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The Newark Advocate from Newark, Ohio • Page 5

Newark, Ohio
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THE NEWARK TODAY ADVOCATE: OCTOBEE 1 893 OUR SEASONABLE IEW STYLES fi i BOUND TO PLEASE BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT. GRAND FALL STOCK IS FULL OF BARGAIN serviceable good, You cant help being pieased with our common sense, in way desire MEN'S ROY'S SJIIT.Q A A A I A A mi i i i unio mil; umilD OF THE SEASON. Nothing we can say will convince you like our goods and'prices, so come in and let them show you that BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH i TM BAROAINS The BOSTON PEICE Clothin House THE RAILROADS. INTRAMURAL. CINDERS WHICH STRIKE THE REPORTER'S EYE.

Facts and Fancies Concerning tlie 31en of the Throttle, the Office, the Stations and Shops. "Grov." James Campbell, extra engineer, is sick. Engineer James Shields is reported on the sick list. Fireman John Filker is sick at home on Second street. Engineer Park Fisher is sick at his home on Grand avenue.

Fireman Harry Starr is taking in the sights of Chicago for a few days. Engineer Wm. Dayton and his wife have returned from the White City. Fireman Mike Walsh is on the sick list and has gone to Spencers, his old home. Engineer James Carlton is quite sick at his home on West Vallandingham street.

Fireman James Hall has been called to Wilmington, Ohio, to the bedside of his father. 8 Fireman Thede Caw is suffering from a very sore eye at his home on West Main street. Fireman John Patterson and wife have gone to Cambridge to visit friends for a few days. Milo Francis and family, of Bnena Vista street, have gone to the World's Fair to be gone ten days. Brad Toben and E.

McLain as committee of firemen went to Wheeling a few da ago on important business. Midland engineer Geo. McMullen has gone to the World's Fair and on his return will visit relatives in Peoria, 111. Mr. A.

P. Irwin and family will leave for Chicago this week. Mr. Irwin is a well known carpenter at the B. 0.

shops. Engineer John Callahan will take unto himself a wife before many The young lady's name will not be given at present. Ike Bradway, John Hughes, A. G. Gragy and Willis Boggs, -well known machinists of the 0.

shops have gone to Chicago to be gone five days. The threatened strike on the Louisville and Nashville road seems now to be in earnest. Thirty-five switchmen seventyt-wo brakemen have quit work and there is a good deal of talk of others going to the strikers. It was learned over the telephone wire late last night that Engineer W. S.

Robinette who was scalded in the B. 0. freight train wreck Friday night was resting much more easily. The physican entertains no doubt as to his recovery and he feels Mr. Robinette will be able to be out in about two weeks.

This will be gratifying to the popular engineer's friends. RAILROAD TIES. Few Russian trains make as much as 22 miles an hour. An office has been established in Kansas City by the Wagner Palace Car company. Pasenger statistics show a decided revival in mileage book This indicates that commercial agents are again being sent out frerly.

The office of the traffic of thr Louisville. St. and Texas railroad has been abolished with the rfMgnation of L. S. Parsons, who held the -itiuii.

About 3,000 employee-, re killed ui railway accidents in the United State" last year and 26.000 in.jured. As for the passengers, 203 were killed and injured. Street car conductors are bothered a good deal by persons who imagine that those in charge are mind readers and can tell simply by looking at one whether he wants tojbe in the car. If you belong to that class just take this pointer. When you desire to board a street car signify your intention by some visible sign; do it before the car gets half a block away and be sure you are on the street corner opposite the one from which the car approaches yoti.

What an invincible combination a woman and a baby-cab make! When it is seen coming in its resistless course dogs fly to shelter and there is a breathless suspense over all the landscape until the danger is past. A few days ago a determined-looking woman and a cab that bore a family resemblance to her were going east on Main street and met a blind man going west. The blind man couldn't get out of the way and the woman wouldn't. The cab went madly careering up the poor man's anatomy but by the time it reached his neck the woman saw that further daring would prove disastrous to her offspring so she desisted. What a beautiful thing is maternal affection.

If it hadn't been for that the poor man might now have been a hopeless cripple. Couldn't Keep Her Still. One of the conductors on a Niagara street car tells a good story about a pair of passengers he carried on his car recently. When the big trolley coach pulled up at Ferry street, a woman and a child boarded it. The woman was sharp featured, quick talking and looked as if she might belong to the woman's rights party or be a professional temperance lecturer at election time.

She crowded herself into a seat and looked daggers at a man with a dinner pail who sat next to her. She lifted her little girl into her lap and continued looking at the workingmaii, and he finally got up and gave his seat to the little girl. The conductor walked up to her and asked for her fare. She gave him a nickel. "You'll have to pay for the child too," said he.

