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Syracuse Daily Courier And Union from Syracuse, New York • Page 2

Syracuse, New York
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fritral fetrler. srEtcuaK, n. april is. isco. The Runip Le.iriilature, iftcr tryii liberty bill to emancipate Pup i emancipating Railroad corpora.

t.oc* irora ttie pow-or ot tbs people to re quiro aii equaliialioa of and br.r dens, emancipating the Cartahi from all chan or possibility of doiug anything, emuueipu lief; bavo at last cap ped the climax by emancipating evcrvbod, from bis debtti. Kor jears tin- general ten dency of lejruilRtiori has been to correct destroy credit. To tbis no one objects. A as the of the couinicrcii, will admit, we Lope tho current ot this legialatioi: will be continued, until tad that honor alone, will be a v.oalth itself- )lut to back aa ex p-iv bl, and ahitter tbo contraotn which men In ioado with each other to impair the wiiich morality asuistcd to crcr to relievo poraoni from the binding am legal which tlier hav, into with their fellows, and whereby they nave become possessed of those ui ikiiIk property, is atriUii a deep to tlio very fonndaliona cf civil society. To say that Jhoinau who baa ray property may not pay mo tho debt he has agreed to pay for it, ix wronging me, and dentioyiiu; the very endu for which the rat.

created. It is uo satisfaction to mo to iiaj that this law dees not do away witli the debt, but loaves it binding upon him moriJIy much as before. I did not trust bin moral eenn-, when I put my property n.fc Hands. 1 tritHted in the laws of land, and his known responsibility unJe. these lawn.

To destroy the arm of, tho hw, upon which tho whole fabric of the commercial world, even to domestic organi zation to fix a time when the debtor bo.ui ue releaaeU trom its compulsive to encourage him to place means beyond the reach or legal process until that quick coming poriod shall have arrived, and he car. rest quietly upon his ill-gotten booty, is a stretcli of rcclcbss and arbitriry power, which scorns constitutions, and rushes fast upon the wiirlwir.dii of anarchy. If the contract is entered into with a full knowlcdgo that there will be uo legal atmoay lor an enforcement of its condition!) every man expected to tho can bo no injustice at tho kind, of the State. r.ll know the of the two-third act," and we un derstand that any man may seek the benefit of those provisions. Yet, in face of this we trust, and are entrusted, titill uo man would think of mm, that he had Ueu iujured by the law.

The law been for years. Ho open: tod Known proviaions, and if h( wna unforlunalo, it wag the error of his cwi judgment. But the great "Statuto of Frauds," aa thin more properly bo termed, has passed uuongii mo iwo nouses of tho Rump lalure, and only awaitt signature of tho executive te become a law. How our eus largely engaged in trades of, hare a Ions Hat of debtors. who, under the present system, would fulfill tlioir coutractf and pay their indebtedness, but many of whom would bo encouraged by sciiemo or villnny, to wrong those creditors, and bring them into the abyss of bankruptcy, porhaps of peenry i a mis not injurious also, aooior Is it not ofloriug a bribe lor ana perjuries, and all its attend ant crimes I Would it reaPv moral or pecuniary condition of one half of tne themtrdves Would it rJict with the Constitution of tho State, and the requirements of the Constitution of the Htatea If year's probation is be allowed it beKiru to operate, we canuot doubt or a niomnit Vfimt law will be when before the people.

And wc enn rrirfo wlmt the futu of those Kpecious ai: remarkable iegWators will bo, who car tl up, ted that the 1 outragooiia Act, a their cbaiaetcrs. V.Vcilfn Pipe Wooden pipe must stand asid. perimeut was recemly performed in I.otdon ior me strength, hydraulic pres. euro, oi a now description of tubing, cc posed of bituminous paper. This now trivance for subterranean tubes was inve ed in Paris.

The municipal authorities i'aris tried theso tubes for the of gas, and iu tho recent cxnciiinonts u.t in London, a pieco of tubo was produced, wu inough slaled to liav. der ground as a gas-pipo for twelvo monlhs bad tho appearance of being a now The tubes, subjected to a pressure of tl.o hydraulic process, boro a strain of I'OO pouods to the aqcaro inch without bursting ie more than they would bo requir ed to bear in ordinary use. One of the half an inch thick, mid wilii a boioof two inches, wa-i ali-o tested by Wright, and Kavo way to a pressure offiKO noundfi. It might he siibmiilod lo temperature of 160 degrees of Fahrenheit. uout any octenoratiou of the material.

