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The Journal News from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 9

The Journal Newsi
Hamilton, Ohio
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THTTBSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1934 A I A A I PAGE mm County Society Will Preserve History 143 Years Ago Thursday Shawnee Indians Began Bloody Attack Upon Dunlap's Station, 10 Miles South Of Hamilton Of Today; 25 Pioneers Withstand Siege Three Days Before Rescue Party, Composed Of Early Butler Pioneers, Arrived NRA IS ADDED TO THE GROWING LEXICON OF THE UNITED STATES By 0. LOWELL SAGER Following the organization of the Butler county Historic) society, Friday nitrht, nt the Y. M. C. present day occurrences will bo systematically recorded; preserved to show future residents of Butler county, to what they owe their progress.

Seldom dqes a day puss which is not tho anniversary some event reaching the part played by Butler county in acquiring- nnd enriching the Northwest Territory for United States. Stories kept by the historically-minded prove that Butler county pioneers ivero most ac- tiva in a i Ohio ns prominent as it is today. As for January 10, was the ono hundred forty-third year since a bloody Indian nttnek upon Dnnlnp's Station, just ton miles south of present-day Hamilton. Fortunately the story is preserved so that tribute ntny 1m pnid to the memory of tho small group of brave pioneers, whose hardships led to Iho building of Fort Hnmil- lon, and tho rapid progress in the ilinmi volley. Across River From Venice Picture.

Dunlap's Station at the of tho year 1790, ns it stood on Iho ITainil ton -Butler county line, across tho river from Venice. A snbsUiuliul blockhouse surrounded by a slockado on three sides nnd tho murky Big Miami its protection on tho fourth side, was (lie haven of EL few pioneers who dared settle in tho country north of the Ohio river, in tho Miami valley. On Iho north side of llio sloekiido Iho Horn, McDonald, Bur roll tmd Barker families hud i their cabins, while tho family lived south of Iho fort. Lieutenant Kiiigsbtu-y, of Iho United States Army, ruled over bis garrison of Iwclvo soldiers within Ibe slocknde. Their names were Taylor, Neef, O'Neal, O'Lonry, Lincoln, a Strong, Sowers, Murphy, Abul, A Viear and Wiscmtiti.

Explorers Attacked Few I i a were seen in neighborhood until Jfiriwiry On a day, four explorers, Sloan, Hun Cunningham and Wallace, had breakfast in their cinnp across tho river below Dunlap, only to be attacked by appeared to be a small parly of Indian scouts. Thenco follows the story which might well luivc been recounted to pioneer children to terrify Die in into staying in their own backyards. Cunningham was killed i Hunt tiiken captive; nnd Sloan, though wounded, escaped with lace lo Dtmlap Htntion. Of course, tho giu-rison Station was afraid of i i a attack. Tho few families outside I lie slockade were quickly assembled in tins blockhouse i al! their portable belongings- A steady a i changing to during- the nfter- noon, added to tho strain of the watchers in the fort, As no sign of Indian cnmpfires could be seen, Wallace crossed the river with a scouting party and buried Cunningham.

Tho a encountered no Indians. Fortunately Lacked a Bed Fear of attack grew loss intense no I i a appeared and the scaro was a i Eo a small scout party. At i a sentinels werii posted as a matter of routine. Moat of the garrison rft- i for night, except few timid inmntcs and Lieutenant wlu bad no bed to go to bo- cause tho wounded explorer, SLonnc, occupied it. was fortunate for the group that Kingsbury had no bed, for weary guards wtjnt to sleep.

AI dawn, i a Kingnbu wishing lo find (junrlcrs in a cnbin iti tho enclosure, opened thn door of I bo blockhouse, only to i rral India us creeping toward him. lio quickly barred door, woke (lie garrison, and siege on. Outlaw Leads Shawnecs A U5U Slunvnecs, led by i i Blue Jacket, nnd a notorious white- Simon (jirly, siir- i nut tided tlio I'ort. to show himaelf before besieged, Giiiy caused prisoner of 24 hours, to bo led out to act as interpreter for the Indians in their (lenu that the i garrison surrender. And Hunt bogged a Dunlap surrender lo tho I i a in order to prevent his being tortured iti re- venge.

