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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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Dysbl Pancake Makes Delicious Pan Cakes, A Delicious Breakfast Food. Ask Your Grocer For It. F. KINNEY, PEALEtt 1ST Fish, Oysters, Fresh Butter, Eggs and Game. fires'! our own Poultry an) therefore have'everythiuf: Civ-h.

WANTED! REAL ESTATE. For Sulo. -'ii Acrns 3 ntoil Sin ill Kor.iiilrt. Fi.i.ilii-'.H< Fur Salti. ntwl id for City Mf rulriinllss Tr foe Parais.

D.CKJJ H. .11. FJIock H. E. TRIIAX, M.

D. Special atlfiitl.jii Klven to Nose, Luntr, Llvet and Chronic DISBWS. OtHce unil Kexidunco over State National Bank. Hours IU to to -1 p. uiul to 8 p.

m. 'All cujls yroraptly attonilod. F. M. BOZiR'3 DENTAL PARLORS, State National Bank, Logansport, Ind.


20. A new thing- ID baud kerchief 8 at the Beo Hive. Worth its weight In cold, tho Majestic Crlsrnond. From one to ten thousand dollars to loan on city Fisher. Coat Maker but first class ueoJ Werthelm, Peru.

Ind. The Mfjostio ehlp Is moving Don't full to get, on board at Flauegln Crlsmoad's. An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs Edward Clary or tho North Side, ia reported critically ill. A party was given by Mr.

nod Mrs. E. W. Alexander last night. A very pleasant time reported.

Mae Shaver entertained at her home on North street last evening in honor of Miss AHoo Shurte of Lowell. A-plate glass was put In yesterday In tbe front of Jake Sobiatian's saloon, whore a boer keg recently made an opening, Andy Gibson, colored, of tho West Side, who baa been ill since Christmas la Improving. There will be rerlval services at the Wheatland street M. E. church Thura.

day evening, and also next Sunday morning and evening. Mayor MoKee and wife entertained a number of ladles and gentlemen at 'tea yesterday in honor of Mrs. of Indianapolis. A piece of coal fell on the head of August Gloaaer of the Fan Handle round house Monday evening making bad abrasion over his left eye. purchase, a small piece of land, with or without buildings, within ten miles of Loganiport.

Leave word with S. M. Closaon, No. 319 Pearl street. Al Klnzie who is employed on the Pau repair tracki badly bruised fingers ol his left hand Monday evening while talcing down a 'oar door.

Mrs. M. F. Arnold, of Indianapolis, took five bottles of Lemoa laxative and is permanently cured of Headache, Backache and Constipation. She ad- ladiei to try a fifty cent bottle.

A Holland Case. The people of New Holland, Ohio, have been surprised recently bv the- almost wonderful cure of a young daug'iler of Mr. John Ornhoo'd, who for a long time hiid been afflicted with fits or epileptic convulsions. Tho Bfllietlo.Q seemed more dreadful be. cause of the nar-urai brightness of the cbUd.

Doctors other medicines failed to effect any lasting benefit, and euro goemod hopeloaa until a sample bottlo Of Dr. Waooler'a Nerve Vltal- Uor was providentially handed Mr. Orahood and from tho use of it and only two full bottles the remedy, tho young girl has beon completely cured Of which threatened to blight her life. Fortunately there are but few cases of epileptic fits, but we venture to say that half the people who road this would fool like new beings after thorough use of Dr. Wheeler's Nerve Vltalizer; it Is a nerve food, restoring nerve force on the samo principle that food restores physicivl vigor dnd muscle, If yours Is a case of shattered nerves, frequent headache, perhaps nervously cross, troubled with, sleep, lessoess, a tlrod feeling in tho morning, debilitated, all worn.out feeling 1 promptly use this great remedy, for It will cure you, and also ward off tho more serious sickness or breaking down which your symptoms indicate.

It is warranted sure to relieve and cure nervo troubles as represented. For sale by Ben Fisher, Druggist. A moody Attempt at Suicide. Rockfiold, Carroll county, steps forward with a sensation in the form of a bloody attempt at telf destruction. Jacob Mullondore, a farmer, aged S5, who had onoe before mada an attempt on his own life by drlakln? carbolic acid, waa tho would-be suicide, and he came near being successful.

With a rusty knife ho hacked a terrible gash in his throat that required 27 stitches to close. Dr. Senders of Burrows attended him. Tho young man is thought to be Insane. It no ni Jiucli for You.

Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a eovere kidney trouble tor many years, with severe pains in his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called kidnoy cures but without any good result. About a year ago he began use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure of all kidney and liver troubles and often gives almost Instant relief.

One trial will prove our statement. only 50o. for bottle at B. F. Koesling's drug store.

ThePoMcBllirvea Three loafers were placed in jail yesterday afternoon for refusing to leave the Wabash depot waiting room when ordered out by the agent. Word was sent to the police and the three were captured after a hard chase. Two of their companions escaped. STATK OF Oino, Crrr or TOLEDO, LDOAS COCSTT. FR.UTK CHKSKT ikes oath that tie is the senior pnrtnar or the Droi of K.

J. CnESvr A doing bislnais in cltr ot ToledK and Stats aforesaid, and that wild firm will pay tho HINDBED DOLLARS tor each and everjcoseof Catarrh that oinaot be cared br the use ot HALL'S FKA.SK J. CHENEY. Sworn to bsfors me and jubscr'bed In mi presence, tbls 6th dar ot December. A.

D.l»i. W. liliE'VoUWi i Notary Public. HalTsCatarrb. Care Is taken InWrnaUj and aits rectir on Ihfl blood an mucous surfaces ot theaysteni.

Si nd for testimonials free. F. J. CHKN'KY. Toledo.JO.

bj druggists, Toe. VnudalU Lino On February 12, March 5, April 2 and SO, 1895, home seekers sieurslon tickets will be on sale rery cheap (o various points In the South and Southwest. For rates, limit stopover priTilgea, apply to J. C. EDQEWORTH, Aft, Loganiport, Ind.

EAST BOUND SHIPMENTS. East bound etilpmacts las'. amounted to 43,738 tons, against 61,532 tons for the preceding week. The roads carried tonnage, as follows: Michigan 3.312; Wabash, 1 466; Lake Store, Fort Wayne, 8.186; Pan Handle, Baltimore Ohio, Grand Trunk, Nickel Plate, Erie, Big Four, 1,785. Shipments were made of the following articles in tons: Flour 5.194; grain and mill sluffa, provisions, lard, dressed beef, butter, hides 1.200; lumber, 4 201; miscellaneous, 1 312 VANDALIA IMPROVEMENTS.

Work on the new Vindalia passenger station waa commenced The structure will practically be new one, although some of the old material will be used where practical, and will be thirty feat longer and fifteen feet wider than tho preasnt structure. A second story will be added and will contain the of Supt. H-itoh and his assistants and subordinates. It will be fitted up with all modern improvements and when completed will be a model ralL way station and edib'ce. It is- expected to be completed about May 1st.

Hon. Chauncey M. Dapew tells the story of bis visit to the mechanical department of Cornell university. He found at the head of it professor Morris, who clalmsd him as a superior officer giving as a reason that he was an old time worker on the New York Central railroad. "How did you (jet here?" asked Depew.

"I flred on the Naw York Central. I stood on the footboard aa an englaeer on the New York Central. While a locomotive engineer I made up my mind to get an education, I studied at night and Stted myself for Union college running all the tlma with my locomotive. I procured books and attended as far as potslble thj lectures and recitations. I kept up with my class, and on the day of graduation.

I left my locomotive washed up, put on the gown and cap, delivered my thesis, and received iny diploma, put tho gown and cap in the closet, put on my working shirt, got on my engine, and mado my usual run that day." "Then" said Dcpeiv, knew how he became Professor Morris." That spirit will cause a man to rise anywhere and In any calling. It ia ambition, but it is ambition wisely directed, aiming not at the such an ambition produces envy, scheming, discontent and but bravely and cheerily aiming at one's self, seating to make one's self fitted for higher work. When this Is accomplished the opportunity for higher work ia sure to come. An associated press dispatch from Chicago says: Preliminary efforts are being in this city towards organizing a switchmen's union, national in its scope, to supersede the late Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association, now dismembered through mismanagement. Among the promoters of the movement are many men formerly prominent members of the old aasocla- lion, A local union has baen temporarily organized, and if this acquires numerical and financial stability it is planned by the members to spread the union over tho leading lines out of Chicago, east and west.

A circular letter to be sent to switchmen the country overia now being prepared. When tbe Wabash cannonball train, No. 46, arrived in-Decatur from the west, about ten hours late a few days ago, says the Despatch, the car inspectors found a section man's shovel caught in the forward truck of the sleeping The shovel was a new one and had evidently been picked up In a snow drift. Tbe handle was wedged in under an iron brace on the brake beam and the pan of the shovel was dragging on the rail and against the wheel. How it could have become wedged in there is a great the car inspectors were compelled to saw the handle in pieces before the ihovel could be removed, After an illness of several weeks 1 duration Jacob S.

