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The Monroeville Breeze from Monroeville, Indiana • Page 3

Monroeville, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BUSINESS CARDS. 'DRESS ZMIA-IK T3SJ O- Al I kinds of scwine, ciitlinr nd drvss-nuing done omshort no tice. MODEL AND PAPIER-MACHE WORK, AMECIALIY. Two door west of the Posl-Offlce. Monroeville, Ind.

I urn prr3ured to offer good accomo dations to tno TRAVELING TUBLIC. 0u! Tteds and Good Board. Far merm and others desiring a good meal can get It by pstrnnlzeinir tbo Central Photographer. Call and see Henry MilleU for Pho tographs, Tin Types and everything in lila line. Fine Finished Photographs, $1,00 per dr.zen.

Cabinets, per dosen $2,50 Copying In Water Color, India luk or Crayon a specialty. IN INGLE 3 BLOCK, UP STAIRS Monroeville, Ind. DELAVAN HOUSE, MONRO EVILLE.IND. I The Old Reliable and Frt-cla In cti respect. 2G good rooms for guests lately rented tor the season.

ueuuc men. Partners atd Friends, we at tliankfHirr past tavors, nd will try to TTiHto'Tr-nieasant in the future heuer you need a good meal or a titv over night lrteasc call- Prices at tha oh! rates. Good ambling iu con nection with HouseV, J. H. DEHVAN, Proprelt-.

On Hallroad'Mreet. imt east of Depot PHYSICIAN Tll SURGEON. "OlSKASKS OF W6MkN AND Childrkn a Specialty, Calls promptly rcpnndd to Office ver Poole's More. Residence. Sum- tuil street two doors from Oak.

Monroeville, Ind. HOUSE PAINTING. ITavtne located at MonroevUU I am rj-w rep.irel do nil kinds of liccsa. Sign and Oun amkstal Paiht INO Grfcainr. Knlsomlnlnc and Paper Hanging a Specialv Give me a rail: It KltKWSON nd Btcne Masonery.

i7fnivSii 1 xeiis of Monroi-yllle and vicinity, having cntored into copsirt tjvrdlilp to do al BRICK AUI? i LT NE MA3-KERT At Ilin vrrv lowest prices. Orders left with us will id i vc pr mpt attention ard nati I action guaranteed Oijre us i vail before going cls-'wher-', ti FINK A LEWIS MAT Monroeville, Irid. llnvh in tin lnin--f ol aaw ovine. I im i.ow picpart-d lo do all kind, of w- rk AWH OF AIJ. KINDS FlTKI AND Willi NF.ATNKSS AND MSP TCII.

TVrfrt atisfaion cnarante'-d or no lT mini red. Give me a cull. Shop in Meiks lsenberger's iinmt u.trkct ALI.EG A It. J.H.ADAMS.D.D.S, 142 Calhoun street, INDIANA. All work guar- FORT WAYNE, Oyer Picture Store, an teed C.

E. WEBBER. ITense sign, carriage and ornamental painting Also Paper banging attended to in the town and countrv Place of business, Monroeville. Ind. i AN I EL MAY.

BUILDER and Contractor In Brick and aten. Estimates furnished piompt ly en application. Trices at the very lowest figures and satisfaction toaranteed. Address: Daniel May. IUt KILL WILSON.

LEADING BOOT AND SHOE SHOI3 JN TOWN. Repairing ot all kinds, both Leather a ad Rubber promptly and neatly done. BOOTS AND SHOES. made to order. Shop In Breeze Office Building.

Monroeville.Ind. JOSEPH MONNIER, Dealer In ALES, WINKS AND LIQUORS! Monroeville, Indiana. ML Good brands of Whiskies, Cigars and Tobaccos. Fresh Bewr always on tap, Ginger Cider aud BircnBcer. Cood Bakery in connection.

P. A. May's old stand. The Practical Horse Slioer Is si i eld pUice, and Is prepared to do all kinds of Itlacksmlihing. I0RSC SR0EINC A SPECIALTY.

AH disease of the Feet such as corns OBiractt leet, quitters, sand cracks given rareful attention. My old aivmers a well as say new, will no at Bay old shop, on the corner Ualaf Atd BarabarC streeU. op Breeze: Pleaae annonnce the name of Charles Dawson as a candidate for re-nomination to the office of Prosecuting Attorney. Subject to the decision of the Democratic Nominating Convention of June 21st, 1884. Respectfully Yours.