During tho parley, Iho besieged gflvo their answer by Inking pot-shots nt the Indians. Tho xi It nek Iiegnii on Sunday morning, January 9, 1701. The be- eic-gcd had just enough bullets to allow each of tho 26 men about 2-J shots. Upon learning tho scarcity of shot, the women began casting their pewter plates and spoons in in bullets, nnd joined the men in jcer- ng the enemy. Three-Day Siege Starts Thus began a tlirci-lay fight.

Tho first night, Hunt, prisoner of tho savages, was partly stripped, tied cruelly in the clearing before the fort nnd tortured to death, slotrly, throughout tho night. During the next day, January 10, Wallace nnd an 18-year-old soldier, Wiseman, managed to leave the fort in canoe, to seek aid from Fort Washington. Tho IiidzHiis, thinking to capture (bo fort before reinforcements conic arrive, continued siego until a a and EXERCISES CONDUCTED Joinl insinuation of officers of Grnbbs Bagley Camp No. IB, Untied iSpnmsh War Veterans and tho Women's Auxiliary of the eiiinp took- Tuesday night at (lio Soldiers' nnd Sailors' monument. Officers of the camp installed included flidcon Smith, eotn- innnder; John C.

Smith, senior vice toinrniindor; Henry R. Knt- xenbergev, junior vice eomnumdcr; IVIcr iSchinUt, adjutant; Louis Iliu'llieh, (pinrierinnster; Harvey Loer, trustee; Haitlieb, patriotic i Julius Knglcr, i i a John G. DeCnmp, chap- a i Walter McDonald, officer Iho day; liradfoi'd, i of tlio guard; Hugh Lelfoy, sergeant innjor; John Klvig, Frank linekner, senior color sergeant; John i color sergeant; Henry Kalzcnb'crgc-r, musician. i Englcv acted us installing officer. Auxiliary officers, installed ly Juu Eclilins, i vice president, were i SponmM', president; Mnry Knlzenborgcr, vice Ida Lancaster, i vice, president; Blanche Lncy, chaplain; Carolina llartlieh, patriotic instructor; Kmnm DcCamp, secret a Ina, Eddins, treasurer; Mamie conductor; A i a assistant Currio Illicit, a Berllin Orr, assistant a i i Selnnitt, pi- anisl.

Caroluio HartJidi, retiring presi- deul, wns presented with beauli- fnl'siclent'.s pin, the. present a i being nuulo hy Ina Kddins. Plans wero discussed for euchre to lio given by the auxiliary ut the Saturday, a a -I. Tim committee iti chni-ge i ho Klsio i i Caroline i and Ina Kdclins, At the conclusion of the installations a lunch was served to both men nnd women hy auxiliary. FRANKLIN a i Jan.

"Women's Missionary society of the i a church will meet at Uie homo of Mrs. Erliy Worley, Soulh Center street, Friday nffcrtinrm, i i Mrs. Jolin Mrs. J. K.

Ward and Mrs. I'Ynnk Vnfisler ns assistant hostess. Mrs. A Hamilton will ohm-go, of (lie Mrs. Will Dechant.

will (in i a and lira. II. W. Mull on national mission Rev. Ray M.

Socly, has been pustor Conventional Chris- lion church for the last four years, fms resigned, i March 1. Sir. Soely, i i lite? I'nmily, will move to Proble county, where, he i u.ssiime his ncvr i at (lie Cnmp- hcllslowii and Concord rhurch.cs. HAMILTON" ELKS HOLD BUSINESS SESSION HamiHon l.otl^c Xo. 0.1, Klks, lu-hl a regular meeting Tuesday night, in Klks temple, Second nnd Lurilow slrecls.

