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The Oneonta Star from Oneonta, New York • Page 4

The Oneonta Stari
Oneonta, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Dirt aarf lUrk. Yesterday's Answer SlOIQlN drapTeo 7 1 Id its LjslTirrp TIR I I I TjRlujTlH RlU ISlTB 0 SlE RiC JjslTEtyKl ASP) JRIa 1 0 Ia a a fTTc" twbrtaaro VERTICAL (Cowt-v SO-Period ef tune esc. I 11 Ti.i— i nf SO-A of clwtb of a for KS-SMan cawk lone metef- apaecb la tha drunk I staffer (tbto.) as, wHtta. a. Zl'ZZV dirty 1 VERTICAL iioiSr 4-Swt at fadwe or tl OlijwaTlllJf t-OMalaH -wrewrar: Owtow ttaajpawrar js2-T5rf far IT 1 ft irl sj 1 7 oroovn SATtlDAT.

JAM' AMY VKM hxigrd Mil beicw the Mali: srr.iate the Hijii fchooL Mrj. T.hs flTtiif before. The bearers wert A Maplea. i Friday Ihe following panels of (rand nisi rider- Mtruiij. As a result the this silcraooo her home 00 A Bvnm and trial jurors were drawn to serve i maairc its Ujroush the'firidi Jin 27 Work has been 10 the cf tht by the C.

H. Construe- village lira company on the elimination Job e'. TL-rr Finrrrs Injarrd. Rock Rift crossings on the Ontario i Wsln railrojd eaio nf Hood KCtXSf hid the end. are at present occupied with the con- fingers on his lrft hand cut oC raSoad while on the Beer, funeral Held the dirt from the excatatloo work lBlm- crcotea iuci paceo on tnc Til! be conTered.

arau-st the saw. with th! Mrs. Henry 8. Ofden recently returned K- the Albany City hospital, where she r.d-rwent an operation. She is The Klnt Guards above result.

The 1328 report of the Delaware ounty Home Bureau ihoro an irjcrease over the vear of SO A P. Phillips, the Baptist pastor members. The mcmurrjhip In 19iT e-as tlio was operand on Sunday of last two weeks with pneumonia and frtp. wnue preitnt memtierinip .07. a.

ice mjiyiiai ior appemuaus. i cherry Valley Floyd B. TZwT TV toaster of ceremonies. A Doris Jean, was torn Jan- ta lwe- Hr to noted Hew York dentist. to orthodontia, or straightening of the teetiL or.

Morrow, woo lonneriy prac- rr.r.r"-^.— Clifford Uced the dental profession hi Oregon. I hi. The funeral, which will be private. wB recently received bis Kew York state li Reverand L. jrme: of the Walton postal force now minister to the Methodist society, has re Edward McUastci of ilmniez.

tear Walton, is a member of the debating cam of New York unlvrslty. where be CROSS-WORD PUZZLE BJ ISA IWl TTl fiz if? WW jrmiy nosp-iai. Mr. ana acrs. imnaio Robert Reilly of Albany and Father Matthews of Shaver town.

Mr. Matthews 01 veraHmt 1 this village, son of Mr. Wilfces-Barre. Fa. and Paul OBrien of wJe was a Walton girl.

Miss i te held hoaK of 1111 CUT caved a unanimous can to rrmm 10 tne gaUiertog of sorrowing friends the qual- be given April is to Mrs. Mcrariane. who Ora Orterhout. I Gravei T. Chast.

was presented with a Madison. Wj A modern school 1 Past Grand's collxc. John VanKccscn tries to provide ttu test kind of the snrrrh. a de- ri icaiion for every chid. 1 served at the dose of the meeting.

About 4S were In attendance planotag primarily groups of chfl- rtren 5ut is planning the best possible Many Bridie Being chDd I Hii Season Delhi Jan. Bridge parties are the cause they order ef the aTternoon arid evening to ccctrpy Ui Qwst pre-lmUl days. Amcr.j those who schcol- The probtan of I have entertained during the past week depends matoly upon vr.rrc Mra M. M- Paitncr and daughter, cowfitiocs for healttj growth. Good i Marjorie.