I coit of the tubing is said to be less than At Trinity Church, New York, on Sunday ehorr.1 service wan by boys to the Knglisb Cathedral fashion flowers and candles, and silk cloths, cm-broidcrcd with gold, were disposed uremic) chaucel and the polpit, and the portions 'he liturgy recited by tho clergymen the organ giving the cote. there is mudi local interest felt if) re gard to tv.o mill, their appearance w.c suojom lollowing 11 largo encloauif, where tie i ihoi lie of I. Crantlv Dark). i.urry back the without spei a.s'u-eaUf.iMii il mjoining omit, tlic-so wore limn i.ring back each ocivod blow.

with his be a two bei ho liglits. After finishing bieakfast, tho in -n led to tho middle of the enclosure. I that tho fence was very high and, on inquiring the cause lor such procauii was told by, that so ireiiiendoiw i that beforo the fence was built lleenaii would hit aivl lie would II; through the window of koiiio iinnsion hulh in al ter ho had I fihd Pavers' nioJo of training very olngn r. Do has bought soveial blocks of Uriel hem. At first, he was only t.cnt wall with a blov is ho gieat, that he down an entire liouso but i walks tw day.

tears up a largo and cracked In; qua ry pulverizing exists of Ala; a being -1100 miles5; ami his of different hues, the ft dfeiently. Ear); the I. aid inast-e; irniiiK, he struck too hard. through icd himself bv dri' ihi vilae with his fist, and elotoi his tooth wall it. u-nlksto Vienna and back evcrv after- ioii, eai iving a locomoiivo in one bund and in the other, in order that lie itv.y be ile to use the isilroaa tr icKs, siioniu tin roads bo in too bad condition to peimi lii.M walking all the He sloops at th.

of the flag ataft every night. r. Yestordav. tho inen entered and had a trial in tho vicinity of St. Paul's- Church.

I'v t.iiieular chance, cticli lin lltcsame instant, una ineij aftiiinK throveh the air with the saved oj i.i uijitrcn, mreawns. -on tin nd itinu Irial. "We have boon very much amused in ning to an acquaintance of ours, when ibing his experience with a new sc teoth. He remarked had all my tcoth culled out, f. tell the truth.

1 think thuv have boon a ci ii. I I llavo hud fa so ones, and I must tell you my experience wi ma-ticaiois. I felt when tho "set mitt in. as I had a eou wheelbarrows full of paving stones lying around loose in my month, and it scenio.1 as if they were going to be spilled out at every had done iheir dinner, not mukc an exhibition of my teeth and run th, their dioi.l-ii.g oo the ell. I ohowe.l a little and at.

chewed agtdi. and laid the darned things on the hack part i tut npp. shell, tlinikiug they were i.o go. 'ho next day I tried thorn again, but with carry them in my pocket, ly trying the tilings on, aim every iiino experiencing some now emotion. One day they would feo! as much like a great horse-shoo, with nails in, as anything else and again 1 could becertain that i had a etc it circular wheel stowcu uiKtcr my nps.

conio oi my expo so many limes, and I was rathor getting have become used to their wave, and ihev cannot cot awav from mo. us I just how to manage them, and bless from the teeth." Dr. Swinburne aud Prof. Porter have rc-urned from Lewis comity, where they ailed lo make a post mortem examination in supposed cane of murder. The iaie (1 wa Port l.v.ien.

in the town ol Crceg. Lewis and the liicts of the case, 10th of December lust, a Mrs. Hudgo was found dead in her bod, with her throat cn Her husband is a Pnshyieriaii mioistor, had formerly olliciated as an and Methodist clergyman. At the time of his wife's death a Coroner's jury held an inquest upon her body, and a verdict .1 being rendered, it was interred, subsequently, however, suspicious w. re and oil last the bodv was limned aud Prof.

Porter and Dr. Swinburne called to assist in tho medico-legal cN.uniua lion. They say that the circumutauces su. -rounding tho death of Mrs. Budgo, heal strongly against her husband and poini towards him an having been her murderer.

the examination was still progressing when I'toi- Porter and Dr. Swiiibuino left lot -AHas If Argus. of the phi-habited than green, and tho hurl red. The vane it is tlmuc-ht. mav arise from plan-it being s'ituto of atiiiostdiere and and what adds greatly to the prob biltty ot this, is the appearance oi Dniino white spots at its poles, which have bet eon; -edited to snow, as tliev sun, and are greatest wln-n emerging froi the long night ol'thv ir polar winter, the silo' lino then extending to about six degree from the pole.