HnsincAs nf importance! Eo I ho order was transacted. Thomas Iriviu, member of tho rescue parly, and I a resident of Butler county, said that a hunter, minicd Cox, beard firing nt a and returned to an outpost on Hie Ohio river to givo alarm of the attack. A rescue party wns formed, including young John IfeiJy, Patrick Moore, and Samuel Davis, all of whom later became prominent citizens of Duller counly. Tho rescuers met Wallace and Wiseman, who were bound for Fort Washington. Upon learning more details of tlio attack, tho party fairly sped to Dunlnp, only to find that tlic Indians had left ami on, man in tlio garrison hiul been killed.

Fear of another attack led the pioneers to abandon Dnnlap and ret to Fort Washington. No ono (hen settled tho 15ig Miami valley until the building of Fort Hamilton, in September 17(U, mid subsequent treaty i the Indians at (ireenville, which tho Ohio frco from savage raids. Ohio Events Day by Day Happenings Hiplcy--Sales on the RipJey ley tobacco market yesterday totaled 172,070 pounds. The average was a Cleveland--Tho sleek new suilSj Sam Browne belts and Pith helmets Cleveland policemen will he stored away nnd tiio officers reluvr to then' old regulation garh. The beat piiccr? voted almost unanimously for the change, Cleveland--Former State Kcprc- seutalive Thomas Roberts, 72 once secretory of the Ohio Ifottn Kule association which four times asked Ohio lo vote wet during the years before national prohibitior came i C'xisfent'Cj will be hurie: tomorvoiv.

Cleveland--The ford Motor company's (Jlcvi'Uiml factory Immul will reopen soon and give employ- (o 25 men. Xonvalk--Kaymond 9 was injured a a an automobile near hm home, eighl miles south of here. Cleveland--A lack of cash wil prevent the city government i meeting its mid-January payroll a tho snmo is in prospect for 1, said Finance Director I-it West. Cleveland A i i i so Htid wiiofofiomc" iidvRrtiriing copy J)r. Felix IU'W snid Unit the bitye who was i the pros perotiA linys prioi- to Is eyeiiij, sfecpticnlly the rids of I'm.

Coluinbtis--Tlio Ohio Bakers' soeintion, in i here, electee Kdward M. of Toledo, pros idenl a nil l-'rank A. Baker, Limn vice-president. Mansfield i i $75,000 Barne.s, an organization Manfitield bnsines-s men, purchascf the Haritcs a a i company lias been in rcceivershLp siuei last Gnllipolis-- A total of C5 02i pounds of Itiifley tolincco were sot heri- yesterday for nn average hundred. Cleveland--Police are iuvcstignl ft i threat that Uev.

Join TruUa, temporary head of the Hou mania in Amor ica, would be a "for a onc-wu i Columbus--Crawling out; npni ledgo of it dormitory of Olik School for the Blind to smoke i'orbulden cigarette, Oscar Bryant 17-year-old student, lost his t'oolinj and tell 1'our stories to his death. Columbus--A total of $0,076,809 from tho first a of ll)3i a i licenses fees has hcen dislrib uted among 88 counties and the vcg istrnlion districts. MASONIC LODGE MEETS Hugh (Jriles Lottie No. GS(i, sons, held a regular meeting Tues day in (ho Masonic temple Kasl- i i a i a a i Tho National Recovery Adnmiis- ration hns given the country a now of initials to remember, A vlll in lime- probably becomo more ttmiliar than RKC, mcaing Rccon- i ruction Finance Corporation. VHA might claim relationship to Soviet Hiissiii'fi former (new teonoinic policy), though it could nirdly claim connection i DOHA Defense of tho Aot, which 1ms been generously lam- imonod ever sinco it was put into -iperation during the War.

Tho shortening of name combinations is a relatively new custom, al- iliongh tho i States has long icen i i a willi W. C. T. Y. SI.

C. Y. W. C. G.

A. I), A. A. L. and I.

C. 0. (Interstate Commereo Cummission). Tho World War brought (he custom into flower. Then wo had the li.

E. P. (Uritieti Kxpeililionary Force), A. E. F.

(American Expeditionary Force), R. C. (American Red Cross) nnd A. R. A.

