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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 4

Logansport, Indiana
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John Gray's CORNER ON Embroideries. Special sale for the next ten days. Most beautiful designs ever brought to Loganaport, in Irish Points, English and Scotch Effects, QaloonB and Double Edges. Ladies you will be pleased if you call and see them. DAILY JOURNAL Published ever? daj In the week (except Moodaj) br the LOOABBPOBT Jouiuui.

Co. S. A. HABMT C. W.

GBAVES S. BOlfKB PRHIDINT. VICE PKK3IDE T. Price per Annum Price per Month TBIA.WKEK 6O Highest of an in Leavening U. S.

Gor't Report OFFICIAL PAFHE or THB Crrr. State National Bank, Logansport, Indiana. CAPITAL $200,000 3. V. JOHNSON, S.


W. Ullorr. J. T. -Elliott, W.M.Elliott, W.II, SnUler.

Buy and soU Government Bonds. Loan money on personal security collaterals. Issue special cer- Mfloates of deposit bearing 3 per cent when left ono year; 2 per cent per annum when deposited 0 months. Boxoa in Safety Deposit Vaults ol this bank for the deposit of deeds, Insurance policies, mortgages arid other valuables, runted at from to $15 per year DIBECTIONS for uslrit; CATARRH Cream Apply ruirtli'ii'or t' 1 3 Balrawellup Into nil" mont si row brelitll UiroiiKh HI" nose tbrro tlmif.i day, (ifcir IIK-IIIS p.p- ferred. unil bvforo rt" SL'vs BAI.M tne 0 "Nnsi'il Vussnmis.

pftj Alloys and WJtU BaronMitlon. Heals tho Sores, Crotfcts Uie bnuie from Coins, uUores tliii SwisB ol Smell. Bujm Is fnilctUy nlworDwI ami SU ri'llsf fit Hrlce no CHUM at or bj ranll. £LY Warren ii V. Lake Erie Western, I'ITU Union Stntlon, ThronRh tickets sold to In Canada.

Arrive. NO. 21 Indliinnpolls No. Hall A USSa NO. -) Tolivlo Kx

No. KvonlliK Kxun-ss No 151 Locnl Kui-lfilutt -Won XOIITM.1 Arrive. So. 20 Mall ft Express 11 So ffi MluliUtu. Ulty I)' K02-1 Usupiu No.

100 Atfcoiuinodiitlon D. Dully, s. Dally except Sunday, not ran north of IV'ti Sundays. tKims MomJujs. Wednesdays Vikluys and sun- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday ami Satur- depot connections fit BloomlnRton and tor points west, soijtbwestand norU.

Direct conm'cllons madu at Lima, ioMoria, Fremont or tor nil points east Kr WB 'u' C. tho Depart, llrfS am 7:00 IV an THUS. 1'OLLKN, Rru, molina. FREE Open Day and Evening 616 BROADWAY. Welcome To HI Baking Powder ANTEr-in intell'eent active orlady to tjrvel for reliable hoow wllh expeDJM palO.

flalarttooo. Jimncrmeut for raUWul 1 Swriflw rk. envelope. SecietW, ItfKNTSMAKKISDiUlT. Marrelous Indention A centra sold In boiwwswnpls £uidIBM.

A Mcltokln, Ctootirniai, 0. as second-clsM at the port j-ott Office, yebroarr 8,1888. 1 WEDNESDAY MORNING. FEB. 20.

WHEAT AND PROTECTION. The dollar wheat the free traders promised during the presidential campaign of 1892 hai failed to materialize. The average annual value per bushel under protection during the three years 1890 92 was while during 1893 and 1894 under the free trade administration it wia but $0.515. The average per aero during the years given under protection waB $10 16 while during 1803 and 1894 under free it was but A Now York exchange says: During the threo years of protection. 1890-1892, the farmers of the United States received an average ol $170,582,720 a year more money for their wfceat crops than they did in 3898 and 1S94 under the free trade administration, 'iho wheat crop was wonh an acre more under protection than in the free trade times.