Charles M. Dawson. Lard, 13cts. Corn, 75cts. Eggs, llcte.

Butter, 16cts. Wheat, 95cts. Tnrkej 9cts. Chickens, 6cts. Bkeeze, 1.25, cash, or 1.50 at end of the year.

the Tramp 8 are becoming numerous. Has Monroeville any filthy streets. Ice cream season will soon be here. Next Monday is circus day at Fort Wayne. D.

8 Rcdalsbtlmer is in the enst on business. John Beivelheimer was in town yesterday. Shut tip your hogs for the marshal is ai er them." F. J. Gardner spent Sunday at Del- phos, The streets were again crowded with teams Saturday.

No candidates have made their ap pearance this week. A very dry season is anticipated in this section this year. Ex. Marshal Kelly, of Fort Waj ne was in town Tuesday. The summer term of our township schools opened Monday.

C. W. Rollins has re- painted his bakery from top to bottom. Mrs Geo. Nishwitz Is lying very ill at her home on Summit street.

Mr. John the happy father of a bouncing boy, weighing 9 lbs. A family in town wishes to get their nane in the Bbeeze "awful bad." The recent rains have started the i grass, wheat and oats to growinig. There wrre eleven persons vnited ith 111 M. E.

church last SubbHth. Mr Dave Wilkins of Payne, Ohio was visiting friends here the past week. Now is the time to plant corn, these warm rains will bring it up quickly. Mr. Hi Xeishwitz.of Wi-st Cairo.

Ohio, i. rived in town last evening. mere is pieny worn to be done on our streets. Let the Marshal at rt. Mayor Zollinger and I.

K. Irey, of Fort Wayne, were in town Friday last. tienry Milieu receiveti nis canvas tent yesterday and will leave in a few days. The voters dona a wise act whon C. C.

Myers for town they supported clerk. Mrs. RrdH'liehner family are vlai I fiieiula at lort Wayim lltiR week. A great deal of dissatisfaction is caused by not getting the right men in council. The; citizens of Monroeville are now snpplied every day with fresh beef from Chicago.

Miss Carrie Stass was sworn in as as sistant Post Master, of this nloce last Monday. -The funeral of A. A. Baker topk place yesterday at ten o'clock and was largely attended. When the time comes for the election of a new school board a lively time is anticipated.

Mr. Nash, brother of J. P. Nash, of tills place was in town the latter part of last week. Win.

Robinson and family arrived in town Tuesday; they will make this their future home. James, Ezra and DeLo88 Baker were in town this week, attending the funeral of their father. The father of the Bey. D. 8.

Miller is in town. Mr. Milleriia a rather Bnrv oia gentleman. Mrs. Philip Slemmer, who has been seriously ill for the past two weeks is fast recovering.

-nr. lisnan. oi on wayne, was in town Wednesday attending the funer al of A. A. Baker.

i be western Cornet ts were out on the street Monday night, and rendered some very fine music. Sir. Joe Funk of Butler, ended the wedding of is brother John Funk, of this plaice, last week. The Democrats of this township will meet In convention, at the town hall in Monroeville, next Saturday. Ostrich and Fancy Feathers, colored in all the new shades, at Gardner's 3U1.

linery and Fancy Goods store. it. -The friends of the late William Wil son, have erected over the grave in the Lutnern cemetry a Very fine monument. costing $65. There has been nine-teen deaths oe.

cured in this locality since the first of January 1884. Nine of which died with consumption. Base bail is all the go at present and stffl Monroeville has no cjub. Hurry up boys or toe season will be over before you are ready. -The widow, Mrs.

J. M. Stephenson. has sold fburty acres off of her farm, to a man by the name of Whitright, for which ahe received $560. All those who subscribed for the pur chase of WillhuaWllson's monument and hare not paid, win please call and pay the same to C.

Sheare. The game of base bail between the Fort Wayne and Saginaw clubs, Tues day, resulted in a score of one to nothing, in favor of the Saginaw's Dr.Plillo entertained a few friends. last Tatsday evening. Dancing, was the chief featur of ih occasion. Elc- fjutrafrthmnu wert scrred.

"Mr. J. Dratt and family.Mr. and Mrs. i Phipps, all of Fort Wayne, were in town attending the the funeral of A.