The length of the day i just exactly twenty-four hours, the same and green savannas, have been observed upon Mars, and the polar regions has be seen to disappear with the heal of the SKI mcr. Clouds may actually be seen lloatii lu tho atmosphore of the planet, and there the appearance of land and water ou I disk. The greatest the elevation igs in Chicago, the North side of l.ako street. Injw by the aha. d.

red to help jc.l, ueing -i i i liitmg i first es and largo marble riiet.tio, the Mi Hank Its sub-divisioin. ate story marble front block of three store). ur story block ol lliree stores, at the corner of Clark street these arl nr. Homing an unbroken front, in the heart of our city, anil Idled resents some of the hci retail ill the city, and some of the heav-eicks of drugs, dry goods, etc. lis ua-oiies arc full of ollices, and oontain millinery rooms, printing establislimenis.

a ana yot. so adimruley daily tide of pedestrians has not been led, but rather increased, from the sight, t.iul tlio merchants and others ot an improved, trade, though ill welcome the coinnletion of the ivork none the less. This absence from an- lo the merchants and the jot! Itio to the skill with which the com actor uive hung the sidewalks to the block itse.f has' been'raistal torn cot eight inches, the required height, it. ive days, ending wiih Friday last. -and tilt lent The work will occnjiy An estimate from a reliable source nml he entire thus raised lo be ah.

35,000 ions. So carefully has it been that not a pane of glass has been broken i crack in the masonry appeared. The ternal order of the block has remained listurbed. The contract was taken i jointly, but so carried out, by tho. several gate price of 317,000.

That sum will be leany uoumeu oy tne entire improvements tonternplated on the block. The process of raising as indicated above bv the screw, at six thousand of which. three inches in diameter and of "three (lire, to, six hundred have been employed, each man in charge of from i i i I the woi kir en passed, each through his ser returning to repeat the same. Five days labor saw tho immense weight rise four feet i ht dies, to whero it now stands on permanent foundations. he Great Sea Serpent.

Tho British Banner, has beat the American flag, and has actually got dominion over the' larnal make" at last. The extract from the log of the Initial, i.atcu.- i i monster ot tho "On the 36lh April, in hit. 12 dog. 7 Ion. 93 dog.

C2 m. felt a strong sensation as if the ship were trembling scut the second mate to see what was up. The laltoi called to mo logo up the for.) rigging end look over the bows. I did so, and saw an enormous serpent shaking the bowsprit with his mouth. There whs about Lhii lv foot of the serpent out of the water, and I see his tail in Ihe water abaft of our stern must have beon at least 300 feof long; was about the circumference of a very wide crinoline petticoat, with black, shaggy mane, horn on his forehead, and largo bit ing eves placed rather under the jaws about lontinued shaking the bowsprit and tin -ug the sea alongside into a foam until the ortiior cauio clear away of the ship.

The serpent was powerful enough, although t.ite 'hip was eai lying all sail, aud going lit ibout six knots at tho time ho attacked us, stop her way completely. When tho bowsnrit. with the iibbomn sails and rigging went by tho board, the and flying jib with tin itesl apparent ease; he also snapped the thickest of the rigging asunder lihe lo sheered oil' -i hide alloc tins, act sonar- ntlv lo scratch himself against tho side of the slop naking a most extraordinary noiso rescui-bl ng that I oar-1 a slcamci when the 1 ci ers arc blowing oil'. A whule broached a mile ot tlio snip at lilts time, am the sorpeut darted off after it. like a flash lightning, striking the vessel will, its tail and staving in all tho starboard qua; tor god ley.

Saw no more ol it, but caught a younj one in the afternoon, aud brought it on Melbourne. W.M. Taylor, Master British Banner. Port Louis, Mauritius. The Marnier arrived at Liveruool on Sui day, and is now in the Albert Dock.

Cap is perfectly correct. Liverpool Times. do Brescia relates tho follow -OU3 anecdote, one of the many alrato tho spirit of the Venetians ling spectacle occurred in Venice. ole ti. ti tl ins ed to the police, aud submit led Governor Hissengen, who raordlu Tho in ibis undertalf c-rwanis, for expedition'.

red for tho arrest of th. and tho culprit was no Several were or- accordingly all descrip-ighl be seen busied in vi'tdow the most temp'- at could thaw thither the an- luhleroftbe public peace. Hiu obstinacy, let the lake t-jui. remaining perched on a g. ng.