Morris, superintendent of the Toledo division of the Pennsylvania lines for the past twenty years, died Monday, aged at bis residence la Toledo. Mr. Morris was one of the beat known railroaders in the United States. His funeral, which takes plaoe Wednesday, will be attended by the general offioera of the Pennsylvania lines. Geo.

Weatherow, a Fan Handle oar repairer ii laid up a fractured leg. Saveral days ago while working wreck near Marion bale of in, him with the mentioned iH. It will ba eereral months 'before will again bo fit for Pan Handle conductor W. S. Parka returned from Hot Spring I yesterday Case of Krebs Griffin Occn- pies the Caurl'n Attention.

I In the circuit court yesterday the of Ferdinand Krebs against ox- i constable Edward GriCBa, and his bondsman ex-aounty commissbaer, John Dunn, suit'on bond, was being heard by Judge D. McCoanell and a jury. Krebs alleges that he held a chattel mortgage for $300 on certain property in the hands of Kamsrer when Griffin, as constable, levied on the property, which consisted of ras. taurant fixtures, to collect an account of $25 for rent alleged to be due tbe Spry estate. Krebs in his suit, demands the amount of his chattel mortgage, $300.

At 4 o'clock yesterday evening the court was adjourned to 7 o'clock p. to allow tba attorneys to prepare special verdicts, and the matter will be settled this morning-. Knishts of the Jliiccibees. The State Commander writes ui from Lincoln, as follows: "After trying other medicines for what seemed to be a vc-ry obstinate i our two children we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and at tbe end of two days the cough entirely left them.

We will not ba witbout it beroafter, as our experience proves that it cures where all other remedies Signed W. Soeveas, State Way not give this great mediclas a trial, as it is guaranteed tvnd trial bottles are free at B. F. Keeping's drugstore. Regular oOc.

and $1. Will bfl Called Toilny. The case of W. C. Corbatt the Logansport street railway company for damages will be called today in tbe circuit court.

Corbett's demand Is for alleged injuries received last fall. Drunkenness has no comparison In evil effect to tbe opium or morphine habit, when firmly fixed on tbo hapless victim. Mothers should be careful in use of as simple a thing as a cough cure wiib. their children. eo called cough eures depend upon the Etuptfying effect of the opium they contain to, hush tho cough.

Brant's Bdlsatn is one which youjcan give your children with perfect confidence that it is entirely free from opiates, as well a reliable cure, not only to stop tho but also perfectly bsal the diseased parts. Large 25 cent bottles at Ban Fisher's drugstore. Grand Jiiilsli's of Houor. The Grand Lodge, Knights of Honor will convene in Logansport next Tuesfay, A banquet will be given that night In honor of the delegates at the G. A.

R. hall. The meetings of the State lodge will be held in Progress hall. A Novel Men. It is free, and deeply interests everybody who has aches or pains, or who is weak and sickly.

Anyone cao learn the surest and quickest means to get strong and well by accepting that splendid free offer of the great specialist In curing nervous and chronic diseases, Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14tb street, New York City. He has established a system of letter correspondence through which all elok and suffering people can learn exactly what ails them, and how to get well, without expenie and without leaving their homes. All they have to do is to write to the Doctor, stating each symptom from which they aresufferipg and he will answer their letter, explaining their case thoroughly, telling just what the trouble is and what to do to be cured. He gives the greatest care and attention to every letter, and tells the cause of each symptom so plainly that patients understand instantly what ails them.

And all this costs nothing. It is a splendid opportunity for those who cannot afford the time or expanse to go to the city. Dr. Sreene makes a specialty of curing patients through letter correspondence. He is the most successful spe oialist In curing nervous and chronic diseases, and Is the discoverer of that wonderlul medicine, Dr.

Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. Those who write to him get cured. G-lven Bally. Commencing today and continuing all week there will be a free lunch to demonstrate the wonderful quick work done on the Majestic Ringe at Flanegin Crismond's store. Backlen'M Arnica Salve.

The beat salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum tever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all akin erup. tlona, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It it guaranteed to give perfect money refunded. Prise 25 ceats per bor. For by B.

F. Keeeling. It will neither warp, break nor wear out, tbe MaJMtlc gia Crlamond. Bernard Died From a Says ttie Hvnry Been found. i Coroner J.