A. Balrer, father of Mrses. Phipps and Dratt. Isaac Taylor, of Geneva, is in town visiting his parents and many friends. By the appearance of Isaac they must have plenty to eat in that section.

There is a young lady of this town, who has been telling falsehoods op a certain young gentleman who has been here but a few months. Becareful Miss. V- H- H. Barretf Co's great Railroad Lshow will exhibit at Fort wayne, next Monday, quite a number citizens have expressed their intention of attending. The people all make fun of Am ana Robinson 'in his peculiar way of preparing his corn ground, but never mind the boss is all rivcht, if he does ride the harrow.

Mrs Trover and Bon Howard, who have been visiting relatives and friends in this place for the past two weeks, returned to their home at Auburn. yerterday. 'If the statement published in our columns last week, concerning the surplus of school funds on hand, be true, why is It that we cannot have a summer term of school. Preaching followed by congregation, al election of church officers at the Lutheran church next Saturday at 3 o'clock P. M.

Communion service Sabath morning at half past ten. Dr. Langtry, one of the best Veter-onary sergeons in Allen County called to this place last Friday to attend a sick horse, belonging to Somull Wass, which he pronomfsed as haveing the Pink eye. i The boys of Williamsport were to have plaed the boys of this town match game of base ball last Saturday but failed to put in an appearance there. fore the game was declared forfeited and the home clud adjudged the winner.

We noticed, in front of E. Fiian'a saloon last Friday, a couple of men blow ing off considerable wind, and we antici pated a furious cyclone.bnt on the arriv. al of Aleck, Johnny, cooled down and Mr. Eik's walked back in the house. If our Maple Grove, and several oth er correspondents wish i us to publish their contributions, they must write plitiner and furnish items of interest.

We do not intend to publish Threshing ma chines and Saw mills so extensively. S. H. Barrett big show that will be at Fort Wayne in a few days, is not attracting one-half the attention that the elegant Line of hats so nice and so cheap that you will find at F. Gardner's and Fancy -Goods Store.

It. -Let the town board pass an ordinance compelling all persons owning hogs to ring their nose, and then lot them run at large. By so doing it will not only save a big expense to our town but will benefit us in the way of cleaning up our streets. E. Finan.

Suudayed at Fort Wavne with friends that were about, to leave for the Old Country. Among whom was Mr. Williams, tie and wood estimator for the Pittsburgh company. The Bbeeze wishes Mr. Williams a pleasant aud eafe journey.

Last Friday was a lively day in Mon roevillc, Allegar and Vanosdale got up on their ear and had quite a squabble over a team, Imt as is always the case the Bbeeze came out on toj and the dif flcul ty satisfactory settled without a scratch or a blow, but considerable wind. On Tuesday of this week, Joseph Clem raised large barn, which will greatly improve his farm. The way the necessaries of life were dealt out to his assistants would make them wish he had a barn to raise often. Mr. Clem is one of our best young enterprising farmers.

Prof. Walker and C. Ridenour attend ed the barn raiseing of Joseph Clem on Tuesday, whether they made a full hand at lifting or not we are unable to say, but it is stated that when dinner time came they were on deck, and the way they de- melished the country grub was astonish ing. The Prof essor says it is not often that he gets to visit the country. A large and select party met at Mr.

T. S. Heller's Monday evening and from there went to the home of Morris Strass. I he occasion was a complete surprise and was in honor of the seventeenth anni versary of Mr. and Mrs.

Strass' wedding day. Mrs. Strass, assisted by her dau ghter's Lena and Carrie entertained the company after their inimitable manner, and every one spent a most enjo fable evening. Dancing was very generally participated in an was ke. up until a late hour.

At midnight an elegant sup per was spread. 'Jhe Bbeeze ishes Mr. and Mrs. Strass many anni versaries of the same day. A few days ago a young gentleman from Butler, arrived in town for the purpose of attending his brothers wedding, but it seems that on the day the occasion took place the young gent became acquainted with one of our dash ing young bells, upon whom he bestowed his whole heart.

