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The Waterloo Press from Waterloo, Indiana • Page 2

Waterloo, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

in 57iave all the-je Jplause. 3 It is not bo, ef eTeu where e''a in1 If our (-hite race act properly in this matter there will be no dlEisnlty this sort. 1 Troto thrViMa Bend Radiator. Hon-'SCTiii'yler Colfax's Record. I Schuyler.

Colfax, an tmly son, was jborn in New York, city, March -23, 11823. FinisheJ education" fit the Hihh School in -CruhLy cw-rcrkltr Clerked jo a dry goods store antil 1836.. FtniTy'removeJ to the ''teuntj ot 2cw tuUe, Joseph couiity, to 16. Clerked ra store at New Carlisle until 18 10. i Appoiiitaa.OBpnty auditor ri rospli ub 1841, aim removed to South Bend, the shire town, where Ire has mice lived.

la connection with'- Lis, duties as deputy nod iGoiv rend under the Hod. C. Sample, frour .1842 to 184L In 1815 he ilandid the SV. Jnrjb I oiy Htgiter st Suth iJend issued the first number of the paper on, IV i-day September 12lb; his con wet ion with if. both a editor and proprietor, until 1ubritary 2d, 18t55.

In 1818 as a delegate totj.eWliig; Convention which nominated General Taylor for the oud ww appointed one of. its secretaries. jn 18iK, a member of the, coiitob-tion which firmed the pruseut jsoiisti-tution of Indian. In ISol wiix unanimously nominated by the party a rvrndidiite for Congress from the of and beaten by two hundred and thirty-eight In 185- was a delegate to the Whig National Con veutioii which h'jiiiiimti General fjcott for the As at the convention of 1848, was pppyint-cd a Secretary. WVS again nominated Congress, in 1 85 4 and this time ducted by 1.7Ut ui-ij'U'ity.

Jinn at every Congressional election since (fix) been reflected by triiiinphmt majority. On June 21, lHiiij, delivered Lis powerful, ntid celebrated rjctjch on the bogus of Kansas. Ho effective was this ei'( that seven hundred thousand copies of it were distributed during (lie Presidential campaign of Iu december. lSli.l, was chosen Speaker of tin; llouso of ErprcsuiiLd- tivcs, wnicn niicu oiuco lie has ever since retained. From I)eccuiler, to March.

Chairman of the Committee on Post Offices and Post and was successful in promoting lie extension of poxfal f.uilit ie.t nuiong th-; new nrihln countries, and the passajri; of bills fr the daily overland mail und overland U'lc'-rapU to Sail Francisco vut l'ike's l'uuk. and Utah. On the 2lt davtd Mav, 180 was i i-i. unanuiioie-ly iiouiiikucu a cautliuite fir the Vice Presidency Ly the Nation al Union Republican Coiivuntiou, a feuibled at Chicago. Tho Income Tax.

The Ineonio tax has now jrotio' into the ourts. at last, on a for-f of its con stitutionaliiy. The ca.) arises in the Stntes Circuit Court in New York, a bill in eiiuity having been fileil by a citizen whoso property was levied upon lor tlie iiiuouut ot tax alleged to bo due from him to the Uiiited States tp account of income. The avernitint in the bill is that tltu law coiiRiet.s'with that provision of the Constitution which declares fhut '-no enpitation. or" other direct tax shall be Lud.

utiles in proportion to tho census or enumeration her. inl Pore directed to be taken. Tho srgirncnt is set down lor toe lirst in; June. The cao will be watched willT great deal of interest. Return to Spoele Payment.

Gen. of Ohio, in speech on the currency, pr''ifscs tn return -ecie' payment by the following lie nrgues that the doprecia- iu the value of the currency is caused bv expansion in its amount He is in favor of an act requiring the government to-return to specie pny-ments on its lepal nder notes gradual-lv, by redeem them on tho 1st January next, at in gold for 1 29 in (lotos. reducing the amount of notes requiring 1 cent per nmutli until they are nuUenied at jwir. A Spicy Platform. Tho Impeachment Managers have obtained possession of a telegram from Chas.

-WtwlWv to Wash. the Cincinnati Enquirer, daUil May 14th. Mcl-aii wan then iu New York. Woollev Fold "Johnsoo atock at par. Managers examining wimesseti to tho corruption of Senators Hendricks, Van-Winkle; NV'iltey, Trumbull ud John-eon, i Mctat Chase's house lust night to form a new party.

We iave thcin demoralised and beaten. Don't leave New York till Iee you, say by iun. day, certainly. CACTVS plauts titty feet high, that crow nn like a civrar and bear delicious fruit, havebetm uucoverc4 Arizona. liven the sunflower grows to to the height ol thirty feet there.

It is a croat ulace fur vegetable ambi tion. -T, en Grant Issaid tofce in hourly receipt 'of U'loi74ma frotd nil onar- tcrs.ploilgtng hitn such vote as nojer was the re-election of Abraham Lincoln. rGfTtcnd ileorce "Stonoman asfltrn ed bo'tlin ewiHiaud of the Military Pistrict of Virginia, in place of Gco-j SiAoSerdj appuintcd Secretary of rr Itis reposed that two of the most r'Pdar monthly magines are soon bq cohsolid.ited, and uq hiut is given waiet- (wo they may be, Th latat-t statistics tliat haye ben pHblished show that there are "7wr m-t-ue United state yiii mwos jn horse-' iailroad.1. Boston has 1 fi) miles New Vork, 171); Fhilad lphU, 13 Brooklyn, 173 WATKRUXJ CITY. JUSE ht: For PresMubf; GEN For Vice President, SC1IUYLKR COLFAX.