The average prico was 76 7-10 cents pur bushel on the farm under protection, but only 51 i cents a bushel since the traders have bad the oppor. tunlty to pay the farmers that dollar a bushel. It must not be thought that the low price during 1833 and 1894 was due to unusually large crops. It was not. Tbo average harvest during the three jears of protection was 508,997,000 bushels a yesr, whereas it averaged only 428,199.570 bushels a year for 1893 and 1894.

Under protection the yield averaged 13 2 bushels an acre, but during the two years of the free trade administration the yield aver, aged only 12 3 bushels an acre. The Tree traders had everything In their Uvor of high prices, yet the farm value of thoir wheat has beon just -ISA cents a bushel short of the promised dollar. THE chief of the government bureau of eogravlng and printing has been charged with discrimination on the ground of color in the removal of women. The Civil Service Commission makes the following statement: These women were appolctod through competitive examination under the civil service rules. Since Mr.

Johnson boonmo chief of tho bureau, on July 1, 1893, there been eighty-eight women removed who were appointed through examination, and of these eighteen wore white and seventy colored, leaving only ten colored women remaining icTthe service. This 'was out of a total force of 367 printers' assistants. Tho law provides a punishment of. a heavy fine and imprisonment for violation of tho provisions of tho Civil Service laws, and if the facts are true aa stated the chief of the bureau of engraving and printing should be punished. "THE only 'American industry which has prospered under Democratic rule" says the New York Commercial Advertiser "is tho gold exporting business" and the American Economist commenting thereof adds, the only one.

There aVe aleo tho industry of tho sheriff; the soup house industry, the free bread free clothing Industry end tte general freedom from industry, which have all prospered since March, 1893." A COREAN FONEEAL. Stranse Antics Performed by tho Natives at Burials. Tbe Odd Mixture of Simplicity ning Which Characterize! Sing and Bad Cnn- THE following statistics are glvc-n by the -Medical Age" as a fairly accurate estimate of the various causes of death throughout the world. The highest average falls to scarlet fever, to which 48.000 deaths are attributed; 30,000 to typhoid and typbus fever; 27.000to apoplexy; 25,000 to whoop- in? cough; 18,400 to measles; 7,500 to consumption; 7,000 to erysipelas; 7,000 to rheumatism; 1,200 logout, and 906 to senility. THIS winter is one that will long bfi remembered for its severity especially in the southern states.

New Orleans hiu been visited with a scow atorm which buried the city under ten Inches of s'now. Nothing like has been recorded in the hlitory of the Crescent City. DEAD MAX'S Cur, Oklahoma tory, provei that its name is appro prlate by furnUhicg a railroad accl- A funeral procession in Corea is very different from the sad and solemn ceremony we are accustomed to in Europe. When the time for buriai has come, tho coffin containing the dead body is placed in an open palanquin, which is gayly painted in the brightest colors, and decorated with paper Japanese lanterns. This palanquin is carried shoulder high by the bearers, and is ac- compauied by professional mourners, who are known as thc "dancers of the dead." Tncso men, says a foreign exchange, are three in number, and ono of them performs in front of the coffin, while the other two dance, one on each side.

They are grotesquely dressed, and wear on their heads those horrible and fantastic masks in which the Chinese delight, and which their soldiers formerly wore to strike terror into thc enemy. During tho-whole of the ceremony they keep Llioir positions round tho palanquin, performing the dance of thc dead, nnd throwing themselves into the moot horrible contortions. the Coroans have a superstition that the coffin is accompanied by ghostly attendants as well as by the human mourners. They believe that every man has two spirits, a good and a bad one, which sway every action' during life, and in death dispute the possession of his body. No Corean can be happy in the after life unless his evil spirit has been prevented from following him into the grave, and it is tho duty of the palanquin bearers to scu that the evil spirit is not allowed to take possession of the dead man's body.

For this purpose they employ every ruse and stratagem that wit can invent or thnt tradition has handed down to deceive the evil spirit. The procession starts at a slow and dignified pace, very often in a direction exactly opposite to that in which the burial" ground lies. think that the evil spirithiisbeen lullejd into security, they suddenly jump, palanquin, coffin and all, over a hedge, and run across -country at full speed. Then they stop without. any warning, and take another direction, wading through streams, forcing their -way through woods, and trying to conceal themselves behind every obstacle that comes in their way, in the endeavor co throw-the evil spirit off their track, and prevent it from following them fo tho grave.

