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The Journal News from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 15

The Journal Newsi
Hamilton, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i SPECIAL NOTICE For Estate I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by nny one except myself. Prank Stfleekel For Sale Miscel. GROCERY AND MEAT 10SS East High Street. 87S L. Leaving city.

DOUBLE SEATED FAMILY CAR-HI AGE cushioned aprine seala. Will sail cheap. £01 Miliikin St, 880. RADIO SET, LARGE ICE Call 1BR3 R. GRADE Call LARGE ICE P.OX oil tank, scales, show cases, counters, etc.

Tenth and Heaton. VIOLIN leathers, silk, plush lined. $1 2924 PLAYER PIANO and Treacy, E8 note Standard action, with bench and BO rolls of music leaving city this coming week, coat $700 will scrr.fice for 5360. Phone, 2110 for Mr. Traps.

and NOTICE TO FARMERS Brtng-your scrnp iron to H. Cohen, 5th snd Maple Ave. We will pay yon highest prices. We also buy all kinds of ether Jjunk. Phone Ir93-X.

Eve. D52-L. Good weights, can weigh at Schwcrm Coal Co. or Martin Llng-ler Coal Yard, at 'our expense. CLOTHES, CLOTHES "Wo furnish the family.

The largest second hand clothes and shoe dealer in Hamilton, 701 South Second. TALKING MACHINES Repaired, pianos and piano players repaired and by expert 119 S. 2nd Hamilton, Ohio, Phone 3815. i Female Help GIRLS to do factory work, must he 18 years old. American Can GIRL FOR HOTISEWORrG-lq stay at nights.

Apply in person, Mrs. John Andrews 328 South D. "WHITE WOM middle aged, for, summer homo Northern Michigan from late June to lata September, Phono L. I GIRLS -16 years and over for light factory work. Apply at once.

The Fisher Can Co WANTED-- Lady Tlookkceper Stcnograpticr, Wriie giving -expert- GIRLS Must be IS years or over. Apply at ones. The Fisher Con Company. The trouble about looking people' is that it encourages them to look down upon us, Most of "tho wait are guests. in Office Supplies restau- 'SERVICE" that Is "SERVICE" Typewriters rented reasonably, Hamilton Typewriter Sales and Service 18 S- Second phone 3807.

Call us for repairs. Wanted to Buy PIANO OR PHONOGRAPH, full description, lowest- cash price and where It can be seerv Addreea Mr. CHfford, Box 416 Hamilton, St. TOE HAMILTON DAILY NEWS, HAMILTON, OHIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1922 STRICTLY six 1 home, hardwood floors, onl: years Must bo moved from present lot to make room for business building. Very reasonable Seo Hurry Lenrmer 421! South Ssc-ond St.

SIX ROOM MODERN. BUNGALOW -Party leaving city, S20 North THIRD Store Room 6 living rooms, full basement, furnace-rjas, electricity doing iiusi- ncss. Willing to sacrifice. Rigling KeaJiy uo. sis High struct.

HO OVEN Lindenwald, Rooms, bath, electric, gas, water, garagCj new cottage bunga. low 54000. Only $50. d.lwn. Sloncker McGilliard -TIO Rentschler Blrfg, BEAUTIFUL SIX ROOM RESIDENCE Prytanin Side.

All modern con- r.nicnoes. Lot 60x140. See DeAr-amil Thompson. Phono 1SJ5 Y. SIX ROOM with pantry, new furnace, water, gas, large lot.

Rigling Realty Co. 318 High St. i aiuc. cmermnn Ave, near Elvni, fine louation. rooms and hath, strictly attractive homo at low price, parties moving to Cincinnati.

Pltunn 490-R. Sloncker McGilliard 410 Routscliler BJdg, Fine Building Lots WEST J750 to J1SPS, Lfnd-cnwnld SHOO to 551200. SLONOKER ft McGILLIARD 410 Rontsehlcr Bldg, WEST Five room house. Gas, -'water, cement sidewalk, Houso in good condition. Triced at S200D.