They were obliged him and administered to him a severe eowhi.l vtn directed were her blows that fellow was felled to the ground. He got up and ran, but she followed him, continuing the stripes uutil the whip was broken. iron parly at it v.otliai.oiir.wJiity-ivc soldiers hut, dree hostile and skillful Bcr- o'olf ll nd liilest who, sergeant, taxing his brain iur an cxpedi out, by which to convey of tin dcspeiaie peril in which his paity was plac od. look a sinelo doc which had accomnaii ed the party, ning to his collar a not. i i'i ut ,1 Inch bo put some pebbles, win.

with I'he doz lav thei ilio clerk giving cloth loir loose. the dog'; no would, in his affright, run to the fort, ile lashed with his greatest speed to Port De-itMiice the note was discovered aud read. Straightway a party was sent to tho rescue. hole party. This sergeant justly luckij Flag.

i 1 -At An amusing scene took place on the steamer iiuhimore, just as she was leaving for Cleveland. A rough looking genius came auoar.i with a powerful bull-dog at his neeis. tvaiKing uirectiy m.o me or individual said to the clerk: StrsiiLier. 1 want to leave my do; here olhce till the boat starts; I'm airaid You can't do it," said the clerk; "Jake Well, stranger, 1 don't think you're and you wau't watching. Here, Bull, it down hen and watch that fellow sharp and the individual turned on his heels, Put, him ho is trouble- The best thint' about a voung lad vis cheer fulness.

Wo don't care how ruddy her diccka be. or how velvety bor lips, if she wears a sec wi, even friends will consider her ill-looking while Xhe young laay who illuminates Her counlonimce with smiles will be regarded as handsome, though her nutmegs on. As perfumo is to the rose, so is g'oou nature to the lovely. NEW ADVERTISMENTS. ti in i WYNKOOP BROTHER, SPRING STYLES OF WA'GL PAPBH, Largest issoitmcut lu Ceutral York t'lsl vtr.K B0AK1) views LOWEST PHICEB.

AdsIjUchI Diysldaa. SCIh ana of May, una Monday, tho 2Slh of i i it, i Is Ii II irdny, tlio latl. or April, irostc. or long rtuodlni; u.t hub ou, ipii" 9, I. FAltSHAM.Sup'l.

til 1.1. Largest Bulletin Boards of any other Firm gyrscuse, K. REPORT. State Legulaturo. -Mbany, April IT.

Mr. Vunhorn, from the select ommittee, appointed lo examine into Si ciitiuiony coupled with a resolution' the Attorney ( to cxamn.e oniraots to sue if they at i-el'orining. Ncth-ug thai reflects in the slightest degree on lie integrity or of the State 'rison Inspectors is intended, but a mutter imply one of technicality, lie moved a of thatdtr to the cheers oi the I lease. Adopted unanimously. The veto of tho bill erecting the now county ot Canisteo was taken from the table.

1'he House then sustained the veto aud the bill of nr. .46. I lie sustained the I.OVclh. tho Susquehanna bill, by a vole irable debate ill regard to Ihe tailroad bill, it. was passed film Cover.

tor. An atlempt was made to reconsider the voto on the new county of Canisteo, but the on was ruled out of order. The House rccoeded from its amendment striking out from iho New York lax levy the item relative to Record The aiuondinciit agreed lo, directs tho i av mentof tho cotitractors if the decide in their favor. I tic JNow ork rolico bill was passed. Tho House concur tho Senate amendment, allowing the city of United States! Tho bill to preserve tho peace on Sunday, MMUU' lu "ie aei 10 supp mtemncranco was lost.

The House amended the Senate resolution to adjourn to-night at 10 clock. Mr. Mc-Quade moved to lay pending order on the table. Skmate. The Senate took up tho Assembly bill imposinga tax of mill for interest of tlio old canal debt.

Amended so as to reduco tho tax to mill and passed. The Governor sent in two more vetoes one on the bill crectinir CnnUnnu.n and tho other on tho bill legalizing the ac lion ol the JNow Xork Common Council re spectihg liigbty-Tliird street. The votocf I he Senate took up and passed Prosser't bill to lengthen the locks on the Erie Canal. This. bill allows Baltics in interest to build extension locks on Prosser's plan, the State to pay them and 10 per cent, hit, est, and allows tho parties to levy a toll all long boats until the year 1870.

The Adams' Express Bobbery. Now York. Anril 1 7. The following is a desct iution of nro, ertv stolen from the Adams safe. 10 35 bills Atlantic Bank, Boston, 83,000 in bills iwly issued of Langdor Bank, Dovor, New Hump-shire.