When this desirable end has been accomplished to their satisfaction, tho circuitous journey is brought to un curt, and the man is triumphantly interred with only his good spirit in nttcndance. Kiit thc curious part of- this super stition is that although the evil spirit, which is supposed to be terribly cun ninp- and malicious, is thus thrown of? the'sccnt, yet.the good but simple spirit never loses sight of the always presides at the burial. When the funeral-is over, but one thing more remains to be done, and that is to put the good spirit in its last resting place. For This purpose an ornamental box or urn is prepared, into which the good spirit submissively enters, and then the urn, which thus 1 contains all that was good the spiritual part of the dead Corean, is placed among the souls of his ancestors in the mortuary chamber of thc family. THE WALLS OF PEKING.

They SCJ-TO to Separate the Classen of the Tartar City. The cuter wall is about twenty-seven miles in circumference. It was built centuries ago of mud and bricks. Tho inner and outer face are of the latter; each brick is as big as a family Hiblc, and the interstices are filled up with mud und stones. The whole has long settled into a solid cement.

Save for some damage done in one or two 1 quarters by recent floods, this great wall is still intact. The gates number thirteen. They are insignificant, though finely arched; are not much wider than the streets, and are only about twenty feet high. At night they are closed with great doors sheathed with iron. 1 The whole city, says Fortnightly Review, forms two rough parallelograms, one being the 1 Tartar city and the other the -Chinese.

is-another wall separating thc two sections. The first is' the Manchu quarter par excellence; the seeond is given over to commerce. Inside the walls of the Tartar are sixty feet thick at the the government buildings, thc foreign' legations, and the residences of' the wealthy Tartars, run round another' high gray- bricked wall, six miles (roughly) in circumference. This wall incloses tha temples, pleasure grounds, and outer palaces of the sacred city, consecrated to the uses of thc "Son of Heaven," Inside this block, again, is the Purple Forbidden city, the actual residence of the emperor and his court. -wise and holy rule for ourneijrn- bor's faults is this: To speak of them to God, and forget befeas Could Fly with the ArtUU Place Them.

Did you ever notice a Oying angel? I do not mean the animated article, but the winged and robed creatures you see occasionally in frescos and friezes. If so, you have doubtless marked tho horizontal and unearthly position of the The hands are gracefully disposed along the sides, just ns if dying were no particular effort, and the feet are trailed straight behind, though no man has ever found out just what holds them there. It has been so since tho tune of Michael Angelo and Raphael, says the New York World. Those old masters were probably among the first offenders an-aiust physical possibilities. They frescoed the wall and ceilings of.

ancient cathedrals with ethereal beings with enormous wings sprouting from their shoulder blades and their feet trailing straight out behind. Since then every artistic Tom, Dick und Harry in the world has followed the impossible lines laid down by the old paiutors, and although science has been developed and human idoashnve Changed greatly since Athens was in its pi-hue, tho absurd form of thc angel has not changed a particle. Anvbody can see at a glance at the pictures that this position in (light is an impossibility. I Possibly at a speed of a mile a second, and with the wings beating at the rate of one hundred thousand tiroes a minute, the position might be maintained. Xhu point of support is thc shoulder blades.

Tho center of gravity is no- whcro, apparently. It may be possible that -painters desire to an angel doing something that a human being would 6nd impossible to do. At any rate, they have done so. With tho wings at thc shoulder blades tho center of gravity would extend directly downward from the points of support, 'it is not very gracofyl, but it is true to science and thehi-w of gravitation. It will be a long time, however, before painters consent to paint angels in other than impossible positions.

Even-body remembers how reluctant artists "were to accept the positions of miming horses developed by the camera. They were so absurd that it was with difficulty that the negatives could be believed. In order to carry the body in a horizontal position the wings of an angel should be placed in thc small of the back and the vertebra'stifiOTed with.a; Then, perhaps, there would bo some sort of an agreement between-art and physical possibility. MARSHAL BAZAINECONDEMNED History Kocnllcil of tlic SilrrlnR Events In i Harry Frank's Great February Clearance Sale! Will eclipse aziy previous sale known. We calculate to out-do any attempted in our career of over 30 yeirs.