Very liberal terms. Call Tho Shin- man Company, Phone. 3720. FIVE ROOM $2000, both waters, gas, aide porch, large garage. Rigling Realty Company.

818 High street. THREE cnlta-e. sower gas, newly painti and outside. Cnll 3489 X. IIANOVFR STREET Just off Front, very go.od two story, almost new, wnter.

sua. two In ha nniu S1650. Bloneker McGilliard, 400-R 410 Rents JJlcig. SUBURBAN HOME five aero? on bymmcti Road, just south" of corporaiia.i lire, Modem' in every rcsDCct. Can bo i.enn by sppoint-mcut only.

Price J. H. Pillin-s Phone 1417 NINTH 6 room h.rre. anr! room, cottage, on one lot. Small u-n payment.

Balance by the in(h. Taylor Itroa. Room 1 Jeffer-rt 8247 Y. FIVE ROOMS AND On. South street Furnace, bath; gsi concrete porch, concrete wallia, concrete coping front and side.

Corner lot, storo room 12x22, largo garage, house recently painted and in perfect condition, 2 1-2 blocks from street car. Price 54500 James Tully, 379.1 or SJ65. For Rent Houses 'OUR ROOM strictly modern. No children. Must Phono 1254 R.

MODERN First Ward. One on first, one on second floor. Reference. Call 102 South St Phone Soil APARTMENT 3 IS MODERN FLAT, 3rd floor; rooms stoves, combinations, Square Tops, Cahinels, all other kinds of utovra. 124 North Monument Ave.

Phone S36-X GARAGE FOR 213 Ave. per month. GENERAL STCRE, Cor- nor unto sale or trade. J. M.

-Tjalndge, HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER for rent, 34B7-Y. CHICKENS WANTED Call 3439-Y. LAWN repair Loge 3rd. Ku-kec BATTERIES RECHARGED lotteries ior nil makes of cars. Standard Scrviro Com- pany, must High and Canal.

184B Y. AUTO TOPS and curtains made to order. Phone 3(102 Y. Davis Auto lop company. Front and Han FEATHERS cleaned and marie.

C. E. Harden. 420 houth Phone a254-l. SPECIAL for Friday and Saturday macnines win sold at oig ooiii new and sec ond hand.

There are Singers unLnuarns ana unices ann many other makes. This will be tpr two days only. Singer Sewing Machine tympany. iao south street. CLARENCE SCHUMAKER censea sewertapper.

Soutii rourm, r-none K. doors, windows. porches, made to all work positively guaranteed. Prompt Finn mad- over, repured or re finished. variety or square pianos on hand iui any sue laDIe.

Gall 2066 X. FREE DIRT -tor the hauling. Extra good, Elvin avenues. Help Your- oeii, rnone vjh K. CANOE, 1001-K.

WANT SO to acre farm bet and 12 miles from city. Phone S271 WANTED TO BUY CANOE or Boat'. Catt 414-H. Must be in good condi- FOR FULLEK BRUSHES Call phono 2198-L, SIS N. St-, The Bruali of quality.

Jim Stevenson and Edw. Westerbeck, local repres. entativea. 500 leaky roofs to he remedied by applying Slntekota Roolhig. Ses Butler County Lumber Co.

INSURANCR tornado, life. health, accident, automobile. Let us quote you rates. We represent old line companies only Briihmt iienlty Company Phone 401. FAIllMOUNT MATERNITY HOS- 1I1AL, for confinement; private; prices reasonable; may work for board; babiea adopted; write for booklet.

Mrs. T. R. Long, 4911 E. Twcnty-scventh Kansas City, Musical NOW IS THE TIME to huy musical instruments ior your home.

We have a largo assortment o( used pianos, Player pianos, and talking ma. one. r.very instrument guaranteed See uo before you buy. Wurlitiers UO Soutii Second St. Every Day SHORT ORDERS Porterhouse Steak Roast Beef Roast Pork Roast Veal Small Steak Sirloin Steak Hamburger Steak jffc Pork Sautaco Pork Chops 3nr Veal Chops j5e Veal Cutleta 15 S.