AU-went well until a few days ago, when all at once the eharnw-and happiness, that but a few Sours ago was strewen with flowers and "honey" faded away. The gave him the bounce. He ponderd for a while upon his misfortune, and then with a bounce he made for the creek. which Is but a short distance from the house, with the intention of putting an end to his miserable life, by drowning himself, but on reaching the bank of the creek, he stopped and gazed into the "frog pond" in which he had Intended laying his manly form. He looked back to the house to see if Sweet Savana was watching him, but to his surprise he seen that the door had been closed upon him, and his darling had left him for good.

Seeing there was no hope of regaining a few sweet words from her love 1- lips by his deadly intentions, he retrac ed his steps and made straight for a as- loon, kept by Miss Lizzie Miller where he told his whole misfortune, and went V. t- ifoir, cheap Dry Hats, Boats 3 Gents Furnishing "goods. breast. It is needless for us to say, but by his appearance one hour afterwards, he was not a corpse, but "badly off Monroeville young ladies, you should not be so cruel as to treat the boys so. Another Old Citizen Gone.

Squire A. A. Baker, who has been considerable under the weather for the past year, died at his residence on Railroad street last Monday night at the advanced age of 67 years, six' months and a few days. removed here and settled in this country some twenty five or thirty years ago and has been a resident of Monroe township ever since. He was elected Justice of the Peace some twenty years ago, if we are informed correctly and has served in that capacity "ever since, with the exception of one or two years.

He was the of thirteen children, ten of whish survive him, togather with aloving wife to mourn his loss. The funeral took place yesterday af-noon from the late residence, and services held at the M7E. church, conduct ed by the Rev. D. S.

Miller. after which the remains were intered in the Methodist graveyard. TLe Election, The town election held on last Monday for the purpose of electing, four trustees, one clerk and treainrewas one of -the "hottest" that has been held in this place since the incorperation of Monroeville. There were two tickets in the field; and the friends vf both worked hard for their sucess. In the first ward Wm.

Over ly, held over.v Second ward E. E. Bolyard, was defeted by p. Webber, by 4 votes. ward Dr.

A. Connolly was elected over Henry Shank by 4 votes. 4th wardG. C.Hunsicker. no opposition.

5th ward 8. M. Will iams, defeated Ramsey, by a few votes. James Casady, for Treasurer. no opposition.

Myers, np opposition. MarshaLA. J.Doggett, over Isaac Walters by 21 majority. Out of the five trustees elected four are democrats. Clerk and Marshal demo crats and treasure republican.

After the votes were counted out In the evening it was found that there was cosiderable dissatisfaction in the result. The Democratic Ticket having lost some of their best men and the Peoples Ticket gaining some strength. It seems the fight was not exactly for the purpose of getting, their men in as trustees, but men that would support the right man for on the school board. Coancil The last meeting of the old board of trustee was held at the town hall on last Monday evening, with a full attend ance and E. E.

Bolayrdin thev chair. After the house was called to order, the roll was called, minutes of the previous meeting read and approved. There being no businss of importance before the house the following bills were pre sented and allowed: D. S. Johnson, for 1.75 Meeks, for services, on election board 4 w.

smith, the same 2. Prof. Walker, dor T. 8. Heller.

do -t 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 H. H. Davis. do J. D.

Allegar or printing. u. u. uunsicker, for services town 3.00 50 50 4.00 16.00 E. E.

Bolyard, do XI 1 1 111. C11T UU Louis Shields, for labor. A. Uorbaley, lor services as town clerk A. J.

Doggettservices as marshal. 15.00 Total. $52.25 After allowing the above bills the board adjourned, sine thus ending their term of office. The gentlemen that have just tepped out have served our citizens during the past year to the satisfaction of ail and they deserve great praise for the manner in which they have left our financial affair. The town is now entirely out of debt, and money on hand.

Let us see how we win stand one year hence. The new board is compos ed of good men and there is no doubt but what they wiU do equally a well as their predecessors, j. Immediately after the adjournment of of the old "daddies' the new board step ped forward and were sworn in by J. A. Corbaley at once proceeded to busi ness, W.

A. Connolly being chosen as president. After the appointment of several committees they adjourned to meet next Monday evening. -WaareAiittle late this week. Also auU 4 i Trlfc Tfrl? rfftl Ci th i'owopriiio- I PATENT I WW a srawtTf" i rtn r-i -e 1 Line of First Class IfROCERIES and PRO VISIONS.