We rnuet reduce stock to make room for large order placed with our factory at New York, The people of this commuoity never were invited to such a Sweeping Covering Kecord Breaking, Genuine Money Saving Event as this, Every Winter Suit, Overcoat and Ulster Must go no how large the loss to us. We have never misrepresented facts and the people kiow it. Genie and be convinced and avail yourself of the greatest Clothing Slaughter ever known. HARRY FRANK, TO SURB. LOGANSPORT.

DELPHI. FLORA. NEW YORK. VARIOUS VIEWS OF THE GOPHER, A Squirrel, Knt, a. SisnIciVaml ft Turtle That Crackers In FlorHJn.

"If you should ask a man from the 111; inois prairies what a gopher was he'd tell 3'ou it was a gray squirrel that burrowed in the ground," said a man who seemed to know what lie-was talking about, according to the New York Sun. "If you should ask tho same, question of a man from thc prairies further west, he'd tell you a gopher was a striped squirrel that lived in holes the ground. A Missouri farmer would declare that a gopher was a mole-footed brown rat that digs its way under the surface In that state. A man from Georgia would proba'uly surprise you by the assurance that a gopher was a snake, and tho Florida native would, unhesitatingly' inform you that a gopher was a turtle. And thc funny part of'it is that every one of them would bo right.

A gopher is a gray squirrel that burrows, a striped squirrel that burrrows, a rat that burrows, a snake that doesn't and a turtle that docs, ac- but the most inter- ilt the Crenel: was condemned for surrendering- in thc Franco-German war, though he had long and honorably served his country, says Spare Moments. Horn April 13, he joined the army in 1S31, served In Africa in 1S33, was made in is. 1 and obtained the Cross of. the Legion of Honor. He distinguished- himself in Algiers in 1S30 and jo'ncd the Mexican expedition in 1S02, with the rank of' general of division, by which thc French endeavored to assist Maximilian in obtaining tho throne of that and Bazaino remained there until 1S07, when he effected his retreat by Vera Cruz.

In had been created a marshal of France. In the Franco-German war be commanded thc Third army corps and occupied M.otz, where, after a seven weeks' siege, he capitulated with an army of one hundred and seventy-five thousand men, with fifty generals and over six thousand officers. This surrender so-wounded the national vanity of the French, though perseverance in thc defense was useless and would havo caused only starvation and suffering to the besieged, that he was summoned before thc military commission of the national assembly-in August, 1S7-1, was tried by court-martial and found guilty of treason and, condemned to degradation and death. The sentence was, however, commuted to twenty years' seclusion in the island of Saint Marguerite, situated just off Cannes, on the French Mediterranean coast. Here he lived nine months with his and children, after which she left, and ineffectually interceded 'with Marshal MaeMahon, the president of' the French republic, that, though her husband was to continue in exile, he should not be kept as a prisoner, pa Monday, August.

10. 1S74, a rope was found hang- Ing" from the parapet of 'the' fortress and by this Bazaine managed to escape. A Practical Idea. Two young- Buffalo schoolgirls were talking about their" future, says the Courier of that city, when one of them said that she did not care to be a school- 'teacher, as she preferred to teach mn- sic." She said that her sisters, though, were going to be school-teachers- "They can be teachers just as easy as can be," i said she, "because my papa and my grandpa know, all tho politics." The little girl probably meant "politicians', "politics," but her idea "This turtle is peculiar to Florida and -is an important, factor in the domestic economy of the cracker population, for thc cracker dotes on the gopher nnd. thinks it is the finest thing in the cdS- ble line ever created.

I don't agree with the cracker, for I don't like the company the gopher keeps in its char- as much as the business of being 1 rail- ror.d man, und to people in libraries tho best librarians are just as well known as thc best railroad men are tq peoples about railroad offices. A good librarian of thc first rank can get $10,000 a year without asking for it, and he is cheap at the good deal cheaper than a poor man at $1,000. No man really equal to managing a library with an income of $30,000 or $40,000 a year can bo got for less than or though men can be had cheaper, and cheap, management, always thc dearest, will be the result. A librarian to-day is not a man who can talk about various kinds of books in an interesting wny, or who can catalogue books, or who for years has always been at odd library jobs, or even is interested in "literature," and thinks that bis "general knowledge of books" fits him for thc work of librarian. Tho new librarian is as active and pushing as any business man; ho studies a city like a retail dry goods man; he sees what people are going to read and bo uses the knowledge to turn them to what they ought to read, lie classifies and catalogues and arranges and distributes his store of 100.00010500,000 (is so that thc rare books which specialist wants to sec once in ten years can be got just as easily and as quickly ns thc novel which every ono wants'iind of which thc library has to havo fifty copies.