Foe Covarsar. 1 Cv(umI COXKAt VaB4rrtrK. for jitiiDi Ihinntir, CoIomI ILt Cl-SI HACK ot Itanlw. M.t X. A.

IIOHM.lX, tat AwMarof tmt U-jurJ. It. EVAS.rfU.t Gootral XATIIAX JISAl.t, of Mrtls, Tar Clr-k I SuM Cuft, Oplnln Tf050f0I! W. MW, rukr; rir S-V'rt-w Of thf au fntik, 04m JAMS VULCICt JUrtua. Tor jtttor W.

tirJkt.i PEIUX A.E. WIUJ I WBOX. MllMi: Jut finymiulwmUnt or KmLSm tanutfa A EX A SAS C. Htlime, vt Gen. Schofield Secretary of War, I Mr-L tint rday tlis tmU hea in form in Gen.

Pehofleld ha been cob firuu Secretary if War, by the Fen- utc. Ibe vote stood a it did on the qnestion, or rather, in tltc same ratio, -as -all- the Senators were not i.rescnt. 1 he Pillowing rs the explanatory preamble a'nd resolu lion by whreh the apoiutmcut was cotinimeiL Wnr.RKAH. Tlie order the Prcs dsnt re uovitij htantmi from ftieo wum itntioit A mid h-gal; but on an ot. rt mtiji on Tuesday having 1 rcliiijuulied sai fliiN, therefore, 'lhat the Fenate dt) advise and consent t-.

the int meat of (fUieral cliotleid. As the ProUlent 1 not, now, a very purtiriilar friead of Hcholield, it may be that he may try to pNy the imfrrinr npru the tromp that Congress lias tbusj id dw and commence another dejeritu p-iwor; tn it uuty 1 that, sotting how near, his ambitious schenrc-s hnre proved fatal to hlmsolf. of late, he nmy have the common eeuse to ucccpt the situation. DfTl-Ert seems to find a. Jniteh dilf-it-ulty in riding his Willey hobby, as Fremont ussl to with the celebrated wsdly horse.

Old lien. roposed that no letters or telegrams should be allowed to bo sent to or from Woolley mid his friends, unless inspected' by the llut Mr. Colfax utterly Ui ojei anybody's private letters or telegrams; and Mr. Uutler had to be cmtciit with the order that Woolley should be under the charge of the Scrgc-tut-at-arms, and see nobody but his counsel and family. We think, liowcve that Hen.

oud tho Manngers have got hold of about ss graceless a political trickster and scoundrel as there is in the country, iiiid the country will thank them for any light they can throw upon the Senate mysteries, by all fair means iu their power. 1 In Vienna, Austria, a iinwt exeitinsr murder trial has been held, by which the llarounc ulie d'. Fdergeiiyl, and Count Gustavo Chorinski, the first as principal and the latter as accomplice, were uu eieu 01 aKSast'inating. nv ivisiii, the Countess of i Choiiiuki ife of Count Gnstave. It wns proved that the Ilaroncss Jul was tlie iuis- tress of the Count, and, with his eon I nivauec, poisoned the Countess ihildo, at Manich, where the Countess resided under an ussumed name, hnv- ng Ix-'cn abused and abandoned by her husband: The object of the nssn.J- siuation whs.

that tho Count lioriiiski ami liaronne d' Klerircnl miuht le-' iilly become husband and wife. The sentence is "Despoiled of rank and titles, and twenty years of close l.ibnr." 4 It is a great "and cfying that, after passing through the most blsnly war the world has ever known, by which the accursed institution of slavery was wiped from our soil, that men should etill le found, professing to 1x5 citizens of the free United States, who willingly bow to the wishes of slaveholders. On the 2'Jlh of Mav the steamship JiunUlun from New York, arrived at Havana, with two slaves, who hail escaped from Havana. on the Jiiiut illr, but were delivered up to tho enptain of the lioju'iltitt by the captain ot tlie the m-jfti seas. Tliis is a clear ease of willing acquiescence in the system, id Cuban slavery; for, whatever may be the powers or rights of a slave-master on the soil of Cuba, their riu'lifs over tho persons of those flavcs ccasud I on boaid the steamer "ou the hiuh Was.

ami ctmiu not be resuxued excvrt tv 1 1 I this voluntary delivery to their own 9 sohros. This is the principle that wa involved iu the of the rebels, 'Ma son ami Hamlin, who, having escaped from tho jurisdiction of this country. upon a liritish vessel.on the high tens were decided to have gained a freedom from any restraint from (his Government. fc-'Lvtholders and their sympa thizors were very strjnnt in their demands 'for those rights then; and thev t-hould not object to fheir rule being strictly carried ottt Tiiat 'change" that Johnson prom isod to make in Ins Cabinet, if the recusant Senators voted for his ae- nuital. failed on aceopnt of lack of funds, the chavjr.

all having goao into the pockets cf Grimes A. Co in 1 I Decoration Day. Lan-SsXnrdsj -ws generallyoh-J served throaghOut'th Union as yJ Tot dscorating the pfares of the who fell io the' late War. Vt Tleli sntl all tii principal cities' there wereprocesKiojuT and addreA--s honor of the lant braves who now sleep the long sleep from whieh no sound shall awake them to glory again. Xiragnn.Jfdf-ctiga, Dl-'ps'ches from the West say that Oregon has clcfte a Ihynoeratlc Con'j- frrrnsinan.

by jiLoat 10.000 and than the Ijegislal tircfci Democrat ic. "This! however is' ihot, official, 'and eotning dipalvhes may erente a cha'n'ge iikd the-reeeat news from Arkansas. That was; 'awful Demnrrati at first, but afterwards the thtng hs.ked quite' rcspccfablciir hc other side. Soldlera' -y Tlie 'Keiidallville announces that tlie soldiers propfe tn hold a ConvetUioH at Kendallville on the 4th of July. u-pM havo been taken to push forward the enterprise.