7 1 DAYID S. REDELSHEIMER, Proprietor: AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER. To All Wanting Employment. We want Live, Energetic and Capable AKenia in every couuiy in the United States and Canadyi to sell a patent nr-tcil of great merit, on its ubbits. An article haying a large sale, paying over 100 per cent, profit, having no competition, and on which, the agent is protected In th exclusive sale dy a deed given for each and every county he may secure from us.

With all these advantages to our agents, and the fact that if is an article that can be sold to every bouseowner, it might not be necesnry to make an "exthaobdisaby offbr" to secure good ngents at once, but we have concluded to make it to show, uot only our confidence hi the merits of our iu'vention, but in its salability by any agent that will handle it with e.i-ery. Our agents now at work are making from $150 to $600 a month clear, and this fact makes it safe for us to make our offer to all who are out of employment. Any agent that will give uur uusiness a miny days' trial ana fail to ciear at least aiou In this tiin Above all Expenses can return all goods unsold to us and we will refund the money paid for theni, Any er General Agentj who would like ten or more counties and work them through sub-agents lor ninety days and fall to i lear at least $750 above all expenses can return all unsold and set lhir money backJ No other employer of agents ever dared to make such offT. IK.r would we if we did not kiMw that we have agents now making unre than double the amount we guaranteed, and but two tales a day would jrive a profit of oyer $1 J5 a month, and that one of our agents took eighteen orders In one Hay. Our rsjr descriptive circulars explain our offer fully, and thce we wish to scad to every one tlire on cent stamps for postage oui ui employment wno will send us rni at mice nu secure lite ag.ncy in lime for the boom, and go to work on the terms named iu our extraordinary We would like to have the address of all the agents, sewing machine solicitors and carpenters In the country and ask any reader of this paper who reads ibis offer, to send, us at once the name and address of all such th.y know.

Address at once, or you will loose the best chance ever offered to those out of employment to make money. Rbsnek Manufacturing Co 161 Sinlthfield Pittsburg, Pa A bucking horse is frequently power behind the thrown. the Writing the obituary of an ndver-sary seems like a mean kind of revenge. Hahovrr, Feb. 13, 1884.

After having lung feve and pneumonia I bad a dreadful cough and could not sleep at night. The doctor told me 1 had Consumption and would die. I hare taken six bottles Plso's Cure and my cough is entirely gone and I am wen as ever. Em BLISS FbKD. Now the Spring fever is ripe Many artists do (heir work easily.

Music seems to be oranio with tbo A Very Remarkable Recovery. lr.Go. Willing, of Mam-hestor icn write: j'jHy wife has been al- mc neipicss for live years, so helpUs -ai noi. turn over in b-d hi-ur one used two bottles of Electric Bitters ana is so much improved, that she awe now to nor own work. jMecinc Hitters will do all that i eiaimea lor mem.

Huudrods of lesti- inoniais attest their great curative pow cents a bottle at H. A oaanK s. The giant or as large as an ordinary eledhant, it Is to( be seen with the areat Ug Barrett show, at Fort Wayne, Monday, May 12th. BUCKLAND'S ARNICA SALVE. A7te greatest medical wonder of the world.

Warranted to speedily -euie DUrnS. BrU ses LUU. Ulcers. Hulr Rlimm Fexer Sores, Canoers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Ch ipped Hands, and al I sku eruptions, guaranteed lo core In every Instance or monev refunded, par box. For sale by II.

A. Snank. If that young I man of Areola had saw the Opperator walking with his best girl a few Sundays ago, the result might have Deea uutu. FARMERS' FEED YARD. When you are In Fort' Wayne with your teams, call on Frank Cosprove, be has one of the finest Feed Yards In the city, new stalls, pure water and the best ol accommodations 8: tuated on 1 'earl street, first yard West of John Irvin's Eating lloute.aod only two blocks from Court Hocse.

Don't fail to drive around and lee him. i 11-15. Sot nn he ALL Corbaley TIN WAKE, FENCE WIRE, Pocket Cutlery. PeoDle! Dry goodj Notions, flats Cans. Bootshoes and ing; Also their 1 groceiies Pro-visionsjand queen ware TOBACCO and.