A number of notes to Mossrs Adams Co. promptly paid this A party of northern Ovstormcn orot inlo shooting affray at Carter's Creek. Vin-ini Throe mon belonging to the schooner leu brot bors. ilarwooi New Torlt.nnri named Jordan, of Elizabclhtown. Tlio Clmr.

lotte put to eoa uiiiiiediately after tho ulfray. chorcd at Jersey City, is boliovod to be that ot Miss iurby, who arrived horo throe four weeks atrofrom Boston, iu search of situation. Sho stated at an Of fice, thai mother keeps boarders in Now lUrK. iaas noun missing some uuys. Congitssionai.

v. a wa6 referred ro the Judiciary Committee. Mr. Keimcdv i i 1 1 i portation of tho mails by railroad to tho Mr. tiwin introduced a bill (o provide for taxing private properly lor public n.

providing just compensation tliorefor, Tho subject of adiourninont over tho Con- volitions vote considered aud defeated. against 30. Mr. Slidell offered a resolution it i i it for threo days ut a time, from Apiil th to May 1st. Laid ovor.

Mr. Johnson, of reported (ho Homestead bill in a modified form, lim ting II. class of pcrsut.s provided for lo beams of families, requiring payment of 2.0 cents per aaro. and fivo years, residence, rd'ter wutcii title shall be given. Also hnutii i iiitls to thoso only subject to priva Arriyal of the Austin.

New Orleans, April 10. Tho steamship Austin brings Urazos at vice of the 12th inst. News unimportant, elected v. ol Hiclunontl a President, and John Wanwaukeo, of I'hih Secretary, and adjourned sino die. failure of flankers, their demands.

Weather Item. Montreal, April 17. rained hard during last moot Just steamer for Quebec left last evening. Tallahasse, Florida, April 9. The Democratic Siato Convention endorsed to-day the LT.

S. Senatorial caucus resoln- City Oflico Bobbed. Chicago, April, 17 The office of the City Collector was broken open and entered last night, and 83,000 in currency aud 319,000 in checks and treasury warrants stolen. Noclue is yet obtained of the thief. State Convention.

Columbia, S. April 1C. The Democratic Slate Convention aieteui-bled here on Monday. Mr. Orr was choRon President and made a conservative speech, lie favored tho Cincinnati Platform, and invoked tho exercise of a spirit lavor.ihle to the best interests of the National Dcirtocra cy.

Boston, April 17th. An arrival from the Cape of Cood (iopo brings advices In the lllh. Tho French expedition from China has reached Capo Horn, ctnhracino nutneroiiu vessels war and about 0,000 troops, Sorno ICnglish vessels belonging to tho same expedition had also arrived. Local news unimportant. AVasliingtoi), April 17.

The President to-day transmitted copies of additional correspondence with foroign governments, concerning the rights of American naturalized citizens abroad. Hi, icon-ducted throughout in good temper. The United States in all cases repudiating tho doctrine of perpetual allegiance. POE AND HIS cnWhllraan. Tot tile N13W AD VKUTIHEM TvIrYBOUY Lm)RTiEREi' To Ministers of All DenominatioDB, To Lawyers also Pettifoggers, To Physicians, Surgeons and Quacks, To Merchant), likowisc Pedlars, To ArcbitcctJi and self-made Men, To Brokers and disinterested Mortgage To Bankers and Stockholders, To Brewers and Sons of Malta, TO Barbers, who take the face without inler ct To Carriage Makers, To Blacksmiths, To Harness-makers, To Shoemakers, To Livery Mon, To with "tho Tin," To Auctioneers, To Dell Hangers, To Lock Smiths, To Silversmiths, To General Agents, To Oyster Dealers, To K.

K. Mon Generally, To Old Soldiers, To Survivors of 1812, also Veterans, To Politicians in Office, To Unsuccessful Politicians, To Civic Societies, To Everybody, IF YOU WOULD BUY CHEAP AND BEST QUALITIES, Q- I OLDS A IV CAPS! AMUSEMENTS. WIKTIrVG J. 0 Set) i. 3 I.

I. MAClflAN 'fill'. AtilCIAN'l Ptll.VPllONIST, Pul.YP|It),N IST, Pni.Yl'IIONlST, KVHP.Y NKJIIT THIS WKKK, TIMS WK1CK, KVKKY NICIIT THIS WKKK liVKltV 'UlhS Wldlh NEW AND STARTLING FEATS I l.y mu. A.1,.1 11 -1 Entire Cliauge Programme rttry otber Nljtht. a-r.

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jm nil. r..

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