The counties of the 10th Congressional IhVtru-t arc iuvtuded in the invitation. Tlie 4th wowlbea yery. ppnjriate day such a purpose, as it is the anniversary of many great events in the history of onr Let there le.a eeiVeral turn out of the boys-in- Tftt; editor the Ligomer relid Ii'tnnrr has; received a copy of the of Jeff. and rejoieeth believe that is the same Jeff. Ihtvis that a eerUin Pounsylva-nij editor once declared In his 1icw-pjiper, to be the foulest "traitor on thi greeu earth, ami thrice worthy of death', the traitor's.

disim-" lid the Jbtnnrr inan ever publish tliat Iluin. sylvauia newspAper7' Ha jjarhi since become snjierceded by the sym- pathkor that said Jeff, is longer TtiP foulest traitor? -eittuse lor a Arkansaa Bill Passed tho Senate. The bill for the aduiisMoii of Arkau-sas tloy.d reproMentation in Congress, has p-'cd the Senate, after a few un important amendments. Ex-President Buchanan Dead. Kx- President, James Uuehananv died at his residence, on Monday, June 1st.

His fuiwral will take piacc to-day, at Whoatlaud, Pa. k.n. Scinirir.i.D t'k p-wission of the WaiOITice on Monday, snd affair are now working smoothly in that De- partmcnt. I Foi young ersnis nauted Mary Miller, polphene vxihs, Kugcnc rcx-iwi nod Charles Wat taking a boat ride, on Tuesday evening, at South Ueiid. were drawn over the mill-dam and all were drowmil.

I J. II. lIoovKU, of this place (has a model of a new Mirt-ible Fence, which we think will take well among farm ers. He has the ftjrencY for this county. NKARI.T IKoWffKO.

On Tuesday, Mr. Appleby's little aged four years, fell into Cedar Creoi," near the UiiHUitown bridge, and wss carried down stream about 15 rods before he was rescued. As soon as he was taken from the water, the bodyj wss rolled about, and restoratives administered, whieh him to in a few miu- ht. The little fellow wss playing on a lir r-iii. when le fell; and some children.

playing near gave the alarm so that he was not in the water more than five minutes. Tim nnblic. aiol estecialrv the He publican part iil te jintcresecd in the auiiftuncemcnt that a cnrcfullv written J.HnirrijJiy nf llom.tSrhugh-r (yf'nx will wkiii be publiidicd bv Messrs. T. 11.

Peterson A brothers, Philadelphia. 1 ho author. is Uev. O. Y.

Moore, now of He was for twelve vcaxs the fellow-towns man Mr. Colfax, at South lcnd Indiana, and pastor pt Ins clinrch a 1 there. He begun this hnvraphy two or three rears ao. so tli.u it wot one ofthe hurried and pul lications so common iu tk-cttm ears Mr. Moore is a centJcuian of hue talent and culture and there is no doubt that his Uioraphy of Colfax will be werthv of its distinguished subject.

It will wilii a dulccimo volume of about six hundred pages." The resolution of (hanks to Pec re t.irv Stanton. for bin patriotic aduiin istration of the War (itTicd during and since the war." passed. th Senate by a vote of 37 to 1 1 Rows. Henderson Fowler, and ciiibt ooirbei heiids votin; in the nocativo. SH'tstor FesK'iidcn advoeateij the resolution in an eh- oueot siMicrh.

An saieudment, thank ui Chief Justice Chase for his con duet on the int peach Bient triaL was votod down 3U te 11 the above- named Senators uv the' affirmative No comment is necossary. friecr now stationed at th avv limok Trn. bavins the curi tho vcrjicity of the -mar inonired tVe name of telest ItMiafJ was startletl at the written response "O'ShaKghnei-s It is said that Chinese Minister Plenipotentiary, urliegan will rit Cuba nd make, tsimc 1 invetigations into tho oolio "trsilo. with view to its ultiniHte suppression, Puripg the recent freshet in the Connocticu many' apple orchards in full bloom were partially- submerged, giving the appearance of isieU of blossoms ruing ltoin the flood. roe I Ifntions mad phrjn vof hr laaat rotnHt Bif tcw MrBKtlMw4 and frtiSd by coaras of Ylostet-trrl Htl Bitten render Uicm an Vnt Brnlnaral 4.

aot only to th Mtacka of rpf- aK. A tlM -K'ejSonl IlSjHCt 1iJ expected, I Uim-n bnportjr of will. lb rf scisrinfimilm miTrii nndmto -wormy or me-TWoi ciTte. ami ttt 1.

-usv we eieurate. A the Nation I Uniofi Ilenublican Party, with rts Vrnrilcnie: iai-r UnWt, 1 by tlie adoption in a maioritr of the States -fcttHy in rcbeiit -eo-stitutious -securing eiual civil anT po- tial I figh A oaa i regaM- it as the "duly "of "the" Governnjeiit vent the-people tof in, frsw being rcmittoj to, state of anarchy or military rolei 1Z. TUe guarantee br" 'f dngress of enuai-sunni'e. Uail loyal men in the outn emaiMied every eonsld- and forviivencss with" which the men vuu.lutve served' 'the rctolliin' ami Who arc uyvr," frankly and" honestly cMiperatjiitf in reform" the enee vf the country, and in reconstructing 1 the Southerp State' Oovcrumeuts upon the bai of iupar tial justice and e-iual are re intw ths oonimtvniou, the loyal 'people 'and nJfV6arcfh fVn vor of the removal of. the distpialinca- tutus and restrictions imtMmed iiisn the Lite rcln-ls in the same measure as the spirit of disloyalitv dies out.