"She is over "She is said she. "My little girl won't be 5 until next month." The face of the little girl was a puzzle for a moment. She was apparently 9 or 10 years old and very bright. She looked at her mother uncertainly a few minutes, and then burst in loud enough for everybody in the car to hear: "Mister. I'll be 9 my next birthday." "Shut up," demanded her mot! "Well, I guess I know how old I am," said the exasperating youngster, and the mother slowly opened her purse and handed out another 5 Express.

A Drawback. Little Roger had gone into the country for the first time, and his grandfather had taken him out to see the colt. "There, Roger," said the old gentleman, '-did you ever see such a little horse as that?" Roger never had, and his eyes shone, but there was one drawback. the matter with him grandpa?" he taid. "He hadn't any --1 outh's Companion.

A GHOST 8TOBY AS RELATED BY A NEWARK RAILROAD MAX. Engineer Dew Tells of an Experience He Had Once Upon a Time While in Charge of a Freight Train. SCISSORS AND PASTE. of It. you do when you are A "What will grown up, "I shall be a "But yon will run the risk of bein" killed." "By "By the enemy." Toto.

after a moment's reflection: I'll bo the Before. dutie. Mr. Goodheart. Miss Beautie and I Had Hostess-- Mis Mr.

Goodiifjirt h.ive met before. Miss Beautie Why, so we have. I thought your face seemed familiar. Mr. Goodheart-- Yes.

I am one of the toen you accepted last New York Weekly. TILL OF mysteries is this world of ours. What often times appears at first inexplicable to man, when it is pas- sible to unfold it. is as clear to reason as a cloudless sky. But there are mysterious happenings every day, the reasons for which cannot be given.

The vision sometimes is defective and optical delusions take hold of us. When such is the caee we stand in awe of what seems a mystery. Again, when the health is good, the stomach sound and the brain clear, to see some tning out of the ordinary--a spectre for instance, man is the more stupified, wonders if there is such a thing as a ghost. Do you believe, dear reader, in ghosts? Well, a SUNDAY ADVOCATE embassa- dor in his rounds for news came across Mr. E.

D. Dew, the popular B. O. conductor, who related a singular experience that he Bnd another engineer named Pickerel who is now living in the west had one night near a station on the line called Concord. The circumstance occurred some time in the fifties.

Engineer Dew said that Pickerell was running first section and he second section of freight train known then as No. 75 from Zanesville east. After passing Concord, Pickerell was frightened nearly out of his senses. It was a Bright Moonlight night towards one o'clock in the morning. When the station mentioned above had passed these two sections Dew said he kept in sight of the red lights of first section and only lost sight of it when short curves were reached and that was only for a few minutes at a time.

Dew said when his train reached Cambridge Pickerell was standing at the rear end of his train, and he looked as White as a Sheet as he said to him. 'Dew, I ran over and killed a woman just this side of Concord. The engine struck her and I think the whole train ran over her." As he spoke these words he trembled like an aspen leaf. Ae then continued without waiting for a response from his friend: "The woman was tall and wore a calico dress and shawl and had a sun bonnet on her head. the center of track, and I not see her until my engine was right upon her.

I could not stop. To reveroe the engine would not help matters and I could do nothing I could scarcely move. I shut my and I seemed to hear the Flesh ami Boiif; Griml Tinder the wheels of my engine. I tried to speak, but couldn't My tiain sped along and I don't know how I reached Cambridge. "Why." remarked Dew, "I saw the same woman standing on the track near about the same place you mentioned and when my train approach ed she suddenly vanished I had, or at least I thought I had a clear vision of her.

I was Positive I Saw Her. but when she so mysteriously disappear Mr I wasn't afraid baby was sick I should spank him let's make sure 1 ou begin spanking him and I'll go for the doctor." -Mrs. Byer-- "Those are nice-looking eggs." Grocer indeed; they're birds." And then he wondered why she didn't- buy any. Summer read an account of how a girl fell over forty feet without hurting herself ''Good gracious! How did she do it?" "Tried to get out of a moving street car with exactly twenty men in "If you must know, ma'am," said the doctor, "your husband won't live twenty-four hours." "Good gracious!" ejaculated the heartbroken woman; "and here you've gone and prescribed medicine enough for five days." At a restaurant, a gentleman called for -'one orthographical error." "We we don't serve 'em, sir," said the waiter. "Then why do you have them on the bill of fare?" asked the patron.

A HOUSE'S TAIL KEKPS A NEWARK MAX OUT OF AX ARMY PRISON. Thrilling Kit of War Experience as Related By Baggage Master Riegger of This City. TRAVELERS' REGISTER, A Baltimore landlady says she can make a delicious mutton soup for thirteen boarders out of four ounces of old sheep. We've seen it done on two ounces. It can't fail except in time of drought.