Relief But smt'o ttio Uoims KxpedHionary Force marched on Washington the lwls BEP havo taken a new meaning in this country. the initials a havo come in with tho New Deal, perhaps AAA (Agricultural A Act) and CCC Coiisornition Corps) ore tho easiest to people recall HCL (high cost of living). During tho war when food prices shot upward, 11CL appeared frequently in tho news columns, and tho cartoonists found 'fit very useful until prices began to recede 1 No i i i a are more widely known a U. S. A.

They stand not only for the United States oE America, but. also for (ho Union ol' South Africa. In Soviet Russia, at least, it is bud to spcnk of Russia; ono should use the initials U. S. S.

which represent tlio Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. Few countries uso initials more freely a Soviet Russia. A glossary is needled for the visitor in a country to identify its various organizations, which arc almost nl- ways referred to cither by a combination of the iirst letters of their names or by a combination of syl- Inbles from their names. Thus vt; havo the political police ret'errred to as tho OGPU and the Third International aR tho Comi (Communist 00PU stands for ObedincniioTC Gosmlnrstvennoye Polititchcskoyc tJpravleniye, meaning United Gov ens mental Political A i i a i This department is attached to the Council of People's Commissars of Iho U. S.

S. R. TWIN VALLEY i i The I 'J'win Vjillcy, 3.1.--^[r. Mrs. I Sciunirlt on Mr.

unit Jesso Root Tuesday evening. JTr. nnd Joe spent KVOiiinK i Jfr. niul Mrs. Ivvin Seliinidt and family.

Mrs. KjiJph Snnunpr.s OH Mrs. Joo Wise; Worlncsday nCtcr- noon. i Selmiiilb nml cliilch'cn itnd and Joct Wise mid i'ainily nnd Rutiy Wing wore cullers in ilio Jcsso Hoot, lionio Thursday nJtfht. Ruby Winpr nnd brother Buddy calk'd on flraoe Spit icr Friday Mr.

and and ily spt-nt i and Sunday with aiul Mrs. M. nnd Mr. nnd Cm 1 near fioi'innnlown. 5TVS.

Tjiivntln Hpitlcr called on Mrs, l-'ount Cotton Tuesday morn- and Jon Chin lie cnllcr.s in tho Fount Cotton home I i is spending this week with Miss LSHinn Harris oC Katon. and Albert spent Friday a a with Mr. and MTH. i Suiuuicrs, CUSTODY OF DAUGHTER IS ASKED BY MOTHER Frances G'ossett, Midtllotoivii, do- i i in suit by Joseph C. fik'il a jimtioii Wedticsdnj- in common pleas court asking tern pornvy custody of tticir daughter, 8.

She alleges lie deserted the child whrj hna been with the nmlher of litnc. TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS Thomas Dixon of New York, novelist and playwright, author of "Tho Birth of a Nation," horn Hi Shelby, N. 70 years ago. Dr. Alien Paul, fo'ntnler of (lie i a Woman's Parly, born at Muoroslotrn, X.

ycnrs Kva Lo Ciallienne, noled Amer- iean actress, born in London, J5 years ago. Alice Hegan liieo of Louisville, author of ''Mrs. Wiggs of Iho C'nbbngo Patch," Imrn at Bhelbyville, C4 years nio. Charles S. Jones, noted aviator, born nt Castlcton, 40 years ago.

Jamre 1'. Alley oC cartoonist, in Arkansas-, -I!) years ago, Dr. Olat M. Norlie, famed Onc- onta, X. Lulhernii professor, psychologist and a i icinn, born at Sioux i In 58 years "go- IT.

Gordon great Kiiglnud, miM'ehaiit, born at Kipon, 70 ycnrs ago. H.H.S, HONOR SOCIETY WILL SPONSOR GUILD Tho Hamilton chapter of the Xa- i Honor society nt the Hamilton High school will sponsor 'Rentalion ol! "Great Scenes from Shakespeare 1 by iho Classic Guild at llio Hamilton High school on February 26 at 12 o'clock. "Mi Joan Ikckwith, Stanley CoMeigh and Charles Posnev will bo icaluivd. Those three Shakespearean hrtvc hcen much acclaimed; for (lu'ir i to present. and their great knowledge of trmlilionnl Shnkcspoarc.