and as may be consistent with the Safety of the Joval people. 3. We all forms of rcpiv iliationti as a national and national h-Mior rcqu'res the payment of the public indchfcuiicsiii the utniist gf'I iaiiu 10 our creunors at, jioiiic ana aoroad moj only acevrdiu? to tne ierr er, but the spirit, ofthe laws undef hull it was contracted. -1. It is due te tlie lalntrofthe fia- ioH that taxation should le eijualtzed mid reduced ns.

rapidly as 'liatlolia faith will permit. H. Ihc petional debt. Its lis been 'for the pfesefvatTArt ofthe I hion lor ail rime to. come, srvjiud ye extended over a "fair period fT re- deuntioii.

nod it is ti dnty of Conr grvs to reduce the rate if interest thereon wficncver if can jMnetly re G. the best policy diniinish 1 our Juifdmi of debt is so to improve our credit that capital)-! wUI seek to lend us money lower rates ot inrer-ertthan we now pay, and must eon tin- lie to pay, so tong as repuaianon. partial or total, open or covert, is threatened or suspected. 7, The ttovcrnment of the United. States fchould be administered with the strictest tsmninj.

Tlie tions, which Jiavebt-cnso sliam-tulfy nursed and f.tcred by Atlrsw John- son, cnll loudly lor raaieai reiorm. K. Ve protoumllv -plore the'nii timely and tragic deith of Abraham Lincoln, ninl regret the accession 01 inlrew to the who has ncU'd trencher usly to the jieople who elected him and the cause he was plinlol to sup'rt has USurjxHi liigu legifiaiivc nun jiKiicim tinictioiiH ItiiM refusi'd execute the laws: has used his high office' to in duce other officers to the law;" employed' his executive vwcrto render the lives, property, lihertv ami me .01 ine ci.iixeii, has abused the fcirduiiing ower has persistently and habitually "resisted', by every mean iii his' power, every proper attempt si of the Mate. lately 111 rchcllion has lierverted the public patronage )to an engine of' hoii-Saie and has been jiistlv impeached 'for high crimes and misjomeanors and properly pronounced guilty tbeivuf by the voi thirty-five Senators. V.

I he K-trioo ot 1 1 mat liritam and other Kuropebai Powers, tluit lieeause a man is owe subjoct bo as always so. must be resisted at every hssarU the Si.1t.- ot the leu- j.l not authopacd aV the law 01 nntitin. and at war with our national honor and independence. Naturalized citiscn are entitletl to be protected iu all their rtghts -of rtttaetiship, as though tliey were native boru. No citizen of Um Suites, native nntnralixed, mh.lrtc-iiahlo to arrest or imprisonment by 'any foreign I owtT.

for acts none or worus spoteu mis eon 11 try; ami if so arrested and it is tlie duty of tho (Jovcrnftjent to inu ifore iu his .10. Of all wlio wer faithful iti the trials ofthe late war thero wore tMine entitled to. more erinl honor than the brave-soldi anil seamen who endured hardship of the eninp and cruise, and imjierjlod their lives in the sirviee ot the country. The bounties and pensions appropriated by law for these brave cf the I'ujoii are obligations never to he i'orguttua. The widows affd orphans of the pal lant dead nre the wards of tho rnx'ple esered.

legwey Ijecpieatlre'l to the I'nited States' protecting ve. 11. Foreign emigration, which in the past has added so much to tho wealth and increased the resources of this natiim the asvlum of all nations should be fostered by a liberal and jnst policy.1 'Z. Tliis convention declare 1 sympathy with aTl oppressed people who are struggling fr rights. We "recognize the great principles laid down in the lVc-laration of Isidepcndonco as the true foundation nf ilotiHH'ratic govertunvut.

and we hail with gladness every effort toward making these principles a living reality on every inch of -Vniorican soil. The" following resolution wn Jdtl.and ad.jptcd by the Convention, That the djUTHiwewt this convention shall not work a dissolution of th- same, but it shall remain ail organized, fiuhject to 1, callod toother at anytime ami place that tho 'Republican Executive Cotawtttoa shjJl -ornate. -Mr. Seth Greene hybridizing at tho Smithsonian Ic-titntc. Wai-hinctr-a.

He has mixed with bass, and thna far the experiment ia aucccssful. and res lutionn in their rrArr 1 i i I 1. Junjrratt late tlis nontrtrv on thk. wurcu success or ine reconstruction A eviaenci-i erationypUpiiUiq yf gsatit uue said (ustiee amTniut fe luaiiiUineo! 'wfciFj tlie Question of t-uffnie sIiic7.iyaIStati properTy -LeT to the p.pie;. Vigi.iy eeuiiirul the si.irit"or iuairtianuultV 2 I JAKen.iof minose of-4ioldin a jCsdi Soldiera Convention the 4th of Juln 'A jmriiB iiedri.iiMra,v if 1, soiuiers will be held in CofcLfcU-oa.

Saturday, -June ilk, for the imfnose of making orelimioarv IiranoisnieMA for the Celebration. I r. Ml.j- ji.ena.411 cute siinara. Tha Wavtional Balance Sheet- 3Iri t'ommLssioncr Wells haa pre-sentui a careful analysis of the revei one e-eipts and expenditures fcrthe last and pie present and Sa Tor tne This fejssrt shows that the receipts from all Teurvcsror year enning. June wvfe W.5i(1.94S,'and the 20, leavinjri of "revenue of Coiigrva- hit reduced taxes' to th annmnf or per annum.