2nd, Call at Bacon LOWER FLAT 5 rooms, strictly modem, immediate nouses rl.cdr 30c iver and Bacon SIX FLAT, steam heat, 45e eleetneity. Inquire Third itreetiHlm 40c store opposite Egga tae inemro, store, mono aaoM Re- lidcnco. riione L. MODERN FIiATS and stfsce. E.

Alston. 311 Bldg. MODERN FLAT-electrlo liathta, heat, hot and cold water. Iwrafra Allen Andaews, All Cereals with Milk oresm lBe We Serve Chicken Every Day. Con try Sausage Stesrs of AH Kinds 20e We Serve Plate Lnnah Every Day HIGH STREET CAFETERIA HIQU ST, Automobiles A few of ou hundreds soles lions 1919 El car Sedan self starter.

1020 Ford Sedan self 1918 Ford Sedan in A-l running order. 1019 Ford Roadster in A-l running order. Chalmers touring self slarter. Ail in A-l running order and will be sold cheap. See us be.

fera buying, Harry Leshner the Original Auto Wrecker 426 Snutl 2nd. St. Phcr.o 2200-L. IHH U. S.

L. BATTERY I Kl SERVICE All makes repaired and -ro- llffJifr charged. Open even ings, bkh iioutb Bth. street, phone 8343-Y. Radio Batteries.

HAVING ignition trouble? We specialize on repairing Ignition and Lighting systems only. All the latest equipment for locating and repairing starter, generotor, magneto ana ouicr Ignition troubles. No guess work or lost time. Only expert workmen employed. The Dominion Auto Supply Electrical 11 High Street.

SPECIAL for Friday and Saturday 30x3 1-2 first class tires in the wrappers a 30x3 tipes at SO. 25. 30x3 new tubes 51.25. 30x 1-2 at 51.50. Also all kinds of used lirea J3.00 up.

Seo us for thoac tires and tubes. We can save you money. New Ford fenders $12 set. Now aide pans for Fords 53.00 per pair. Hoods for Fords $4.00.

Stop lights 51.28. Tool Ws 51.90. Ford Head lamps 54.50 pair. Floor mats 7Ec. Wa everything in the automobile line no matter what your nosds may be, and-at a great sav-trigs.

Open Sunday mornings. The Ohio Auto Wrecking Co. 82a Central Ave. Phone in 01 Y. 1921 FORD COUPB A-l Shane.

Two Chevrolet Tourings in eeai Qvn. uit.on throughout. One Ford speedster. Two Ovcrlands, Touring roadster, ono Interstate touring, one Saxon six One J'ord ton (ruck and one Overland uuiers. tome fold 'J'he Ohio Auto 'Phone llci Y.

tentri' AVe' For Farms HRhE 5 room houss, chicken houses and all kinds fruit. About a mile 0rF Mt. Pleasant I'lko noar St, Mary's cemetery. I'hons 3519 Y. SEVENTY-ONE ACRE FARM II room bungalow, bank barn, good fence, running water.

Prico Itigling Realty Co. 31ft High street. FIFTY ACRES, rolling land room iiiodcni houso, good outbuildings, Immediats possession, a 1-2 miles from Hamilton on Mt. Pleasant Pike. Call 3519 Y.

SEVENTEEN ACRE FARM room imtigalow, 6 miles from crops all planud rncdiftto. possession. 3519 Y. Legal Notices OSDINAKOK No. SOU 1 1 1 dcinruiir.lnK to proceed to (frnj rom rilck Arcuih FIFTEEN '1 Place Your Message In 9,000 Homes In This Section The Hamilton Daily News Want Ad Page Guarantees To Do This Phone 2080 Rates lc Each Word Our.

Want Ad. taker will be glad to write your or advise you as to the best classification, etc. Individual boxes are here for your convenience without extra charge. Want AMs. are very inexpensive and Oibsn who use columns report satisfactory results.

Buy "the things you DO want. Sell the things you DON'T want. Make the-Want Adv. Columns medium of Phone Your Message Miscellaneous TUTORING during- summer for second, third, fourth and fifth pupils, instruction private or in croups. Terms reasonable Telephone Florence MiilJkin, FOR GOOD finishing; and repairing.