By putting an in the wrong place a Richmond printer made the editor say of a scene at the close of a burial, "disconsolate fiends stood riveted to the sport." If Noah had foreseen the future, and killed the two mosqnitos which took refuge in the ark, he would have rendered some of the strongest words in the English language unnecessary. A Philadelphia paper says it is better to have loved and lost than to be obliged to get up at 5 o'clock on cold winter mornings to start a fire. Boasting is sometimes out of place. We were once amused by hearing a gentleman remark that he was a bachelor, as was his father before him. Special.

In order to reduce the immense stock of heating and cooking stoves at Rathbun Ashley's store. 18 West Main street, we will for the next 30 days give unheard of prices. Call C. stf Carrie Louis, Week of Sept. 18th, this season, Carrie Louis played Black's Opera House, Springfield.

The Daily Democrat of Sept. 19th, published the Opera House was crowded to the doors last evening. The ever popular and always pleasing queen of comedy. Miss Carrie Louis, was given a royal welcome by her legion of admirers. The play.

"The Buckeye," was presented in a thoroughly entertaining manner, and the applause and laughter was both frequent and hearty. Miss as Mary Jane. was seen to excellent advantage. Her happy blending of comedy and pa- i tiao? wa truly artistic, and no one left She was standing right in I the theatre without feeling that they had witnessed her in one of her most 1 pleasing efforts The supporting com, pacy was fully competent, Mr Cotton. Mr Kelly and Mr.

Armstrong being fa- I vored with parts that seamed to fit them nicely, Mr. Wood? as Bill Posey, clever while Miss Tucker was most successful as Aunt Betsey. Louis alwavs 1 beeu a prime favorite in Springfield So 1 1 1 will continue ed I almost questioned my But since you speak of it and paw the same sight the whole matter is shrouded in mystery. Inquiries were made the next day but no one had been killed at Concord by cars Pickerell after referred to that as the most thrilling one of his experience as a railroad engineer. Mr.

Dew siys be does not believe in ghosts but he will remember that nitjht a-s long as he lives. and Wednesday are the mil- lir-ry opening days at CherrvV. Special Worlds Fair Via Pennsylvania s- round trip from Xewark October oth for train leaving a Chil dn-n under 12 age one-half the above rate. Return valid until October irth inclusive, allowing ten full days at the great Fair For detailed information please apply to local ticket airent of the Pennsylvania Lines. UST TWENTY-nine years ago in the month of May'' is the -way Baggage Master Matt Rieerger began the following interesting bit of war experience to the SUNDAY ADVOCATE.

Mr. Riegger who has been ''weighed in the balance" of the Pennsylvania railroad company and 'not found wanting" for over a quarter of a century has many a thrilling story of war life but the one printed below in about his own words is well worth reading. "Yes, it was twenty-nine years ago just after the battle of Cloyd Mountain which had been waged all the afternoon. I was at that time a bugler but I had also to help carry off the dead and wounded from the field after each engagement. Jenkins of the Confederate army, had retreated to the Doublin depot of the Virginia and Tennessee railroad and we were carrying to the hospital the wounded from the burning woods.

I was returning after having taken Captain Channel (of Utica) to Cloyd's house and was about 300 yards from the woods. There I met Comrade George Krepp who now lives in Franklin's addition in this city. A minute later I saw a dozen Union cavalrymen approaching and realizing the danger of our remaining there surrounded by the rebels I called to Krepp to come on if he didn't want to be taken prisoner. At that time Morgan's men were not a quarter of a mile away. Krepp was tired after the long struggle and said, 'I don't care, I can't go any I threw him a 'good bye' then just as the cavalrymen dashed along.

I ailed to one asking if I might grab hold of His Horse's lail. Xo objection was made and away I flew at a rapid rate. We had gone but a little distance when the rebels began to fire at us The horses quickened their speed and I held to the tail which made rather rapid traveling on foot for me. The chase lasted several miles and the lorses did not stop until had passed MX of ground. I was exhan.sied by that time having carried a knapsack, a horn and besides, myself that I fell down almost dead at the end of the run.

1 Well. I afterwards learned tLat within fifteen minutes, after I had started 1 was and along with the others who a i behind wa? i (ilt to Prison I where he ive-1 one whole year. The i company I belonged to was 1-3 of the Twelfth Ohio Regiment. Seventeen men were killed, or wounded in the volley of the little I have told yon about. Among the a People in that company were- L.

H. Ins-cho, Ras White Frank Browne and James Haughey. All of our were either wounded or killed and we went on to Ever been in any other conflicts "Well, I should say so. I was in the battles of Scherry Creek, W. Va in July '01, Cornifax Ferry, Antietam, South Mountain, second Run, 12 40 a 10 35 a 12 30 5 25 10 40 3 05 a 7 20 a 10 35 a 1 30 5 55 10 SO ra B.