The -fecetpfs from' "all sources' for he fiscal year ending 1 Juno StttSfi.S, are 84n3.7tU.4oa,. and tlie expenditures leaving an excess of rfev-'enue if estimated receipts a.nd xjeiiditnri fbrthe fiscal year ending Jane IStiO, are: Rc-eeipU Kxiiendittires :51 2.05 1,4 13. loavtujr a large jros-pctite excess of revenue, notwithstanding the fact that jha alMii'ishcd taxation on raw cotton; and mauufactureil articles which would have realized ST.QOO.OOU of revenue. The comparative result has been, I'ongress'ithlh the two years Vending June ill), 1S07, has Tvitiieeil niteraai tixation 10 1110 cxrcni or pi'r annum; that the ordinary 1 extxHise ofthe go vernmeot have been reduced to per annum, which considering the de- "T-pfdeistion in pnjer is not in excess of tlie in whn-B was 1 a.jv iiiii'iiuihiii a i- won lielore the war. 1 lie inerease in tlie production of the country will needed and proi aMy Warrant sn annual reduction of fTilr r.iJUJ of tiutatiou cimi.iI whlIi vJ.

made in 1SC7, and r'Jeatel iilKfiH. JiJie- sufneicncT ofthe rovenno for contingent ujnhi trie attiou ,01 on tae army 1.7,1. (ACJivral lir.tnt, a. tin SciTLjimI oi War. ubuiitted a rstitite the utMrt of tde milita ry Ihe expf tulitures of tlie army under the partiil r.dite-ti)i inadc under existing ilaws.

for the" year ISlw wss uhe noised iirwm A reluetioii tlie force, a 4in of regiment, and. fciOMtcrinff out nuenrploveil t.uiccr caJleil fcr onlv aud the appf iriatins ar4Jiiade iu anticijutions 4fsueh re-d it 14 ion Put the extHMies of that portion' of the army on Western front i -r sre fonud to be diCater than the climate for the cnro military in.f ict hlout fiur tniU'ous iNr DH'iitli, or IfN.iiOO.MM per year Mr. Wells calls the attention oft'on- gress to the Jct that unk-4 an itnpur taut paving cuii Imj ai.ei.-nsi here eluwhert the i( the War piiurtai'-nt wiil'greatKj execui the iiptirvi.rirtlious. ana sltjllie surplii revenue will be r(juired Jto meet the I 1 ueneieiiey. Ono of the rreatost difficulties un dor.

all fovcriioiriif rit tin reduction rf rrnic and navies, i iret rid the efTn-ers. The reirimSits may be 'litreil to ten privutiw; and as mtuiv sereunts each, without. a complaint hail, (he moment the tia jd retrench titotif if extendiil to th Colonels, Ms Captain aud Lietitriinatsv, there tHa temr.le orrtcTv. l-crr otneer has iijhoi.t of riends, and rehives. male and -female, iir and out faf.tlaais.nisn.

nndihemtall etH-Wwejagainst the re-doctorC of lie number? of rfiem h. "sre jerf -rnitmr imnijinary services. iVe know thtt Cougrossinon it "harl to resist these scl. but duty to thf C'nuitry demsti.Js that the pen-simi'lift no bnrdotiod with sine-cures, either in the ivil or milimry rr.rviee. Congress has no right to expend any portion of S10.tMttl.0ilO per "month to keep up a uim military eTgatiixafion.

Whatever can le shown txvbe necssry. eitllier in repressing JfMian disturlwinces or in maintaining oriler in the unroo. instructed SiaUs. the CfteetfAilly p-iy. but u.t r.

iloJlar should be uxpeuded for fancy uty or dress parade. i. i' a. It was asserted. it the Chicago Convention; by cx-( invtirnor a latere secessionists and Soul hern Poniocrat wouhl vote i .1 lr it rant.

wign? imm. tne tone i-i their comments onjthe nomiiiatiens, largn number c.fN.rthern will uuijucstionabl support them fmin nlone. On Friday afternis.n. lay the New York 'rm h'xn-T'V a pniadueut leader ofthe party on I-a-mg Islktul sai ti a group trf has friends who were in company with him on the nines Slip ferry-boat: "I shall vote fir tj rant. 1 am satisfied that the Western; rcpuuiationits have got ruch a st ronJ hold that they will force PeiidlfToiT f'Tt the convention or

ns did the Prc-ken ridge men in lS'G'j." We cntinuf the timitirrrinF. soo to announce the lo-gTnmng ofa.retular stampede from the party which 1 has already become known ati I recognixed as the party of rtj.idiation, not matter who maybe pjt iu nomination. At thffj liriiie' irrsi-l'-ncc. in Con Mjiy hy C. O.r.lwrrrci -Tons Whits of t'airfiit-M tort1iit ihffMiriiie' in Corunna, Mr.

p. ana J4iss Ciilos GoohsSiiCkh. of Corunna. FllIGUTFCjl PKOFIIrXIES rn of all Thmat. rr'mmfW l.y 'lUrth I taaaraaa of tt thai th pol of Ibe EarUi Vi.t at tlS Etumot.

at that th Sua jrnWanU; fcny Tjjlk l.k tltia la wry tariM; Va't BflilMC aaH-l arhulul riaaiitl-a, it will. tr Jl afl! tor t3ri nf at-r of rncicXf to tak car. of tar 11 larr tht r.t to rrwrf.Wwwu "The Mitt enmaa rArBiatanTly tu all Barlrt "tT. ymTl.m tJ litliaiii Urtnc. thtfTur IJ tlixma.

tfyrrrr i-aBM-patUm or aay turr a'lnMat to tmk itm mum utdMckcl. awl it wor11yihartta life. It cannot b. aaSit Uiat ht mon) of. lb tnaj i(tavt rfc lr dr-psinf cawx" are arithoeM.