They are well qualiHed to in lorprct tlie ctassiori, a i played Shakespearean dm ma fnr I he pafit lour ycnrs in (Jie lomling universities ami colleges tliTOughout i country. In addition to Ihis, iavc 11 background of a i i it New York i iiml in principal stock companies of tlio Their selection of scenes has beer made i a view to a of costume, high dramatic a tragic vnlucfi ami merry comedy. President John Gnlbt'iuth ap pointed i Heiser, cliaii-man Geovgiana Shclhouse and to servo as tho ticket commit tee for this presentation. Wado Logs don, Uick Fair, am Kcift: were appointed to as stst i the projicrly. MAYME MOORE DIVORCED A divorce decree enteret Wednesday in common coni'L to IS, a i on Jicr cross i i lo (lie suit of Kverelt Moore.

Decision on custody of I heir child was re term) to i Moore's cross petition was i Helen V. Cook. IKS, ENDED HER LIFE Mrs. Edgar Bniighninn, 51 yours Id, of Ingomnr, thrco miles north- nst of Uralis, ended her life yes- irdny nttevnoon iy a i licrself 11 back stnirwny in her hniuc. Hor body WHS limiting rom a i of overall suspenders of lier family when licy home from it '1 o'clock yesterday aftoriioon.

Mrs. i It wits reported, a to end hov lit'o two yciirs iga by slushing wrists i ftnd tuid been despondent for uoro than two ycnrs. of icr family nsscrt they never U-i'i ler nlono for any Iciigll) of i nit left her in tho i vhen she appeared to hu much improved. She is survived by her husband. ijnr; tlirpo sons, Ktiwry, Clyde uld a bor a and I'mir Her body was removed lo ibe Zimmerman funeral parlors in Ale.vacidrin, wliere fimni'rtl ai'- i lio completed today.

ASKS TO BE ADMINSTRATOR OF BROTHER'S ESTATE Teri'dieo Kiloy, a lirotber, Monroe, applied to i i of. (ho cstnln of i i a i Union township, estimated at in porsonnl property nml in realty. The. a i a i wns on filo Wednesday in probate coiui. The pnller.v iwis reserved for women in early Christian churches.

SUIT DISISSED The suit of A. J. Si'henck, Trenton, against T. Jfaude 0. Angspnrger on note, was dismissed from common pleas court.

Wednesday a a settlement. Stuffy Head Just a few a noatril. Quickly Iny again VlCKS Nose Thro at DROPS Help Kidneys If Dcwrlr i i and HIM tier make you suiter from Getting NighU. NcrvouanesB. RticumaHa 1'Rfus, yiidnoBj, Burclnir.

Smarting, Itchinff. or Acidity try iKo KuatontccJ fix you up or mono? bach, Electric Washers WHILE THEY LAST BRAND NEW 1934 Model Only Pay Only Look At These Features Porcelain Tub Motor All Shielded Mechanism New Type Safety Helease Goodrich Rubber Rolls Tully Guaranteed 119 SO. SECOND $1 WEEKLY WUPLlIZER OPEN EVES. Turn i i of inlo caie comfort OU can now avoid anil jiftei' rcgreLi preparing- your Ijoiiy for lhat, baby's coniliiB-- A masBUKO medium lubrir-HTil, Mother's Frlcrul, lirlps ID nnd prevent skin UglitnosH abdominal Ussuo bruiiltn ilry i caked breast-H alter delivery wrlnltLcs. Prlend rcfrn-shca anil lonca tho tissues and mnaoles.

It mnkea them supple. jlfnjit nml olii-stli-. It Is scienliUe in conipo.iitUm--cornpuKe.l of PspRriftl oils nml liniifsfirlnl InirrcdlfinlR--externally applied--tmniuuil safe. Quickly absorbed. to Highly praised Uy unf-rs, many (lectors and nurses.

Tline-lcRtcd for over T0 years. Millions of bottles flold. Try It lunlKht. Just nny i i for Brother's Friend, Tho BrarineS-l Atlanta, Ja. Mother's Friend i i It a i Wanted To Borrow $15,000.00 Gilt Edged Local Security ADDRESS BOX B.