Tncsuay eTerung. with a teachers: clean, wen ventilated and well secsnd party p'jnritd for tsaiorTc-tf after- schocl of op- Mrs Mrs oorttnittrs Gray and Mrs. Fred Dotwrty. who an libraries: siring a of parties, the br. rcoms: music rorans: art rooms: i of the twee to be held at the itoherty for an types of the industrial arts: an home Tuesday evening.

Mrs. Fuller of these make It putaflble tor the normal chiM ALWAYS DEAD TIRED? tccgae. poor aajjetitt. bad breath, pty and always tared- What 1 Yaw i ged and t-na laactjre. Take UUs Fnr err" air.

rsoOrn school It has readtog ctoUcs for chlKJren who have SKdal dtOadtr to kamtog to learning to hemKc cftolcs for aB who hwve any LPhc- rnrim chiMren who to he restored to health aad strength. phc ford The impressive ritualistic service was I on Clinton street to Mrs. Bcaak McFar-'. K- YounCI of Methodist iolowed by an eulogy delivered by Father lane, who plans to sell her farm up the c- Kobert Reilly of Albany, who In a scholar- I Utile Delaware and move to her style brought to the large property in the spring. be placed In and women fox years hate It esperta to A Oatoe They are behavior so that taaWreB who srte and OIL tserc.

do net wen are atiidajd wwh pa- deal then burial will be copal church of which he has been UIe mtues posressed by the one d- her girlhood to the home which she has1 Welhaan reerived tLej pastor for the past three years. parted. 1 just and Mrs. Homer A profusion of beautiful flowers from Elliot: of Bast Ear ord. have been and friends attested the high re- i town called here by the gard to wrlch the deceased was held 01 Mr5 EUiott Pieces were sent by tht following or- Annaoeiie miss lrma National bank.

'U. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry New- i Schenevus High school (acuity and One- eU ot street, has Just completed Council. K.

of C. Relatives and htr course to OneonU Normal andj I friends were present New York city. fortunate In securing a teaching po-; I Gloversvtlle wUkes-BarTe Pa Btoghani- slLUln She nvJe i ion. DUca. Dion and Onenn'A Tb.

visit to her leavlr? news of the death of her uncle, Potter, to Worcester. Mass, recently, lira. Clarence Burm. Oscar Reyn- mother. the okU' cttBonl Erown.

and Mrs Ralph meeting in Oneonta Wednesday. Meridalf. Jan. There was no viral Wedneadav because of the trarhrn mains have been placed in the receiving conference The pastor of the Mert- vault in schenevus cemetery for later In- dale church will take as hit subject Sun- tertoent to Joseph's Wor- i J- possibihty that there may be a small bone Ttte Meridak Farms ate busy putting to tee. 10 Inches Hughe, hat I Bennett, John a and Leo of mll fe ipenajne tem returned home from a ten visit with Smith.

relatives to Raton Oden and Tie-i act ixaaatt as crimes- aaf to eexate i the 1 1 item of Duoxm caused to a sudern se and tp Brer. the school not a bypath or a system wwtehfal of Be braactful Have rosy cheeks, dear soar, but a part of the and youthful energy that sake a CoBteoaemly. Um Tike Dr. ECTartfr OSre ested ir. the chaf 2Tt oferc cntar- lie, Mc ami Sfrc advt W.OkSaTLlaW af conaoet wtnch it pre- Of conduct but by the ktod ducet.

The modern aehcol wasis to know whether the things it teaches wfii pewdk hrttr aWe to he ewad am nf Tumnnii sini 11 1 mm in imrf to give gakawM to Chtaaren mt as ear actMnas aaaam awjderp school ajatim tsawtv more to protsue for the Ksow them by ther the sorosc of ia efforvs not to the lea renaVred for every rendered for every Plttsneld Bruce, Joseph BtrdsaU. crvgo Floyd A Georgia. Leland Coe. Howard Ooon. Otsego H.