Phone pnny SH Roas Avo. STOVE EXCHANGE for Uf 32x4, S.7x4, 92x1 1-2, Used Special on New Miller Tubes at i-2 price. 332 Monumsnt Ave near Open on Sunday OAKLAND. ROADSTER Call 1213 Y. 1'ASSENGER HUP Tour- uouu condition, new Phone 3895.

L. 845 L. No deal. A.UTO ROAD SERVTrte mgnt and day. "If yaa netd service anytime.

Call Auto Boad Service phono 8757, 316 Market St, WANTED- E00 of all kinds aulom, uim repatr. lord motor and iiiiTOiin avernaniea yio.uo. All guaranteed. 5FRAUER1 GARAGE 135 Market. 1021 FORD o.u maple avenue.

FOR SALE Ford coupe, 1475, used iiumina, opienaid condition. Inquire I cummins, if nj. u. Ox ford, Ohio. OAKLAND Tou ring.

A bargain. Sso at Central Motor Co. INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILES with Tho McGinley ft Alston Co, 311 Rentschler Bldg. THREE 1920 AND 192! unTtn TOUR IN OS-Choice down. Balance easy terms, 433-43E High NEW and Used 'Ford Cars, For or Trade.

Open Evenings and Sunday morning Watson The Miami Motor Car Co, Situations Wanted Hljrh School boy work drafting room or office. Address H. S. li. Jn cure of News OlTics.

Lost Found LOST Top trimmed in red leather probably on Dixio Highway about June 7th. Call Mrs. £297 Reward. For Rent Rooms SLEEPING ROOMS-for gentlemen a weeic, 81(1 North Second. THREE AND room flats and furnished looms.

Jefferson building 125 S. Second Apply room ft. KNIVES, RAZORS Sclasors and TWO OFFICE ROOMS, second f.oor. AMarsoa High St, EO TO CO ACRE FARMS Wo have Buyers II farms are priced ai saleable figure. Write, phone cull on Ditffield Travis, Somer- vine, PhDn-e 32 Ohio.

Male Help THE LARGEST CONCERN of it: kind in the, world ia now cons id ering application for salesmen ti sell a commodity used by every woman. If you arc the right man address 125 Cars Daily News. MAN married. experienceil. washer, no other need sir Spraucr's parage 135 Market.

MEN FOR FACTORY work, Anniv once The i'lsehei- Can Company. WANTED Frame, Makers and Cab met Bench Men. Apply our office or telephone. West Side Lui Co. Dayton, NIGHT with man's license.

American Frotr Switch Company. Call H. J. Gerhard EXPERIENCED -Stock Salesman and sales ladles witl find a proposi tion that will net them big daily uox ia in caro LARGE MANUFACTURER v. agents, sell advertised brand shirts direct to wearer.

No capital nr experience required. Free samples. Madison Mills, 605 Broadway, York. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Saturday June 10 at one o'clock 208 Grand Blvd hast Hamilton, near Corner of briuler Ave. Dining room set, extra, pedestal tabic, four rockers, ono large leather rocker, Hosier Safe, like new, Roll top desk sod mair, drop head Singer Machine, room sue rugs, carpet, hall runner, fine refrigerator larG6 mirror, iron bed, dresser ami wnshstand, table, o-na rano-e kitchen cabinet, a big lot of Car penter ana Machinist tools, like new, two iron vices, porch swing, fiO foot hose, ladders, cuckoo clock, copper, can, dishes, bedding 9 curtains, pictures, large American nag ana other trungs.

Parties leav. ing City, Fordinand Maurer, Prop Mack Krckler, Auctioneer. RELIABLE USED CARS 1921 Packard Roadster. 1917 Maxwell Touring. Model 81 Overland, Touring, 1917 Studebaker Six.

Touring. PRICED REASONABLE. TERMS TO SUIT, The White Auto Co. Studebaker Corner Second and Market Sts, Phone 447. WUK1VIHALX Service FISCHER AUTO CO.