CIGARS ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD FOR Til. 1 a iliopubic oi Aionroeviue and surrounding ceuntry arr4UUy'lavlU4 riay calland see lor themselves. we FRUIT HOUSE PRICES FOR 1804 For ths last six months there has been a steady daclhie on Sura's. Thsf are now selling nt the lowogt poln they have beu for twenty years Coff.s A 7 l-2c; Cofteo 7c; Y.llow New Orleans, 62; Cut Loaf and GranuUt4, 8s. RIO COFFEE aUriVw 8 CentS fortunately had bailee, and con (Inns to ei nt oM prlss. nXlcr 1i0' 16J OW j'aVa, tSa; TiCk.S, APA.V, YOUXG MTSOY, OLOlfO and EXGLI8II BXK-4KFAST. ef tk e.aatry; Usr Is no porierslii Xew York, and reeilius direct to our customers at a saiall areff vrollts tks j.ksr. I VJ1 ia! which 10 to 90 cents per e. T.u 'i0C; 0c Per Ounpow.ler. t5c, best.

MOi. Iaerfaf 8o5 best 50o per pound, OolonjrMc, 3m per Pou.d; 20,, lie; Kit per pound; English 30c, best, Me pji pouas. W' BUT THE GREATEST GO TO Fr eeses Ready madccloth AT THE LOWEST LIT1XG rsicu CASH no iroabia to siiew BARUAIXS OF ALL MOW nnrqutrt; reaans lOS; er luari; Pea Nuts -roast4, IN swr AND TOBACCOS. $1,00 per box; Tessy, ser Plug Tsbace Monitor, ti per paavSt 65c por pound; Gilt EC Plug. We Smoking tobacco -Trad Dollar l8o er pound; Ucl Ned fasekiag.

per puudiUuruam Bsseaiat, as aer DECLIXE A3f PKUMEJ. Ths best Turkish Prunes now reduced to 6) por pound. Thsy are fralt snd the finest Iu the market. The lew price of prunes is owiac te tfe fast that Turkey had an crop this season usyer iu the hiitory ef the ea try have they sold so cheap, 1 Canned Fruits. Peaches vndr 1 jmatots; Three Yt Peaches, 30c, 8 lbs 'U Peach 10c; 3 lbs Tomatoes, 'IN; Itaaf.

ard Corn, lOo aad 12.1-2; Quinces 15c; Calilorula Fruits, 20. FOREIGN A AD DOMLSTIC PRLITS. Choice Valencia Ruiufns. 8c per pound; Munca'el and Layer Raislas, IS Leghorn Citron, 20c; Znlce Ciiri Auts, 7o por pound Dried Apples, 7 ajr pound; Choice Tennessee Peaches, 8c per poiruj. SYRUPS 10c LOWER.

BEST 60s. Extra White Drips, G0c; Cuba, 30; New Orleans Molasses, 10 fallen Cider Vinegar, 15c; White Wine Vinegar, Joe. WINKS, LIQUORS, SCOlCnALE, LONDON AXD DUBLIN rORTK. New Bourbon per gallon $1 ono year old, Twe years ol4 $1 a4 Three year old b-st ,,76," lor ineilical purposes Massat.Fsaa a. gelica Wine, $1.25: Port and Sherry 1.28 Scotch Lessen a4 Lfuuiin sorter, 'lie per uoiuv; uiu iiiu jjranuj, jur CANDIES STICK AND FANCY NUT, A.

Pure Stick Candy, 12 l-2e; French Mixed Candy 15c; bst 20c. SkslUd inotiltf, er quail; Liraul isuts, loc 15c per quart: English IV alums, 15c po'inu. CIIOICE CIGARS Rose of America, 90c perQi Chief box, Nattob. $1,25 per box; May Queen, $1,40. per box; A inbassaieh $1.71 atr box.

Flue Cut huu Shine, 40u pur pound, Ihiw Dron. 50 ear Dua4; ttdt Eilite, 60c; Chainpio 4Uo per Kund. Wild lower 40c per pimml Dun Do, Durham Plujr, Sou pur Round. ing, 25c per pound; sterling Mi.oalng, per pound, liuaey Uew bmokinx, 2Sc pound. FISH LAKE AND SALT WATER.

Kamiiy White Fish In kits, $1,49. on half barrel, Pickerel, kl ouu-quarter barrel, Family Mnckcrl, kit extra mess In kits TWKNTY.FtVK CENTS ON THE DOLLAR SAVED BY BUTlKt ATTIC FORI WAYNE FRUIT HOUSE..

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