Ik. eoB- union all ooorwies cCxhe itOlUiirMra to thi inrvmralile bc CftMiilr vuuld witm tie. without it. Tbo tim tony arriv lm lhi will be tbe cut, Sf ererr tw ultU aaaJmh of rhotBae to the li-t nf tboao vbo mm H. Gre at Excitement In Waterloo City ...1 Tlaat jualil im tumrnS tnnr nrtli of Sinrlmlr WW STOCK OF rrk nvw Y.

aad rtiiU'hlrhia, coolUng Of lrlntM, Shevtinpt, Checks, Ticking, DENIMS, STRIPES, COTTONADES. FANCY CASSIMKRIX, Ginhiiuis. Delaines. lloosjery, lilovcs. WHITE GOODS.

HOOP SKTRTS Hnll-T'a het. It akiilUBK. bb4 aa i laialit uf dress; GOODS tlit sirAsBa) tHimatitfaai prVf. Itil of COOTS SHGES.QUEENSVVARE (5 AC. Pirn- a rail an.l 1 will wamuil atialr- Casli pa id I for rroducc; SIMON STIEKEIk J.i IMG VOIR WOOL! Wool Carding T1 e4 Mt.J.hmrtiI nw In rorttpl rf)i-t the ht U-n ki.

Th- rs'uitt rttscllitity initrs tl maahMu Mtl -t'tjotn lt? tiiakt I lr-ftr-tl to U4 Mil tlit wtw. IhaU UMV Im lr.uht tw litcu.lnlo Oooci Hollsi With nnuiililnn aild lift aril! tuw fcMI nalna to rank lira work. Mativaclorr. II llta wuul la Immjlll b-imm! n1 -r U.r tm TWO FIRST CLASS ARC IN 3 MA CHlNtS! In onr rt.ilimMtt. Ih-rlr nul'linit arrami muJal.

W-U J-l r.aaSr 111 aaiaa I r.l Mr. Uwamm. vSuin 1uto rmul.ivr.1 S.r lltf 'r jr-w kllor a "rlc. praiau 1 uf rlan Krr- H. W.

II. Do Kail) County Orders. OTHr am Militnt thai nil Ili. 1.1 Uav of Aii. tt Ik"i'fw-i if l-t lh Tri.uM.r-rr lvfcr.

la nl iwitilT. So will an piUfl Oi.l.- altr llir ol at'B ft Oil. I W. O. HlJlV J.iiw 4.

ins. Itt-XH C'oiliplltllit. IM.llN.i,t STATK or IM.lN.i,t IK c.titiir. Io ilir l. tlmtil Coart.

Antyit Ttrm, 1 V.V S'OIM' Ki'lr, tli 7(ii. SO. A -r 'I 11 kHilrr th Clnlnllff. S-M A Sir B. Iff B.

ait aBI'Infit float nr t. t- l. lM.I-. I yl-r. llliam K.lf Alit 1 4 tor a lltrlar irn tl tli .1 tn.l.-a I I'I" at Br.til.T nf rf of'tli- IvKjIIi in a Cntlrt.

to uj M.jtttlav tit Aaea.t. a. J. at th. lit.

ii. In AMlturn. i aattl wtmli, Stale, aiiit atrarr tWatttr It Mitl Ilia atuttaill ltrwrl an.l U-lamunr-n in int-ir Mr Bam, aa.1 in 't 't 1 1 SI ftHirt.iaeixMtli atOtliluaai1' JoSr.PI! 1L tASMSO.tlnrk. oiiilitiiit. statk or In the fin-ait Court, Aucn-t Teraa, 1SAS.

Anjfnatna Jeakiaa 1 Iwtr M. Vl oinplaini li trt "ttnperet aud AKattti--t- a.p-iret. th- tty W. II.

IS la Atrrtr- aei ml ftl-a hi" eoa.liiii hervta. t.uei hc w.lh an allKU'tt I'tat aatd Itettlfialtl Instr irepew i a.t a retdent ot the State or in.haaa.. Nolwa le laer-fctTT pi" that Blt.a he let and on the Brrt d.ty of Ihe neat Term tha- liekals (Srrutt Ctnrt. to lie baaden na Ike Sir.t M-mtlay of Ansnl. a.

at Hi- in Atilnim, in ttttnl ronaiy. aad Stale, aad aa-wer or d-tour at. aud toat4aial, the earae l-herd and in lua nl- H.itwtaa: Mr aaroe. aad tit- aenl of ataid It- -l IOCS Cart. a.1t.l Aiil.urB.

thi il day td Jane. a. a. It. JosKI'li R.

I.ANMN'I C'oiiiplniitl. STATE OFINMtN.V. Ik a.ity. In the lleKalb CtrcBitjOtmrt, Tern, 1CS. JaaJM- NvituV.

I v. try XeMlc. AUr-d N. i. Complaint Xoit.

nUrv. lar. r.arKera Itoeeule-ty. olixi-T Nei.ltr. V.w e.n the Pla rt-fT.

hyP Attnr-trt-. t.n.1 Sl-a h. vutpltui.t herein, loe-irt'-r Willi, ai. aSi L-Ot dl-ietul. Allred N-olie t.

a re.ideiil the Stnla of I.tdieaa. i. Iv-re'-l dafetldalit. tli'rtt mtlee. he l-e ta.

Si at rUr of the a Term nf the Ot-K-Of. irra.t tourt t. i the ll of ft ttend. C.urt lltoee. IB Anhwrn.

