfashionable in shape and did not Others. There are folks who can never look at any one else in their own walk of life without some latent reference to themselves. They instantly institute a comparison.

And this in-troduces a disturbing element which makes their estimates of the other person of no value. They are looking on the other person through spectacles strongly tinged with green perhaps with yellow. If you desire to form a sound and right estimate of any one whose work is the same as yours, or may be regarded as a competitor for the same kind of standing, you must for the time forget yourself altogether. But there are people who have it not in them to form an impersonal and unselfish estimate of another. They never think that the other man is six feet high, or seven, as the case may be but that he is so many inches taller or shorter than they are.

They never think that the man is a very stupid man but that he is not so lever as they are, or stupider than they are. Such are the human beings who are disconcerted unless they are recognized as cock of the walk. In selecting their associates they do not want equal companions but humble attendants. A Chicago "religions" paper says that "Prince Arthur did the Almighty the honor to attend church in Washington." Yonng lady, don't gush. A gushing woman don't wear.

It is hard work, too, to gush it to be always ready with a mouthful of compliments for all you meet, or with charming, superb, divine, delicious, adorable," for all you see is apt to tire both the gushist and the gushee. Be natural and charming. Be anything you please only don't gush. '( come high up around tho ankles. over the monster, who soon showed symptoms of distress 1 tho diver immediately signalled to A loafer left his wife in a rage, felling her the man charge of the pump and was rapidly that he would never come back tilt he was rich enough to come in carriage.

For once ho kept his word, being trundled home in a wheelbarrow. 7 Mind Yora Own Business. To telTa man to his face to mind his own business, would be considered about equal to knocking him Sown. And yet it is one of the simplest rules for right conduct, and the most useful that mankind can adopt in their intercourse with each others There is a great deal of the Paul Pry spirit in the human heart, or wonderful inquisitiveness in regard to the personal and private affairs. of friends and neighbors.

The spirit makes more mischief in tho community than almost any other cause, and creates more malice, envy and jealousy, than can be overcome in a century. Let every man mind his own business, and there will not be half the trouble in the world that there is at present. TJnber the Skawi. A woman forgot to send home some work on Saturday. Sunday morning, she told a little girl who lived with her to put on her things and take the bundle under her shawl to the lady's house Nobody will see it," sho said.

"But is it not Sunday undor my bIiuwI, aunty asked the child. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH treated with the utmost success by J. ISAACS, M. Oculist and Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland,) No. 805 ARCH PHILADEIiPHl A.

Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the city and country, can be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no fcwretsin bis practice. ARTIFICIAL EYES inserted Without pain. No charge for examination- flyi drawn to the surface, bearing with him triumphantly the body of his exhausted antagonist, which proved to be a toad fish, or fishing It measured from the tip of tho snout to the point of the tail, four feet six inchoe, across the shoulders, from fin to fin, three feet, and across the mouth, extending An English enthusiast is soliciting funds for around her, but those laughs sounded strangely. She now stood within a few feet of the platform, and swept it with her eyes, but her brother was not there.

The cry was now raised Here comes another batch." Her heart fluttered violently, and she felt a faintness come over her as she heard the tramp of the doomed men approachifrg. Her brother walked proudly and fearlessly forward, and ascended the vory steps which led to the block. Up to this moment the strength of poor Marie had failed her, and she was unable to put her resolve into execution. But now a sister's love swelled np in her heart, and she recovered her strength. She sprang forward bursting through the line of guards, and ran up the steps.

Grasping her brother by the hand, she cried I read other men's words, the thought may charm the intellect but when I road the words of the Bible, they come to my heart, with power and life. Jesus says 'Hie words that I speak unto you, aro spirit and they are life." Thank God for the spirit that is tho words ot the Gospel, and the power that is in-diflsolnbly connected with the words which the Lord Jesus Christ spoke in the hearing of men! It is better to encourage what is right than to punish what is wrong. Charity is friendship in common, and friendship is charity enclosed. Monroe, has had its case of breach of promise to marry, the fair plaintiff of 57 suing a youth of 20 who promised to marry her if she would buy hira a suit of clothes. The suit had the desired effect, and they were married by the Justice before whom the case was brought the bride excusing her importunity by saying sho wanted some one to saw her wood.

an exploration of Mount Ararat, with a view of recovering relics of the Ark. His petition is filed in the Arkec4ogiol Department of the British Museum. A Trenton paper reports that as aged couple vertically and horizontally, ten to twelve inch- ea; and bnt for his size he was sufficiently loathsome and offensive in appearance to render him a pleasing addition to any private aquarium. 1 Harriet Hosmer is worth $115,000. ALL KINDS OP I-BOVIBIONS AND FRUITS heaper than at any other place for CASH.

PU5ASK CAIj.AsiDTIlTTJSl Aug, 11, xm. who celebrated their golden wedding in that city recently, are childless, but this "deficiency was supplied by cilia trom a numoer 01 tne What is the first thing a lady does when she falls into the water? She gets wet. There are throejcolored members in the Texas Senate, and eight in the House. guests." i.

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