A. Care This Office A A I A CWA Checks Of rournr, you ivnnt a I for your i Mvery otie In lonkliiK for Keneriius relurim. If ynii lire Interested In on ITS, xc tin lUt or i i i i i i A remember, I he prli-os nre i tor the ivpcU, Cheerfully Cashed at All IGA Stores Salad Dressing Qt. Hlne Soul. Miuln KSRS mid Less Oil.

Special t)iiu Foiiliiro Price. Mlaxwell House Sandwich Spread qt. jar 19c Toilet Paper 3 10c rolls 23c Pancake Flour Laundry i wri bar 3c Ripe Apricots large No. can 19c lbs Floating Soap 3 cakes lOc Tomato Juice 'vS 1 6 No. 1 cans 25c Pon-Honor Coffee Honor Coffee Ib.

23c Ib. 25c Soda Crackers 19- Wlerrit Coffee tb. 19c Macaroni s1 2 lbs. 15c Lye "'a'S 3 cans 25c Oats rQ ir ok 55-oz. pkg.

15c Koyal Oaking JPowder Asparagus 1 2 10-oz. cans 25c Clothes length 19c JPost's Bran jFl Corn 1 lry 2 No. 2 cans 25c akes A i Fresh and Smoked CHUCK ROASTS-- Poimrt FRESH SAUSAGE-- Hojne Ground. Pound COTTAGE HAMS-2 to 3-ll. average.

Pound Meats lOc lOc Fresh Fruits and Vegetables HEAD LETTUCE-- Fresh. Crisp. Head CELERY-- White. Tender. Stalk CHOCOLATE DROPS-- -i Pound 1U E.

L. DICK'S STORE JOE ARVIN'S STORE FRANK KELLEY IMinnu VINE ST. GROCERY i I i H'Jt) THE CORNER GROCERY i MURDON'S 158 HIGH STREET GOING-OUT-OF BUSINESS SALE! EVERY GARMENT SACRIFICED I Onr lean expires February 1. We must sell our huge stock of I smart upparel for Women. To do this ao quickly we have cut (iinregirdlng cost entirely.

We invite a visit from yon. No Ijiyaways. No Approvals! Every sale final. i 0 0 0 0 Reduced Grouped for Easy Selection LOVELY DRESSES This group includes many Silks, Gropes, Woolens, etc. Formerly selling to WINTER DRESSES Many them Just unpacked.

Light shades-in Iho wanted fabrics. VL J.69 $0.70 STUNNING DRESSES For i occasions. Sec those rv mnrknbJe values BETTER DRESSES Of the a qimlily fflfirics. Fnsfrions of the momorit. Unlicltov cable OTllv NEWER DRESSES That am licing shown nt tin's mimito Silks -Crepes and other smnrt fabrics ''I 1 DeLuxe Line of Tavern Dresses Dresses are easily worth $12.95.

Silks nnd Crepes, etc. Tailored and dressy models. All must CO ATS -S Gorgeous Coats for Spt Up to $16.50 SPRING COATS 1 S'fylca that will lc shown in i month nt prices 2 nnd f.f\ our going-'Xil-or- ejp Inisincsa safe prico Up to $22.50 Values Fur Trimmed Winter COATS T.ntest styles All tlio fnlirios. Kxccpliotinl (ft f-v lailorinn. Hum 1 ni 1UITS IS" ing and Winter Wear One Group of Quality SPORT COATS Smartly slyled in a i (Bj fnbries.

A ronl i Up to $32.50 Values-- Quality Winter COATS (lorgcmis fnr rollara Cliffs t' Swanky styles-- good for two seasons wear. mS 1 S1R.69-: nlno A. 1 9 HOSIERY 5 47 ew 1 i Pure thread silk, made by America's lead! mills. Choice of new colors and sizes SILK HOSIERY All our better grade hosiery sharply reduced 57c, 67c, 77c, 87c HATS Your choice of our entire stock Including all of the very latest Winter Huts..

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