IB atud eotlmy. Sl.ate. and or to nd rt.s.pLiu.llta a-te will I heard and d. tenutrpl in 'irilrte. Mr rtme.

and the aatd of id ft- S.l ft-irt. ulii-l at Anlttirn. Iltia dtty of duoi', a. d. I'-t-e.

lo--rt "JOSEPH B- lASNWi.Clrrk. i t'oiiipluint. STATK IM.IAXA.I -ka! Com.ty. In the D. ttrenit Court, AasBBt Tern.

lSOa. John Brath, VCttmplaint So. tS. B-taannn nrnilon. cornea the PlainlilT I.T Jamea B.

Mormon. A and lua'B with an aftd'tt th-M ald K.oaaua bratlon. ia nat resident i Ihe Stale of Indiana. N.riiee i. riren aaid de thrrt Bl a all I and appear no Ore ftr-4 tlay fd tha next TtaTB of lite i-Klh Cirruit Court, to (e t-n the J-irat of Anjt.tMIil the l'tn llt.tee in AWin.

i rtaiuty, and State art an-wer or tlentor to nrfnplaint. the 't- heer.1 -in. I .1 in ittraheava. Witney. Mr name, tuul tlie awtl of aaid i I C.urv.

aJBl'-tt at Auhurn, tUta 3d day of 1 Jane. Josr.rii LAxyrxg.qeTk. IN llANKTa'PTCY. Th i to rtre rotice thnt on rt iaueJ John ai-a-i. l-urae in tli cranr IteKMo, an'l evu.n len a-U'elu-d a Ear.k- sf laliankak, who Iv 1 W.

I i fl mint of anr oei verr of any rm. perty he-l-Mtstnr to I or ad' I ha trno-ft-r of anr t.y h.m ia S-rhi-a-av. hr th.t a meatirt of th.t rtitoni of tl.a Tl iJaakropt, to prttre their d-la and r- A-virn. of hf te. will leWd at aOtntt of fc.nlirnr.trt, to la hol.lea at Fort Indiana.

I --fore O. I. Wbeon. ob the tth day of June, a. d.

rjo rhek ai KKJ. J. SPOOLER. I r. Manbal, D.JtxiUof ludiaaa, Mtaaenger.

KVS it tlie p-tj- New Stock Received GEO. kanjant rrrotx-l a WW lot at the- arorltl traowBedl cimger's lilrauaM baa UfftTfitt- Mr. A. lll- Mi.M W.StU.1. CfltwM. rknrmaa anU tttawr. HelBvite ftirtat-ri andtnltervwihiiia n-triat BtatMrte. ti ot! naaV liia" auT lainar Str tli.r llic-a. Ue keeM aaa kaotl at all Ham a apleaaial aturk of SILKS, i Cotton Linen which will ar-II rbeaper rhaa any other Brn I fetara. Xhatte Uiajtai am.

MOST ATTTABLK FOR WIXO Jf-I CRIXES of all k'nH. rnttinp. At- dttoeon ahnrt lanS au the atjla. Suep arcr lUIa t-e Wnlvrtt ity. I no.

j.ti nt.iltr.iti 3IANHOOD I "Ti'ia-K IIOW I-OST, HOW KFTtVED Jnt -fMththHt a. (nf PR. CCts- TKRW KLL CKl.KHHiTKrr KKSA Y. th rIWU curv a rlhntil nii-m) mf -ptnrrbmB, or IWiui- nitl akitev-asi, I nTt4itntJtrr SututM IiiilrMy and ltytK-tl liicntvcity. ImHltiuint to Mtric, Ciurnpt in, KnllM-sir, mJ I'itw, tv tvll tiuiKviM- or nrxtwn rMraritjriutrr.

Prtt-v. im dUai etiveliHut, iiulv mix Cnnt. Tv retalrte ttilHr, tn ttiU julmtrttlltt t. rirlT tlsmnitrt-i ft-tmia iMrtf Irtrr TfseXtiJ rw, Ihl tt aramltitf iirrei al HbMiin" Im raiit at'iv wnuui ti ancmtni ws of iHtin ouf inM.e iirt once tnieirt, rrtjwn, tn t-iltM-rs-il. Iv atfraMttal1 vniui rry nuiifM-crr, ttttr wriU bit cHxtiirn tstv mav rirr niticll pnrto'T una riraii-r.

rHi 44ttl erery mah in lit lari'l. untl mHil. -n .4 to ny iui- tlr-s sip UtX, tn rwtit nix ct.t or two fKJtx lis Nw Yrk, St GUc bo 4L I'fiotorrapli Gallery, 3I11S. -IIOBNUKIinKR, haa n-ltitvl Cftr. aatd a Iu the rulitua uexl tn l-er SarilllBg A Ctt'a ittri where alt.

in trt-aretj takv PHOTOUKAI'HS. AMIHIOTYJ'ES, 1A(5 1" Kll UEOTVPES. In a trt aaeati antt oilier eataltliebairBt lit Hit Tit-Hilly. Call aud have a (food Picture. fr-ire very

anl ttreHt Blew MOOIU: BUDLKY, ftirnirt! it ftartnh(p, will rtaatitwtw lbt 1 Urll? u.ln a In Offlt 11. a theBtttre here. 1 I t.t..l i 11. Miaare, vtkara Htajr be ft.nia' I I The Largest, The IJcst and1 Tlio Cheapest I 1 rt t- 't 1 I a Drugs' MeUciiiek, Ever found In "Waterloo, City PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Chemicals, Ilrnshcs, Sponges, Caiidics, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, t'omras, 'Pocket IJaaiksf-t- Foaits, Knivit laatiips.

Gardcu Seeds l'ixturcs, I'AXGY ooits An jEiilIcw Varleljj PURE WINES fit LIQUORS. I IIOHACK'S- ME12CINES. al? kip tvn twoittmmt of I STATIOlsTERiX" Writing pajicr Envelope Which W9 Will MtU Cheap as the Cheapest Give us a Call MOORE DUDLEY. 10-30 Wpril 7. S.