Such a librarian knows what schools are studying and actcr of turtle and I don't sec how any- h(j boohs Uic of ho lp 5is. can be good, nnd habitually i keep" bad company. Strange as it may seem, this Florida turtle docsn'tiikc tho vicinity of water, but selects the high, dry, sandy ridges for its home." The gopher digs a deep hole and a long one in the ground and remains there all the time it is not- out grazing, for this turtle is a grazer, living on the wild grasses that abound in its locality. It is never happy, though, unless its burrow 13 shared by a colony of lizards and a cheerful family of rattlesnakes. "Find a gopher hole in Florida and you will find from one to half a dozen rattlesnakes and maybe twenty lizards of all sizes, colors and degrees of hid- eousriess.

occupying it with the builder and owner of the burrow. The gopher plainly loves this deadly association, although it is itself as meek and mild and harmless as a dove. "So dweller in those parts of Florida where the gopher is found ever goes anywhere without a bag slung over shoulder. This is carry homo gophers in, for he is pretty sure to find some them out pasturing. The moment the gopher is surprised itshuts ifc- self securely in its shell and the cracker tumbles it into his bag.

The gophers i are also trapped by digging a hole close to the en trance of the burrow and sinking a barrel or box into it. When thc gopher comes out he tumbles into the trap and can't get out. What terrapin I are to tie high-living epicure those gophers are to the Florida cracker." MUST KNOW MORE THAN BOOKS The Public Llbnirlan to an Active wid Pnrtlnz DuilnMS Man. The usefulness of a public library to a community is not measured by books 'and building, but by the ability ol its librarian and the number of its readers. Put a good librarian in a roomy shed with few thousand books, says tho Philadelphia Press, and he will do more for a city and' its real education than a-man -who is not both an abln and A trained librarian with half ja million books and a building which Wniin ShO S3.1G.

gjii.Li.j.i_m LSWA-' was practical one. cost $1,000,000, as In Boston, four commonly think according to I 'times the value of the books it houses. speak according to their learning-and imbibed opinions, but generally act according to custom. A great public library to-day is simply terminal facilities' and distributing, station tor The business of Do" knows what is going on, and thoO delivery desk is always ready with to any question about thc books on anv subject up for talk. is alivo to the" finger tips and he makes all his books live.

No big auction of book rarities worth their weight in bank notes which takes place from licrlin to San Francisco passes without his getting what the library needs, and no ragged boy strays tnto the publio library wondering what it is like but finds himself, he does not know quito how, seated and reading an interesting boolc. Thunderstorms Not Equatorial. Some have an idea that the thunderstorm is a native of the equatorial regions, but such is not the case. In France there is an average of one thunderstorm lor every dny in the year and in Germany the -annual number three hundred and thirty-five, while in Sumatra and Ceylon twelve is the avert age, nnd in Peru there have only been two during a century. A Anlmal.

Some time ago the mongoose was introduced into the island of Jamaica to destroy the rats, which were doing- much damage to the sugar cane. But the Kingston papers say its activity did not stop-there. It destroyed snakes, birds and other enemies of the insect race, and as a result there been a great incronsc in the number of ticks, gross lice, beetles, dies and other smali pests. Horses suffer se- and sometimes die, from the attacks" of the ticks, which get into their ears, nostrils and throats. As the mon- goose finds thc rats, snakes, toads and crabs disappearing it attacks sitting fowls and carries off their eggs, kills yonng pigs, kids, lambs, pups, kittens, poultry, and game fruits and vegetables and suspected of sucking sugar cane, meat and salt provisions and catches An'Obedient Child.

goodness: Are you at that candy again? I told you not to eat candy on an empty stomach. Little Pet-I Izn't. My 'tumnuck foil. 'What of You make me firea," Bald the ox to the Tribune..

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