321-325 Market St Hamilton, O. We have a complete line of genuine Ford Parts. REE FRANK HEIER- For your Ford Car. Will trsde for any makes of cars. 514 or I'," I i.i, C.TAj to I'jrlt Avcnur, Avenue to Jin u.

i '-III f.Cl.l Tinvintr jy mn.i.A n.terial K. tit Be It orilulncl in' members elected nrHa cruiriirrlnji P. Arenas Uroy Avenue from Avr-nue I April, in: rlJes lioretnfo nr.r.ifl,.,i[l(,:..t tin or tbc jiroposer; liniirc nnll il(J anil clltcct-a lulu a court or tttttt-'t tl Lt- i ii it clnlina tor dam oat -Pitt tlir. Miff deserllml lals mVii" I i'," 1 i 1 1 1 Dtr. 'f li.jn'iii fuod arliilng (rr of the Clly of br ran Btr-non 1,: II tfciBintfe, Bearded Hlu.iiton hlin'l he Isaued ii Interna and ii.

a be paid ovit too the. nni' Tin- KdJ'aoilMi lh' iH-lfuri with' liilereit. vn Irondi deferred osscbsi 'h i r.c 1ft'. IK pnld 11 "I not le pfi-iTlderl tbmt proiierty Piijr Buch aases.ment La aiivs froti, ttttt-t lie In a or tho Co incuts InBlallmeutc or nsi Hie rertiHlrrfJcr of i bonds of the Cite of ind dlrecfed l'o oik HARRY E. KRIEGBB, OH.niAJ.'VCE No.

SOW. ve-ricnt Ulcl Amine rro Al MrKh Avenue venue. 1-ork fr-. and Ucal I Pork- t.j the owners of fan Dick Ave-Uereal Avenue, ri An-nue froo, ATCiine, Mareli Areniic lo ATcntif frmii Dick Avcnun from Mnln Street to Pirk Hamilton pi for r.l Thai )l Is ifredj- itctcrnWi 'le 1'le. I from Hi, ATtone tle.iJ I i.

Fnrk Atojjuc to Vlrfflnlu A' in Pari Aveiinc liy eouairiicllii ramniMlT Unon-n HI ills Lighting In acr-ordirn be i'liprovevi, -e fieri fr -That 3.1 1.3 and f.rtifiles FOR SALE or TRADE TWO LARGE RESIDENCE LOTS In Hamilton's choicest location. Will trndc for Califor nia property near Los Angeles or Southern California. Value $3,000.00. R. T.

LOUIS. Lane Seminary Place. Walnut HilU Cincinnati, Ohio. provhlod approtirSatlons follftirtag 'llied laarirmj- Issued la of the xi tjonds, aotaa ar in fl 'nlleciloti of defnrwl rfrs snniuj install' deferred pj, mceed the rate rtlflealea of Ja-LLtipatLun of the laitnllnienti at hla ofitlur, 'I'D! from nnd illw the panace In which, ajf Bnltt ciiu, ujwBitnnnt shall not In- upon honde. i lOten or eertldratea of en te.

lisiicrt In antlclpBilan of the InatnlimenK of aa-f Bt 11,1 foliecdftn of hor.ds nre Issued In the ion mat the pireotoe of roblto 1 directed coastrstt auch nam of herein before pr0Tia(j DJ llirouyh offlccra and era-' 1 ot City. ti-ecttiin 7 Thai ih, cierV of tho Couh-tin nni Is nrrehj nuthorlred ,1 In of Itll.l ordlnnnce; be Ja th inmiiitr liy law. effect nnd foree hy law. i i ApproTetl ltlfiiiY KOEfir.EIt,, Insure Yotir Goods Against Loss Bjr using, a i company i -a certified Or I 1 Mode Reliable Silently, instantly, smoothly and consistently, the Finer Dort obeys. Astonishing Prices '19 Tourlnp Car Model 'M Roadster $885.00 Model IDS Sedan Model 11C (1S15 Model '1ST Sedan fills Model 11T, Coupe.

.41065 Light Delivery Car $825 i The CHAMBERLAIN i MOTOR CO, i Front and Market Sts. QtiaShj Corr CUorTkrotif 4 It.

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