Goldsxnitlx, Mauofartttrer of i Jmportt-r an-1 dealer ia jf' LeafT. rrrk 1t-i. -tr, 27, Pttntmlt atreet, Ntarly t.I.tU tha Uttilroad Brl-hre VS3 TOLEKO Snciccye Tobacco Work. W. ft.leOO.WOOB- t- CHASE- IPIIEBW10OD cq, M.tnnfctirw and deal era fa) TOBACCO, SNUFF ClflARS, of th.

near th. Dry Goods, Groceries. Clothing and Produce Dealer, Wa- terloo City. JOHN7DUTT. tte ci Aolmrn hetne ent-iured arlth tk.

laa iron all ma old ft-teuai aiM eaa IT you waut If visLfor" First Hate Ccnient 'If you tlosire thi Best Land Plaster Call on L. 31 AS0N-- 1 0,32 7 Waterloo Tnd. tr.A Mi hi leaaett the Fnrnar tn Wat rlaa City, HI ImawliatrtT cmiat-tiee opetratit.aa. .1 i PLOWS CASTINGS, -i- Of all klnda kept oa hand or romi-hetl to ordea In rnnnea-ntiB with tha funiaea, a4 all kiatla of Machinrrj rpnirtl on ahurt aolioa. BOAG.

Waterltf City. Irt-L, April i 1 1 4 NlicrlfrKAltv V-aT IT VIRTrKoracertlfled ropy of a Put, to fna I 1 lir.vt.l. rroiu lite Clerk uf the M-Kalh Ommti. I'tittrl. ia a i-ati.

vltareHl Wllliana Jlortklual. uutl Jjrot, IVri rire Ana rtai. Ua aotl U'llliaBt I'cni-tttn are derentltutta l-etittirittr am to make (lie anm nf Kifht llnmlre.1 and Thirty-mi nollnra ami iftvt'enla, wirti Imtnat aa aaut lx-rree anil Ctetta. I anil aaihUta aaty Iha ob i HaturdnyfJune 20, lietweea lite hour of VI a.

bi. antl 1 o'rlta-lt p. att. rtfaaitl tia. at the door of tlta Ctrt Hobbbb beKalbcotiBly.Jntliaiia.

tua Kent and Proftia tor a trna raroMltng aoioajt-ara, o( tue (illotn( K'Kl fctta, to-wtl i i Sitmttt-t in eturnta aAl K-Ht, awat Itmir a SmI- Ltn, leeia t'tt nmltful tjlt.1 rlrr "a (41, ta I atrfy-tar BorrA Aeaatya TAtrfe (1.1 mtrt rwaaat-aWttt at jlrttv an tha ttaXa aittr nflkr Mxii-io Aiaaftara at Aadi. ft Kail Jti'l'l. anw rkaiat ttatf 0 'aval oAr wntr nf tt So. t't'a 1 ta HtfkiHt' A'lililii lothf Tit awtwai liiy, aaaai rtatntey ltf-H- (own t-rrt tram il i tAtiiita, fAt-ajrr ajtta-tS at I rajawaa aaaaf ararT-aiW If "MA li-ir aaed taa (. raear, atiitt Bail Md, a (At plan Ifanrw renta and protlln will BtaV-awll Bn A.aenl tnira to aaiatfy aaid Dtrwa Illtaraat auMVatata, I will at tlte aaaet tinea aud pitaaa.

nblla attN the fee Simple of aatd Heal KaaaitvaaaB atw-Bi llatreof aa amy le. aufttrlwU to tliackanta aaid taacfea. liitereat an.l i'ti'ta. Said eale will he iwathi wltuoat aay roMef what- ewer from ValutaaWs or Apprnianraeul lawa i. i 1IK.M11 VI I l.l.irt rotenii of WeKalB aouaty.

J. L. Morlan. tttr rialMUT. May 1, l.

LAUOU vs. CAPITAL. i does ns ovti llaa A 2TEW TUT SHOP, In Wutorhs. City. On Wayne atree.

In I.orkhart'a new Ittiltdlns, sat h.i. pt. iared to do all klDda of work 1b Ilia trwdav A ttianttly of STOVES, Tin Copper and Sheet Iron-Wavr Kept rontttmtly ta Irtaml. NAILS. CLASS, GAGII, puttv.

nor.T, SCRKWsaitOCKS. TAlll.K CtTLKRT, and all BUILDERS a (il aaaortnrnt of Agent for tho Pryan Cash only. REPAIRING AND TINKERING TVne in the Iteat and neatMt wtaane. Ear Trotljrlo A SHitiii attended to particitUrly. The heti qiuJJy nf il celebrated G-alena White Lead, kiej.t r'inatantly on hand, at tha aaoat g.

Z. ItORt. Waterlr Oty, April 13, IMS. The Waterloo City tate -pACTonir. Ilaaa oo hand lor aula all klnda of FLOUR BARREL STAVES We hare bow a COOPER SHOP In fnH Meet and BiaBBfaetBra Bald kaaf OB 1 at all tiaiMi all kink of Bamrla.

Firklaa i A ah ll.xrj and nitkr.rynoop Lolea for wwiah fl market praawdl be iU.L ll-i flATt COSteArTT. BALLOU'S PATENTED. Improrvt 1REXCII irOKE'QnillTS. 1 0 warraatM to fit. PATEXTED XO V.

1 '50, TOR SALK by all prinrj4 Dealer, and at Wnota-ale only ly BALltOU BRornEas. Sola rati tut ccj, Uroidway, K. Y..

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