Bleneoe. Anthony Craln. Francis Tyler, Parker Snyder. Glenn Carpenter. J.

Besrdaley. Piainneid Charles B. Hoide. Rlehfleld J. Whipple.

Richard Owen. I Cnadina A J- Fairbanks. J. J. Waters, C.

K. DeForesc Chambers. Burttngton Otto Boss. Leon Priest. Howard Wrench I ButternuU Clifford Wttber.

Ralph Lyon. Ednteston C. A Talbot, William Knight hart wick I uwrwm Adefbert Deeter. Ray! Jenfc. MBler.

Maryland Walter Manning. Arthur I Beeber Batea, Oewr. Morris Carl Lundh. New Lisbon Jcsrpb Reed. Oneonta Daniel J.

Fish, John F. Har ey. Albert S. Potts, Fred Beach. O.

O. F. tnmlij expect to move toon to Una village Mtry BarcJe Krwawrr Waa Ban ba Orov-r T. Chase. D.

D. G. II. or Otsego i-wi where he W3B help Mrs. Fred Oden at the Ftmeral at St Jwtetfc'i 1 district, O.

O. and suite metalled the SHUOay MOServance mt niariet body of Mrs. Irvta Ctstnh Maaskry. offirers of lodge. I.

O. O. at. was taken to Delhi Tuesday for funeral I Odd Fellows' hall Thursday evening. Two 1 ictutssing Feature 1n aairan il far So- service which was conducted by her Worcester, Jan.

Mary Barclc. wife guests were present irom Minora as weu aaab of WfltWiTlll Sanday Schawl aa pastor ur. w. as members of wiaontha Rebekah lodge Saaaay at OcMck Koouson. intermem of Anton Kroaaer.

died at the family 1 I and the families of the lodgt members. house Marlon Robertson at the Meri- Marion Robertson at the Meri- I The following were Installed to jN. Johr Irons: V. Flcfl financial secretarv. Leon Robsrts: treat.

Training of Individual Pupil i den, Leo B. BenneU: connurtor. V. 1 Tiaaptugh: Elmer Roberts: O. 1 1 Irving Hull; chaplain.

Vaificr H. Tioole: IR.S. T. Ira D. Tipple; L.

S. V. Thwsaas W. Gaaf Chise: R. S.

Ralph HtJl: S. 'Superintendent of Schools. Aim of Modern School System caaaa noq 1 o'clock. enatatvn If a daBara wnrth verv-: doOar that k( eanaw ecteS to taxes. 1 Baat for the past 14 weeks: Miss an re dding at home.

Mrs. Kramer was a kind greatly wtawA not only to the lwrr.c in which sne will be held from f-9 Betog too lazy to sulk mad my wife having refuted to milk any more I sen aB my extra good ndk cows and some other Unci, and Implr pnrbTCC aijcttofl Lamar (Cut' HOW POPULAR ATHLETES KEEP FIT aawtftof iwiaUy. aracto Year SPUaaw aaak TwaWy to toawfT 1 VTaV earns far haawe ana. -at! aasaakaT aam 1. plraaanl to Crvci of tbroat trjjblea.

rr iti THEATRES set Sf.r vx, -y per rr.trr.ammrr.'. to to given to Obr lU PRoSTV SjT OH MM BOV cM. r-s mean- 'Ai i i GUfETcj A 'unices in Gray hail upper ft rwa, 1 Wl fc asked to Cissies. Jr Cinwrv I and wjp and for ft An I nasal Star. IW i "WWNEM Of THE WILDERNESS" f7 fo OTAMFORD WORCESTEB f) 1 -1 1 -r 1 jsl 1 -1 1 I I -wfr-M Efr I Manj were tent rnlui Work at Rock Rift Starts tnd tw the a studcrt sophomore in the UciversitT of r.nd Mn.

Mi. Rt- II. of the kielttodts: church oflkliwl. and has with in kr jam. Aiu and ScienctJ.