A. Downey 1 Terdict is the case ot Bernard Htmsl. whose I body found ia the old well near Acain'o blacksmith shop oa the South SldeSiturday night, is as follows: "Lii.d that the deceased cxme to bis dealt by accidentally f.UUas: into an unused weU or spring al abou; 6'SO p. m. Feb llth 1S95.

Said well or spring ia located abjut three feet northwest of Joseph Amur's wagon shop, on what is known as the Hamilton water power. I further Had froai evidence that Bernard Hamel was last seen alive at about the above time at Gustavo Rock's saloon ID a semi intoxicated condition and from there supposed to have started oc his way homo, when the accidental falline: occurred which caused his death Thn money that iho uei.d man had ia his possession Monday has been found in fi b.ix at the Hamel home, with otnur puperr: and VHHiaiiles b-sloDfjinff -o the deceased. The. morning is no reason tidoubi that Bernard Li am el cami ijU death accidentally. NITROGLYCERIN LASTS.

A TVorkmnn's Slavllliisr ICxpfi-lmciit witU an Old felt Strainer. cannot be 1 said a man of long experience in petroleum operations in the Pennsylvania oil -fields to a York Sim reporter, "and from the reckless manner in which the deadly explosive has been handled ever since it came into use in the oil country it is a wonder that there is a town left standing there. Everybody knows how terribly explosive this compound is by concussion, but few know its lasting-properties and impossible it is to destroy Ilium. "In manufacturiufr one Of the processor is the straining of it through throuj-jh the crowns of old felt hats. these crowns have son-oil their purpose as strainers of the liquid explosive they arc burned, to place their saturation with the nitro- tflyecrin be-fjnd the possible, doing' of.

damage in the possession of careless and tiiouffhtlcss persons. At a factory in the Bradford oil liuld once an employe thought he would put the life and vigor of the explosive to a test. lie took a hat, crown that had been used a.s a strainer, washed it thoroughly, and then treated it with stvonff'alfralieK. He- placed the felt awav on a shelf out of reach and knowledge of anyone else in the factory to dfry. Then he forgot about it for'two years, Tjutone day happened to recall the circumstance and took the felt crown to complete his test.

"Workmen in factories and in the dangerous stuff about wells ore notoriously reckless, but tho most'careful and timid man would scarcely have any fear of this two-vcar-old strainer, that had been so thoroughly cleansed. The workman who had taken it upon himself to make the test had no idea that there could possibly remain in the felt even the slightest suspicion of dilng-cr, to show how the stuff had been annihilated by the treatment he put the felt on the iron arm of the tinner's bench, where the cans for holding- the nitrog-lyc- erin arc soldered, and struck it with a hammer. The result was a surprise in that factory. An explosion followed the blow that broke both of the man's arms, stunned three other men, hurled the heavy iron arm through a two- foot brick wall and wrecked the tinning 1 shop." lAmer says a whale may live 1,000 years. An elephant is supposed to live in some cases 400 years.

Have You Kidney Trouble? Have You Throat Trouble? Have You Rheumatism? Have You Bladder or Urinal Trouble? TRY "SAN-JAK." Sold by HEX FISHER, Druggist. CHICAGO, March 7, 1S3J. CHICAGO. DXAK My attention was first called to SAN-JAK last jearln the case ot Captain J. M.

Terru Hauie, whj was attacked In tb City with acnte nephrltln and cystitis (Inflammation ol tae bladder and kidneys). Alter prescribing remedies wRbout aval) San- Juk was sugc-sted. and was so marHeJ alter tae first and aeomplet" care followed speedily, that I at once commenced an ot Its merits and imve nloce prescribed It In almost every known lorra of kidney bladder, nreibrtl. aod troubles, followed Sicn by the hap must results. A case of ennreslMlnvolnniatr flow of orlne) In myown family was very mucD Improved by a few doses, and radically cured In less tbrui a Krom praeltml experience In a number of bad ot I am free to say tbat have foond uo remedy tbat Is to SAN-JAK.