O. B. In effect May, 14, 1893. CBNTBAL OHIO DIVISION--EAST BOIJND. Wheeling Pitts.

6 25 a N. Y. Balto Ex 10 25 a Balto. Pitts Ex 12 05 a Balta Wash. Ex 12 10 Col.

Zanesville Ac 5 15 N.Y, fast Ex 10 20 WEST BOUND. Cin and St. Ex 2 55 a ZanesvillandCoJ.Ac 7 15 a Columbus Ac 9 50 a Clncln. and St. Ex 1 15 Sandusky Col.

Ac 5 15 Chicago Col. Ex 1 0 0 9 LAKE EKIE DIVISION--6OIN6 NOETH Sandusky 8 25 a 8 80 a Chicago fast line 50 a 10 00 a Chicago Mail and Ex 5 10 5 20 in Chicago Express 7 05 7 35 ABEIVIN6 FEOM THE NOBTH. Chicago fast line 6 25 a Chicago Mail SanduskyAcc 5 50 Chicago Ex 10 20 STEAIT8V1LLE DIVISION. DEPAET. 1030am 6 oo A I Prom South 9 4 0 a From South 5 1 2 up here.

L. D. BAETHOLOMEW Ticket Agent. P. C.

C. St. JL. B. B.

Schedule in effect Aug 6,1893. EAST BOUND. -LfcftVfi Boston, Phila, Wash'g Limited Express No. 2 12 45 a Boston, N. and Phlla.

Express No.10 9 20 am Boston, N. Phlla, Waah'g and Balto, No6 12 30 Dennlson Accommodation, No. 13.. 55 Special run Ex. No.

20 9 20 BOUND. Cln, LouisviL I. Orleans and Jacksonville Express No. 25 1 85 a Chicago, Indianapolis, St. Chieago Cin.

and Louisville No.l 4 10 a St. L. and Cin. Ex. No 21 6 20 a Columbus and Dennison Ace No 10 a Chicago, Indianapolis, St.

Chieago Cin. and Louisville, No. 7 1 85 Chicago Express No 8 6 10 accept Sunday Other trains dally J. L. WORTH, Ticket Agent and K'y IH EFFECT HAY 21'tt, 1833.

EASTERN DIVISION--SOUTH BOUND. Toledo, Pemberville Fosioria Bucvrus Mt. Gilead Granville Thurston Columbus -LA C. Xcxv Lexington Athens G.illipou- Pt. Plea-ant.

Va Charleston A. M. 10.35 11.18 12.01 1 26 2 31 4.07 5.00 6.05 6 01 7.45 A I 5 35 6 25 7.48 8.40 9.45 7.20 (9 28 11.05 A P.M. 5.30 6.13 700 25 12.20 2 'O 5 28 6 11 6.26 9ns r. M.

A 4 35 6 15 6 58 7.14 1005 A.M. I EOLND. Charleston, W. Va Pt. Pkaant Gallipolis Ohio Middleport Athens Nc-w Lexington Thurston Colnmbus Granville Mt GiKad Bijpvnis mile Toledo A 6.1o 8.42 9.03 9 4 2 11.19 102 2.05 3.10 P.

M. A 6.05 7.33 S.17 9.00 A A.M. 6.00 7.33 9.45 7.20 9.19 ll.CO 12.10 2.18 3.00 M. P. M.

2.15 4.51 5.r 5.53 7.32 P. M. P. M. 2.10 3.53 5.00 6.05 3.40 5.43 7.41 8.15 P.M.

The B. O. is the quickest route to the World's Fair and the only line by Fayette Court House, Canawa and which you are enabled to view the beau River Narrows in W. Va. I enlist tiful scenery, shipping, en route.

ef i -Tune 10,1861 and got niy discharge 90s 1 in ins n.arkc'i daily, all other trains daJlv Sunday, AJl otnei uams flatly except Sunday. J. M. FBSBIS, MOULTON EOUK, Qen'l Manager. Gen'l Pas- A N.

G. E. K'y. In Effect May 1. I's'-O--Standard Time.

Train No. 1 leaves Newark 6 a 5 4 a 5 8 a 10 (JO a 9 12 3 0 3 1 3 4 3 0 I 6 30 17 7 I 30 LEAVES GBANVILLE. Train No. 2 6 30am 8 0 0 a 6 9 30 a 8 11 30 am 10 1 15pm 12 4 15 5 5 0 1 6 7 4 0 -8 8 4 0 20 9 15pm Sunday Schedule. Leave Newark.

Leave Granville. 8 SO a 2 30 9 40 a 3 40 8 AO a 3 so ra 10 40 a 4 20 10 30 a 5 SO 11 30 a 6 40 1C, 30 6 80 1 40 7 40 1 3 0 7 30 'SP'S 2 40 8 3 0 This schedule connects with all trains on the T. O. C. railway at Granville.

H. SCHEIDLER, Superintendent..

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