Mr. Crsus cirtirt. both ite Fullrr home, and h'aur who dud wtekM At court house to Coop rstown 00 tn wilk the short disleace from the hoe- Mrs. Jens uvenaara nas oeen eery pital to the parsonage- Mrs Jot Man-1 with pneumonia. for Schenevus Man had operas for goitre.

ijoo int nospiiai. going ner New parents in the hospital Friny Buried Fran 5L Mary Coot, and Mrs. Frits Klukkert.i i Cbnrrh With Solrmn Mass at both of wnom were operated on lor ap- Keaoiem prndieitlb. and Fred Cunningham, son of Walton met ur. end Mrs.

John Oinnlnahato. who yes- Misi Cora Cut. who has been 111 the Hobarl Man's Faneral to Be Held Satnrdav 1t enprored in health and is able to ac-i wnn tnetr Tour.aer, tn? ner t. lxkoy Schencvus Jan. 27 Funeral ttrdaj had 24 teeth extracted.

The teeth' Death BesoKed Frww Sawek cempany her husband on motor trips Muir. evangeLst of Wednesday for the late Patrick Friery were held 1 twini! to bid condition necessitated hit' thrrjgh the county. CTening at the tome of Mrs. Mehin Frlriaj tnnrnlng at St. Miry church.

A ethtr to have them out. hence his1 Hobart. Jan. 27 George J. Weateott Smith.

Worth A large number solemn jiigti 0i requiem Father Solng to the hospital, Mrs, B. B. passed away Thursday afternoon, Janu-. I were preset. LU-ird T.

Heilly. celebrant. Father Wil- who Monday urrdercait a ary 26. from the effects of a shock. He Laeals in Sew Tcrk.

ham D. of t'. ncspitai. oomg nad been an mrahd for nineiyeaxs. Father Philip Dwyer of Phiimont.

sub- Mr. westcott was horn In Delpetra. Dasey of Sche- onexer jaeawwi April 1157. and married Mrs. Kettle Burlington Erl Parker.

Exeter C. V. Cor Carleton Feet. GI1L tyrrian Rlehards. DEW A DC TUC for FrbniArv Court UL If nlVii COUGH OR COLD Til it in xirr ait win opeh on Tuertay.

February 14: I I MQ I IIN IUII1W VII rwl culut lead to tert- oeiiH-al wlili two it in.l nralj ih lunanMd rrahn-i InhlMia growia. Of si. la (it klcn oiedlral aaiuanuca saw 0' ikimi beat cuusba Col in addllloB ereciote. other aeallag wlilch ssd beat tht lafaetrd uivMibrmrs anl Ibc In latloa aad la-dsmnatloD wblle the enoaota axe oa to I'vqucb la alwrbid tsto Uv bbM. I attacks tot of 100 trawbia aad eawraw the growth mt is gaaraoteei aaualactorr la thv trea'uwnt of pera.fteat -ow aad eolda, broncbial aukm-.

brwacaWa aa4 qtbir of ispieatorj illamat aad is bolldiwg op taw 11 Hi ah re eoldt or da refaadM If aa. ewmgh eold I' oot after taatsc arnr 1-, lag to aircetlooa. yowr I No. 3 Qnation: Howdoeti Jul Muf-fJoM- ktataa Archie Tattle, Fred Meek- -w- Twn. protect grown people noD J.atc and colds? Woman Itled pta Ml After Lona Hlneas woouc.ui £32 Buud up your with pleasantry fla SCOTTS EMULSION Bortoa Center.

Mrs. Irvta kept home on Dacatnr road Thursday eve- I nk. folkvwtntT an of mWSnW office: 1 Laurens, Jan. A- interesting de- dale farms since Ou death of Mr. Bob- The linmlMli cauat of her Perry: bate upon the wisdom of a muni the! wife.

I death waa Bsiahta aunii. GoM In jrton Fttttoe of Bast I Cold aad Grip TaMat twriJJBWZA a Merit OWENWOJUaEY MOTOR CO. 1TIPF.RT StEF-AlV WOKK.

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