And white I ftiive never before eiven a professional Indorsement to a proprietary remedy, I say unbesltatlnglj and 'Ithout reserve that i con sitter aAX-I AX a veritable boon to homsnlty after appWris It surest prtxesdoaal tests, CJVTI wl'fc confidence, It Is better than it Is recommended to be. 1 continue to prescribe In all cases of (zenlto-nrlnaryorcatarrhal In preference to at- other known reraPdles. a XZP.YJJ TOXIC. SAX-JAK can be relied opon tally and entirely. Xbe tHlicloas taste of tbe Is also In favor, la yrescrtblng It fur I.

am at -irwent using SAN-JAX as an In skin iliseasos, and In sererJ of cnrinlc eczerai so widllj to tt-t Intiattteeth.i: "smJ! csntinoewase ft la will all the IndlcaMooa in scch sincerely, BEN FISHER DRUGGIST i t. J- P. BcU, wife of tho editor ot ThoGrapbic, tho ing local- of county, Trritoe "JT teas ts-oitltlcJ. tcith licart disease for six yc.irs, severe palplutiocs, shortness of together with such extreme nervousness, that, nt times I would walk t.ho f.oor night, Consultt tho best Tltcy there that. I disoxso of tho heart for which tijcro no retuoiiy.

I hud road your advertisement) in Tho Graphic and resort, tried one of -Tore' for Heart, which convinced MO there was txue merit in it. 1 took throe each of the llesiom.ii.vo JCurviuo and It ciircjl mr. JT Tvel! at. ni'iJir. heart similarly unil.

I no more smothering spells. I wish to say to who arc sulfcrins as I did; there's rellot untold for them It they will ccly your last ono I5r. is fnlfl rositltw io benefit. AlKlrusiyl'-lsseiiitiitJl, loriw.or It will bosfni. iwivini.

on of prlCO by Uiu Dr. ilcdieal iiijJiart, ino. Miles' Heart Cwre Restores WONDERFUL GRAND CANYON. Moro Impressive Than NlnRTira, Itonutlful Than the Alps. There are many wonders within tfao limits of the Yellowstone park, but of them all there is nothing so wonderful, as the Oaml canyon of the says the I'hilndelphia Press.

One 'can at no season of the year view this tremendous (jorge without a sense of awe at the of the Titanic ele- nienljil forces which have hollowed out of the cuihirins: granite of the hills- There is an impression of nnspeakablft solemnity convoyed by this-riautspeeta- cle, and no American looks upon it without a sense of absolute humility and insignilicance. The tlioiinht, the meaning, the expression of Hie Grnml canyon is something the human mind is at first to R-rasp. There is no- coup d'osil possible there; there is no definite thoug-ht resultant upon any. single fflance at the Gra-jd canyon, matter how comprehensive or how perspective that may be. The Grand canyon refuses to be coin-passed at a It demands faith- ful, patient, humble study.

More jtn- prcssive than Niagara, more mighty than the sea, more beautiful than the Alps, it offers to the visitor an cuifjraa capable of solution only after long and reverent acquaintance. To attempt to- see the Grand canyon in an hour or a dav is ridiculous. To attempt to see it as'one of a crowd is wrong to one's best self. To study it hour after hour, to drink in with unabated zest the same view time after time, day after day, to- sec the mountain lights and shades give a thousand different expressions. to the face of nature and to learn some new feature even at the last visit to- some familiar point of these arc- the tilings which make the visitor and-.

observer at Crst curious, then wonder- ing, and then, we inay say, worshipful. Not even the most blase world trotter has ever been heard to express disappointment with the Grand canyoc of the Yellowstone, and it is singular to notice the universally respectful and subdued comment upon it by even the most casual and flippant visitor. There have been very few persons. who have seen the canyon in winter time, says a recent: visitor, and it may be well believed we made the most c' our rare privilege. It was risky vrorl: approaching the great walls on' the- skis, but we managed to get to different points commanding full view of the main portion of the canyon and of both the great falls and the upper falls oi the Yellowstone.

The great falls were; incased in vast white columns of iee oc each side and from them arose a noble pillar of dense white vapor. Never again shall we see a more remarkable sight than that thus presented to us that clear winter morning. In IZaropfan Among the many pretenders who congratulated the new emperor of Russia on his ascending the throne were the ex-king of Naples, who claim to the throne of Italy; the duke of Parma, now a grandfather, asd who was deprived of his sovereignty at Ihr early age of 6ve; the former gram: duke of Tuscany, the duke of Cumber- land, who claims the eovcreignty the duchy of Brunswick; the various. princes Jvarngeorgevicz. each of whon claims to be the de jure king of Prince Couza.

lias pretensions the crown of Don Miguel, O'," iho pretender y- throne of I'or'. i'rince Victor Sa-, pole.on, the- f.Vicans. disant rfoke of and Gen Francis dc- of himself sovereign whilt- wen- missives iire. duke of jEloctnc ilfiBc Afjtocsaaon CLETET-VVD, 0., Feb. The tentl: anniial convention of the National Electric Light association opened ir.

this city Tuesday morning-. from every state in the union are in tendance-.

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